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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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Chicago native, and I did not know the painting is at the AI.  In shocking news, I correctly guessed FJ! even though mythology is one of my nemesis categories.

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Sorry to see Alan go! But looking forward to the TOC. He is definitely winner material.

Trebek was such a JERK when Alan missed that DD. So condescending. "Did you forget the category? That would have helped." Ugh. I wanted to slap the man.

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3 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Sorry to see Alan go! But looking forward to the TOC. He is definitely winner material.

Trebek was such a JERK when Alan missed that DD. So condescending. "Did you forget the category? That would have helped." Ugh. I wanted to slap the man.

This is weird...today I am getting the teachers tournament and not the episode where Alan loses. Anyone else?

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Eh.  Sorry to see Alan go, actually.  

I know less about mythology than I do about the Bible.  You would think, since I'm going to try to take the test again, that I would brush up on that.  Art too.  Not good categories for me.

9 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Sorry to see Alan go! But looking forward to the TOC. He is definitely winner material.

Trebek was such a JERK when Alan missed that DD. So condescending. "Did you forget the category? That would have helped." Ugh. I wanted to slap the man.

Really.  It's possible he KNEW the category and still couldn't think of JQA's name for cod's sack.

I knew a TS, but now I can't remember it.

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Oh, goody!  I can't tell you why, but Alan bugged me to no end.  I am not sorry to see him go. 

I am sad, though, that Talking Heads was a TS -- but I'm not sad to have that song stuck in my head!  I even own the album/CD.  I also got the missed DD of John Quincy Adams (surprised Alan missed it -- it seemed easy to me), Yakov Smirnov (thank you Night Court!), Emily Dickinson (it's always Emily Dickinson!), and Antiques Roadshow.

But I had mental flatulence for FJ, and also came up with Hera.  Pandora seems so obvious, too.

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Congrats to Liz!

Apparently none of them watch PBS.  I got Charlie Rose, Lincoln Center, and Antiques Roadshow as well as Talking Heads.

I'm ashamed of myself.  I used to know everything about both Roman and Greek mythology and used to ace contests.  I couldn't drag Pandora out of my quickly shriveling brain cells.

After months of no rain, we're having a terrific thunderstorm, and there was a bolt of lightening which made my TV go berserk for the split second Alex gave the Galapagos clue.  Any help?

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3 hours ago, illdoc said:

Dorian, at the Art Institute: 


Oh. I thought that was Steve Bannon.

I got Yakov Smirnoff, Emily Dickinson, and Antiques Roadshow. I couldn't come up Charlie Rose's last name.

I liked the Knight/"Sir" category. Easy but cute.

I didn't get FJ. My wild-assed guess was Aphrodite, but then I recalled the clue said "woman" and I just didn't have a guess.

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I only got Currier because "Currier and Ives" is in the lyrics of a Christmas song! I had no idea who or what they were until tonight.

I didn't know what exactly they were looking for in the "momager" clue, either. I thought it was poorly phrased, although I can't remember exactly what it was now.

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2 hours ago, Browncoat said:

But I had mental flatulence for FJ, and also came up with Hera.  Pandora seems so obvious, too.

I guessed Medusa because I suck at mythology, and tried to think of someone who'd be a punishment.

I ran the "what things are made of" category though. I know my food. :)  I didn't get John Quincy, but that's because I forgot the category and was going for generic old white man historical figure and didn't come up with anyone.

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Noooooooo Alan is gone. I was impressed he regained enough ground to catch up for FJ but Liz was just too strong in the end.

I got FJ through a lucky guess, and three TS -- Lincoln Center, Antiques Roadshow, and Talking Heads - which made me particularly happy because I was coincidentally playing them in my office most of the day.

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I'd read so many comparisons between Eve and Pandora that I knew FJ immediately. Sorry to see Alan go. He was fun and smart, but he never really ran away with the games to the point where it became boring.

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2 hours ago, Fex said:

I didn't know what exactly they were looking for in the "momager" clue, either. I thought it was poorly phrased, although I can't remember exactly what it was now.

When I hear "momager" I think of Kris Jenner.  I probably would have answered, "What is force your kids into being on a reality show, debase themselves, turn them into total douches, and ruin their lives.  Oh, and if they have a sex tape lying around, leak it for a big pay day."

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On Monday, May 01, 2017 at 5:13 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Those Signs of the Zodiac clues were pretty easy, considering there were only 12 possible answers.  Can't believe the Virgo DD was missed by Meghan.

I missed it and I am one. 

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7 hours ago, Fex said:

I didn't know what exactly they were looking for in the "momager" clue, either. I thought it was poorly phrased, although I can't remember exactly what it was now.

I thought the BMS was weird. It's a portmanteau of "mom" and "manager," so I thought her response was appropriate. Considering some of the things they let slide on this show, it was weird to push someone for "specifically, show business" in a category about portmanteau words.

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I can't remember the phrasing of the clue either, but I thought the BMS was appropriate. Mom+manager doesn't really define the word. It can be a woman who is both a mother and an office manager. Or, I suppose, a daycare manager. I've never heard of momanger before. I guess that's the updated 'stage-mom.'

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15 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Apparently none of them watch PBS.  I got Charlie Rose, Lincoln Center, and Antiques Roadshow

I actually said that aloud.  I got those, and FJ, but then mythology is a good category for me.

As much as I wanted Alan to lose, I was really hoping Amish Beard would lose, too.  I think I'd have kept Alan instead of him.  Glad woman on the end was the winner.

15 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Kayak was the secret word of the day.

I've noticed that the picture on the sweepstakes page tends to prominently include the word of the day, too.

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I want to give the contestants a pass on Antiques Roadshow because perhaps they weren't convinced if it is Antiques or Antique. I said Antique Roadshow from home - oops.

Somehow on the Talking Heads clue, I got "She Will be Loved" in my head and couldn't get past it.  I fail.

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I could hear the music but would have sat there until the end of time before I would have been able to come up with the name.

I got the TS of Roger Taylor and one other that I can think of in the Jeopardy! round.  I was not fully engaged in Double Jeopardy! though.  Don't know why, I think maybe the categories weren't something that I liked.

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34 minutes ago, dcalley said:

"Women authors"--drink!


I got The Women of Brewster Place and the missed DD (forgot what the question was though) in that category. I don't mind the Women [Whatever] categories, but I know some people do.

I thought momentarily of That's Entertainment for FJ but then remembered the sepia-toned buildings in the opening logo and came up with the correct answer.

I thought Liz would last longer, but Ragavan seems OK. 

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Bye, Liz, sorry to see you go.  Not really thrilled with Ragavan, although he seems smart.

I got alliterative, fair isle, and Isik Dinesen (missed DD).

I couldn't drag the Warner Brothers logo out of the deep recesses of my mind so I was worthless on FJ.

58 minutes ago, dcalley said:



LOL.  I managed to see the Galapagos clue today.

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48 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Bye, Liz, sorry to see you go.  Not really thrilled with Ragavan, although he seems smart.

I got alliterative, fair isle, and Isik Dinesen (missed DD).

I couldn't drag the Warner Brothers logo out of the deep recesses of my mind so I was worthless on FJ.

LOL.  I managed to see the Galapagos clue today.

What was the clue?  I got distracted and missed it.  Thanks!

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Not a big fan of the new champ.  I was hoping Liz would stick around longer too.

I got the TS of frozen shoulder, Fair Isle and Isak Dinesen, and like @mojoween, could hear the music, but didn't come up with the title in time. 

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That felt like a low energy game. I so miss Alan.

There were lots of TS but I only got Roger Taylor, manipulative, and Women of Brewster Place. The Cheshire DD was crazy easy.

I could picture the WB logo but the only music that came to mind was the Bugs Bunny music and That's All Folks! so yeah, FJ fail.

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3 hours ago, mojoween said:

I could hear the music but would have sat there until the end of time before I would have been able to come up with the name.

I was trying to remember it, but I had the FJ music stuck in my head.  It kills me, because Casablanca is my favorite movie of all time.

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I got FJ from the date...1942...Casablanca...Play it, Sam...As Time Goes By (of course, I'd have to print faster than I type!)

I thought of y'all when I saw Women Authors :)

Me: Why WOMAN authors?

Mr. Author: They are narrowing it down. What's wrong with that?

Me: Have you ever seen a category called MEN authors?

Mr. A: Well, no.

Me: What is 'I rest my case'?!

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28 minutes ago, Mystery Author said:

I got FJ from the date...1942...Casablanca...Play it, Sam...As Time Goes By (of course, I'd have to print faster than I type!)

I thought of y'all when I saw Women Authors :)

Me: Why WOMAN authors?

Mr. Author: They are narrowing it down. What's wrong with that?

Me: Have you ever seen a category called MEN authors?

Mr. A: Well, no.

Me: What is 'I rest my case'?!

Haha... This reminds me of a scene from "Jane the Virgin" 

Rogelio (in telenovela character) : I'm in love with the lady scientist.

*Narrator: Just scientist. 

Fabian (in telenovela character): I am in love with the lady scientist, too :) 

*Narrator: Just scientist. 

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6 hours ago, Mystery Author said:

I got FJ from the date...1942...Casablanca...Play it, Sam...As Time Goes By (of course, I'd have to print faster than I type!)

Me too! I have no idea what As Time Goes By sounds like, or what the WB logo sounds like. Just 1942 famous movie song.

I got frozen shoulder, but I don't think I would have without the assist from the wrong answer of frozen elbow.

Can't believe no one got Diana Gabaldon after the wrong answer of Galbadon. Perhaps they didn't quite hear what he said wrong?

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I really had a lot to drink last night, so today I couldn't remember FJ. Did I watch it? I know I started watching. Did I fall asleep? I gotta cut that out.

Checking my DVR I see that I did watch. I read the answer here before rewatching, so I can't say with 100% certainty that I would have gotten it, but I think I would have.

I got frozen (shoulder) and California (the Kern and Imperial Valleys), as well as Isik Dinesen.

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FJ! was an instaget because I think Casablanca is a perfect movie.  I knew Diana, but not her last name.  I don't do sci-fi/fantasy.  And no Jane Austen in Women Authors?  She always pops up.

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55 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

FJ! was an instaget because I think Casablanca is a perfect movie.  I knew Diana, but not her last name.  I don't do sci-fi/fantasy.  And no Jane Austen in Women Authors?  She always pops up.

I don't think I would've gotten FJ last night if I'd seen the show.  The date of the movie meant nothing, and I can't really hear the music for the WB logo in my head.

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Grrrrr!  My local network has chosen to show the debate between the Democratic Gubernatorial candidates instead of Jeopardy!  There is no indication that J! will be aired an another time, either.  Stupid politics ruins everything.

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

I would totally take a university class taught by that lady.  I don't like horror movies but that seemed way fun.

That was a great project she had, also. In the "screenplays" where she appeared as a character, I wondered what she played: the victim, the killer/monster, or an exposition-fairy type "expert."

I knew How the Grinch Stole Christmas (thought that would be an easy one for Laura the kids' librarian), Alma Mater, Dupont, and Mugwumps. 

FJ was an instaget. Laura's answer of Don Quixote was goofy. I guess she didn't catch the word "translation" in the clue.

Edited by GreekGeek
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