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S33: David Wright

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Another one who has guessed the theme. If he doesn't end up on the outs of his tribe on Day 1, I think he could go quite far, though I don't see him winning. I could see him being someone's loyal ally who gets cut near the end.

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On 8/27/2016 at 0:56 PM, LanceM said:

Pre-game interview with Gordon Holmes:


So to recap. He has OCD, doesn't like people touching him and doesn't like the sun. Yeah he should do very well on this show.

He also describes himself as nervous and paranoid.  From his video, he also says he isn't good at physical stuff and gets anxiety in the shower on the way to a party because of the large group aspect.  So yeah, he picked the right show.

I also see him being someone's ally.  He doesn't come across as sneaky enough or smart enough to make moves on his own.  So he'll be the vote that gets dragged to the end, or until his alliance doesn't need him anymore.  And I'm assuming it's a typo under pet peeves when it lists "people."

Edited by LadyChatts
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He's either a true paranoid nut or a really good actor.  I was shocked he was spared.  The only logic I have is it may be a mix of having him as a loyal ally since he's got no game, or keep him around because by day 6 everyone will be ready to strangle him.  So he'll still be the target should GenX lose again.

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When he was going through the list of things he didn't like - sun, water, camping, outdoors, etc - I wondered why he was here, but just as I wondered that he said he really like the game aspect.  I kind of believe that, too.  Too bad he was so horrible at it.  Although, at least he did recognize that and even though he wasn't sure how to correct it and others' perceptions of him, he tried.  It seemed to work, at least temporarily.  I kind of like him, so far.  I reserve the right to change my mind at any time, though.

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I would guess that all the stuff he doesn't like makes it difficult to effectively play the game (assuming he had game to begin with, of course - if he didn't it doesn't matter).  Because the other stuff is a huge part of the gameplay - it's not just playing the game it's playing the game while in uncomfortable to harsh conditions.

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On 9/22/2016 at 10:25 AM, aquarian1 said:

When he was going through the list of things he didn't like - sun, water, camping, outdoors, etc - I wondered why he was here, but just as I wondered that he said he really like the game aspect.  I kind of believe that, too.  Too bad he was so horrible at it.  Although, at least he did recognize that and even though he wasn't sure how to correct it and others' perceptions of him, he tried.  It seemed to work, at least temporarily.  I kind of like him, so far.  I reserve the right to change my mind at any time, though.

My first impression when he said that was that he struck me as a male version of Cirie, but I don't think he's anywhere nearly as shrewd as she turned out to be.  I agree with everyone else that he'll either out well before the merge or else dragged to Final Tribal Council as the perfect goat.

Edited by legaleagle53
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19 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

I knew they were fools to keep him.  He's already getting on his feet, and he's got an idol.  Would Rachel cause that kind of trouble?  But on the other hand, I prefer him and Ken and Cece to the Meathead Alliance for sure.

I don't really mind the meathead's, but I think it's because I find the millennials way more annoying and aggravating.  So the meatheads aren't bothering me as much as normal.  It'd be great to see misfits take out the cool kids and meathead's, but I'm not holding my breath on that.  Nothing ever works out the way I want it to, so it'll probably Paul/Chris/Bret/Jessica F./Taylor/Jay at the end.  

Also, it'd be great if TPTB remembered there was a Gen-X tribe.  Had David not found the idol, and Paul not needed Dr. Joe to come out, I doubt they would have focused on them at all.  It seems like this has become the millennial show.  And, I think everyone on that tribe has gotten at least one confessional so far.  Michaela was pretty MIA during the premiere, but made up for it tonight.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I really wanted to like David, but I hated how he was willing to sell his tribe out...for what?  I don't know what to make of this guy.  Super smart, super neurotic, a little of both?  Is he playing a role?  Does he figure he'll find cracks in the millennial camp?  If he really is that naive and gullible, I'm sure Bret wishes he could get suspects like David that like to talk and tell everything.

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This guy goes from hot to cold every week for me.  I don't know what to make of him.  But the move saving Jessica?  Time will tell if it was a stupid move or not.  I'm all for people making moves, and if David thought this was an opportunity that'll ultimately further his game, more power to him.  It was bold and risky.  Hopefully it gained him an ally in Jessica (or, at the very least, she wills him the legacy).

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I like this guy. Gotta respect his hustle when he Hantzed himself a second idol. Basically, he might be the white male Cirie to me, in the sense of being a fan and over his head. Also, as a Mets fan, I'm happy that a David Wright is competing and staying healthy.

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Still liking David. I'm hoping he becomes the first beta male to win the game on his first try. Sorry, Cochrane.

ETA: One complaint . . . I don't think David can properly grow a beard. He had at least two small patches. Not a good look.

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I really like David's story arc and I admire him for being open with his struggles.

And honestly, the sweetest friendship I have ever seen on this show is the one between David and Ken. It feels genuine.  They looked genuinely happy to be reunited at the merge, last week David expressed genuine dismay when it looked like Ken was going to falter in the immunity challenge, and tonight Ken had a genuine interest in David's state of mind after they lost the reward challenge.  To think, this whole friendship started when Ken convinced a very freaked out David to pet a stick insect. 

Regarding the wasted idol, it's a shame but idol play is always a risk. However, when Adam said the vote was on Ken, it was a no-brainer for David.  Protect Ken over Hannah.  In the heat of the moment, he made a split second decision between Hannah, Ken and even himself, which ended up with him choosing to protect Ken.  To me, it shows how strong the bond is between them. 

I'm hoping David's line about wanting it to be Ken and him, sitting side by side at FTC, was foreshadowing. 

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59 minutes ago, cuphead said:

I'm hoping David's line about wanting it to be Ken and him, sitting side by side at FTC, was foreshadowing. 

Same here. I feel like that would be one of the most likeable final 2 contestants we've had in a while.

Edited by pamplemousse
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7 hours ago, cuphead said:

I really like David's story arc and I admire him for being open with his struggles.

And honestly, the sweetest friendship I have ever seen on this show is the one between David and Ken. It feels genuine.  They looked genuinely happy to be reunited at the merge, last week David expressed genuine dismay when it looked like Ken was going to falter in the immunity challenge, and tonight Ken had a genuine interest in David's state of mind after they lost the reward challenge.  To think, this whole friendship started when Ken convinced a very freaked out David to pet a stick insect. 

Regarding the wasted idol, it's a shame but idol play is always a risk. However, when Adam said the vote was on Ken, it was a no-brainer for David.  Protect Ken over Hannah.  In the heat of the moment, he made a split second decision between Hannah, Ken and even himself, which ended up with him choosing to protect Ken.  To me, it shows how strong the bond is between them. 

I'm hoping David's line about wanting it to be Ken and him, sitting side by side at FTC, was foreshadowing. 

Right?? I love it so much. It's honestly the sweetest thing. Whatever happens the reason of the season, I'm like just tell me they are still friends today because it's honestly like friendship goals. 

And the minute Ken's name came up, you knew what David would do. 

I think what I enjoy most about watching them is that it doesn't just appear to be the normal Survivor friendship-mance. Both Ken and David seem completely genuine and I also believe Ken when he was saying early on how watching David evolve and come out of his shell more was helping him, too. So, it's not one-sided where Ken is always lifting David up and getting nothing in return. 

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I'll be rooting for David next week. While I don't know how healthy it is for a reality show to break somebody down and build that person up again, I think David is the most relateable person on the cast for me. Well, there's also Hannah, but she's playing for runner-up money at this point.

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On 11/23/2016 at 10:58 PM, Lantern7 said:

ETA: One complaint . . . I don't think David can properly grow a beard. He had at least two small patches. Not a good look.

I think the patches are where he had infected bites? boils? some horrible thing? and medical shaved it to treat it.  Several episodes ago at least one of them was horrifyingly gross.  If you look closely you'll see a red dot of the healing wound in the middle of the bare patch.  

Better than Jay and Adam's wispy scruffs anyway (IMHO only).

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I'm very nervous for David.  It's going to be difficult for him to get to the end and win.  The people on the jury like others better.  Maybe he could win against Hannah and Ken, but it will be hard for that to be the final three.

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On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 0:58 PM, Charlesman said:

I was friends with him in college, he hasn't changed a bit!

Awesome!  Anything to dish? :)

On ‎12‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 1:58 PM, Stinamaia said:

I'm very nervous for David.  It's going to be difficult for him to get to the end and win.  The people on the jury like others better.  Maybe he could win against Hannah and Ken, but it will be hard for that to be the final three.

Agree with this.  I like David a ton but against Jay and Adam and possibly Hannah, I'd be surprised if he won.  I recall the Second Season Cambodia.  IMO, Jeremy won by virtue of being the most liked.  I don't think he played a stellar game.   The social aspect of this game can't be understated (and one reason Spencer never had a chance in Cambodia). 

I don't think David is unliked, he's just not liked as much as a few others, Jay and Adam in particular, Hannah next.

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I don't know about Jay, but David is definitely more well-liked than Adam or Hannah. He wins easily against them in final tribal. I feel like if given the choice, David should not take Ken or Hannah to FTC because they are sure jury votes for him if they are on the jury. He should take Bret and Adam.

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I think David wins against everyone but Jay tbh. He doesn't seem less liked by most of the jury than Adam or Hannah imo. Honestly they all seem about evenly liked, so I imagine gameplay will be more of a factor in the jury's votes in that scenario and I suspect most of them will respect David's game more than Hannah or Adam's. But at the same time I wouldn't be that surprised if David didn't beat those two. 

9 hours ago, waving feather said:

I feel like if given the choice, David should not take Ken or Hannah to FTC because they are sure jury votes for him if they are on the jury. He should take Bret and Adam.

I see what you're saying, but it'd be pretty hard for David to orchestrate getting rid of his two biggest allies and have them not be bitter over that. I think he can easily beat Ken, so he might as well take him. And while I think Hannah is more of a endgame threat than she might appear to be, I still think David can beat her as well.

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At this stage, I think he only loses to Jay. If he makes F3, that is. I'll be vey nervous about him nonetheless. He's impressed me so much with his calm demeanour when at risk, but I am freaking out on his behalf each time :) 

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5 hours ago, NutMeg said:

At this stage, I think he only loses to Jay. If he makes F3, that is. I'll be vey nervous about him nonetheless. He's impressed me so much with his calm demeanour when at risk, but I am freaking out on his behalf each time :) 

Haha, me too!  It's like he's resolved his anxiety issues by transferring them to us viewers.  :)

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I think I'd rather see others win but I'd be happy to see David win if only because of that odd post here earlier in the season about someone feeling sorry for viewers who like David because it was obvious he couldn't win.  Ha.  

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35 minutes ago, Special K said:

Haha, me too!  It's like he's resolved his anxiety issues by transferring them to us viewers.  :)

Off topic but that's exactly how I went breezily through exams after transferring my anxiety to my mom :)

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As soon as David said he wasn't worried, I knew Ken would flip. I'm also not sure why he thought it was a good idea to say he'd played a better game than Adam because that just made a stronger case to not take him to the F3. But Jeff was right, considering where David started, to make it one tribal council shy of the F3 was damn impressive and he was positive till the end. 

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15 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

As soon as David said he wasn't worried, I knew Ken would flip. I'm also not sure why he thought it was a good idea to say he'd played a better game than Adam because that just made a stronger case to not take him to the F3. But Jeff was right, considering where David started, to make it one tribal council shy of the F3 was damn impressive and he was positive till the end. 

I was thinking that, too, but I wonder if David knew it was him.  But maybe he just wanted to go out with a little bang.  

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David was the Yau-Man of this season. And ironically enough, like Yau, he got voted out by his biggest ally.

20 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

David starts to applaud.
David:  I don't know why I'm clapping.  (stops clapping)


There's definitely something about him that makes him so endearing. He's unintentionally hilarious. 

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12 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I want him and Ken to move in together and get a reality show.

I don't know if Ken would want to leave his daughter again, but put them on Big Brother.  Live feeds with Ken 24/7 (or whenever CBS decides not to block them out).  Sold.  David would probably be comedy gold.

Edited by LadyChatts
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David would've won the fan prize if that was still a thing. So awesome to watch. I wouldn't compare him to Yau Man, though. I referred to him as "Yauda" because he was a sage from Day One. David started a neurotic mess, and no amount of success will change that, but his transformation was the best to watch. I'm hoping he comes back down the line, even if the target would be firmly on his back to start.

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