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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Jill seems to not care about her appearance, but I wonder if it was a shock to Jessa when her own body didn't "snap back".

I would guess that Jessa was surprised with what pregnancy & child birth can do to a body, and will be even more surprised when she stops breast feeding.

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I would guess that Jessa was surprised with what pregnancy & child birth can do to a body, and will be even more surprised when she stops breast feeding.

I know it is easy to think that certain inevitable things, like dying, will never happen to YOU. But you would like to think that Jill and Jessa have noticed how child bearing changed their mom's body.

I would guess that Jessa was surprised with what pregnancy & child birth can do to a body, and will be even more surprised when she stops breast feeding.

I know it is easy to think that certain inevitable things, like dying, will never happen to YOU. But you would like to think that Jill and Jessa have noticed how child bearing changed their mom's body.

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People don't really think about the fact that their mother was once young.

No they don't. Gaining weight, saggy breasts, wrinkles, gray hair, needing glasses, etc, that happens to moms and older people - apparently all at once. ;) People tend to qualify all the negative changes they see in others as if they are somehow avoidable - they didn't take care of themselves, they ate wrong, they didn't exercise, etc. 


I never thought I would gain weight. I have always been a skinny-mini even after my pregnancies, and everyone said wait until you hit forty. Well, I have gained a little weight, and while I'm still not fat, things have certainly shifted a bit.


I've often threatened to write a book called, "This Too Will Happen to You".

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Or it's one of the things he picked up from GotHard.

Wasn't it Derrickdillard who got the itches in his britches getting a pedicure that time?

People don't really think about the fact that their mother was once young.

Absolutely agree! They have seen her pancakes since they were knee-high to her gaping...um...a grasshopper.

Off to the closet.

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She can't reach her toes cuz she's big pregnant but she's got to find a way to be "joyfully available" to her headship....the Duggar logic (yeah I know oxymoron of the century)....it boggles the mind!!!!

I'll show myself out to the prayer closet now that the demand for brain bleach has risen....

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Lol, did anyone read the comments under the picture?

Jill's caption says: "My hubby painted my nails yesterday. He's the sweetest!

To which someone responded: "A working husband would be much sweeter."

Talk about an epic mic drop. If that was one of you guys, I doth my cap in admiration.

Edited by BitterApple
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I'm thinking Jill has NO clue about Zika since she is walking around with short sleeves and her legs not fully covered. I know it's hot and humid there but it seems like the lady she is with has long sleeves on. IDK I'd get out of dodge really fast if there was a huge threat. 

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I'm thinking Jill has NO clue about Zika since she is walking around with short sleeves and her legs not fully covered. I know it's hot and humid there but it seems like the lady she is with has long sleeves on. IDK I'd get out of dodge really fast if there was a huge threat.

Dr. Jill Michelle Duggar Dillard, Medicine Woman has already invented a vaccine, I'm sure. Besides who else BUT Dr.Jill to save those poor, unwashed souls in CA?

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They have a new blog post. It kind of reads like here we are actually doing stuff I promise!!!

A quote:::

"our aim not to separate the very apparent physical need of humanitarian aid from the spiritual need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for eternal salvation."  So you are actually doing some good? Please explain further... ( Except he doesn't) He goes on to talk about all the people him and Jill have entertained and how they go visit people after playing sports. Soooo basically you are just trying to save souls right? Nice try though.



His first two paragraphs sound ridiculous- like he is a 7th grader trying to use every single big word he knows. Then he drops the act and starts writing like a normal human which is much easier to read/ makes sense... Quit with the Gothard Speak Derrick, you sound crazy.The part about the wildlife was actually interesting, IMO :-/

Edited by yogi2014L
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I would really love to know A SINGLE THING they have done to help the local community during their leghumper-funded mission. Talking to locals doesn't count, or every single person that ever traveled through South America would be considered a missionary. 

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My favorite part of the Dillard blog::


"And, I would submit that one is not providing the fullest scope of humanitarian aid if they neglect to share that which will give people life beyond this present world. The cruelest thing I can imagine would be for anyone who has specific life-saving knowledge to then neglect to share that information with the one who would die without it."


Translation: Those doctors and nurses who risk their lives in third-world countries and war zone with Doctors Without Boarders are CRUEL for saving their patient's physical lives without also attending to their spiritual lives. They are not "providing the fullest scope of humanitarian aid" because they don't talk about Jesus while they splint broken bones and treat diseases. 


Derick may be ministering to lost souls, but it appears that HE is one who lost his soul to the Duggars. 

That is sick. And shocking.

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Mr. Dullard, it's kind of hard to accept Jesus when you're dead from hunger. Or suffer from have a deformed cranium/brain. Or are murdered by a robber because they don't have a job. Or die from drinking contaminated water. etc. etc. etc.


Remember, too, that how you treat people is how Jesus will treat you. Have fun with him ignoring your obvious suffering for more 'holy' reasons.

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Stepping in to say the nickname Dullard cracks me up (yes, I know I should be a shame of myself.) Second, Derick believe evil spirits are the cause of illness or disease. So in in-laws/Gothard way of thinking errrr... his way of thinking, praying, reading the Bible, turning your soul completely over to Jesus and the Duggar's way of thinking will "cure" you. It seem to work for his mother since her cancer was cause by evilness and the Bible and praying save her instead the hard working medical team and medical advances.

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Screw Doctors Without Borders. Those villagers don't need pesky vaccinations. What they really need is Derick Dullard doing interpretive dance and flailing his Scarecrow arms in the name of Jesus.

That's how Derick displays the "specific life-saving knowledge" he claims to possess.

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Jill & Derick need to understand basic psychology. No one needs life saving gospel if their basics needs aren't met.


"The deficiency, or basic needs are said to motivate people when they are unmet. Also, the need to fulfil such needs will become stronger the longer the duration they are denied. For example, the longer a person goes without food the more hungry they will become.

One must satisfy lower level basic needs before progressing on to meet higher level growth needs. Once these needs have been reasonably satisfied, one may be able to reach the highest level called self-actualization.

Every person is capable and has the desire to move up the hierarchy toward a level of self-actualization. Unfortunately, progress is often disrupted by failure to meet lower level needs."


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I read Derrick's entire sermon over on dillardfamily.com. There are also pictures that seem unlinkable to post here. Izzy looks gingery and cute. Jill looks bohemian and happy. Derick looks lopsided and cave-mannish. JimBob looks sweaty and Michelle looks plump and ever shorter.

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My favorite part of the Dillard blog::


"And, I would submit that one is not providing the fullest scope of humanitarian aid if they neglect to share that which will give people life beyond this present world. The cruelest thing I can imagine would be for anyone who has specific life-saving knowledge to then neglect to share that information with the one who would die without it."


Translation: Those doctors and nurses who risk their lives in third-world countries and war zone with Doctors Without Boarders are CRUEL for saving their patient's physical lives without also attending to their spiritual lives. They are not "providing the fullest scope of humanitarian aid" because they don't talk about Jesus while they splint broken bones and treat diseases. 


Derick may be ministering to lost souls, but it appears that HE is one who lost his soul to the Duggars. 

On one level I sort of get the mindset that comes with evangelical beliefs - they truly feel that every person they cannot convert is irredeemably bound for eternal torture. The thing that I really don't fathom, though, is just how someone comes to that conclusion with even the tiniest bit of realization that those who believe in other things may be just as convinced that THEY have the right answer. It really all boils down to the fact that not all the religions/sects out there can be right, but they CAN all be wrong. And there are literally thousands of variations. So the chance that your belief is the ultimate truth is miniscule at best. What if you unwittingly turn someone FROM a belief which was actually closer and you are among the delusional? Believe what you believe, if you must. Share if asked, by all means, but otherwise, just keep it to yourself.

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On one level I sort of get the mindset that comes with evangelical beliefs - they truly feel that every person they cannot convert is irredeemably bound for eternal torture. The thing that I really don't fathom, though, is just how someone comes to that conclusion with even the tiniest bit of realization that those who believe in other things may be just as convinced that THEY have the right answer. It really all boils down to the fact that not all the religions/sects out there can be right, but they CAN all be wrong. And there are literally thousands of variations. So the chance that your belief is the ultimate truth is miniscule at best. What if you unwittingly turn someone FROM a belief which was actually closer and you are among the delusional? Believe what you believe, if you must. Share if asked, by all means, but otherwise, just keep it to yourself.



I think that a lot of people can't emotionally handle that much uncertainty about big things. As T.S. Eliot says, "Humankind cannot bear very much reality."

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Huh, I thought he got braces just after Izzy was born.

He did. That whole jawbreaking thing was about a week after Izzy was born. Izzy was what, almost three weeks late, so I guess that pre-planned appointment was already set and couldn't be changed. 

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The bottom half of Derick's face looks two inches off kilter. I'm hoping he's a work in progress, because, yikes.

I also wonder how he's keeping up with monthly orthodontic appointments. Sure he could be seeing one in CA, but are they using love offerings to pay for it?

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I'm not going to hate on him for orthodontia that's probably in progress but geez man - take a shower, get a haircut, shave or trim your facial hair, etc.


The look on Izzy's face cracks me up. It's like he's saying "another one? already?"

Edited by NikSac
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Derick looks horrible.  Absolutely horrible. The pictures are shocking because Derick looked like a decent guy at one time.  I can't decide if he looks filthy, has mental health issues or physical health issues.  Or all three.


This is a missionary????  Doesn't their group have a general dress code?  How do you go around "preaching and teaching" looking like a dirty hitchiker???


No snark-those pictures are ALARMING.  

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