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S03.E10: The Skinny, Pt. 1

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43 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

Maybe she thinks they'd sell her ordering history and frequency to the tabloids?

Just guessing.

Assuming they had any idea that this show existed or that she was the "star." I don't think she's as famous as she thinks she is.

 And what would the tabloids say? "TV Star of Fat and Fabulous Eats Pizza Five Times a Week! 'I want to be fat,' says Whitney Way Thore. 'That's why they pay me the big bucks!'"

  • Love 10
50 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

Assuming they had any idea that this show existed or that she was the "star." I don't think she's as famous as she thinks she is.

 And what would the tabloids say? "TV Star of Fat and Fabulous Eats Pizza Five Times a Week! 'I want to be fat,' says Whitney Way Thore. 'That's why they pay me the big bucks!'"

Well, then my other guess is that she's suffering from delusions of grandeur, to think that peoplel are "watching" her, or "tracking" her to see how much pizza she eats in a week.  Otherwise, why bother with 3 different apps to 3 different places? Multiple personality disorder -- one for each?

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

Well, then my other guess is that she's suffering from delusions of grandeur, to think that peoplel are "watching" her, or "tracking" her to see how much pizza she eats in a week.  Otherwise, why bother with 3 different apps to 3 different places? Multiple personality disorder -- one for each?

This was my thought. I totally understand what an earlier poster said about regulars being recognized, giving the example of a bartender. But this is pizza. It's ordered online (or with an app) and delivered to the door. That's different than a regular sitting at a bar with a bartender. 

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Kid said:

I  think your comments are right on the mark.  What her dad does not get is that most addicts are shame-based.  Whitney preaches a message with very valid points.  But, she is saturated in shame and most of it is an inside job.  Why else would you have the three pizza aps?  Why would you eat in your car and cry when Will finds the evidence?  The fatter she gets, the more shame she feels.  The more shame she feels, the more she eats.  And the vicious cycle of self medication continues until there is enough self awareness that it can be broken through the right help.

So, she tries to minimize the shame with ridiculous comments like its a good thing she is a dancer and could do splits as someone not like her would have broken a bone over the ski  incident.  That incident would be humiliating to anyone. 

If Whitney could do a split she would have gotten her ass down into one when she was on those skis instead of  telling the camera man to lift her. I've seen a split before and that wasn't it. If she can do one I'd like to see her prove it. 

  • Love 9

Hey guys. New here! I've been watching this show for a while now, like many of you, not sure why. First episode I watched was Babs Knows Best and really thought Babs was hilarious and special. Anyway, back to The Skinny, it seems that Heather is the new Ashley. Has anyone else noticed how Ashley has been notably absent from this season? I think we've seen her in the first episodes and in short periods of time, not like previous seasons. I wonder if everything is okay between her and Whitney. I remember seeing Heather in the back during seasons 1 and 2, while Ashley was "The girlfriend", a role Heather seemed to get for season 3. Also, I read Kerryn Feehan's Reddit AMA last night and she says she's under contract, she was hired by TLC, so BS on Whitney, her family and friends being angry at her. I bet Whitney even asked for a villain to fight this season. Seems it kinda backfired.

ETA: Don't know what the f--- is Lennie's role. I honestly don't know what to think about Lennie. I don't believe he's an actor, they would've found someone who was actually alive if that was the case.

Edited by DatFatShorty
  • Love 9
8 hours ago, Tosia said:

Cinnamini11 and others posted abt alot of shame going on,  and I agree, and would add an immense amount of fear that Whit may feel for many reasons like keeping this fame high that she's going through  now, and more directly that she may not be able to stick to a healthy food plan even with a nutritionist.

I agree about the fear. Many times I thought I was on a diet and yet didn't lose weight. Looking back, I wasn't dieting as much as I thought I was, but it still influenced my thinking - 'Gee, maybe I can't lose weight.' But last fall I went on WW, really followed it and actually lost some weight (I'd lost a lot of weight on it many years ago). It gave me a psychological boost, so that I decided against WLS and redoubled my efforts to lose on my own. I'm losing weight steadily now, even tho I'm past menopause and have metabolic syndrome.

I can see that Whit may be afraid that she can't lose weight - EXCEPT, I don't really see her trying. I'd understand the fear if we saw her trying and working out and darned, it just was slow going for her. Got it. But Starbucks and big cookies and conveniently forgetting the bars or not eating salads or low carb meals just doesn't show me that she's trying. How can she be afraid that she may not be able to stick to a meal plan when she doesn't put in the effort to see how it works for her? She should have been ashamed to be talking about big girl health and 3 pizza apps in the same conversation.

Failure after effort is one thing; not really trying and then complaining about the lack of results is another - as I admit from my own experience.

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I think the three pizza apps and the most judgement Whit feels is likely from herself.  I am sure she knows she shouldn't eat so much pizza and junk so she hides it.  While I don't always manage it, I have come to realize that some foods like ice cream and pizza really can only be treats once a month or so.  It is sad to not get to eat whatever you want with no effects but that just happens with things like age and things like PCOS.

While life isn't fair, Whit should appreciate some of what she has that others don't.  She seems pretty outgoing, which is something that often gives you more opportunities in life.  She also has very attractive facial features that many people long for. She also was able to go to college and is educated.  On the fairness meter I think she is doing okay.  Sure she cannot eat everything and even eating well she probably won't be a size 2 but she doesn't need to be.  She needs to not continue to disable herself, be fat and fabulous at 250 as fat and fabulous at 400 and increasing means a more restricted life.

  • Love 11
16 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

Well, then my other guess is that she's suffering from delusions of grandeur, to think that peoplel are "watching" her, or "tracking" her to see how much pizza she eats in a week.  Otherwise, why bother with 3 different apps to 3 different places? Multiple personality disorder -- one for each?

Whitney's paranoia about ordering pizza is more of a projection of her judgment on herself .  Otherwise any reactions by the pizza shop personnel would fall right off her, not get her goat.   She knows that she's eating too much pizza.  I still can't get over her having 3 pizza apps.  I mean DAY-UM, how much pizza do you have to eat in order to need 3 apps to try to fool the pizza shop into thinking you don't eat that much pizza?  And how stupid - they know that if she's not eating pizza there she's eating SOMETHING ELSE somewhere else in order to be that heavy!!  The only person she's trying to fool is herself into thinking no one notices how much she eats - well too bad, they can't help but notice as soon as they SEE her - She's wearing the evidence of it all over her body!  Lenny saying pizza was her "favorite food" might have had more to it than we thought!  BTW, that cookie in the car looked to me like one of those "freebies" they advertise when you order a certain amount or kind of pizza, which is probably why she felt even more "guilty" about it and only took one bite.   (Note that the only reason I know this is from watching TV ads, not eating pizza, especially pizza that's advertised on TV.  I LOVE pizza but I am Italian American from NYC so I only frequent independently owned pizza shops that don't have apps., and only maybe once a month if that).

  • Love 9

Doesn't she get tired of eating pizza? Guess not if she has 3 apps.  How many does Buddy have?  Does he have 3 different ones so they can rotate between 6 places? Do they ever switch to something else like Chinese food? I'm from Maryland & love love anything crab but don't think I could eat it as much as she eats pizza. Guess I'm not a food addict.  I know she is going for convenience, but does she realize she could make her own pizza at home, which would be a tad bit healthier? But then she wouldn't get her free cookie.

  • Love 1
On 8/13/2016 at 5:40 AM, M.F. Luder said:

Back when the show first started, someone here posted a link to Whitney's blog and I read it all. One thing that stood out to me was how much of an emphasis Glenn put on her weight and how much the idea of him being ashamed of her affected her. She said that one of her biggest memories was when her dad was dropping her off at college for the first time and he said that he had 2 regrets: not exposing her more to religion and not making her lose more weight. At that point she was 150 pounds. She also mentioned how he paid for her to go to a weight loss hypnotist and during the session the hypnotist said "don't you think that your dad is ashamed of how big you've become considering he was your soccer coach" (paraphrased) and this caused Whitney to have an emotional downward spiral. 

All this to say, I think Glen is of the old, southern generation who thinks that the most/only important thing a woman can do in her life is get married and raise a family. He married a model who seems to have fulfilled that role (don't know if Babs ever had a job, so I'm just guessing), and I think he expected Whitney to pretty much follow the same path. He doesn't seem to have placed many expectations on her (and I think this is the reason why Whitney said her brother hated her when they were growing up), but he wants her to be attractive so that she can snag a good man and start giving him some grandkids. He's definitely disappointed in Whitney and she knows it, and is obviously hurt and defensive about it.

In Glen's defense, I think it would be hard to find a nicer Dad.  No father is perfect but it seems to me that his concern for Whitney has always been well intended and as usual, she takes everything way too personally as a judgment on her.  I kind of doubt he was pushing her all that hard, plus when I was a teenager anything my Dad said he wanted from me was met with an eye roll and never taken to heart.  I just think she likes to blame everyone else for her being fat.  A father who obviously wants you to lose weight, especially one as nice as Glen is is absolutely NO excuse for ending up the morbidly obese and out of control monster she has become.  I tend to think her parents were actually too lenient on her, to be honest.  I would actually hold Babs more responsible for how her daughter turned out.  She seems to defend everything Whitney does and says so Whitney has never learned any boundaries and thinks she has divine right to do anything she wants and not have to face any consequences or judgment from anyone else.   So therefore when other people seem to judge her about her weight she gets defensive and flaunts her eating and her weight in their faces just to prove to them that she doesn't take orders from anyone.  I am sure she had this type of reaction to her own father, and to be quite honest, I blame her mother for instilling that attitude in her.

  • Love 9

The eating is the main part of this show that bothers me.  I really dislike the fact that Whit wants to maintain the illusion and lie that really obese people eat exactly like "skinny" people.  It simply isn't true.  At least other people in the media like Drew Carey were honest about it.  Eating perfect may not get Whit to be really small due to the PCOS but she didn't get to 400lbs eating well-balanced 1600 calories days.  And it makes me angry that is the message she still wants to maintain, even though we saw the way she eats cake, we saw the noodle dish, we saw the garbage in her car, etc.  If Whit doesn't want to do the work needed to eat well that is fine, just own it.

  • Love 21
29 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

Doesn't she get tired of eating pizza? Guess not if she has 3 apps.  How many does Buddy have?  Does he have 3 different ones so they can rotate between 6 places? Do they ever switch to something else like Chinese food? I'm from Maryland & love love anything crab but don't think I could eat it as much as she eats pizza. Guess I'm not a food addict.  I know she is going for convenience, but does she realize she could make her own pizza at home, which would be a tad bit healthier? But then she wouldn't get her free cookie.

If she has 3 pizza apps because she's ashamed to order all her pizza from one place (they'd figure out how often and how much she ACTUALLY eats), she has a major eating addiction going on.

  • Love 5

god, Whitney. You don't ruin something as precious as pizza by eating it every day. I've realized we never see Whitney eating, but we see her moving a lot. I admit she does move more than I do, but if she can't control her eating habits, she'll never lose weight. BTW, talking to some people about this show, they had never seen it and suggested Whit will never lose weight because if she does, she loses the show.

Edited by DatFatShorty
  • Love 1

About her parents: They're too soft. I'm guessing Glenn might've said something kinda hurtful back in the day, causing Whitney to get really depressed or maybe that's why she moved to Korea. I've always gotten the impression things aren't as sweet and perfect as they seem, because no family is.

I guess after the supposed incident, Glenn apologized to Whitney and committed to support her no matter what. But it's so obvious he wants her to be at a healthy(ier) weight, it's heartbreaking. It seems both Glenn and Babs are too sweet and caring, which is fine, but a little tough love never hurt anybody. My parents are like that, never want to bother us, but I'm positive if I got to 380 my dad and mom would help me in more active ways. Watching The Skinny, I sadly confirmed Whit is pretty much in denial about her morbid obesity, totally forgetting what a nurse and a doctor told her about her heart. Because she doesn't sleep well, that's why she passed out

Edited by DatFatShorty
  • Love 5

This season, and especially this episode, has proven that Whitney's obesity is not due strictly to PCOS as she led us to believe in season 1, episode 1. The show hasn't directly come out and stated it, but it's pretty obvious to the viewers that she has a serious eating disorder, most probably binge eating disorder. I'm guessing she may have had this for a long time, but as a teen she was also bulimic, so that's why she was at a more normal weight then. She may have overcome the bulimia but continued with the bingeing. This is what Whitney refuses to address, the mental part of it. Blaming lack of sleep and lack of hydration for her fainting is her way of dealing with it, so she can justify that it's not her behavior that is causing her obesity.

I've seen there is a season 3 coming up. If Whitney continues on her current path, I think she is going to end up losing viewers. She will probably have to commit to some type of diet/exercise program, maybe even therapy, to address her weight problem. Otherwise it's like watching an addict spiral out of control to the point of intervention, except in Whitney's case, intervention simply doesn't work because she doesn't think she has a problem. Or she thinks she can solve the problem on her own.  Many of us here have watch the 600 lb Life show, and it's pretty clear every one of them has an issue like depression, previous abuse, or something else going on with their emotions that led them to become super morbidly obese. Many of them are confined to their homes and some of them also have become bedridden as a result. I really don't think this is the life Whitney wants, but she can't see how close she is to getting there.

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1 hour ago, Snarklepuss said:

In Glen's defense, I think it would be hard to find a nicer Dad.  No father is perfect but it seems to me that his concern for Whitney has always been well intended and as usual, she takes everything way too personally as a judgment on her.  I kind of doubt he was pushing her all that hard, plus when I was a teenager anything my Dad said he wanted from me was met with an eye roll and never taken to heart.  I just think she likes to blame everyone else for her being fat.  A father who obviously wants you to lose weight, especially one as nice as Glen is is absolutely NO excuse for ending up the morbidly obese and out of control monster she has become.  I tend to think her parents were actually too lenient on her, to be honest.  I would actually hold Babs more responsible for how her daughter turned out.  She seems to defend everything Whitney does and says so Whitney has never learned any boundaries and thinks she has divine right to do anything she wants and not have to face any consequences or judgment from anyone else.   So therefore when other people seem to judge her about her weight she gets defensive and flaunts her eating and her weight in their faces just to prove to them that she doesn't take orders from anyone.  I am sure she had this type of reaction to her own father, and to be quite honest, I blame her mother for instilling that attitude in her.

I think Glen did the best he knew how. But parents are such formative influences on their child and I think that shows especially with Whitney and Glen, even more so because she’s a daddy's girl.  For instance, because of the differences in personality between my brother and I, it was hard for my dad (who is awesome!) to adjust his parenting style, creating undercurrents of tension with certain things to this day. My dad could yell and scream and punish and even then sometimes couldn't get through to my brother. But with me all he had to do was look like he was even thinking about getting angry and I would be devastated. 

Glen did look really disappointed in this episode and I'm sure Whitney being his daughter can read that and more very clearly. I'm not blaming him of course, but like a lot of things he definitely seems part of why she developed her dysfunctional relationship with food. Even talking about weight, let alone your own father telling you he regrets not making you lose more weight, could be very triggering for someone with a history of an eating disorder. (Also the fuck is that, sending your kid off to college is supposed to be a happy time, couldn't have tabled the disappointment speech for another time, Glen? lol)

I always felt like there must be something more to their relationship after he basically scolded her for wanting to live with her boyfriend before marriage. I don't think he apologized (about the college thing), just because I don't think he thinks he did anything wrong. He was doing what he thought best for her. 

  • Love 5

So I'm thinking that the scene with Will and the food garbage in her car was a setup. She sits in her car and cries after leaving the gym, the car windows are open, Will comes around to the passenger side with the garbage... "Action!" 

I think EVERYTHING in that show is scripted. The end of Part 2 should be interesting. I only did a drive by of Part one and will do the same for the ending. Can't stay with it anymore for full episode. I'm wondering about ratings as we see how heinous she really is. 

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, seasons said:

So I'm thinking that the scene with Will and the food garbage in her car was a setup. She sits in her car and cries after leaving the gym, the car windows are open, Will comes around to the passenger side with the garbage... "Action!" 

I think EVERYTHING in that show is scripted. The end of Part 2 should be interesting. I only did a drive by of Part one and will do the same for the ending. Can't stay with it anymore for full episode. I'm wondering about ratings as we see how heinous she really is. 

I agree.

And that is why I said I did not think those tweets were real. Of course I believe she gets bad ones...I just think THOSE were scripted. (Several people in here have misunderstood my comment about those tweets.)

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

  And how stupid - they know that if she's not eating pizza there she's eating SOMETHING ELSE somewhere else in order to be that heavy!!  The only person she's trying to fool is herself into thinking no one notices how much she eats - well too bad, they can't help but notice as soon as they SEE her - She's wearing the evidence of it all over her body! 

Amen - and something I have to keep telling myself. 

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, mamapajama said:

There is a coldness about her.  Like there is a dead place in her heart.  She laughed at the doggy funeral, while Babs was crying.  The cancer, suffering and death of her pet ferret brought her to tears, she was guffawing so hard.  We have seen lots of tears, but always for herself.  A fawner on her fb page said how much she'd love for her special needs son to meet Whitney.  "I know she'd love him!"  Why?  What show have you been watching?  Whitney cares for no one except Whitney.  Not friends, not family, no one.  Glenn looked on the verge of tears during much of Pt. 1, and in previews of Pt. 2.  I'd be distraught at seeing my father in such pain.  Whit is one cold customer.

That's the narcissism you're seeing. Narcs have absolutely no feelings for anyone except themselves. The *only* time you'll ever see them cry is if they're crying for themselves - never for anyone else.

  • Love 14

I love her assertion on the reunion that if a fat person eats "a carrot dipped in ranch," they are deemed OUT OF CONTROL by the FAT SHAMING MAFIA. First of all, when have we EVER seen this bitch eat a carrot? Second, I think she might be a wee bit oversensitive about what others are really thinking about what fat people eat. I really don't care or notice what most fat people are eating. The most I ever think about what others eat is when I'm at Walmart getting groceries and the dude behind me is some total bachelor in his 30s with a cart full of Totinos party pizzas and Busch Light, and all I think is "that dude GETS IT, those were the days." Third, ranch dressing is delicious, but most people know it's not the healthiest stuff on earth, so if she wanted an example of an extremely healthy food that fat people are still shamed about eating, she could have picked something better. Like plain celery.

  • Love 12
10 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I love her assertion on the reunion that if a fat person eats "a carrot dipped in ranch," they are deemed OUT OF CONTROL by the FAT SHAMING MAFIA. First of all, when have we EVER seen this bitch eat a carrot? Second, I think she might be a wee bit oversensitive about what others are really thinking about what fat people eat. I really don't care or notice what most fat people are eating. The most I ever think about what others eat is when I'm at Walmart getting groceries and the dude behind me is some total bachelor in his 30s with a cart full of Totinos party pizzas and Busch Light, and all I think is "that dude GETS IT, those were the days." Third, ranch dressing is delicious, but most people know it's not the healthiest stuff on earth, so if she wanted an example of an extremely healthy food that fat people are still shamed about eating, she could have picked something better. Like plain celery.

You said it.  Not to mention, she thinks everyone is watching her every move. Someone needs to give her a cold slap of reality.  I'm sure she feels like she's the center of everyone's universe due to her upbringing as a child, and having a father who could never say "no" to her, per Babs.

I don't think Glenn was a bad guy for saying he wished she'd have lost more weight, or that he would have helped her lose more weight. He equates being overweight as unhealthy.  Him saying he wished he could have helped her lose more weight = "hey, being overweight is unhealthy, I don't want you to fall ill and die due to your obesity."  Leave it to Whitney to jump on every single opportunity to turn a statement around to make others look bad (fat shaming) and her look like the poor little chubby girl, to be pitied.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, fountain said:

The eating is the main part of this show that bothers me.  I really dislike the fact that Whit wants to maintain the illusion and lie that really obese people eat exactly like "skinny" people.  It simply isn't true.  At least other people in the media like Drew Carey were honest about it.  Eating perfect may not get Whit to be really small due to the PCOS but she didn't get to 400lbs eating well-balanced 1600 calories days.  And it makes me angry that is the message she still wants to maintain, even though we saw the way she eats cake, we saw the noodle dish, we saw the garbage in her car, etc.  If Whit doesn't want to do the work needed to eat well that is fine, just own it.

Thank you!

I really liked the show during season 1 enough that I had my mom watching it too.  But, the proof is in the weight gain not the words coming out of her mouth.

I like my pizza like the next person.  I don't even hate the fact that she HAS three  different apps.  I like and order pizzas from different local places because not all of them make them taste the same.  The big but being, I don't need to hide my order or pretend because I can control my eating.  People who feel the need to hide imply that there is something to hide.  In Quitney's case, it seems to be the combo of amount and frequency.  Just one small example of her level of delusion.

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not to sound too deep or anything, but this show had me wondering if I'd ever watch a show called My Small Ana Fab Life. I wouldn't, no one would. We get why that's shocking and inappropriate, but we watch Whitney's show and enjoy it for the most part. I'm a hypocrite, I watch this morbidly obese woman's show because I guess I can get past her weight and she can be charming and entertaining sometimes. She gave up, she says if she lost 100 lb she'd still be morbidly obese, but boy would her body thank her for that. I'm really concerned about her, not knowing her, but I'd rather slim Whitney and no show at all than a fun show about a morbidly obese woman. I guess she knows the reason she's famous is because of her weight, maybe she's afraid to lose weight as she'd figure she could lose her show, fans and 'fame', basically everything. I guess it's the same with Tess Holliday, she wouldn't be a model if she wasn't obese. The thing that puts them at risk is the same thing that has made them Successful. The irony.

Edited by DatFatShorty
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It also will take years to really get down in weight and 5-6 seasons is about all that people invest in a reality show with the same people.  It gets boring after. 

I think if Whit really got down to 200-250 she would be able to parlay that into videos, diet plans, books, etc. for obese folks like Richard Simmons did.  Fitness is a huge market and people can relate to someone who was where they are.  

ETA I do watch my small Ana fab life but the title is the real housewives ?

Edited by fountain
  • Love 12
11 hours ago, Cinnamini11 said:

Glen did look really disappointed in this episode and I'm sure Whitney being his daughter can read that and more very clearly. I'm not blaming him of course, but like a lot of things he definitely seems part of why she developed her dysfunctional relationship with food. Even talking about weight, let alone your own father telling you he regrets not making you lose more weight, could be very triggering for someone with a history of an eating disorder. (Also the fuck is that, sending your kid off to college is supposed to be a happy time, couldn't have tabled the disappointment speech for another time, Glen? lol)

I always felt like there must be something more to their relationship after he basically scolded her for wanting to live with her boyfriend before marriage. I don't think he apologized (about the college thing), just because I don't think he thinks he did anything wrong. He was doing what he thought best for her. 

I think Glen is just doing what good parents do.  They caution their children, give them reality checks, approve and disapprove of of their behavior.  I personally think Glen has tried to make up for the lack of real parenting coming from his wife.  Babs says Glen has never been able to say "no" to Whitney but I think she is just as guilty of that if not more.  Just from what we have seen on the show, Babs has done nothing but encourage Whitney to be a spoiled brat.  She seems to love to instigate her daughter into ever more boundary pushing in some of the out there/borderline inappropriate things she says and does.   She gives Whitney the "permission" to do and say anything she pleases, almost defiantly.  Just like the little pig became Babs' plaything, Whitney to some degree is her plaything through whom she gets much amusement. 

Contrast that with a father who actually really wants to be a parent and cares about how his daughter turns out, and I can see where it's Whitney that is painting him as the bad guy because maybe he actually has some hopes of his daughter making a better life for herself and going down a path of self improvement, not a path of bratty self indulgent arrogance, which is what her mother has helped her to do.  Whitney was brought up by her mother to think she has every right to be as self destructive as she pleases.  If it's OK with her mother, then she thinks her father is out of bounds for encouraging her to be anything else than what she is.  I am not someone who believes that in order to give "unconditional love" parents have to accept everything out of their children as golden and without question.  Communicating unconditional love doesn't mean you can't show any disapproval.  Guidance toward a better way of life isn't rejection.  I don't see Babs showing any disapproval toward anything Whitney does or says and I actually think that's less loving because it isn't doing Whitney any service.  But Whitney internalized that as love and sees what Glen is doing as rejection, when it's not. Which is why I blame Babs far more than Glen in this.

Oh, and I'm personally having a hard time believing that narcissist Whitney was ever crushed or deeply wounded by anything Glen would ever do or say to her.  I don't think she is a "Daddy's girl" at all.  She is firmly her mother's daughter all the way, which is why she is the arrogant narcissist she is today.  Her father is probably a lot like her friends - He has probably been guilted by her into keeping his mouth shut and tends to walk on eggshells with her lest he suffer her wrath, but every now and then he lets out his opinion or a gentle reminder intended for her own good, which Whitney spins as HORRIBLE, just like she did after the mock funeral.....I mean HOW DARE Glen or anyone else try to "control" her - (Big eye roll).

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 11
14 minutes ago, Snarklepuss said:


Oh, and I'm personally having a hard time believing that narcissist Whitney was ever crushed or deeply wounded by anything Glen would ever do or say to her.  I don't think she is a "Daddy's girl" at all.  She is firmly her mother's daughter all the way, which is why she is the arrogant narcissist she is today.  Her father is probably a lot like her friends - He has probably been guilted by her into keeping his mouth shut and tends to walk on eggshells with her lest he suffer her wrath, but every now and then he lets out his opinion or a gentle reminder intended for her own good, which Whitney spins as HORRIBLE, just like she did after the mock funeral.....I mean HOW DARE Glen or anyone else try to "control" her - (Big eye roll).

There we go. Let's try this again. 

I totally agree with this assessment. From what I have SEEN (as opposed to what I have heard) Whitney has an, um, interesting perception of reality. Look at how she interacts with people and then how she reports that interaction to others. (She and Will "had it out" when, in fact, she was a blubbering mess and he was polite, caring, and professional.) 

She is also uber sensitive about most things and reads into things that simply are not there. Although I think Roy and his "crush" were written into the show, I truly believe she thought he had a thing for her. I also believe that, up until the reunion, she's gone all these years believing that Buddy carried a torch for her. 

The conclusions she jumps to from situations extends to what others say to her as well. For instance, Buddy was gently trying to tell her that Lennie wasn't into her and she heard that as "Lennie has a chick on the side." 

We've seen how defensive and upset she gets when people are honest with her about her health and weight. She takes it as a personal attack and turns it into a fat-shaming example. With all that in mind, I have a hard time believing that she was so DEEPLY hurt by Glenn in the past that it triggered her in some way. I mean, this is the same woman who claimed she locked herself up in an apartment and ate fattening foods because people made fun of her. (Another example of "it's not MY fault I'm fat-it's somebody else's.") 

Addicts like to play the blame game. 

**I am not making a general statement about overweight people. I am basing my opinions on incidents I've seen on the show. I have not read her blog or her book and have no desire to do so. 

  • Love 14

I have the strangest mix of feelings when it comes to Whitney. I just started watching this season so maybe if I watched earlier seasons I'd have a different view of her, but I both like and really dislike her. There is something sort of charismatic and fun about her that I can appreciate. And the people who are on the show and in her life have been around for years and years, so I think their affection is genuine and not simply bought off (minus Lennie who really has not even earned his paycheck with his mumbling). I also do feel some pity for Whitney despite her bad attitude, because I think she is in the throws of addiction, and the hormonal imbalances, food addiction, and inability to be mobile all negatively affect her mental state as well as her physical state. 

That said, she is so close to becoming one of the people on My 600 Pound Life. I've seen so many episodes of that show where the people are miserable and mean and angry towards their caregivers/enablers. When they lose the weight and become active and mobile again they are so much happier and more pleasant. It's not about looking a certain way, it's about having a quality of life.  There are a lot of annoying qualities about Whitney that have nothing to do with her weight - she is self-obsessed and her wheezing/guffaw laugh are annoying. But she can be fun, and I'd love to watch a show about her actually losing weight and becoming healthy and capable of caring for herself.  I know a lot of people think she'd maintain all her bad qualities, but I really do think some of those negative qualities would reverse if she started losing weight and became more active and her hormonal issues were worked out.  

She did look beautiful at the reunion. I'm not sure why she doesn't put that much effort in during filming except that, again, she doesn't have the energy or ability to really try.  I'm glad they showed that clip of the camping where Lennie mumbled about wanting to do absolutely nothing in their relationship. Not a good idea to be with someone who is going to need a full time caregiver in a few years. 

  • Love 12
45 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I tend to not be up on the 'in' things. Who or what is 'small ana'?

ana means anorexia. It's like slang/code word that I believe started with pro-ana people so they could talk about ana and mia (bulimia) without letting on that they were talking about/participating in disordered eating behaviors.

  • Love 3

Thanks for the explanation. I was wondering what that meant.

I found the reunion show very hard to watch, as I really want to slap some common sense into her, but I suppose that I'll watch part 2 too. I assume that the comic will say what everyone here has been thinking, and will then be shouted down as a "hater". I wish that part two would be without Twitney, and just feature her friend/family/enablers. I'd love to hear whether they have fallen down the rabbit hole too, or whether they spend all their time with her biting their tongues.

  • Love 6

I just remember in past seasons she seemed to make an effort to lose weight. I know when she was  

 diagnosed as prediabetic (she still is. She just thinks we forgot about it) she did lose some weight. She also made some effort to avoid carbs.     

Obviously she failed but they were efforts. She seemed to be somewhat likable.

But then when she said "I wanna be fat"  this season that was it and it went downhill from there for me.

I know I'm a horrible person but I can't wait to see the comedian. In the commercials she seemed to go for the jugular when everyone kissed her ass

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Cinnamini11 said:

ana means anorexia. It's like slang/code word that I believe started with pro-ana people so they could talk about ana and mia (bulimia) without letting on that they were talking about/participating in disordered eating behaviors.

Not one of those people, BTW :) Just wanted to use the word as 'Fab' is used for fabulous. Probably bad judgement.

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, Bubbles1967 said:

I just remember in past seasons she seemed to make an effort to lose weight. I know when she was  

 diagnosed as prediabetic (she still is. She just thinks we forgot about it) she did lose some weight. She also made some effort to avoid carbs.     

Obviously she failed but they were efforts. She seemed to be somewhat likable.

But then when she said "I wanna be fat"  this season that was it and it went downhill from there for me.

I know I'm a horrible person but I can't wait to see the comedian. In the commercials she seemed to go for the jugular when everyone kissed her ass

Didn't Season 3 began with Whitney saying "I'm not prediabetic any more!" (voiceover a dance class, I think). If her weight and eating habits are the same, HOW is that possible?

Can't wait to see Kerryn as well. Even if in real life she's BFFs with Whitney (doubtful, although she has deliver some high points to MBFFL, so Whitney should be grateful), who cares, I wanna see the show!!! She has some balls sitting next to her parents and her friends, maybe because she knows they can't say anything to her that she hasn't heard before or that will truly hurt her feelings.

Edited by DatFatShorty
  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

I wonder if Whitney has ever watched My 600-lb life?

It is a TLC show so She probably has but her delusional self doesn't relate. 

Don't you know they are food addicts and she not?

They sit all day and can't move but she has an hour long dance class ( not classes) a week. She can twerk and they can't!

She can drive a car and put on a seat belt!

and most of all, she only weighs 380 lbs! That's 220 lbs away!

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, DatFatShorty said:

Didn't Season 3 began with Whitney saying "I'm not prediabetic any more!" (voiceover a dance class, I think). If her weight and eating habits are the same, HOW is that possible?


I started watching at the beginning of this season. Her constant, "hey, I'm not pre-diabetic" (paraphrasing), was notable, odd, and definitely out of touch. As if everything else we saw her do was a-okay because she wasn't pre-diabetic...

So strange.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, DatFatShorty said:

Didn't Season 3 began with Whitney saying "I'm not prediabetic any more!" (voiceover a dance class, I think). If her weight and eating habits are the same, HOW is that possible?

That's a good question.  And since we know she has gained weight since the season began, she might actually be pre-diabetic again.  I think between last season and this she made some dietary changes which is how she reversed her numbers, but it's clear now that she's gone back to her old habits again.

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