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S08.E20: Say It Ain't So

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1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Who..... Is that woman in the picture ? Who...... Sent the pic? I have to know ! In this day and age with "hundreds" of people that night at the Regency I am shocked we have not heard who she was. 

Sounds like a job for the .........FBI?  (sorry, couldn't help myself!)

But seriously- I too am surprised we don't know more about her.  

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 3

What the DEUCE❗                                                                               Oh, that BetheME!  in the uncoveted role of Dastardly Damsel in Dubious Dismaying Distress. Bethenney™ -- such a martyr for HER cause❗ What a scamp❗           I gather that she believes herself to be magnanimously inserting flamboyancy and zest into the doldrums of our(the viewers) lives. Of course, this is diffused narcissism most foul: the quintessence of Bethenney™ .                              ...such zeal for the dispensation of  angst and hypocritical moral lecture and instruction... indubitably, such a fiendish emotional ravager.

* Also, Bethenney™ has proven to be a loser in her 'LuAnn Lust and other Low-Blows' *.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 6
14 hours ago, WireWrap said:

We never saw either of the Guys that came back to the house with Luann and Ramona, they were gone before the cameras arrived. It was Kristen that said he was married, not because she saw him or a ring on him but because she heard that from the house manager. At the reunion, Luann admitted he was married and that they talked about their marriages and divorces, it is possible that he was in the process of getting a divorce just as much as he was still married/living/sleeping with his wife. Luann never admitted to having sex with him, only making out. IMO, she did but likes to keep her bedroom stuff behind closed doors when possible.

And I think it was at the reunion when someone blurted out that "he was wearing a ring" but ya know what.... it sounded like a last minute thrown in "fact" just to give the accusation a little more punch but I don't believe anyone saw first hand whether or not he had a ring on. Hell I doubt anyone even got that little detail secondhand either, ya know from the house manager. I think it was an assumption that couldn't be challenged so it was thrown in the mix to make it seem worse. That's how these chick roll.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I don't personally think those factors are necessarily determinative, either.  It was the use of the expressions "stage of the game" and "par for the course" by the poster I was responding to which caused me to make that comment.  As if Luann is getting to be a woman of a certain age, already with one divorce under her belt, and somehow that means she is in some kind of predicament in life which makes her choice to stay with Tom no surprise.   I don't agree with that. Not at all. 

I certainly hope Luann is not doing what she is doing because she sees herself as being at a certain stage of the game and believes settling for a crap relationship is just par for the course because what else is an aging divorcee entitled to expect from life? It wouldn't maker her a bad person if she made that mistake, but rather it would make her ... well.  Kinda dumb, quite frankly.  I would feel sorry for her.  No woman should see herself that way.  But unfortunately, I know many do.  

That being said, I don't really believe that is why Lu is sticking with Tom.  My strongest impression is that this is a showmance, largely about giving Luann a dramatic story line so she can hang onto her apple. To the extent that it may be real, I think Luann is a lot less troubled by open relationships than she wants to admit and that is why she is merely embarrassed Tom was caught cheating instead of being crushed emotionally.  But I admit there is still part of me that thinks Luann is just desperate to be married and for some reason she has focused on Tom because ... I just can't imagine why.  The heart wants what it wants, I suppose. Throw in a little pride and stubbornness and mix that with her tendency toward double standards where men are concerned, and poof! she is just going to blame the other woman and forget it ever happened.  

I go back and forth between all three theories, lol! 

Don't necessarily need to agree for it to be a reality.

Point being, it isn't that it's a normal, expected route for every woman of a certain age to end up taking or being left with just that it's not some outrageous idea that experience, time and yes age will mold a new set of expectations, decisions and overall outlook on how to tackle life.

It may not sound like the ideal fairy tale that everyone is sold from as far back as anyone can remember but some people break free of those limited ideals and try to work with what is. People like to label that settling. I like to think of it as moving passed the myths and rigidness of "standards".  Funny, I actually find it restrictive to adhere to such inflexible strategies of all or nothing. I get the need to for strictness in certain regards but I just don't believe it needs to apply so blanketly. Some people see slippery slope where others see straight lines and hey to each their own. Being appalled at what others decide to contend with and actually trying to interfere to the extend that these women do? Complete waste of personal energy and time. I find it ludicrous.

I expect that Lu is basing decision by HER life. How SHE feels. Hell maybe she is just fucking tired and wants to shift into a more settled and regular routine and she's found someone that excites her about it. Maybe she WAS expecting to live out the rest of her life single and on the dating scene with maybe a couple more serious relationships to go but none amounting to marriage which made her finding Tom seem like such good fortune.  I'm just saying that as I've gotten older I've realized a few REALITIES and I do find myself wishing I could just find someone to just sit back and chill with for the rest of it. I've also noticed that half the requirements I had 10 years ago don't really matter to me anymore cause it's just a different ball game now.

It's not about WOMEN seeing themselves a certain way. It's about having a better understanding of life by the time you reach a certain age. It's about having a better understanding of yourself and what you are capable of and what your real needs are. Not what societies made up needs are.  It's about being at a certain age where you've seen enough to know that there's not just one way to feel about things. Not just one standard reaction or course of action. It's about knowing what it is that will satisfy YOU and it's about not caring if it falls WELL beneath the standards dictated by society. That's what I mean about being a certain age. Not giving a fuck and doing YOU whatever craziness that entails.

It's not wrong to acknowledge that certain MUST's don't hold as much weight as they used to. I didn't force myself to give up those "expectations". I'm not miserable or desperate or what have you but in all honestly I just truly don't give that much of a fuck about certain things that would have rocked my world 10-15 years ago. Not on purpose. Not a calculated decision or equation I came up with 3+old carry the divorce= ridiculous allowances. No I've just come to realize that I come with bumps and bruises and baggage and bad traits so that means I have to be ready to accept the same in return and if I find someone that I want to share my life with and vice versa then that in itself is the biggest obstacle. They rest we'll figure out as we go along.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 12

I'm honestly baffled by Luann's desperation to marry this guy. She's acting like a knocked up high school girl from a tiny town where her father is the preacher at the town's one and only Baptist church. She's not poor; she's not unattractive; she's not without an active social/sexual life; she has friends; she's not trying to avoid an invasion by joining her kingdom with the foreign monarchy on her northern border -- so what the fuck? Why is she hanging on to this loser like he's the prize truck at a last-man-standing contest. I don't get it.

  • Love 16
10 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

So a guy is married if he has a ring on his finger, but not married because he claims to have lived apart from his wife?  You have a houseboy claiming the guy was married.  WHy would the houseboy know this and why did anyone care?  Apparently naked guy, Ramona's friend, wasn't too ashamed to hang out and eat breakfast.  It is such a poor example to base character assassination on.  Didn't she say she and the guy discussed their divorces?  By all accounts from the little rat houseboy the guy left after making out on the deck with Luann.  Why was a married  guy vacationing in T&C ?  Sounds like at the very least he was giving off the vibe of being available.   Bottom line, it was a throw away line by Kristen, private detective, who was not smart enough to figure out her husband was burning up the internet with Ashley Madison. 

Jason Hoppy was actually still wearing his for a while after the divorce was filed.....I remember bumping into the photo and article once while surfing online. I think he finally took it off when he starting dating whoever it was he started dating.

  • Love 4
  2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

What is even stranger, with the hundreds of people at the Regency, why did no one think to hand the juicy tidbit to Page Six, "Countess' Man Caught Lip Locking with Playmate", Ramona was saying it was all over town,  Yet not a peep to the press?  I hate to say but from the quick photo-it didn't look like the Regency was all that packed.  Obviously the managers, waiters, bartenders, had all been questioned, and not a word.  All the cast knew it would be a huge part of the show, no one spoke, but exactly how did the rest of the UES not speak of it, since it was "all over town".

Yeah, to have stayed on the DL for this long reeks of set up and cover up. IMHO. 

  1 hour ago, jinjer said:



Excellent posts. Bethenny and her integrity have yet to meet. It's shocking to me how far she has gone from the season 1 Bethenny.  She's tone deaf. "Because I am on a reality show" is not license to lose your humanity. 

She has always been this way, including season 1. The fuck you level of money and the years of attention on reality TV have added dysfunction to dysfunction. Her dad not wanting to see her in the hospital years back? Ten bucks says that was her exaggeration because he didn't want the CAMERAS. He was an intensely private person. On the boat immediately after his funeral she called him a terrible horrible person. She eulogized him just before that! I wanna see his will and know what she said in that eulogy. She is so deranged, manipulative, spoiled, and yes, tone deaf. 

My mother is a horrible person, but I will no doubt be sad when she dies. I may even eulogize her, but I'll still be honest and say she was a horrible person. Not everyone has a fairytale family life and a loving, close relationship with one or both of their parents. These things are complicated.

  • Love 12
10 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Not quite, they are both married! LOL Really, if wearing a ring is proof positive that a marriage is intact, then Bethenny "cheated" on Jason after they parted ways because Jason still wore his wedding band for a long time, yet during that time Bethenny was already in a relationship with the frat boy. LOL


  • Love 3

God, first of all if a guy has a wedding ring on his finger, that's not the responsibility of Lu or anyone else.  That's the responsibility of the person with the wedding ring.  Second of all, we don't know what that wedding ring meant to the two people who may be wearing those 'wedding' rings.  People 'do' have open marriages.  People 'do' have different vows and what those vows mean at the time.  What gets me is Beth is so defensive about her boyfriend being separated but still married but yet she thinks she had the right to criticize the status of a man when she doesn't know the background of someone else.  Total hypocrisy IMO.  Add to this that I don't remember Lu ever admitting that she slept with this man.  All she admitted to was talking about marriages and making out with him.  And...when this all came up in Turks, my problem was with Ro (who threw Lu under the bus) who allowed a stranger to sleep in the house without the permission of the other women staying in said house.

And yep, I do have a problem with Lu blaming the 'other' woman when it comes to the so called making out session with Tom.  Nope.  This is on Tom.  Just like I don't blame Lu for her involvement with the so called married man, I don't lay blame on the woman who Tom was so called making out with.  Did Tom do something very wrong?  Yes.  Was it as tawdry as Beth claims?  I kind of have my doubts.  Did Tom demand Doris to lie for him?  I didn't get that out of the conversation.  I think it was a case of Tom doing something wrong but not to extent of what Beth is claiming and that's what it was all about and why he went to Dorinda. And Dorinda showed her own hypocrisy by declaring she was so close to Lu but chose to share this information with Ro.

Lu apparently has forgiven Tom.  That's her choice.  I don't buy that Lu is desperate.  She is a hot woman.  I don't doubt that many men would love to have her as a significant other.  I haven't always liked Lu but I do give her credit as a person who is always up for an adventure, very sexual and enjoys life.  Those are qualities that are very attractive and after seeing her special, she's had, overall, a fabulous life.

As to how Beth handled her 'information' about Lu.  This is a whole other thing.  She claims that she got texts.  Instead of going to Lu privately, she went to production.  That tells you a lot about Beth Frankel.  After calling Lu a whore and a fuck doll in the Berkshires, I think she was salivating with joy.  Things didn't turn out the way she thought.  Many saw through the so called angst of Beth.  Lu didn't react the way Beth planned.  Beth 'was' the bad guy....along with Carole, Ro and So who so badly want to take Lu down.  It didn't' work out the way they planned.  For the most part, IMO the viewers gave their sympathy to Lu and how she was treated by these women.

Apparently Beth is now focusing on how 'she' was treated at the reunion.  She hints at lies about her integrity.  Sorry Beth.  You have no 'integrity'.  Some people will believe your spin but I think most will see right through it.  You're just not that fabulous despite your endless instagrams of yourself in bikinis and all the so called fabulous celebrities who you hang out with and who are at your 'estate'.  Bottom line:  How are your products doing?  From what I've seen of your product placement in Liquor stores, not so much.  I don't even see any of your branded products at my local supermarkets anymore.  I give you credit for your deal with Beam.  And yeah, the documents prove you didn't get paid $100 million plus for that deal.  It may have had the potential for that money but your sales went down (according to Beam) and your 'deal' didn't make the requirements.  Beth is just one unhappy person who feels the need to take anyone down that doesn't fall in line with the Beth is greatest ever.

As for Bravo and Andy....say what you may but the viewers are seeing through that propaganda as well.  You're all making fools of yourself.

I like Bethenny. I think she has plenty of integrity -- as much or more than anyone on that show -- and I think she's mighty fabulous. She had dreams, and she worked incredibly hard and made them come true. If that means that some people resent her for her success, or try to negate it (I'm guessing the fact that you don't see Skinny Girl at your local Ralph's probably isn't a definitive indicator of the overall state of sales) doesn't mean that all people are hoping for her downfall or unimpressed by her success. Any problems and character flaws she has she readily acknowledges. If I could have the admiration of just one of the Housewives, it would definitely be Bethenny's good opinion I would value the most.

  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

I like Bethenny. I think she has plenty of integrity -- as much or more than anyone on that show -- and I think she's mighty fabulous. She had dreams, and she worked incredibly hard and made them come true. If that means that some people resent her for her success, or try to negate it (I'm guessing the fact that you don't see Skinny Girl at your local Ralph's probably isn't a definitive indicator of the overall state of sales) doesn't mean that all people are hoping for her downfall or unimpressed by her success. Any problems and character flaws she has she readily acknowledges. If I could have the admiration of just one of the Housewives, it would definitely be Bethenny's good opinion I would value the most.

I think people resent the fact that she's a horrible horrible human being.

If anything most people who can't stand her can at least make mention of the fact that she made something happen with that little skinny girl blip.

I'm personally not that impressed cause there's sloppy hustle and then there is ingenious hustle. Beth possesses the sloppy, workhorse, lucky hustle.

However I can acknowledge that all kinds of hustle can be praised but at the same time certain hustles carry more weight.

Either way original statement still stands. Beth haters usually hate on her cause she's a nasty, over the top mean person with little regard for anything or anyone that isn't her or her brand.

  • Love 22

Hi Gang! The mod team has been getting reports and PMs about some posters here being annoyed by other posters for things that aren't actionable within the site rules. 

In the name of protecting everyone's blood pressure, I'm going to recommend that you use the "Ignore" feature.

Here's how:

  1. Go to the top of your screen and click on the little head icon.
  2. Click on "Ignored Users".
  3. Type in the annoying person's name.
  4. Click the little boxes underneath that give you options on what to ignore.
  5. Click "Add User"
  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Don't necessarily need to agree for it to be a reality.

Point being, it isn't that it's a normal, expected route for every woman of a certain age to end up taking or being left with just that it's not some outrageous idea that experience, time and yes age will mold a new set of expectations, decisions and overall outlook on how to tackle life.

It may not sound like the ideal fairy tale that everyone is sold from as far back as anyone can remember but some people break free of those limited ideals and try to work with what is. People like to label that settling. I like to think of it as moving passed the myths and rigidness of "standards".  Funny, I actually find it restrictive to adhere to such inflexible strategies of all or nothing. I get the need to for strictness in certain regards but I just don't believe it needs to apply so blanketly. Some people see slippery slope where others see straight lines and hey to each their own. Being appalled at what others decide to contend with and actually trying to interfere to the extend that these women do? Complete waste of personal energy and time. I find it ludicrous.

Luann has gone around saying over and over how she does not want an open relationship. She does not want to be cheated on.  She's been through it and it caused her great pain.  This desire to have a monogamous relationship is not born out of limited ideas, myths, or rigid standards she has internalized or had forced on her by external sources . She has a hard-earned knowledge of herself and her own needs and wants that has come from fifty years of real life experience.  For that reason, I don't view people questioning her choice to stay with Tom as a misguided attempt to foist fairy-tale expectations of life on her or a demand that she meet their own personal relationship standards.  People are questioning what she is doing because she appears to be settling for a relationship that seemingly will not meet her own standards. And quite frankly, when you have been as superior and preachy about your relationships as Luann has over the years, don't be surprised when the crowd starts shouting "the Countess has no clothes!" LOL

At any rate, I can't get with the idea that Luann staying with Tom is being the result of time and age molding a new set of expectations if for no other reason than she just said this stuff about wanting a monogamous marriage like, yesterday.  She obviously feels that way right now.  The theory of age-tempered experience does not explain her decision to walk down the aisle with a guy who has cheated on her right out of the gate.

I guess maybe she just doesn't think he'll do it again. Well, good luck with that Luann!  Because if he does, rest assured there will be someone hiding in the bushes waiting to snap a picture and jam it in your face.  Next time, might I suggest you take the wind out of their sails by claiming, oh I know all about that and we worked it out and it's behind us.  Which is what you should have said to Bethenny!  You could have nipped this in the bud, Countess, nipped it in the bud! 

  • Love 9
10 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I don't buy that Lu is desperate.  She is a hot woman.  I don't doubt that many men would love to have her as a significant other.  I haven't always liked Lu but I do give her credit as a person who is always up for an adventure, very sexual and enjoys life. 

The outside package is still relatively attractive.  But Lu can't attract, nor keep, a decent man because her inside package isn't all that stellar.  Look at Sonja - I think she's beautiful and funny as hell and fun (as long as she stays sober).  You'd think she'd be an excellent catch for a decent guy who wasn't just looking for a roll in the hay.  But something about Sonja keeps the decent suitor away. Her delusions? Past financial history?  Something. There will be guys all day long looking to jump her bones because she'll let them.  Same with Lu.  She's mean, clingy, all about Lu and in your face.  And if she's verbal about what a hot little squirter she is and how she enjoys gettin' jiggy with it all the time, well, believe it or not, there are certain men who would have a problem with a woman that act that way for the long term.

So I agree with your first bolded sentence and the beginning of the second.  She is an attractive women.  And I don't doubt that many men would love to have her.  Just not as a significant other.  Unless it's Tom.  And notice how I keep saying 'decent' men?  Tom isn't one of those. So yeah, she attracted and managed to get a ring out of Tom.  I'm not impressed. 

And I don't think the other HWs are either.  If she thinks she's making them jealous anymore, she'd be wrong.

  • Love 12
16 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

When Luann is speaking of second chances I try and remove the, "What would I do?" from the equation and substitute what if my son or daughter was the cheater, and I felt and knew deep down, my kid was really okay and really loved the fiancé or fiancée, would I want them to be given a second chance?  Because I love my kid I would want what makes them happy.  If it were reversed I would not want to see my kid throw away a chance at happiness because of pride or the opinions of frenemies.   I also would tell my kid, if their fiance or fiancee can't move past the indiscretion and it becomes what defines their relationship they would need to walk away.  Living under that kind of cloud it is not a recipe for happiness.  If their friends can't move past it they need to find new friends. 

Tom admitted to screwing up-it doesn't necessarily mean the behavior was as Bethenny's friend described.  Tom may have had a helluva a mea culpa but because Dorinda, who I find entirely too self absorbed, didn't want to lend her paid time to explore another side of the story we will never know.  I believe it a series of six pictures taken as a mini-video.  I don't think there is a slew of pictures starting at 10:30 and going until 12:30.  I usually find Dorinda to do things that are good for Dorinda, I don't see her being all that altruistic. 

Serious question:  what other side is there, when: 

17 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I confess that statement offends me just a bit because I happen to be the same age and the same gender and have the same marital status as Luann, which I guess puts me at the same stage of the game, lol.    And I certainly would not consider what Luann is doing as "par for the course" that I am playing on.  What she is doing is incredibly foolish.  

Luann has already had her heart ripped out and stomped on once by a cheating husband after 15 years of marriage.  Why she would even contemplate taking one step down the aisle toward a man who has already been caught with another woman after only being engaged a nanosecond is unfathomable to me.  Not to mention one who clearly abuses alcohol. 

If we were talking about a woman involved in a long-standing relationship giving her mate a second chance, I could understand not pulling the plug instantly. But Luann has NOTHING invested in this man - other than her pride and a certain amount of desperation to be married/save her place on this show, that is.  Maybe it's worth it to her for those reasons alone, but I agree with others here who have described it as a sad and pathetic situation.


The waiters and bartenders where Tom is a regular (and probably a nice tipper when he actually sticks around to pay the tab himself) do not feel like an "impartial" source to me.  It has the stink of putting them on the spot and pressuring and probably paying some guys to tell the story he wants told.  These employees don't want any part of his drama and be involved in this mess at work.  I'lll never believe the bar employees would go anywhere near this crap purely from the goodness of their own hearts, especially not if it was going to be filmed!  Not if they value their jobs.  It's a favor for a regular, maybe some cash on the side.  I wouldn't waste my time listening to a word they had to say.

At any rate, no matter what the employees might have to say, it could never erase the fact that Tom was drunk in a bar engaged in a multi-phased series of lip locks with some chick because he was supposedly ticked off at Luann.  There are PICTURES.  I don't see how you can really spin that into anything less disgusting.  Dorinda was right to blow him off for that reason in and of itself.  There was just no point wasting her time listening to the waitstaff try to tell the story any differently.  And what Bethenny had to say about or how partial she might be doesn't mean a thing.  The pictures tell enough of a story all by themselves.

The fact that Tom has admitted how badly he messed up would support that conclusion as well.

Isn't the thing that allows most women to put it behind them no evidence to recall or images their minds can't erase?   But, there. are. pictures.   Why are we entertaining the possibility that the waiters have some alternate, if even plausible, explanation?   And if so that Dorinida owes it to their friendship to hear the spin.  There aren't versions of the truth.  Furthermore, the man confessed.   They really must be a match though.  If you don't do this you can't come to the wedding or be friends with Lu anymore sounds as if not more wackadoo than if you don't stop talking about me, I'm leaving. 

14 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

I really don't care about who's cheatin' who (great name for a C&W song...)

I do love the frantic scrambling of people trying to 'save' their pals with info that could crush them mentally. with friends/coworkers/bystanders like that, do you really need to pay any attention to what they are saying?  They all acted like ants that just had their hill stepped on.

All the named clothing, friends, business opportunities, courting Jaime Foxx's pals, sitting on watermelons , bleeding vaginas, cheating BF info, pretend detective work and penance isn't going to change the fact that a person is a racheted, skank with no people skills or tact.

And all their plotting just pushed Luann back into Tom's arms.

Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut, you eyes closed and your fingers in your ears - its just common sense.

Right?  The Queen of Soul might've come close with Who's Zoomin Who in the mid 80's.  I'd be shocked if one of the Shelton/Lamberts hadn't come up with a rendition.  Maybe they're just nice people who wanna move on.

15 hours ago, Castina said:

Just watched the show.  Not going to debate what Luann should do or why she isn't doing what a lot of people think she should do.  She is a grown woman with a life full of experiences and if this is the path she chooses to take then I wish her all the best.  I  think she is essentially a good decent human being and I hope it works out for her.  If it doesn't, it doesn't, it is something she will have to deal with.  But I give her KUDOS for how she dealt with that whole mess last night. The cameras, the women, Ramona flinging herself into her arms crying about Mario.  She handled it better than a lot of people would have. 

For me the issue here is Bethenny's motivation in doing what she did and how she did it.  This show is about the relationships these women have with each other and that is where my focus is.  Not on Tom and Luann.  But on Bethenny and Luann.  And the other women.  Bethenny can try to turn this into a "shoot the messenger" moment but it's not.  Luann was fine with Bethenny when she was first told.  It's as the pieces started to come together that she started to tweak that Bethenny's motives were not that pure.   IMO the ONLY reason Bethenny is freaking out and "crying" and reaching for her well placed skg paint thinner is because she herself tweaked that she just jumped the shark and became one of those RH characters that create shit and drama on camera to make good TV without any regard the damage it may do to the person on the receiving end of it. 

And that is what we will probably see at the reunion and why Bethenny is so pissed off and rattled about how that went down.  Because she is exposed.  The thing is watching this series to me it is obvious that Bethenny is the star and they did EVERYTHING they possibly could to edit this as well as they could for her.  And they did EVERYTHING they could to edit Luann as another Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's sofa.   And still B came out looking as she did.  She gives away too much in her reveal to Luann about how she wants this to go down and how much research she put into this to make sure she had her facts in line.  

All I know is if that were me and someone had a picture of my partner kissing someone else I would want to know but I would want to be told in privacy.   These things hurt but it just adds to the hurt when you find out everyone around you has been discussing it over tea the last few days before telling you because then you don't get to control how you deal with it.  

Bethenny can't say it's all fair game because they signed up to do a reality show when she puts nothing of herself out there.  And a final thought.  I wrote a while ago that I didn't believe the scene on Bethenny's bed with her and Carole talking was filmed during that time frame.  It seemed like an add in.  The conversation where they pretend the four of them just took their trip and how Bethenny talks about her guy and how he wants to marry her.  I was convinced at the time that Andy did her a favour and filmed that scene after the season wrapped so she could put out there she was dating someone special and wasn't hiding anything because it came out in the gossip pages in that time frame that she was dating a married man.   Well her toast at her event in the show last night, where she comments how Carole and Adam are the beautiful, perfect couple and the rest of them were a disaster with men??  Hmmmm...........no mention there of the great guy she was dating who made her reconsider the possibility of marrying again ;)  Andy can do all he can to help Bethenny out with the edit but there are just some things he can't make go away.  

I don't mean to sound insensitive, but how?  I mean I get what you mean in relation to her reaction because the girl said "how could you do this to me and in front of everybody" - exacerbates the humiliation sure, but how does that affect what she decides to do about it?  If anything wouldn't all their tongue clucking and shit talking help solidify her gloria gaynorosity to break out?

33 minutes ago, Gaily said:

This is all a set up to drive ratings for the show.  I don't believe that LuAnn would be this desperate to marry some bald man-whore who has less money than she has and constantly cheats with others.  Whether you like LuAnn or not, you gotta admit she's a good-looking woman with a fun-loving personality. She could easily attract any number of well-heeled middle-aged gentlemen who will treat her right.  She seems too smart to go bananas over a famewhore/Slade Smiley type -- she's got way too much game for that nonsense.  And, no, she certainly would not want Ramona's or Sonja's sloppy seconds.  

All in all, I still liked this season. It brought plenty of drama.  But I miss the days of yore -- especially Season 3 with Scary Island and the Kelly Bensimon meltdown. Now, that was great classic Housewives TV.

I'm not sure she could.  That has nothing to do with how attractive she is.  Tom's a unicorn.  50ish, no ex wives, no kids, allegedly well off and by all indications likes women in his age bracket.   2 out of 5 of those would make him a catch for a woman 1/2 Luann's age, so the fact that this guy wants her, given the woman he could want, is kind of a big deal.   It's not only that the pickins are slim, but even those pickins don't have what he does.   Which is also why I don't think we should invest in the idea that the wedding was ever gonna be called off. 

18 hours ago, beesknees said:

Good Lord, I hope you weren't serious about your leaving.  I always love your posts and I wish you were a recapper on this site.

Thank you love, that's the highest of compliments and I'm flattered but I was only using Lu's paranoia to leg-pull :D   'sides I'm way too distractable to ::seesshinyredball::  Ooh, I gotta go! 

fabled pussy(™lunastron)


  • Love 12
10 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Luann has gone around saying over and over how she does not want an open relationship. She does not want to be cheated on.  She's been through it and it caused her great pain.  This desire to have a monogamous relationship is not born out of limited ideas, myths, or rigid standards she has internalized or had forced on her by external sources . She has a hard-earned knowledge of herself and her own needs and wants that has come from fifty years of real life experience.  For that reason, I don't view people questioning her choice to stay with Tom as a misguided attempt to foist fairy-tale expectations of life on her or a demand that she meet their own personal relationship standards.  People are questioning what she is doing because she appears to be settling for a relationship that seemingly will not meet her own standards. And quite frankly, when you have been as superior and preachy about your relationships as Luann has over the years, don't be surprised when the crowd starts shouting "the Countess has no clothes!" LOL

At any rate, I can't get with the idea that Luann staying with Tom is being the result of time and age molding a new set of expectations if for no other reason than she just said this stuff about wanting a monogamous marriage like, yesterday.  She obviously feels that way right now.  The theory of age-tempered experience does not explain her decision to walk down the aisle with a guy who has cheated on her right out of the gate.

I guess maybe she just doesn't think he'll do it again. Well, good luck with that Luann!  Because if he does, rest assured there will be someone hiding in the bushes waiting to snap a picture and jam it in your face.  Next time, might I suggest you take the wind out of their sails by claiming, oh I know all about that and we worked it out and it's behind us.  Which is what you should have said to Bethenny!  You could have nipped this in the bud, Countess, nipped it in the bud! 

I think it's simply that when Luann falls for a guy, she falls hard and fast for him, just like she did with the Count and Jacques. She goes all in and believes in working through things instead of throwing in the towel right away. Even though Tom hurt her by his actions/cheating, I get the impression as long there is no sex between them (Tom/another woman), she is willing to try and make things better.

10 minutes ago, ryebread said:

The outside package is still relatively attractive.  But Lu can't attract, nor keep, a decent man because her inside package isn't all that stellar.  Look at Sonja - I think she's beautiful and funny as hell and fun (as long as she stays sober).  You'd think she'd be an excellent catch for a decent guy who wasn't just looking for a roll in the hay.  But something about Sonja keeps the decent suitor away. Her delusions? Past financial history?  Something. There will be guys all day long looking to jump her bones because she'll let them.  Same with Lu.  She's mean, clingy, all about Lu and in your face.  And if she's verbal about what a hot little squirter she is and how she enjoys gettin' jiggy with it all the time, well, believe it or not, there are certain men who would have a problem with a woman that act that way for the long term.

So I agree with your first bolded sentence and the beginning of the second.  She is an attractive women.  And I don't doubt that many men would love to have her.  Just not as a significant other.  Unless it's Tom.  And notice how I keep saying 'decent' men?  Tom isn't one of those. So yeah, she attracted and managed to get a ring out of Tom.  I'm not impressed. 

And I don't think the other HWs are either.  If she thinks she's making them jealous anymore, she'd be wrong.

We don't know that the Count wasn't/isn't a decent man/person outside of the fact that he strayed after they were married 16 years, it happens even with decent/good people. Jacques seemed like a decent person from what we saw of him and they were together for about 4 years and I really believe they broke it off because he wanted children of his own, which was not an option for her for a variety of reasons, including the fact that her tubes were tied and her age. As for Tom, we don't know anything about him except that he dated Sonja/Ramona and that he locked lips/tongues with someone after he/Luann got engaged while drunk (something even Bethenny pointed out). He may be the devil incarnate or a nice guy that made a shitty decision in a moment of drunken weakness.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, SistaLadybug said:

If I were Luann, I absolutely would care about my fiance making out with another woman (no matter how long the kiss lasted).  I am not Luann.

Luann chaps my ass and always has, but she is correct that she is a grown woman and staying with Tom or not is her choice.  I, like Bethenny, would have told her and shown her the pictures, but that is where I leave Bethenny.  I do believe she has some underlying delight in being the conduit for Luann's pain.  That's not the same as saying she feels no pain for Luann because I think she does - but Bethenny is a "well, actually" ... she is a person who takes great pleasure in being right and proving you wrong.  I think that pleasure outweighs any sympathy she feels for Luann.  

It is sad to me that Luann would stay with Tom, but my sadness doesn't have to be hers.  If she believes she will be happy with Tom - for *whatever reason* - because the sex is good, because his money is long, because she enjoys having someone else in the bed at night, because they make great companions, because it's a delicious "fuck you" to the naysayers - then she should take that happiness and run with it, if it lasts for two weeks or twenty years.  Fuck what everyone else says because at the end, no one else's opinion will matter.  She's the one who has to look at herself in the mirror.

I just wanna stare at it.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
prepositions, people!
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, pbutler111 said:

I don't buy that Lu is desperate.  She is a hot woman.  I don't doubt that many men would love to have her as a significant other.  I haven't always liked Lu but I do give her credit as a person who is always up for an adventure, very sexual and enjoys life.  

Being a single woman in your 50's in NYC is brutal. It can be cold, cruel and lonely out there. There are a gazillion women for every single man. I totally believe Lu is desperate. She has been single and dating for a while now. She's tired and realizes with every year that passes by it's going to be more difficult to find a good man, so she will fight to the death to keep this relationship. Why hasn't Sonja been able to find a man? Ramona? Carole was single forever before the boy toy who won't stick around and what about Dorinda? John is the best she can do. Trust me, the superficial men of NYC especially the men with money, are looking for younger women. And they always find them.  Isn't that when Sonja met Morgan, and when Lu met the Count? They were young and hot.   I truly believe Tom is interested in Lu for her money and that is all. 

My brother, who is in his 60's now and lives in NYC is an average looking man, not wealthy AT ALL and has women flocking to him all the time. Successful, accomplished women with money. So that's how cut throat the dating scene is in NYC. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 11
48 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Luann has gone around saying over and over how she does not want an open relationship. She does not want to be cheated on.  She's been through it and it caused her great pain.  This desire to have a monogamous relationship is not born out of limited ideas, myths, or rigid standards she has internalized or had forced on her by external sources . She has a hard-earned knowledge of herself and her own needs and wants that has come from fifty years of real life experience.  For that reason, I don't view people questioning her choice to stay with Tom as a misguided attempt to foist fairy-tale expectations of life on her or a demand that she meet their own personal relationship standards.  People are questioning what she is doing because she appears to be settling for a relationship that seemingly will not meet her own standards. And quite frankly, when you have been as superior and preachy about your relationships as Luann has over the years, don't be surprised when the crowd starts shouting "the Countess has no clothes!" LOL

At any rate, I can't get with the idea that Luann staying with Tom is being the result of time and age molding a new set of expectations if for no other reason than she just said this stuff about wanting a monogamous marriage like, yesterday.  She obviously feels that way right now.  The theory of age-tempered experience does not explain her decision to walk down the aisle with a guy who has cheated on her right out of the gate.

I guess maybe she just doesn't think he'll do it again. Well, good luck with that Luann!  Because if he does, rest assured there will be someone hiding in the bushes waiting to snap a picture and jam it in your face.  Next time, might I suggest you take the wind out of their sails by claiming, oh I know all about that and we worked it out and it's behind us.  Which is what you should have said to Bethenny!  You could have nipped this in the bud, Countess, nipped it in the bud! 

But SHE understands how determined SHE is

She understands HER threshold

She understands HER expectations

She understands HER standards

and what it takes to completely disintegrate the a-for-mentioned determination.

I've never implied that she doesn't want a monogomous marriage. I'm saying her way of dealing with obstacles in her relationship aren't as cut and dry and most likely a result of her experiences in life. How she chooses to move forward is based on HER own understanding of what she feels can come out on the other side. What she thinks can outweigh these rocky beginnings. It actually falls within her past behavior to take very risky leaps. Some people just need to see it completely through before completely scraping a relationship. I know I'm one.

My last relationship started off hella rough with a dude with a ridiculous list of NO, NO's from Day 1 and yet two years later (and a ring only after 4 months), when we finally parted ways very painfully I look back and shrug. I knew the risks, I was hoping for the best, there was something about the pairing that had me completely enthralled and fulfilled and although I knew the crash and burn was probably inevitable I just buckled up and said "well then I guess we'll see and if nothing else it will be one hell of a ride" and at that point of my life it's exactly what I needed. 

Did I announce to my friends that I had no idea whether or not it would be forever or that I there was serious doubt? Nope! I kept that to myself. Did I tell them I wasn't too sure about our future when they gasps and made skeptical inquires about the fast engagement even though I too had my reservations? Nope! I just said it was great, it was awesome, I love him and he loves me. And we did. The rest worked itself out. Did I show my doubts or confirm their doubts? HELL NO! Not my job.

So yeah, I completely understand how someone like Lu can be full steam ahead. I believe that it's just another one of her adventures that she's willing to explore and hoping it will be her last. I don't think it goes against what we've seen about Lu's nature to take risks. Especially with love. I for one admire it cause I do believe she's prepared to fall hard. She's willing to take that chance even if it mean taking a big hit in the end but at least she knows she gave it her all. I think that's also what happened with the Count.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

Jacques seemed like a decent person from what we saw of him and they were together for about 4 years and I really believe they broke it off because he wanted children of his own, which was not an option for her for a variety of reasons, including the fact that her tubes were tied and her age. As for Tom, we don't know anything about him except that he dated Sonja/Ramona and that he locked lips/tongues with someone after he/Luann got engaged while drunk (something even Bethenny pointed out). He may be the devil incarnate or a nice guy that made a shitty decision in a moment of drunken weakness.

Jacques may have been a decent guy but like I said, she wasn't able to keep him.  Imo it's because she cheated on him.  If it was because she couldn't give him bio children, that's still a reason she wasn't able to keep him.  If Lu was still dating the young fellas and they strongly wanted bio children, she wouldn't be able to keep them either.  Lu, as a woman of a certain age and reputation, has a limited number of men to choose from.  Fair or not.  My point is,  I don't believe there are "many men would love to have her as a significant other".  Because she possesses certain qualities, in her control and not, that limits her pool.  Those limitations have yielded....Tom.

I've seen what I need to know about him.  He cheated, he embarrassed/hurt her, then tried to use her friend to white wash what he did. He has drunken black outs. And if he doesn't, then he's a liar. Not a decent guy by my standards.  He lacks the common decency NOT to cheat on his fiancé of 2 weeks in a place that they frequented as a couple.  Doesn't matter when he did it or where.  He did. it.  I'm not down with marrying a guy that gets drunk and makes shitty decisions.  That's no kind of life to be giddy about. Good for her if she's able to move past that.  I just think she deserves a decent guy who wouldn't pull that the minute she's out of his sight.  Or maybe some of the other posters are right and they are soulmates.

  • Love 10
22 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I think it's simply that when Luann falls for a guy, she falls hard and fast for him, just like she did with the Count and Jacques. She goes all in and believes in working through things instead of throwing in the towel right away. Even though Tom hurt her by his actions/cheating, I get the impression as long there is no sex between them (Tom/another woman), she is willing to try and make things better.

We don't know that the Count wasn't/isn't a decent man/person outside of the fact that he strayed after they were married 16 years, it happens even with decent/good people. Jacques seemed like a decent person from what we saw of him and they were together for about 4 years and I really believe they broke it off because he wanted children of his own, which was not an option for her for a variety of reasons, including the fact that her tubes were tied and her age. As for Tom, we don't know anything about him except that he dated Sonja/Ramona and that he locked lips/tongues with someone after he/Luann got engaged while drunk (something even Bethenny pointed out). He may be the devil incarnate or a nice guy that made a shitty decision in a moment of drunken weakness.

I agree that Jacques seemed like a nice guy. It's great that they are still able to be friends to this day. 

I had forgotten that Lu had her tubes tied. Makes that storyline about trying to get pregnant all the more ridiculous. More proof that Lu will make up crazy shit for a story. More proof that she is such a liar. 

Regarding the Count, I don't think he is a decent guy. Lu said on more than one occasion that he had problems with "Jews", so for me, that means he was far from decent. Lu didn't seem to mind, however, and said it like it was no big thing. Like he had a problem eating chicken that wasn't free range or something. No big deal, nothing to see here.  The older I've gotten, I have stopped being surprised by the level of blatant racism that exists. I am, however, still stunned that people so freely throw it about in general conversation. 

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

I think people resent the fact that she's a horrible horrible human being.

If anything most people who can't stand her can at least make mention of the fact that she made something happen with that little skinny girl blip.

I'm personally not that impressed cause there's sloppy hustle and then there is ingenious hustle. Beth possesses the sloppy, workhorse, lucky hustle.

However I can acknowledge that all kinds of hustle can be praised but at the same time certain hustles carry more weight.

Either way original statement still stands. Beth haters usually hate on her cause she's a nasty, over the top mean person with little regard for anything or anyone that isn't her or her brand.

I don't know that she's "horrible horrible human being".  I've never met her, and I haven't seen anything about her on TV or other media to suggest to me that she's such.  She seems like a basically decent human being with a lot of drive and determination who's overcome many obstacles in her life, including the bad opinion of strangers.  I can admire her and you can despise her.  I doubt either will have much impact on her life.

Edited by pbutler111
  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Being a single woman in your 50's in NYC is brutal. It can be cold, cruel and lonely out there. There are a gazillion women for every single man. I totally believe Lu is desperate. She has been single and dating for a while now. She's tired and realizes with every year that passes by it's going to be more difficult to find a good man, so she will fight to the death to keep this relationship. Why hasn't Sonja been able to find a man? Ramona? Carole was single forever before the boy toy who won't stick around and what about Dorinda? John is the best she can do. Trust me, the superficial men of NYC especially the men with money, are looking for younger women. And they always find them.  Isn't that when Sonja met Morgan, and when Lu met the Count? They were young and hot.   I truly believe Tom is interested in Lu for her money and that is all. 

My brother, who is in his 60's now and lives in NYC is an average looking man, not wealthy AT ALL and has women flocking to him all the time. Successful, accomplished women with money. So that's how bad it is in NYC.

somebody pass that collection plate down here please....

20 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Jacques may have been a decent guy but like I said, she wasn't able to keep him.  Imo it's because she cheated on him.  If it was because she couldn't give him bio children, that's still a reason she wasn't able to keep him.  If Lu was still dating the young fellas and they strongly wanted bio children, she wouldn't be able to keep them either.  Lu, as a woman of a certain age and reputation, has a limited number of men to choose from.  Fair or not.  My point is,  I don't believe there are "many men would love to have her as a significant other".  Because she possesses certain qualities, in her control and not, that limits her pool.  Those limitations have yielded....Tom.

I've seen what I need to know about him.  He cheated, he embarrassed/hurt her, then tried to use her friend to white wash what he did. He has drunken black outs. And if he doesn't, then he's a liar. Not a decent guy by my standards.  He lacks the common decency NOT to cheat on his fiancé of 2 weeks in a place that they frequented as a couple.  Doesn't matter when he did it or where.  He did. it.  I'm not down with marrying a guy that gets drunk and makes shitty decisions.  That's no kind of life to be giddy about. Good for her if she's able to move past that.  I just think she deserves a decent guy who wouldn't pull that the minute she's out of his sight.  Or maybe some of the other posters are right and they are soulmates.

....and my tambourine.

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

I don't know that she's "horrible horrible human being".  I've never met her, and I haven't seen anything about her on TV or other media to suggest to me that she's such.  She seems like a basically decent human being with a lot of drive and determination who's overcome many obstacles in her life, including the bad opinion of strangers.  I can admire her and you can despise her.  I doubt either will have much impact on her life.

She is to me.

  • Love 10
19 hours ago, WireWrap said:

But, the bottom line is that Carole didn't "do" anything to Luann's niece, Adam did.

In other words, Luann is dammed if she does and dammed if she doesn't and Bethenny took advantage of that for fodder on the show, without sharing 1 personal thing about her own life, other than her bleeding fibroids. I so wish, these other HWs would pull the curtain back on Bethenny's real life as she so loves to do to them.

There is no known way to measure how hard I would watch the fuck out of that.

  • Love 10

I think those of us who live normal lives do not have a way to gauge  the decisions of fame whores like Luann and Bethenny. Tom and Luann's storyline has become the one that dominated this season. I think Luann will absolutely go through with the marriage to get an Apple for next season. She will be the centerpiece of the show. Look at how she burst into the discussion to demand they stop talking about her. You know that is bullshit. She revels in them talking about it.

It is quite unfortunate that marriage has become such a disposable commodity. When you strip it of its religious and moral component marriage doesn't mean much to these people. It is a farce in fact. So I could see Luann going through with a sham marriage to secure her position as a housewife. After all Bethenny went through a sham marriage and even had a kid to secure her spot and get a couple of TV series out of it. 

So measuring and evaluating Luann's responses is a mugs game. It is all a farce and entertainment.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, ryebread said:

Really distracting to me last night was at Dorinda's how much highlighter she uses on her brow bones. I'm a fan of a good highlighter, (Hello, Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector - love you so much xoxo) but Moaner was wearing a LOT.

It accentuated the bugginess of her eyes. Especially when she did that close her eyes when she talks thing she does.  It also looks like she's had an eye lift or a brow lift.  Maybe both.  The shape looks different or something.

Damn you Ryebread!  I am going to be swooning over this stuff while I decide what to get.  I won't Moaner my face up though.

And I am still giggling over your use of pecker.  It is a word that needs to be used more.  Pecker, Pecker, Pecker!

I watched again last night and while I like B usually, she was really playing up the hand shaking thing.  Yes I get it, high emotions!  But come on.  At least if you are going for it, make sure they shake the whole time.  Not just when swilling YOUR booze.  And I say this with love, at 45 you need to gain a smidge of weight.  You would look younger and you can still be very fit.  But won't look like you could put an eye out with your elbow.

On second glance Lu looked no less pathetic and Tom no less dastardly.  This is my own opinion formed by a youthful partying experience (in the 80s for reference!).  **Lu, Tom, Dorinda, and John are party friends who partake in some sort of illicit substance that shall remain unnamed.  That was my husbands opinion and then mine BEFORE the accusations were made on screen.  It is also a look I see every weekend at my work when dealing with college students at events in the venue I manage (concerts/dance parties/etc).  *It* has come back full force.  I also saw a look of OH SHIT on Lu's face when the deets came spilling out because not only was her apple in danger BEFORE Tom the Magic Schlong came into the picture, but it was confirmed that Gretchen and Slade lost their jobs on OC for faking an engagement and storyline.  That royally pissed off Bravo and fans so she has a lot riding on this story being believable.

**I don't toss this out willy nilly.  It is a very familiar look.  I didn't believe it at first cause they are older than me! That said it shouldn't be outed on tv.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

I think Luann will absolutely go through with the marriage to get an Apple for next season. She will be the centerpiece of the show.

But don't you think she'd get an apple if she dumped him or vice versa?

For me, that would actually be a juicier story line.  Lu getting married and settling in with that cheating schlump, not so much. The only thing I want to see from Tom is how fabulous, or not, (and I'm betting NOT) his apartment and lifestyle really is.  I envision that fabulous apartment of his decorated entirely by his mom. 

But him and Lu as a married couple, acting giddy and continuing to frequent their UES watering holes.  ZzzZZzzzzz

  • Love 5

I think the will she or won't she drama will continue only if she marries him.  They will drag it out. First the events leading up to the marriage. Who gets invited. Jill and Heather and Kristen? Who doesn't get invited. Ramona and Bethenny and Carole? Then the recriminations and the cheating and the drama ensues. The breakup and the divorce are the next moves in the game. It is all a game to them. Not a sacred commitment that is to most of us. 

If Bethenny leaves as she is threatening what else do they have going on in this franchise that all of the women have a stake in.

6 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Damn you Ryebread!  I am going to be swooning over this stuff while I decide what to get.  I won't Moaner my face up though.

Game changer.  I use the liquid.  A little goes a long, long way. The powder has particles of 'glitter' that I don't like.  The liquid is subtle but freaking gorgeous on cheekbones, down the center of your nose, corner of inner eyes and in the little divot above your lip.  Some days it's all I wear with some mascara and lipstick. 

Back on topic yet still make-uppey.....Jules looked beautiful in her overalls, white top and little make-up.  When I compare that to how she looks when she's heavily done up for an event like Bethenny's Mexican Jewelry Grab, I conclude she looks better without.  Bish.  I'd bet she uses a product like that Becca Skin Perfector when she's rocking the no make up look, though.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

The sushi lunch with Bethenny and Carole aired simultaneously with Ramona bringing Pinot and chicken soup to Dorinda. Dorinda is telling Ramona about an off camera phone conversation with Luanne and Tom.

Was it real sushi and CS or, like the ceviche, vegetarian?


Speaking from behind a penis?

IF I was going to my favorite hangout and swap spit with a woman in a hotel bar, I sure as fuck wouldn't chance a case of blue balls. At Tom's age? It might kill him?

I'd have 'made out' for 10 and taken the slag up to the room and done her until she walked out the next morning, bowlegged. (I am not that coarse, but for the sake of all the people who think Tom is a pig, I have to present it as such?)

IF Tom's intent was to knock a piece off the little lady, Why didn't Meth Frankel, Private Dick (emphasis on the word DICK) dig up a room number, receipt for the room or some photos of O Tommy Boy walking his gal up to a room?

From what I understand there are three photos with a timestamp and Tommy's mug isn't visible, but the back of his head is and it belongs to Tom Terrific?

Nope, there are too many what-if's to complete the 'picture'.

What we are led to believe is that over the course of two hours Tom and the woman swapped spit and that was it?

I think that they coven is upset that they don't have 'more' incriminating evidence to throw in her face - like actual video of his nasty ass in action?

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

I think that they coven is upset that they don't have 'more' incriminating evidence to throw in her face - like actual video of his nasty ass in action?

I didn't think about that.  I'm surprised there isn't video.  Recording a video on a phone is as easy as taking a photo.  And what IF video surfaced.  Would the ever-loving, oh-so-tolerant and forgiving Lu be able to move on from that? Tom and Bunny, in motion, hands moving, mild grinding, ass grabbing?  Gah.  Not me.  Never in a million years. 

Did they actually show more than one picture during the epi?  Or was it the same one shown over and over?

2 hours ago, ryebread said:

The outside package is still relatively attractive.  But Lu can't attract, nor keep, a decent man because her inside package isn't all that stellar.  Look at Sonja - I think she's beautiful and funny as hell and fun (as long as she stays sober).  You'd think she'd be an excellent catch for a decent guy who wasn't just looking for a roll in the hay.  But something about Sonja keeps the decent suitor away. Her delusions? Past financial history?  Something. There will be guys all day long looking to jump her bones because she'll let them.  Same with Lu.  She's mean, clingy, all about Lu and in your face.  And if she's verbal about what a hot little squirter she is and how she enjoys gettin' jiggy with it all the time, well, believe it or not, there are certain men who would have a problem with a woman that act that way for the long term.

So I agree with your first bolded sentence and the beginning of the second.  She is an attractive women.  And I don't doubt that many men would love to have her.  Just not as a significant other.  Unless it's Tom.  And notice how I keep saying 'decent' men?  Tom isn't one of those. So yeah, she attracted and managed to get a ring out of Tom.  I'm not impressed. 

And I don't think the other HWs are either.  If she thinks she's making them jealous anymore, she'd be wrong.

Luann as a 'companion' would be great, she'll get off the bench and get into the game - she is a player?

Sonja? Um, as a guy, I doubt I would be anyplace, alone with her. Her flaw is that she doesn't know how to play the/a game. I'd go out and have a drink with her, then put her in a cab with a hand shake or a pat on the back.

A peck on the cheek would turn into, "He kissed me and I know he wants me because he hugged me, too." SM exudes a desperate aura - If you did take her home for a quick roll in the hay?

You'd best be prepared for that knock on the door - "I was in the neighborhood and decided to drop in......" bullshit.

Sonja Morgan - for lack of a better term - is like that blob of chewing gum you step in on a hot day. It once was a treat, but now?

It's an inconvenience?

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I didn't think about that. I'm surprised there isn't video.  Recording a video on a phone is as easy as taking a photo.  And what IF video surfaced.  Would the ever-loving, oh-so-tolerant and forgiving Lu be able to move on from that? Tom and Bunny, in motion, hands moving, mild grinding, ass grabbing?  Gah.  Not me.  Never in a million years. 

Did they actually show more than one picture during the epi?  Or was it the same one shown over and over?

Bold mine.

And I just watched an interview where I'm pretty sure I heard Bethy say that there were two hours of "film".

No wonder a timeline is hard to pin down! 

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Game changer.  I use the liquid.  A little goes a long, long way. The powder has particles of 'glitter' that I don't like.  The liquid is subtle but freaking gorgeous on cheekbones, down the center of your nose, corner of inner eyes and in the little divot above your lip.  Some days it's all I wear with some mascara and lipstick. 

Back on topic yet still make-uppey.....Jules looked beautiful in her overalls, white top and little make-up.  When I compare that to how she looks when she's heavily done up for an event like Bethenny's Mexican Jewelry Grab, I conclude she looks better without.  Bish.  I'd bet she uses a product like that Becca Skin Perfector when she's rocking the no make up look, though.

Thank you for the tips!

I think Jules is gorgeous and that casual look was stunning.  I would say she looks like a ballet dancer with her physique but I know it has been helped by disordered eating.  But damn, she is pretty.

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I didn't think about that.  I'm surprised there isn't video.  Recording a video on a phone is as easy as taking a photo.  And what IF video surfaced.  Would the ever-loving, oh-so-tolerant and forgiving Lu be able to move on from that? Tom and Bunny, in motion, hands moving, mild grinding, ass grabbing?  Gah.  Not me.  Never in a million years. 

Did they actually show more than one picture during the epi?  Or was it the same one shown over and over?

Thanks, I never thought about the CCTV from the hotel.

The places I have stayed in have some kind of closed circuit video cameras on the premises - If we can get video of an NFL player punching his SO in an elevator, why don't we have video of tom and his gal in action?

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

Bold mine.

And I just watched an interview where I'm pretty sure I heard Bethy say that there were two hours of "film".

No wonder a timeline is hard to pin down! 

Now, this is where Beffany cannot be taken at her 'word'.

First is was three pictures, now there are three hours of film?

Uh-huh, Someone is on dick.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

I'm kind of surprised that so many think Luanne still looks good.  I think she's looking a little horsey.  A horse is a horse, of course, of course.  And, no one can talk to a horse, of course.

There are mares, fillies, thoroughbreds and donkeys.

Sometimes a little 'ass' is all you need to get you down the path.

A Filly will get you there quickly, but you can ride an ass at your own pace and watch the scenery go by at a leisurely rate.

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