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The Bachelor Season 21: Spoilers and Speculation

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In one of his blogs last week, Reality Steve said he's heard the next Bachelor is most probably Luke.    RS is hit or miss with naming the next lead early but he did call farmer Chris and Ben H way before their seasons finished airing.    I guess if there was a huge social media storm to make Chase or Robby the lead things could change.   Guess we'll see in a few weeks, especially how much air time Chase gets at the Men Tell All compared to Luke.

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Unless they have drastic personality changes, I can't see any of JoJo's guys being the Bachelor.  We've had season after season recently of dull-as-dishwater Bachelors.  They need to find someone with a little more life and personality.

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Just now, chocolatine said:

Unless I see 10x more personality from either Luke or Chase in the next few weeks, I'd rather Brad Womack get a third go-around.

That would be awesome!!

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Despite the accusations of him being scum for suddenly dumping his girlfriend to go on the show, I think Robby would make a very cute & lively lead.  He's got loads of personality, seems pretty well spoken and has definitely got the looks & body to pull in the attractive women. He's actually my pick for a fun Bachelor. 

And his ex has already showed her dubious decision-making skills by hooking up with Chad, so who knows if Robby tried to break up with her and she just wouldn't accept it was over.  Everybody likes to think all breakups can be done in a mature, thoughtful and dignified manner, but that is just NOT reality.  We all know folks that just won't let things go, no matter how much effort is put into doing things the right way. 

I won't be watching Luke, if he's the choice.  

And you're right Cindy, Reality Steve doesn't do well finding out who the new lead is, and he's admitted that he doesn't have the right sources for that.  He usually only goes as far as saying "It's _________ to lose".  He said that about both Britt and Caila.  And both really were way up there until half-way through their seasons when all hell broke loose.    

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I'm always indifferent to the Bachelor lead as what makes the season for me is the crazies that Fleiss ends up casting.  Maybe Luke will pull a Chris Lampton and find someone on his own in the coming weeks to take himself out of the running.  He sure has the opportunity to so.  

Its a shame that final 2 doesn't go to Men tell All as that would be a great chance for Robby to state his case about Hope and show his fun, playful side.   By the time he will get to do so, the decision probably will already have been made.

As we saw last season with social media playing a part in Caila getting dumped as the lead, he does have a shot.  A long shot but its not over till ABC gets a signature on the contract.   

FWIW, my pick is Wells but we all know that's not going to happen.   

Edited by CindyBee
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On 6/26/2016 at 7:01 PM, chocolatine said:

Unless I see 10x more personality from either Luke or Chase in the next few weeks, I'd rather Brad Womack get a third go-around.

Fleiss, are you reading this???? Make it happen, ha! Original recipe Brad is my favorite Bachelor of all time because he had the audacity to choose no one during a time when the franchise was still deemed legit.  Good times!  

I didn't find Luke appealing (his vocal fry is nails on a chalkboard for me), but then I saw the pic in that Buzzfeed article leighdear posted in the BiP thread, and I was like, "Wait a minute.  If he's shirtless most of the time, and never speaks, I can work with this! He's buff and doesn't skip leg day!" A girl can dream. 

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After last night, I don't see how it can be anyone but Luke as the next lead from JoJo's rejects.  I thought that maybe Robby had a chance but he was on screen for like 10 seconds and has his upcoming girlfriend gate story line to get through that doesn't look like it will endear him to the masses that make up the bulk of the viewing audience.

As for Chase, he was on the dreaded 2-1 date and has zero story line; people are still getting him confused with Jordan and I still see him referred to as "not Jordan".

Wish Wells could have lasted at least to final six to have had a better shot but him going home when he did and then off to Paradise for awhile means he's out.  

I did read Fleiss' twitter time line after he asked for people to tweet him who they wanted as the next Bachelor and it was pretty even between Wells and Luke with some votes for Chase and James Taylor thrown in.   The James votes was before he was outed a big baby tattle-taler.

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So I will watch if it's Luke, I will just have to mute it a lot to tolerate his nasal twang.  And I'm a Southerner, so I usually have a lot of patience with accents! 

Though after last night, I would think Robby would be given a little closer look.  I thought he really went above & beyond in that last-minute audition.  He came off to me so smooth and sweet, you could almost hear the panties drop.  ;-)

Edited by leighdear
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Too bad Robby's storyline included his ex Hope and then her running to RS and Chad for her revenge as it really has tainted his prospects, especially if Hope has proof of him and his family threatening her.  

So I just don't see ABC wanting to have any of that played out in the tabloid press as since Juan Pablo they have gone a bit more drab in their Bachelor lead--even though farmer Chris had some DUI arrests in his past.

So I think they'll jerk him and Chase around some more but I get the feeling Luke has already signed on.

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5 hours ago, huskerj12 said:

They are all such boring humorless type of guys that I can't imagine anybody from the final few actually being a compelling lead to be honest.

I agree. If there's a time to dip back into older seasons to find the lead, now's the time. These are just all boring guys. I still wonder what an Arie season or Roberto season might have looked like (although apparently, it was Roberto who turned the gig down, so that ship has sailed). 

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Did anyone see the preview for Ben and Lauren's reality show on last night's ATFR? That's probably the real reason why ABC doesn't want him to run for office, since they'll have his reality show airing on their "wholesome" channel they probably don't want to risk it getting tainted with politics.

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My hopes for the next Bachelor are:

1. Someone completely new, unconnected to the Bachelorette franchise

2. Someone from a previous season of the Bachelor, not from JoJo's season

3. Chad

4. Chase or Robby

Since I'm probably going to be stuck with Luke, it's not going to be a fun season.  I hope they get some real trainwrecks for him, to keep it interesting!  And, please god, no more tight pants!!

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11 minutes ago, Canada said:


My hopes for the next Bachelor are:

1. Someone completely new, unconnected to the Bachelorette franchise

2. Someone from a previous season of the Bachelor, not from JoJo's season

3. Chad

4. Chase or Robby

Since I'm probably going to be stuck with Luke, it's not going to be a fun season.  I hope they get some real trainwrecks for him, to keep it interesting!  And, please god, no more tight pants!!


You know what?  I haven't been able to get through a whole season of this franchise since Ashley, but I'd watch the hell out of a Chad season.  Not because I think Chad is the greatest thing ever since sliced bread, but I do think I wouldn't be bored to tears like I have been in recent seasons.  

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In Reality Steve's blog today, someone emailed him that Ashley I said on periscope last night "if you want to be on Luke's season, the casting process is almost complete" or something like that.  Obviously that was a slip on her part but with Ashley being extremely close to Elan the producer, I'm guessing Luke has signed on.  Or is in the final stages of his negotiations.

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19 hours ago, Canada said:

Since I'm probably going to be stuck with Luke, it's not going to be a fun season.  I hope they get some real trainwrecks for him, to keep it interesting!  And, please god, no more tight pants!!

At least we only have to deal with Luke in the man capris and shrunken jackets.  Only one guy to look ridiculous instead of 25.  But he's not a real cowboy unless he has at least 1 pair of Wrangler jeans. I didn't notice when they were riding, though he did wear boots.  

Though we will have to deal with another 25 women that all have the exact same hair as JoJo; the center or slightly side part, dark roots and extensions twisted into the ubiquitous barrel curls.  Only the shades of blonde & brown will differ.  

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I'm sad that Luke might be the bachelor because I don't think I could make it through even one episode. I fast-forwarded most of his scenes with JoJo.

On the BiP threads, we've been speculating that Nick Viall could be up for the job because he seems to be on a redemption tour. At least that guy knows how to fall in love on TV and create chemistry with different women.

Edited by huahaha
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I was reading in the Bachelor subreddit that they are also leaning towards Nick.  They've taken all the clues that Fleiss is tweeting and having them match up with him.  I'd be much happier with Nick than Luke, so I really hope it's true.   I'm still really all in on my first choice Wells, but we know that's a long shot.

Edited by sidekickgirl
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Multiple people asked Reality Steve in his reader emails today if Nick is the next bachelor and he said 0% chance of him being it and that its Luke and has been for the last 2 months.

I think Fleiss loves to throw out hints to get people talking but agree with RS that the decision to have Luke as the next lead was made awhile back.      With the Olympics ending soon, I guess the announcement will come on either August 23 or 30 After Paradise show, before the Labor day holiday and the finale of BiP.   Time will tell if RS is right.

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I was totally bored watching this last season, but from what I saw of Luke (aside from his being a vet), I don't see the appeal. He seems like a decent guy, with some depth, but so bland and I don't find him attractive AT ALL. But it seems I'm in the minority there, and they have done much, much worse for bachelors. He just doesn't strike me as someone who would continue to enjoy this shallow series.

"The Chad of Love" would have been a wonderful train wreck of season. I'm sure he'll pop up somewhere else though.

Edited by CrazyDog
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6 hours ago, CindyBee said:

Multiple people asked Reality Steve in his reader emails today if Nick is the next bachelor and he said 0% chance of him being it and that its Luke and has been for the last 2 months.


If anything, I'd say a statement like that from RS increases Nick's odds, assuming Fleiss hears about it.

If Luke already filmed limo night, it's a done deal. Otherwise, we know the lead can be swapped out easily (JoJo for Caila, Chris Soules for Arie).

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I think Nick would be a great choice.  Women really like him.  He's cute.  He's smart.  He doesn't wear stupid, too-tight jeans and lean up against barns like a douche.  He's articulate.  Basically, everything that Luke is not.

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I cannot scrub from my mind the episode of Nick groping Kaitlyn and practically licking her to seduce her horny ass on that awful softcore porn episode of her season. Ditto with Andi and the "fiancee" stuff he felt compelled to hint at to America on her ATFR. Now ditto Jen on BIP. I prefer not to see him rinse and repeat as the Bachelor with two dozen women all there for him, but maybe I'm the weird one. But yeah, ick, for me. I wouldn't watch it.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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Don't forget that its the executives at ABC that control who the next Bachelor is, not Fleiss.

 I just can't see them wanting to trot out someone that has been on THREE franchise shows, one of them with the tag "two-time runner up" ie two time loser over a guy that is a war veteran with a compelling back story.  

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Nick is SO overexposed within the franchise, there's not even any humor anymore in the speculation of his becoming the Bachelor.   It's gotten to the pathetic point, how badly his 37 fans so badly still want to make him happen.  But a FOURTH appearance, when your name is not Bukowski, is just incomprehensible.  Seriously man, get some self esteem!  

I'm resigned to Luke, and like Reality Steve, I think he has the best story and has it in the bag.  

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15 hours ago, leighdear said:

Nick is SO overexposed within the franchise, there's not even any humor anymore in the speculation of his becoming the Bachelor.   It's gotten to the pathetic point, how badly his 37 fans so badly still want to make him happen. 

Could you just disagree without calling 37 fans (the man has 300k instagram followers, and I'm not one of them) "pathetic"?

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On ‎2016‎-‎08‎-‎19 at 11:13 AM, huahaha said:

Could you just disagree without calling 37 fans (the man has 300k instagram followers, and I'm not one of them) "pathetic"?

I agree! I am an instragram follower of his, and don't consider myself pathetic.  I'm not really excited about Luke, and I really think the franchise could get someone better.  I'd love to see someone else, anyone else  (Wells, or even Nick would be my own current day personal choices), but I wouldn't shit talk his supporters.  Not a good look. 

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I'd love to see someone who hasn't been on any iteration of this show before. Fresh meat. This show has gotten too inbred for my taste. It's why we get all these boring contestants. They are all kissing up to TIIC so they can get onto the rest of the franchise shows. Just imagine how much it would shake things up if they realized being the blandest pretty boy of the bunch won't necessarily get them the next show.

I don't even remember most of the guys from Jojos seasons at this point.

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On 8/18/2016 at 7:44 PM, leighdear said:

I'm resigned to Luke, and like Reality Steve, I think he has the best story and has it in the bag.  

I agree though I would be happy with Chase.  Anybody but Robby--that guy just bugged for some reason. 

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What is Luke's story? Several people have mentioned he has the best "story" but, despite watching the whole season, I can't think of what it is. I know he was in the military like at least two others. Did something more happen? Or is he just the soldier who lasted the longest? Because seriously, other than the hair, I can't remember anything interesting about him. If they pick him they are going to have to cast every freaking nutcase they can find or that is going to be one dull season.

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Luke's story is that he went off to war at 23 years old and every decision he made for a year was life or death for himself and the men in his platoon.   And some of those that he knew from West Point including a very close friend didn't come home and that has affected him greatly.    He talked about it all in the Pennsylvania date with JoJo.    I thought that was one of the more real moments of the season but can understand if others didn't see it that way. 

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23 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

What is Luke's story? Several people have mentioned he has the best "story" but, despite watching the whole season, I can't think of what it is. I know he was in the military like at least two others. Did something more happen? Or is he just the soldier who lasted the longest? Because seriously, other than the hair, I can't remember anything interesting about him. If they pick him they are going to have to cast every freaking nutcase they can find or that is going to be one dull season.

I don't know much about the US military, but my understanding is that he's a West Point grad and held a leadership position while he was deployed to Afghanistan, and that makes him more senior/accomplished than someone like Alex or Chad. He also didn't make an ass of himself on television, unlike Alex or Chad, so he looks good by default. And IIRC, Chris Harrison referred to him as a "war hero" rather than "war veteran", so I guess he might also be decorated? Maybe someone who knows more about the military (JudyObscure?) can shed more light on that.

He's also supposed to be in a country music band, and I have no idea if the band's any good because I don't listen to country music, but "war hero turned country musician" sounds a lot more exciting to me than the last two Bachelors, "farmer" Chris Soules and "software salesman" Ben Higgins, and definitely more exciting than any other guys from JoJo's season.

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Thank you chocolatine. On paper he does sound pretty interesting. JoJo really did have a crappy group of guys to choose from lol Though since none of them actually had a chance with her I guess they didn't want to waste any decent guys. haha

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Is Luke the singing cowboy or whatever?  Blech.  Why can't they find a hot guy?  We get Flapjack, Soules, and slap eyed Ben, and whoever came in between.   The last attractive one I remember was the English guy, and possibly Juan Pablo.   And Brad, but mostly because he refused to choose.

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Attraction's really in the eye of the beholder, and you need to go down Main Street. Someone who will be at least somewhat attractive to everyone. With the exception of Flapjack, all those guys qualify. As you say, Juan Pablo was probably the most attractive Bachelor in the history of the franchise and that turned into a trainwreck. And that season is also why we're getting a string of boring Bachelors.  I do think Bachelor 22, they will find someone a little more "bad boy" but I think TPTB want to squeeze in one more "good guy" before taking that risk again.

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So now I'm wondering if/who on the Ben reject pile is going to be re-purposed for (presumably) Luke.  I hope we can disregard all the women from BIP, so that would leave girls with early outs.  

All the finalists except Becca showed up in Mexico, so it goes way back to Olivia and those that went before her.  And I can't imagine that poor delusional Olivia going through that process again.  And I sincerely hope to never again see Becca on my TV screen, so I'd say any re-tread isn't going to be easily recognized.  

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19 hours ago, leighdear said:

So now I'm wondering if/who on the Ben reject pile is going to be re-purposed for (presumably) Luke.  I hope we can disregard all the women from BIP, so that would leave girls with early outs.  

All the finalists except Becca showed up in Mexico, so it goes way back to Olivia and those that went before her.  And I can't imagine that poor delusional Olivia going through that process again.  And I sincerely hope to never again see Becca on my TV screen, so I'd say any re-tread isn't going to be easily recognized.  

Ugh, I really hope they skip the re-purpose this time around, or at least don't choose any of Ben's girls. The only one I can think of being "good TV" if she came back is Kelsey from Chris's season. She could blather about how she's on the same intellectual level with Luke, and equate the loss of his best friend in Afghanistan to her husband's death - "Aren't both our stories great? I love our stories!"

To your point about disregarding women from BiP, that's not necessarily the case. Amber went on BiP after Chris's season, then showed up again on Ben's season (and was a crashing bore on all three shows).

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20 hours ago, leighdear said:

So now I'm wondering if/who on the Ben reject pile is going to be re-purposed for (presumably) Luke.  I hope we can disregard all the women from BIP, so that would leave girls with early outs.  

If anyone, I'd guess Leah, Lauren H, Samantha, or maybe Jubilee because of the veteran connection. I don't think the short stints on BiP will make a difference.

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2 hours ago, huahaha said:

If anyone, I'd guess Leah, Lauren H, Samantha, or maybe Jubilee because of the veteran connection. I don't think the short stints on BiP will make a difference.

Oooh, Samantha might be good.  She's very pretty and was extremely popular on BIP, so she'd definitely get the hackles up on the first-timers.  

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48 minutes ago, thehepburn said:

I read somewhere that LaurenH is dating someone from BIP3 (Ryan?). So is Bad Juju, otherwise she would be my pick bc she has that extra desperate famewhorishness to do it.

What new dating relationship could equal the chance to expand your Bachelor appearances? These people owe it to themselves to find true love... on television.

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Michelle Collins announced on Twitter that they'll be revealing the new Bachelor on tomorrow's After Paradise. Usually I look forward to RS spoiling contestants and filming locations, but I'm pretty disinterested this time around. That's what happens when all your lead choices are underwhelming and have no personality, I suppose.

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