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Artistic Gymnastics: Stick the Landing!

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15 minutes ago, OSM Mom said:

Who decided that Gabby should wear such dark lipstick tonight?  Or has she always and I just haven't noticed?  It was really distracting tonight.  

 I don't recall her wearing lipstick at all in the past, so maybe it stuck out because it was something different.  My friend and I were in agreement that it was a fantastic shade for her. ::shrug:: MMV and all that.

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My teenaged years were well before glitter eyeshadow was a thing, thank God.  Is there any danger of the glitter getting in the eye and causing a scratched cornea?  Or is it made of something different than craft glitter?

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1 hour ago, Kromm said:

I'm sorry if it was supposed to be touching, but that "We are the final five" thing was kinda too shrill to touch my cold dead heart.

I'm with you. It would be one thing if it was something organic, but them coming up with their own nickname was just weird, IMO. The Final Five is kind of sweet (even if I'm not really a fan of the Karolis), but the whole thing just seems a little too precious.

Did the Magnificent Seven call themselves that, or did it come from the media? That's the first team nickname I can remember.

As for the gymnastics, that was an incredible display. Laurie is my favorite to watch, but they were all amazing and pulled their weight. I always think Aly doesn't seem very "bendy" for a gymnast, and I don't think her floor is very fluid, but she flies so high. Wow.

I'm looking forward to the AA and the EF. Glad they all made it in at least one event. They deserve it!

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1 hour ago, Steph619 said:

I think everyone expected the U.S. to win and dominate the competition, but I'll admit that I teared up when the "Final Five" won gold. I really love this team and it was nice to see them triumph in the Olympics especially Gabby and Aly who came back for the second time. I can't wait to see the individual events and I hope that each one of them is able to win a medal.

So did I. They really did a great job. I really like all five of them.    

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1 hour ago, topanga said:

I know, right? I didn't have a chance to watch the live Stream today, so I would have loved to see how Russia was able move up to win the Silver. But, nope. Let's watch the US women wait for their scores. SMH.

I do feel sorry for the Chinese. Their country will not be happy that the men and women won the bronze. Anything less than gold is unacceptable. 

I agree. She's already a beautiful young woman at 17. And she seems so likable. 

Three vaults that averaged just over 15. 

1 hour ago, OSM Mom said:

Who decided that Gabby should wear such dark lipstick tonight?  Or has she always and I just haven't noticed?  It was really distracting tonight.  

Gabby's over-contouring bothered me more. 

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Bitter Westerners and their hatred of the Chinese is strong. I remember the days when Chinese women were doing things no other team did, only to have their skills rated in the lowest group for being "too dangerous". FIG claimed that they didn't want to encourage moves like the one armed giant by women. Back in the days when all the women landed in a pseudo-fourth position except some of the Chinese, who landed straight like the men. Never got any credit for the additional strength and difficulty. 

Now Westerners continue to discredit them, making rather questionable comments about their age. When my daughter was 19, people thought she was 12. It happens, especially with females who are petite to begin with, and especially when white people judge Asians. So much nastiness aimed at young women who work their asses off and act with nothing but respect and politeness at events. 

Anyway, I am done with gymnastics as covered by NBC. Even on the taped version, they would show the US gymnasts sitting on their asses chatting instead of showing routines by other gymnasts. It's gross and shameful. 

On a side note, fuck Michael Phelps. I really don't like that dude. He will always be the idiot who thought pictures with a bong were a good idea. 

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While watching gymnasts sit around tonight, my mind started wandering - could men compete on the beam or women on the rings or pommel horse with much success given the physical differences between body types?  I decided no.  Which left me to ponder why women's gymnastics don't do away with the low bar, which is pretty much ignored, and just let women do high bar routines?  Thoughts?

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I like to see the competitors from all the nations. Flavia, is adorable and a joy to watch. I like watching the Chinese girls, gymnastics just seem to so ingrained in their genes, just thousands of years of acrobats and gymnasts, how can they not be good, it's that same heritage that helps the divers. And I'm not trying to start something racist, at least I hope not, but it seems to me with all that history, they have to be good. Then for the Americans they have the programs with lots of money poured into the sports, that has helped acquire the best coaches, the best facilities, trainers and sports med, computers to study the movements and help with understand and correcting moves and both countries have such large populations to choose from to find the best, and it all comes together with teeny, tiny, well muscled, beautiful young women in charge a big, popular sport. 

I do like the rhythmic gymnastics but it doesn't seem to catch on the US, a shame, it's incredible to watch and I'm looking forward to it.

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5 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

Bitter Westerners and their hatred of the Chinese is strong. I remember the days when Chinese women were doing things no other team did, only to have their skills rated in the lowest group for being "too dangerous". FIG claimed that they didn't want to encourage moves like the one armed giant by women. Back in the days when all the women landed in a pseudo-fourth position except some of the Chinese, who landed straight like the men. Never got any credit for the additional strength and difficulty. 

Now Westerners continue to discredit them, making rather questionable comments about their age. When my daughter was 19, people thought she was 12. It happens, especially with females who are petite to begin with, and especially when white people judge Asians. So much nastiness aimed at young women who work their asses off and act with nothing but respect and politeness at events. 

Anyway, I am done with gymnastics as covered by NBC. Even on the taped version, they would show the US gymnasts sitting on their asses chatting instead of showing routines by other gymnasts. It's gross and shameful. 

On a side note, fuck Michael Phelps. I really don't like that dude. He will always be the idiot who thought pictures with a bong were a good idea. 

I think the reason why people had issues with the Chinese (recently) has been articulated. A lot of people had an issue with the Chinese underage thing that happened in 2000, I know a lot of countries (not just the West), feels that it happened in 2008 to guarantee themselves a medal.  I feel that there is always going to be a side-eye about it, especially when they look so young. I say this as someone who always gets "wait.. you're 33, you look so much younger! you sound like a baby!" and i'm 5'7, so I know it would be worse if I were petite. 

They also find their gymnastics boring. I quite frankly think USA gymnastics (for the most part) is ugly. I've roasted them about it too. If there was a chance to have #TearsofSilver for team USA i would have been fine with that- but that was never going to happen so why bother. I just like Gymnastics (like I said, I <3 team USA but I can call a spade a spade). I personally feel that American gymnastics is basically just benefiting from being heavier and fitter to do higher tricks, and even Simone can chuck the highest tricks into a routine, and flub all the artistry. And they get away with it. FIG doesn't need to reduce numbers to make gymnastics more competitive. I just think they need to just need to make artistry + tumbling worth equal parts. And/or (more And) bring compulsories back, I think that could really help with a lot of form issues that we tend to see from a lot of gymnastics. 

AND I think if Artistry/Form is marked as equal, you could (as some said) Code Whore your programme to work either way. IF you were a tumbler, you could make your strength work for you and have a little artistry to make your routines stand out but can't just ignore it as well as if you were more artistically inclined, you could lean on that, (and add a bit of strength to be more challenging), whatever it is now, i think Artistry gets you only so far, and the athleticism is more appreciated (I know in Figure Skating there is a huge push-pull about this). And I get that this is a total step in the other direction when yah, women who did harder tricks sometimes were punished as to not to encourage it. that was wrong. 

Also I think, as a lot of people (myself) included was rooting for Japan to medal, we could be seen as bitter Westerners. I lived in Asia. I am very aware of the culture, and practices there. I have friends over there still. I <3'ed it there. Many, many of us are rooting for Japan (and before poop hit the fan, a chunk of us for Ukraine as well). that's very eastern love to me. 

But when it comes to my sport of choice - I am an equal opportunity razzer, and unless my country is involved I am always about Team. Drama. (heck even when my country is involved, i kinda want Team Drama to be involved). If Aly Raisman could somehow beat Simone Biles, I would be all over that. Why? Drama. If a Chinese (or Japanese, or Russian) girl could somehow beat both Americans, I'd be doubly as amused and happy. Why? Drama. I love the unexpected. 

That's my .5 (only because pennies don't exist in Canada anymore so i rounded it up). 

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Bitter Westerners and their hatred of the Chinese is strong. I remember the days when Chinese women were doing things no other team did, only to have their skills rated in the lowest group for being "too dangerous". FIG claimed that they didn't want to encourage moves like the one armed giant by women. Back in the days when all the women landed in a pseudo-fourth position except some of the Chinese, who landed straight like the men. Never got any credit for the additional strength and difficulty. 

Plenty of moves get denied, including OLGA KORBUT'S FAMOUS BACK FLIP OVER THE HIGH BAR.  That is now outlawed.  

Part of the reason we "Westerners" cringe with the Chinese is because we hear of the horrors those girls go through... like not seeing their parents for EIGHT YEARS.  What price victory?  

And there was the North Korean gymnast several years ago ... she was missing her TWO FRONT TEETH.  It wasn't that they were knocked out--new ones were GROWING IN.  

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After giving up hope that NBC might show anything about how Canada did in the competition (CBC was showing volleyball), I just decided to enjoy watching the US Gymnastics Show, since it would appear that there was hardly anyone else competing.

Personally, I thought Ali's floor routine was much better than Simone's and was surprised by the marks. 

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In a VERY cranky mood ... for some reason my DVR died just before the final session of the GYMNASTICS WOMEN'S TEAM FINAL.  So I missed it  ... 

Luckily I did catch it, albeit with the herky - jerky constant buffering delight of the NBC APP!!!  (the streaming on the website did better).

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3 hours ago, friendperidot said:

I do like the rhythmic gymnastics but it doesn't seem to catch on the US, a shame, it's incredible to watch and I'm looking forward to it.

I'm looking forward to it too! I love it and it's weird it's not more popular.

1 hour ago, Daisy said:

That's my .5 (only because pennies don't exist in Canada anymore so i rounded it up). 

Ha! I wish USA would get rid of pennies too..!

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24 minutes ago, AEMom said:

After giving up hope that NBC might show anything about how Canada did in the competition (CBC was showing volleyball), I just decided to enjoy watching the US Gymnastics Show, since it would appear that there was hardly anyone else competing.

Personally, I thought Ali's floor routine was much better than Simone's and was surprised by the marks. 


It drives me nuts. I mean, CBC/BBC gives lots of American Love (in both Winter and Summer) and to give Dan Hicks credit in Swimming he'll go "this is a great _____ from Canada watch him as America kicks swimming ass" (okay maybe not exactly like it...)but honestly, I might just stop watching NBC for a good chunk of stuff. they even stopped with the fluff I love. :( 


2 minutes ago, ExplainItAgain said:

I'm looking forward to it too! I love it and it's weird it's not more popular.

Ha! I wish USA would get rid of pennies too..!

LOL i miss pennies. to be honest.
and I love rhythmic gymnastics too! and trampoline!

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I'm asking again: Why is Simone the only American competing in the vault finals? Couldn't Aly or Laurie be in there also?

I'm a member of #teamdrama also.  I'm totally rooting for Aly in the AA and the floor finals. I honestly like her floor better than Simone's.  But I want to see something other than a Simone Sweep in these events.  I love watching Simone do her tricks, but her floor routine isn't my favorite (I'd rather watch Laurie or Aly). I'd love to see Flavia or Catalina sneak in on the beam, and I want a battle on the bars with Madison, Gabby, and the Russians/Chinese.  Vault is Simone's no question.  Unless she flubs it terribly, she's got it. I like all the girls and it's nothing against Simone, but I want to see some DRAMA!

Re: Laurie-- She is a doll. Seriously.  I hate that she couldn't compete in the AA, but she's going to make bank with endorsements. She is precious and very camera ready. She was the most naturally polished in the interview with Costa as well.

The Chinese hate--- call me a bitter Westerner all you want, but I just find Chinese gymnastics boring af.  They aren't great on vault, their tumbling isn't all that great on floor, and they've been inconsistent.  Add to that the age controversy from the past, and it makes me very meh on them.  And they just don't have the personality of the Russians for me to overlook all that.  

NBC's coverage sucks. That is all. 

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I agree about the team final not being as interesting as 2012. You had all the drama if Gabby would hit beam. I'm happy for the team. I understand people want drama in the competitions I hope everyone performs to the best ability. I think the vault final will be the most exciting especially if people land their prudnova and that triple vaults everyone keeps talking about. I hope Madison wins bars she cracked me up during the Seacrest interview when he was saying what gold means in Portugese and she goes I'll have to remember that softly. Such a WOGA comment.

Even though the Americans are so dominant right now there no guarantee they will remain this dominant. With New leadership and if Simone decided not to continue we won't have her huge d scores. Who knows how the juniors will do and what seniors will stick around and remain healthy.  Four years ago no one was talking about Simone it was all about Lexie Priessman and Katlyn Ohashi. 


By the way Aly and Gabby have been on 4 out of 4 of the gold winning world teams. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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10 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

@Apocalypse Cow I'm not sure why Simone is the only vault finalist. It may be that the other girls didn't have a competitive second vault or didn't want to attempt a second vault and risk injury before team finals. 

None of the other girls are consistent on their current vaults.  Laurie had a bad knee injury that kept her out all competitions in 2014. She also suffered a knee injury this spring. Aly has been performing the Amanar since I think 2011 and just started landing it consistently within the last couple of months. Gabby was trying to get her amanar back in 2012 she had issues with it. I'm sure those are the reasons. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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10 minutes ago, Apocalypse Cow said:

That's a little sad. But who knows... it's hard to stay retired for some of these gymnasts.  I wonder who would come back in four years if possible.

Simone has said she wants to live a normal life after the Olympics so that makes sense.  I think if she goes away for college no way does she try a comeback.

Did anyone else see Nastia throwing shade at Sam on the Today Show about how he's not consistent?

Also Simone's biological mother speaks out her issue seems to be with Ron. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_57aa4c3be4b06e52746e3790 

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Simone has said she wants to live a normal life after the Olympics.  Before she went pro she said she felt  all the 2012 should give other girls a chance. She has also said she would like to be like Kohei so who knows.  I think if Simone decides to go away for college she definitely won't come back.

She won't go to college--at least not in the near future.  Why waste your most productive money-earning years in college? Nastia Liukin is now at NYU ... 8 years after gold.  That's what I see for Simone.  

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2 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

She won't go to college--at least not in the near future.  Why waste your most productive money-earning years in college? Nastia Liukin is now at NYU ... 8 years after gold.  That's what I see for Simone. 

Nastia enrolled at SMU after Bejing but dropped out because she couldn't keep up with her schoolwork. 

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I just want to point out - I don't really want anyone to fall, or lose it that way (even though that's a drama in of itself). and I know if Simone is great it's pretty much over. But i guess i want someone to be GREATER for that day. Like sure it's funny when Hosszu or Ledecky (swimming) races themselves and everyone is behind - and that's what the USA team did last night - Ledecky'ed it. But the men's team was 100 percent more entertaining because NO ONE KNEW what was going on. 

Like What was Ukraine doing? I don't know! (now we know and I want to smack them all). 
Was Japan really going to lose? I DON'T KNOW! 
Could RUSSIA win?! I DON'T KNOW!!!

then everything was happening in the 2nd to last rotation, and teams moving up and down, and it was fantastic. 

It was built in Drama! 

Women's gymnastics was boring. I'm sorry. I'm glad that the girls pretty much went out them and dominated and didn't melt under the pressure. But when you win by 8 points - as a viewer, It's more of, okay, cool, now can you please show the competition so I can be a bit entertained? When USA is up it's like watching a Gala. it doesn't "mean" anything because they are so far ahead. When China/Japan/Russia/Insert Country Here - it means everything because something is actually impacted. 

MAG AA is tonight. Drama! Will Koehi win (again) can Oleg beat him? Will the Chinese come out and kick some ass? Who knows?! DRAMA!!

WAG AA on Thursday. Well Simone, Simone'd. Cool. (hence, why i am firmly on Aly pulling the upset, and she's really the only one who can imo). 

Nothing against Simone. if she wins I'll be wowed and amazed. But for entertainment, and a more amazing Olympic memory, i'm hoping for a battle - not victory lap. 

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 When USA is up it's like watching a Gala. it doesn't "mean" anything because they are so far ahead. When China/Japan/Russia/Insert Country Here - it means everything because something is actually impacted. 

I actually thought the women's gymnastics was fun and exciting, not because of the USA, but because Japan, China and Russia were in that battle for silver and bronze and the placements kept shifting around. Granted, you don't get to see that on the primetime coverage, but the livestream did a better job and if you're using the apparatus livestreams you can watch whomever you want. 

I would love for Aly to defend her gold on FX, but I just don't see how it's realistically possible. She's been scoring five tenths lower than Simone, and that's with Aly landing well and Simone landing a bit less well. It was interesting to see that Lauie's FX scoring was basically consistent with the way she was scored at Nationals, while at Trials she was scored much closer to Aly. I love Laurie, but I suspected at the time that those big floor exercise scores would never hold up in Rio and was not surprised to be right. 


MAG AA is tonight. Drama! Will Koehi win (again) can Oleg beat him? Will the Chinese come out and kick some ass? Who knows?! DRAMA!!

And most importantly, will Sam actually drill a hole in his own chest with the fist pounding? I'll be watching on livestream again, as I imagine when the American men are inevitably not part of the medal mix, not a lot of time will be devoted to the event in primetime. I do hope that Chris Brooks can have a better showing than he did at qualifying. He looked much better in team finals, so here's hoping. I did hear the Horton bias that has been discussed in yesterday's daily dismount when Jon alleged that if Sam went 6 for 6 he could be on the podium. I think he'd not only have to go 6 for 6 but basically have the best performances of his career on each event and also hope for some mistakes from others. 

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1 minute ago, Jillibean said:

I actually thought the women's gymnastics was fun and exciting, not because of the USA, but because Japan, China and Russia were in that battle for silver and bronze and the placements kept shifting around. Granted, you don't get to see that on the primetime coverage, but the livestream did a better job and if you're using the apparatus livestreams you can watch whomever you want. 

I would love for Aly to defend her gold on FX, but I just don't see how it's realistically possible. She's been scoring five tenths lower than Simone, and that's with Aly landing well and Simone landing a bit less well. It was interesting to see that Lauie's FX scoring was basically consistent with the way she was scored at Nationals, while at Trials she was scored much closer to Aly. I love Laurie, but I suspected at the time that those big floor exercise scores would never hold up in Rio and was not surprised to be right. 

And most importantly, will Sam actually drill a hole in his own chest with the fist pounding? I'll be watching on livestream again, as I imagine when the American men are inevitably not part of the medal mix, not a lot of time will be devoted to the event in primetime. I do hope that Chris Brooks can have a better showing than he did at qualifying. He looked much better in team finals, so here's hoping. I did hear the Horton bias that has been discussed in yesterday's daily dismount when Jon alleged that if Sam went 6 for 6 he could be on the podium. I think he'd not only have to go 6 for 6 but basically have the best performances of his career on each event and also hope for some mistakes from others. 

That's what I mean. like. i got to watch it streaming (but not american, so i can only see the IOC gives CBC/BBC) - THAT was exciting. USA went up and it was like. great. Woo. back to the action now please. :)

also. bwahahaahahahahaha. Remember. Sam thinks he's like Kohei, so... it's possible. ( :D :D )

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2 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I would love for Aly to defend her gold on FX, but I just don't see how it's realistically possible. She's been scoring five tenths lower than Simone, and that's with Aly landing well and Simone landing a bit less well. It was interesting to see that Lauie's FX scoring was basically consistent with the way she was scored at Nationals, while at Trials she was scored much closer to Aly. I love Laurie, but I suspected at the time that those big floor exercise scores would never hold up in Rio and was not surprised to be right. 


It's going to take a big mistake from Simone for Aly to sneak in.  I love Laurie's fx, but I agree it's not on the same level as Aly's or Simone's.  

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I don't care if one team or one person is way ahead and a "foregone conclusion", it doesn't make it less exciting or fun to watch in any way.  I like seeing what these athletes can do.  It's incredible what these people can do.  That's the excitement.  (And it doesn't just apply to gymnastics to me.)  What these men and women can do is so incredible.  The height Simone gets, I could watch all day.  Aly's floor, etc.  And the same applies to the other countries (I just don't know their athletes' names as well, since I only recently got re-interested in watching gymnastics).   I also always root for the home team, wherever that is, and have enjoyed watching Brazil, when they are shown.  And, of course, the underdogs are great to watch too.  So, even being spoiled ahead of time doesn't change how fun this is to watch, nor how amazing all these athletes are.

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1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

None of the other girls are consistent on their current vaults.  Laurie had a bad knee injury that kept her out all competitions in 2014. She also suffered a knee injury this spring. Aly has been performing the Amanar since I think 2011 and just started landing it consistently within the last couple of months. Gabby was trying to get her amanar back in 2012 she had issues with it. I'm sure those are the reasons. 

Yeah, but most of the competitors aren't super consistent either.  I'd rather have stuck landings and lower difficulty, tbh.  This system of judging rewards mediocre execution.

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46 minutes ago, Apocalypse Cow said:

Yeah, but most of the competitors aren't super consistent either.  I'd rather have stuck landings and lower difficulty, tbh.  This system of judging rewards mediocre execution.

True I would imagine it must take time to practice a second one. But most of these girls practice a bunch of skills they never compete. I know Aimee has posted videos of skills Simone would practice. She also said this year is boring for Simone because she wasn't practicing all of her crazy skills for fear of getting injured. 

Does anyone else get the vibe Martha is going to be in charge of Romania's program?

Edited by choclatechip45
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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

Like What was Ukraine doing? I don't know! (now we know and I want to smack them all). 
Was Japan really going to lose? I DON'T KNOW! 
Could RUSSIA win?! I DON'T KNOW!!!

then everything was happening in the 2nd to last rotation, and teams moving up and down, and it was fantastic. 

It was built in Drama! 

I read all that in Mr. Hand's voice "Mr Hand will I pass this class?  Gee Mr. Spicoli, I DON'T KNOW!"

The final kind of reminded me of the 2008 AA when there was less than half a point between Kohei (who won silver with 91.975 pts and Rafael Martinez (who was 10th with 91.500 pts).  Yang Wei pretty much had gold locked up but that last rotation was bonkers with nine others vying for the other two medals.

1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

If Sam goes 6 for 6 that will be the real drama of the Olympics!

I wanna root for Sam but I'm kind of hoping Chris Brooks sneaks on the podium.  Both are longshots but that is the Team Drama way.

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10 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

Anyway, I am done with gymnastics as covered by NBC. Even on the taped version, they would show the US gymnasts sitting on their asses chatting instead of showing routines by other gymnasts. It's gross and shameful. 

On a side note, fuck Michael Phelps. I really don't like that dude. He will always be the idiot who thought pictures with a bong were a good idea. 

If I could erect a statue and worship at the feet of your comment, I would do so. I was getting so annoyed at the endless shots of the girls sitting around, meanwhile there's seven other teams competing on the floor. Focusing on the American athletes only doesn't give the viewers any sort of context for the event or the competition. I enjoy watching these women perform, I don't care what country they're from. Last night's team final was kind of "meh" for me anyways. It was pretty much a foregone conclusion that the US was going to win, so the whole thing was sort of anti-climactic. Nothing will ever top the drama of the 1996 finals.

As for as Phelps, I'm sick of him. I'm sick of his attitude, his arrogance, his famewhoring mother and girlfriend, all of it. I was bummed Le Clos didn't win last night.

Edited by BitterApple
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2 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

She won't go to college--at least not in the near future.  Why waste your most productive money-earning years in college? Nastia Liukin is now at NYU ... 8 years after gold.  That's what I see for Simone.  

Gymnasts make money?

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Gymnasts make money?

Mary Lou Retton earned $10 million.  Tours, books (her autobiography, written for children), endorsements (Wheaties, bowling centers--yes, I remember those ads), TV appearances, dolls, gym apparel, camps ... 

Bart Conner owns a gym, is a TV commentator, does appearances ... His longtime coach also owns International Gymnast magazine.  

Edited by AuntieDiane6
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25 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

Gymnasts make money?

There's probably no money in gymnastics. The money comes from endorsements. Simone is probably making a ton of money right now. She has a bunch of endorsements. Gabby too. Now, there's probably not a lot of gymnasts who make that kind of money, but it is possible. 

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I agree that some of the drama is missing from women's gymnastics at the moment, especially in terms of personalities. These women all seem so nice and well-grounded, and it makes me long for the days of Svetlana Khorkina. Man, I miss that diva! Her emotional reactions were always fun to watch and she was very talented, but just inconsistent enough that you never knew what you were going to get when she performed. It was awesome, and there's never been anyone quite like her since.

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12 hours ago, photo fox said:

I'm with you. It would be one thing if it was something organic, but them coming up with their own nickname was just weird, IMO. The Final Five is kind of sweet (even if I'm not really a fan of the Karolis), but the whole thing just seems a little too precious.

Did the Magnificent Seven call themselves that, or did it come from the media? That's the first team nickname I can remember.

As for the gymnastics, that was an incredible display. Laurie is my favorite to watch, but they were all amazing and pulled their weight. I always think Aly doesn't seem very "bendy" for a gymnast, and I don't think her floor is very fluid, but she flies so high. Wow.

I'm looking forward to the AA and the EF. Glad they all made it in at least one event. They deserve it!

I think they only came up with it because the media was relentless about them naming themselves because every previous Olympic team had done so.  Yes, they could have just not done it, but the interviewers/announcers were bullies about the whole thing.

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I hated that "Final Five" thing.  It just looked and sounded so stupid.  We heard one of them say it.  Then they looked at the camera and all of them said it together.  Then the worst part was they apparently didn't think that take was good enough, and said it together yet again.  If it was supposed to be a touching tribute to Marta Karolyi, it was completely lost on me.  But I think by that point I was so fixated on my dislike for Aly Raisman and her cringeworthy parents, and she seemed to be the leader of this stupid chant, that I just couldn't take it.

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I thought the media named the Magnificent Seven and the Fierce Five. And the thing this year was before the media could dub them they said, we have a name and we'll tell you after the team final. I don't like the name and I think it's silly they came up with it themselves (instead of a name evolving organically), but eh, whatever!

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2 minutes ago, blackwing said:

I hated that "Final Five" thing.  It just looked and sounded so stupid.  We heard one of them say it.  Then they looked at the camera and all of them said it together.  Then the worst part was they apparently didn't think that take was good enough, and said it together yet again.  If it was supposed to be a touching tribute to Marta Karolyi, it was completely lost on me.  But I think by that point I was so fixated on my dislike for Aly Raisman and her cringeworthy parents, and she seemed to be the leader of this stupid chant, that I just couldn't take it.

I don't know what it is about Aly, but she comes off as very fake to me. Like her super supportive teammate act is strictly for the cameras and she's a total Regina George behind the scenes. Gabby doesn't seem too fond of her and I wonder if that's why. I also agree that her parents are annoying as hell and totally playing up their angst for the camera. And you kids stay off my lawn! : )

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3 minutes ago, ExplainItAgain said:

I thought the media named the Magnificent Seven and the Fierce Five. And the thing this year was before the media could dub them they said, we have a name and we'll tell you after the team final. I don't like the name and I think it's silly they came up with it themselves (instead of a name evolving organically), but eh, whatever!

Aw, I thought it was cute and a nice tribute. I can't think of anything better to play off of the five, and I really like that they decided it themselves. Ladies taking charge and whatnot. Phenomenal Five and other suggestions were just too obvious. It also works double for me because of the meaning behind it. You're not just remembering the team, you're remembering that this is Martha's final team, etc.

I think the Fierce Five were originally called the Fab Five, but that was previously taken by a famous University of Michigan basketball team, so some of them came up with Fierce Five on their own.

Did the 2000, 2004, or 2008 US teams have a nickname?

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3 hours ago, Jillibean said:
Just now, mehtotheworld said:

Aw, I thought it was cute and a nice tribute. I can't think of anything better to play off of the five, and I really like that they decided it themselves. Ladies taking charge and whatnot. Phenomenal Five and other suggestions were just too obvious. It also works double for me because of the meaning behind it. You're not just remembering the team, you're remembering that this is Martha's final team, etc.

I think the Fierce Five were originally called the Fab Five, but that was previously taken by a famous University of Michigan basketball team, so some of them came up with Fierce Five on their own.

Did the 2000, 2004, or 2008 US teams have a nickname?


2000 Al tried to make it be "Super Six." 

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I think "final" as an adjective just doesn't convey how talented they are and how well the team did. Magnificent and fierce are good descriptive adjectives.

But, I get that it meant something to them and their coach.

3 minutes ago, mehtotheworld said:

Did the 2000, 2004, or 2008 US teams have a nickname?

I am assuming no since they didn't win the team final?

Edited by ExplainItAgain
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Plenty of people do not put their hand over their heart when the anthem is playing. I never do. I always stand at attention. Why do people have to look for every little thing to criticize someone? Social media needs to fuck off already.

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I'm so over the Gabby criticism drama from fans. She didn't put her hand over her heart when she won the all-around. She also hasn't done it all year. Mag 7 was created by the media. The media also created the Fab Five, but Jalen Rose criticized for the media for not coming up with something original. McKayla started looking up words with letter F and thought Fierce was a good name.  The talk show interview circuit is going to be so boring without McKayla this year. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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24 minutes ago, Cherpumple said:

I agree that some of the drama is missing from women's gymnastics at the moment, especially in terms of personalities. These women all seem so nice and well-grounded, and it makes me long for the days of Svetlana Khorkina. Man, I miss that diva! Her emotional reactions were always fun to watch and she was very talented, but just inconsistent enough that you never knew what you were going to get when she performed. It was awesome, and there's never been anyone quite like her since.

Part of it is the prime time coverage. If Svetlana were competing today, I'd have no idea who she is because NBC probably wouldn't have ever shown her competing. 

As I said above, there did appear to be some drama between China and Russia. Russia passed China to take the Silver medal. I guess NBC didn't have time to show the entire competition, but I would have loved to see Russia's crucial vaults.


5 hours ago, AEMom said:

After giving up hope that NBC might show anything about how Canada did in the competition (CBC was showing volleyball), I just decided to enjoy watching the US Gymnastics Show, since it would appear that there was hardly anyone else competing.

Personally, I thought Ali's floor routine was much better than Simone's and was surprised by the marks. 

I have to respectfully disagree. Simone has moved into the category of making her gymnastics look so easy that many people aren't impressed anymore when they watch her. Simone's routine had a higher level of difficulty and artistry compared to Aly's. Her tumbling passes were more complex, she flew higher into the air, and she included more tumbling passes than other gymnasts do. In terms of artistry, her wolf turn--along with that move where she rolls her feet backward then stands up-- show her balance, leg strength, and her core strength. And she had numerous displays of flexibility and artistic dancing.

--Yes, she might have stumbled coming out of some of the tumbling passes. Even her wolf turn didn't look as smooth on the floor as it did on the beam.  But no way was Aly better than Simone. Aly was fantastic, mind you. On floor, beam, and the vault. But Simone's gymnastics are head and shoulders above any one else's right now. 

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