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4 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I could read you guys bitch about Carrie all day.  Oh god, it makes me feel so good.  I love the show, but I agree with so many of you.  

I loved Carrie in the early seasons, but I assume when SJP became Exec Producer Carrie suddenly became the shrieking infant prude.  She shrieks at least once an episode in the later seasons, and I don't think she did this even ONCE Seasons 1-2 but it's been awhile since I've seen them.


I have season 1 on dvd....carrie had more subdue clothes, and had more of a logical mind....she was more the observant person and she handles Big better in season 1..imho.

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Season 1 and 2 Carrie primarily got her outfits from vintage stores.  Her old fur coat that she always wore, etc.  That's when I was so inspired by the fashion of the show - Carrie's outfits were really streamlined, almost 90's minimalist, almost a little Carolyn Bessette, etc.

Season 3 Patricia Field decided to go a little insane and then it was like wacky, attention-getting nightmare clown clothes.  Like really trying to be 'street-inspired'.

Season 6 was when Carrie was just straight up wearing identifiable designer pieces - her more 'adult', fuck it I'm just rich, stage I guess.  I guess that started in Season 4, looking back.

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Season 3 Patricia Field decided to go a little insane and then it was like wacky, attention-getting nightmare clown clothes.  Like really trying to be 'street-inspired'.

Much like SJP, I think Patricia Field began believing her own hype.


Horrible news: After pleading for help via the 'net in finding her missing brother, Kim Cattrall's brother was found dead, almost 6 years to the day after the death of her father.  :-(

Oh dear. How sad for her and for her family. May he Rest In Peace.

Edited by BBHN
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SJP responded to Kim's Instagram post, sending her condolences.   You worked with the woman for almost a decade, you don't know how to send her a personal, private note?   Cynthia did the same thing.   SJP has shown herself to be a needy, attention-seeker, so I guess I wasn't surprised.  I expected better of Cynthia.   

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Then why the need to it publicly??  To let other people know what good, caring people they are.   If they communicated with Kim privately, she already knew that.  

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And what's wrong with that, exactly?  Kim posted the news publicly using social media.  If SJP and CN hadn't replied, there would be people criticizing them for that, too, I imagine.  It's almost like some people look for excuses to be negative. ;-)

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There's a lot wrong with that.  Kim posted publicly because she was looking for/needing assistance.   She then asked for privacy.  There was no reason for anyone to post anything publicly after that, especially people who had the ability to convey their message privately.  It would never have occurred to me to ask "I wonder why Kim's coworkers/colleagues haven't said anything publicly about the death of some one they had probably never met."   I would assume they would communicate privately with the person with whom they had a relationship.   

It's Grief Porn - let's show everyone what a great person I am by being the best mourner.  

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On 2/6/2018 at 5:46 PM, Quof said:

Then why the need to it publicly??  To let other people know what good, caring people they are.   If they communicated with Kim privately, she already knew that.  

Nowadays, it seems everything is said publicly. Celebrities and people in the public eye announce everything on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and all their "friends", aquaintances and anyone who's ever heard their name responds in kind. It's instant gratification and it comes across to me as very attention-seeking, on all sides. I find it very strange, for the most part. 

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40 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

Nowadays, it seems everything is said publicly. Celebrities and people in the public eye announce everything on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and all their "friends", aquaintances and anyone who's ever heard their name responds in kind. It's instant gratification and it comes across to me as very attention-seeking, on all sides. I find it very strange, for the most part. 

I find it very strange too, but I think they're pretty much damned if they do say anything and damned if they don't.  And it's likely it's not even the celebrities themselves doing it, but their PR people.

Edited by Moose Andsquirrel
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Ooof...even though I'm still Team Kim as well, I really wish she hadn't have put this out there and had just graciously stayed silent. Maybe discuss it on a less public forum even. This just makes her look every bit as petty and mean as SJP. It reeks of bitterness; I really hoped she could have risen above SJP's bait, not taken it and immediately wrestled down in the mud with her. I'm disappointed in both ladies now; hopefully this at least puts the third SaTC movie to rest finally.

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I'm curious to see what motivated the post on Instagram since Kim had thanked everyone, including her SATC costars, for their support.  Something must have happened between then and when the post was put up between Sarah and Kim.  

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36 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

I'm curious to see what motivated the post on Instagram since Kim had thanked everyone, including her SATC costars, for their support.  Something must have happened between then and when the post was put up between Sarah and Kim.  

Maybe she meant co-stars other than SJP. I don't think this is Kim's finest moment, but I give her a pass because she's grieving.

FWIW, I think it's entirely possible to not get along with someone, but also feel compassion for them when they experience a tragedy, so I don't think SJP was wrong to express her condolences. She should have done it privately though. It's unfortunate that things got so ugly over the death of someone who had nothing to do with SATC.

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My sympathies are mostly for Kim, because she's the one who has suffered the loss, but I do think she overreacted. That said, given the hatchet job SJP has been doing on her for the past several months, in Kim's place, I would find SJP's public condolences to be very hypocritical and possibly enough to push me over the edge at least temporarily. I do think a private message from SJP, along the lines of "I know we've had our differences, but I'm sorry for your  loss," would have been the better route to go. But I honestly don't see the need to comment at all. Kim worked with SJP and the others years ago, and they're not friends, simply former colleagues. I can't speak for Hollywood, but I'd say that if the brother of a former colleague that I wasn't close to died, it would never occur to me to send even private condolences, much less public condolences. I would just assume that all the necessary condolences would come from family and friends who actually give a fuck about the person who has had the loss. I might feel differently if the media had asked SJP for her response to the death of Kim's brother, but if that was not the case, it does feel like she was at best insensitive to how Kim would feel and at worst trying to make herself look good. 

Somehow this event has triggered a scenario in my mind for the show: I can easily see Carrie, 10 years down the road after being discovered by Natasha in Natasha's home after having sex with Big in Natasha's own bed, spending a few months writing in her column about her affair with Big while he was married to Natasha and whinging about how "rude" Natasha was when Carrie tried to apologize to her, then sending condolences to Natasha for a death in her family, and being clueless as to why Natasha would reject those condolences as entirely unwelcome. 

Edited by BookWoman56
Add detail to hypothetical scenario; new text in bold
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10 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

Somehow this event has triggered a scenario in my mind for the show: I can easily see Carrie, 10 years down the road after being discovered by Natasha in Natasha's home after having sex with Big in Natasha's own bed, sending condolences to Natasha for a death in her family, and being clueless as to why Natasha would reject those condolences as entirely unwelcome. 

Haha this is a perfect analogy!   I think your entire post was spot on.  It seems that SJP and her minions have been planting the stories about Kim for years, to make her look greedy and diva-ish.  I was still hoping there could be a happy resolution.  But when I saw SJP and Cynthia had expressed public condolences, I had to roll my eyes.  Maybe they hoped the public olive branch would soften Kim's anger.  But it's pretty gross to utilize Kim's brother's untimely death to score PR points so that SJP can always be seen as the caring, genuine person that she probably is not.  I wish Kim hadn't gone full-on petty, but I'm not mad at her.    

The 3rd SATC movie appears to be dead.  It would have been horrible anyway. 

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Somehow this event has triggered a scenario in my mind for the show: I can easily see Carrie, 10 years down the road after being discovered by Natasha in Natasha's home after having sex with Big in Natasha's own bed, sending condolences to Natasha for a death in her family, and being clueless as to why Natasha would reject those condolences as entirely unwelcome. 

And Carrie would then whine to everyone within earshot about how badly Natasha had reacted.

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18 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

I'm curious to see what motivated the post on Instagram since Kim had thanked everyone, including her SATC costars, for their support.  Something must have happened between then and when the post was put up between Sarah and Kim.  

KC's comment under the post makes it seem like her mom fanned the flames.

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I'm just hoping that this is as bad as it's going to get.  Because right now, it's utter shit.  It's burn-it-down, salt-the-ground territory.

Hey, Andy Cohen!  Maybe pull a modicum of class out of your ear.  Don't think up a new reason for an SATC cast member to turn up on WWHL.   

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13 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

  I'm wondering about Kristen Davis and why she didn't reach out at all.


Pure spec: either she sent a private note, or -- per previous poster -- did nothing.  Which is all right too.

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Man, I’m really torn. I’ve been Team Kim this whole time but I felt like maybe her response was a little bit much. I am still Team Kim when I stack everything up but I felt a bit of a tinge of pity for SJP. That response was brutal!

Then I realized Kim is really just putting it all out on front street. They are not friends, they might have been in the very beginning but as of now they are not at all close. Not at all. SJP’s message was a little self-serving, she might have been trying to be kind, but her message left me cold. From the lens of the agony of losing my dear brother and the pain of him being missing all that time before knowing what happened to him, here comes this woman who KNOWS she isn’t close to me or my brother. I might have been furious too. Kim might think later that she reacted more strongly than she might have otherwise, but it was also how she really felt. She’s putting an end to any pretense. I can’t say I blame her. Life is too short for this BS. 

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1 hour ago, msani19 said:

Man, I’m really torn. I’ve been Team Kim this whole time but I felt like maybe her response was a little bit much. I am still Team Kim when I stack everything up but I felt a bit of a tinge of pity for SJP. That response was brutal!

Then I realized Kim is really just putting it all out on front street. They are not friends, they might have been in the very beginning but as of now they are not at all close. Not at all. SJP’s message was a little self-serving, she might have been trying to be kind, but her message left me cold. From the lens of the agony of losing my dear brother and the pain of him being missing all that time before knowing what happened to him, here comes this woman who KNOWS she isn’t close to me or my brother. I might have been furious too. Kim might think later that she reacted more strongly than she might have otherwise, but it was also how she really felt. She’s putting an end to any pretense. I can’t say I blame her. Life is too short for this BS. 

I'm Team Kim. Your post makes me think how I probably would have responded worse then Kim did. Just imagining being in her shoes. All that time your brother is missing, all the fears, worries, being scared, then finding him dead. All those feelings, emotions, and pain then to have someone like you said your not close too. Someone who has been on your case to do a job you have already declined probably more then once, who has been using her fans to try and pressure you to do that job. She's put the blame of not doing a movie squarely on you and fanned the flames. Then at this moment she posts. When you've already asked for privacy. When you really just want to be left alone. That co-worker won't leave you alone not even now? I'm not sure I've responded as well as Kim did. Could she have been nicer? Maybe. But why could SJP just leave her alone? Why does Kim on top of how she's feeling and what she's dealing with have to be nice to someone who hasn't treated her well, hasn't been nice to her, and or listens to her? Did she react strongly? Yes. But what about SJP behavior? She's ignored all Kim's saying no to doing another movie. She's ignored Kim's request for privacy and to be left alone.  

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She's ignored Kim's request for privacy and to be left alone. 

Didn't everyone who responded to Kim's post?  If you really want privacy and to be left alone, why not turn off the commenting capability altogether?  I gather that Instagram has this feature (I'm not a user myself), as per wikipedia:


In July 2016, it announced that users would be able to turn off comments for their posts,

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I'm seeing Kim reaching the absolute end of her limits. The circumstances surrounding her brother first going missing then being found dead cannot be easy to deal with for anyone much less someone in the public eye, who has been dragged by several former co-stars as the reason #3 isn't being made. And she has been dragged. I mean, various people from the show have been blaming Kim for people being out of work now. So to carry on like that for... cripes how long has it been now? Basically, you don't get to shit all over a person for years and then try to check yourself when they are going through something horrible.

I just think Catrall is beyond done with it. Beyond. And now? SJP and the rest are going to have to find a new scapegoat for why their shitty movie isn't happening.

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On 2/12/2018 at 1:56 PM, Dandesun said:

I'm seeing Kim reaching the absolute end of her limits. The circumstances surrounding her brother first going missing then being found dead cannot be easy to deal with for anyone much less someone in the public eye, who has been dragged by several former co-stars as the reason #3 isn't being made. And she has been dragged. I mean, various people from the show have been blaming Kim for people being out of work now. So to carry on like that for... cripes how long has it been now? Basically, you don't get to shit all over a person for years and then try to check yourself when they are going through something horrible.

I just think Catrall is beyond done with it. Beyond. And now? SJP and the rest are going to have to find a new scapegoat for why their shitty movie isn't happening.

I don't who's right or who's wrong in this situation. But generally, if everyone on the planet has a problem with you, and/or you have a problem with everyone on the planet, isn't it often the case that the problem is actually...YOU?

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New topic. I've never been sure on the answer to this- so what's the consensus? Was Bobby Fine actually in love with Bitsy Von Muffling and did they have an authentic marriage? Or was he gay and their marriage was a sham? 

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On ‎02‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 10:18 PM, Melancholy said:

New topic. I've never been sure on the answer to this- so what's the consensus? Was Bobby Fine actually in love with Bitsy Von Muffling and did they have an authentic marriage? Or was he gay and their marriage was a sham? 

I believe...both. He loved her, and they had affection and companionship and made one another's lives easier, maybe. Maybe it's an open relationship. Maybe it's sexless (the miracle baby notwithstanding) and they're both free to pursue that elsewhere.

I have no real dog in the Kim/SJP fight, but I thought, even excusing that she was grieving, that Kim's public IG post was pretty terrible, unless, you know, SJP like...had something to do with her brother's actual death or something. Otherwise, it's fairly inexcusable, imo. Even if you hate someone and think their sympathy is insincere, I think you just say thanks or say nothing and move on.  I have never loved to hate SJP (even when I hated Carrie) and I do think it's notable that everyone in the SATC universe--subtly, or not subtly--seems to be team SJP here. I also have nothing against Kim, and I"m sorry for her considerable loss. Whatever, it all sure got ugly. Ryan Murphy will be making a limited run series about this in 10 years.

I hated the second movie, and I feel ashamed saying this, but I'd be fine with a third movie, sans Sam.

Edited by luna1122
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19 hours ago, luna1122 said:

I believe...both. He loved her, and they had affection and companionship and made one another's lives easier, maybe. Maybe it's an open relationship. Maybe it's sexless (the miracle baby notwithstanding) and they're both free to pursue that elsewhere.

I have no real dog in the Kim/SJP fight, but I thought, even excusing that she was grieving, that Kim's public IG post was pretty terrible, unless, you know, SJP like...had something to do with her brother's actual death or something. Otherwise, it's fairly inexcusable, imo. Even if you hate someone and think their sympathy is insincere, I think you just say thanks or say nothing and move on.  I have never loved to hate SJP (even when I hated Carrie) and I do think it's notable that everyone in the SATC universe--subtly, or not subtly--seems to be team SJP here. I also have nothing against Kim, and I"m sorry for her considerable loss. Whatever, it all sure got ugly. Ryan Murphy will be making a limited run series about this in 10 years.

I hated the second movie, and I feel ashamed saying this, but I'd be fine with a third movie, sans Sam.

OK. My instincts are that Bobby Fine actually was sexually attracted to Bitsy and they had sex in their marriage. But the girls were so hung up on their stereotypes about gay men that they insisted that he was gay and his marriage was a sham when they actually didn't know what they were talking about. It's an issue that Carrie knew him for decades but she insists that he's gay because of his demeanor, but not because of actual boyfriends that he's had. But it *is* a hard one. 

I really don't a get "nice" read off SJP. She seems like a closet-bitch in interviews and she was the aggressor in the whole "KC ruined the third movie." Maybe I *also* don't know what I'm talking about because obviously, I don't know the woman personally. She is unique for staying to her married actor husband for decade- I think that's a sign of good character among celebrities. Mathew Broderick seems nice. I haven't seen KC interviewed enough to draw conclusions. The read I got off her was more "remote." It *is* meaningful that everyone seems to be on SJP's side. I also subscribe to the general idea of "If the entire world is against you, maybe the problem is *you*."

However, there are difficulties applying that theory here. SJP wants what most of the cast wants- to put on a third movie which will result in plenty of money and exposure for a cast that mostly hasn't gone onto build magnificent careers. SJP had a failed rom-com lead career, before landing on just being a NYC celebrity because Carrie Bradshaw was so iconic and her husband is also a classically NY celeb but not because she was working. She recently got Divorce which is something but it hasn't really distinguished itself as most HBO sitcoms do. Kristin Davis, Willie Garson, the guy who played Smith, etc. have all had duds of careers. Chris Noth did well but he seems retired mostly. Actually, I think Cynthia Nixon is having the little indie Broadway "more about the craft than the glamor" career that she truly wants so she's the most successful- but she's also been quiet in this feud other than to gesture friendship to both KC and SJP which both took. But it's natural that most of the cast would agree with SJP in this feud even if they didn't think she was the better person. Andy Cohen knows SJP as a NY celebrity who appears on his show but I don't think he is as close to KC who also mostly retired.

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 Chris Noth did well but he seems retired mostly.

He was on The Good Wife, which I would classify as one of the better post-SATC gigs, even if it was mostly recurring.

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1 hour ago, BBHN said:

He was on The Good Wife, which I would classify as one of the better post-SATC gigs, even if it was mostly recurring.

Yeah, that’s what I meant by how CN did well but seems to be pulling back from acting now. 

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And Smith AKA Jason Lewis is in Midnight Texas, which I think is coming back for another season. I don't think any of these people are relying on SJP for a job. I get what you're saying but they've all worked steadily enough that I have a hard time believing they are  only siding with SJP for job security. I could be wrong though,  what the hell do I know?

I assumed that Carrie and the rest of the chicks all KNEW Bobby was gay and had known him to have relationships with men over the years. I never got the impression that they were just basing it on how campy and flamboyant he was. But I could be wrong about that too. But of course he could have had relationships with men over the years and still have fallen for bitsy. He could just truly be bisexual or pansexual. 

Edited by luna1122
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On 4/18/2014 at 10:56 PM, ShellSeeker said:

Oh yes, so much word to this. That was by far one of the most ridiculous scenes of the entire series, and you're right -- it was presented as though we were supposed to be on Carrie's side, and think that Natasha was the huge bitch. Yeah, where did Natasha get off, being angry at Carrie for sleeping with her husband? Didn't she know that Carrie is fabulous and is never, ever wrong?


Another unfavorite Carrie moment is when she chose to tell Aidan she'd been cheating on him 2 minutes before Charlotte married Trey. Really? You couldn't keep your trap shut for one more hour and not crap your drama all over your friend's wedding? 

Argh. I never detested Carrie more than when she keep braying "YOU HAVE TO FORGIVE ME!" at Aidan, so she could get back into his "nook." He should have pushed her out the window.

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On 2/10/2018 at 12:06 PM, Sun-Bun said:

Ooof...even though I'm still Team Kim as well, I really wish she hadn't have put this out there and had just graciously stayed silent. Maybe discuss it on a less public forum even. This just makes her look every bit as petty and mean as SJP. It reeks of bitterness; I really hoped she could have risen above SJP's bait, not taken it and immediately wrestled down in the mud with her. I'm disappointed in both ladies now; hopefully this at least puts the third SaTC movie to rest finally.

No, I think she had had enough of SJP, and decided enough already. I'm #TeamKim too.

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On 7/24/2017 at 11:28 AM, Melancholy said:

I just rewatched that ep! Charlotte was really in the wrong on that fight. Out of nowhere, she attacked Samantha for just having no-strings consensual sex and discussing it. It was entirely Charlotte taking her marital unhappiness out on Sam. I used to think Samantha was then bitchy to retract her Samba invitation from Miranda and Carrie for refusing to get involved but on rewatch, I see her point. She was clearly in the right and she should have been supported. 

It seems like Charlotte and Trey didn't try oral sex nearly as much they should have. If Trey can't get it up, that's no excuse on why Charlotte should lay there sexually frustrated, embarrassed and guilty about even taking care of herself. He should try eating her. And just because Trey couldn't get it up for intercourse, that doesn't convince me that he couldn't come from a blow job. That's much easier, performance wise. That could have eased them into a sexual relationship sooner, maybe without separating. 

Sam is great. 

Samantha: Hey, Trey almost got it up. You almost masturbated. Together, the two of you almost had sex. 

I've been bingewatching SATC for the last few days. I think Sam is my favorite character. My husband loves her. Which makes sense, I guess. 

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56 minutes ago, Banshee said:

Argh. I never detested Carrie more than when she keep braying "YOU HAVE TO FORGIVE ME!" at Aidan, so she could get back into his "nook." He should have pushed her out the window.

Selfish, spoiled child throwing a tantrum.

On 2/13/2018 at 3:59 PM, Gothish520 said:

I don't who's right or who's wrong in this situation. But generally, if everyone on the planet has a problem with you, and/or you have a problem with everyone on the planet, isn't it often the case that the problem is actually...YOU?

Oh, I would vehemently disagree.  SJP has more power in this situation being that she's an exec producer.  People know SJP's name more than Kim Catrall's, she's been in the business longer and on a higher scale. It doesn't mean that what she says is automatically true.   It is just the Juliana Marguiles jealous-of-her-costar bullshit alllllllllllllll over again.

Where is there evidence that everyone has a problem with Kim?  The fact that SJP and Willie *&$(ing Garson do?  Mmmm... that's not enough to meet my bar of "Everyone", personally.

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