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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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I wondered the same things, and had to double check to make sure I was in the right place.


Googled "Mike Donna PSL" and I think the TV show BunnyHop is snarking on is Suits


Speaking of dog-deterrents, someone told me about a product called HELP.  He says a dog sprayed with it has to be treated by a vet.  It doesn't harm the dog, but vet treatment is required to remove it.  I've googled but can't find any info on it. Maybe it's been taken off the market.

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NO sympathy for the fake-weepy mom who "wouldn't put a mattress on her back" and opened a utilities account in her teenage daughter's name so her family wouldn't be homeless after a divorce.  First of all, mom, the mattress doesn't go on your back, so you wouldn't have made any money that way.  How did that woman end up with foster kids?

Oh, hells to the NAH, don't get me going on this POS woman!!! As my younger D used to tell her sister "If I give you a dollar could you squeeze out a tear?"  I was not impressed by the lack of mattress on her back but maybe a pillow over her face would be more appropriate (with a large hairy hand pressing it HARD). Who steals their kid's identity and then mucks up her credit? How crappy is this? And I don't think she actually had actual "foster" children any more than some of these supposed "nurses" are on JJ. She probably had a couple of random teenagers living in her house (unless she was calling her grandkids her "foster" kids. She was all about how noble she was "escaping" her situation and she was sooo full of brown mushy - I kept watching her daughter's face and it was evident what a crummy person she was. And maybe the daughter wasn't too sharp having two little kids so fast but at least she was being responsible and paying off the bills. 

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I am guilty as charged.  I posted in the wrong forum!


No problem! I got excited at first when I saw this:



Because, well, the entire world will suffer if this arrogant little shit is exposed for the lying, selfish liar he is.  The self-righteousness of a bunch of liars,  demanding that everybody lie, obstruct,and generally roll around in the mud with them has just pushed me to my limits.


I thought it was a preview for an upcoming JJ and it sounded better than the dog-and-rent cases we've been getting a lot. XD



Oh, hells to the NAH, don't get me going on this POS woman!!!


Best part, well, ONE of the best parts was her declaring all proudly how her mom taught her that "Everyone has to work!" So says the woman who probably never had a job in her life and would rather shaft her daughter than get out and earn some money.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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I am glad we cleared up The Suits wrong post because I was going to quote it and ask What the hell are you talking about? because I thought I was losing my mind.


I thought it was a case of four being too many people to fix a roof in the re-roof case. I believe the defendant did go into the contract on the up and up and was honest when he said it was to be shingles on shingles. I do think he may have gotten in over his head with something and that is why the roof didn't get finished, so that part is on him. But I also think that the plaintiffs were those people who did create some mutiny on the job site and the hourly worker was just that worker who was up for mutiny. He seemed to know just enough to set the seeds of boss is screwing you. I think the contractor got kind of screwed and the customers got kind of screwed and the hourly worker got on my nerves.

Exactly the way I see it!

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Speaking of dog-deterrents, someone told me about a product called HELP.  He says a dog sprayed with it has to be treated by a vet.  It doesn't harm the dog, but vet treatment is required to remove it.  I've googled but can't find any info on it. Maybe it's been taken off the market.


Might it have been HALT? I've known of this product for decades but never used it. I remember its being used by delivery persons back in the day. It was supposed to work on dogs vs repellents which deter humans but were not so effective on canines.


A quick net search tells me it's still available. Check amazon.

Edited by LeftSideViewer
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That mom had foster kids but couldn't get utilities in her name?  Weird.


Weird?  Not in JJ-land it ain't.  Woman had unpaid utility bills that went into collection some time in the past.  That's why she had to use her daughter's name.  Very basic stuff, you learn this after lunch on the first day of J-school, come on!


No one commenting on the name Mrs. Fleece?  Isn't that grand, Mrs. FLEECE!!?! Fleeced her daughter, alright.I think the JJ producers, to save time and to make cases more clear to us, should grant the litigants fake names to use on the show:


Khyber, I don't watch dog bite cases either.  Same ole, same ole, so I too am bummed that I missed the tidbit about  having the affront to walk your dogs on July 4th.  Could this be from the fact that many dogs go nuts over thunder and fireworks, so dogs tend to be jittery on July 4th?

That mom had foster kids but couldn't get utilities in her name?  Weird.


Weird?  Not in JJ-land it ain't.  Woman had unpaid utility bills that went into collection some time in the past.  That's why she had to use her daughter's name.  Very basic stuff, you learn this after lunch on the first day of J-school, come on!


No one commenting on the name Mrs. Fleece?  Isn't that grand, Mrs. FLEECE!!?! Fleeced her daughter, alright.I think the JJ producers, to save time and to make cases more clear to us, should grant the litigants fake names to use on the show:


Khyber, I don't watch dog bite cases either.  Same ole, same ole, so I too am bummed that I missed the tidbit about  having the affront to walk your dogs on July 4th.  Could this be from the fact that many dogs go nuts over thunder and fireworks, so dogs tend to be jittery on July 4th?

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No one commenting on the name Mrs. Fleece?


i remember noting that even before the case was described! Kinda says it all. Fingers crossed for some great eps today!  Rainy here, a good day to snuggle on the LaZBoy and watch educational programming. 

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Khyber, I don't watch dog bite cases either.  Same ole, same ole, so I too am bummed that I missed the tidbit about  having the affront to walk your dogs on July 4th.  Could this be from the fact that many dogs go nuts over thunder and fireworks, so dogs tend to be jittery on July 4th?






The POS defendants were stating (IIRC) that fireworks scared their dogs enough to jump the fence and come after the plaintiff's dog who was being walked on the leash.  The NERVE of that woman, walking her dog on a LEASH.  I wanted to punch their faces in so much.  I think I will start to FF through dog cases too.

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The POS defendants were stating (IIRC) that fireworks scared their dogs enough to jump the fence and come after the plaintiff's dog who was being walked on the leash.

And that's why if there are fireworks you bring your dogs inside. I live in Florida, land of random fireworks - if it's slightly dark outside somebody's setting something off - last night I'm sitting on the sofa around 930 PM and some yahoo behind my townhouse starts setting off firecrackers (at first I thought it was gunshots, then I heard the quick popping and knew what it was). And my dog was freaking out RIGHT NEXT TO ME instead of running around outside biting other creatures. 


And in Craigslist news, some lady got beat to a pulp down here after being attacked by her roommate she found a week ago on Craigslist. I swear, Craigslist is the Devil. 

Edited by ItsHelloPattiagain
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Today's "Who owns the dog?" case -- can someone explain why JJ gave the plaintiff $1,000 when he only paid $200 for the dog?  Even if he bought both dogs (which I doubt), that's only $400. 


In the car loan case with the plaintiff drug-addict jailbird ex-husband who wanted his ex-wife to reimburse his mother for a 20-year-old car that was purchased when they were married (whew!) -- JJ did the right thing but I wanted to wipe the ex-wife's smirk right off her face.  She just loved JJ reading the riot act to her ex-MIL, who is also her children's grandmother and someone she put in charge of supervised visitation.  What a f'd up family.


Edited by AuntiePam
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The meth addict "unemployed crane operator" whose mom was trying to take money (being gained by social assistance) for her grandkids to pay money back that their father owed for a car he bought (and sold, for meth money I'd wager). He and ex were each supposed to pay back half of the loan with their tax returns (natutally) which were apparently $3,700 to each of them. Mommy and her meth son were irate because HE worked for that money that "earned" that tax refund! Apparently he forgot that ex-wifey would have been used as a huge "tax writeoff" being a stay at home parent, as well as for all of their social assistance received by the parents and their 3 spawn.

And of course unemplyed fresh out of jail methy has his current fiancee there for support. And of course grandma had "driving kids 40 minutes back and forth to jail to see dad" and wasting huge amount of money to do this (even though he had custody every 2nd weekend) as well as wasting money to feed his kids she was looking after on his custody weekends, cause he was in jail.

Edited by Decoda
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I swear, Craigslist is the Devil.


I'm leaning towards people who use CL are morons. Who but a moron would invite someone they've known a week - or a day - to come and live with them? Beaten to a pulp? She's luckier than other morons who got bumped off by their CL hookups.


Bobby, Bobby - angry, mini-drug addict, jailbird and unemployed father of three who needs to borrow money from mommy for a 1984 hoopty and who will NOT be disrespected by JJ - I understand you. You've earned that respect!  I don't know what to say about him. I perked up when I noticed that his new and very lucky "fiancee" appeared to be a clone of his ex-wife. Poor mom, can't even buy herself a bra.


Ms.Mikus? What's a nice lady like you doing hooking up with ol' "duhh... errr.... I can't think... whut?" Toothless McGee who is unable to beg, borrow, steal or earn $400 to care for his injured child? Don't be so desperate, okay?


I couldn't watch those two nitwits in the dog  case. No more dogs. Ever.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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I liked when JJ put the meth-faced dad on blast after he said he supported his kids while living in the halfway house/sober living home (whatever they called it). No one argued with her when she logically said, "There was no way you bought food for your kids. You had no job. You were either stealing food from that house or elsewhere and smuggling it to your kids."  Another one of those men who claims that he provides for his children, despite not paying child support.....   I really expected him to give double middle fingers while being walked out of the courtroom.

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Bobby, Bobby - angry, mini-drug addict, jailbird and unemployed father of three who needs to borrow money from mommy for a 1984 hoopty and who will NOT be disrespected by JJ - I understand you. You've earned that respect! I don't know what to say about him. I perked up when I noticed that his new and very lucky "fiancee" appeared to be a clone of his ex-wife. Poor mom, can't even buy herself a bra.

Well, I can understand the ex's fighting. You hope that they can put all the hard feelings behind when the divorce is final, and at least act civil for the kids' sake, but how often does that happen. The one I don't understand is grandma suing because Mom didn't send food and pay for the gas when grandma was hauling the kids for their supervised visits with jail bird daddy. Then we get the jail bird dad in the hall saying he should have custoday - yeah, right, like the kids would be better off with unemployed druggy dad and bitter grandma. Not that I think mom is a prize, she sure did enjoy listening to JJ give plaintiff and son grief.

Ms.Mikus? What's a nice lady like you doing hooking up with ol' "duhh... errr.... I can't think... whut?" Toothless McGee who is unable to beg, borrow, steal or earn $400 to care for his injured child? Don't be so desperate, okay?

Defendant seemed to be one of many who have selective hearing. He goes to the plaintiff because his daughter breaks her leg at school and he doesn't have health insurance. Plaintiff said she's a single mom working 2 jobs, who works with special ed kids. (Don't know if defendant's daughter is one of the kids she works with.) She says she loaned him the money because he said he'd pay in 2 weeks. Now for the selective hearing part. I imagine she said something like, "don't worry about paying me now, just take care of your little girl." And what he heard was "don't worry about paying me back, here's the money, it's a gift". JJ surprised defendant when she ruled instead of putting up with his clown act. Edited by SRTouch
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Today's "Who owns the dog?" case -- can someone explain why JJ gave the plaintiff $1,000 when he only paid $200 for the dog? Even if he bought both dogs (which I doubt), that's only $400.

Another time when we're left scratching our head because we don't hear all the evidence. I understood the plaintiff was asking for price of the dog, vet bills, food etc totaling $1000. Let's see, price of dog, puppy shots, spaying, expensive food, hell let's throw in a bunch of toys and training. The bottom line is, JJ didn't like the girl and her story, so she threw the book at defendant and gave the guy what he was asking. Edited by SRTouch
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Yes, she did!  I wish I had that kind of talent for makeup.

She really did do a nice job! Her eyes looked really beautiful instead of like a raccoon that went on a bender the night before. Too bad she seemed to by a lyin' little shit. I think JJ would have been nicer to her if she'd admitted that she led the guy to believe he was going to get some so she could get in the house and take the dog. Her whole schpiel about him texting her for nookie went out the window when JJ read her texts to him.


The meth head's ex wife was certainly no prize but, granny was a real piece of work. I loved JJ laughing at her for thinking her grandkid's mom was responsible for feeding the kids while they were at granny's and that she should have to pay for granny's gas to take the kids to the local jail to see their creepy, meth head father.

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Her whole schpiel about him texting her for nookie went out the window when JJ read her texts to him.


But she'll sure look good on whatever reality TV show she ends up on!  I would be mortified to appear on TV in a case like that.  And wasn't she like 19?  I can only imagine she was auditioning for something.


Vanessa on the early rerun, (she of the "waitress" at the strip club whose mom was evicted from student housing) had THE BEST EYEROLL EVER! Folks in the front row of the gallery should have brought baseball mitts, those eyes rolled so far back in her head. Dang, girl!

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watch educational programming.


While you say that with a hint of sarcasm...when people axt my opinions on their "life pickles" I always preface my advice with "I DO have my Law Degree from Judge Judy U".

On a serious note- I have a BFF (would help her bury a body, BFF) she is also a JJ fan.  She is coming for a visit and needs to make some side trips for dog shows.

I am lending her my SUV (which has full unlapsed coverage).  I asked her to double-check with her insurance folks to make sure that her full unlapsed coverage would be good if something should happen. Her insurance dude got tickled when she checked and explained about JJ.  All is well.

JJ Litigants!!!  That is how growed-up folks do it!  No one got their feelings hurt, we all earn our money and take care of our veehickles. IT'S JUST NOT THAT DAMN HARD.

Jeebus, the skipping and scamming of JJ lits does nothing but fuel their life dramas   I am convinced that they thrive on the drama.

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Ms.Mikus? What's a nice lady like you doing hooking up with ol' "duhh... errr.... I can't think... whut?" Toothless McGee who is unable to beg, borrow, steal or earn $400 to care for his injured child? Don't be so desperate, okay?


Pretty sure there wasn't any hooking up going on - even Mr "can I think?" would have managed to say something if there were. My guess is she knew about the kid because she's a teacher, felt sorry for her, and didn't realize just how much of an idiot the poor kid's father was. Though he did at least manage the beg/borrow part of it :)

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Pretty sure there wasn't any hooking up going on - even Mr "can I think?" would have managed to say something if there were.


Really? Oh good. I'm just so used to seeing women hooking up with losers and then paying to keep them around I automatically assumed such was the case here. I should have caught on when she said he asked her for more money the next day and she refused. That never happens with JJ romance. Thanks.

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I really couldn't believe grandma thought mom should pay the extra bc her son was in jail. Or they she can't feed the kids.

JJ showed us her statement where grandma wanted mom to provide food and gas money during visitations. I think she showed us the statement so we'd believe grandma was actually suing over it. And, of course, so she'd have a reason to slam grandma on tv.
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Yes, she did!  I wish I had that kind of talent for makeup.

Me, too! I was transfixed by her eye make up -- and how perfect her eyeliner was! I wonder if she does YouTube videos that I could watch and try to replicate the look? You know, like the other YouTube make up tutorials I watch, try to replicate, then wind up looking like Krusty the Clown at the end. Also, Ms Eyes sure did have terrible grammar and knew all the court lingo to use to try to make herself look smarter which only made her look like she knew her way around the system. Wipe all that pretty eye make up away though and you're left with a nasty, foul, indecent human being.


I don't know why JJ was so quick to say, "Forget it, you're not getting the dog back" to the Plaintiff. She could have very easily ordered the Ms Eyes to return the dog -- whose life with her, I'm near certain, is a constant misery and will wind up dead at a young age for lack of simple veterinary care.


Pretty sure there wasn't any hooking up going on - even Mr "can I think?" would have managed to say something if there were. My guess is she knew about the kid because she's a teacher, felt sorry for her, and didn't realize just how much of an idiot the poor kid's father was.

Thanks for pointing that out! I hadn't considered he could have been merely an acquaintance and that makes the most sense because he was nazzzzzzzzty. And she was so normal and nice and OMG! That text message cozy she made! Evidence contained in a craft project? That must have been a first for this show.

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And she was so normal and nice and OMG! That text message cozy she made! Evidence contained in a craft project? That must have been a first for this show.

I think her craft project shows she is probably good at her special ed kid job.

Edited by SRTouch
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OMG! That text message cozy she made! Evidence contained in a craft project? That must have been a first for this show.


I was SO impressed with her scrapbooking talent applied this way!  What a charming and tidy way to present her evidence! I wonder how many hours she lovingly put it together?

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The bottom line is, JJ didn't like the girl and her story, so she threw the book at defendant and gave the guy what he was asking.


That case gave me a migraine.  I started out wiling to spend the 10 or 12 minutes it would take to get though the minutae but when I saw It was going the full 30, I bailed at 18 minutes.  Either that or plunge my soup spoon into my cranium.  Luckily I was not eating steak last night.

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I guess I'll be alone in wishing Ms Eyes had dialed the makeup gun down from 11. If I look at your face and it pretty much screams "I'M WEARING MAKEUP", regardless of how perfectly applied it is, you've gone too far.


Between that and the word salad she kept spewing forth, she couldn't get off my screen fast enough.

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I liked when JJ put the meth-faced dad on blast after he said he supported his kids while living in the halfway house/sober living home (whatever they called it). No one argued with her when she logically said, "There was no way you bought food for your kids. You had no job. You were either stealing food from that house or elsewhere and smuggling it to your kids."  Another one of those men who claims that he provides for his children, despite not paying child support.....   I really expected him to give double middle fingers while being walked out of the courtroom.

I liked it too when JJ finally threw that little runt out. Like mother, like son, two ignorant jerks who have no shame.

I guess I'll be alone in wishing Ms Eyes had dialed the makeup gun down from 11. If I look at your face and it pretty much screams "I'M WEARING MAKEUP", regardless of how perfectly applied it is, you've gone too far.


Between that and the word salad she kept spewing forth, she couldn't get off my screen fast enough.

Yes, too much makeup for such a pretty girl.

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I guess I'll be alone in wishing Ms Eyes had dialed the makeup gun down from 11. If I look at your face and it pretty much screams "I'M WEARING MAKEUP", regardless of how perfectly applied it is, you've gone too far.


Between that and the word salad she kept spewing forth, she couldn't get off my screen fast enough.


You're not alone.  I thought her face looked like the faces on those bisque dolls from Antiques Roadshow.  The makeup was appropriate for a magazine cover but it was overdone for daytime.  I'm old, so the best makeup looks like no makeup.  Her eyebrows looked drawn on. 


Still -- she wouldn't go home alone at closing time.  Her ex-boyfriend looked like someone you'd see on Springer.


The one thing I appreciated about her was that when she was horny, she approached someone she knew rather than picking up a stranger. 

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First episode, first case: First things first- WTH was going on with one of the defendant's eyebrows? The plaintiff lived in a rental for a month, defendant Mr. Graham, her former roommate, started drilling holes in the wall, so she got mad and left (and JJ awarded her the rent back). She aggressively explained that she feared for her life, so she didn't get her belongings. Her witness Billy wanted to talk about a "video montage," but was told to shut it. Mr. Graham, an odd man with elfin ears, had a counterclaim for harassment, unpaid utilities, and fees from the landlord. JJ didn't want to hear about it anymore and dismissed the counterclaim.


First episode, second case: An annoying ex-couple were fighting over daycare expenses. Tommy said that Veronica stopped letting him see their son. Veronica said that Tommy was drunk all the time ("he would bump my son's head into the wall."). Veronica said he cheated on her, Tommy denied it but his awkward chuckle and face-touching said otherwise. JJ ruled that Tommy owed daycare expenses for a  month, and that was that.


First episode, third case: A hyped up, intense, and slovenly plaintiff Thomas Gannon was suing for a laptop and a bookbag. Tom's girlfriend was a witness...her last name is Babala, which made me think about saying "Pamela" with a headcold. The young defendant Josh said he didn't steal anything -- he suggested that it may have been a person who attended a house party he had. JJ was on the verge of laryngitis during this case, and she quickly told Tom that he didn't have sufficient proof. Dismissed.


Second episode, first case: Ms. Angel Kelley left her 19 y.o. son, his two friends, a dog, a snake, and a fish in her house to live after she moved away. She was suing her son's former roommates TraShaune Jimmerson and Jeffrey Sullivan because they neglected the dog and lost the snake. Ms. Kelley wanted the defendants to pay her vet bills. She said TraShaune was selling the snake and some video game crap, but TraShaune said he got them back and they're in the house. Ms. Kelley said they lived there fir a few months, and the house is now uninhabitable.


I could be dead wrong, but I have to wonder if there was once something between Ms. Kelley and TraShaune. Sometimes Jeffrey looked like he wanted to cry. Another thing -- when I look at TraShaune's name, my eyes focus on "TraSh." (But I do think Jeffrey Sullivan is a lovely name.) I was glad when JJ hollered "Goodbye" at them. Ms. Kelley shouldn't be rewarded for her stupidity.


Second episode, second case: The plaintiff claimed he was scammed at a pawn shop. JJ looked at all of the receipts and saw that the pawn shop's receipt said "Ladies' Rolex" for $800. There was a Rolex expert in court who confirmed that it was a fake Rolex. JJ told the plaintiff he was an idiot for not getting it appraised before purchasing it, and she ordered the $800 to be returned to him.


I won't be watching the second episode tomorrow because (of course) it's another dog fight case.

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I could be dead wrong, but I have to wonder if there was once something between Ms. Kelley and TraShaune.


I missed a bit at the beginning -- when she went home the first time and found things not as expected, why did she throw out her son and let TraShaune stay?


I did giggle later in the case when she was asked why she didn't take her pets with her and she said she wasn't allowed to bring her snake on a plane. Paging Samuel L. Jackson....

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An annoying ex-couple were fighting over daycare expenses. Tommy said that Veronica stopped letting him see their son

Plaintiff had that annoying tendency of saying "my son". JJ usually corrects mothers who do that, reminding them they don't own the child and the father has just as much right to the child.  Agree she must have been sickly today.

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First episode, first case: First things first- WTH was going on with one of the defendant's eyebrows?

Obviously she's part Vulcan. Looks like her ears might be pointed as well, but you can't really tell with her hair. In fact there may have been more than one part alien taking part in that case.
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First episode, first case: First things first- WTH was going on with one of the defendant's eyebrows?

Seriously!! Those eyebrows were encroaching her hairline! I was so hoping that JJ would ask her a question so I could do a closer inspection. Handwriting experts say your outlook in life is often depicted by how high you cross your "t's". Well, her eyebrows indicate she is VERY optimistic!

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WTH was going on with one of the defendant's eyebrows? The plaintiff lived in a rental for a month, defendant Mr. Graham, her former roommate, started drilling holes in the wall, so she got mad and left (and JJ awarded her the rent back). She aggressively explained that she feared for her life, so she didn't get her belongings.


That was one Crazy Commune. Plaintiff looked like the only normal one, until she started talking, that is.


Her witness Billy wanted to talk about a "video montage,"


Billy was so wall-eyed he could look at JJ and the exit at the same time. Yeah, I know. I'm a meanie.


An annoying ex-couple were fighting over daycare expenses. Tommy said that Veronica stopped letting him see their son.


I have no interest in breasts and never notice them unless they're swingin' free and saggin', but in this case I couldn't stop staring at those torpedoes that appeared to have been raised with a hoist  projecting from under her chin. Anyway, her sperm donor and she never even lived together and he's a drunk who cheats on her, so why not have a baby with him? He saw no need to pay half the kids' daycare since Veronica didn't nag for it. No big deal.

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Second episode, first case: Ms. Angel Kelley left her 19 y.o. son, his two friends, a dog, a snake, and a fish in her house to live after she moved away.


And JJ lit into her for expecting a 19-year-old to be responsible.  Haven't we seen her say the opposite?  That by the time you're 19-20, you should be taking care of yourself, unless you're in school (and even then)?  By the time my kids were that age, I knew that if they were left alone for awhile there might be parties, but the house would be clean by the time we got back and the pets would have been taken care of.


I did believe the kid who said that Ms. Kelly told him to go ahead and sell some of her stuff.  The only question is what he was supposed to do with the money -- give it to her or use it to pay the mortgage, utilities, buy food, etc. 


It sounds like mom knew she was losing the house and just didn't care what happened. 

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OMG!  Fuckerbitches!  I saw some levitating tatas today on the show!


I can't wait for tomorrow's dog case... I think dogs are stupid and I'm always glad when one gets eaten.

You spelled "cats" wrong. :-)


I had an entire post but realized it really had nothing to do with the show, so I'll just say I miss you guys and take my kvetching to the small talk forum.

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I'm tardy to the party.  Mr. Rat was at mandatory sales meetings, and the DVR got backed up, and I'm just getting caught up.  We missed an episode so the President could do some talking from an Asia summit.  I think it's the one where someone was moving and damaged a truck.


The $26K included building a new garage, so that's not so bad.  Sounds like the job was connecting the new garage to the house, and joining the roofs of both structures.  Brand new roof on the new garage, and fixing the shingles on the connection so they matched up, preventing leaks where the roofs were joined.


I agree with JJ's ruling but it looked to me like one of Mr. Salinas' employees overstepped.  I'm not a roofer but I understand "re-roof" to mean new shingles, not a whole new roof.  JJ's comment about putting new shingles over old -- "like putting clean clothes on over dirty underwear" -- not so.  It's acceptable to have three layers of shingles on a roof.  When the third layer goes bad, then it's time for a whole new roof.


I think Mr. Salinas' employee -- Chris -- went to the job, started tearing all the shingles off the roof of the house, and Mr. Salinas didn't have the money to buy new shingles or to pay his team to do a new roof. 

Mr. Rat and I were in agreement that something was shady on this one, and it wasn't the contractor.  He thinks the former employee either was in cahoots with the homeowner, or like someone else said, he started tearing the shingles off and wasn't supposed to do that.  My parents had a re-roof - they put shingles over the old ones.  Same with the old house where we used to live.  We expected JJ to say to the plaintiff that it was up to them to ask questions and whatnot, but her bias toward contractors started to show through.  Yeah, the contractor was annoying, but there was something off about his ex-employee.




NO sympathy for the fake-weepy mom who "wouldn't put a mattress on her back" and opened a utilities account in her teenage daughter's name so her family wouldn't be homeless after a divorce.  First of all, mom, the mattress doesn't go on your back, so you wouldn't have made any money that way.  How did that woman end up with foster kids?

My husband had to fix his credit when he was 20.  He found out it was trash when he tried to get a credit card opened to buy his wedding band, and have mine (family heirloom) cleaned and sized).  His mom charged all kinds of stuff to him.  I had to do the same for my brother-in-law when he got old enough.  They asked me to call tech support for them once because they couldn't get on the internet.  They got nasty when I accidentally gave tech support "the wrong name".  Turns out they  couldn't get on the internet because they didn't pay the bill in one of their many aliases.  I got nervous when I checked my credit report, and it listed one of my prior addresses as the address my husband lived at when he was in high school.  I was concerned my late in-laws tried to charge something to me, but when I contacted the credit bureau, they told me that probably ended up there because the computers assumed I lived there too at one time.


Catching up on both viewing and reading, so forgive the lateness of my snark. It occurs to me "Michele" equals "Me-sha-LAY" only if one uses the Key and Peele pronunciation rules.

Reminds me of an old episode of In Living Color where one of the people on the show was playing Spike Lee, and running a store featuring Spike Lee merchandise.  He was speaking to his sister, Joie, who scolds him for mis-pronouncing her name:

"It's not "Zhu-wah, it's JOY.  It's not Jack-Kay, it's JACKIE!  It's not "Sha-Day, it's SADIE!"  He was referring to actress Jackee' Harris, and singer Sade, in case that doesn't translate well, lol.


Edited by funky-rat
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