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All Episodes Talk: Orange is the New Yuck!

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The funniest description of Giada I saw was when someone said she had "the face of a perpetually frightened bird".


BWAHAHAHA..... a bird who mated with a shark..... [/teeth shot]


Kathie Lee used to get on my last nerve back in the Regis days. Now I enjoy her with Hoda. Who'd ah thunk it?

Edited by ari333
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WOW. Today's latest "Oh look she's so haaawwwt" doctor gives Savannah a flu shot without first putting on gloves. Color me speechless.


Someone drawing blood wears gloves. I've never seen anyone wear gloves for a flu shot.


I much prefer that Cohen dude over  Jenna Bush... married name here. Jenna bores me to death. Sheesh. At least the dude is funny.


Gwen Stephani (sp?) is beautiful. Also, I had no idea she is 46. She looks younger to me... not that that's old.  Good for her for finding love after her dick husband effed the nanny for THREE YEARS  in her own home under her nose... while she was pregnant too.. Ladies if you MUST have a nanny, get someone's elderly grandma who is happily married. Not that older ladies cant be hot. They can. But I think if they're older AND happily married, they're less likely to eff your husband. Was the nanny a live in nanny? Do we know?   

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Whoever is doing Savannah's makeup in Paris, needs to be brought to the USA ASAP, and promoted to be head of the makeup and hair department. She looks wonderful this morning. It's quite a striking difference between her and Natalie & Hoda, who look like overly made-up harpies in comparison. Speaking of Natalie, it looks like her Angry Bird eyebrows are back.

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Whoever is doing Savannah's makeup in Paris, needs to be brought to the USA ASAP, and promoted to be head of the makeup and hair department. She looks wonderful this morning. It's quite a striking difference between her and Natalie & Hoda, who look like overly made-up harpies in comparison. Speaking of Natalie, it looks like her Angry Bird eyebrows are back.

Yes, Natalie's angry bird eyebrows are, indeed, back.  It always looks like she has to raise those eyebrows in order to see anything.


And speaking of eyebrows, today Tamron's looked like they were drawn over half of her forehead.  


I haven't watched Savannah much in Paris so I haven't seen her makeup, but in the studio she looked like she was wearing too much eye makeup.  I think the makeup department is piling on way too much eye makeup on the women.    

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I am watching now.  Coming up is Jeff Rosen telling us how to eat sensibility on Thanksgiving and cut calories.  Oh good god. 


I am going to scoop him!  Cranberry sauce is loaded with sugar so eat fresh fruit instead. 

Before dinner go for the crudite platter.  Skip the gravy.  Choose white meat over dark. 


If you are cooking the meal make roasted vegetables instead of green bean casserole and plain sweet potatoes without marshmallows.  Make a salad and fill up on that.   Oh, and he will say go ahead and have that slice of pumpkin pie (smiling to the camera), just make it a small one.


Need I go on?  


How about a segment that says just eat the damn meal and enjoy it.  One meal is not going to do damage.  

Edited by wings707
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I was wrong.  Jeff's segment was actually interesting!  Who would have thought?


There were 2 test groups in separate rooms.


 One ate at a buffet in 2 stages,  where greens and salads were served first and red wine was served.  They ate on blue plates. The other group had all the food on the table family style with white wine and on white plates.   

Total calories:

Buffet table, 9,218 calories and 2 bottles of wine

Family style, 14,632 and 6 bottles of wine. 


Family style ate 59% more calories. 


I think this is interesting! 

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Too many variables for it to mean anything, though.  Did the buffet eaters consume fewer calories:  


1)   Because they ate in two stages, allowing time for their bodies to realize they were getting full? 

2)   Because they started with high-fiber foods that made them feel full so they ate less in Round Two?

3)   Because they had blue plates?  Blue is a color known to curb the appetite in most people (red is known to make one hungrier, which is why it's the decor in a lot of restaurants).  

4)   Did the red vs. white wine make any difference in how much food they consumed?


Just wondering -- is that calorie count for all the people combined, or a per person average?   If it's the latter, yikes!!

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The calorie counts were for the group, no individual counts; that would be impossible to calculate. 


I dismiss the blue plates but give credence to eating in two stages.  I know, in a restaurant after eating the salad my appetite is diminished a bit.  If we order appetizers I tend to take most of my entree home.   Not likely that Tday dinner will be served in stages at homes but it does make sense. 


At a friends house a spread of crackers/cheese and other things were laid out before dinner.  I did not eat any of it but most did. I was the only one who actually enjoyed the dinner and did not end up lying on the floor moaning after we ate. 


Another curious thing to me is why everyone overeats on this day.   You can always do a re run hours later or the next day.  You can eat just so much before you feel full.  

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At a friends house a spread of crackers/cheese and other things were laid out before dinner.  I did not eat any of it but most did. I was the only one who actually enjoyed the dinner and did not end up lying on the floor moaning after we ate. 


Another curious thing to me is why everyone overeats on this day.   You can always do a re run hours later or the next day.  You can eat just so much before you feel full.  


(,,,did not end up lying on the floor moaning after we ate.)  Love that visual!  And I agree, I don't know why a day of thanks turned into a day of gluttony.  


Anyway, hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!

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I am watching now.  Katie Holmes was collecting toys, from the crowd on the plaza, for kids in need.  It was very strange.


She was very shy and did not smile or give eye contact to the people handing her toys!  She kept her eyes down or focused on putting the toys in the bag. No thank you or anything.  She briefly talked to Matt and again was almost catatonic.  This is an actress!  She could not pull it together.


I think this is directly related to Leah's book on Scientology.  She is embarrassed and humiliated by her own actions toward Leah and involvement in that cult and Tom.  She was a shell of a woman on that plaza. 

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I think it's in part due to him growing up a bit. He doesn't seem so tightly wound anymore. Which is a good thing.

I agree with that. He seems more likeable & human now. The article credits Savannah too. Maybe he is more at ease with her but I just cringe any time she is ad libbing. She sounds like a dingbat.

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Did not enjoy the smuggery displayed by Matt, Savannah et al when discussing the story about people abandoning landlines for cell phones yesterday. Jokes about old-timey operators and hand crank telephones? Good luck with your dead cellphones in a major emergency, asshats...

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I like him, too.  Always have.  However, he got carried away with the rest of the asshats when they were discussing landlines and cell phones. They'll have to pry my landline out of my cold, dead hands. 

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I have always liked Matt and applauded him/them for dismissing Ann Curry.


The temporary hit to Today's and Matt's popularity was worth it in the long run.  I think Ann Curry was a terrible fit for Today, or any morning news show.  Can you imagine her on GMA or CBS This Morning?  I can't.

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I've loved Willard throughout his tenure on Today, and especially in his later years.  I loved the five minutes or so he spent on the centenarians every week (and it was far less annoying than some of the other antics on that show).  I just hope that someone will have his picture up there 19 years from now, celebrating his 100th.

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Even my teens are starting to make fun of Jeff Rossen. DS 2 says "100% of people who live near water will die!" (eventually).

Ds1 says you are more likely to die from a falling coconut than in a shark attack.

Edited by Mrsjumbo
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Ah, we have reached that special time of the year when the Today hosts can do what they love best: glorify themselves, as we "revisit the year in events and special moments."

They did this all last week- year in review, best of, blah, blah. Then again today. And spent so much time talking about themselves that they cut the interesting segment- movies coming out in 2016- short.

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For the love of God please stop using the word "hack" when you mean "tip" or "shortcut". The only hacks on the show are the ones sitting behind the desks.


They're definitely following the current lingo, though. My homepage at work is MSN.com and there's always some link to a list of the 10, 15, 27, etc. best "hacks", from everything to yard work to cooking to makeup.


Most daily shows like this do a year-end recap of their best/most memorable moments. Lots of staffers are on vacation around Christmas, so clip jobs are easy to put together in well in advance, and morning shows have always fallen more on the lightweight/entertainment side of the news.

Edited by Dejana
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