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  1. Catelynn is so fat, my god. Isn't even a look shallow judgement call, she is morbidly obese. Or whatever the descriptor above that is. But Andrew in his Elvis impersonator glasses is the size of a Mack truck. jfc. 2 times the size of preg Cate.
  2. Remember when show killed off a main central character, who is still alive and badass in the comics, because everyone hated the character as written and portrayed on show? Can't same be done with Negan? He is boring and tedious.
  3. Donnie Deutsch is on With All Due Respect again today, haven't seen him in ages and I hate his hair!! He is a really good looking guy but he has what looks like a permed (?) mullet going on now? Not good.
  4. I watch this show maybe 5 times a year, was home today and caught it. The blond is a ditz for sure, and I noticed her grabbing and almost manhandling tiny Gabby Douglas throughout the whole interview, then they came back from commercial with Joy commenting on how the blond one hits her all the time. Then she all spazzily saying she gets so excited and every time Joy is funny that's her reaction, she should be flattered. Wonder if Gabby complained or reacted or something? Anyways, I DID agree with her during hot topics about Trump's son in law basically being handed every career opportunity (and entrance to Harvard with subpar grades, bypassing the typical requirements for admittance) without any actual work or prowess so she doesn't really agree with him being handed some position in Trump government with literally zero experience.
  5. Trump's vacation spot will be Mar A Lago, so he can use taxpayer money to renovate, run, upkeep it and still have customers paying money into it to the profit of the "blind trust" run by his greasy chinless spawn. As will his apartment and office at Trump tower, likely the whole building, as his presidential "office". Guarantee all expenses on the building will be paid for on the taxpayer's dime, while he he getting lease and rent money and condo fees. Again, all going to the "blind trust", aka his own bank account when he is out of the WH, whether that be via impeachment or in 4 years.
  6. Decoda

    S07.E04: Service

    Can we get the date of this ep corrected? I confusing in titles. 2016.11.13 not 2016.11.03
  7. So heading into 45 minutes into Brian William's cover a lot in a fast clip (sure) consice, to the point 30 minute program. Sighs. So I guess even though my program guide promises it's a half hour it is now an hour?
  8. I love when Joy guest hosts the evening shows! She has FOUR panelists on and not one of them is a shill for Trump. And they aren't Clinton spokespeople either. This is so refreshing and is reminding me of the olden days of MSNBC. Have missed this type of program.
  9. They can air this Locked Up (Lochte'd up) in about 5 years, like the ones they like to run all weekend, which aired 5-6 years ago.
  10. Hmmmm...only reply I can say, it's because he is prematurely senile? He has always been a way over-excitable nut but I think this is a bit beyond that..
  11. Katie Tur has the Trump campaign coverage plus the whole banging Keith Olbermann for 4 years "storyline". She could get a book published but I have a feeling Keith O is by some contract "off limits. But ya, she is an awful reporter. It always feels like she was hired for her enormous boobs. Sadly.
  12. I heard her say crime scene too! After they had just cut from the remote where it was called distinctly and clearly an accident scene. I expected the guest she had to say something, for Fred herself to make a clarification (after some lackey yelled it in her earpiece) that she had called it a crime scene and she wanted to clarify they had called it an accident scene, not a crime scene. Huge difference Fredericka!
  13. Fredericka Whitfield is so hoping for some dramatic story to be behind this hot air balloon crash in Texas (16 killed, all people on board). I am a chicken about heights and fire gives me anxiety so you couldn't pay me to get in one, I would assume it would catch on fire and crash. They keep cutting to it as Breaking News! with her talking to FAA experts, trying to get the potential cause. The 3 she's talked to so far have said the exact same thing when she poses her question on how the basket could be in fire. I am waiting for her to question whether there was a potential terrorism cause.
  14. Fredericka Whitfield is so hoping for some dramatic story to be behind this hot air balloon crash in Texas (16 killed, all people on board). I am a chicken about heights and fire gives me anxiety so you couldn't pay me to get in one, I would assume it would catch on fire and crash. They keep cutting to it as Breaking News! with her talking to FAA experts, trying to get the potential cause. The 3 she's talked to so far have said the exact same thing when she poses her question on how the basket could be in fire. I am waiting for her to question whether there was a potential terrorism cause. Ooops, thought I was in CNN thread. Posted this over there.
  15. Trump has no surrogates who are remotely likeable, they are actually viscerally hateable. At least that vitriolic shop-lifting, bullet necklace wearing, former single teen mother shrew Katrina Pierson has stopped being invited on programs. But the idiot Jeffrey Lord and big make-up drenched eyes Eeyore-ish Trump sycophant Kayleigh McEnany (despise her) are on every.single.panel. Day and night. I can only tolerate her being on when Angela Rye is because she shuts her down and I expect her to pull her rings off and beat her down. And I cheer her on.
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