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S08.E08: All The Countess's Men

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10 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

I'm wondering if leaving it in the tin originated to show its origin, quality and also keep the caviar from any damage in transfer.

Apparently you must leave it in the tin unopened. Remove from fridge an hour before serving and open to serve. Caviar services are probably out of the price range or reality for most, including the fine dining establishments where I have been fortunate to encounter it. Once it's opened there's no turning pack. Air degrades the eggs and the whole thing has to be consumed or discarded within a couple of hours. They say it's better to buy 2 small tins instead of opening and potentially wasting a larger 1. 

As to origin, some caviar is definitely considered superior. I think Beluga and Sevruga are the best and there's Os something. Everything else is just roe. So displaying the tin has a purpose beyond just label flashing. 

Love it to death, I have to say. But like diamonds, there are ethical considerations involved. 

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4 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It was probably not a nice thing to say, but I don't think snobby. Beth hates UES sensibilities and people. I will say that from the very beginning, Beth didn't understand these people. She mocks Ramona and her UES friends constantly. That was the thing that made Beth unique from the beginning. I think she is surprised that Dorinda considers herself to be one thing, but hangs with a guy who is another thing, condsidering the judgement Dorinda has of specific behavior. She seems to believe that folks should show deference and act in a very specific manner (don't walk in the restaurant without me) but dates a guy who doesn't seem to follow any of her rules. Confusing to say the least. 

Bethenny of old, pre spin off, would have pointed out the hypocrisy between what Dorinda says to what John does but new Bethenny is a snob...plain and simple IMO.

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I don't think that LuAnn is being a hypocrite with the young guy thing, and being upset with Carole. I think her point was, "Yes, hang out and hook up, but don't bring a young man around your family, out in public, make it super private."

So she is more of a snob than a hypocrite. Her boyfriends have been age appropriate, where Sonja had a 25 year old boyfriend and of course Carole. I do get her disdain, not that it's right, but it does seem a little immature, creepy, and desperate, to be pushing 50 and dating a 20 year old. IMO.  LuAnn is a, "Do what you want and have fun behind closed doors or  in private, but conduct yourself appropriately in public." I get that. It's a balance. I smoke cigarettes. But I do it in private or only with other smokers. It's either 1) do what you want and don't care how uncomfortable you make everyone, 2) Just don't do it 3) Do it, but don't push it on others who don't approve/agree.

Like smoking. I smoke, but I look down on people that do it in public, because I think it's so rude expose the public to second hand smoke, in addition, it looks trashy. And it's a horrible influence on any children around. 

It's also like dating a stripper (you are a guy). A man may fuck strippers, but may look down on someone that marries one. 

Also, I think the moist comment from John was supposed to be a leading question. John says, "Was the phone moist?" and then LuAnn says, "No, but I was!" or "Something else was moist!" But no one said anything and just looked at John, and he seemed a little embarrassed. John is pervvy and I can't believe any of them hang out with him. 

Edited by bravofan27
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I'm going to split hairs.  I don't think Frankel is a snob.  Not like Duh Less Ups is. Or was in her countess mode.  When Duh Less Ups clearly tried to sell and adhere to a notion of 'better breeding' claptrap*.  But I do think Frankel is elitist in terms of money and attention.  I think that as she has climbed into gaining more of both, she has applied her metric of what is good and what is bad more to what serves her.  In the past she had to play nice because others around her had more.  But deep down she has always been an entitled bully.  I just watched the Martha Stewart Apprentice episodes and her level of posturing and underlying vicious look at anyone she sees as taking away from attention she wants is pretty clear to me. 

I just don't think Frankel finds many that now measure up.  If you have more money and power in your sphere or you are someone who she can use but otherwise is no threat?  She's probably cream to your coffee.  But anyone who might challenge her on anything?  At all?  Or just be in the way of her being seen as the best of whatever crowd she is running in and not kissing up to to further herself?  Yeah get used to the tread marks on your back because she is running over your ass and doing so in a way that makes it clear she is "up here" and you are "down there".  I think like any self-absorbed asshole she immediately with no merit or reason thinks she is better than most people she meets let alone socializes with.

*I will always love as much as I loathe both Duh Less Ups and Phoney Baloney Carole the exchange of whether Carole socially knew the Borgheses of Bachelor and home shopping network fame. 


Speaking of Carole.  I have never liked her much if at all.  I always looked at how she played the game her first season and the thing with Aviva on the island and how doing the whole couples dinner actually, in my mind, played into Aviva's overwheening arrogance and entitlement and helped fuel the fires of her insane outrage.  I don't think that Carole was all that innocent and playing nice.  I think she had an idea of where Aviva was going.  Hell, if Ramona and Sonja could figure it out as drunk as they were, I think Carole could and did.  Carole has always been a bit above the fray determined in a way that tries to let the others tear each other apart and she can pretend to be so much better.  But as she gets more relaxed in her role, like pretty much all the other people these shows profile, I think we see the true nature come forth more strongly.  Watching and listening to her this season so far I can so see why this "prize-winning journalist' is pals with the likes of Andy Cohen and why she so loves to take afternoon tea all up in Frankel's ass.  Maybe the Borgheses of New Jersey were the ones to draw a line in the social sands.

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10 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Bottom line, Adams connection to the show through Luann is platonic so it is not comparable to the others (L/S/A/H connection or the current S/R/L/T connection) and you tried to make that connection "The next time they are tossing out insults about pass around guys, Carole should stand up and be counted because Adam came to her from someone she knew in the RH line of succession." and I disagree there is any comparison in the connections. Knowing someone/aka/sleeping with them is far different than introducing them to someone else. 

Also, IMO, she had Adam on as a "See, I have a private chef" and not as a "I am trying to help this young chef make a name for himself", it was more about her/status than it was about Adam or her niece (who she didn't mention). LOL

Wire-that is how they promote another person by showcasing their talents.  Maybe you need to take Carole off her pedestal.  Even Carole was initially reluctant to tell Luanne of her relationship with Adam.  Luann is a RH, Nadine was on RHNYC, first season with Bethenny and Luann, she was then put on another Bravo show, Carole went out with Nadine and  Luann and the subject of Adam came up, Luann brought Adam on the show to up his profile, he ended up with Carole.  I would say that is swimming in the same circle.  The whole issue initially between Carole and Luann is Adam was her niece's friend, one he continued to travel with after the Carole introduction, and she felt it was too close to home. 

Contrast Harry, Harry dated Sonja, married Aviva, before they were RH, dated Luann off screen when she was RH, came onto the show and rekindled (not very convincingly) with Sonja.  So Harry had two before they were RH contacts, came on as the father of a RH's son and fake dated Sonja.   

Adam dated a Bravolebrity, and then dated a RH, another Bravolebrity.  Carole is swimming in the same pond. 

ETA-I don't care if these women date someone that has dated another RH or Bravolebrity, I think they need to grow up and stop using it as fodder and side-eying the new relationship.  My only point is Carole is part of the same team.  Time will tell if she comments on Toma and Luann's relationship.  I hope she doesn't.  We have seen from both Sonja and Luann they remain cordial with former lovers/dates/boyfriends.  We have yet to see that quality in either Bethenny/Ramona.  Well with Ramona I think former dates are probably in fear of her saying something untrue and inappropriate.

Edited by zoeysmom
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14 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Wire-that is how they promote another person by showcasing their talents.  Maybe you need to take Carole off her pedestal.  Even Carole was initially reluctant to tell Luanne of her relationship with Adam.  Luann is a RH, Nadine was on RHNYC, first season with Bethenny and Luann, she was then put on another Bravo show, Carole went out with Nadine and  Luann and the subject of Adam came up, Luann brought Adam on the show to up his profile, he ended up with Carole.  I would say that is swimming in the same circle.  The whole issue initially between Carole and Luann is Adam was her niece's friend, one he continued to travel with after the Carole introduction, and she felt it was too close to home. 

Contrast Harry, Harry dated Sonja, married Aviva, before they were RH, dated Luann off screen when she was RH, came onto the show and rekindled (not very convincingly) with Sonja.  So Harry had two before they were RH contacts, came on as the father of a RH's son and fake dated Sonja.   

Adam dated a Bravolebrity, and then dated a RH, another Bravolebrity.  Carole is swimming in the same pond. 

ETA-I don't care if these women date someone that has dated another RH or Bravolebrity, I think they need to grow up and stop using it as fodder and side-eying the new relationship.  My only point is Carole is part of the same team.  Time will tell if she comments on Toma and Luann's relationship.  I hope she doesn't.  We have seen from both Sonja and Luann they remain cordial with former lovers/dates/boyfriends.  We have yet to see that quality in either Bethenny/Ramona.  Well with Ramona I think former dates are probably in fear of her saying something untrue and inappropriate.

LOL I don't have Carole on a pedestal or even a step stool, so far I am not liking her much this season. I just don't think her sleeping with Adam is equal to 2 HWs sleeping with the same man (at different times) because Adam did not sleep with any other HW (as Nadine was never a HW or even a FOH). Should Carole have told Luann sooner than she did? Maybe. Should Adam have told Nadine/Luann himself? Yes. Should Luann have stayed out of it? Yes. The fact that it really didn't bother her for quite some time tells me that her angst over it was more for the show/storyline than anything else especially considering that she only got really "upset" after the season was finished filming and she took to twitter to create something out of nothing.  

I think Carole feels that Luann took it way to far (all through the off season until a week before filming started this season) and because she (Luann) didn't apologize, she (Carole) isn't ready to let it go. I also hope she keeps her comments to herself as far as Luann/Tom go but my gut says that she will comment as will Bethenny.

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I wish I could send my 75 lb Labrador Retriever to Ramona's place, to take a giant dump on HER floor.

( not that my dog would do that... Since I make sure my dog is fucking housebroken and healthy)

Gah.  I hate Ramona.

Edited by jnymph
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12 hours ago, Thumper said:

Who is Nadine -- Lu's niece?  She never registered with me if she was on RHONY.

I'm not on track with Nadine either.

Was she the niece that LuLu went out-on-the-town with one of the first seasons? 

If I remember correctly it was kind of a LuLu attempts to regain her youth through her niece type scenario.

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I am thoroughly enjoying this season.

I know most on this thread can't stand Ramona but she entertains me to no end.

Now that she is single I keep picturing her going on a date with (insert any dude) They are having a romantic walk along the beach. Ramona is in wedge heeled platform shoes and a bikini trying to get her sexy on. Only she is walking more like Mrs. Whiggins than ever before as she now has new boobs to deal with. She tries to counterbalance and adjust but she was always clompy to begin with. He is totally silent as Ramona carries an entire conversation herself. She has a floaty noodle tied around her waist and tries out her sexy poses....hahahahaha.

I was grossed out at Ramona washing her shiddy sneakers in Dorinda's KITCHEN SINK!!!! This reminded me of Jill Zarin washing the vets "plastic shoes" in her sink after stepping in some Ginger presents.

Will there be a new SkinnyGirl caviar named FishyGirl? Does anyone remember the sample of Chanel you would get after making a purchase? They came in a skinny little vial. I can see Bethenny packaging her caviar in these. Along with a tweezer. Each vial would have one serving - about ten little caviar pellets...only 10 calories.

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2 hours ago, NewDigs said:

I'm not on track with Nadine either.

Was she the niece that LuLu went out-on-the-town with one of the first seasons? 

If I remember correctly it was kind of a LuLu attempts to regain her youth through her niece type scenario.

Maybe because I screwed up her first name it is Nicole not Nadine.was the one. Big oops!  Andy mentioned when they were casting for the art show Countess wanted her niece on and Andy said she would have to audition.  She came in fourth out of fourteen contestants.  She was quite talented just as Luann's artist kids are.

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7 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I don't think that LuAnn is being a hypocrite with the young guy thing, and being upset with Carole. I think her point was, "Yes, hang out and hook up, but don't bring a young man around your family, out in public, make it super private."

So she is more of a snob than a hypocrite. Her boyfriends have been age appropriate, where Sonja had a 25 year old boyfriend and of course Carole. I do get her disdain, not that it's right, but it does seem a little immature, creepy, and desperate, to be pushing 50 and dating a 20 year old. IMO.  LuAnn is a, "Do what you want and have fun behind closed doors or  in private, but conduct yourself appropriately in public." I get that. 

But if that is Lu's view, why would she expect others to share that same view? Some people don't like to keep their personal lives a secret, but want to be open and honest about what is going on. Why would that be wrong, and why would Lu think that others should live their lives the way she wants to live hers? Carole never forced that relationship on Lu, or tried to make it a big deal or Lu uncomfortable. She was kind of quietly going about her business, which only bothered Lu at the end of the season. They were still traveling together and hanging out for weekends at Lu's Hampton pad long after Lu found out about Adam. 

I don't think that this is really what Lu believes, or why she was mad at Carole. If she believed that way - that one should keep their personal fucks a big fat secret, the Pirate deal would not have happened. I'm not talking about the fact that the audience found out about it. Clearly she didn't intend that to be the case. I'm talking about the fact that the other gals on vacation knew about it, that production knew about it. If she is one to try and keep her sexual appetites a private matter, she wouldn't have been so openly horny. Not only that, but she has been very open about the fact that she likes to have a lot of sex, and more power to her. She doesn't seem to feel the need to hide this part of herself. It was always so interesting to me that she was open about the fact that a shag or two with a 20 something is fine, but a relationship is some type of a shocking occurrence. Something to feel shame about. Does she think that telling the world, her kids, and everyone else that she likes a one night stand with a young man is appropriate, but falling in love and building a relationship with that same person is not? I don't judge Lu for her healthy sexual appetites, but am annoyed that she judges others when she doesn't think that they are doing the relathionship thing the way she believes to be correct for her. 

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Last season, when Lu was trying to make up a reason to be mad at Carole, one of the things she threw out was that Carole had waited too long to talk with her about Adam (even though she only waited a week or so). She said that the very fact that Carole had withheld the information seemed to mean that she knew Lu would be upset and that this was proof Carole was doing something wrong. Carole said that she was waiting to see if there might be more to the relathionship before she looped Lu in. This was not good enough for Lu. I completely got what Carole was saying, and thought that this sounded reasonable on Carole's part. Now, we have the situation where Ramona is a little put out that Lu didin't immediately loop her in about dating this new dude that Ramona had once dated. This is what Lu has to say about this in her blog:

"I didn’t feel the need to loop Ramona in at this point because our relationship is new and I wanted to keep him out of the fray as long as possible. Wouldn’t you?"

Again, just like I agreed with Carole on the topic, I agree with Lu. Why make it a thing until it actually becomes a thing? But this is just an example of Lu being a hypocrite, and my guess is that if Lu could go back to last season and change some of her silly reactions and pronouncements, she would do it. I know that others will point out all the ways the situations are not the same, and of course there are many ways they are different. No two situations are ever exactly the same, but the same basic principles apply in both situations, the main thing which is different being Lu's reactions and justification. 

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18 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Yes she is.

I don't know why but for some reason it sheds a bit more light on the Carol-Adam-Nicole-Lulu situation. Maybe because now I know the niece! Lol

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15 minutes ago, NewDigs said:


How many single rich men live in NYC? Six?

Just when Andy was bragging how proud he was of the women for not giving away details about the show-there goes Ramona.

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5 hours ago, jnymph said:

I wish I could send my 75 lb Labrador Retriever to Ramona's place, to take a giant dump on HER floor.

( not that my dog would do that... Since I make sure my dog is fucking housebroken and healthy)

Gah.  I hate Ramona.

I wish you could send your 75lb Labrador Retriever's giant dump to Ramona - in a gift box, of course.

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9 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I don't think that LuAnn is being a hypocrite with the young guy thing, and being upset with Carole. I think her point was, "Yes, hang out and hook up, but don't bring a young man around your family, out in public, make it super private."

So she is more of a snob than a hypocrite. Her boyfriends have been age appropriate, where Sonja had a 25 year old boyfriend and of course Carole. I do get her disdain, not that it's right, but it does seem a little immature, creepy, and desperate, to be pushing 50 and dating a 20 year old. IMO.  LuAnn is a, "Do what you want and have fun behind closed doors or  in private, but conduct yourself appropriately in public." I get that. It's a balance. I smoke cigarettes. But I do it in private or only with other smokers. It's either 1) do what you want and don't care how uncomfortable you make everyone, 2) Just don't do it 3) Do it, but don't push it on others who don't approve/agree.

Like smoking. I smoke, but I look down on people that do it in public, because I think it's so rude expose the public to second hand smoke, in addition, it looks trashy. And it's a horrible influence on any children around. 

It's also like dating a stripper (you are a guy). A man may fuck strippers, but may look down on someone that marries one. 

Super private like grabbing your twenty year old boy toy and prancing to the public bathroom for a quickie?

I actually get what you're saying, but I don't agree.  I don't think Lu has a discrete bone in her body.  I think she's always been sloppy with her one night stands and her open marriage.  I think what she does try to do is keep that part of her life off camera.  And that's what irritates her cast mates.  They see her true behavior, they see her lack of discretion.  And they're tired of the Miss Manners bull and the faux Countess crap.  You can be far from a prude but still be taken aback by a woman who hooks up multiple times with multiple men in a three to four day span.  And then she starts her whole "be cool" garbage and she's going to get some blow back.  Especially when she drags these ONS's in and exposes the other ladies to it.

Luann tries, I'll give her that.  She tries pretty damn hard and is relatively successful.   But when she drinks, the real Lu is exposed.  And we get the Lu who brings home the pirate and wakes up Heather to show off her score, and talks loud enough for Carole to wake up.  The Lu who calls herself an Indian, threatens to scalp someone, and bounces her hand on her mouth "woo woo woo" like a five year old.  The Lu who forgets she's mic'd and starts up her phone calls and elaborate lies.  If I was in that cast, I'd be rolling my eyes with the rest of them.

And I feel the need to point out something.  Let's flip the genders.  We've got a group of feisty fifty year old men.  One guy shows up with his twenty year old girlfriend.  One of his friends leans in and says - Hey!  What are you doing?  You really are desperate.  You fuck the girls not bring them home.  They're just a piece of ass.  Just for fun.  They aren't girlfriend or wife material!

Well, I'm pretty sure this man would be called a disgusting misogynistic pig.  Not a discrete man who believes in keeping his private life super private.

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

New revelations  regarding Tom, according to Ramona.  She claims Tom and Sonja dated for 10 years (only never during filming) and he was dating Luann and Sonja while Luann was staying with Sonja. http://www.realitytea.com/2016/05/27/ramona-singer-says-sonja-morgan-dated-luanns-man-ten-years-rhony-tea/

Wow, that's some interview. That was the first time I really, truly got the Ramona/Trump comparisons. She sounds a lot like him in this.

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2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

New revelations  regarding Tom, according to Ramona.  She claims Tom and Sonja dated for 10 years (only never during filming) and he was dating Luann and Sonja while Luann was staying with Sonja. http://www.realitytea.com/2016/05/27/ramona-singer-says-sonja-morgan-dated-luanns-man-ten-years-rhony-tea/

From the interview with Ramona:

On this season, “I think you’ll see me trying to mediate everyone and tryign to get everyone to get along. and I’m in a calm place.” 

Anyone else notice this new side of Ramona?

Edited by NewDigs
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24 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Super private like grabbing your twenty year old boy toy and prancing to the public bathroom for a quickie?

I actually get what you're saying, but I don't agree.  I don't think Lu has a discrete bone in her body.  I think she's always been sloppy with her one night stands and her open marriage.  I think what she does try to do is keep that part of her life off camera.  And that's what irritates her cast mates.  They see her true behavior, they see her lack of discretion.  And they're tired of the Miss Manners bull and the faux Countess crap.  You can be far from a prude but still be taken aback by a woman who hooks up multiple times with multiple men in a three to four day span.  And then she starts her whole "be cool" garbage and she's going to get some blow back.  Especially when she drags these ONS's in and exposes the other ladies to it.

Luann tries, I'll give her that.  She tries pretty damn hard and is relatively successful.   But when she drinks, the real Lu is exposed.  And we get the Lu who brings home the pirate and wakes up Heather to show off her score, and talks loud enough for Carole to wake up.  The Lu who calls herself an Indian, threatens to scalp someone, and bounces her hand on her mouth "woo woo woo" like a five year old.  The Lu who forgets she's mic'd and starts up her phone calls and elaborate lies.  If I was in that cast, I'd be rolling my eyes with the rest of them.

And I feel the need to point out something.  Let's flip the genders.  We've got a group of feisty fifty year old men.  One guy shows up with his twenty year old girlfriend.  One of his friends leans in and says - Hey!  What are you doing?  You really are desperate.  You fuck the girls not bring them home.  They're just a piece of ass.  Just for fun.  They aren't girlfriend or wife material!

Well, I'm pretty sure this man would be called a disgusting misogynistic pig.  Not a discrete man who believes in keeping his private life super private.

Out of curiosity where has it been shown that Luann "hooks up multiple times with multiple men in a three or four day span"?  It sure hasn't been on the show.

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On the subject of who's a snob.

I don't think Lu is.  I think she 'puts on airs'.  It is not that she thinks she is better than the others.  It is that she thinks she's not as good and puts on airs to make herself more than she is.   So not a snob but insecure.

I don't think Beth is either.  When you follow her on snapchat it comesthrough loud and clear.  She snapped the crew putting out the outside furniture in the Hamptons and she knew their names.  So no a snob behavior.  When she took delivery of her new car this weekend she was genuinely excited about the new car smell.  Not even putting on airs there.

The best snob RHNY had was Jill.  She really thought she was the bomb.  I know Kelly pretended but she's just nuts and her snobbery was more delusion.

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2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I wish you could send your 75lb Labrador Retriever's giant dump to Ramona - in a gift box, of course.

She'd call it a re-gift.  Pretty sure of it.

52 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

Wow, that's some interview. That was the first time I really, truly got the Ramona/Trump comparisons. She sounds a lot like him in this.

Isn't it just?  What a piece of work Ramona is.  The Caregiver.  What a crock of dog shit (see what I did there?).

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14 hours ago, terminalpreppy said:

..this show is no longer entertaining, in fact i was left feeling quite perturbed and disturbed by these women after watching this episode.

This is serious, these women are disordered. Ramona and Bethenny at least. Honestly these women in NO WAY display normal, healthy behaviour, and we are so used to reality tv, and the housewives franchise, we are numbed to it. No longer shocked by it.

This particular episode really upset me, i feel it is irresponsible that these women think it is appropriate to act in these ways, to say the things they do, honestly, it is not normal, far from it. They are in their 40's through almost 60, it is beyond the normal healthy range of ways to behave.

I just cant anymore, they are killing my brain cells and making me lose hope for humanity, jesus.

I hear ya.  Ramona and Beth are disturbed - serious personality disorders, there.  I'm not slut shaming Lu, she should have at it, but it's the lack of discretion that is so....un-becoming to a Countess.  Or any woman, really.  Dorinda is a sad, sloppy mess. Ditto, Sonja.  Carole, I think is a phony and a liar.  I don't think she and her publicist came to an 'agreement' to part ways.  She couldn't meet a deadline after having it pushed back several times so imo, they quit her. And that leaves us with Jules, whom I don't know enough to comment but she seems the most normal of the coven.  Although I think she's trying to hard to portray the rich, carefree, lady who lunches and it's just feels like she's dissing her kids.


They are in their 40's through almost 60, it is beyond the normal healthy range of ways to behave.

This.  This is why they are all sad to me.  You reach that age and life shouldn't be so chaotic. You shouldn't need to be so mean. I think they're all so uncertain of their futures that the desperation is seeping from their pores.  I don't dislike any of them enough to feel like they deserve that (although Beth comes the closest)....I just feel really sad for them.  They all seem scared to me. 

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I love this mix of women.

Bethenny is one hundred percent goal-oriented.  I think she collapses in private later from the sheer effort she puts into her success, and no, I don't think it will ever be enough to calm that inner child that is worried about paying bills or depending on a man.  On a HW show?  She's just gold because that attitude makes things happen with the other wives, time and time again.  She's also very upfront about how she feels, and too willing to give her opinion (which is great for us, not so great for her co-stars.)

Dorinda is the weak link, because honestly, it's obvious by now she's just a drunk, and a mean drunk at that.  Now drunks can make things happen on the show, so there is that, but at a certain point, it becomes just too pathetic, although if she gets help to sober up or at least makes the attempt, that could be interesting.  For now, aces on the show because she's a cautionary tale about being drunk, and so sure you are RIGHT, until you see the videotape that is.

Jules is more interesting now that she's confessed to having an eating disorder, and we've see the absolute snobbishness and the way she expects her servants to cater to her every move.  She thinks of herself as a "full time mom" but can't make coffee or bathe a child, or have any influence on her children other than bribing them with candy?  She's the walking, talking, Nanny Diaries, so things could get more interesting there.

Ramona was perfectly summed up by @KungFuBunny!  She's horrible, but excellent on a HW show.  She, at any moment, might say or do anything at all.  Honestly, for a show like this, it really doesn't get better than that.  She adds the unpredictable in a way that no one else does or can.

Luann is such and interesting woman, clawed her way into the Jet Set, threw her weight (title) around, dismissive towards others, leading a secret sexy life, she squirts!  Now, those early season chickens are coming home to roost.  I've always felt that I'd really like the real Lulu, not the fake snake she was being early on, and honestly?  I do.  She's the cautionary tale here, treat people like shit and expect the same back someday.  I hope this guy is great and she finds her happiness, but that her massive ego, based in insecurity, stays away.

Sonja was finally, and expertly, called on her bullshit by Bethenny.  Bethenny simply laid it all out there, unlike Heather who got angry and emotional and frustrated.  Now, will that change her?  Nope, she's our Grey Gardens, shuffling around her decaying house in worn fuzzy slippers and moth eaten fur coats to stay warm, no money for the heating bill, but still getting her facials!  She acts like she wouldn't hurt a fly, but that 'act' has worn thin, kind of like her aging skin, and she can't pull it off anymore.  She's the magical thinker, doing her mantras rather than doing any work to change things.  I know this show brought her much needed cash, but she hasn't capitalized on that with selling anything, and I think it really hurt her chances of catching another moneybags.  We shall see, she's the saddest of the bunch to me.

Carole is actually showing some progress to me.  Instead of the whole rip off of Carrie Bradshaw, she was very realistic, and kind of melancholy about her relationship with Adam.  Knowing it won't work long term is a pretty tough thing to accept, but she did.  In real life I think I would like her more than any of the others.  I understand that she's furious at Luann, she was honestly in love and this horrible vulture was picking at her trying to tear it away.  I get that.  Love is amazing. 

Edited by Umbelina
forgot Carole!
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2 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:
52 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Out of curiosity where has it been shown that Luann "hooks up multiple times with multiple men in a three or four day span"?  It sure hasn't been on the show.

Well that's weird.  Anyway, it was strongly indicated last season at T&C.  There was the married Irishman, and at least one other guy that Bethenny mentioned.  Sure we didn't see Luann rolling in the sheets.  She lied about sleeping with anyone, then she mentioned Heather tried to catch her in the act as she was swinging from the chandelier, so I'm going by what seems obvious.

But I'm not going to argue with you about it.  You don't think Lu grabbing her boy toy and coyly saying she's taking him to the bathroom meant anything other than him guarding the door for her.  We're given plenty of evidence.  Some interpret it one way, some interpret it another.  I disagree that this hasn't been shown.

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1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

From the interview with Ramona:

On this season, “I think you’ll see me trying to mediate everyone and tryign to get everyone to get along. and I’m in a calm place.” 

Anyone else notice this new side of Ramona?

That is really a good article/interview.  http://www.realitytea.com/2016/05/27/ramona-singer-says-sonja-morgan-dated-luanns-man-ten-years-rhony-tea/

I never thought I'd say this, but I believe Ramona about almost all of it.

Edited by Umbelina
linky didn't copy
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3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

New revelations  regarding Tom, according to Ramona.  She claims Tom and Sonja dated for 10 years (only never during filming) and he was dating Luann and Sonja while Luann was staying with Sonja. http://www.realitytea.com/2016/05/27/ramona-singer-says-sonja-morgan-dated-luanns-man-ten-years-rhony-tea/

Didn't Luann say in a TH that she was dating Tom while she stayed at Sonja's house in the episode last week? I could have sworn she did. LOL  Why didn't she invite her, Sonja, to that dinner to meet him, she said that she only invited the HWs she was closest to and the ones she could trust, does this mean she really doesn't trust Sonja and that they aren't as close as Luann/production would have us believe? LOL

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22 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Well that's weird.  Anyway, it was strongly indicated last season at T&C.  There was the married Irishman, and at least one other guy that Bethenny mentioned.  Sure we didn't see Luann rolling in the sheets.  She lied about sleeping with anyone, then she mentioned Heather tried to catch her in the act as she was swinging from the chandelier, so I'm going by what seems obvious.

But I'm not going to argue with you about it.  You don't think Lu grabbing her boy toy and coyly saying she's taking him to the bathroom meant anything other than him guarding the door for her.  We're given plenty of evidence.  Some interpret it one way, some interpret it another.  I disagree that this hasn't been shown.

The examples you gave in no way live up to multiple times and multiple men in a three day period.

The chandelier would have the married guy.  She was giving an example of why it is inappropriate to demand entry to someone's room.  She didn't say she was having sex-she said the opposite the guy went home.

This is the story about the hot younger guy-no mention of bathrooms.  Yet another hyped up story.   http://pagesix.com/2015/02/14/real-housewife-luann-de-lesseps-devours-young-hunk/

Bethenny doesn't see any of it either, it is her way of speaking.  An example would be Sonja texted me 8,000 times.  Really?

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Why didn't she invite her, Sonja, to that dinner to meet him, she said that she only invited the HWs she was closest to and the ones she could trust, does this mean she really doesn't trust Sonja and that they aren't as close as Luann/production would have us believe? LOL

You know it seems no one was close to Sonja this off season.  When she marched into B's office she assumed it was her apartment as well.  So that means that she has never seen B's apartment.  We know Carole didn't see her.  So neither did Lu?  Man what was Sonja doing all summer?

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9 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

  Man what was Sonja doing all summer?

Sampling a new crop of young strapping male interns? (I keed!)

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When I was watching the argument over copying Skinnygirl a comment Bethenny made stood out:  "everyone copied me.  I was the first person besides Diddy to do it."  Would that not mean that she copied Diddy?  Would that put her at the front of the line of cheater brands/copiers?

Bethenny is saying the controversy was good for her brand, and I am in awe of the number of business activities she has going.  She indicates RHNY is just "fun".  Castmates may differ after a few rounds with her.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3610037/Bethenny-Frankel-unloads-wrath-Luann-Lesseps-origin-Skinnygirl-brand-RHONY.html  The video interview is near mid article.

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Jules mentioning the word grundle. Having a brain fart here don't remember why she brought it up.

Anyhoo...any fans of the Showtime Series "Weeds"? This takes me back to Andy (Nancy's brother) and Doug (Nancy's accountant) getting stoned while sitting in Nancy's living room and having a conversation of what is the appropriate word. They have a heated argument and then Nancy's housekeeper walks in. So Andy turns to her and says what's between the dick and the asshole? She responds, "the coffee table" Ba Dum Dum

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ere is the story about her new car:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3613438/Bethenny-Frankel-unveils-new-custom-jeep-arriving-Hamptons-course-s-painted-Skinnygirl-colours.html Hint it is not a Jeep.  It is a Ford.  So much for branding.

Wow, talk about journalism.  That entire article has been lifted from B's snapchat.  Every single picture and video.  I don't remember if B called it a jeep but wouldn't be surprised.  I just like following her snapchat so that I can imagine Jill watching.  This weekend B and her daughter and her dog bundled themselves up in blankets and napped while her driver took them to the Hamptons.  Then B had the crew in to set up the outside furniture.  Then she took deliver of her custom convertible ford.  Then she took delivery of three custom bicycles.  Then she got a pedicure.  And its only Saturday! 

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Wow, Bethany is really unpleasant in this last episode! She came irate and loaded for bear. I'm not sure I'm interested in watching further. What's fun about a harridan screeching across a table about god-knows-what from god-knows-how-long-ago? Who gives a rip if Lu thought she help develop the name at this point?

Yolanda turned me off RHOBH recently and between Yo and Bethany I'm losing my love affair with Bravo. Frankel needs to STFU, she's sucking all the oxygen out of every room she enters. 

Edited by lcarolynl
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2 hours ago, Umbelina said:

That is really a good article/interview.  http://www.realitytea.com/2016/05/27/ramona-singer-says-sonja-morgan-dated-luanns-man-ten-years-rhony-tea/

I never thought I'd say this, but I believe Ramona about almost all of it.

I dont. She can't get basic facts correct, she said Bethanny and Dorinda were brought in to replace Heather and Kristen. She also said she was scared of John and crying when he put his hand in her face. She kept going in on him which is why he put his hand near her face more than once and she clearly wasn't crying. She invents a story in her head and convinces her self its true like when she was telling the story at the caviar party that was ridiculously inaccurate. Given that I can't believe her about the things we didn't see.

Edited by biakbiak
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2 hours ago, QuinnM said:

On the subject of who's a snob.

I don't think Beth is either.  When you follow her on snapchat it comesthrough loud and clear.  She snapped the crew putting out the outside furniture in the Hamptons and she knew their names.  So no a snob behavior.  When she took delivery of her new car this weekend she was genuinely excited about the new car smell.  Not even putting on airs there.

I know I've mentioned this a few times, but I have a friend who worked on her talk show behind the scenes and he loved and still does love her. She's been very supportive of his career post-show and helped him land his current gig. Another friend of mine films various parties with all the housewives and Beth is at the top of his list (so is Nene). Ramona, unsurprisingly, very much at the bottom. 

Jules is pretty boring, but I like her so far. For some reason that I can't quite figure out, her brand of boring is much more entertaining to me than Kristen's was. 

Dorinda scares me and you couldn't pay me to hang out with her. I'd totally hang with Lu though. I bet it would be a blast.

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2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Jules mentioning the word grundle. Having a brain fart here don't remember why she brought it up.

Anyhoo...any fans of the Showtime Series "Weeds"? This takes me back to Andy (Nancy's brother) and Doug (Nancy's accountant) getting stoned while sitting in Nancy's living room and having a conversation of what is the appropriate word. They have a heated argument and then Nancy's housekeeper walks in. So Andy turns to her and says what's between the dick and the asshole? She responds, "the coffee table" Ba Dum Dum

Thank you for reminding me of that hilarious scene.  I really miss Weeds!

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11 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

The whole issue initially between Carole and Luann is Adam was her niece's friend, one he continued to travel with after the Carole introduction, and she felt it was too close to home. 

I still maintain that the real reason Luann got mad was because she wanted to fuck Adam, but couldn't because of her niece, and she was insanely jealous that Carole got to hit that vegan dish.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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4 hours ago, Umbelina said:

That is really a good article/interview.  http://www.realitytea.com/2016/05/27/ramona-singer-says-sonja-morgan-dated-luanns-man-ten-years-rhony-tea/

I never thought I'd say this, but I believe Ramona about almost all of it.

2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I dont. She can't get basic facts correct, she said Bethanny and Dorinda were brought in to replace Heather and Kristen. She also said she was scared of John and crying when he put his hand in her face. She kept going in on him which is why he put his hand near her face more than once and she clearly wasn't crying. She invents a story in her head and convinces her self its true like when she was telling the story at the caviar party that was ridiculously inaccurate. Given that I can't believe her about the things we didn't see.

The simple fact that she calls herself "a caregiver"  and goes on and on in an attempt to paint herself a martyr shows just how disconnected she is from reality.  Does she not know that the events in question WERE SHOWN ON TV?  Nice try at re-writing history, whack job!  Good Lord, she's living in an alternate universe.  

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7 minutes ago, straightshooter said:

The dating pool is even smaller for this group since you have to factor in that anyone who has seen the show is out.

I'm thinkin' they ain't that smart. I wonder how many go in thinking they can control their narratives. 

The old, I'd never do that, misconception.

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