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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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  On 11/8/2019 at 5:14 PM, Mondrianyone said:

Me, too.  But I always seem to violate that teaching on the Internet.  So . . .

All other issues temporarily aside, what was the wife in that nanny case thinking, hiring that young woman to spend all day alone at home with her husband, given the . . . I'm gonna say discrepancy in their appearances?  She's lucky all that got ruined were a bunch of knives.

I'll go sit next to SRTouch now.


I thought the same thing, so I'm on my way to sit next to everyone else.

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3 p.m., both episodes are reruns, probably 2015-2016-


Teen Corrupted by Drug Offers-Plaintiff was former tenant (room renter)of landlord who kept her security deposit, evicted her, and wants back rent, and house was being sold.   Plaintiff went on vacation, was moving out on 1 July, paid prorated rent for June/part of July.    Two days later landlord told her to get out now.    Defendant claims his 15 year old daughter, and her friend went to the house to swim, claims plaintiff solicited both girls to have sex with men, drink, and use drugs.  Defendant daughter claims plaintiff was drunk, on drugs, and offered her drugs on previous occasions.   (My view, why would tenant have to babysit landlord's teenager, and friends?).          Plaintiff gets $400 security, and $400 rent back.   Landlord gets zip, and his daughter is a total liar.    (I hope the plaintiff found a soft place to land after this, it's tough for foster kids who age out). 

Odometer Scam-Plaintiff claims defendant cheated him on a car trade.     When they traded cars, defendant gave plaintiff mechanical history of SUV, including mileage, but a year earlier the car had a much higher mileage recorded.  My guess is someone wrote the wrong mileage on one service record.     However, defendants claim they bought the car with that mileage, and they put 10,000 miles more on it.     Plaintiff told to stuff it. and case dismissed.  


Bride Bursting at the Seams-Plaintiff suing dressmaker for return of money he paid to have a wedding dress for plaintiff's wife.    Plaintiff wants money back ($1200 total, $750 actually paid), cost of replacement dresses, and a bunch of other garbage he's not getting.   Plaintiff fiance wanted a layered bottom, and tight from top to the start of layered bottom tiers below her hips.    Fiance/wife wanted spandex material lining, with tons of big sequins on the top half of dress.   Basically, fiance wanted built in lard control, but lining isn't stretchy.   She should have shelled out for Spanx.    Fitting was only a week before the wedding, and it was at seamstress shop (he subcontracted out for the dress to the seamstress).   Plaintiff actually paid $750.  For $1200 you're not getting a fully custom dress that looks like a $5,000 plus dress.   Plaintiff gets $750.   

Uber Driver Collides with Teen Driver-Plaintiff claims defendant crossed into her lane, and hit her car.   Defendant drives Uber, and passenger from accident day is defendant's witness.  Plaintiff had a green arrow, turning into left lane of street, and defendant was making a right on red, and instead of turning into right lane of street, crossed into the left lane and hit the plaintiff.     Defendant's witness says plaintiff crossed into defendant's lane, and hit defendant.   Case dismissed, no way to prove fault, no police report.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I just finished watching the case of the young lady who wanted her cat back after it had been with a (former) friend for over a year. At first, her outfit grated on my nerves, an adult in pale lavender overalls with a not quite matching large bow in her hair. However, as the case went on I really believe she has some serious emotional issues and is very fragile. She looked about ready to burst into tears as soon as JJ was being a bit abrupt with her. If she does get another cat, I hope there is someone to help her take care of it, I don't think she can handle it by herself.

Edited by DoctorK
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She's lucky all that got ruined were a bunch of knives.


I did laugh at JJ finding out the husband was home while the nanny was nannying and then asking why the husband couldn't have washed the knives.  I bet the last time JJ's husband washed a knife in their house was when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

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5 p.m., both new episodes-


Teen Bullied Because She Smells Like Pot-Plaintiff grandmother suing mother (Sainted Single Mother of Four, SSMOF) of her 11 year old granddaughter over a false police report that grandmother was kidnapping granddaughter,  School called grandmother, and said child smelled strongly of marijuana on three occasions, and child was being bullied.   Grandmother also gave granddaughter a phone to keep in touch, but mother took phone.   Defendant has several other children also.  Sadly, plaintiff's son is incarcerated.    Defendant claims school never called the grandmother (plaintiff), and has zero emotions about the child, the pot smell, bullying, and anything else.    Plaintiff claims the father of two other children of defendant (9 and 7), was calling granddaughter from prison to find out what defendant was up to.    Defendant has four kids, the 11 year old with one prisoner, the 7 and 9 year old with another prisoner, and one more child who has a father that isn't in jail, at least the day of the case filming, but who knows before or since that time. 

  Defendant's boyfriend claims he doesn't live with defendant, so JJ calls boyfriend's mother to find out if he actually lives with mother or defendant.    Boyfriend is with SSMOF at least 60% of the time.  (JJ is not amused by boyfriend's lies, about him paying mother rent, and that he's not living with defendant).    

JJ tells grandmother to sue for guardianship of granddaughter, and see if she can get full custody.   When grandmother went to pick up child at school, defendant called police and said grandmother was kidnapping the child.    CPS was already at the defendant's house when grandmother went to drop child off.     Grandmother claims she has a photo of table full of marijuana, right next to kids, and JJ says show it to the family court judge.  SSMOF claims child took pot picture, with cell phone given to child by grandmother.   Boyfriend of SSMOF keeps laughing,   There is a video from SSMOF showing harassment by grandmother.    Cases dismissed.    (I hope the grandmother goes to family court, and gets the child permanently).    SSMOF says she only has one marijuana plant.   


Used Car Salesman Vows to Be Nastier-Plaintiffs bought used car from defendant (2009 Volkswagen Passat), and after two weeks car had big issues.    They took car back fairly soon.   The dealer was charging an extra $100 a month for repairs, and dealer gave them a loaner while original car was being fixed, for over 5 months.    $6,995 was purchase price of car.    Defendant says plaintiffs put wrong kind of gas in car (I've never had a salesman or service person tell me what kind of gas to use in a car).    Plaintiffs traded for the second loaner, a Jetta, and have made a payment on the original car note after car went into shop in May.   Defendant gave a statement to plaintiff saying a certain amount of money, and he claims plaintiff needed statement to get another car loan.   (JJ really dislikes car dealers, doesn't she?).    Title will be transferred for loaner car to plaintiffs.    I believe the defendant, and I don't believe the plaintiffs. 

Cat Custody Crybaby-Plaintiff suing for custody of her cat, that has been in defendant's care and custody for two years.   Plaintiff either wants cat back, or money for cat and vet bills.  Plaintiff was given cat, had cat for a month, and transferred cat to defendant where it's been for two years.  This is a sad case, plaintiff is obviously not prepared to be in court, seems to have emotional problems, and seems to be fragile.    Case dismissed, defendant keeps the cat.  

(Monday's first new episode is some kind of dog case, and from previews sound like some might want to avoid it). 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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  On 11/8/2019 at 11:59 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:


Teen Bullied Because She Smells Like Pot-Plaintiff grandmother suing mother (Sainted Single Mother of Four, SSMOF) of her 11 year old granddaughter over a false police report that grandmother was kidnapping granddaughter,  ....    Defendant has four kids, the 11 year old with one prisoner, the 7 and 9 year old with another prisoner, and one more child who has a father that isn't in jail. 

  Defendant's boyfriend claims he doesn't live with defendant, so JJ calls boyfriend's mother to find out if he actually lives with mother or defendant.    Boyfriend is with SSMOF at least 60% of the time.  (JJ is not amused by boyfriend's lies, about him paying mother rent, and that he's not living with defendant).    


Was I the only one who, when Judy called up the boyfriend to ask a question, thought the question was going to be, "When were you incarcerated?"   I really thought that was what she was going to ask.  And yikes.  Four kids, and two sperm donors in prison. (Not just "jail!")

I did love that the SSMOF clarified that the pot on the table was taken with the child's cell phone. Grandma - take a copy of the episode!!

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  On 11/8/2019 at 11:59 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Teen Bullied Because She Smells Like Pot-Plaintiff grandmother suing mother (Sainted Single Mother of Four, SSMOF) of her 11 year old granddaughter over a false police report that grandmother was kidnapping granddaughter,  School called grandmother, and said child smelled strongly of marijuana on three occasions, and child was being bullied.   Grandmother also gave granddaughter a phone to keep in touch, but mother took phone.   Defendant has several other children also.  Sadly, plaintiff's son is incarcerated.    Defendant claims school never called the grandmother (plaintiff), and has zero emotions about the child, the pot smell, bullying, and anything else.    Plaintiff claims the father of two other children of defendant (9 and 7), was calling granddaughter from prison to find out what defendant was up to.    Defendant has four kids, the 11 year old with one prisoner, the 7 and 9 year old with another prisoner, and one more child who has a father that isn't in jail. 


Pretty sure it should be "and one more child who has a father that isn't currently in jail."  Though could be "isn't in jail, yet." 

  3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

 Cat Custody Crybaby-Plaintiff suing for custody of her cat, that has been in defendant's care and custody for two years.   Plaintiff either wants cat back, or money for cat and vet bills.  Plaintiff was given cat, had cat for a month, and transferred cat to defendant where it's been for two years.  This is a sad case, plaintiff is obviously not prepared to be in court, seems to have emotional problems, and seems to be fragile.    Case dismissed, defendant keeps the cat.


Yep, sad case - everybody needs a cat. I really wanted to see the dates on those vet bills. If P really had two vet bills from June wouldn't that mean she was paying to support it 6 months after D started fostering it..... if so I would treat it as a foster fail. I wouldn't order D to surrender the cat after 2 years, but would suggest she should return any money P paid towards it's support.... who knows, though, as the text/FB messages sure looked like P's timeline is 6 months off

  • Love 6

The defendant whose daughter went to school smelling like pot is another candidate for the Judge Judy Weird Hair Hall of Fame. I couldn't take my eyes off of her hair. It was orange. Orange. Not red, titian, auburn, but Halloween pumpkin orange. Who, in their right mind, thinks that is an attractive hair color? Maybe she did a self dye job at home while on a hazy pot infused high. The boyfriend had the strangest eyes. His eyes would be normal and then all of sudden they would bug out and get really wide. He seemed high to me. They deserve each other. Poor kid. Dad is in prison and Mom smokes pot all day and colors her hair bright orange.   

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  On 11/9/2019 at 4:50 PM, DoctorK said:

I was thinking more of a traffic cone orange, but don't forget the apparently intentional long, long black roots, just for contrast I assume.


Um, hello?! Halloween?  Black and Orange?  Come on. Surely it was a  holiday inspiration?!


But I do remember thinking it was a striking (and dare I say, almost attractive) color combination with the turquoise skirt! Hooray for color TV!

Edited by SandyToes
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In the Grandmother/Pot case, I was sympathetic until they showed the footage of her in the wee hours of the morning, standing outside and shouting nasty things.  While it may be justified, that's just sinking down to the level of the person she's screaming about, and does give me pause to wonder if she's as put-together as she appears to be in court.

Mr. Funky and I both also gave a bit of a pass to the crying cat owner, as we also thought she was developmentally or emotionally delayed to some degree, and also thought she may not be able to care for a pet.  And, unless I missed it, she isn't allowed to have pets where she lives (unless she moved).  That's how the Defendant ended up with the cat to begin with.

I did belive the Plaintiff's in the car case for most of it.  My late in-laws dealt with scummy places like that all the time for their cars because they had horrible credit, no one would give them a loan, and no one was stupid enough to co-sign (well, my late step sister in law's ex husband signed for them once- she told him not to - and he made a few payments for them to protect his credit over the course of the loan).  They'd be paying $3000 for a 20 year old car that was falling apart, and these places have all kinds of creative stuff to confuse their customers.  I did find their signed letter a little iffy, but the Defendant couldn't provide any record of payments, which he should have had, so that's on him.  They were in an accident and got a settlement and ran out and got a brand new Dodge Durango (when they were a new thing).  They told me they paid cash.  Nope.  They got rooked in to a horrible financing deal where they put a ton of money down, and still had to make 5 years of monthly payments, all because they had to have that shiny new car.  What she didn't tell me is that she had to provide a reference, and she put me and my husband down.  I started getting phone calls that they weren't making their payments.  That's when I found out they didn't pay cash for the car and they lied to me.  I finally told the financing company to just repo the car, because I wasn't paying them any money, and wasn't legally obligated to.  They did just that.  Late MIL tried to sue because she had stuff in the car when they took it.  Judged laughed that out of court.  The fact that the Defendant voided their contract and re-sold the car told me he was scummy.  I also don't buy that it took 5 months to get parts for a car that is still in production.  Either he's an inept mechanic, or he's pulling something.

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  On 11/7/2019 at 3:24 PM, khyber said:

I was stunned that the ex-CO would be that stupid and besotted to bring an ex-felon into a house with children. If he did 10 years it was for something serious. Also, how stupid must she be to think that the "relationship" dynamic would be the same after he no longer needed to be subservient to her institutional power.


Never underestimate someone who is severely lonely, and will do anything to get a man/woman.  I was a member of an online community for years, and someone I knew from there in California took a liking to a member from New York.  She was a single mom of a teenager (who was a good kid), had health issues that kept her from working more than part-time at low paying jobs, and lonely/somewhat desperate.  She latched on to this guy, spent money she didn't have going back and forth to NY, and ultimately, she moved this guy to CA, and in with her and her daughter.  This guy had been in jail....for murder.  It wasn't premeditated - I think he fought with someone and killed them accidentally - but still.  Even if you believe he redeemend himself, he had a criminal history that people can't easily get over, didn't work because of it, was living in a facility in NY for people in his situation, etc.  Plus I would always wonder if he had a dark side and would hurt me or my kid.  They're still married.  He does nothing all day.  She works when she can.  He posts if she's in the hospital....and asks people to send gifts or money.  She's in the hospital and he's sitting in a library somewhere, sucking up free internet, asking peole for stuff.  Truly sad.

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  On 11/8/2019 at 4:49 PM, ButYourHonor said:

I could hardly concentrate on the case because I kept waiting for her to blink and for them to drop off due to excess weight.


I'm sorry, I just don't get how women can look in the mirror and think those thick, plastic, cheap doll-grade lashes make them look attractive. I saw an older woman, probably in her 60's wearing not only those tacky looking lashes but an even tackier looking fake ponytail extension, curled to the nth degree. It is bad enough on a young girl, but this woman was so desperate to relive her youth, it was sad really. 

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  On 11/8/2019 at 11:59 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Second-Used Car Salesman Vows to Be Nastier-Plaintiffs bought used car from defendant (2009 Volkswagen Passat), and after two weeks car had big issues.    They took car back fairly soon.   The dealer was charging an extra $100 a month for repairs, and dealer gave them a loaner while original car was being fixed, for over 5 months.    $6,995 was purchase price of car.    Defendant says plaintiffs put wrong kind of gas in car (I've never had a salesman or service person tell me what kind of gas to use in a car). 


When I heard the bit about using the wrong gas I thought case might prove interesting..... after all, over the years the volkswagen passats came with various engines, including diesel and turbocharged (which, IIRC, require high octane). And, no JJ, even if they had bought a diesel I wouldn't expect the contract would say to use diesel (I would expect a sticker somewhere saying diesel or high octane only). Wouldn't expect JJ to know, but there was chance we were going to see D get shouted down even though he was explaining it perfectly. Ah, but we really never heard WHY D claimed the fuel was the wrong stuff. What we heard was all about a bad fuel pump(s) and how it took this guy months to get a new one (didn't actually try to order one, but Google ad from Auto Zone says same day delivery on both fuel pump and the control module)...... why would wrong fuel mess with fuel pumps? I can see screwing up fuel injection, plugs, and/or the car's computer, but not the fuel pump - but then I'm not a mechanic....... 

  On 11/8/2019 at 5:59 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Plaintiffs traded for the second loaner, a Jetta, and have made a payment on the original car note after car went into shop in May.   Defendant gave a statement to plaintiff saying a certain amount of money, and he claims plaintiff needed statement to get another car loan.   (JJ really dislikes car dealers, doesn't she?).    Title will be transferred for loaner car to plaintiffs.    I believe the defendant, and I don't believe the plaintiffs.  


Wasn't so much that I disbelieved Ps as think they came to court totally unable to prove their case. Actually, neither could the D. Normally you'd think when neither side came with evidence of what was paid the case would be dismissed. Thing is, D really looked bad when he, as a business owner, claimed he didn't have payment records (nor the original contract). Then it smells when we learn he was taking far too long to repair the Passat - but why would he rush as he was collecting an extra hundred bucks a month whIle Ps had the 'loaner.' Course then we learn he doesn't even have the passat he sold the Ps (even if they stopped paying on it, he can't sell it and still be charging them $400+ monthly - $300 plus extra $100 for working on car he no longer has). In the end, despite Ps not being to prove what they paid towards the passat, I think it was charging an extra $100 for a loaner while not fixing the passat within a reasonable time frame that cooked D's goose.

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Locally, a gas station connected to the world's largest discount chain had a boo-boo.   SOmeone put diesel in the regular unleaded underground tank.    Unfortunately, this means that cars and pickups were breaking down all over town.      When a bunch of vehicles were towed to mechanics shops,  someone put the pieces together, and the gas station was shut down and tested.     This means that a certain superstore company had to pay for all towing, draining the gas and fuel, and fixing damaged components, and my understanding is that it was at least $250 per vehicle.    So the wrong gas can do all kinds of bad things.    

I never understood in the car dealer case if the car actually needed higher octane, or if it was a diesel/gas mix up.     That was a really strange case.    I can't imagine anyone having a 'loaner' for all of those months, without paperwork to change the car ownership to them, and a loan agreement covering payments.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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  On 11/11/2019 at 6:23 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I never understood in the car dealer case if the car actually needed higher octane, or if it was a diesel/gas mix up.     That was a really strange case.    I can't imagine anyone having a 'loaner' for all of those months, without paperwork to change the car ownership to them, and a loan agreement covering payments.    


Speaking of a new loan agreement reminds me of another big screw up in dealer's defense - that signed letter where he told how much P had paid towards car. Here he maintains they only made 3 payments and tries to explain the letter away by saying he was lieing to help people get a loan....... hmmmmm, wonder if the people he works through to get customers approved for loans know he's a liar liar with pants on fire

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  On 11/11/2019 at 8:43 PM, SRTouch said:

saying he was lieing to help people get a loan....... hmmmmm


I suspect that this is quite common on used car sales to people with bad credit, the same way we have seen people getting a large cash "gift" from friends/relatives just before getting qualified for a home loan, then later the lender tries to get repaid and the recipient uses the bogus letter to claim it was never a loan.

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OMG. Today, bio mom sues  the daughter she gave up for adoption and was reunited with for the death of a puppy. Bio mom (hard to call her a mom) blames daughter ( who is pet sitting for her) when older golden retriever bites 8 week pug puppy and it dies. From the daughter’s tearful testimony, dogs played together  “roughly” then as she and her boyfriend watched a movie , dogs were laying on a blanket on the floor, she noticed puppy seizing and bleeding, tried chest compression while bf called 911 and animal control was on the way. Puppy dies in a minute or two. 
Bio mom wants all kinds of money from her, plus punitive damages because she and her husband had to leave their hotel room and come home. 
JJ says Bio mom can go scratch. 

My guess is the older dog snapped/bit the pup and from what the BF said it was a head injury, that apparently went right to the brain causing the seizures and a quick death. Full grown golden vs pug puppy? Adjusting to a new member of the household is tricky with dogs, There’s generally a scuffle or two or three till they get their pecking order. You have to be very cautious and vigilant, and even then there can be injuries, usually minor. I think this was just a case of the older dog getting territorial and lashing out, sadly it managed to hit a very vulnerable spot on the puppy and it was a fatal injury.

Bio mom was a cold nasty bitch and wants nothing to do with daughter anymore. Daughter is better off. 

Edited by iwasish
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3 p.m. rerun episodes, probably about 2016-


Squatter Extortionist-Plaintiff suing ex-landlord.   She lived in room in man's house for over two years, but claims she should get her rent back, be paid for her lost property, was illegally evicted, and still lived there while taking the defendant to housing court.    Plaintiff claimed she was over charged for rent.  Defendant says renting rooms in a private house is not subject to rent control (L.A. Housing Authority), plaintiff disagrees, and L.A. Housing later says not rent controlled.    So plaintiff claims house was disgusting, but she couldn't find another place in L.A. to rent.  Plaintiff stayed for five months, after she was issued a three day notice to leave, but never paid rent during those months at all.  I love the defendant's happy smile when he realizes he has won the case.   

No over-payment will happen after the Housing Authority ruling.  Housing also said they don't have jurisdiction over single family homes, so squatter plaintiff arguing with JJ is despicable.   And if the plaintiff rolls her eyes at JJ again, I want Byrd to boot her.  Case is dismissed by JJ.   There is a counter claim for five months rent, and false charges to the Housing Authority.    $3,000 to defendant, and nothing to the plaintiff.    

Entrepreneur on the Hot Seat-Plaintiff suing defendant for selling her a Prius with a lien  (title loan) on it. (defendant told to button his shirt, thanks JJ, but next time send Byrd to do it with duct tape).    Plaintiffs were told there was a title loan, but they claim the defendant was going to pay off the title loan, and went to the bank with him, and he gave plaintiffs a receipt for the payment of the title loan.    Plaintiffs went to DMV to register car, told lien was still on it, wait a couple of days for it to clear, but it never did.   Defendant had a few bounced checks owed to the bank, so the bank took the loan payment to cover the checks.  Plaintiff paid off the title loan, because they wanted the Prius ($9,000+), and defendant claims he would repay the money within 30 days.  Defendant never paid a penny to plaintiffs on the Title Loan pay off.    Plaintiff's get the money JJ can give them, and defendant is still a jerk. 


Warning: Adorable Puppy in Court-Plaintiff suing former boyfriend over custody of adorable dog, Nugget.    Another plaintiff who thinks she gave birth to the dog, I guess that never occurred to her what that makes her, does she?     Defendant says plaintiff's former apartment doesn't allow pets, so dog always lived with defendant.    Defendant paid for the dog on payments, by himself.   Nugget was $1500, and defendant paid all of them.    Plaintiff put her credit card down for dog, but defendant most of the payments.  Plaintiff never paid the rent.    The moved in together in September, and plaintiff moved out in April.    Plaintiff sneaks in the mention that doggy finance company said they were going to repo the dog, so she paid four months on the dog.    Plaintiff claims since she had an Instagram account for Nugget, and that he's her child, that she should get the dog.   

Plaintiff's name was never on the contract to pay for dog as a purchaser, and has no claim to the dog.  Defendant has a statement from credit company that he has paid off the dog purchase contract.  As JJ says, defendant owns the dog legally.   If defendant hadn't paid off the dog, then the loan company could have repossessed the dog, and resold it to plaintiff, but that's not going to happen.   Case dismissed, and Nugget goes home with defendant.   

(In the hall-terview plaintiff says she wants visitation, and defendant says never going to happen). 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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In this day of using "proper identifiers" and political correctness, may I object to the number of times the show referred to the biological parent as the "Mother."   No.  Bio mom, bio parent, bio mother are fine.  But a true "mother" is the one who got up every night to feed and diaper, kissed scraped knees, studied spelling words, bathed feverish foreheads, was Brownie leader and slumber party host, and on and on and on.

end of adoptive Mom rant/soapbox 

Regarding this woman - ugh.  Her child is sooooo much better off.  That woman is BSC.  I agree with Judy on this one - you don't adopt a puppy and then leave. Sad, unfortunate, and maybe the daughter could have been watching more closely. But to sue for all that crap?  Sheesh. Way to permanently end what could have been a relationship.  I think the bio mom really didn't want it, and this was just a way to put the last nail in the coffin.  Poor girl.  No telling if she really does have an abusive adoptive family, but sad that she's lost an important part of her life.  We are having a baby shower for my (adopted) daughter in a couple of weeks, and her birth mom and aunt are attending.  Lovely woman, whom I adore. Will be awkward, since my family hasn't met them before, but the more people who love my daughter, the better, in my opinion. I'll be sharing "our" daughter, but the day is about her, not me.

Sigh.  Thanks for letting me rant.

Saw the blurb about the fatal car accident, but didn't see the episode. I can not imagine.....

  • Love 13

Good grief, the “mother” was a stone cold bitch!  She wanted every penny she ever spent on her daughter.  She said she “could” have taken care of her as a baby - which makes the fact that she put her up for adoption a particularly selfish act.  She and her husband sound less responsible than the girl.  Who the heck gets a puppy right before leaving for any kind of trip?  Hell, my sister and bil didn’t leave their new puppy alone even for grocery shopping for WEEKS after getting it - and they don’t have a second huge dog.

Daughter is WAY better off without her “help”. Personally, I just wanted to punch her in the throat and pull the age-inappropriate ombré clip-in out of her hair.

Edited by ButYourHonor
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  On 11/11/2019 at 9:58 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

No over-payment will happen after the Housing Authority ruling.  Housing also said they don't have jurisdiction over single family homes, so squatter plaintiff arguing with JJ is despicable.   And if the plaintiff rolls her eyes at JJ again, I want Byrd to boot her.  Case is dismissed by JJ.   There is a counter claim for five months rent, and false charges to the Housing Authority.    $3,000 to defendant, and nothing to the plaintiff.


Didn't see this one today, but so glad she ruled in favor of the landlord.  Very rare for her! And once again, if some of these people spent half as much time working as they do studying ways to misuse the system, we'd all be better off.  IMO.  YMMV.


 Plaintiff was arrested on an outstanding warrant, and spent three days in jail.  Arrest had zero to do with defendant, and plaintiff took a plea to get out of jail. 


From Crazy's recap:  I thought this was hilarious.  So clueless. 

Edited by SandyToes
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5 p.m. episodes, both new-


Adopted Daughter Kills Mom's Dog-Plaintiff (biological mom of defendant) reconnect.   Daughter is dog sitting Mom's 8 week old puppy at Mom's house, after bio. Mom's older Golden Retriever bites puppy, and it dies.  (Strangely, both women have the same hairdo).  Daughter moves to Utah, and then moves in with Mom.   Plaintiff wants moving costs of moving daughter to Utah to live with her.  Moving costs thrown out.   Unpaid loans to daughter by Mom, and cost of used $1,000 car, were both before daughter had job.  Bio. Mom claims daughter was in abusive family, but her adoptive mother sought out Bio. Mom for daughter at 18.   Unpaid loans, and car loan are crossed out, no expectation of repayment, and it was for everyday items.   

Hotel costs requested by Bio. Mom, for when Bio Mom and her husband came home after being called about puppy.   She wanted daughter to dog sit 8 week old puppy at Bio. Mom's home, in an attack by plaintiff's older dog.   When daughter called that puppy had been attacked, and was dying, Bio. Mom and step dad came home, and want to be repaid for hotel room (JJ throws that out).   

Bio Mom plaintiff wants punitive damages for death of puppy.   However, they had out of town trip scheduled when they got the puppy.     (Actually, I wouldn't have left my older Lab with an 8 week old puppy, she was rather possessive, and didn't tolerate up start puppy attitude.   Plus, a pug puppy at 8 weeks would be super tiny compared to the Golden.   I doubt it took much force to cause the seizure, and bleeding in a tiny puppy like that..     

Plaintiff says older Golden Retriever was playing with the 8 week old Pug puppy, (after 10 days of peace with the Golden, and Pug), and then bit puppy.    Daughter calls Bio. Mom, says there is nothing she could do to save the Pug.  Puppy was bleeding, and seizing, and it died very quickly.   (Byrd to the rescue with Kleenex).   Apparently the blanket on the floor was the same one the older dog used quite a few times.   Plaintiff keeps saying what defendant told to the plaintiff's husband, husband didn't come to court.   (What was up with the horrible panty, elastic line on the plaintiff?   Either control tops that couldn't control, or a Spanx knock off that wasn't properly fitted.  

 I agree with JJ, this was plaintiff's dog, that bit a puppy she also owned, and didn't say to keep them separated.     Accidents happen, and dogs will be dogs.   Plaintiff dog case thrown out too.     Case dismissed.  (In hall-terview both litigants are not having further contact, and I agree with defendant that "Mother" was looking for a reason to dump her)


Fatal Car Accident Fallout-Plaintiff received a $30,000 settlement for being in an auto accident where her father and another relative died.      Plaintiff bought a condo with some of her settlement.    Plaintiff loaned $5300 to buy truck, ($7500 total price), and he sold truck, to upgrade.   Defendant never paid a penny back, and claims they both signed a contract that the truck was defendant's, and only in his name.     Defendant's mother is obviously a crook as well as defendant, since she thinks it's just fine that defendant is a crook.    $5,000 to plaintiff.

  Reveal spoiler

Struggling Single Moms Wage War-Plaintiff (SSMOO-Sainted Single Mother of One) suing former friend (Sainted Single Mother of Two) for a false restraining order, false arrest, and stolen property.  Plaintiff moved in with defendant, paying rent, and found that defendant was only paying $87 a month in rent for the subsidized housing.    Plaintiff told defendant that she had found her own apartment.   Plaintiff and defendant both claim nasty text messages.   Plaintiff was arrested on an outstanding warrant, and spent three days in jail.  Arrest had zero to do with defendant, and plaintiff took a plea to get out of jail.   Only thing left is the missing property junk, with the usual excuses on both sides.   Case dismissed.    

(Warning, tomorrow's first case is a dog that died from neglect. Second new episode tomorrow has a Pomeranian, don't know what the case is though.)

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 4
  On 11/11/2019 at 11:28 PM, ButYourHonor said:

Good grief, the “mother” was a stone cold bitch!  She wanted every penny she ever spent on her daughter.  She said she “could” have taken care of her as a baby - which makes the fact that she put her up for adoption a particularly selfish act.  She and her husband sound less responsible than the girl!  Who the heck gets a puppy right before leaving for any kind of trip?  Hell, my sister didn’t leave their new puppy alone for WEEKS after getting it - and they don’t have a second huge dog!

Daughter is WAY better off without her “help”. Personally, I just wanted to punch her in the throat and pull her age-inappropriate ombré clip-in out of her hair.


I’m introducing my 2 yr old dachshund to the new addition 12 wk old dachshund and it takes time and caution. Most of the time they’re okay together but there are moments when the older one will go after the pup, seemingly for no reason. You have to be quick to step in because injuries can happen and these are small dogs not a 60lb vs 5/6 pounder. If by chance the big dog just happened to hit the right spot on the puppy’s head a canine tooth could easily pierce the skull and hit brain. It happens in a split second.  I won’t leave my two alone together at least until the puppy is close enough in age and size to defend herself. I also won’t leave food/toys or anything there could be a territory issue over. 

The daughter called her Bio mother and stepfather, spoke to the stepfather to let them know what happened but he didn’t appear in court. Ummm I wonder if Biomom was a bit jealous that stepdaddy might find her daughter kind of cute, so she went looking for a reason to get rid of her.... Kind of like how her older dog didn't like sharing attention with the newer cute addition? 

we didn’t get a real good explanation of the injury except from the daughter’s bf. He just said that the injury went to the brain causing seizures and death. The daughter mentioned a lot of blood. Neither mentioned hearing growling snarling or yelping. So it must have been a quick silent attack. 
I didn’t see anything from the daughter that made me think she was a spoiled brat or negligent. I think biomom had an issue with the fact that having  a 20yr old daughter made it difficult to pass herself off as 29. 

  • LOL 4
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  On 11/11/2019 at 11:28 PM, ButYourHonor said:

Good grief, the “mother” was a stone cold bitch!  She wanted every penny she ever spent on her daughter.  She said she “could” have taken care of her as a baby - which makes the fact that she put her up for adoption a particularly selfish act.  She and her husband sound less responsible than the girl!  Who the heck gets a puppy right before leaving for any kind of trip?  Hell, my sister didn’t leave their new puppy alone for WEEKS after getting it - and they don’t have a second huge dog!

Daughter is WAY better off without her “help”. Personally, I just wanted to punch her in the throat and pull her age-inappropriate ombré clip-in out of her hair.


To say I despised that woman would be the understatement of the year. She became pregnant at 15-16, gave the girl up for adoption and evidently hasn’t learned a f’n thing since. Argumentative, evasive, self absorbed, shallow waste of space.  One of her dogs kills the other dog and she sues the 18 year old, not to bring the dog back to life, but for money. Absolutely vile woman has now thrown that girl away twice. I’d like to see bio mom thrown under a bus next. Props to the boyfriend who came off well. Someone needs to throw their arms around that kid. 

  • Love 14

 I think biomom had an issue with the fact that having  a 20yr old daughter made it difficult to pass herself off as 29. 


I was stunned when she said she was only 36.  I thought she looked far older.  Sounds like she was as attentive at being a dog owner as she was a birth mother.  I felt SO bad for the daughter when she said she thought the birth mother was just looking for a way to get rid of her.  She seemed totally responsible for as young as she was.  

We'll be picking up our new puppy in 4 weeks.  She'll be 8 weeks old then and we were going to go to FL in April, but now we're considering skipping it since the pup will ONLY be around 6-7 months at the time.  Who knew I could pick her up one day and bounce the next? 

  • Love 5
  On 11/12/2019 at 1:08 AM, VartanFan said:

I was stunned when she said she was only 36.  I thought she looked far older.  Sounds like she was as attentive at being a dog owner as she was a birth mother.  I felt SO bad for the daughter when she said she thought the birth mother was just looking for a way to get rid of her.  She seemed totally responsible for as young as she was.  

We'll be picking up our new puppy in 4 weeks.  She'll be 8 weeks old then and we were going to go to FL in April, but now we're considering skipping it since the pup will ONLY be around 6-7 months at the time.  Who knew I could pick her up one day and bounce the next? 


And, Lawd, that skanky mother gave new meaning to the term "panty lines".  Did anybody else see that wardrobe atrocity?

That poor young lady, to come out of an abusive situation into one where her biological mother begrudges every penny she ever spent on her.  That hallterview told the tale quite well.  What a self absorbed piece of garbage that "mother" was.

Edited by littlebennysmom
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  On 11/12/2019 at 1:20 AM, littlebennysmom said:

And, Lawd, that skanky mother gave new meaning to the term "panty lines".  Did anybody else see that wardrobe atrocity?


Yes I saw that and am glad someone else noticed.  That outfit was about 2 sizes too small. The situation the 18 yr. old lived in may have been better than what she would have had with her bio mom.  I wonder if she even shed a tear all those years ago when she gave her up.  

Young lady--as Dr. Laura would say--she is your bio mom simply because she had sex with a man and got pregnant.  That did not make her a MOM in the true sense of the word.  Maybe you will be fortunate and marry a man with a great mom that will love you as you deserve.

Edited by parrotfeathers
  • Love 13
  On 11/12/2019 at 12:21 AM, blondiek237 said:

The only thing that bothered me about the daughter was she said both dogs were in their crates when she got there, she said she let them out, but bio mom said nothing about it so bio mom must have been ok with that


Yes they were in separate kennels, but bio mom and hubby were going to be away part of the day and overnight. She wanted the daughter to let the dogs out to play, go to the bathroom and be watched overnight. She never said she told the daughter to keep them separated when out of the kennels. After  having the dogs outside,  the  daughter and her bf were watching  tv and the dogs were laying on the floor by the couch. 
I can’t think of one thing the girl did wrong. She even said she washed the puppy  afterward so the people wouldn’t see it “like that” and that she cleaned up all the bloody mess. They called 911, she tried to give it chest compressions and the bf said animal control was on the way, but the puppy only lived a few minutes. She was clearly heartbroken. I give her credit for being able to bathe that poor thing after it died and for cleaning up. The mother said the dogs had played  together without incident, so it could just as easily have happened while she was there. Dogs are dogs. Mother dogs kill their own puppies sometimes, accidentally and on purpose. Sometimes shit just happens. And some women shouldn’t have children... or dogs. 

  • Love 13
  On 11/12/2019 at 12:39 AM, Byrd is the Word said:

To say I despised that woman would be the understatement of the year. She became pregnant at 15-16, gave the girl up for adoption and evidently hasn’t learned a f’n thing since. Argumentative, evasive, self absorbed, shallow waste of space.  One of her dogs kills the other dog and she sues the 18 year old, not to bring the dog back to life, but for money. Absolutely vile woman has now thrown that girl away twice. I’d like to see bio mom thrown under a bus next. Props to the boyfriend who came off well. Someone needs to throw their arms around that kid. 


I thought the boyfriend came off well too.  Seemed responsible, well-spoken, and supportive.

That hall-terview with the “mom” made me want to slap her again.  Did she REALLY want us to believe that she was just upset because the girl never apologized?  After seeing that poor girl get emotional, does anyone think she DIDN’T APOLOGIZE??  What an absolute twat.

  • Love 11
  On 11/12/2019 at 2:00 AM, iwasish said:

Yes they were in separate kennels, but bio mom and hubby were going to be away part of the day and overnight. She wanted the daughter to let the dogs out to play, go to the bathroom and be watched overnight. She never said she told the daughter to keep them separated when out of the kennels. After  having the dogs outside,  the  daughter and her bf were watching  tv and the dogs were laying on the floor by the couch. 
I can’t think of one thing the girl did wrong. She even said she washed the puppy  afterward so the people wouldn’t see it “like that” and that she cleaned up all the bloody mess. They called 911, she tried to give it chest compressions and the bf said animal control was on the way, but the puppy only lived a few minutes. She was clearly heartbroken. I give her credit for being able to bathe that poor thing after it died and for cleaning up. The mother said the dogs had played  together without incident, so it could just as easily have happened while she was there. Dogs are dogs. Mother dogs kill their own puppies sometimes, accidentally and on purpose. Sometimes shit just happens. And some women shouldn’t have children... or dogs. 


That why I worded it the way I did, if there was an issue letting them out the bio mom would have surley said something, she was throwing every other excuse out there.  She was a piece of work

  • Love 6
  On 11/12/2019 at 2:32 AM, ButYourHonor said:

I thought the boyfriend came off well too.  Seemed responsible, well-spoken, and supportive.

That hall-terview with the “mom” made me want to slap her again.  Did she REALLY want us to believe that she was just upset because the girl never apologized?  After seeing that poor girl get emotional, does anyone think she DIDN’T APOLOGIZE??  What an absolute twat.


I imagine she apologized over and over and over again, and was probably genuinely sobbing while she did it.  I think it took every ounce of self-restraint JJ possesses not to call that fraud of a human being to come to the bench and then bitch-slap the hell out of her.

I hope she told ALL her friends (if she even has any) to watch her TV debut so that when she calls them afterward they don't pick up her calls.  Hell, I wouldn't.  But I sure as hell take her daughter's.

And it really was the parade of bad moms today.  That mother in the car loan case is another one that deserved a well-placed roundhouse kick in her ass as well.  She would not STOP talking smears about the plaintiff, who seemed pretty well adjusted to me.  She and that brain dead offspring of hers somehow thought "no strings" re the truck meant "no payback."  Notice dumbshit mother wasn't included in the halterview.

  • Love 14
  On 11/12/2019 at 2:28 PM, Carolina Girl said:

I imagine she apologized over and over and over again, and was probably genuinely sobbing while she did it.  I think it took every ounce of self-restraint JJ possesses not to call that fraud of a human being to come to the bench and then bitch-slap the hell out of her.

I hope she told ALL her friends (if she even has any) to watch her TV debut so that when she calls them afterward they don't pick up her calls.  Hell, I wouldn't.  But I sure as hell take her daughter's.

And it really was the parade of bad moms today.  That mother in the car loan case is another one that deserved a well-placed roundhouse kick in her ass as well.  She would not STOP talking smears about the plaintiff, who seemed pretty well adjusted to me.  She and that brain dead offspring of hers somehow thought "no strings" re the truck meant "no payback."  Notice dumbshit mother wasn't included in the halterview.


A friend who watched the puppy case made an interesting observation. She said perhaps the bio mom had a really bad history with the father of her daughter and having the daughter back I her life brought all that history up and she took it out on the daughter..... or she’s just a stone cold bitch.

It was strange that the husband who got the actual  call when the incident happened wasn’t in court. I wonder if he disagreed with suing or his testimony would have supported the daughters story. 

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  On 11/12/2019 at 12:07 AM, iwasish said:

I didn’t see anything from the daughter that made me think she was a spoiled brat or negligent. I think biomom had an issue with the fact that having  a 20yr old daughter made it difficult to pass herself off as 29. 


Me either.  Bio Mom asked the daughter to move to Utah - daughter said she hadn't planned on going there.  So if that's the case, then moving expenses, etc, are on Bio Mom.  If she's telling the truth about wanting to get her out of an abusive situation, then that's commendable, but an 18 year old just out of school doesn't have the finances.  Even Bio Mom admitted that she got a job and moved out as soon as she was able.

And while Bio Mom wanted to sound altruistic, it sounds to me as if she saw the daughter as free help.  She could have boarded the puppy and it would have been in professional hands.  Bio Mom's comments about daughter not apologizing rang hollow, as she cried hard while trying to explain what happened.  That will probably haunt her forever.

Maybe having to admit to her friends that she had a baby young and put it up for adoption was something she didn't want to do?  Maybe she thought they'd connect more than they did?  Who knows?  But that doesn't mean that all of a sudden you can just say "Pony Up" and write them off.  Either way, the daughter is better off without this woman in her life.

I also found it telling the husband didn't show up.

Edited by funky-rat
  • Love 11

OMG. Today, bio mom sues  the daughter she gave up for adoption and was reunited with for the death of a puppy. Bio mom (hard to call her a mom) blames daughter ( who is pet sitting for her) when older golden retriever bites 8 week pug puppy and it dies. From the daughter’s tearful testimony, dogs played together  “roughly” then as she and her boyfriend watched a movie , dogs were laying on a blanket on the floor


First of all, I have had multiple pugs - pug puppies are about the most annoying animal on the planet. I have raised three pug puppies. Way WAY worse than any other kind of puppy I've had. Think tiny Tasmanian devil dog on steroids. I'm sure the puppy was annoying the big dog severely. However, pug puppies are prone to something called PDE (pug dog encephalopathy) which can cause seizures (it's a congenital brain problem). So perhaps the dog had a seizure from some other reason and died. (your pug puppy lesson is over). 

Bio Mom was stone coooooldddd.  I understand that "oh let's make her responsible" thing, but give the girl a break, especially about the dog. I also wanted to get in line to pull her extensions out. 

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  On 11/12/2019 at 12:07 AM, iwasish said:

I think biomom had an issue with the fact that having  a 20yr old daughter made it difficult to pass herself off as 29. 


My husband said this exact thing!!!! 

  On 11/12/2019 at 12:16 AM, Mondrianyone said:

Me neither.  Just the opposite, in fact.  Which means, if she's lucky, that she doesn't have any traits in common with the bitch who birthed her


Agree, I don't know what the 'abusive' situation was in her adoptive home, but this poor girl got screwed by both families if that accusation was true. The good news is she seems well-adjusted for someone whose family 'abused' her and whose bio bitch mom rejected her. I pray her future holds nothing but good things, because she has suffered enough. 

  On 11/12/2019 at 12:07 AM, iwasish said:

Kind of like how her older dog didn't like sharing attention with the newer cute addition? 


Was I only one that wondered if the weekend event was a swinger's party? Just seemed odd that the daughter was unable to reach either of them for some time and there was no elaboration on what they were doing. 

And bio bitch and her stupid side-ponytail with fake colored hair extension needed to size up in that latex dress she was wearing, could see her thong panty lines a long with some puckers on her butt cheeks.*

*disclaimer - I'm no Gigi Hadid, but neither did I recently meet and reject my bio child because I'm a cold hearted bitch. 

  • LOL 1
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  On 11/12/2019 at 4:56 PM, funky-rat said:

Maybe having to admit to her friends that she had a baby young and put it up for adoption was something she didn't want to do?  Maybe she thought they'd connect more than they did?  Who knows?  But that doesn't mean that all of a sudden you can just say "Pony Up" and write them off.  Either way, the daughter is better off without this woman in her life.


Maybe not enough people "mistakenly" thought they were sisters, tee hee. But yeah, all of you have already covered how repulsive this woman is and everything that's wrong with her and why she needs a good slapping. I also hope the daughter's boyfriend is a good guy and can finally provide her with some love and stability.

Truck Idiot's idiot mother can also go take a long walk off a short pier.

  • LOL 2
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  On 11/12/2019 at 6:09 PM, augmentedfourth said:

Maybe not enough people "mistakenly" thought they were sisters, tee hee. But yeah, all of you have already covered how repulsive this woman is and everything that's wrong with her and why she needs a good slapping. I also hope the daughter's boyfriend is a good guy and can finally provide her with some love and stability.

Truck Idiot's idiot mother can also go take a long walk off a short pier.


I almost hated Truck Mom even more than Cinderella Bio Mom.

  • LOL 3
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  On 11/12/2019 at 5:58 PM, BexKeps said:

Was I only one that wondered if the weekend event was a swinger's party? Just seemed odd that the daughter was unable to reach either of them for some time and there was no elaboration on what they were doing. 

And bio bitch and her stupid side-ponytail with fake colored hair extension needed to size up in that latex dress she was wearing, could see her thong panty lines a long with some puckers on her butt cheeks.*

*disclaimer - I'm no Gigi Hadid, but neither did I recently meet and reject my bio child because I'm a cold hearted bitch. 


Nope.  I wondered the same thing (swingers, or some similar thing).

There's nothing wrong with not wanting children.  Not everyone should have kids.  And that's OK.  And her giving away the baby for any number of reasons is fine too, and probably for the best ("abusive" situation not withstanding).  But don't then suggest the now-grown-up child move in with you, and then reject them.  I agreed with the daughter that Bio Mom just wanted to be done with her, and used this as an excuse.  JJ was right that this woman was used to having a life where she could do as she pleased, and that's fine, but then don't have the kid move to Utah to be with you, then treat her like crap.

  • Love 13
  On 11/12/2019 at 6:18 PM, funky-rat said:

There's nothing wrong with not wanting children.  Not everyone should have kids.  And that's OK. 



  On 11/12/2019 at 6:18 PM, funky-rat said:

But don't then suggest the now-grown-up child move in with you, and then reject them.



I think bio mom was curious, and maybe thought they could be buddies, but then grew tired of being a 'mom' (I use that term very loosely in this situation). Heck, the woman couldn't even be trusted to care for a tiny puppy, no way she could handle a real life adult/child who needs emotional interaction on a regular basis. That woman was cold, cold, cold. 

Edited by BexKeps
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