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Season 3 Discussion

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Pride learns of the poison seconds after the congresswoman leaves, takes off after her with sirens blaring and driving like a maniac and he can’t catch up to her? Who’s driving her around, Mario Andretti? Then the congresswoman arrives, gets seated at her table, orders her oyster appetizer and has it delivered... and Pride still hasn’t arrived? Maybe his GPS gave him the wrong directions?!? Then when Pride finally arrives, he aims his SUV directly at the congresswoman’s table. What are her so-called guards doing - standing around with their thumbs up their asses admiring the New Orleans scenery? His SUV should have been shot so full of holes that it resembled a rolling brick of swiss cheese. Then the mayor who was so nervous that he wanted to call the whole plan off the day before, just casually strolls into an airport that is probably full of security cameras and poisons the congresswoman, who is now mysteriously without her bodyguards. I never thought any series could have stupider writing than Hawaii 5-O, but this show is fast descending to that level.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Raja said:

They did miss the chance of reprise Bobbie Latham from JAG.

Brilliant catch and Raja should be writing for them.  

1 hour ago, Rambler said:

Then the congresswoman arrives, gets seated at her table, orders her oyster appetizer and has it delivered..

Nope, even worse, the oysters were "on the house", IIRC.

What I would like to have seen was something real.  An example.  I was walking to hardware store (Mary's) and the police were at the corner of Royal and Charters. and they had a guy in handcuffs and a cripple was on the ground.  As the police asked around, they found that the guy in handcuffs was the victim and the cripple, for unknown reasons, had taken after the victim and knocked the stuffings out of him and had him on the ground, at which point the victim struck back.  The beat policeman had only seen that last hit.  

That's the kind of insanity NOLA swims in.

11 hours ago, RobertDeSneero said:

This show must take place in an alternate universe because LOL at the idea that a black woman would be the head of the House Armed Services Committee in a Republican Congress. 

What are the chances that Sanchez is part of the conspiracy with Hamilton?

Or maybe it reflects the reality that *should* be.  It's a TV show.  

I have to say,  I mostly lurk on this forum, but the comments in this particular thread have been offensive. In particular when referencing the actress that played the Congresswoman. Wow.

 I must be one of the few that enjoyed the episode. Thats OK. If anyone didn't, that's OK as well. But, come on, we can do better than this. 

Edited by JustS
Missed a sentence
  • Love 3

I agree with the posts here saying that the show has gone too far. Yes, there may be some history of corruption in the New Orleans Municipal Government, but a mayor murdering a member of the U.S. Congress to bring in a shipyard? And the ONLY Federal agency targeting the mayor is NCIS? The FBI among others should have been involved a long time ago, and certainly after enough evidence accumulated to begin a wiretap.

Going along with the storyline for the moment, this scheme may have gone beyond what the mayor can control. What are the chances that he'll be done in by his own security man Stone?

What is happening to this show reminds me of what I went through with "The Blacklist" on NBC. An intriguing premise at the beginning, interesting for somewhat more than a season, then by the end of Season 2 my suspension of disbelief became impossible and I couldn't watch it anymore.

  • Love 5
On 2017-05-12 at 10:31 AM, JustS said:

I have to say,  I mostly lurk on this forum, but the comments in this particular thread have been offensive. In particular when referencing the actress that played the Congresswoman. Wow.

I believe the comments were directed at the character, not the actress. The character behaved in a less than intelligent manner by accepting the drink Hamilton gave her.

5 hours ago, Trey said:

I believe the comments were directed at the character, not the actress. The character behaved in a less than intelligent manner by accepting the drink Hamilton gave her.

It was the Maxine Waters sniping and comparisons that were offensive to me. Especially given the very recent racist attacks lobbied at her by the media. It was completely unnessary, in my opinion. 

  • Love 4

I love Scott bakula and would watch him read the phone book.   BUt damn this show has been awful this season and so has his character. I'm dizzy from shaking my head so much at the stupidity of Pride's actions and the plot lines in general. The Mayor threatens to disband NCIS and has one of your agents jailed. You get (and blow) a wiretap that he discovers and then has your hacker suspended and you double down and go rogue? Seriously? You don't call in other agencies, or discreetly find a way to bring him down. No, you attack him, then plant a bug on hm and go off half cocked and fake your own death. 

i just can't. 

  • Love 5

I am relieved to see so many comments on Prides over the top actions. I cannot imagine the show runners think we find a leader of an NCIS division running around acting like a giant toddler who missed his nap appealing? 

I watch this show solely for the scenery and supporting cast at this point. If this continues, I will skip. I'm embarrassed to tell anyone i watch this show at this point. 

  • Love 3
On 5/14/2017 at 5:57 PM, JustS said:

It was the Maxine Waters sniping and comparisons that were offensive to me. Especially given the very recent racist attacks lobbied at her by the media. It was completely unnessary, in my opinion. 

To be clear, I was not sniping at Maxine Waters  - hence the prefix "Faux!"  The definition of which is:  artificial. Not genuine, fake or false.  Basically a pale imitation.

  • Love 1

Just finally got around to seeing this.  As they say, some things just can't be unseen.  :)

Whew.  What a train wreck.  And really for much of this season, the show has been going off the rails as it was.  Started with that silly FBI storyline that I guess was (clumsily) supposed to introduce Ferlito's character into the show.  That went on for far too long but at least it ended.  And some of the episodes after that were decent.  Though too many of them were missing Percy. 

Now we have this insipid Evil Hamilton arc.  Now normally I like both SB and SW.  But it's tough to watch both their characters these days.  I can't buy for a second this corrupt Mayor Hamilton guy masterminding all these machinations (including murder) just to attempt to get a shipyard into New Orleans.   And it's tiring to watch Pride keep flying off the handle just to try and bring down Hamilton.  He had it right earlier -- just follow the leads of the case and not make it that personal.  And of course all his team gladly following him into that black hole.  Not even close to being realistic.  Now I know these type of shows aren't exactly documentaries.  They play fast and loose with the truth all the time.   But I don't mind losing a bit of realism for the sake of entertainment.  But this silly storyline isn't entertaining to me at all.  It's just stupid.  (you know, like that congresswoman drinking that "complimentary drink from the Mayor" sort of stupid). 

I was really hoping that the episode before this one would end this Hamilton storyline.  Or maybe this one would.  But NOOOOOO...it has to go on for at LEAST one more.  Sigh.  Just wake me when it's over.

  • Love 3

I thought they were using this to intro writing off Pride.  Swimming in the canal and with the flesh eating bacteria of the Gulf Coast....

Noble thing to save the lock, but that water....looked like he was doing it himself and not on a sound stage.  

Scott Bakula: interstellar travel was safer and you aren't all that young anymore.  Stunt doubles are there for a reason!

  • Love 7
On 5/10/2017 at 11:21 PM, crowsworks said:

worst feds ever. 


On 5/11/2017 at 11:23 AM, Raja said:

The FBI investigating political corruption, how could that be?


8 hours ago, marina to said:

So there was some Pride redemption and a feel good ending, which was nice. But Pride better get some consequences for him going so insane last week. 

Of course, this is NCIS, land of people going rogue. Won't happen.

Pride going vigilante and throwing Stone off the roof. That's going to be overlooked along with kidnapping the mayor when next season starts?

I've watched this show because I'm a fan of both Scott Bakula and CCH Pounder. With this Season 3 closing arc I think it has lost me.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, enoughcats said:

Scott Bakula: interstellar travel was safer and you aren't all that young anymore.  Stunt doubles are there for a reason!

And wasn't Diane Neal run out of NCIS town for complaining about safety standards on this show?

If anyone could answer this for me, I'd be grateful: At the beginning of the episode, when the main group comes back to the NCIS office, Sebastian comments on all the condolence gifts, including the food from restaurants.  He says he told Roy to take some food home with him.  Who is Roy?  I see on imdb that there's a character who has been in 3 eps, but the wika doesn't have a character page and no recaps that I found for those 3 eps mention Roy.  Was he the ex military bartender Pride hired for his bar?  Is he the security guy in the office?  Why can't I remember him?

I hope that this means the actual true end of the Mayor Hamilton story.  They need to get back to Navy stories not local political stories with tenuous connections to things Navyish.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

And wasn't Diane Neal run out of NCIS town for complaining about safety standards on this show?

If anyone could answer this for me, I'd be grateful: At the beginning of the episode, when the main group comes back to the NCIS office, Sebastian comments on all the condolence gifts, including the food from restaurants.  He says he told Roy to take some food home with him.  Who is Roy?  I see on imdb that there's a character who has been in 3 eps, but the wika doesn't have a character page and no recaps that I found for those 3 eps mention Roy.  Was he the ex military bartender Pride hired for his bar?  Is he the security guy in the office?  Why can't I remember him?

I hope that this means the actual true end of the Mayor Hamilton story.  They need to get back to Navy stories not local political stories with tenuous connections to things Navyish.

Roy is the uniformed police officer that's usually at the front door. He was shot at the end of season 2. He's been in numerous episodes: escorting visitors, subduing suspects, etc. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

Was he the ex military bartender Pride hired for his bar? 

Yep, that's who he is but I've forgotten how he came to be hired.  Was he a homeless man who helped them out with information?

I too hope this is the end of the Hamilton story line.  They dragged it out too long.  And how can Hamilton justify his murders, such as the Congresswoman whom he directly murdered, as being "good" for New Orleans, the city he loves so much?

  • Love 4

The poisoning of the congresswoman isn't even recognized as such.  Anybody catch what they called it last night? 

If they ID it as poisoning, easy to blame it on one of the many corpses.

A few other quibbles: to get nine feet of water in the church, they'd have to blow the levee, not just the lock.  And a lot of folks in that area will never forget when the levee was blown to "save" New Orleans.


Up on the roof, I had a feeling that the bad guy, Mayor's protector, was inviting Pride to join his organization, when he reminded Pride that as a dead man, he could do anything he wanted to, any where.  Talk about "going rogue".  Will there be a followup where we find the bad guy is just a smokescreen and his name was known, but he's already been dead twenty years.

11 hours ago, Bobbin said:

So what evidence do they really have against Hamilton? They didn't even charge him with assassinating the Congresswoman. They have a better chance of convicting Pride of throwing Stone off the roof.

None, and even if they had recorded Hamilton admitting everything at the end Hamilton would have to have the worst lawyer in the world to not get it thrown out grounds of cohesion. Of course, the very scandal that would result just from the implication that Hamilton was behind an attempt to destroy Clearwater would easily tank his career on it's own even if he did get off scot free legally.

Then there's the fact that the FBI guy and all of the NCIS crew especially Pride would be in jail both after all their actions these last few episodes and how blatant they were about all of it, but naturally they aren't even going to address that.

It was a interesting and action packed episode despite the lack of all the logic behind it, and I like how like last season and unlike with NCIS they didn't pull that cheap trick every show on the planet does and end things on a cliffhanger in the next season as though they don't have any faith in people actually tuning in next season and just ended it on a happy note.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, enoughcats said:

The poisoning of the congresswoman isn't even recognized as such.  Anybody catch what they called it last night? 

Her death was described as a "stroke.' But the team said that Hamilton had to be responsible, because she was the only obstacle to his plan.


5 hours ago, Trey said:

And how can Hamilton justify his murders, such as the Congresswoman whom he directly murdered, as being "good" for New Orleans, the city he loves so much?

It's called being delusional and being convinced that he was above the law, a belief apparently supported by the NOPD. The good he might do with his share from selling the land to the Navy probably eased his conscience, plus a kickback from the company that got the contract to build the base. I wonder who of the government's higherups was also involved to assure the baddies of a successful outcome.

  • Love 3

So let me get this straight: Pride is seen as attempting to ram his truck into the congresswoman, his entire team has been stripped of their guns and badges, Pride's bar is blown up and he is thought to be dead, his fingerprint is on the body of a dead man, he shoots and kidnaps the mayor, NOPD has him surrounded with guns drawn, and one phone call by some random FBI guy about an "undercover" op and ALL OF THAT IS JUST WIPED AWAY?  Wow, wow, wow.

RIP Brody.  All you did was fall for the bad guy.

  • Love 6

What WAS that mess? 

So, if Stone hadn't conveniently had a knife and tried to kill Pride, what did Pride intend to do?

 I'm getting tired of Show playing fast and loose with police tactics. I seriously thought he was going to get caught when the police had tracked the mayor.  But somehow, Pride manages to walk out the back door with a seriously injured man?  In a situation like that,  police wouldn't just park right in front of the target location, they were parked down the street and set up a perimeter.   Apparently that wasn't convenient for the plot .

 Then we have a routine patrol officer and a short pursuit with Pride,  ending with an entire police force  and the SWAT team..oh, and a police Captain... all on scene within a couple of minutes. And then the police captain just let him go based on a cryptic phone call by the FBI . 

 It might've been a little bit more intriguing if Hamilton really HAD done things based on his warped loyalty to the city. But, since he committed murder, the "grey" of his character was wiped away. 

 I still have  NO CLUE  and I am   Confused by how the other murders are related. Especially the Chavez murder, which was really the one that got Pride targeting Hamilton .   No one has to explain it to me though, as I really could care less now. My brain is still reeling  from all the other ridiculous stuff. 

The law enforcement shenanigans were bad enough, though I'm not surprised by this show anymore....so the kicker for me was - Loretta destroying evidence. WTF was THAT?

besides my undying devotion to Scott Bakula and love for CCH Pounder...someone please give me a reason I should come back next season......

  • Love 6

Hmmm so the Coast Guard of all agencies has an amazing infra-red device that can locate two guys sitting in a truck in the middle of an industrial park and identify them as criminals. Funny how they then can’t have the helicopter fly over to the locks to locate the dudes planting the bombs there. But no worries because Pride once used a boat to rescue Katrina victims and that gave him the magical ability to know precisely where that bombs needed to be planted when no one else could figure it out.

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, Rambler said:

Hmmm so the Coast Guard of all agencies has an amazing infra-red device that can locate two guys sitting in a truck in the middle of an industrial park and identify them as criminals. Funny how they then can’t have the helicopter fly over to the locks to locate the dudes planting the bombs there. But no worries because Pride once used a boat to rescue Katrina victims and that gave him the magical ability to know precisely where that bombs needed to be planted when no one else could figure it out.

Well, when you say it like that, it's almost like that entire plot point was stupid...oh, wait...

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, neuromom said:

I'm getting tired of Show playing fast and loose with police tactics. I seriously thought he was going to get caught when the police had tracked the mayor.  But somehow, Pride manages to walk out the back door with a seriously injured man?  In a situation like that,  police wouldn't just park right in front of the target location, they were parked down the street and set up a perimeter.   Apparently that wasn't convenient for the plot .

 Then we have a routine patrol officer and a short pursuit with Pride,  ending with an entire police force  and the SWAT team..oh, and a police Captain... all on scene within a couple of minutes. And then the police captain just let him go based on a cryptic phone call by the FBI . 

I'm going to try to play nice and not say anything bad about the NOPD.


There wouldn't be anywhere near that many working cars anywhere near the 9th ward.  A Captain out in the field?????

On the scene in a couple of minutes.  When we reported crimes in the quarter half an hour was fast.  A friend uptown was burgled of several thousand dollars worth of tools and they wouldn't even come out and take fingerprints. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Rambler said:

Hmmm so the Coast Guard of all agencies has an amazing infra-red device that can locate two guys sitting in a truck in the middle of an industrial park and identify them as criminals. Funny how they then can’t have the helicopter fly over to the locks to locate the dudes planting the bombs there. But no worries because Pride once used a boat to rescue Katrina victims and that gave him the magical ability to know precisely where that bombs needed to be planted when no one else could figure it out.

I thought we were going to find out that Agent Pride was once Navy UDT. This might be the only cop show without a former military special operations type on the team. Although Like others we do have the best white hat hacker an ex undercover ATF Agent.

This show is turning into one big mess.  It didn't tie things together and as others have pointed out, the legal stuff has been thrown out the window.

My big WTF moment came close to the end when the jukebox came to life.  The building has been bombed, was on fire and the hydro hasn't been cut off?!  What the hell is that?  

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, Trey said:

It's only us Canadians who say "hydro" instead of electricity. 


I didn't know that.  My fun fact for today.

I'm another person who is very happy the mayor story line is over and done with.  I wasn't impressed with the mole one either.  If the show is going to have an ongoing story line, at least make it interesting and not so cartoonish.  The mayor really was looking like an evil character in a cartoon the longer the story went on.  I could picture him twisting his mustache and that's never a good thing for a show like this.  On other shows that don't take themselves seriously or are winking at the audience it's acceptable, but not here.

  • Love 4

I love this show because it's filmed in New Orleans and I'm a Scott Bakula fan, and I never missed an episode until my DVR box overheated and I lost the last several episodes that I had recorded but not watched.  I have been trying to follow the show by reading the comments on this forum, but after reading all of them, I'm not sure if it's worth my effort to find the shows on line and watch.  This sounds really confusing.  Maybe I should just start from scratch with the new season in the fall.

The writers have lost their sanity here.

They used the knife as a reason for Stone going flying--while he could have been defending himself he doesn't get to plead self defense because he kidnapped Stone in the first place--you can kill your kidnapper even if he's a policeman.  (Price's actions were not remotely an arrest.)

He's not guilty of shooting Hamilton but the denied medical treatment means Hamilton loses his arm (the tourniquet was on way too long) and Price will go to jail for that.

I have a problem with the chopper finding the initial bad guys--good luck finding a too-warm car during the day, and good luck picking out occupants over the heat of a warm engine.  And what's so suspicious about the people being in the van?  I've seen plenty of workmen spend a while in their vans looking for a part--and the camera can't say what they're doing inside the van.  (Not spotting the guys on the levee is no surprise--all the camera can see is people, not what they're doing.  If people are legitimately on the levee there's nothing suspicious.)

There also was no need for the mess.  Yes, the red tide could have been an accident--but the fact that NCIS knew about the contamination shows that it most certainly wasn't an accident--and that's enough to show they have a case.  Once the situation is exposed there's no way they would have flooded Clearwater.  Continuing his plan would be a huge arrow pointing right at him.

  • Love 3
On 7/31/2017 at 10:39 AM, DrgRacr said:

So, the building with the NOLA sign that Pride threw Stone off of.....  is that a legit rooftop or just a set?

When I rewatched it, I tried to figure that out.  First to get the Crescent City Connection that far away.

Up river, west bank: no multistory buildings.Up river east bank, that far away takes you to where the river doesn't bend that way.

So go downstream and it has to be on the east bank, because the west bank isn't there (the bend at Algiers Point is much closer to the bridges and then the river....bends...south and then south west.

So downstream, and east bank.  There are a bunch of warehouses, a Naval Support activity, any number of buildings where you can get two to four stories up with the city lights in the background. The big neon lights...weren't there in our time at that end of the quarter.  I would guess the lovely wide windows that  the body fell past were somewhere in the Warehouse district- that stucco looked way too new and the windows didn't match any historic district lists I'd ever seen. 

On 11/22/2016 at 9:01 AM, Raja said:

What was up with the director?  I was going dizzy with his circling camera. 

Thank you! I was coming here to post the same thing. Usually I only see that with a first time director but this guy has 15 years experience! 

Somehow I missed this at the time. I liked the story and unlike the overwrought stuff with the mayor later, this just felt like good storytelling of which there was little this season. I especially liked that Loretta was being inflexible here. Yes, she's a wise woman but I like that she isn't perfect. Keeping her real has been a great achievement of this show.

Edited by marina to
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