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S13.E02: Catastrophe and the Cure

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There is a new promo for episode 13x02. One also sees Alex at Jackson, April and Harriet. Alex wears a coat, so it works probably.


And you can see Meredith and Nathan. As Nathan Meredith already smiles, is simply to melt away. I hope yes thing other at dinner, with respect to Owen and Maggie that what went between Meredith Nathan that they had sex. I hope so ! Because the game of hide and should come to an end !!


  • Love 1

Really like the episode so far but I wish Amelia and Owen were off dancing somewhere still. She has a house-warming party and invited Riggs but not her BFFs / "sisters" Meredith and Maggie? She actually didn't invite anyone but Riggs...

Also, when was the last time we heard anyone mention the Duqutte clinic? 

Edited by BaseOps
1 minute ago, Chas411 said:

 Well all my hopes for a decent Jp storyline are down the drain. The writers are actively encouraging us to dislike her as well as planting the seeds for Merlex. She's a complete afterthought on this storyline.

Really? It seems like everyone is on Jo's side. She's being painted as sympathetic to me. She's right to be mad at Alex for what he did. Bailey and everyone else seem to be on DeLuca's side as well. 

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

From a viewer standpoint it seems to feed the haters as everyone hates her for not running to poor little Alex's side. 

I can only speak for myself and I haven't even watched all of it, but I would hate it if she ran to Alex's side.  I'm glad she stuck up for herself and I think the character would be better served if she did it more often. 

  • Love 8
27 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

From a viewer standpoint it seems to feed the haters as everyone hates her for not running to poor little Alex's side. 

Who was wanting her to do that? Jo giving Alex the cold shoulder for the very simple and reasonable fact that he beat the crap out of an innocent guy like a psycho and then basically called her a soulless slut is one of the few times I didn't dislike her.

  • Love 12

I loved all of the Bailey / Meredith / Alex stuff tonight. I did laugh at the ending and think of a few posts here when Alex ended up back on Meredith's couch listening to Maggie's girl talk. Otherwise all of Alex's stuff was great. I'm so glad he's getting a lot of focus right now. He really carried the first two episodes and Justin has been awesome. 

I like when Grey's lets it get complicated in terms of who we root for - Meredith and Alex often do morally shitty things and sometimes we have to dislike them even though we're still rooting for them. This episode set that up really well for me with Alex, DeLuca and Jo (plus Bailey and Meredith). Even Meredith acknowledged last week that they're the bad guys in this. I really love their friendship, and I especislly like seeing her support Alex rather than the other way around. I actually liked Mer's elevator scene with DeLuca, too. 

All that I didn't think worked was the Amelia / Owen scenes. It just felt pointless and underwritten, like they wanted to throw in a B-story for the two of them and wove it together last minute. The episode would have been stronger without it.

April and Jackson are fine. 

Remember when Steph fell in love with Fez from That 70's Show and then he died? No? Neither does she. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 11

Bailey was spot on: Meredith was out of line talking to DeLuca that way, and Alex damn near cost that boy his kidney.  He's lucky that he has the clinic gig to fall back on.  Didn't blame Jo for walking away, either.  She's hardly blameless in the situation, but Alex can't take back all the shitty things he said to her.

The jokey lighthearted music they played during April's scenes felt unnecessary.  She's a major pain in the ass, but I felt for her.  She wanted this baby so badly and she can barely hold Harriet, let alone take her home.  And to her credit, it's not like she's trying to get back with Jackson (even though their future reconciliation is obvious) or play Happy Family. 

Same with Maggie.  Another pain in the ass, but rejection is humiliating, regardless of the circumstances.  Meredith is making the situation considerably worse by keeping the truth from her.  Still feel nothing for Riggs, he's the epitome of blandsome.  On an equally shallow note, Maggie looked gorgeous tonight.

Are they subtly trying to phase Stephanie out of the show?

  • Love 10
24 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

I'm not a big Jo fan but I don't feel that way at all. Alex is my favourite character but I get why Jo would want nothing to do with him after what he did in front of her. 


3 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

I can only speak for myself and I haven't even watched all of it, but I would hate it if she ran to Alex's side.  I'm glad she stuck up for herself and I think the character would be better served if she did it more often. 

I can only speak for myself too but I want to echo both of these sentiments. Alex has been my favorite character for awhile, and this story line is killing me. He crossed a line with DeLuca and Jo, and I think he deserves whats happening. I also like that Jo is sticking up for herself, and I actually hope they don't end up together after all of this. Jo fled domestic abuse, I don't know how she could look at Alex without fear after that beatdown.


However, as a proclaimed Alex fan, I just wanted to give him a hug when he was by himself on the bridge. And I LOVE that he actually has a storyline about him.


After tonight, I want Jackson and April together. Ugh, I kinda hate myself for it but I love this idea of them finding each other again.

  • Love 9

This was better than last week. It felt like more of an ensemble. To be honest, I was surprised to see Alex still working at the hospital; I figured he would have been suspended until the legal stuff was settled. Bailey and Webber were fun. I liked April and Jackson, Owen and Amelia, and Meredith, Maggie and Alex at the end. I also like the interactions with Meredith and Riggs (I just noticed his dimples). 

I'm hoping Jo's secret doesn't go on much longer. I sort of want Andrew to blurt out in front of everyone that she is married since even after everything she still won't tell Alex. 

  • Love 4

I really liked the episode. I'm an Alex, Jo and Jolex fan and I'm pretty happy with how its all playing out so far. Alex did something awful and I didn't want to see *poof* its over in an episode.  I'm ok with him being sent to work in the clinic until the legal proceedings are done. I'm not certain how it would work in real life but I would think a surgeon could be put on administrative leave or something in a case such as this.  Alex has been my favorite from the start and I feel badly for how he's hurting even though he's done something awful. The conversation with Meredith where he talked about everyone he grew up with going to jail was a great scene.

I was glad to see Jo stick up for herself and not run back with Alex even if I am rooting for them to be together. She created a whole new life and identity to save herself from an abusive husband (from the info we have so far) and I'd find it bizarre if she was able to shake off Alex beating DeLuca in a heartbeat. If she was like "ok schmoopy, love ya, let's go home!" I would have been annoyed. I want to see survivor Jo and I think tonight was the beginning. I know she lied to Alex by not telling him about her husband and that needs to be addressed but I'm ok with that being a bit later in the story. She lying to Alex caused the breakup but it didn't cause what is being dealt with right now.

I feel bad for DeLuca because of what Alex did to him but I have to be honest - I don't have a lot of interest in him as a character so far.  So far I've never felt much attachment to him because he's just been Maggie's pretty boy so I'm way more interested in Alex and Jo's part of the story. Maybe that will change as it moves forward.

The dinner party - the whole thing seemed so contrived, just a way to have Meredith and Maggie in a room with Riggs with Owen and Amelia shoehorned in. The whole triangle is so stupid. 

I liked April and Jackson in the episode. Baby Harriett is a cutie.

  • Love 7

Alex is my favorite character and I can still love him but understand he needs to face the consequences for what he did. I don't expect Jo to go back with him, but I would like to have Jo be honest with herself and everyone else about who she is. I always felt she was too secretive about everything. The Meredith/Maggie/Riggs thing is so annoying and juvenile. Why is Meredith telling Maggie to ask Riggs on a date? It seems so high schoolish. Why can't Meredith just tell Maggie the truth-it will save her from heartbreak down the road and she won't hate Meredith for lying. Why can't anyone tell the truth?

I liked the parts with April and Jackson. Harriet is pretty big for a few days old baby. Did you notice her lifting her head up when Jackson was holding her? Newborns don't do that. She is cute though. I hope Mama Avery doesn't swoop in and try to steal her away or some such nonsense. Happy to see Owen and Amelia happy. 

  • Love 7

I was rooting for DeLuca, Jo and Alex in this episode, weirdly enough. 

I liked Bailey more than I have in years. Richard was funny.

Ugh Maggie, I was so happy at the thought that Alex would be free from her vagina monologues, but of course all she thinks about is Riggs.

Riggs/Meredith/Maggie make it stop.

Jackson and April were okay. The baby's cute.

  • Love 4

I liked Bailey in this episode, too, but I wish she'd ordered Alex to start seeing a psychiatrist while he's working in the clinic.  He's a mess right now, and he needs to start getting more control over his feelings.

This whole triangle highlights one of the reasons I've always hated Meredith.  She could have defused the Riggs thing long ago if she's just told Maggie the truth during one of the many opportunities she had to do so.  But nooooo.  Not Meredith.  She has to lie and sneak around and try to control everyone and everything, going so far as to tell Riggs what he should do when Maggie asks him out.  And she's so smug about it all, too, like she thinks she's taking the high road,.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 18
3 minutes ago, izabella said:

I liked Bailey in this episode, too, but I wish she'd ordered Alex to start seeing a psychiatrist while he's working in the clinic.  He's a mess right now, and he needs to start getting more control over his feelings.

This whole triangle highlights one of the reasons I've always hated Meredith.  She could have defused the Riggs thing long ago if she's just told Maggie the truth during one of the many opportunities she had to do so.  But nooooo.  Not Meredith.  She has to lie and sneak around and try to control everyone and everything, going so far as to tell Riggs what he should do when Maggie asks him out.  And she's so smug about it all, too, like she thinks she's taking the high road,.

And I get the feeling we are supposed to sympathize and cheer for Meredith for sacrificing her own feelings for Riggs to give her sister a chance? But we haven't seen Meredith have feelings for Riggs at all. They had caught-up-in-a-moment sex in her car in the parking lot and she's treated him with barely concealed disdain ever since.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Chicken Wing said:

Who was wanting her to do that? Jo giving Alex the cold shoulder for the very simple and reasonable fact that he beat the crap out of an innocent guy like a psycho and then basically called her a soulless slut is one of the few times I didn't dislike her.

Yeah she actually had a spine and a real motivation for once. It makes perfect sense that Jo with her history would have issues with what Alex did. And for once the actress actually sold that.

Bailey was perfect this episode. I loved how torn she was with Alex but she still gave him a kick in the ass he needed. Alex is her baby in a lot of ways, He always needed her the most of all her ducklings. She still managed to be the chief though.

Actually that was the one thing that was missing form the episode considering Richard has always been close to Alex not getting a real reaction from him about this felt off.

Also how in the fuck are Jackson and April still broken up? I am so fucking sick of the bullshit with these two. Why can they not just be happy with Harriette for five fucking minutes !!

  • Love 4
38 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

And I get the feeling we are supposed to sympathize and cheer for Meredith for sacrificing her own feelings for Riggs to give her sister a chance? But we haven't seen Meredith have feelings for Riggs at all. They had caught-up-in-a-moment sex in her car in the parking lot and she's treated him with barely concealed disdain ever since.

Yeah, if this is supposed to be some kind of clandestine romance, they're not doing a good job of selling it.  It looks like a FWB thing, and there would be nothing wrong with that.  Riggs' "You're totally falling for me!" bit with Meredith was so forced.  She doesn't seem to care about Riggs one way or the other, she just wants to hook up.

I also loved Jo standing up and not wanting anything to do with Alex, one for flying off the handle and beating DeLuca but also for calling her a slut who can't help it because it's how she was brought up (or how he phrased it, how she wasn't brought up), like, damn, I love Alex but that was low. It really was. I get it, it's his first reaction when he can't use his fists his words are sharp punches. He wasn't all that nice to Izzie in the beginning of their romance, and he ratted out Mer messing with Derek's trial out of rage too, but I'm glad Jo said this. She shouldn't just take his sorry and he should have to deal with that.

And yes, Meredith in the elevator, what was that? Her getting attacked was a completely different situation with a patient who had no idea where he was or who he was, Alex knew exactly who he was and where he was and what he was doing. For the main character, I seem to never find a season where I want to hit her. 

I wish I could care about the Maggie/Riggs/Mer triangle but I don't, for a lot of reasons. My big one is that these people aren't in high-school and I know the show constantly likes to do the "ha ha, hee hee, these adults act like high-schoolers" but it's not cute or funny anymore. I also don't like Meredith wants a romance or dating or wants Riggs to be her boyfriend and this situation could be mended if after the wedding, Mer had just said to Maggie: "I hooked up with Riggs out of impulse a couple of nights ago, it didn't mean anything really and apparently he likes me more than I like him" because I'm pretty sure that's the truth. The fact that they are probably going to drag this thing out until December and have Maggie find out in time for winter cliffhangers makes me annoyed. 

  • Love 6

You can have great sex and you can have great love, but just because you have one doesn't mean you have the other. Ideally you get both at the same time from the same person, but sometimes great sex is just great sex. Great sex doesn't mean you have a relationship though.

Maggie is having sex dreams about Riggs so she decides to ask him out because Meredith already had her great love and Amelia has her great love now with Owen (whatever). Riiighhht. So now we aren't even equating great sex with great love. Now Maggie thinks that having great IMAGINARY sex means that Riggs is her great love (or will be as soon as she asks him out). Gawd.

I think Riggs was only half joking when he asked Meredith, "So [Maggie] doesn't know you're madly in love with me?" Ugh.

Hated Meredith's ugly flesh colored turtleneck. I was sure that at some point in the episode, she was going to reveal that she was wearing it to hide hickeys from Riggs.

In theory, I totally feel for April. Of course she wants to go home and be with her baby and bond with her. But I just can't any more scenes of her crying and high pitched squealing.

I am totally fine with Alex having to face consequences for his actions. He fucked up. The only thing that bothers me is that when you consider all of the other things we've seen people do on this show with basically no consequences, it seems uneven. As I mentioned last season, whenever someone goes way over the line on this show, I ask myself, "Is this worse than Izzie cutting Denny's LVAD wires?" Too often the characters are given a pass because their intentions are good (Bailey injecting that kid with the virus after his parents specifically refused to consent to it), but this time they can't shroud Alex's actions as having good intentions. Despite his assumption that Deluca was taking advantage of Jo, they were both fully clothed. He should have pulled Deluca off the bed and stopped but instead he beat the crap out of him.

So Bailey won't let Karev perform surgery but she is willing to let him work in the clinic? If he's a liability to the hospital due to his felony charge, isn't that still true in the clinic?

  • Love 7

Does it make sense to anyone that the victim and his assaulter (also superior) are expected to continue working together? That's a workplace harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. I couldn't get past the idea that everyone thinks it's ok for. Alex to be around deLuca. Do assault victims have no protection in Shonda's World? If Alex had assaulted a female character, would he be allowed to work near her? 

  • Love 16

He's not his superior anymore but yes I agree completely that technically he shouldn't be there. I think it may come into question next week.

By that end of the episode all that was missing from Alex's scenes was a tiny violin playing in the background. I do feel bad for him in certain ways because the entire situation is awful and he has lost everything but I kind of feel like we're being very obviously played into pitying him more then I'm ready to yet. 

I do think this is a great storyline though and have really enjoyed watching Chambers finally shine. 

  • Love 4

when was the last time we heard anyone mention the Duqutte clinic? 

Oh, probably around the time Katherine Heigl left the show.  Which leads me to suspect that come sweeps, we'll see the founder of the clinic make a surprise return only to find her ex-husband working there.

Could happen...

"Hey, Maggie, I'm sorry Riggs shot you down but it's probably because he and I hooked up a little while ago.  It was nothing but that may have made things uncomfortable for us all.  Had I known you were interested in him, I wouldn't have done it."

There.  Is that so hard?

  • Love 3

I thought last week's episode was a lot more focused, and since it was mainly only focused on the people that I like, I enjoyed it more.  But this was still pretty entertaining, Alex's hard luck shame spiral not withstanding.  I loved all of the Bailey/Alex scenes and working at Denny's clinic is such fitting punishment for him.  Although I really want to see some kind of therapy or anger management, but I am losing hope that this will happen.

As I suspected, the "MY GOD, MAN, DELUCA"S EYEBALL IS HANGING OUT OF ITS SOCKET, HIS SURGICAL CAREER IS OVER1!!111" cut to "DeLuca hand me the scalpel" pretty quickly.   I did like how DeLuca stared down Meredith and Alex both in the court room and at work.  Good for you, Cyclops!

Other than him and Jo, everyone seems to be pretty ok with Alex, if not with what he did.  The pre-episode PR made it sound like the hospital would be torn asunder in some kind of Karev Civil War.  I thought for sure that Maggie, at the very least, would balk at having him stay at the house.  Her constant chattering about her sex dreams may just bring out that black-out rage again.  I did feel really bad for her when Riggs turned her down though.

Speaking of Jo, thank god she finally got a word in and told Alex what's what.  He deserved every bit of that smackdown and his defensiveness ("What do you want me to say??") just irritated me further.  I hope that this is finally, the long-awaited turning point for her and she distances herself from Alex and his drama as much as she can and just gets on with her life and career.  I do want them to get back together eventually, but they both need to get their shit together, and when the time comes, I want complete honesty on her part about everything.  Needless to say, I don't see them back together anytime soon.

The triangle is ridiculous and I really can't believe that Meredith and Riggs are making it so much worse.  I go back and forth on Riggs.  Sometimes I find him charming and funny, and other times kind of bland and creepy.  Last night it was the latter, he seems like he is a personal space violator.  

Jackson and April's baby was cute, but they seem like they are in a completely different show.  As for Amelia and Owen...I really like their house.

  • Love 8

Does it make sense to anyone that the victim and his assaulter (also superior) are expected to continue working together? That's a workplace harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. I couldn't get past the idea that everyone thinks it's ok for. Alex to be around deLuca. Do assault victims have no protection in Shonda's World? If Alex had assaulted a female character, would he be allowed to work near her?

 In the real world I agree with you, Alex would have been on some type of admin leave until the proceedings were over. But, this is SGM where Owen was treating patients while dealing with PTSD that was to the level of him choking Cristina, where Derek going after Mark (twice, 2nd time was an actual fight) was ignored, Maggie got a high five for punching a patient's mother and countless other offenses which never had anyone sit out a day.  DeLuca wouldn't be working for Alex unless he was assigned to Ped so it wouldn't be difficult to keep them not working together.  In the past DeLuca expressed his dislike of Peds so it wouldn't be a matter of keeping him from pursuing the specialty he wanted.  Now with Alex going to the clinic he's in a completely different department of the hospital that has nothing to do with surgery.  If anyone harassed DeLuca at work in this episode it was Meredith, not Alex. Bailey is the COS. She should have spoken to the staff about the whole situation, instructed them to say nothing to either DeLuca or Alex regarding the case, etc. but again, its SGM.


Which leads me to suspect that come sweeps, we'll see the founder of the clinic make a surprise return only to find her ex-husband working there.

I don't think so. She's working on a CBS show (with former Grey's writers/producers Tony Phelan & Joan Rater) and is expecting a baby. Also, Shonda hates her. I think we'd see Dead Denny before we'd see Izzie.

  • Love 5

Hey, Maggie, I'm sorry Riggs shot you down but it's probably because he and I hooked up a little while ago.  It was nothing but that may have made things uncomfortable for us all.  Had I known you were interested in him, I wouldn't have done it

The bolded part makes me tick. Mer shouldn't refrain herself from having a relationship with someone who she is interested in and who is reciprocally interested in her for the sole sake of Maggie's crush. It isn't like Riggs slept with Mer whereas he was dating Maggie, or was married to her, she isn't even on HIS radar. the adult thing to do is just treating Maggie like an adult: riggs isn't into her, but into Mer. It sucks, but she could move on. Instead everyone acts like they are 16 at best.


Alex: he brought it all on himself, but as said above, still no anger management issue addressed. and isn't it ironic that Alex is affected at work by something that happened in his private life (albeit with a co-worker), whereas everyone that has screwed up while working at Seattle Grace (Bailey, Mer, Izzy) weren't as affected as he is now?

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, sarkygal said:

Does it make sense to anyone that the victim and his assaulter (also superior) are expected to continue working together? That's a workplace harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. I couldn't get past the idea that everyone thinks it's ok for. Alex to be around deLuca. Do assault victims have no protection in Shonda's World? If Alex had assaulted a female character, would he be allowed to work near her? 

This. My jaw dropped when Bailey asked him if he was OK working with DeLuca. Sorry, but WHAT? I was 100% sure he'd be suspended until the trial. I guess expecting things that makes sense is too much to ask from the show at this point. 

It's obvious that the Denny Duquette clinic was specifically mentioned for the first time in like a billion years just to rub it in some more for Alex. I do feel sorry for him, but he had it coming. 

The love triangle is so infuriating. For a split second there I thought we had got ridden of it, until Riggs said he wasn't ready to date anyone right now. I immediately knew how Maggie would take that and just UGHHHH. If you're not interested in someone, just go out and say it. It's going to be awkward at first, but it saves everyone's time and energy in the long run. 

I'm not at all invested in April and Jackson. It's clear that it's only a matter of time before they're back together, so zzzzzzz. Their parts did feel like a different show. 

Looking forward to Arizona's return next week. Did I miss something or they didn't even bother to explain her asbsence?

  • Love 4

I feel like Owen/Amelia and Japril have really gone as far as they can storyline wise and could easily have exited at the end of last season. I find there storyline dull and repetitive and like Theuve run their course.. I'd gladly see their screentime and storylines go to Stephanie, Jo and DeLuca who have been around but rarely get given any long term development that isn't done to service another long serving character.

  • Love 1

The bolded part makes me tick. Mer shouldn't refrain herself from having a relationship with someone who she is interested in and who is reciprocally interested in her for the sole sake of Maggie's crush.

 Agree but then we wouldn't have episodes of Meredith the Martyr and when Maggie find out she justifying her lying by saying she did it for her.  She's not even just lying to Maggie about it. She's telling Riggs what to do/say (which is totally in character for her) - she's manipulating the whole thing. I  agree with you that the entire situation is worse than 16 year olds.  Any normal adult would have just told Maggie she had a fling with Riggs and wasn't sure it was going when Maggie first was jabbering on after her box of bacon. She's not protecting Maggie's feelings at all because she's making everything worse for when Maggie does find out. 

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 9
9 hours ago, Qoass said:

"Hey, Maggie, I'm sorry Riggs shot you down but it's probably because he and I hooked up a little while ago.  It was nothing but that may have made things uncomfortable for us all.  Had I known you were interested in him, I wouldn't have done it."

There.  Is that so hard?


This. I have no interest in this middle school nonsense. Everyone involved is acting like a child. Except for Riggs who is doing that uncomfortable thing where he pretends to know Mer's mind better than she does. I've never found that kind of thing cute or romantic.

Edited by marceline
  • Love 9

I think that while everyone has made mistakes they haven't been as bad as assault so therefore the show has to give Alex some sort of punishment to avoid too much backlash.

I liked the Stephanie/Amelia mentors hip id prefer Jonget someone else and a different specialty. Nice to see her interacting with other characters though.

  • Love 3
On ‎9‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 10:07 PM, izabella said:

I liked Bailey in this episode, too, but I wish she'd ordered Alex to start seeing a psychiatrist while he's working in the clinic.  He's a mess right now, and he needs to start getting more control over his feelings.

This whole triangle highlights one of the reasons I've always hated Meredith.  She could have defused the Riggs thing long ago if she's just told Maggie the truth during one of the many opportunities she had to do so.  But nooooo.  Not Meredith.  She has to lie and sneak around and try to control everyone and everything, going so far as to tell Riggs what he should do when Maggie asks him out.  And she's so smug about it all, too, like she thinks she's taking the high road,.

See. That's why I LOVE Mere! She is and always has been someone who holds everything inside. She only tells those she loves and trusts anything -- at all-- hence the final scene when she told Alex about Riggs. I actually laughed out loud when they exchanged looks while Maggie (who is supremely annoying) kept yammering and yammering. If I were Mere I wouldn't tell that one anything either.

April as a character (Or maybe it's the actress?) is always over the top but I find myself liking this story and actually want to see how this all plays out. Which surprises me because I have never really cared about Jackson and April.

The dinner party was...??? Odd. But Owen and whatshername seem like wasted space.

I am really loving this Alex story line and JC is killing it! I have always loved Alex and Mere and their relationship. I remember way back she was the first one to stick up for Alex. I wouldn't mind them being the end game. With Derek gone and that new dude-- Riggs -- who seems to be trying too hard to be charming-- I can say -- yes. Go there show.

Ha! The Dead Denny clinic rises again!

Edited by taanja
  • Love 3
24 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I couldn't stand Meredith in this episode, but I'm happy she was there for Alex. I did agree with her that everyone in that hospital has made a major mistake. I hope this Amelia/Jo mentorship lasts more then one episode. 

I'm glad that she was there for him, too, but (and I can't believe I am going to say this), but I'm ready for her to back off a bit.  I have really wanted their friendship to be more equal, but I'm not sure how much Mer is helping his cause.  When she is there to offer encouragement its fine, but her moral relativity is a little too close to Alex's moral relativity and so her scenes with DeLuca, Jo and Bailey just seemed a little extreme to me if that makes sense.  I don't think that she was threatening DeLuca necessarily, but his beating situation was in no way similar to hers.  Likewise, she doesn't need to lecture Jo on how to feel about Alex or the whole situation, so I'm glad that Jo shut that down.  

I didn't mind Jo and Amelia either, but I really don't want Stephanie and Jo competing for the same mentor.  Like at all.  Now that Callie is gone, I don't really know where I want to see Jo go.  All of the other specialties already have mentor/mentee relationships, except I guess cardio, but that doesn't interest me much either.  I thought that Ortho was such a good fit for Jo that anything else will just seem like plugging a hole.

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

I'm glad that she was there for him, too, but (and I can't believe I am going to say this), but I'm ready for her to back off a bit.  I have really wanted their friendship to be more equal, but I'm not sure how much Mer is helping his cause.  When she is there to offer encouragement its fine, but her moral relativity is a little too close to Alex's moral relativity and so her scenes with DeLuca, Jo and Bailey just seemed a little extreme to me if that makes sense.  I don't think that she was threatening DeLuca necessarily, but his beating situation was in no way similar to hers.  Likewise, she doesn't need to lecture Jo on how to feel about Alex or the whole situation, so I'm glad that Jo shut that down.  

I guess I see Mere and her motivations from a different perspective. She thinks she's helping. She thinks she's giving good advice -- and that's what she thinks it is-- advice-- and Jo and DeLuca and others take it (and maybe rightfully so?) that she is butting in/lecturing/threatening.

I saw her as being sincere. She wants to help her best friend-- she just doesn't know how but she can't DO NOTHING!  But that's the Mere I've come to love over the years.

  • Love 2

I'd never had a huge concern about it before but I definetly feel the writers are baiting the Mer/Alex romance fans this season. They're just too extreme, too on top of each other. He's lost Jo who was supposed to be the love of his life but other then expressing apologies to her he's barely said much about it. I didn't think they'd go there but they're definetly setting him up as a back up in case Nathan/Mer don't take off..

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Deanie87 said:

I'm glad that she was there for him, too, but (and I can't believe I am going to say this), but I'm ready for her to back off a bit.  I have really wanted their friendship to be more equal, but I'm not sure how much Mer is helping his cause.  When she is there to offer encouragement its fine, but her moral relativity is a little too close to Alex's moral relativity and so her scenes with DeLuca, Jo and Bailey just seemed a little extreme to me if that makes sense.  I don't think that she was threatening DeLuca necessarily, but his beating situation was in no way similar to hers.  Likewise, she doesn't need to lecture Jo on how to feel about Alex or the whole situation, so I'm glad that Jo shut that down.  

I didn't mind Jo and Amelia either, but I really don't want Stephanie and Jo competing for the same mentor.  Like at all.  Now that Callie is gone, I don't really know where I want to see Jo go.  All of the other specialties already have mentor/mentee relationships, except I guess cardio, but that doesn't interest me much either.  I thought that Ortho was such a good fit for Jo that anything else will just seem like plugging a hole.

Yeah plus I don't see Jo meshing well with Maggie. I think Bailey would be good for Jo. I really liked the episode were Bailey helped Jo deal with loosing her patient. 

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Why does Riggs think Meredith is falling for him or is close??? 

I do not see a reason for him to think this. Is he insane?

He is also behaving to Maggie exactly like Meredith is behaving to him.

And Meredith is the epithome of hypocrisy, she is simply the worst, a wolf in sheepskin. The way I tried to warm up to her , but no, it is impossible. I have never liked her at all. Putting your sister through this heartbreak unnecessarily, doing things behind her back, lying straight to her face, also telling Nathan what to do. The worst.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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I think Riggs was trying to be funny when he said Meredith was in love with him. But he fell flat. Like I said all Mer had to say to Maggie was there was a hook-up and she wasn't aware of Maggie's feelings. I'm not saying anything about Meredith's feelings in this because from my viewing point, the way it seems like EP is coming across is she doesn't have real feelings for this guy. Riggs may like Meredith but I don't think she likes him as much. 

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I'm struggling to see Meredith as a villain in the situation. I mean, Maggie has the emotional maturity of a 7th grader so of course Meredith is going to be on eggshells around her. She literally gave her a 'don't you ever lie to me again!!!!' speech. I'm not saying I love the storyline by any stretch of the imagination, but I chalk it up to messy writing more than anything. It's not like Meredith is banging Riggs behind Maggie's back, either. They slept together before she knew anything about Maggie's (one-sided) feelings. She stopped sleeping with Riggs immediately, and she's tried to stop Maggie from getting her feelings hurt through the process - of course it's all a bit over-the-top and telling the truth would be easier, but that's Grey's. I'd hardly say she's putting Maggie through any heartbreak or doing anything wrong to her. 

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