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All Episodes Talk: Picture It. PTer. Today.

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This is a place for you to discuss all the episodes ever (which we've all likely seen 100x over yet still crack up at). With the show currently airing on at least two cable networks, I expect quite a bit of chatter.

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Libertine Belle was on the other night.  I actually had tears of laughter running down my face.  It never fails to be hilarious. "St. Olaf?"  "West side?"

The episode with Pat, Dorothy's lebian friend, is wonderful.  All the actresses truly brought their game to a show that still has serious cultural significance.

I also love the birthday compilation episode, as it hits the hilarious "Get bent, HaHa!" and the emotional "It's my birthday and I get the rose" nicely.

I was too young to really appreciate this show as a child (I recall the very late 80s episodes), and the reruns and my occasional insomnia have really made my love for this show strong.  I now have all the DVDs and have converted many family/friends into GG fans.  I'm dorkily proud of getting some of my little 20-something year old cousins into it. 

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It did fit what I believed to be a St. Olaf aesthetic, but unfortunately that set was also a stand-in for Sophia's old kitchen in her and Sal's apartment in Brooklyn. GG was notorious for reusing sets. I think their doctor's waiting room set (with all the wood paneling and glass double doors) was redressed about 5 or 6 times over the course of the series.

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It probably should bug me, but I find it oddly entertaining whenever sitcoms and soaps repurpose sets (which, given the space, time and money involved in constructing a new set, I'm surprised they don't do more often) -- I like analyzing the differences. 

Edited by Bastet
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Wasn't the doctor's waiting room set the same one they used for the hotel conference room where Rose wanted to go attend some cult meeting, and got the girls to come with her, and Blanche said she just couldn't sit here any more "with all these grinnin' idiots"? 

Also, I personally can't recall ever seeing Sal and Sophia's Brooklyn kitchen. I remember the living room, and then the bedroom when Dorothy and Sophia went back to Brooklyn to see the old apartment. Ooh, that gives me a thought for the layout and inconsistencies thread(s)....

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In Sal and Sophia's Brooklyn kitchen, behind the pantry door were notches to mark Dorothy's, Gloria's, and Phil's height. Sophia misremembered it as having "Sal Loves Sophia" etched into the door. However, that was behind the closet door in their old bedroom. 

Wasn't the doctor's waiting room set the same one they used for the hotel conference room where Rose wanted to go attend some cult meeting, and got the girls to come with her, and Blanche said she just couldn't sit here any more "with all these grinnin' idiots"?


I believe you're right.  It was also used as the museum that Blanche worked at, and which Dorothy temporarily worked at. 

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I outgrew Lucy when I was about 9 years old; about the same time that I outgrew The 3 Stooges.


Here's a scene I loved. Rose is working for the TV station and has arranged for Dorothy and Blanche to appear in a "women who love each other" segment. Once they both figure out what the show was really about.....priceless.


I purchased the series set for my Mom. I need to borrow it from her.

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The one with the lesbian lovers of Miami is one of my favorite later-season episodes; I don't care much for the A-plot, but Rose's screw-up is comedy gold.  My favorite part is when audience member Sophia asks Dorothy, "What kind of pain and embarassment has this caused your mother?" and Dorothy replies, "I really don't know, but I'll ask her tomorrow when I visit her ... at the home."

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I just watched the dance marathon episode.  Why is it that Dorothy and Rose are disqualified for being each other's partner while Blanche bribing the male half of couple 63 dosen't lead to a DQ?  Kind of bothers me, because it's the same thing.  And why did she, "couple number 29" win while the guy didn't (except for winning in terms of the, presumed, sexual favor Blanche whispered in his ear?) 


I love my Girls.  I can fit "Sonny Bono, get off my lanai" into almost any conversation (and the occasional wedding toast). But logic, it costs nothing. 

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Were they disqualified for having switched partners, or for taking too long to return to the dance floor?  Since Blanche was explicitly given a certain amount of time (one minute?) to find another partner, I've always assumed it wasn't the switch that got Dorothy and Rose DQd, but the time spent not dancing.

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Just watched the episode where Blanche and Dorothy get the same peach dress for the museum dance.  It clearly looked better on Dorothy.  Lazlo episode is on now, one of my favorites.

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I was disappointed when Dorothy did not get together with the one detective in the stolen gems episode.

Me too.  I wanted him to become a semi-regular as her boyfriend.

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I always wanted Dorothy to have someone like Rose did in Miles/Arnie and I wanted to see a return of the man Blanche dated in the final season that wanted to take things slow and she finally felt like a lady. I thought that was a sweet storyline, not to mention hilarious with their date that began at the jungle themed motel. Classic!

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Hi, y'all. I totally get it, but please keep your favorite quotes (even if you've modified them a touch) to the favorite quotes thread. Let's keep this thread strictly to episode discussion. Thanks. 

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Why don't we celebrate our new place with dinner at my favorite restaurant?  But we have to hurry because the Dairy Queen special ends at 5.


The five buck lunch? It's all day now. At least it is here. 

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Or the theme song to Bonanza.  I'm sorry to intrude on the thread, but how do I get to this forum directly?  It wasn't listed under forums and I had to click on the Grab that Dough category to find this.

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@Maherjunkie - Under the main forums list, after all the G shows listed is "All [n]"  (where [N] is a number).  If you click that, you will see all "G" shows, including this one.  You can also click "See All Shows" next to the Shows section and see all, in all letters.  Lastly, if you're in a topic/thread, if you scroll up or down you will see what looks like a directory - here it is "Forums > Shows > G > The Golden Girls".  If you click on "The Golden Girls", it will take you the the main GG forum.  Once there, you can also click the "Follow" button.  All forums you follow will appear in the "My Shows" area.  Just click "My Shows" button to see them all.


ETA: If you have questions like this, in general, you can also post them in the Questions forum.

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I think it would have been good if all the ladies had a recurring bf like Rose had with Miles and wish that Rose and Miles got married before the series was over. I would have love to see Blanche have a long relationship with the caterer Jake or finally was able to land a date with the doctor Harry Weston. With the caterer their could have been comedy with how opposite Blanche and Jake were but he wanted to get married too soon and she was rather picky towards his lifestyle.


I love the artificial insemination episode, that one was just full of laughs:


Blanche: You are a Deveraux, a Deveraux has never had to pay for it. I certainly haven't.

Dorothy: She's always depended on the kindness of strangers.


Rebecca: There's a sperm bank nearby.

Rose: How convenient.

Sophia: No kidding do they have a drive up window?


Sophia to Guy filling out form: "I bet this is more fun than giving blood."


Rose: I hear that you can buy sperm from Nobel Prize winners.

Blanche: Buy? well sperm use to be free, it's all over the place.

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Watching the Mammy Watkins episode today. It never use to bother me, but reading others comments on this episode I'm beginning to dislike Mammy Watkins. Basically, she shows up, demands the return of a gift and unapologetically tells Blanche that she had an affair with her beloved Big Daddy. I wouldn't have blamed Blanche one bit if she didn't have a change a heart about returning the music box. I do get a kick out of her not getting the right one though. "We went through all of this for nothing!" Didn't endure Mammy Watkins to me. How about just being happy to be reunited with Blanche after all of these years, since you claimed to have cared so deeply about her. 

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Some things bother me about Dorothy at times when she questions Sophia. Like if Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose are up late and Sophia comes into the kitchen or the living room Dorothy always asks, "Ma, what are you doing up?", unless Dorothy didn't get the memo, Sophia is a grown woman.


In that episode where Dorothy and Blanche buy the same dress, Blanche had to know that Dorothy pulled that dress off better than her. That dress is designed for a tall woman who can carry it off. A short person wearing a dress with a lot of roughing looks even shorter and Blanche looked like a piglet in it. Blanche looks best in bright colored and multi-colored clothing more than she does in neutral and dark clothes.


I always did love Blanche's nightgowns and robes, she had the best sleepwear clothing. Rose had the best room out of all the girls. 

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Rose's room was like an apartment, bathroom, couch with tables and then room for the bed and dresser.  I think it was bigger than Blanche's.  Sopia had the smallest room and Dorothy was a close second.

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What is ever said if that was the home Blanche raised her family in with Geroge?   If so, you'd think there would have been things said like "Sophia's room was Janet's" etc...

Yes, in "We're Outta Here" Blanche says that she raised her family in that house.

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Meshach Taylor, better known for his role on Designing Women, has died.  However, I saw he had a credit for Golden Girls.  Without looking it up, can you describe the episode in which he appears and his role? (I definitely had to look it up!  In all my years of rewatching episodes, I don't think I ever realized it was him.  It's like when I discovered Quentin Tarantino was one of the Elvises at Sophia's wedding, though slightly less surprising.)

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He played the cop who brought the news to Blanche that her boyfriend was in police custody at the end of the pilot episode. I've always noticed that being a fan of Designing Women. It's sad how the cast of DW are dying off now, I still think of them as younger than the GG cast so it was bizarre when Dixie Carter died and I realized that she was in her 70's when it happened.

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Rose's room was like an apartment, bathroom, couch with tables and then room for the bed and dresser.  I think it was bigger than Blanche's.


Well, Blanche did promise that room to both of her new roommates.  Maybe she gave up the master bedroom after George died.


Rose: I'll make it up to you, Dorothy.  I promise.  Listen, if there's ever a night where you can't sleep, I'll come to your room and sing "Kumbaya."

Dorothy: Rose, I don't know what to say.  Yes I do...Don't ever do that."

Edited by JohnnyGilda
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I do have a question though in the "Goodbye, Mr. Gordon" episode after the talk show all the girls are in the kitchen and Dorothy is typing on something. What exactly is that? I've been trying to figure out what that thing is that she was using. Does it make your fingers pop up like hers did?


I would like to also add that Sophia kind of irked me in some episodes. In "The Monkey Show" she was very insensitive towards Dorothy when Stan and Gloria slept together. She was happy about it even though she spent all this time down talking Stan. So Stan isn't good enough for Dorothy but good enough for Gloria? Why would she want any of her daughters with someone like Stan? Sophia getting the ball rolling by sending Gloria flowers. 


Even during Phil's funeral she's holding a grudge over what $47. I know she's grieving for the loss of her son but she missed out on her son's life and grandchildren's life over $47. Even some of the things she did to Dorothy during her childhood was mean spirited at times, driving John Neretti away because he wasn't dressed right and didn't bother to tell Dorothy about it.


Even during the later seasons they made Rose a little too stupid. There's a difference between naive which she was in the first couple of seasons but then she just became a little too dumb for words.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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Yes, in "We're Outta Here" Blanche says that she raised her family in that house.


Which makes you wonder what staircase she was referring to when she said: "Oh, I see, missy, so this is the thanks I get for all those cold nights when you were a baby crying, and I'd have to get up out of bed and grope around in the dark for my slippers and robe, and make my way all the way downstairs, and scream for the governess?"

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