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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Cult, indeed.  Don't dare mention that you couldn't care less about Star Wars on social media, lest ye be in for a full-on nerd rage assault.  Those people can't believe that anyone can not be obsessed with that franchise.


I saw the original "Star Wars" when it came out, thought it was mildly amusing, and have never had the desire to see another SW movie again. You're right that it's become a cult. Maybe even a religion. Because I would be as nervous to say that Star Wars bores me in certain social situations as I would be to say that I'm an atheist at a revival meeting.


Even MSNBC has been pimping Star Wars, running features on the new release. As a liberal myself, I will say that it always amuses me how liberals don't see that "Star Wars" or the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings movies are the perfect embodiment of the same giant global corporate economy that they claim to despise, with their endless string of marketing tie-ins and their billions in merchandising, all that cheap crap sold in WalMart and other big box stores made by slave labor in Chinese factories. And of course the financing to make these movies comes from the same mega financial institutions they claim to hate.


The entertainment-industrial complex features pretty much all the same players as the military-industrial complex.

Edited by bluepiano
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I hate the Microsoft commercial where they go sing to the Apple Store employees. Its so over the top and self congratulatory. Its like Apple and Microsoft are the equivelant of Israel and Palestine and they just reached a Middle East peace treaty. Its low level employees singing a crappy song to other low level employees.

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There's a commercial for Quicken Loans that annoys me...they mention several times that they make the loan application process "both simple and easy"...aren't those synonyms???


The Quicken Loans target demographic is simple which is why they make the process so easy.  That had to have been what they were going for...

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Jennifer Garner and Capital One commercials.


Her voice, or maybe it's her delivery, is so annoying and patronizing.  It makes me wonder how she ever secured a leading role in a hit television series. 

She is rapidly heading to that place where people are just famous for being famous because their last movie was like a decade ago.  I look forward to seeing what business idea she brings to the marketplace so her transition can be complete.  Is she gonna go all Kate Hudson with the yoga gear, or all Jessica Alba with the all natural product line?

  • Love 6

She is rapidly heading to that place where people are just famous for being famous because their last movie was like a decade ago. I look forward to seeing what business idea she brings to the marketplace so her transition can be complete. Is she gonna go all Kate Hudson with the yoga gear, or all Jessica Alba with the all natural product line?

She's actually still doing movies. She was doing 1, I think called Mother's Day, filmed in Atlanta & Co-Starring Jennifer Aniston (who married Justin Theroux while/just before filming her part), in the midst of the divorce from Ben Affleck news, in fact.

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She is rapidly heading to that place where people are just famous for being famous because their last movie was like a decade ago.  I look forward to seeing what business idea she brings to the marketplace so her transition can be complete.  Is she gonna go all Kate Hudson with the yoga gear, or all Jessica Alba with the all natural product line?


I guess many female actresses find themselves in that fix after a certain age.   I don't begrudge Garner the right to pursue a livelihood, but can't she hear herself?


Her whole endorsement comes off as phony and irritating.   Then again, we're talking about Capital One, a company that obviously regards Samuel L. Jackson as an ideal male spokesman. 

Edited by millennium
  • Love 9

Bolding mine

I guess many female actresses find themselves in that fix after a certain age. I don't begrudge Garner the right to pursue a livelihood, but can't she hear herself?

Her whole endorsement comes off as phony and irritating. Then again, we're talking about Capital One, a company that obviously regards Samuel L. Jackson as an ideal male spokesman.

Plus, they gave up those, imho, really funny commercials with the Vikings and the Barbarians.

Garner, et al, I tune out but I would usually watch and chuckle at the Vs and Bs.

Edited by NewDigs
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Advertisers sell to people who have disposable income and who are apt to spend it, which is why there aren't a lot of commercials that are geared to people over 50, except those catheter/adult diaper/new drug commercials.  They might have the money, but won't spend it on trendy junk bullshit. 


I am seeing more and more commercials aimed at older people all the time, though.  Most of them annoying and repulsive, too.  Like those bladder control pills they push where they show the two post menopausal women dancing and bumping into each other.  And the thing that looks like a tampon that's supposed to prevent bladder leakage complete with diagram for how to insert it.....Just NOT on my TV screen, please.


That said, a lot of things appeal to people over 50 - food and car commercials for example.  Even "trendy" food and cars.  Plus stuff about travel and vacations, household goods and home improvement items, wrinkle creams and even telephone service and equipment.  We buy smart phones too.  We may not be as into some stuff as younger people but we still have more money and spend more money than younger age brackets.  Plus, surprisingly, women over 50 spend more money on get this - clothing - than younger women!!!  See this Glamour article for the story on that:  http://www.glamour.com/fashion/blogs/dressed/2014/12/what-age-buys-most-clothing.  So a lot of that so-called "advertising wisdom" is just outdated and misguided if you ask me.  I think the current rationale is that they aim towards younger people to try to get them to become dedicated, loyal consumers.  Supposedly older people are set in their ways and already dedicated to certain products and brands so advertising is lost on them.  Again, I think that's a huge assumption.  As the decades progress, older people become more tuned into new products and can be swayed from old ones.  We're not like our parents' generation who grew up as frugal depression children and might have been more averse to new things.  My generation was socialized to be dedicated consumers always be looking for the better makeup, the better sale, the better, healthier, new improved food item, the more technologically advanced TV.  Plus we live longer now so where's the wisdom in not advertising to us?

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 14

^^True dat, my 70 year old father has the latest Samsung phone and two laptops.  He loves having all the new technology.  I find it somewhat condescending that the biggest tech ads geared towards older consumers are for that super simple cell phone...and the entire onus of the ad is "tech is too hard for you old folks, just get this overpriced flip phone!"


ETA: and I say this is a 30 something who absolutely understands nothing about tech and fancy phones.  That commercial should be aimed at me.

Edited by RCharter
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One factor that may make old folks less susceptible to spending on non-drug frivolities--even old folks with plenty of money--is that they're more likely than young folks to think, "Crap! I've got to make this money last the rest of my life!"

True, but I think people are working later and later in life, and officially retiring at a much older age.  Especially if they have the sort of job that isn't particularly physical.  Or they may pick up contract work (my dad did this for a few years after his retirement) so they may have disposable income and not have to have the "well, this is all the money I have for the rest of my life!" mentality.  My dad also has a primary and secondary health insurance, so he doesn't worry as much about drug costs.  


I'm not sure there are a ton of people in the same boat as my father (and please believe, my father is frugal about some things as well).  But I feel like official retirement is so much less likely that you may be able to target products to older people without getting bitten in the butt.

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This article from 2015 confirms my post above concerning boomers having more disposable income and spending more than younger people:




Although from 2010, this one states that boomers spend more on tech. products than young people.  I think the group has changed a lot in the past decade or so.  Many people over 50 now have worked in fields that demand them to be tech. savvy for decades, including myself:



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I mean, come on now, how is this not at least slightly condescending to senior citizens....



I cringe every time I see the commercial for GrannyNannies.

And my (92 yr. old) mom was appalled.

Actually, my father would LOVE that idea.  His cell phone looks exactly like the one in the ad although he has Verizon.  He calls it his "dumb" phone.  Then again, my dad is 88 years old!  I agree that for most seniors under about 80 that ad would be condescending.

They could have just called it "Jitterbug Phone: Easy to Use" and been done with it.

My 89 yr. old MiL loves hers. It is great for those with reduced vision and in her case is easy to maneuver with arthritic hands.

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I've heard it's more that the older folks are not as easily swayed by advertising as the younger ones.  So, even though they may have more money to spend and actually do spend more, the ads aren't directed at them as much because the return on those ad dollars is smaller.  


Also, there could be a Darwinian effect. By definition, if you've made it to 80, you were smart enough not to end up dying in a gutter at 35 because you were persuaded to spend all your money on useless crap. :)

  • Love 9

I've heard it's more that the older folks are not as easily swayed by advertising as the younger ones.  So, even though they may have more money to spend and actually do spend more, the ads aren't directed at them as much because the return on those ad dollars is smaller.

Well then doesn't that make a case that maybe the two commercials mentioned shouldn't have been so quick to target elders?

I would not send a "GrannyNanny" to see to Mom 'cuz I think it seems really condescending. Couple that with the "appalled" response she had and they missed not one but two targets.

My MiL purchased the Jitterbug for herself. They could have updated that name a bit, imho.

Also, there could be a Darwinian effect. By definition, if you've made it to 80, you were smart enough not to end up dying in a gutter at 35 because you were persuaded to spend all your money on useless crap. :)

Or you haven't walked off the edge of a cliff while out hiking because you're screwing around on your smartphone instead of looking at the view.
  • Love 18

I've heard it's more that the older folks are not as easily swayed by advertising as the younger ones.  So, even though they may have more money to spend and actually do spend more, the ads aren't directed at them as much because the return on those ad dollars is smaller.  


I think this is true.  Older people don't impulse buy the same way younger people do; it's not about not having the money, but when you get older, you understand most things are fads and it's silly to spend money on fads.

  • Love 1

Or you haven't walked off the edge of a cliff while out hiking because you're screwing around on your smartphone instead of looking at the view.

This is clearly all part of SkyNet's plan to have the robots kill off the humans.  Granted, this part of the plan is only picking off the low hanging fruit...but still!


I don't want my phone to be smarter than me, so maybe they need to target jitterbug commercials at me.  I don't want a cell phone that can turn against me when the robot wars begin :)

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I think this is true.  Older people don't impulse buy the same way younger people do; it's not about not having the money, but when you get older, you understand most things are fads and it's silly to spend money on fads.

There also comes a point when you have enough "stuff" and really don't need any more.  When you downsize into a smaller home, you get rid of a LOT of that stuff - and tend not to miss it.  Then comes the "Mom, all I want you to leave me is the collection of Tiffany Christmas plates I've been giving you every year..."  WHAT will your heirs DO with all that stuff?  Probably throw it out.  Get rid of what you can now - sell it on eBay, donate it & take a deduction, whatever...but I've found it's really easy not to acquire "stuff" anymore.

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All of the ad slots that were being filled with The Big Lots Bitches (so long until next year, you hags!) are now being inhabited by Penny from the Big Bang Theory and her "comedian" seal hunt. STFU!

On the morning of the 26th, I said to my husband "Best part of Xmas being over? No more Big Lots Bitches"!

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I just saw the latest Viagra commercial, with the woman in the football jersey (with football). I guess this is based on the idea that the ultimate fantasy of the middle-aged male is a woman who wants to please him, but understands that first things come first. So she's happy to wait patiently until the game is over.

Edited by bluepiano
  • Love 3

I just saw the latest Viagra commercial, with the woman in the football jersey (with football). I guess this is based on the idea that the ultimate fantasy of the middle-aged male is a woman who wants to please him, but understands that first things come first. So she's happy to wait patiently until the game is over.


She's also way too good looking to be interested in some old goat on Viagra and just waiting around on the bed until the game is over.   

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So Jeffrey...

It could be worse, apparently the Volkwagen grannies are gone (thank God), but I find this one really annoying. Sneering at poor Jeffrey, way to show that old Christmas spirit guys, lol.


Between this one and the woman who wants the salesguy to come in and meet her family, I'd rather have the VW grannies back.  I HATE these people.  I don't know why VW thinks I'd want to buy a car from them if these are the people buying cars from them.

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So Jeffrey...

It could be worse, apparently the Volkwagen grannies are gone (thank God), but I find this one really annoying. Sneering at poor Jeffrey, way to show that old Christmas spirit guys, lol.


I feel bad for Jeffery, Because VW corporate decided to engage in a global conspiracy to pollute the environment and VW dealers will have to do anything to sell their now pariah brand.


(That's also the reasons the grannies are gone. Because their ads talked about the non-existent benefits of VW's fraudulent diesel engines.)

  • Love 5

I just saw the latest Viagra commercial, with the woman in the football jersey (with football). I guess this is based on the idea that the ultimate fantasy of the middle-aged male is a woman who wants to please him, but understands that first things come first. So she's happy to wait patiently until the game is over.


I posted about the Viagra Football Floozie in the healthcare thread. I don't understand why she is just wandering around the bedroom like that instead of going outside for some fresh air while she waits to get laid. It's like she's a prisoner in that room.

  • Love 7

I posted about the Viagra Football Floozie in the healthcare thread. I don't understand why she is just wandering around the bedroom like that instead of going outside for some fresh air while she waits to get laid. It's like she's a prisoner in that room.

She is a prisoner of love.  I'm just confused because she apparently is super interested in football because she has the jersey on AND she is carrying around a football, yet she isn't even watching the game she is just wandering around the house.  Why?  Is this some hostage situation?  Are you banished to the bedroom until the game is over even though you want to watch the game?  That isn't right.

  • Love 8

She is a prisoner of love.  I'm just confused because she apparently is super interested in football because she has the jersey on AND she is carrying around a football, yet she isn't even watching the game she is just wandering around the house.  Why?  Is this some hostage situation?  Are you banished to the bedroom until the game is over even though you want to watch the game?  That isn't right.


Best interpretation ever.

  • Love 3

Bolding mine

She is a prisoner of love.  I'm just confused because she apparently is super interested in football because she has the jersey on AND she is carrying around a football, yet she isn't even watching the game she is just wandering around the house.  Why?  Is this some hostage situation?  Are you banished to the bedroom until the game is over even though you want to watch the game?  That isn't right.

She's looking for an escape route?

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The VW commercials are a little odd ... I guess people just drop into the dealership, take a car and a hostage, and go about their business?


I'm always surprised that the salesman isn't holding a piece of paper against the inside of the car window that says "HELP ME!" in big block letters, since the test drive has apparently been going on all damn day.


Maybe she is a ghost. The ghost of boners past.


I wonder what would be attached to the chains of the Ghost of Boners Past. Viagra bottles or Trojan packages?

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