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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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There was some discussion (I guess on the Lonely J's) about their age discrepancy and some mention of Jingers immaturity.  I'm really asking this, not to be arguing:  Do we know that Jinger is immature?  Admittedly, I'm not a DUGGAR-watcher, but since the Joshgates I've seen some clips and talking heads, and I never picked up on silliness or giggling that would necessarily point to immaturity.  Are we assuming she's immature because they're all too sheltered and can't watch Disney movies?  Or is she really immature?  I'll say this - casting about in my mind through the couples I know in real life, it doesn't seem like that vast of a difference to me.  I think the real disparity is probably going to be...he's been OUT there, and she hasn't.  For awhile, maybe a long while after marriage, little Jinge is going to be thinking, "has he done this with another girl???"  And probably...he has.

  • Love 2

Goodie, I can be among the first to snark. 

It seems the Dugbots have had to lower their standards so they can marry off their 7 soon to be 9 adult children. How did Boob make the move from comparing someone like Jeremy to "cups of spit" to someone he's allowing one of his virginal, never been kissed daughters to court? 

Since his first 3 marrieds have either crashed and burned or failed to launch entirely, what makes him expect a different result this time? I guess he can't get his Lego block head around the idea that maybe he's why Jana can't seem to find anyone. I'm happy that she's not willing to accept the barrel bottom scrapings in Fundieland that might be available to her, but I hate the idea that someone as sweet and pretty as Jana is living at home as an unpaid drudge. 

I really hope Jeremy treats Jinger well and let's her be her own person and not just a simpering accessory a la Priscilla Waller. Based on his return to Fundieland, it seems his real world experience didn't pan out for him, so he's not likely to let Jinger experience much in the way of freedom, but it still might be sweet relief from Duggarville.

  • Love 10

He's in Laredo. I bet the Duggar Plane helps make his triips much easier and probably the reason that KJB took Duggar Aviation off of Flight Aware tracking. All of those flights would have been a dead giveaway that something was up. But now that he's the real pastor of that church, Jinger would have to travel with a buddy to see him in action at church; he would only be able to see her during the week. How convenient that she doesn't even have to do housework anymore now that she's a hothouse courting flower. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

What is a Duggalos? And if it is that creepy clown that was posted before??? PLEASE out of respect for the victims of John Wayne Gacy please take that name and picture down. I don't live too far from the horror house and it really makes my skin crawl.

Duggalo was intended to be a portmanteau of Duggar and Vuolo.  

  • Love 1

There's no such thing as a "Duggalo." As @Arwen Evenstar said, it's a mashup of Duggar and Vuolo. It really doesn't have anything to do with clowns. OTOH, I just now looked up "Juggalo," which IMO does have some creepy connotations, although nothing to do with a murderer. It's a word coined by fans of a certain rock group to apply to themselves. ETA: I researched further; they do tend to creepy face paint or masks, what I'd call "beyond creepy clown" stuff. Yuck, IMO.

I was one of those who liked "Duggalo," but as I said, as a play on both last names.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 3

I mentioned this in another topic. Unless Jeremy gives up his position as pastor of that little church in Laredo, it looks like Jinger's going to move to Texas when they marry. Either Jeremy still has that house in San Antonio he mentioned on his blog when explaining how he met Ben and Jessa, or he's moved to Laredo, but in either case Jinger will be off to Texas.

Where she will, without the help of J'Slaves, have to keep house and feed her healthy young stud husband. I noticed, when I looked up Jeremy's church's website, that every Sunday after church services, the church serves a free lunch. I assume that the pastor's wife will be expected to pitch in and prepare that lunch. Or at least to take a big part in preparing it. I doubt the church pays caterers to do it. Or if they have been paying caterers, that's going to stop when the pastor has a wife. Who will of course be joyfully available to cook and clean up.

I wonder if TLC will be filming that? 

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 5

I was off the forum for about a week and this courtship happened (or started happening?)! 

Not sure what to think yet. Does anyone watch the Bachelorette? Jeremy Vuolo reminds me of Josh Murray, Andi Dorfman's F1. He was an ex-baseball player and very defined by that role even though he was less successful (at baseball) than Jeremy(is at soccer) and not active in the sport. 

Jeremy seems a little out of shape (judging by the courtship announcement) for a professional athlete, but I can't really tell.

In the video where he talks to Jason on his birthday he quotes 2nd Corinthians 3:17, the same verse Trump was quoting when he said "2 Corinthians".

That being said Jeremy doesn't seem all bad to me. She may get to live in a city. He has a college degree and a high school diploma, which are assets in the world and for this family. He may be able to coach soccer. So he might have a few options on careers. 

I don't really know if they're a good match yet. I'm sure he's too fundy for me, but then so are the Duggars. 

  • Love 5

I was pondering that Jimg Dong Dug is really clutching at straws. Never in a million years would he have allowed the holy Ghoolie to go anywhere near his daughters a few years ago.

This guy has a tattoo, has been to College and has been AROUND and back. He is really damaged goods. I reckon that pickings of a halfway sensible kind are very slim indeed (also see the Bateseseses).

Dunno about immaturity really, but Jinger is sheltered and naive. And stunted by her surroundings and that doesn't make for a good mix, unless the other sees huge potential and has the love and patience to coax it out. Doubt himself will do that. A 28 year around from the block wants a malleable wife.

I grew up quite sheltered and was very naive (still am I some ways) with a lot of things and there was no fundy-ism in my house. So I can relate to a bit of her.

I'm genuinely concerned for her - she is borderline anorexic to me, and seems fragile.

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, MunichNark said:

I was pondering that Jimg Dong Dug is really clutching at straws. Never in a million years would he have allowed the holy Ghoolie to go anywhere near his daughters a few years ago.

This guy has a tattoo, has been to College and has been AROUND and back. He is really damaged goods. I reckon that pickings of a halfway sensible kind are very slim indeed (also see the Bateseseses).

Dunno about immaturity really, but Jinger is sheltered and naive. And stunted by her surroundings and that doesn't make for a good mix, unless the other sees huge potential and has the love and patience to coax it out. Doubt himself will do that. A 28 year around from the block wants a malleable wife.

I grew up quite sheltered and was very naive (still am I some ways) with a lot of things and there was no fundy-ism in my house. So I can relate to a bit of her.

I'm genuinely concerned for her - she is borderline anorexic to me, and seems fragile.


Well, it looks like we are all expecting Jeremy to bring Jinger out of her shell so our little Bohemian can be all she can be. We hoped that Derick would do the same for Silly Jilly, but that was an epic fail. Even in El Salvador or wherever they are, Boob has them beholden to him and has his spies watching them.

  • Love 9
15 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Well, it looks like we are all expecting Jeremy to bring Jinger out of her shell so our little Bohemian can be all she can be. We hoped that Derick would do the same for Silly Jilly, but that was an epic fail. Even in El Salvador or wherever they are, Boob has them beholden to him and has his spies watching them.

"Hope springs eternal in the human breast;

Man never is, but always 

To be blest."            (Alexander Pope, persecuted Catholic, chronically ill great poet who knew a bit about hope in an apparently hopeless situation...)

At this point, I'd bet we're mostly hoping rather than expecting really. Having once been in a similar boat to the Duggar spawn, I doubt I'll ever stop hoping. Said spawns' apparent cluelessness and dearth of gumption make hoping uphill work, though.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

I worry for Jinger. Reading the comments it seems that Jeremy has been around for a year, however I've noticed that Jinger has gone downhill these last twelve months, not appeared any happier. She's lost an alarming amount of weight, cried every time Dough Boy's name was mentioned and could barely conceal her contempt in many of her scenes on JJCO. For a girl allegedly in the throes of new romance, she sure doesn't act like it. I just wonder, does she even like this guy or are the Duggars' marriage prospects so bad they're pressured to take whoever comes calling?

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 19

How do we know he's been around for a year?

Who knows how she feels about the relationship. I don't know if she was one of the ones molested by Josh. I assume she was, and in this family there's never any treatment or therapy or anything except - pray it away. Isn't it possible that she's scared out of her mind that this relationship leads to marriage which leads to a wedding night where an experienced guy who is already talking about a meek wife is going to want to consummate?? Maybe not so gently? It's hard for a victim even one who has recovered to have sex again for the first time. Typically though it's their own timing and pace, not while being pushed into an arranged marriage with a guy who is going to want what he wants.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I worry for Jinger. Reading the comments it seems that Jeremy has been around for a year, however I've noticed that Jinger has gone downhill these last twelve months, not appeared any happier. She's lost an alarming amount of weight, cried every time Dough Boy's name was mentioned and could barely conceal her contempt in many of her scenes on JJCO. For a girl allegedly in the throes of new romance, she sure doesn't act like it. I just wonder, does she even like this guy or are the Duggars' marriage prospects so bad they're pressured to take whoever comes calling?

I worry for Jinger too. Jeremy has been "out in the world" and seems to have snapped back into fundie-dom....what does that say about his personality? Duggarism, and similar types of fundamentalism attract men who are controlling. Im not implying anything malicious, but I don't think he'd be another "Bin"(in both good and bad ways).  

He IS quite handsome and has lived on his own so he knows how to "adult"(pay bills etc) without JB breathing down his neck. I hope this is what Jinger really wants, if so I hope they are happy. She's a young woman, I can see her being smitten by this attractive man's attention and wanting to be married and on her own ASAP. 

  • Love 2

I worry about Jinger too because if she was the fourth Duggar sister that Josh molested (we know it was Jill, Jessa and Joy based on what they said and the police report so far) then she will be doomed as much as they are because none of them got any real help. Maybe the reason why Jana has escaped so much of this horror (horrible marriages) is due to her being the only Duggar sister that Josh didn't touch of those who were alive at the time. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, cereality said:

How do we know he's been around for a year?

Who knows how she feels about the relationship. I don't know if she was one of the ones molested by Josh. I assume she was, and in this family there's never any treatment or therapy or anything except - pray it away. Isn't it possible that she's scared out of her mind that this relationship leads to marriage which leads to a wedding night where an experienced guy who is already talking about a meek wife is going to want to consummate?? Maybe not so gently? It's hard for a victim even one who has recovered to have sex again for the first time. Typically though it's their own timing and pace, not while being pushed into an arranged marriage with a guy who is going to want what he wants.

In The Jason birthday video, Jeremy mentioned that he celebrated last year as well. Jeremy's timeline on his blog has him meeting Ben (or the Duggars, it's not very clear) 5/15. 

Also, the "happy" couple, along with KJB and Mechelle were pictured at a Laredo taqueria yesterday. I wonder how many times they've seen him in his own church, as opposed to giving masturbation talks to assorted Howlers in AR?

  • Love 3

No doubt, Jinger must be nervous, but at least she'll get better sex rather than the fumbling and bumbling wedding night sex that was likely what happened with the other 3 Duggs.  Not allowed to kiss or touch before the wedding to full on sex would frighten even those of us who had a healthy upbringing. We all worked our way up to it, whether we waited for marriage or not.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 18
13 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

No doubt, Jinger must be nervous, but at least she'll get better sex rather than the fumbling and bumbling wedding night sex that was likely what happened with the other 3 Duggs.  Not allowed to kiss or touch before the wedding to full on sex would frighten even those of us who had a healthy upbringing. We all worked our way up to it, whether we waited for marriage or not.

So much THIS!!  I cannot wrap my head around not even being allowed to hug (side hugs do not count), yet being expected to go full on all the way on a pre-determined night!  HOW is this possible?  Sex is something you build towards and comes in the moment, it's not natural to plan out a time and date and expect fireworks for fuck's sake.  I don't get it.  Those poor girls have no idea what joy they are missing out on.  Sex is so much more than being "joyfully available" to be a receptacle for your husband. 

  • Love 18

Exactly! How can sex be enjoyable to these poor girls? Thirty seconds of slobbering and sweating and grunting with no foreplay or caring for her comfort or pleasure? No doubt they probably feel humiliated and violated and pray for it to be over,  Then the receptacle becomes an incubator for a blessing.  One disastrous home birth where she's torn from stem to stern and has to joyfully put out for painful sex. What a miserable life.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 9

Jinger has been looking so frail and fragile this past year. 

Maybe she is nervous about a man who has actually been an adult for like 10 years???  It must be stressful for her. Ben and Derick are such tools that they fit right into the Duggar clan.  Jeremy looks like a wild card. 

I also think the fact that he might have been with other women is a negative, not a plus, for Jinger. She is going to worry her whole life that she is not as good as another woman that he had sex with.  At least if you are both virgins, you figure it out together.  That would feel familiar and comfortable to Jinger. Jinger has been taught that being a virgin is SUPER IMPORTANT.  Now she somehow has to wrap her mind around a man who might have had sex before.That might be stressing her out terribly.  Maybe Jim Bob is willing to forgive and forget but Jinger might not be so excited....I'm speaking as an ex IFB, with that perspective.  

Maybe she even feels "less than" her sisters.  She got the "used guy" and has to make the best of it.  

Edited by Marigold
  • Love 13
57 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

So much THIS!!  I cannot wrap my head around not even being allowed to hug (side hugs do not count), yet being expected to go full on all the way on a pre-determined night!  HOW is this possible?  Sex is something you build towards and comes in the moment, it's not natural to plan out a time and date and expect fireworks for fuck's sake.  I don't get it.  Those poor girls have no idea what joy they are missing out on.  Sex is so much more than being "joyfully available" to be a receptacle for your husband. 

Can't speak for the fundies, but coming from a fairly repressed Asian culture where there are still some arranged marriages (though a very small % now compared to people meeting, dating etc.) -- most couples don't even try to go all the way on the first night. There's hugging, kissing, laying in bed together, getting comfortable being undressed together etc. -- and THEN sex. It is STILL too fast as most couples do try not to head home from the honeymoon without having had sex, but that can still work out in a way that you're having sex a week or week and a half after your wedding. Still too soon in my opinion, but it's not THAT different than meeting someone on Friday night, seeing him again the following week, then hooking up with them on your 3rd date the following weekend.

  • Love 17

No doubt, there are those in the fundamentalist patriarchy movement that would believe if Jinger had been molested by her brother: at best, she's damaged goods...at worst, it's her fault. That's their thinking and its messed up since those girls were victims of a predator and had no choice in what happened to them.

No doubt what Josh did opened the wound all over for them once it became public. Incest has a huge social stigma attached to it. The TTH has been exposed as a house of horrors. The Duggars went from beloved to reviled seemingly overnight. Boob and his stunned mullet deserved all the contempt that came their way for not protecting their daughters and not getting them proper help, nor proper help for Josh.

i hope that Jinger doesn't feel "dirty" or that she deserves a "piece of chewed gum". She did nothing wrong. People are human and don't always fully live up to the expectations of their church or religious teachings, particularly following a church that has so many rules that most adherents can't keep all of them. My experience with IFBs made me aware of many of their rules, but Gothardism/Duggarism goes way beyond what most IFBs would.  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, tabloidlover said:

So much THIS!!  I cannot wrap my head around not even being allowed to hug (side hugs do not count), yet being expected to go full on all the way on a pre-determined night!  HOW is this possible?  Sex is something you build towards and comes in the moment, it's not natural to plan out a time and date and expect fireworks for fuck's sake.  I don't get it.  Those poor girls have no idea what joy they are missing out on.  Sex is so much more than being "joyfully available" to be a receptacle for your husband. 

Unfortunately, I think it's quite possible for groups who don't think of the woman as a full person who will be conscious throughout the proceedings and might have the capacity or desire to enjoy it on her own terms. This whole setup is obviously created by people who've never even considered that a possibility. In their view, the woman's only there as a receptacle into which the man can deposit his wonder-sperm to get relief and potentially -- each and every time! -- make a baby for which she can be another receptacle. In their view, the man or boy can use the woman as an orgasm-production box; she'll have no negative responses to it because women have no sexual feelings, good or bad; and she'll be happy with her "service" because he's her headship.

Plenty of things in their lives show the astonishing misogyny of the Gothard, Duggar, and related cults. But nothing more than this hideous courtship and marriage setup, in my opinion.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

In The Jason birthday video, Jeremy mentioned that he celebrated last year as well. Jeremy's timeline on his blog has him meeting Ben (or the Duggars, it's not very clear) 5/15. 

Also, the "happy" couple, along with KJB and Mechelle were pictured at a Laredo taqueria yesterday. I wonder how many times they've seen him in his own church, as opposed to giving masturbation talks to assorted Howlers in AR?

If he's been around for a year, that's a little worrisome. She overall hasn't looked great to me on JJCO. She has lost SO much weight and was already thin to start with. She often looks like she's about to burst into tears at any moment -- and just seems like she has not recovered AT ALL from the molestation stuff coming back to light and being made public to the world. Or there is something else going on mentally that is really really bothering her. Hell -- even at Jessa's rehearsal dinner a few yrs ago she broke down out of no where re how blessed she is to have Jessa love her even though she is SUCH a sinner?? What exactly could she have done? Unless she REALLY blames herself for Josh. Thinking back 3-5 yrs ago, she was totally different -- rolling her eyes; weird faces at the camera; thumbs up signs all the time. It showed personality, spunk and happiness which is somehow now gone.

Obviously her parents only care about getting another one married off and thus getting at least 2 more seasons out of the show, but anyone who cared at all would realize this girl is not emotionally/mentally healthy enough for a relationship right now. Dating while living at home so people can keep an eye on her -- fine. But a marriage to a (quite possibly) very controlling fundie who will move her 800 miles away and thus make it so that her parents will never even know if she isn't doing well bc they can't exactly drop by for dinner -- um, no!? I honestly wish Grandma (who seems to be the one sane adult in their lives) was more involved/allowed to speak up for the kids/and the kids deferred to her. I think she'd have the kids' interests at heart more than the parents. But obviously she knows her place and if she were to open her mouth, JB would probably tell his mother to shut up.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, cereality said:

Can't speak for the fundies, but coming from a fairly repressed Asian culture where there are still some arranged marriages (though a very small % now compared to people meeting, dating etc.) -- most couples don't even try to go all the way on the first night. There's hugging, kissing, laying in bed together, getting comfortable being undressed together etc. -- and THEN sex. It is STILL too fast as most couples do try not to head home from the honeymoon without having had sex, but that can still work out in a way that you're having sex a week or week and a half after your wedding. Still too soon in my opinion, but it's not THAT different than meeting someone on Friday night, seeing him again the following week, then hooking up with them on your 3rd date the following weekend.

Very interesting!  I really had no idea that they were allowed to not consummate on their wedding night. 

1 hour ago, cereality said:

If he's been around for a year, that's a little worrisome. She overall hasn't looked great to me on JJCO. She has lost SO much weight and was already thin to start with. She often looks like she's about to burst into tears at any moment -- and just seems like she has not recovered AT ALL from the molestation stuff coming back to light and being made public to the world. Or there is something else going on mentally that is really really bothering her. Hell -- even at Jessa's rehearsal dinner a few yrs ago she broke down out of no where re how blessed she is to have Jessa love her even though she is SUCH a sinner?? What exactly could she have done? Unless she REALLY blames herself for Josh. Thinking back 3-5 yrs ago, she was totally different -- rolling her eyes; weird faces at the camera; thumbs up signs all the time. It showed personality, spunk and happiness which is somehow now gone.

Obviously her parents only care about getting another one married off and thus getting at least 2 more seasons out of the show, but anyone who cared at all would realize this girl is not emotionally/mentally healthy enough for a relationship right now. Dating while living at home so people can keep an eye on her -- fine. But a marriage to a (quite possibly) very controlling fundie who will move her 800 miles away and thus make it so that her parents will never even know if she isn't doing well bc they can't exactly drop by for dinner -- um, no!? I honestly wish Grandma (who seems to be the one sane adult in their lives) was more involved/allowed to speak up for the kids/and the kids deferred to her. I think she'd have the kids' interests at heart more than the parents. But obviously she knows her place and if she were to open her mouth, JB would probably tell his mother to shut up.

I agree with this. Jinger has been second banana to mean-girl Jessa for a long time. Whatever spunk and spark she might have had at one point, she has been a follower for a long time. Jessa (and Ben?) picked out this guy for her and dragged him to the TTH. JB approved, and now they're on their way to the altar. The only person who doesn't seem to have had any input in this is Jinger.

This guy is such a fame-whore that he actually posted something on-line about a sports psychologist mentioning his need for fame and attention -- there's no self-reflection there, just an interesting anecdote for his blog. Plus, with a fame-whore husband, there is no hope that Jinger will get away from the cameras, or be able to relax and enjoy herself.

I've said before, that I hope it all turns out well, and Jinger gets out of the compound and begins to flourish, but there are just so many red flags that right now I really hope it is completely fake and for the cameras.

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, NewDigs said:

Is  Jinger the one who seems to have a special spark with Bin?

This so-called match-up just seems wrong. 

In that picture Jeremy looks so adult.

And Jinger so doesn't. She is such an innocent. Imho, it's worrisome.

I've mentioned it in another thread that they have a lot of chemistry. IDK she could have been a better match with Bin since they are closer in age. The V man hmmm yeah......remains to be seen.

  • Love 2

I don't know. I'm not sure if Jinger has really basked in the limelight the way her parents, Jessa, and Josh seem to. Maybe she really digs the Holy Goalie but isn't up for all the publicity-driven cr*p she has to do because of Teh TV Show. I can hope that Jeremy will treat her with tenderness and care, and that he will NOT give up his Texas gig and haul himself up to Arkansas to join the Duggar circus, and that Jinger will eventually get some space to build a life with Jeremy minus all the sideshow. In other words, maybe it's not Jeremy she's unhappy about, it's other things in her life at the moment.

EDITED to add: @Absolom, you're usually right and I'm usually wrong, when it comes to the Duggars. I'm just trying to think positive for a minute.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 5

It's undeniable that there is a chemistry between Ben and Jinger.  You can almost FEEL it when seeing the two of them together.  Just a thought...maybe the chemistry is the whole reason for this courtship?  Maybe Ben himself went out looking for a suitable suitor for Jinger to put the brakes on their feelings for each other?  It's normal to feel an attraction to others, even when you are married.  But not acting upon that attraction and honoring your marriage is what makes the difference.  I may be thinking too deeply here, but if this theory is correct, I would have much respect for Ben.  

I think the fact that Jessa and Bin picked this guy out for Jinger is the biggest red flag of them all. They have such an immature view of relationships and marriage. Jessa strikes me as that competitive mean girl who would never let another woman one-up her in the husband department. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew Jeremy was a total dick but hooked Jinger up with him anyways. As for Bin, he figures as long as both parties are reasonably photogenic, it's a match made in Heaven. Things like shared interests, common goals and similar backgrounds don't matter, because Jesus.

Who knows, maybe Jeremy will turn out to be a great guy, but I doubt it. We've already seen that prime catches in Fundieland avoid Duggars like the plague. Given his athletic background, his refusal to work a real job or attend a seminary to become a legit preacher, IMO, hints at a healthy dose of narcissism coupled with an entitlement complex. In other words, he's the perfect Duggar male. Jinger's basically marrying her father.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

No doubt, there are those in the fundamentalist patriarchy movement that would believe if Jinger had been molested by her brother: at best, she's damaged goods...at worst, it's her fault. That's their thinking and its messed up since those girls were victims of a predator and had no choice in what happened to them.

No doubt what Josh did opened the wound all over for them once it became public. Incest has a huge social stigma attached to it. The TTH has been exposed as a house of horrors. The Duggars went from beloved to reviled seemingly overnight. Boob and his stunned mullet deserved all the contempt that came their way for not protecting their daughters and not getting them proper help, nor proper help for Josh.

i hope that Jinger doesn't feel "dirty" or that she deserves a "piece of chewed gum". She did nothing wrong. People are human and don't always fully live up to the expectations of their church or religious teachings, particularly following a church that has so many rules that most adherents can't keep all of them. My experience with IFBs made me aware of many of their rules, but Gothardism/Duggarism goes way beyond what most IFBs would.  


2 minutes ago, cereality said:

Where on earth are people seeing chemistry between Bin and Jinger?? Do they ever speak to each other? Are there examples of flirting? Do they ever touch -- I'm thinking that wouldn't be allowed as Jessa would nip it in the bid if anyone touched her man.

They did touch when JJessa wasn't allowed to touch Bin' jinger was allowed to cut his hair. She was all giggly too. It's the way they interact with each other. more of a connection than Bin and Jessa.

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, cereality said:

Where on earth are people seeing chemistry between Bin and Jinger?? Do they ever speak to each other? Are there examples of flirting? Do they ever touch -- I'm thinking that wouldn't be allowed as Jessa would nip it in the bid if anyone touched her man.

Edited by Lady Edith
Because my phone is a jerk.
  • Love 1

There are other instances where they interact and you can see the Sparks.  One instance that comes to mind is in an episode of J&JCO (I can't remember which), Ben and Jinger are sitting together on the sofa in the mold house.  They are talking and Jinger has those teenage doe eyes for Ben while he is saying something totally inane. That scene is what made me think "oooooo she has it for him!"

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

This guy is such a fame-whore that he actually posted something on-line about a sports psychologist mentioning his need for fame and attention -- there's no self-reflection there, just an interesting anecdote for his blog. Plus, with a fame-whore husband, there is no hope that Jinger will get away from the cameras, or be able to relax and enjoy herself.

I think he intended to use it as a sermon-y teaching-lesson type thing.  "I know a little bit about having to be schooled to put God first, because I had to be told by a third party that I had made my entire career choice based around how I was going to be famous and rich.  If anyone's qualified to lecture others about the need to sublimate one's natural inclinations to a life of service to God, it's a spotlight-hog like me."

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Lady Edith said:

There are other instances where they interact and you can see the Sparks.  One instance that comes to mind is in an episode of J&JCO (I can't remember which), Ben and Jinger are sitting together on the sofa in the mold house.  They are talking and Jinger has those teenage doe eyes for Ben while he is saying something totally inane. That scene is what made me think "oooooo she has it for him!"

LOL my new theory is that MEchelle is jealous of Jinger's chemistry with Bin and she has to go errrr I mean get married. Bin belongs to Mechelle and no one else!

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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