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S07.E10: Deadly Velvet: Part II


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Yeah, I had a feeling that there's no way that the entire story would be wrapped up in half an hour. Well, it kind of was. Seriously, only ten episodes is nuts, this felt so rushed. We needed more time of Archer spending time with Cyborg Archer. Could Archer stand being around himself? Turns out the answer is yes.

First we dealt with Krieger clones, now he has his own cyborgs. And it gave him an excuse to call back the Planet of The Apes running gag.

Looks like I was wrong. I'm wondering if the episode could have fit a half-hour slot if we didn't have the "comedy" of the Kriegerbots. Also: Lana doesn't choke Veronica Deane out with one hand. That's disappointing.

So that was Archer in the pool? I trust Adam Reed, because that's one helluva swerve. I don't get why he'd be chummy with any robot, even if it's modeled after him. On the other hand, Archer/Archer would be the greatest "ship" after Sterling/Malory.

ETA: I guess Detectives Simmons and Key were legit. Who knew?


So basically, the obvious suspect was the obvious killer for the reason already laid out in the earlier episode for the entire's season's overarching story.  That's actually kind of ballsy of them.

Watching Milkly the Kreigerbot break down was both the most hilarious and most horrifying animation I've seen on this show.

I really hope this isn't the series finale, but I just read a list of the ratings for this season and... they are down.  From an 0.55 to an 0.41.

Edited by DasFlavorPup
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4 minutes ago, DasFlavorPup said:

Watching Milkly the Kreigerbot break down was both the most hilarious and most horrifying animation I've seen on this show.

I agree. This show has come so far, and that was possibly the most horrifyingly realistic animation they've done in the entire show.

3 minutes ago, TVSpectator said:


We know that there were two Krieger clones but we don't know if he made two of everyone. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that there are two Archer cyborgs that got shot by Veronica.


Frankly, I'm surprised that at least one Archer would be open to being Zan (can turn into anything water-based) in an Archer/Archer Wonder Twins scenario. You might be on to something.

Edited by Galileo908
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On 3 June 2016 at 11:19 AM, DasFlavorPup said:

So basically, the obvious suspect was the obvious killer for the reason already laid out in the earlier episode for the entire's season's overarching story.  That's actually kind of ballsy of them.

Watching Milkly the Kreigerbot break down was both the most hilarious and most horrifying animation I've seen on this show.

I really hope this isn't the series finale, but I just read a list of the ratings for this season and... they are down.  From an 0.55 to an 0.41.

Wow, those are not good ratings. 

I can't say I liked the whodunit plot. We had like a grand total of 2 characters introduced in this season, 2 characters who could've killed Mr Peterman, and Veronica Deane suddenly got a whole lot of screen time in the previous episode. 

Edited by Kokapetl

Not sure how I feel about this season.  I liked the long form story and I didn't mind the obvious suspect was ultimately guilty.  This was less a mystery then a noir thriller.  Will the evil temptress be able to frame the innocent Lana Kane?  The problem was I didn't like the Lana/Archer relationship drama at all this season.   For the payoff to work the relationship drama had to but it didn't.

What did work is what this show has always done exceptionally well.  The small moments like the group getting Cyril, Krieger, Cheryl and Pam makeovers for a seduction  job.  Also Cheryl losing her shit when she saw fire.  Most of Kriegers stuff worked too.  Actually I think this was Kriegers season to shine.

Suck it Alan Turing!

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Why did Archer over have 4 bullets or so in his gun??  I guess he did not reload it after he took it off of his mother at the studio!!

WOW-what a great triple fake!  

So is archer dead for real?  If so, will Krieger bring him back?  Or is that his clone, and/or cyborg double in the pool, or what?

Maybe it was all a head game by Archer to caught the real killer and to see if Lana REALLY would marry him?!???  We are know how he likes complicated fake out jokes! 

Edited by gwhh
6 hours ago, gwhh said:

So is archer dead for real?  If so, will Krieger bring him back?  Or is that his clone, and/or cyborg double in the pool, or what?

Maybe it was all a head game by Archer to caught the real killer and to see if Lana REALLY would marry him?!???  We are know how he likes complicated fake out jokes! 


I am thinking that Archer literally did die in that pool but if there is a Season 8, then maybe we can have Krieger create an Archer clone and start having fun with multiple Archers running around LA. 


I spent most of the episode disappointed that it was so predictable. Obvious killer is obvious. Obvious plan to use Cyborg is obvious.  That was until "Archer" showed up at the end agreeing with Kreiger about Cyborgs passing the Turing Test. 

I kind of love that they actually killed Archer and even killed "Archer". I'm now really curious if S8 has Clone or Cyborg Archers running around.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Archer in the afterlife or Robocop Archer?  Could go either way.

And as much as I loathe Lana, I draw the line at her being framed.  I also didn't find the less than subtle threats toward her from that one detective funny.  In fact, I found both detectives annoying.

I did like that just about everyone, except Kreiger, seemed genuinely shocked and crushed by Archer's death.  Also, Synth Archer's death was horrifying, though I did like the thing that broke him down was him trying to ask Lana to marry him.  Archer's conflicting feelings destroyed both versions of him.

1 hour ago, bmoore4026 said:

And as much as I loathe Lana, I draw the line at her being framed.  I also didn't find the less than subtle threats toward her from that one detective funny.  In fact, I found both detectives annoying.

I did find it sad that Lana didn't consider that she admitted to the cops that she tried to commit felony assault on Archer when she was acting all self righteous and antagonizing the cop about the race card. Not exactly very bright. If she was half as smart as she thinks she is, she would have kept her mouth shut and called a lawyer or her very rich father... Not giving the cop more reasons to frame her or prosecute her for the actual crime she admitted to. 

6 minutes ago, wayne67 said:

I did find it sad that Lana didn't consider that she admitted to the cops that she tried to commit felony assault on Archer when she was acting all self righteous and antagonizing the cop about the race card. Not exactly very bright. If she was half as smart as she thinks she is, she would have kept her mouth shut and called a lawyer or her very rich father... Not giving the cop more reasons to frame her or prosecute her for the actual crime she admitted to. 

Why do I have the feeling that the creators hate Lana even more than the fans do.  It's like they know that they've painted themselves in a corner with that whole baby storyline and who Lana came across, so now they're overcompensating by making Lana as petty and stupid as possible.  I mean she used to be the smart one, yet it was Archer of all people calling out Slater on all the horrible crap the CIA has done a couple episodes ago.

I do hope Lana tracks down Veronica Dean and brings her back to the States.  Maybe have a big smackdown in the process.

I like Lana just fine thanks.  Nor do I feel that she's been put in any types of corners. I don't find her any more reprehensible than anyone else on this show. Hell, Archer himself was telling women he was using condoms when in actuality he was using candy wrappers!  Also, let's not forget that he actively tried to wiggle out of responsibility for a child he thought was his, it backfired gloriously.  I thought as this is an animated comedy spoof type show things would be different, but sadly not.  

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What fans hate Lana?   The Lana haters hate Lana.  I read a few places that hate Pam.  Some hate Cheryl.  I even know a few people who love everyone except Krieger,  Personally I think Lana is a good contrast the the rest of the group.  The "straight man" if you will.  That is often a hard roll to get right because everyone else is acting all crazy around you.  This season didn't work out as well as it should have but other seasons it worked perfectly.   Lana works when she gets something interesting to play against but unfortunately jealousy of Archer and his "feelings" for another woman didn't work.

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I know it's a tv series, and whatnot but I was just upset with the whole dead Archer thing. TBF, things have been a little stressful for me, but I watch this show because it's fun, and seeing a major character dead is not really fun IMO. 

This show reminds me of shows like Psych which a lot of people don't watch all the time but tune occasionally to enjoy it. So maybe re-run/syndication numbers are better. 

Maybe Archer will/can be a cyborg like Barry and Katya?

"Suck it, Alan Turning!"  Only this show can make that line make perfect sense in context.

Can't believe that they might have actually killed Archer.  Of course, if this show comes back, I'm sure they'll bring him back somehow; wherever it will be an elaborate fake out on his part or Krieger builds another robot or some kind of clone; but I did not see that coming.

Lana almost being framed for the murder was pretty dark: especially when the one cop kept making those veil threats towards her.  Certainly didn't help that J.K. Simmons was using his scary voice in those bits, which I know from Whiplash and Oz, he can bust out just as easily as his normal Juno's dad/Farmers Insurance Spokesman voice.

Cheryl ending up in just a towel and getting cornrows was awesome.

Malory was hilarious as always.  I am so glad they used her more this season. 

I enjoyed this Archer: Noir season. I don't think Archer is dead though. He got his deals, but he's not stupid enough to think that Veronica wouldn't shoot him especially since he's been suspicious of her. No one but Archer would be so arrogant enough to frame his own murder and then probably watch it. They already showed multi-Kregeirs, so if there's a second Archer clone, it shouldn't be a surprise. 

I'm glad he actually felt bad about almost framing Lana though. 

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Kind of a downer ending huh? Do we know if they have confirmed another season? Because if this is the end of the show, that is a pretty sucky ending. 

That being said, if there is another season, I am sure they will bring Archer back to life with some mad science thing, or clones or robots or some such thing, so I HIGHLY doubt this is the real end of Archer.

Pretty predictable ending, but I really enjoyed this season. Funny lines, obscure references, weird but likable asshole protagonists, its all I wanted this season to be. My one big complaint this season is that it was WAY too short. Could have benefited from a few more episodes, or maybe an hour long season finale. 

Damn that was dark.  I like how they made it obvious that it was Veronica but kept you guessing with all the clones.  I also loved how absolutely no one was surprised when they learned Krieger had clones of everyone.

YOU MANIACS! Damn you all to hell!  They use it just enough and it's still funny every time.

I want the deleted scene of everyone in Mexico throwing coconuts at John Huston's house.  I mean, it's on my bucket list.

That's what I'm thinking. Archer is too skilled when it comes to spy stuff to get himself shot. They haven't fished the body out of the pool either, so there's no determination that this is a human and not robot. 

Honestly, it's like Jon Snow. I didn't think for a second he was dead, and it didn't occur to me that Archer was really dead either. 

Veronica thinks she got away with it because she shot both Archers, so it's entirely plausible real Archer is just going to grab her as she leaves or follow her to wherever she's going. 


With Archers elaborate phone pranks I can see him coming up with a pretty complicated plan to both catch Veronica and play a trick on his friends.  Also there were two clone Kriegers so it's a good bet there are two clone Archers.    Plus there have been more then the start of a season that start with a "missing" Archer.  

Edited by Chaos Theory

Stopping in to say that overall, this season felt pretty "Meh." Still had its moments, like the voicemail gag, but a lot of other things felt flat, like the use of Barry.

i too don't believe Archer is dead. We've seen him take down hoards of assassins at one go, but he gets taken down by a pretty face? I don't buy it.

One thing I just remembered: was it ever hinted at who the imposter Veronica Deane was at the beginning of the season was? With the voice actress, I thought it'd end up being Katya and some sideways plot to bring them back into the spy fold, but it's never been addressed.

So... why did no one fish Archer out? Everyone just standing around assuming he was definitely dead and beyond saving seemed weird. When the cops hit the scene, shouldn't have they have tried to resuscitate him? Seemed like a big glitch, so I'm assuming that's not human Archer or if it's human Archer he isn't dead. By not pulling him out the writers avoid that reveal.

Really loved the two Archers. Farting on cyborg Cyril is so not the kind of thing I generally find funny, but it was great.

58 minutes ago, Charlesman said:

Not sure I buy it, the Luigi in Part 2 looked just like he did towing the Ferrari in Part 1 before the plan was hatched (on the way to the studio).

Here's the link, guess it originated on Reddit.


I can see where they're coming from. I kind of prefer the idea that Real!Archer is in the pool and that next season we have Clone or Cyborg Archers running around 

However, i can see the appeal of this kind of twist with Archer being Luigi.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Here's the link, guess it originated on Reddit.


I can see where they're coming from. I kind of prefer the idea that Real!Archer is in the pool and that next season we have Clone or Cyborg Archers running around 

However, i can see the appeal of this kind of twist with Archer being Luigi.  


Oh, I don't disagree Luigi looks like Archer, I was just pointing out he looked like Archer before any Kreiger clones were revealed.

4 hours ago, Charlesman said:


Oh, I don't disagree Luigi looks like Archer, I was just pointing out he looked like Archer before any Kreiger clones were revealed.

ah ok. I mean maybe Luigi was an Archer Clone/cyborg all along? Then when the plan was setup, Real!Archer switched with Luigi so that the two dead Archers are fake while Real!Archer is driving to tow truck?

Real!Archer couldn't have been Luigi all along because he's to lazy and snobish. 

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