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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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Florinaldo- I have to respectfully disagree with you in regards to the picnic day case. I think the driver stopped his car because he heard the guys female friend say that he had hit someone, and then he was approached by  Medinas crazy friend and the group they were with and that's when it all went to hell. The plaintiff was attacked by a group of people, we know for a fact that at least TWO people used him as a punching bag so I think its fair to say that the group that was with Medina was out of control. 

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I did cringe when Mr. Medina said "He got out of the car", then corrected himself to proper JJ speak "He exited his vehicle."

Methinks Mr. Medina fashioned himself some kind of law enforcement agent. He must have practiced extensively in front of the mirror. 


The comments VW bug case cracked me up. I learned to drive in one many moons ago although I think they were possibly trying to use it as a delivery vehicle for their weed/meth business. 



Zillabreeze don't make me ax you again.

Silly  zillabreeze, don't conversate with AmyFarrahFowler or else I won't have time to get home and pay my car insurance because it JUST expired about 5 seconds before you crashed into my car while you were sitting still. 

  • Love 5

Never having owned a bug, I enjoyed a different aspect to this case. 


When JJ yelled at the fellow 'how can you say it's running if it's in pieces' He very nicely explained the difference between making the engine turn over and making the car move down the street. 


Kudos for a good, calm answer to a stupid proclamation. 

Edited by Oinky Boinky
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Serious emotional incest issues today with the square faced mother (square faces are in fashion today) who paid the first 6 month rent to the 18 yr and 17 yr old couple.


"I hope he leaves [his girlfriend] and comes back to me [mother]!"


I cringed big time since the girl seemed poised and smart enough.  You can't expect a 17 yr old just out of the house to be Martha Stewart... and her 18 yr boyfriend to know how to keep a whole apartment clean.


Fat 60 yr old taxi driver expecting back rent from a 20 yr old income-less student waiting for a scholarship...  I'm glad that this was thrown out in minutes.


Gay fat 60 yr old boarding house "landlord" expecting back rent from a 20 yr old income-less young man...  This should have been thrown out in minutes.


JJ: "How much rent does he owe you?"

Plaintiff: "Two thousand dollars"

JJ: "That's not happening."

Plaintiff: "One thousand?"


He wasn't even keeping track, LOL.

  • Love 5

Whatever the ultimate Picnic Day fallout, I just have to admit that I was beyond excited when I saw the episode title on my DVR: "Stabbed in the Face!" I expected some JJ solid gold coming my way, and was kind of amazed that, even though BOTH LITIGANTS MANAGED TO GET THEMSELVES STABBED IN THE FACE, the case itself somehow came across as boring.


Cow Eyes and her mommy were dreadful. "She's learned not to be so trusting, unfortunately. I, however, have learned nothing and will continue to enable my precious cow-eyed snowflake to be an entitled little shit."

  • Love 3

Gay fat 60 yr old boarding house "landlord" expecting back rent from a 20 yr old income-less young man...


...income-less, cadaverous and apparently starving young man. When, oh when are people going to learn that NOTHING good has ever, or will ever, come from using Craigslist?


Kerie, sweetheart, you seem intelligent enough and I know you're only 18 but you're built like a Sumo wrestler and someone needs to tell you that spaghetti-strapped gowns are doing you no favour.  What I really wanted was to see was a picture of whoever was "sexually harassing" Momma.


First case? Oddly spelled, sloppily sentimental name - Desieree - check. Wearing black chiffon - check. Horribly dyed, very long (burgundy) hair - check. Round-headed, plaid-wearing baby daddy who is now hated by you - check. Just goes to show that you don't need to actually live in a trailer to be trailer trash and that if you need your boyfriend's mom to co-sign for a car that maybe having a baby isn't a priority.

  • Love 5


...income-less, cadaverous and apparently starving young man. When, oh when are people going to learn that NOTHING good has ever, or will ever, come from using Craigslist?

Thank you.  And JJ didn't want to know anything that was going on there, thank gawd. 


I swear mushmouth said lived-ded in the hallterview.


ETA Now that I think about it I'm worried the older man was taking advantage of him.  He didn't seem too bright but I think he was trying to get into school IIRC? 

Edited by QuelleC




I thought someone already requested a new forum for Hot Bench.  What happened to that request?



I tried, but they didn't like my attempt so they deleted it.



Brattinella is trying again.  Hopefully it will go through.  If not, shoot me a PM and I'll talk to Silverstormm and see what we need to do.

Does anyone else watch JJ and know before anyone says a word who the wronged party is? I am currently watching Picnic Day and as soon as I saw the litigants, I immediately zoned in on the plaintiff being a tool.


I'm catching up on recent shows but have a sad announcment to make: we are moving on Saturday and getting new cable boxes. I will be saying goodbye to all of my JJ faves, so without further ado, goodbye to:


The old ladies at the Veteran's conference

Crazy Ms. Horvath who brought a posse to get her daughter back

Baby Boy the Poodle

The Cheeseballs

The Russian couple who were not 420 friendly

The gal who got burned when her friend lit a bbq with kerosene

The jackpot slot machine kid in Texas

The parents who paid restitution and sued for half from the other mom.


There are a few more but I can't think of them now. It's a sad day.

  • Love 4

Wait what??? Where's rent-to-own scholarship rims?

Ha. I never was able to capture the rims. It took me forever to get the cheeseballs.


I also have the three hipsters suing the DJ because threw cat litter on them, the crazies with Jordan the 12 year old that went to behavior camp, the gal who was screaming YOU BROKE MY JAW! but her "friend" didn't call the cops, Hopefully, this new DVR will have more space and I will be able to get these again some day.

  • Love 2

Ok, are we all getting different episodes? At first I thought I was bat shit crazy and was forgetting watching things, but I'm only 30! I never got the Russian woman case or the case with the kids that left the scene of an accident, is it just me? I'm so confused!

My Saturday night reruns were with the Russian mail order bride and the kids that left the scene of the accident (in Texas I think?). However, there was a case last week with a different Russian woman who was trying to sue her former tenant (and either couldn't articulate clearly what she was suing for, had no case, or some combination of the two).

Configdotsys! I lost a bunch on a DVR replacement, too! You can hook a $75.00 hard drive to a DVR and have stuff forever without using memory on DVR. I currently have 295 HD movies and am about 1/2 full.

I just watched the VFW "ladies" today. What a nosey old judgey bat the plaintiff was. I was floored that they were so focused on the other woman, but JJ couldn't even get through to them that the husband went willingly. Jeez, we see this all the time with younger girls, but damn when you are about 100, you should know it takes two to tango!

Edited by zillabreeze


When JJ yelled at the fellow 'how can you say it's running if it's in pieces' He very nicely explained the difference between making the engine turn over and making the car move down the street.

And you can even push a Bug down the street and pop the clutch and get that puppy started without too much work (ah, the joys of a stick shift that young whippersnappers will never know).



Does anyone else watch JJ and know before anyone says a word who the wronged party is? I am currently watching Picnic Day and as soon as I saw the litigants, I immediately zoned in on the plaintiff being a tool.

You're a better man/woman than me. Plaintiff came across so polite on the preview and geeze, he was stabbed in the face. That's a gut reaction right there. Then his case started to unravel quickly when the mob mentality kicked in. 

  • Love 2

Does anyone else watch JJ and know before anyone says a word who the wronged party is? I am currently watching Picnic Day and as soon as I saw the litigants, I immediately zoned in on the plaintiff being a tool.


I'm catching up on recent shows but have a sad announcment to make: we are moving on Saturday and getting new cable boxes. I will be saying goodbye to all of my JJ faves, so without further ado, goodbye to:


The old ladies at the Veteran's conference

Crazy Ms. Horvath who brought a posse to get her daughter back

Baby Boy the Poodle

The Cheeseballs

The Russian couple who were not 420 friendly

The gal who got burned when her friend lit a bbq with kerosene

The jackpot slot machine kid in Texas

The parents who paid restitution and sued for half from the other mom.


There are a few more but I can't think of them now. It's a sad day.


Baby Boy the Poodle is protected and locked on my DVR. Whenever I need a small pick me up, Baby Boy does is EVERY TIME!!

  • Love 2
Rose-colored glasses mom drove me nuts with said glasses at the tip of her nose for most of the case. (Sorry pet-peeve. If you don't have bifocals and you need to see close, just take the %$#**& glasses off.)



Speaking of glasses, the kind-hearted bald taxi driver's glasses were driving me nuts. The temple piece was popping off of one ear and I kept mentally pushing it back into place. President Obama's urgent press conference about Ebola in Africa cut into 3/4 my JJ yesterday, so I missed most of the kindly landlord who creeped out the mushmouthed tall younger guy whom he found on Craig's List.

Rose-colored glasses mom drove me nuts with said glasses at the tip of her nose for most of the case. (Sorry pet-peeve. If you don't have bifocals and you need to see close, just take the %$#**& glasses off.) 

Now I'm wondering how many people secretly hate me in real life. I totally do that thing with my glasses. I probably should get bifocals, but I'm starting my third year of being 39 years old, and there's a part of me that just can't make the leap to bifocals or progressive lenses. I don't want to admit I'm 39+2. Wearing my glasses like that, I'm sure, makes me look even older, if I'm honest with myself. 



Configdotsys! I lost a bunch on a DVR replacement, too! You can hook a $75.00 hard drive to a DVR and have stuff forever without using memory on DVR. I currently have 295 HD movies and am about 1/2 full.

As someone who lost a bunch of recordings to a couple of fried DVRs, I can't reiterate this advice enough. I put a separate hard drive on mine and am now much less worried about losing valuable recordings. My other advice? Don't keep your DVR inside of an entertainment center. Those babies get wicked hot, and it messes them up. I'm on my third Dish Network Hopper. Now it sits on top of the entertainment center. 


I know all the other cases that were mentioned, but am not familiar with "Baby Boy Poodle." What's that one about?

  • Love 2

As much as I disliked dreadlock girl and her huffing/puffing boyfriend, I detested the second case.  What a scamarooni!  Yeah sure he left his green card AND passport in her storage locker for 6 months!  "Hey baby, we can split $5000 by going on Judge Judy!"  Feh! And then, in the hallterview, after stating he never threatened her, he threatened her AGAIN!

  • Love 4

I would like to call out today's "I thought I had insurance." girl. I see your dreadlocks.


Dawn Colterini (sp?), we loved you. The ratty bird's nest on your head, your lying and being "under the influence" of having insurance when you had none for 8 months were great BUT all that paled in comparison to the testimony by your oh-so-perfect boyfriend who nearly seethed with anger when JJ cut off his nonsensical blabber about what happened. Just an awesome couple. You could see her "Oh, boy" grin when she realized that in spite of everything she was going to win and then the knife to the heart when she heard she was getting $50. Hah!


The Cohens; a middle-aged couple with a seven year old child who both decided that working for a living was not in their best interests. I'm trying to imagine what kind of poisonous Spider Mother Mrs. Cohen is when it was deemed that the Mister was a better parent. He left his job to spend more time with his child and guess he thought it would enrich the kids's life to live like a transient, going from a cheap motel to camping on the living room floor of a total stranger and then to some anonymous woman's home. AND he left $5,000 of items after he removed his blanket from the defendant's floor. JJ hated him and I felt her pain.


The lady suing for tow fees - love how she and her witness dyed their hair to match their outfits, or vice versa, but what was really amazing is that they had that smirking, lip-licking ingrate little  troll for a friend.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 8
that smirking, lip-licking ingrate little  troll


I came in late on this one, and  you captured my first thought exactly.  Could not figure out what I was seeing.  Then the halterview comments were even more bizarre. Kinda sorry I missed the whole thing. Or not.

Loved car accident girl's stunned look at the $50 award. Ha! 

Smirking troll, indeed:  love your description.

Really one of the most bizarre, irritating litigants ever.

That's why it was almost a JJ first: awarding the plaintiff the full amount on a loan that really was not formalized in any way because there was no way anyone would front someone that much money without an expectation of getting it back.  I think troll was trying to portray plaintiff as some kind of love interest, but it didn't work.

Edited by GussieK
  • Love 1

Who the hell puts their passport and green card in a storage unit? That made no sense to me at all!

And the lady with no insurance with the hideous hair? I couldn't focus on the case because I was entranced with the birds nest that was on top of her head!

And don't get me started on homeless dude! What an idiot! Shut up, stop whining and get a job! He's lucky child protective services wasn't called on him.

  • Love 4

I will be saying goodbye to all of my JJ faves, so without further ado, goodbye to:


Baby Boy the Poodle


I weep for your loss.



The Baby Boy case was about a man who lost his dog(Baby Boy) and was suing to get it back from a woman who apparently bought it from someone shady. Woman refuses to believe that the dog was the plaintiff's and give it back. She brought the dog to court though. JJ tells her to let the dog go and with a quickness it runs over to his true owner! Cue "awww"s from the audience and tears from the plaintiff. Case closed.
  • Love 2

I am not familiar with baby boy poodle either.


The plaintiff left his little poodle in the yard, it got out and the defendant bought it from some guy peddling it in a parking lot.


I could find the last couple minutes, which are all that really matter, but this episode warmed all our hearts.





  • Love 3

Configdotsys! I lost a bunch on a DVR replacement, too! You can hook a $75.00 hard drive to a DVR and have stuff forever without using memory on DVR. I currently have 295 HD movies and am about 1/2 full.

I am desperately clinging to a DVR from 2005 from Comcrap because, among other long-lost cable-TV gems, it contains the Egon Spangler JJ case. I think the tech on the box is too old to even hook up a hard drive to it, but if someone could PM me with the how-to basics I would be forever grateful!

Thanks to all for the recaps! My job is consuming every minute of my time and I haven't even watched all of last week's new episodes yet. Oh, the humanity!

And don't get me started on homeless dude! What an idiot! Shut up, stop whining and get a job! He's lucky child protective services wasn't called on him.

I get the feeling homeless dude quit his job to avoid paying alimony/child support in anticipation of him and wife divorcing. I couldn't understand why she was in court with him. Maybe she hasn't caught onto his plan yet?

I get the feeling homeless dude quit his job to avoid paying alimony/child support in anticipation of him and wife divorcing. I couldn't understand why she was in court with him. Maybe she hasn't caught onto his plan yet?


She wanted her cut of whatever he made for his appearance . . . and she figured they'd pay him in cash as soon as they were done filming, and she wanted to be there to get her share????

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