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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Again last night, I saw that Sears commercial with the kid and the dishwasher, because NBC hates me. The kid is so old, he has has a beer gut. When the parents are in Sears buying the dishwasher that her 37-year-old kid destroys ten seconds later, the mother looks at the Sears salesman like, "Oh, me! What can *I* do about this charming rascal running through your store, knocking other customers unconscious and causing thousands of dollars of damage to major appliances and store fixtures? *Shrug*!"

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"You gotta gotta swipe it left, you gotta swipe it left!"


The annoying song defeats the purpose of the anti-smoking PSA. I totally didn't understand the concept until I asked my niece why they were swiping left!


Those new dating apps are beyond my comprehension...

Edited by lachesis
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I have all sorts of problems with that "Swipe it left" commercial. Are they advocating that teens shun people (including other teens) who smoke, presumably so that they'll smoke even more out of loneliness? Or are they saying that you should crop the cigarettes out of the pictures before I post them? Or maybe they want us to know that non-smoking teens are shallow?

Why should I care about the opinion of a hobo-looking guy who eats enough food for an entire wedding reception in one sitting at the local diner? Also, it wouldn't break my heart to know that I won't be hearing back from a girl who can't even pronounce kitten ("ki'-in") correctly.

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Aw, in defense of "Left Swipe Dat", I think it's effective. The song is catchy and current, Becky G is cute, Grace Helbig rapping is funny, the Lil' Jon guy is hilarious, and it gets the right message across: "here's another reason to put down the cigarettes".


Truth has been hit or miss over the years, but I appreciate that they're never afraid to take the ball to the hole.



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I don't like that that ad seems to be implying that it's totally cool to be an asshole to another human being.

But it's a dating app, right? If all you do is left swipe or right swipe, does the person actually know? Speaking for me personally, smoking is a deal breaker. Edited by SmithW6079
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Conceptually, I don't really have a problem with it. The premise isn't "be an asshole to smokers"; the left swipe is basically a "no, thanks" or "not interested". So they're effectively saying "reject smoking" in shorthand. Frankly, smoking is a deal-breaker already for a lot of people in a dating context, which the ad seems to be aware of since they present it as "fact" (and I assume they'd be sued if that were a lie). So if they're trying to get the message across "hey smokers, lots of people won't date you til you quit smoking"...meh. I don't find it especially brilliant or thought provoking. I also don't find it offensive. It would appear to already be true? So just pointing it out, in an attempt to convince people not to smoke (or really, what they're doing is attempting to convince people to not advertise that they smoke in dating aps), I mean, if they think it'll help convince, ok? If they were being presumptuous or hyberbolic it'd be a little dicier but if they have found some amount of data to back up the statement, sure why not point it out.

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I have similar feelings about Hidden Valley Ranch giving themselves props for getting people to eat their vegetables. If they're drenched in salad dressing, it kind of defeats the purpose.


To be honest, I wouldn't want go associate wifh any of those people in the "Left swipe" ad.

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Really sick of seeing Bud Light's commercial for their upcoming Hipsterpalooza:



To apply for citizenship in Whatever, USA, you have to send a fifteen second audition video proving you're the biggest doucheblister.


Warning: these following two USA Today articles contain those obnoxious video ads, so be prepared to mute/pause...


This first article is about how Whatever, USA is actually good for the local economy:



But this second article is comedy.  It describes how Bud Light fucked up the process of deporting these assholes out of my Colorado.  Quite a few of the idiots tried to smuggle weed out of here.  Bonus points for using a hashtagged ad slogan to humiliate a company:



One thing that bothers me is that the people whose profiles are being looked at are listed as being 18 and 19. The woman and the man swiping left look.....significantly older. I guess 18/19 year olds are adults, but it still weirds me out.

It's also an interesting choice since many localities in the U.S. have a minimum age of 21 to buy cigarettes.

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The idiot in the Wendy's ad who is covering the fishbowl's 'ears' so his precious goldfish won't hear anything hurtful should also probably move his own damn fish sandwich which is sitting in front of the goldfish's uncovered eyes.

That ad reminds me of an old Jack Benny program that one of the local radio stations played last year. Everyone is discussing eating eggs, but they have to keep spelling it out because there's a parrot in the room.

When I watch OnDemand, this commercial plays over & over & over & OVER again. I am so sick of this friggin' commercial I want to blow up my local Panera Bread.


EDITED: Since I have posted the above, (only 35 minutes ago) they have run this commercial FIVE MORE TIMES. I now understand how people who hear voices telling them to kill feel.

Edited by GaT
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I hate Jeff Goldblum on the Apartments.com commercials, not for "lowering" himself to make commercials, because everybody's gotta eat, but for the Steve Jobsesque persona, TED-type presentation, and the absolutely ludicrous "Apartmenternet" and "Web 5.0" jargon crap. Even though I'm a renter and even though I prefer to live in apartments, I will not use Apartments.com to find a new place because of those commercials.

Edited by SmithW6079
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I hate the Seaworld ad because they think saying a few nice things about the orcas and other live creatures in captivity is going to distract from their being in captivity.


And I hate the Flex Paint ad because they show a "mural" which actually graffiti as a "finished art piece" Anything to get that bottom line even if it encourages actitivites that are wrong.


But I love the Minions Universal City ad... "si si"!

Edited by ethalfrida
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I hate the Seaworld ad because they think saying a few nice things about the orcas and other live creatures in captivity is going to distract from their being in captivity.

Yeah, I noticed they did some subtle but (to me) conspicuous things in their new ad campaign. In the past, you'd regularly see examples of the fin droop of the orcas in their ads, because, you know, all the whales there experience that. But since the Blackfish backlash, the latest slate of ads are carefully edited to make sure there are no images of orcas with the drooping dorsal fin in the ad at all. It stuck out to me because I'm used to always seeing the Seaworld orcas with it.
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Williamsburg has a new tourism ad that makes shackling your kids, and imprisoning women for being witches sound like great things to do on vacation.   WHat next?   Auctioning people who look different than you off in slavery for the LOLZ?    


Yes, these things are part of history, but they should not be advertised as a good time and fun.

  • Love 6

Williamsburg has a new tourism ad that makes shackling your kids, and imprisoning women for being witches sound like great things to do on vacation.   WHat next?   Auctioning people who look different than you off in slavery for the LOLZ?    


Yes, these things are part of history, but they should not be advertised as a good time and fun.

Have fun hiking on the Trail of Tears! See the sights and get in a good workout!

  • Love 8

Williamsburg has a new tourism ad that makes shackling your kids, and imprisoning women for being witches sound like great things to do on vacation.   WHat next?   Auctioning people who look different than you off in slavery for the LOLZ?    


Yes, these things are part of history, but they should not be advertised as a good time and fun.


When I was a kid lo these many moons ago, my parents took me and my sister to Williamsburg in the dead of a Virginia summer. We walked around all day and saw stuff, watched the costumed re-enactors discuss the American Revolution, and when a cannon went off at around noon, one of the waitstaff where we were having lunch dropped an entire tray of lemonade glasses because they were so startled. I guess tourism hasn't changed much, even in the modern age.

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Some people enjoy being a receptionist, or take a similar position for other reasons (schedule, family, whatever). Doesn't make them stupid or only out to get government handouts. Just saying.


Sure. But are young kids in grade school really going to be more excited about a Toyota receptionist than an astronaut or a fireman? Especially when the latter two have shown up in full uniform/gear? I think not. It's the kids who look dumb in that commercial.

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If it were the Glades, a common shortening of Everglades, I would know - mosquito bites and sawgrass abrasions (and these would be the mildest "feels" associated with the Everglades).


I know there is a shared hate for the Belvita Bitch, but this morning I saw an add for Belvita Bites with what I will now refer to as the Belvita Bastard.  He's probably slightly less annoying than the Belvita Bitch, but not by much.  My head canon will be they are married to each other and make each other as miserable as they make me.


And this commercial seems like it has been around forever but since I see it fairly frequently, my loathing for it never dies.  Purina Beggin' Strips has managed to make a commercial featuring a golden retriever, a dog with a high Awwww Quotient, unwatchable with that horrible voice they use for the dog.


ETA:  A Glades scented room freshner would be required to smell like swamp gas (lots and lots of methane).  I can see Shrek buying that.

Edited by DeLurker
  • Love 3

And this commercial seems like it has been around forever but since I see it fairly frequently, my loathing for it never dies.  Purina Beggin' Strips has managed to make a commercial featuring a golden retriever, a dog with a high Awwww Quotient, unwatchable with that horrible voice they use for the dog.

LOL, DeLurker!  When that commercial came on last night, I realized I hadn't seen it in a long time, so I had forgotten how utterly annoying it was.  I made a mental note to come on PTV today to bitch about it.  Thanks for handling it!

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When I was a kid lo these many moons ago, my parents took me and my sister to Williamsburg in the dead of a Virginia summer. We walked around all day and saw stuff, watched the costumed re-enactors discuss the American Revolution, and when a cannon went off at around noon, one of the waitstaff where we were having lunch dropped an entire tray of lemonade glasses because they were so startled. I guess tourism hasn't changed much, even in the modern age.


I live an hour away from Williamsburg and have been there a few times; it's interesting for visitors, but I've seen the colonial stuff so many times that I'm now bored when I see it.  Virginia summers are not fun (unless you're near a swimming pool, beach, or somewhere air conditioned) and I hope your parents also took you and your sister to Busch Gardens or Water Country USA as part of the trip.

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I recently saw an ad for Honest Diapers with a bunch of babies dancing around to some pop song with the word booty in it. I really don't want to think of babies booties. They're going to have a lifetime of being objectified over one thing or another. Can they have at least this little period to themselves? Babies don't know from booties. It's for the "hip" mothers. It's not cute and fun. Leave "em alone.

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I recently saw an ad for Honest Diapers with a bunch of babies dancing around to some pop song with the word booty in it.


That song is All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor, and yes, I can't imagine what Honest Diapers' ad agency was thinking. It's a cute enough song, but I'm pretty sure they've never actually listened to the lyrics.

  • Love 4

If it were the Glades, a common shortening of Everglades, I would know - mosquito bites and sawgrass abrasions (and these would be the mildest "feels" associated with the Everglades).


I know there is a shared hate for the Belvita Bitch, but this morning I saw an add for Belvita Bites with what I will now refer to as the Belvita Bastard.  He's probably slightly less annoying than the Belvita Bitch, but not by much.  My head canon will be they are married to each other and make each other as miserable as they make me.



He does that same annoying talk-singing, too!

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Williamsburg has a new tourism ad that makes shackling your kids, and imprisoning women for being witches sound like great things to do on vacation.   WHat next?   Auctioning people who look different than you off in slavery for the LOLZ?    


Yes, these things are part of history, but they should not be advertised as a good time and fun.

My friend finds this one offensive because it mocks Joan of Arc. I just think it's dumb because people didn't have cars back then!


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