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Season 3 Discussion

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I love any episode that features Loretta!  I figured right near the start that they would prove that the guy would be found innocent, but I was wondering how they would handle Loretta's huge guilt at playing a part in sending him to jail.  I think the plot was tied up pretty well at the end--it was clear that the attorney would have found a way to send the guy to jail no matter what Loretta (or any other people who had testified against him) had said on the stand.  I know she has some guilt, but she didn't have the whole burden of it.  

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On 2/17/2017 at 7:31 PM, betsyboo said:


who knew Scott bakula would be a middle aged hottie?!? 

*raises hand* I did! :-) The guy ages like a fine wine. And he's pretty close to qualifying as "senior citizen" as he turns 63 this year. Which also means, if he's playing his age, Pride should really be retired by now. But I won't complain..he's in better shape than many law enforcement guys I know that are half his age.

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3 minutes ago, neuromom said:

*raises hand* I did! :-) The guy ages like a fine wine. And he's pretty close to qualifying as "senior citizen" as he turns 63 this year. Which also means, if he's playing his age, Pride should really be retired by now. But I won't complain..he's in better shape than many law enforcement guys I know that are half his age.

I feel same about Mark Harmon.

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I fully agree with DA77 that Sebastian as an agent is just plain dumb. Besides the fact that he grates on my nerves, his incompetence as an agent is embarrassing. Every week it seems he's jeopardizing himself and the rest of the bloated team (please, please, please have Grigorio rum off with the spy lady and get rid of her).

An often ignored fact of special agent life is that very often they do not get a choice as to where they are assigned. I know its hollywood but the plain fact is that Sebastian would probably get snatched up by another office, the same with Grigorio and Percy. I know NCIS is a small agency but transfer is still a big part of agent life. None of the folks of the mother ship would still be hanging around HQ except Abbie because she's a forensic scientist and Ducky cause he's the ME. In the real world both King and Gibbs would be long retired.

Edited by Linderhill
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Some of the episodes this season have been less than great, IMO, but I always love watching because the show is filmed on location in New Orleans and no sound stage in LA can replace the feel of that.  I sometimes get a little ticked off that they show too much Mardi Gras/touristy stuff, but every week I recognize lots of places in the city.  Wish they would show more of some of the surrounding areas rather than staying within the city, but all in all, it's good PR for the city and Louisiana.  Yes, I live about 60 miles from NOLA.   

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On 3/1/2017 at 3:57 PM, jcbrown said:

I really wanted to love this one because I love CCH Pounder. Agreed that her work with Pride was great. I just through the plotting of this one had all the subtlety of a Scooby Doo episode. (Don't get me wrong, I used to love Scooby but this episode just seemed to have simultaneously too much and too little going on.)

Yea, I think she's great and I tried to watch because of her. But I got disinterested and tuned out. 

On 2/22/2017 at 5:06 AM, Enero said:

t was good seeing Sebastian back in the lab where he belongs. Sorry, but to me he just doesn't work as an agent.

I don't know why the show would put him in the field after investing so much time making him a scrawny, stereotypical, socially awkward lab rat. I like him and I wanted him to get a more elevated status but I think that can be done without trying to turn him into something he's not. 




A highly credentialed and skilled special ops marine sends Pride and the NCIS team on a city-wide manhunt after he assaults six men in a bar.


3.18 Slay the Dragon



Tammy is reunited with her ex-husband, Ethan McKinley (Ed Quinn), who disappeared after embezzling $80 million in Katrina relief funds, after he is linked to the murder of a crime boss’ son.


Edited by CooperTV

This episode was interesting enough.  I have to wonder though why Dorsey was still working for the Academy if he had a history of hazing cadets.  That storyline "twist" seemed more like a plot point to make the story work than anything else.

It was good seeing Percy again, but still not much screentime for her or LaSalle. Seems like Gregorio, Pride and Sebastian are leading the show right now. 

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2 hours ago, JackONeill said:

Is it me or has Scott Bakula gotten skinny?

Since no one has mentioned it, I thought his wife did a good job, but she was more natural acting when in street clothes (for whatever that's worth).

He's extremely skinny.  And it's true about the camera adding pounds--I was an extra in this episode and I was amazed when I saw how small he is in person.

I didn't realize Chelsea Field is his wife.  Agree she seemed kind of stiff and unnatural.

I also thought this was an interesting episode, but would have like to see more of Percy and LaSalle.

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Chelsea Field played Teela in Masters of the Universe lol. Don't know why I remember that. Didn't know that was his wife though!

Her hair was so distracting to me in uniform that I couldn't take her seriously. I know there was a throwaway line about her not having been in uniform for awhile, but my GOD it doesn't take much to make your bun neat and clean and regulation.


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24 minutes ago, arieswriting said:

my GOD it doesn't take much to make your bun neat and clean and regulation.

Mr ECats never got to the less than perfect (and uniform compliant hair).  

The uniform that was cobbled together for the head of the Military Academy bothered him seriously.  

Dude was wearing the cadet rank insignia (colonel three diamonds) on his lapels, where they shouldn't have been.  As a retired general he would have worn his general rank  on his epaulets (shoulders).  The lapels might have had the school insignia.

He came away with a strong feeling that whoever did the uniforms knew 1) nothing about the military uniforms, 2) couldn't read a book about same, 3) couldn't use the internet about same, and 4) didn't care. 

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4 hours ago, Linderhill said:

and when Ferlito is minimized or absent. ugh, can't stand her and her fake nose and the way she looks down it. Did anyone else think of the movie "Taps" when the cadets took over the school?

I thought I was the only one thinking of Taps. I haven't seen that movie in years and I immediately thought of it. I feel old now. We all know they used movie ideas before with the Let It Ride episode (The Sting). 


I didn't exactly feel old while watching, but thinking about it, the movie came out while I was in college so yeah, it was a long time ago. Baby Tim Hutton, Tom Cruise, etc.

As for Scot's wife, her hair bothered my no end. Even if its been a while since you've been in uniform, her hair looked dreadful. Seriously, use some hairspray or a couple of bobby pins. I'm notoriously lazy dealing with my long hair (basically a braid every day) but that was terrible. Another thing, once again the lack of chemistry between real life couples strikes again. I felt not chemistry between them at all.

And someone please shut Ferlito up.

Edited by Linderhill
the paragraphs didn't show up.
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Ditto on Taps! (I also had s flashback to Lords of Discipline)

I didn't have a probelem with Chelsea , or her acting. I find her attractive for her age. And I got a kick out of her acting with Scott. For the record, I also enjoyed Dean Stockwell's appearance too. I'm a sucker that way! I have never had issue with Pride being "married to the job" since I'm still bummed that they couldn't keep him a happily married guy. But, if they HAVE to pair him with someone, I can buy it if she is his real life wife. 

Percy's bummed look at the end was priceless. And it appears that Gregorio doesn't have a romantic interest in Pride. Phew! 

Edited by neuromom
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Her hair, her incorrect handling of her cover, her badly fitting uniform, and the overall unconvincing military school uniforms, made what was not a very good story (I hate rogue military school stories) gawdawful.  The only thing that came through convincingly was the overall effect of how icky-muggy it can be that time of year - and I don't think that was intentional.

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While investigating a deadly accident at a naval base, NCIS discovers a unit of Seabees was poisoned with a contagious super virus leaving the rest of the base and the entire city of New Orleans at risk for a catastrophic outbreak. Also, during the autopsy, Wade is infected with the virus and given hours to live if an antidote can’t be found.


I'm glad I checked my 'future recordings' on my DVR a few days ago.  It wasn't going to record the second episode because it was set to record the first one along with something else on another channel and the second episode was considered to be a third show which it can't record.  Anyhoo, I just changed it to record two and a half hours and it still ignored the second one, but managed to get both hours in.  (The things we do to watch favorite shows!)

I thought that the super ninja skills of the guy in the first episode was a little over the top, but other than that I liked it okay.

I was a little disappointed that Gregorio's ex-husband turned out to be a baddie.  I had hoped that he had really been coerced into taking the money and that when he moved it into his own account, he was going to give it back, hoping that he would be forgiven (instead of letting NCIS do it and letting them--and probably the mayor's office--get all of the credit.  He would have then just disappeared again.  I was happy to see Ed Quinn again.  Does he always play the 'smarmy cad' kind of character?  (But he does it so well, so I guess that's okay)

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This episode was ok, but I was wondering two things: (1) what was Chelsea doing before going to Pride since she said she had to "get back into uniform" (and, can you do that?  Just put on a uniform and have access to a base?), and (2) Dorsey said that Cabral had screwed up his order, so what was the point of taking over the school?  What did Cabral do wrong?

I think Chelsea told Pride that she was a Naval Reserve Officer, so an appropriate Commanding Admiral could activate her to regular duty for x number of months/days with no problem.  (I think)

Also, those strange academy uniforms didn't bother me so much, as the rank and insignia were clearly modified to demonstrate that the wearer was NOT on active duty Army or Navy.  The insignia aside, what did seem very odd to me was when that commandant was escorting the NCIS around on the parade ground without his cover (hat).  From my time in the Army long long ago, it was drilled into me from Day One that a soldier NEVER NEVER wore a cover in a building and NEVER NEVER NEVER went outside without his cover.  Participating in a flag-bearing color guard indoors was an exception, and a soldier wearing a sidearm ALWAYS kept his cover while armed, even indoors.  With that in mind, no "general" who was trying to instill military discipline in his cadets would walk around outdoors "out of uniform".

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On 3/15/2017 at 11:49 PM, Jaded said:

I wondered why I recognized  Gregorio's ex so much and then I realized he played Max's boyfriend on 2 Broke Girls recently. Even in natural light outside he doesn't look 49. His reaction to Gregorio telling him that she's gay was funny. He does deadpan well.

Just curious if you mean to say "he doesn't look 49" as he looks younger, or older? I'm 49, and I pegged him as 48-49. And I did just check IMDB..apparently he is about 2 weeks older than me.

3 hours ago, Jaded said:

At first I thought he looked younger but as the episode got more near the end there were shots where he did look his age. If you had seen him on 2 Broke Girls you may have thought he was younger. Maybe he looked younger to me on that show because he had his shirt off a lot. ?


He is a good looking man, that's for sure!  And he did look good in the navy uniform. I was Army myself, and not every middle aged guy can carry himself that well in uniform! 

Edited by neuromom

Ok..I'm getting the two episodes mixed up ? But, I hope this is the one with the human trafficking story...anyway..very timely to me since I live in a community with a large population of immigrants. (Latino) And we recently had some disappearances of a couple of teen boys , that was very suspicious.  The "rumor" within that community is that people know what happened, but aren't talking. The Mexican Cartels have infiltrated some of these communities and victimize the population - knowing that many are undocumented and scared and won't go to the police.  One of the young adults (who was a victim) was found deceased..so I fear for those boys ??

I'm wondering if we will find that Mayor Hamilton is truly behind the bad stuff in that section of the city. Or if he will skate out of trouble like usual. I love Steven Weber's smarmy portrayal, but at the same time, I'd really like Pride to take him down.

Edited by neuromom
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