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S07.E03: Thanksgiving: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

She may be a perp, but she's MY perp, damnit. She chose ME. She gave me her undivided attention....unlike Kody. 


(I wonder if JO had other victims on the line during Meri's time, and if Meri knows or will ever find out.)

This is kind of what I was thinking as well...like Meri almost has a Stockholm syndrome thing going on with her catfisher.  I suppose it's possible that, after being given so much undivided attention by JO, and Meri falling in love, she could be somewhat possessive of her catfisher.  It couldn't have been easy to let go of all of that attention, considering she wasn't getting anything at home.

And has JO ever said, in any of her books or blogs or whatever, why she chose Meri as her target?

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Ug ug ug. I can not STAND this victim thing!! If I were her, I would be MORTIFIED that I fell for it. Unless they stole money from me, I would be letting it drop and trying my best to never speak of it again.


Listen, I have some stuff in common with Meri - age, length of marriage, weight problem to a similar degree...and if some hot young millionaire was "into" me, I would most DEFINITELY be like -- what's the catch??? Sound too good to be true? Then it is.


So, in conclusion: STFU, Meri.

Edited by MamaMax
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Part of the point of the "Catfish" program (the one where people discussed the phenomenon) was to show that anyone can fall for this, because it's hard to believe someone you have communicated with for weeks, months, years can be a liar.  I don't blame Meri for being taken in by a con artist. I guess I blame her for lying to herself and others as to WHY she was looking for someone outside her marriage, but the show pointed out how it (catfishing) can happen.

Edited by MaryMitch
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I see where Janelle can be frustrating. She has an idea for something they can do together, and then doesn't want to do anything to implement it. Like "I thought we were just going to talk about this..." Well, yeah, but then you are required to have action. You can't say "I just follow orders" if in fact you do nothing else. That's literally the only thing left to do, follow the orders of the person who is actually doing something! I can only imagine living with that.

"Hey Janelle, what should we cook for dinner?"

"I don't know, let's think about it."

"How about chilli?"

"Omg, Meri, you are so controlling let me do something for once!"
Three hours later, children are sharing a box of cereal as Janelle sits at a table with a far off look, still thinking.


I think Christine, for however messed up it is, LIKES being thrown under the bus. Negative attention is still attention. It makes her feel needed by her sister wife, and also gets attention from her husband. Win win. I get it.

  • Love 10

Janelle was the one who suggested they decorate together though. I'm sure Meri would have been happy to just do the decorations alone, but Janelle asked to help.

True, but most likely only because there was an established story line this season about Meri and Janelle improving their relationship.  It was probably the idea of a producer or Janelle trying to show she was trying.  I'd rather see them go out to a local restaurant/bar and try to have a real conversation and have some fun. Janelle was definitely out of her element.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, MaryMitch said:


Part of the point of the "Catfish" program (the one where people discussed the phenomenon) was to show that anyone can fall for this, because it's hard to believe someone you have communicated with for weeks, months, years can be a liar.  I don't blame Meri for being taken in by a con artist. I guess I blame her for lying to herself and others as to WHY she was looking for someone outside her marriage, but the show pointed out how it (catfishing) can happen.


Oh absolutely. Even the sharpest of us can be fooled, especially when we're going through a hard time. I am pretty sure I was Catfished back in 2001, when I was barely an adult, had just gotten out of a long term relationship, and barely knew my way around the internet. It wasn't even a thing then, and I have no proof, but looking back.....

So that part sucks and I really feel disgust for people who fuck with others like that. But the part where I lose sympathy for Meri is that she has made commitments to 4 other people and she was absolutely trying to have a relationship with someone outside her marriage. I feel like she's glossing over that part and making it sound like she was just trying to be "friends" and then got totally conned. Not the case. 

39 minutes ago, Amers said:

I think Christine, for however messed up it is, LIKES being thrown under the bus. Negative attention is still attention. It makes her feel needed by her sister wife, and also gets attention from her husband. Win win. I get it.

I can see this. And I don't even know if SHE would view it as negative attention. Meri's reasoning, for putting the table blame on her, was that Christine handles Kody better in those types of situations. So I imagine Christine might feel all proud of herself, for best being able to "handle" surly Kody. 

  • Love 6

I'm not denying that everybody can be conned, under the right circumstances, in particular ways.  But if the con involves sending money to pay taxes on lottery winnings in a country you've never been to for a contest you've never entered?  No, not everybody can be conned by that.   Communicate for months and do sexy texty with gorgeous millionaire who has fallen in love with your decidedly pedestrian married self despite never having even met you, who sees deeply into your soul but can't manage facetime or actual face time?  No, not everybody can be conned by that.  

Call me a curmudgeonly old bitch, but I've been more suspicious of men I've actually met and gone out with than she seems to have been of Perfect Prince Charming Millionaire she never saw more than a blurry incomplete photo of. 

I do feel for her humiliation, and think the perp deserves jail time or at least a beat down by a disgruntled victim.  But no, this isn't something that came out of the blue to somebody who is completely innocent.  She was ready to bolt from her marriage and delusional enough to fall for a ridiculous (though admittedly ridiculously thorough) scam.   

  • Love 7
On May 22, 2016 at 9:53 PM, islandgal140 said:

This season is really revealing the problematic parts of Janelle's personality.  I've never read, nor do I ever plan to read the book the Browns put out but I have read others' accounts. It wasn't until last Sunday's  episode where we got a short history of Meri/Janelle's past that the pieces fell more into place for me. It really shined a light on things for me. While it didn't exonerate or make Meri any less mean or culpable it did make Janelle seem a little shady to me.  For way too many seasons, I have just had my own narrative about Jenelle that she was very depressed, didn't want this life and might be the only more likely to escape. When really looking at her past and how she divorced her husband, Meri's brother, after less than a year of marriage, kinda shows that when Janelle truly does not want to be in something she gets the hell up out! It should have always rung some alarms in my head that Janelle was the only wife who wasn't raised in a polygamist household but grew up, studied up, looked directly at the world of plyg and said ..."Yep! I want me some of that. Where do I sign me up?" Not just that but her mama did too and is Janelle's step mom in law. So freaking weird! 

All this to say, that I can see how her and Meri might not be compatible based on Janelle's antics this episode. Janelle would have got on my nerves too. Seriously, if you have no ideas or no creative bone in your body either don't volunteer for things (go help with cooking/baking or cleaning) that call for that or you become a worker bee and do what those with the creative ideas tell you to do.  All this talk about shutting down and disengaging seemed like bullshit. Janelle just struck me as just plain old lazy this episode. If they had been relying on Janelle's idea they would be in trouble.

Meri's decorations were nice but damn how much money did they spend on that?!?! I mean did they spend money on new place setting, cloth napkins and everything?

Did Janelle actually spray paint those cans? They looked like regular tin cans to me.

Kody wanting everyone to ooh and aww over the lights like he invented electricity! He hung that same shit last year and maybe even the year before. Boy bye!

LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Agree 100%! Why the hell did she volunteer to help decorate if only to stand around and whine about not knowing what to do, not being creative, not liking that it all was already in motion...etc! Damn! She would have gotten on my nerves too, and she DID! What is wrong with her??? I'm beginning to see Meri's side in the Janelle problem too! She puts in zero effort! She probably went to work back in the day because it was easier than staying home with a boatload of toddlers/babies. Not because she's such a hard worker, but because she's not! 

  • Love 4

I just assumed Janelle went with the crafting project because it was something Meri enjoys. Perhaps it was an olive branch of some sort or that since she knows Meri enjoys all things crafts that would be incentive enough for Meri. Maybe if Janelle picked something that she ( Janelle ) liked to do and invited Meri, that Meri would shoot her down. I do not know, but I do not think it is a bad thing to try and partake in someone's else's interest even if it is not your thing.

  • Love 2

The only reason I think Janelle offered to help with the decorating was because it was the next thing coming up on the family schedule that she could work on with Meri.  Maybe there was a touch of sincerity (in terms of wanting to improve their relationship) but I agree with those who have posted it probably was more about it being something to tape for the show that would advance their story line.  I don't think it was anything more than that, and I don't fault Janelle for not instantly turning into Sandra Lee and creating the world's most awesome "tablescape."  She should actually be proud she was not the one responsible for that mess, in fact. 

The person I DO blame for things going badly is Meri.  Janelle was clearly under the impression that they were just meeting that first time to discuss ideas.  But she walked in to find Meri putting the finishing touches on her showcase which included a mountain of newly purchased china, linens, and enough ugly fake flowers to make Martha Stewart run from the house in horror.  It was no accident.  I completely believe Meri intended the display to overwhelm Janelle and shut her out of the decision making process, which is just what happened.  She forced Janelle into a position where she would have to be the bad guy and put her foot down, which Meri knew Janelle would never do.  What a manipulative creep Meri is. 

You can always tell when Meri is up to no good because she does this little thing when she is up to her shittiness ... she drops her face down and looks up at a person almost shamefacedly to gauge their response to what she is pulling.  And that is exactly the look she was giving Janelle.  And if there was any doubt remaining about Meri's character, the weasely ass lie she told Kody about whose idea it was to move the tables later on in the episode showed what a devious person she is.  Why did Christine let her get away with it?  I get the feeling that people let Meri get away with a LOT and she is just used to getting away with her manipulations and dishonesty, but it was kind of shocking to see her openly lie like that on camera. Then giggle about it later.  She must get a hoot out of people saying that Robyn is the evil one. 

I just have to say, for the record, those tables looked like complete shit in my opinion.  Like a Michael's Crafts floral section EXPLODED.  Just tasteless and tacky, much like the woman who designed them.

I know people have suggested Christine is on meds and that accounts for her new happy attitude, but I agree with whoever it was here that posted a few days ago she is happy because she is probably getting laid now that Robyn is hugely pregnant.   The person who I think shows signs of being medicated is Janelle.  She is just in a fog.  I've noticed Meri giving her dirty looks more and more and being impatient with her in a way I never noticed before.  I wonder if Meri is more irritated than usual by how Janelle is acting lately because she finds a medicated Janelle impossible to deal with. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 8
On May 22, 2016 at 10:14 PM, toodles said:

It's a good thing they don't have JOBS.  Maybe it's just me, but I drag out my China and silver and call it good.  I use the same stuff every year. 

They have plenty of time to dick around with doo dads because it takes everyone to do this and set the table.  I know it's a lot of people, but really.

It is a lot of people, but there are supposedly FIVE heads of households to make this happen. After all these years, they should be running like a well-oiled machine, they should have these holidays down pat, and be impressing us with their teamwork and instinctive assistance of one another. They all act as if they all just joined a 22-person "family" yesterday, all flustered and bewildered, running amok...

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

It is a lot of people, but there are supposedly FIVE heads of households to make this happen. After all these years, they should be running like a well-oiled machine, they should have these holidays down pat, and be impressing us with their teamwork and instinctive assistance of one another. They all act as if they all just joined a 22-person "family" yesterday, all flustered and bewildered, running amok...

Kody is the "head" of the group.  It explains the situation to me.

  • Love 2
On May 23, 2016 at 0:18 AM, absolutelyido said:

I actually thought this episode was rather fascinating. Primarily because I am trying to figure out what is going on with Christine. She seemed so happy this episode and was getting along so great with Kody, especially when they were stringing the lights. My recollection is that Christine seemed pretty miserable last season and Kody was barely able to hide his distain for her.  Perhaps she has moved up the wife hierarchy this season with Meri's downfall.

Oh, for sure Christine moved up the food chain after Meri's fall from grace, she can forever throw that in Kodys face, "I may be unhappy Kody, but look at what MERI did to THE FAMILY, look at MERI's betrayal!" I'm sure the pep in her step has something to do with catfish. Kody also seems to be spending more time with her, probably has more time for her now that he's done with Meri, and I think he is done with her. Also, noticed Robyn too doesn't really interact with her, doesn't even have eye contact with her. I think Robyn is really pissed at her for some reason...

13 minutes ago, toodles said:

Kody is the "head" of the group.  It explains the situation to me.

It does, but in my family, my mom always lead the thanksgiving army, my mother in law did when she hosted, and sis in law and I do too. The men follow orders when putting on big family events involving food, usually. The brown clowns are all dummies as far as I'm concerned, and equally culpable...

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On May 23, 2016 at 10:03 AM, ghoulina said:

To punish Meri for the Catfish thing, I'd move the most annoying kids into her house. She could take Aurora and Truly. Truly isn't really "annoying", but just at that typical loud kid stage. And Sol. Give her Sol. He's just an innocent kid and doesn't annoy me, but the adoration of him by his parents is annoying. And then Baby Sister could then have her own, entirely pink room.  She could also take Gabe, since he and Garrison are always fighting. Never mind that Garrison is about the enlist in the National Guard, they still need to be separated for now.  Aspyn could stay there, but NOT do a single thing with the kids. She could sit around and scrapbook on the wetbar while Meri chases the kids all day. And another room in Meri's house could be used to store all of Christine's mother's homemade purses. Oh, and gym mats in garage. Boom! Problem solved. 

Lol lol lol! Let's move ALL the kids into Meri's house! There! No more boo-hooing about empty nest crap and what her "place in the family" is now! Plus she would be too busy chasing kids around all day (lol!) to get into any more trouble looking for sexy-times with randoms on Twitter!

Hey, she doesn't want to work, doesn't want to go to school, what? She just wants to exist without contributing? Pull your weight a little, woman!

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On May 23, 2016 at 11:31 AM, kimaken said:

I agree--Janelle just isn't into the arts & crafts stuff. It's not for everybody. But it gets me that people are down on Meri for being artsy/craftsy and taking charge of the arts & crafts project, accusing her of being assertive and controlling. I bet if Meri was dropped into the real estate realm to work a project with Janelle, the roles would be reversed--Janelle would be in her element, taking charge of the project and Meri would be wandering around looking a bit lost.

Didn't Meri not speak at all to the venture capitalists last season? She couldn't venture past her comfort zone. I remember her being kind of a mess during the presentation, am I remembering right? Or did she finally say a few words, even though she sounded painful....that actually WAS Janelle's supposed milieu, and she screwed the pooch too! Anyway, being on season 6 or 7 of a reality show is not the place for wallflowers. Learn how to deal with putting yourself out there or risk looking stupid. Bottom line is that I just think they are really a bunch of unsophisticated rubes. Their kids have already surpassed them.

  • Love 4
On May 23, 2016 at 3:33 PM, MaryMitch said:

Also, Meri is sticking to the "I thought he was a friend, then it got weird and scary" story. She will NEVER admit that she was hoping for a way out of her horrible "marriage" and that she was emotionally attached to him.

And THAT is precisely why I can't forgive or feel too sorry for Meri. Good lord, this whole disgusting story is splayed out for the world to read about, stupid embarrassing pictures, stupid endless voice mails, and she is STILL lying, yes, lying - omitting parts of the story is lying, still not admitting her role in all this. Still denying, still trying to control the narrative. Ugh! Just tell the truth for once in your pathetic life! We all know you hate polygamy, you hate Janelle because she moved in when you were a brand new newlywed, after divorcing your brother! We all know you can't stand christene either, we know that you all get jealous of each other for good reason! We know your world was rocked when you divorced Kody so he can marry Robyn. We know that YOU know the adoption story was bullshit! We KNOW you wanted to run off with who you thought was a rich hottie. Their lives are nothing but lies, upon lies. And still, with everyone knowing the truth, she can't admit anything. Like a child, she believes her own lies and can't see the reality. Delusional.

  • Love 7
On May 23, 2016 at 7:57 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

Is Robyn gunning for a bigger house in a new neighborhood away from the rest of the Browns?

I wonder if she's trying to cram as many people as she can into her house to show Kody-and all of us- how very crowded she is now! I bet she is! That is her very passive aggressive way!! I wonder if they even proposed this idea to Meri and she said no and that's really why they are freezing Meri out! They're gonna make her give up that house as retribution for her disloyalty to THE FAMILY. if that happens, I would be deathly afraid of Robyn, she would show herself to really be She-ra.

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On May 23, 2016 at 9:55 PM, notnowimbusy said:

This did smack of a school fundraising dinner, with all the volunteers giving their opinion, and nothing coming out like it should, but good enough to pull off.  When they spoke of other plig families having separate Thanksgivings, despite what Janelle said, I think each of them would be perfectly happy having Kody one on one at their own homes and not have to fake it.

When was the last time they filmed inside Jenelle or Christine's houses? I wonder if these 2 are a perpetual shit storm since so many people live there. We really haven't seen much of Robyn's either besides the baby room, have we? 

How many people are living in there? Doesn't Christine have her mom, and Robyn's got extras too? 

It makes me wonder if Meri's is the designated house since it's clean!

On May 23, 2016 at 9:55 PM, notnowimbusy said:


This did smack of a school fundraising dinner, with all the volunteers giving their opinion, and nothing coming out like it should, but good enough to pull off.  When they spoke of other plig families having separate Thanksgivings, despite what Janelle said, I think each of them would be perfectly happy having Kody one on one at their own homes and not have to fake it.

This is precisely what I think they did have until this episode. Separate thanksgivings. That would explain their disorganization and ineptitude with setting it all up. They were all acting as if this was the first time they all shared thanksgiving.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I just have to say, for the record, those tables looked like complete shit in my opinion.  Like a Michael's Crafts floral section EXPLODED.  Just tasteless and tacky, much like the woman who designed them.


My first thought was, where the crap are they going to put the food?!  It looked like nearly every square inch of every table had been the victim of a Hobby Lobby heist.  Nice to know the Browns have a separate budget for "Cheap, Excessive, and Tacky Party Decorations."


12 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

And THAT is precisely why I can't forgive or feel too sorry for Meri. Good lord, this whole disgusting story is splayed out for the world to read about, stupid embarrassing pictures, stupid endless voice mails, and she is STILL lying, yes, lying - omitting parts of the story is lying, still not admitting her role in all this. Still denying, still trying to control the narrative. Ugh! Just tell the truth for once in your pathetic life! We all know you hate polygamy, you hate Janelle because she moved in when you were a brand new newlywed, after divorcing your brother! We all know you can't stand christene either, we know that you all get jealous of each other for good reason! We know your world was rocked when you divorced Kody so he can marry Robyn. We know that YOU know the adoption story was bullshit! We KNOW you wanted to run off with who you thought was a rich hottie. Their lives are nothing but lies, upon lies. And still, with everyone knowing the truth, she can't admit anything. Like a child, she believes her own lies and can't see the reality. Delusional.

I finally got around to watching the Catfish episode (after watching paint dry - I mean, watching the Thanksgiving episode).

Meri's demeanor was so odd to me.  At times she was giggly and kind of giddy, and at times she almost seemed protective of her catfisher...maybe protective isn't the right word, maybe proud of the fact that she had been chosen?  Whatever it was, if I'd been catfished to the point where I thought my home was being bugged and I was being threatened, I doubt I'd be laughing about it on national television.  She seemed to be enjoying her moment in the spotlight, and I don't think this catfish scheme is going to stop her from flirting online.  As for her being a "voice" for others who have been catfished - yeah, whatever, Meri.  I don't think anyone is going to come knocking on your door as a spokesperson for being catfished because I'd swear, a small part of your brain still thinks Sam is real.

2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

This is precisely what I think they did have until this episode. Separate thanksgivings. That would explain their disorganization and ineptitude with setting it all up. They were all acting as if this was the first time they all shared thanksgiving.

Well, you know it's not a true Brown Family Party until we get to see Kody whizzing around ineffectively while the wives step all over each other's toes...because those Browns, they are such a wacky, zany family!

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, MamaMax said:

When was the last time they filmed inside Jenelle or Christine's houses? I wonder if these 2 are a perpetual shit storm since so many people live there. We really haven't seen much of Robyn's either besides the baby room, have we? 

How many people are living in there? Doesn't Christine have her mom, and Robyn's got extras too? 

It makes me wonder if Meri's is the designated house since it's clean!

Christine has her mother and another young female relative.  Robyn has a young female relative (that she probably watches like a hawk since the moment became the legal Mrs. Kody Brown) and I believe another older female relative.

Jenelle was never a homemaker or responsible for cleaning, so I imagine her house is messy and they avoid filming there.  Christine's house is ground zero for all of the children, so it's probably disorganized and chaotic as well; though, I can see Christine's mother struggling to keep it all tidy.

Meri's house is used as office space for the adults and LIV hosting space (tax deductions) and is the neatest of all the Brown properties.  I wouldn't be surprised if they also charge the producers a fee to store gear in one of the rooms.  They're keeping Meri's house because with deductions and such, it is the most inexpensive to maintain - and they can sell it quickly if needed.

I speculate that in the coming years, Jenelle's house will be sold and she'll move in with Meri, which is why they're working on their relationship.

3 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

This is precisely what I think they did have until this episode. Separate thanksgivings. That would explain their disorganization and ineptitude with setting it all up. They were all acting as if this was the first time they all shared thanksgiving.

Yes, as the series progresses --- it is clear how little time was spent together as a whole family.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, CofCinci said:


I speculate that in the coming years, Jenelle's house will be sold and she'll move in with Meri, which is why they're working on their relationship.


Can you imagine the horror of being the unsuspecting, non reality tv watching dupe who bought that house. Daily scenes of Kody, hair blowing in the breeze, as he skiddaddles past your window going from one house to another.  The cul-de-sac filled with Brown family cars. The constant noise.  The very thought is a veritable "Better use a Realtor" commercial.

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, Jel said:

Can you imagine the horror of being the unsuspecting, non reality tv watching dupe who bought that house. Daily scenes of Kody, hair blowing in the breeze, as he skiddaddles past your window going from one house to another.  The cul-de-sac filled with Brown family cars. The constant noise.  The very thought is a veritable "Better use a Realtor" commercial.

This mental image has me LOL-ing.

Not to mention one day, looking out your front window to see Kody balanced on one tippy-toe at the top of a ladder, stringing cables and lights on the remaining three cuddle-sac houses.

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

And THAT is precisely why I can't forgive or feel too sorry for Meri. Good lord, this whole disgusting story is splayed out for the world to read about, stupid embarrassing pictures, stupid endless voice mails, and she is STILL lying, yes, lying - omitting parts of the story is lying, still not admitting her role in all this. Still denying, still trying to control the narrative. Ugh! Just tell the truth for once in your pathetic life! We all know you hate polygamy, you hate Janelle because she moved in when you were a brand new newlywed, after divorcing your brother! We all know you can't stand christene either, we know that you all get jealous of each other for good reason! We know your world was rocked when you divorced Kody so he can marry Robyn. We know that YOU know the adoption story was bullshit! We KNOW you wanted to run off with who you thought was a rich hottie. Their lives are nothing but lies, upon lies. And still, with everyone knowing the truth, she can't admit anything. Like a child, she believes her own lies and can't see the reality. Delusional.

And grifting.  Don't forget grifting. I'll give them credit for their grifting skills.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, MamaMax said:

When was the last time they filmed inside Jenelle or Christine's houses? I wonder if these 2 are a perpetual shit storm since so many people live there. We really haven't seen much of Robyn's either besides the baby room, have we? 

If I am not mistaken, the majority of scenes for the new season have been filmed at the homes of Janelle and Christine.  The Thanksgiving dinner was held at Christine's.  What I've noticed is that so far, Robyn's older children aren't front and center.  As a matter of fact, I don't remember seeing Dayton since the new season started. 

I maintain that the new pep in Christine's step is due to the fact that she is the only wife having marital relations with Kody at the present time. 

  • Love 2
On 5/23/2016 at 7:40 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

Am I the only one thinking it is not a Necessity of Life for siblings to share rooms? I knew a lot of families growing up, and when there were 3 or more kids, somebody usually ended up sharing a room. I don't think I knew a single family with 5+ who didn't have kids double or triple up.

also - wouldn't it be easier to have both babies in the same room? Babies don't need privacy and having them both there for multiple night visits is just easier. These people have a crazy sense of logic.

I think it depends on the age of the kid and how well they sleep.  Teenagers, sure, they can share.  A toddler and a new baby? ehhhhh I'm not sure that's a great idea.  Babies wake up and cry a lot and I know a lot of parents with young toddler-ish kids that can't make any loud noises when t heir kid is sleeping otherwise that kid is up and out of bed. 


On 5/24/2016 at 9:49 AM, LilWharveyGal said:

Can anybody explain to me what kind of paint they were spraying on the cans?  At first I thought Janelle's cans just weren't painted, and that that was the problem, but Meri's didn't look painted to me either.  Were they "painting" with a gloss or glitter, or was it just a very light color?  

(Please pardon my ignorance.  I'm just a sad monogamist without a Party City rewards card or a wet bar craft space.)

I think it was a light grey, probably close to the color of a tin can.

5 hours ago, MamaMax said:

When was the last time they filmed inside Jenelle or Christine's houses? I wonder if these 2 are a perpetual shit storm since so many people live there. We really haven't seen much of Robyn's either besides the baby room, have we? 

How many people are living in there? Doesn't Christine have her mom, and Robyn's got extras too? 

It makes me wonder if Meri's is the designated house since it's clean!

Someone already answered this but I was thinking Thanksgiving was at Janelle's or Christine's house.  And Meri brought all of the craft stuff to Janelle's house to finish. 

  • Love 1
26 minutes ago, Kbo said:

In her talking heads, Janelle looked like Casper the disinterested ghost.  Who does their makeup?  Her foundation was at least a couple shades too light and her neck was a totally different shade. 

Clearly none of these broads have opened a fashion magazine in many many years. 

1 hour ago, gunderda said:

I think it was a light grey, probably close to the color of a tin can.

Oh thank you for the clarification!  I'm so glad I wasn't mis-seeing things.  I was starting to be afraid that the sight of Kody's hair had burned my retinas.

Of course, that begs the question - who the heck bothers to paint tin cans gray?  People without actual jobs to do, I guess?

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3 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Christine has her mother and another young female relative.  Robyn has a young female relative (that she probably watches like a hawk since the moment became the legal Mrs. Kody Brown) and I believe another older female relative.

So they each have 5 bedrooms, correct? With 2 extra people in each house who presumably get their own bedroom, then they are bother operating with 3 bedrooms, so only 2 for the kids.  Which kids are still home? For Christine, it's Truely, Ysabel, Gwendoyln and Paedon. So all girls in one room, Paedon in the other. I presume Truely probably sleeps in Christine's bed. For Robyn, Its Dayton, Aurora, Brianna, Sol and Baby.  Sol and baby are in the study, correct? So Dayton in one room, and the two girls in the other.  

These are very crowded 5 bedroom houses.

3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I speculate that in the coming years, Jenelle's house will be sold and she'll move in with Meri, which is why they're working on their relationship.

They should really consider doing this.  It would probably get them another season.  I know I would certainly tune in to watch that mess.  Seeing Meri stagger downstairs at 5am to scream at Janelle for doing the dishes and watching Janelle pin Meri to the ground and take a scouring pad to the orange fake tan on her face would be awesome TV. 


1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

What I've noticed is that so far, Robyn's older children aren't front and center.  As a matter of fact, I don't remember seeing Dayton since the new season started. 

I've only caught glimpses of Dayunrorabreana in the background of group shots.  So they are there, but yeah .. not front and center like last season.  I wonder if it has something to do with the criticism they received over the whole adoption storyline and remarks from certain posters like me who made less than flattering comments about Aurora's behavior.   

If that is what is going on, I have to say I think they made the right decision.  Nothing good was coming out of featuring the three older children at all. Plus it means more airtime for King Solomon!  Now that I think about it, maybe limiting Dayunrorabreana's airtime was his call.  He is obviously in charge of Robyn's house, after all.

Well played, Solomon.  Well played. 

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54 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

For those of us who can't stomach watching this garbage anymore, can someone explain why they had 70 people over for Thanksgiving? 

Well, they had some grandparents there and other assorted people.  There was a young man in a brown/khaki shirt and blond hair that I was curious about.  Anybody know who he is?

20 hours ago, VedaPierce said:


Also, haven't read all the posts yet, but did anyone find it strange that Christine came right out and said that splitting up a room is a "stupid" idea?? Who SAYS that? Right to a heavily pregnant woman whose idea it was? Whose sitting right there? That was kinda ballsy, and rude! (And I loved it lol!) 


I loved it as well! But I agree, I was kind of shocked she said that, to Robyn of all people. Meri has fallen from grace, does that mean Christine thinks she can basically get away with anything, because it'll never be as bad as what Meri did?


9 hours ago, MamaMax said:

When was the last time they filmed inside Jenelle or Christine's houses? I wonder if these 2 are a perpetual shit storm since so many people live there. We really haven't seen much of Robyn's either besides the baby room, have we? 

I think both the baby shower and Thanksgiving were done at Christine's?

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I thought when Robyn mentioned splitting the room for King Sol and the new Disney Princess baby that it would be more along the lines of the twins bedroom from the television show Black-ish, which looks pretty cool and goes together even though it is different. Instead Robyn decorated with two different curtains and bedding. Insert a sarcastic woohoo here.

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I think that was Meri's though, and Meri's alone. Logistically, it doesn't make much sense for the wives with more kids to schlep them from one house to another. The main gathering spot would sort of naturally be where the bigger group of people are.

Except that the schlepping only involves walking across the cuddle-sac.

I don't understand why the rest of the family wouldn't want to hold all of the family gatherings at Meri's.  There's got to be something more to it.  If I have 4 or 5 kids living at home, I sure don't want to have to pick up the house and hose down the bathrooms to have a party, when Meri's house is likely not a mess, she loves doing crafty-type things, and she has the WET BAR OF GLORY.  I wonder if the other wives host the parties to subtly exclude Meri from doing the one thing she proclaimed she wanted to do when she got that huge house, which was to use it as the family gathering place...which then, of course, dropped the budget down for the remaining three wives' houses, because everything has to be shared equally, regardless if you have one kid at home or six.

I wonder why I think so hard about the wives' ulterior motives.  I also wonder why gray tin cans have to be spray-painted gray.

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On 5/25/2016 at 3:36 PM, Amers said:

I see where Janelle can be frustrating. She has an idea for something they can do together, and then doesn't want to do anything to implement it. Like "I thought we were just going to talk about this..." Well, yeah, but then you are required to have action. You can't say "I just follow orders" if in fact you do nothing else. That's literally the only thing left to do, follow the orders of the person who is actually doing something! I can only imagine living with that.

"Hey Janelle, what should we cook for dinner?"

"I don't know, let's think about it."

"How about chilli?"

"Omg, Meri, you are so controlling let me do something for once!"
Three hours later, children are sharing a box of cereal as Janelle sits at a table with a far off look, still thinking.


I see it more like: "Hey Meri, let's look at some cookbooks and decide together on dinner."

(Arrives at Meri's)


"Hi Jenelle, I made a pot of chili for dinner, you like chili, right? OK then, let's eat."

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On May 24, 2016 at 5:40 PM, DakotaJustice said:

I've always considered Janelle as lazy, and her weight doesn't have much to do with that assessment.

Even in the very first shows, when the producers spun it as Janelle getting up early to drive a long distance to her job etc.  I tended to see it this way:

Janelle gets to go to an office everyday, sit on her keister, push papers, socialize with her coworkers, go out for lunch, eat office snacks and drink office coffee, have time to herself, maybe do a little shopping at noon or whatever, having all that freedom while working a soft admin job...

While Christine (and Logan) feed and care for her offspring in her absence.  Christine more than likely never got to go anywhere other than the grocery store, and Logan had to get up early, make breakfast, wake up his sibs, get them ready for school, go to school himself, and babysit after school until his mom made her way home late in the evening.

In Vegas, we see a lot of Janelle sitting on her keister (except the two seasons she was working out with Trainers Bill and/or Sean), looking bored and out of it, picking at cookie sheets of peanut butter Fritos, and looking depressed.

I have my doubts on how much time she actually spends doing real estate.  Last time I checked, she had no listings in her name, and only 7 (I think?) sales total since she started this 4 years ago.


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