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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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Instaget FJ for me but I don't really know why.  Perhaps it was the year, 1943, that put me in mind of the military.  Poor Emily, she was just about beside herself with joy, thinking she had FJ right.  I was really pulling for her and was pleased with her gutsy DD wager. 

I don't remember what texting question Emily missed and I didn't un-mute soon enough to hear it from Alex, so could someone remind me?

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I got the Pentagon because I read a lot of David Baldacci novels.

My hubs paused the show and yelled "what is wrong with this kid?!?" and I couldn't imagine it was as bad as he was making it out to be.

Then I looked.  What the hell was Connor doing?  At one point, it looked like he startled Emily.

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4 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

I think Emily said "auto-complete" when the judges were looking for "auto-correct" -- either answer fit the clue.  I don't remember what Connor's answer was.

Thank you. I remember it now and also wondered why it was ruled incorrect - I thought her answer was actually better than auto correct.

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It was to us because the clue said "suggests" which my phone does all the time because I don't think you can turn it off the top of the keyboard on the new iOS update any more.   Autocorrect "fixes" words more than "suggests" them to me.

Connor said presumptive text or something like that.

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All of these kids bugged me, but I was impressed with Emily's gutsy DD wager.  I was screaming the answer at her as she kept saying, "Oh my God" under her breath.  Connor looked like he was having freaking seizures halfway through DJ.  WTH, kid!  Alec is annoying to me and needs to learn how to use his indoor voice.  He reminds me of a junior Matt Jackson - blech.  Stop yelling!

Connor said predictive text.

I, too, got The Pentagon from David Baldacci novels.

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1 hour ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I am so looking forward to giraffes with opposable tongues.  :)

Seriously, none of these kids had heard of prehensile, since it was a TS.

For the life of me, I couldn't remember prehensile.

The Color Purple, Gettysburg... Talk about gimme's.

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Just now, secnarf said:

I was so annoyed with Alex for asking the kid about meeting girls.

Thank goodness I don't listen to the interviews!

Did not get FJ; I said eddy for whirlpool and couldn't get past that. 

I agree, they aren't the most charming three finalists but it should be a pretty good matchup.

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20 minutes ago, Trey said:

Thank goodness I don't listen to the interviews!

Did not get FJ; I said eddy for whirlpool and couldn't get past that. 

I agree, they aren't the most charming three finalists but it should be a pretty good matchup.

I had the same issue with eddy! I was thinking eddy-edge but then that's two letters different. Vortex isn't something that comes to mind when I think whirlpool :(

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31 minutes ago, secnarf said:

I was so annoyed with Alex for asking the kid about meeting girls.

Oh man, I know. I would have given anything for the kid to respond "I'm GAY, Alex." I'm not saying the kid "seemed gay" (whatever that means), I just would love to see Trebek squirm and be put on the spot and possibly feel like a total horse's ass.

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Man, I can't stand tht kid, Michael.  I'm rooting for Sharath but he probably doesn't stand a chance against Matt Jackson, Jr. (Alec) and Itchy Alex, Jr. (Michael) because he's not a douche.

Why didn't Michael get a BMS for the author name of Roth (there's more than one author named Roth) and was instantly judged correct and Apurva wasn't given a BMS for brittle so she could add peanut and instantly ruled incorrect?  I don't get it.  It comes across as favoritism for one contestant over another.  It's really pissing me off.

I was clueless for FJ.

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11 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Man, I can't stand tht kid, Michael.  I'm rooting for Sharath but he probably doesn't stand a chance against Matt Jackson, Jr. (Alec) and Itchy Alex, Jr. (Michael) because he's not a douche.

Why didn't Michael get a BMS for the author name of Roth (there's more than one author named Roth) and was instantly judged correct and Apurva wasn't given a BMS for brittle so she could add peanut and instantly ruled incorrect?  I don't get it.  It comes across as favoritism for one contestant over another.  It's really pissing me off.

I was clueless for FJ.

Apoorva didn't get BMS because there were four words in the clue and one of them HAD to come up in the response. Just answering 'brittle' didn't fit the category and therefore wasn't correct, whereas Roth is technically correct but may or may not be specific enough to warrant the points.

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Oh my God that kid!  Let's see, we get the DD right off the bat, but we are still going to jump all over the damn board, and not only THAT, but we are also going to answer really fast but then interminably pause before picking the next clue.

His assault on the buzzer was also extremely annoying.

I know, I'm a cranky old bat but it's their fault.

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The eddy must be getting crowded because I was right there with you all.  I was sorry that the young lady smart enough to get the answer for FJ didn't get to move on - I will always root for Agatha Christie fans.  But she did have some ups and downs in the game.  I will probably watch the finals but won't really care who wins.  

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21 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I was drunk, so I don't have much to add except that I didn't have a clue for FJ.

There's another week of this?

No just the finals. it was thrown off by a  day for election coverage.

Was that the most anyone has been in the hole after DJ?

Edited by biakbiak
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I can't stand Michael either.  I was so hoping Apurva could beat him.  

That comment from Alex about liking girls later on was very embarrassing. 

My brain was stuck on eddy, too. and I had no clue for FJ.  At least Apurva went home with $10,000

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I'm matching up Shar (my fave--go Shar, like you have a chance in hell) and Apur. She's a bit of a "cougar" to poor youngish Shar--ha--but cute like he. And they were the only two I could stand when I glimpsed the awful goings-on.

Edited by gimmeegimmeegim
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I fell into the eddy too and got stuck there. Just couldn't get my brain to think of anything else. These DD hunters are really starting to get to me, kids and adults. It's annoying and wish they'd quit it already. 

The kid on the end, Michael, had a death grip on that buzzer and couldn't contain his annoyance when another contestant rang in before he did. 

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I'm definitely in the minority, I thought of vortex immediately, so FJ was pretty much an instaget. The next thing that came to mind was whirling dervish, which I knew had to be wrong! Eddy never occurred to me, for some reason.

Alex telling that kid that he'll soon be noticing girls was cringeworthy. My first thought was, maybe he's already noticed boys, Alex! It would've been funny if the kid had answered he was president of his school's gay/straight alliance. That wouldn't mean he is gay, of course, but it would have been enough of a curveball to a guy like Alex to catch him totally off-guard and probably rendered speechless. It would have been fun to watch his head spin around!

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I realized I never knew where exactly Notre Dame is.  I always had the vague impression it was somewhere in the Northeast, but nope, Indiana.

Final Jeopardy was easy. Or should have been (Gandhi?).

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Instaget FJ. I spent the rest of the time thinking that that was way too easy and there must be something more to it, but every part of the clue made sense.

Gandhi wasn't a terrible guess - he was a lawyer in South Africa, and if the kid misunderstood the second half of the clue and also thought Mandela was too obvious, I could see maybe guessing Gandhi. Too bad though, I was rooting for him.

The obnoxious cheers for the other two made me want them to lose.

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1 minute ago, Mondrianyone said:

Except that Gandhi died 51 years before 1989, which was the date given in which Mandela received his degree.  So just timewise it wasn't a very smart guess.

Sorry I meant maybe he misunderstood what 'in absentia' meant and thought it could be similar to posthumous. Or wasn't familiar with when Gandhi died.

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Yay, Sharath!  Keep it up tomorrow!  Who were all the asshats screaming for that tool, Alec?  I'm doing a happy dance because Michael the board jumping, buzzer masher lost everything.

I'm surprised no one knew Notre Dame from that picture.

FJ was an instaget.

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Ha ha ha ha - Mr Start At $800 lost all his money.  I didn't mind Alec.  But I was rooting for Sharath all the way.  He's got a really good lead.  I hope he makes it tomorrow.  He seems like a really nice kid.  I thought FJ was easy.  Another reason I had to laugh at Michael's answer.

Edited by SierraMist
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6 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Sorry I meant maybe he misunderstood what 'in absentia' meant and thought it could be similar to posthumous. Or wasn't familiar with when Gandhi died.

Well, "posthumous" is definitely in absentia--for good.  ;o)

Michael tends to answer too fast, it seems to me.  Which is flashy but not always smart.  If he'd thought for another second or two about who was in absentia for a very long time in South Africa, the right person probably would've been obvious.

I like Sharath, too.  Despite the fact that it's very possible Alex goes to the same high school I went to, based on where he lives.

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I admit I am a terrible person but as soon as I heard Gandhi,  I said "please let him bet big."  I also admit I knew not a single answer in the game category and felt old so I do admire how much the young men know.

Edited by Grundoon59
My phone decided I meant "better" when I meant "bet"
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29 minutes ago, Grundoon59 said:

I admit I am a terrible person but as soon as I heard Gandhi,  I said "please let him better big."  I also admit I knew not a single answer in the game category and felt old so I do admire how much the young men know.

That game category was crazy for me, too. I just stared at the clues, trying to figure out what language they were written in. 

I'm happy with the result of the game. I feel bad for disliking a kid, but such is my feeling about Michael. I felt joy when he ended up with zilch.

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2 hours ago, secnarf said:

Sorry I meant maybe he misunderstood what 'in absentia' meant and thought it could be similar to posthumous. Or wasn't familiar with when Gandhi died.

That was my thought as well. 

To those rooting against Alec and Michael, remember one of them might yet win. As AT always points out, it's a two day match and it's possible to come from behind.

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1 hour ago, GreekGeek said:

That was my thought as well. 

To those rooting against Alec and Michael, remember one of them might yet win. As AT always points out, it's a two day match and it's possible to come from behind.

Won't change our rootin'!

Hell, I'm still rootin' for Hillary!

Edited by gimmeegimmeegim
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Sharath is confident in his math.

It took me a moment to answer Final Jeopardy, because "Early America" initially focused my attention on the revolutionary period, but the reference to 'passengers' was enough for me to figure it out.

Edited by SeanC
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Way to go, Sharath! It's a good thing he was confident in his math:) I didn't think Alec was that close but I guess he was.

I don't know just what the Mayflower Compact is (I'll look it up tomorrow) but I have heard of it and, like SeanC, 'passengers' especially 'mutinous passengers' led me right to it.

I guess it wasn't that bad a tournament overall.


That was a good game, but what was with that really weird edit around that Tipping clue ?

That was weird - AT appeared to cut Sharath off before he even finished his answer.

Edited by Trey
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