Latverian Diplomat October 13, 2016 Share October 13, 2016 (edited) 7 hours ago, Sakura12 said: I liked the pilot, but I couldn't even finish this episode. I liked the pilot a lot too. But it had the luxury of being able to follow the movie (a well constructed story, as far as "time travel" stuff goes) pretty closely. I thought they might run into trouble when they had to stretch things out over a TV series. But I didn't expect things to go south this quickly. ETA: I found Raimy's refusal to talk to her mother utterly incomprehensible. It sabotages every single goal she has. The fact that Frank gives her the "I understand why you did that" speech right after is, to me, an admission by the writers that they knew it was weak, but they need the obstacle of Julia being out of the loop and thinking Frank is crazy and dangerous. Edited October 13, 2016 by Latverian Diplomat fix typo in fix of a typo. sigh 12 Link to comment
Bort October 13, 2016 Share October 13, 2016 Netflix cut a deal with the CW, new episodes are available 8 days after airing. Link to comment
AnnaMayWong October 13, 2016 Share October 13, 2016 Well, I HAD such relatively high[ish] hopes... 3 Link to comment
Tabasco Cat October 13, 2016 Share October 13, 2016 I kind of like it so far. I figure the biggest risk it faces is that it requires a certain amount of viewer attention and thinking ability that the vast majority of TV audiences simply do not posess. Logically the thing to do is for Julie to give Frank the winning lottery numbers for an upcoming big jackpot. Then he can take his wife and daughter and head for somewhere where he doesn't have to be a cop, his wife doesn't have to watch out for the serial killer, and all their lives are in significantly less peril. Too bad logic isn't the strong suit of most television writers but this would probably be anyone's go-to strategy if they could somehow send information back in time. That it's not being done kind of ruins the immersion for me. Of course, Julie probably wouldn't be a cop if that had happened and they kinda need her for the show. 4 Link to comment
KaveDweller October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 10 hours ago, shapeshifter said: I guess the writers thought it was more creative to have Raimey remain silent when her mother was willing to speak into the radio, but for me, it was the next to the last straw with this show. I get that she had done a 180 (for now) on changing things via radio communication to the past; maybe she thought that saving her mother would put herself in a comatose state on life support in 2016, and then she couldn't help catch the nightengale killer, but I can't buy that she would remain stoically silent when her recently (to her) deceased mother was calling out to her from the past. It seemed like the writers were manipulating the audience's emotions for no reason other than that they could, since next episode Raimey will likely do another 180. I love the premise of the show, but I loath soap operas. I get that the writers couldn't have Raimey tell her mother anything, because then time would change and her mother would be alive and there'd be no story. So why not just have her not be there because she was working and it was a missed opportunity. Then they could have the mother refuse to try again because she think Frank's crazy. It would have been a little contrived, but it wouldn't have made the character seem so crazy. 8 Link to comment
ketose October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 21 hours ago, Tabasco Cat said: I kind of like it so far. I figure the biggest risk it faces is that it requires a certain amount of viewer attention and thinking ability that the vast majority of TV audiences simply do not posess. Logically the thing to do is for Julie to give Frank the winning lottery numbers for an upcoming big jackpot. Then he can take his wife and daughter and head for somewhere where he doesn't have to be a cop, his wife doesn't have to watch out for the serial killer, and all their lives are in significantly less peril. Too bad logic isn't the strong suit of most television writers but this would probably be anyone's go-to strategy if they could somehow send information back in time. That it's not being done kind of ruins the immersion for me. Of course, Julie probably wouldn't be a cop if that had happened and they kinda need her for the show. That would be funny if Raimy suddenly was a spoiled housewife in Aruba or something, but remembered being a cop. Of course, her parents could have both died in a hurricane and she needs to find the radio again anyway. Fate could just be kicking her ass, especially in a world with magic Ham radios. Link to comment
Netfoot October 14, 2016 Share October 14, 2016 That's really one hell of a radio. For a box of bottles that looks like it would struggle to work the low end of HF, it seems to have no end of capabilities. It communicates with the future. Or the past, depending upon your point of view. Or perhaps it only communicates with itself in the past/future? Or would a different rig tuned on frequency pick up the QSO? I mean, is this a freak radio? Or just freak propagation conditions? Either way, it worked the shuttle on VHF, and now young Raimy is talking about Moon Bounce and Meteor Scatter? Frank, if you're going to ignore the regulations and communicate with an unlicensed op., perhaps you should avoid using your legitimate callsign? Link to comment
Clanstarling October 15, 2016 Share October 15, 2016 One of the things I loved most about the movie Frequency (not related to the time travel aspect) was the very loving and sensual relationship of the Sullivan parents. Dennis Quaid and Elizabeth Mitchell really sold it. It's what made it a high stakes game when Frank was saved, but his wife died. At least for me. So I can't say I'm enjoying this so far. Neither parent is compelling, and Raimy was particularly annoying in this one. It didn't help that she did the things that annoy me on many cop shows - she took away evidence (her mother's locket) and put her paws all over it, she searched the yard and discovered the dungeon without any search warrant. Granted, she's planning to work this all out via the magic of the traveling ham, but then quashes her best chance of getting her mother to be cautious? I want to like this show, I really do. But man, it just isn't working. For that matter, neither did the meeting with the former fiance. She was rude, and there seemed to be no chemistry or interest on her part to indicate that she'd actually accept when he asked her to go out for drinks sometime. 6 Link to comment
BooBear October 15, 2016 Share October 15, 2016 3 hours ago, Clanstarling said: One of the things I loved most about the movie Frequency (not related to the time travel aspect) was the very loving and sensual relationship of the Sullivan parents. Dennis Quaid and Elizabeth Mitchell really sold it. It's what made it a high stakes game when Frank was saved, but his wife died. At least for me. So I can't say I'm enjoying this so far. This is a major problem with this show. In the movie the parents were loving and Elizabeth Mitchell's mom was a happy go lucky loving mom. In this one everyone is unhappy and the parents are fighting with each other. So in the movie when dad got to live his life there was a joy for all involved. Here dad getting to live just doesn't seem to have the same emotional impact because his daughter doesn't seem to happy with him (or anything) anyway. I am sorry to say it shows how bad the acting is here. The former finance thing is cringeworthy. 8 Link to comment
TV Anonymous October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 So the premise of this show is that Raimy remembers the events in her life before and after history is changed. However, with each episode history is changed incrementally. Does she remember all the branches of her timeline? Just as example: Timeline 1: Frank died in 1996, Raimy grew up only with Julie. Timeline 2: Frank lived until 2011, Julie died in 1996, Raimy grew up with Frank. Timeline 3: If somehow Julie was saved, Frank may or may not survive. Continue with each episode, and Raimy shall have problem with her brain containing memories of multiple lifetimes. 1 Link to comment
bros402 October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 4 hours ago, TV Anonymous said: So the premise of this show is that Raimy remembers the events in her life before and after history is changed. However, with each episode history is changed incrementally. Does she remember all the branches of her timeline? Just as example: Timeline 1: Frank died in 1996, Raimy grew up only with Julie. Timeline 2: Frank lived until 2011, Julie died in 1996, Raimy grew up with Frank. Timeline 3: If somehow Julie was saved, Frank may or may not survive. Continue with each episode, and Raimy shall have problem with her brain containing memories of multiple lifetimes. We'll see how the show handles it. Link to comment
CooperTV October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 Raimy and her mother came off like horrible selfish human beings in this, and I don't think that was the intention. This episode was terrible and contrived as hell. Considering Raimy has both memories with her father and with her mother, it's inexplicable she would act like a spoiled brat about everything and threw his dad under the bus blaming for things he's not responsible for and showing no empathy to him whatsoever. I'm done with this show. 3 Link to comment
shapeshifter October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 23 hours ago, Clanstarling said: ...For that matter, neither did the meeting with the former fiance. She was rude, and there seemed to be no chemistry or interest on her part to indicate that she'd actually accept when he asked her to go out for drinks sometime. Since he had a different fiancée, that wouldn't likely happen. Link to comment
CooperTV October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 10 minutes ago, shapeshifter said: Since he had a different fiancée, that wouldn't likely happen. I thought there was a flashback into the Mom-is-alive timeline and how she introduced the guy to Raimy this episode?.. 1 Link to comment
Clanstarling October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 (edited) I was referring to the flashback - but hey, it gets twisty talking about shifting timelines. Edited October 16, 2016 by Clanstarling 2 Link to comment
Eneya October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 OK, then DON'T spend it on your family. Create a trust. Help orphans. Charity. WHATEVER... Or... start in advance to help for disasters? I mean... 1996? Who would just sit on their hands if they can prevent some major disasters? Fuck, I am not from the US and even my first thought was... "O... K... what about... 5 years from 1996?". Yup, the biggest problem with past/future interactions. 1 Link to comment
iMonrey October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 I thought the pilot was very compelling, but this is another show with a premise that will likely suffer in the long run because it doesn't seem like it's designed to be stretched out into a long-running series. The pilot worked like a mini movie, and I liked it. But I can foresee this show turning into a rather repetitive procedural, with the gimmick of Raimy digging up info on cold cases, relaying the info to her father in the past, and the father nabbing the perp with the help of that info. Every. Week. That gimmick is going to get real old, real fast. 1 Link to comment
KaveDweller October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 17 hours ago, TV Anonymous said: So the premise of this show is that Raimy remembers the events in her life before and after history is changed. However, with each episode history is changed incrementally. Does she remember all the branches of her timeline? Just as example: Timeline 1: Frank died in 1996, Raimy grew up only with Julie. Timeline 2: Frank lived until 2011, Julie died in 1996, Raimy grew up with Frank. Timeline 3: If somehow Julie was saved, Frank may or may not survive. Continue with each episode, and Raimy shall have problem with her brain containing memories of multiple lifetimes. Also, Frank changed history again when he went to the killers house. Raimey went back to interview the guy and someone else told her he'd lived there for years. So there is a version where Frank survived and Raimy went to interview the killer AND a version where Frank survived and caught on to who the killer was, which led to him moving and Raimy not being able to check out the guy's house. She's going to go insane eventually. 3 Link to comment
Miles October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 On 13.10.2016 at 4:58 AM, KaveDweller said: I'm still liking this, but I don't get why Raimey didn't say anything to her mother over the radio. I know she was worried about changing things, but how could it get worse? Yeah, that was duuuuuumb. They now know who the killer is. That means they could give her a photo of him and a gun, but nooooo, because it might change something they can't do that, I guess... On 14.10.2016 at 3:54 AM, KaveDweller said: I get that the writers couldn't have Raimey tell her mother anything, because then time would change and her mother would be alive and there'd be no story. So why not just have her not be there because she was working and it was a missed opportunity. Then they could have the mother refuse to try again because she think Frank's crazy. It would have been a little contrived, but it wouldn't have made the character seem so crazy. They also could have made it so that the magic radio only works between Raimey and her father, because they have some special connection or some other bullshit. It's magic, you don't have to explain it. Or they could have been brave and only have the death of the mother last for a few episodes and make the rest of the season about catching the nightingale killer to save countless innocent women. I hate the recent trend in cop shows, that it always has to be personal. It's annoying. 2 Link to comment
tennisgurl October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 I liked the pilot pretty well, but this episode kind of sucked. Quite a bit. Mainly because both Raimey and her mom came across as total assholes. I might cut Raimey a bit of slack for how shitty she was to her poor dad and her friend. She IS going through a lot after all. But why was she being so crappy to her dad, acting like he abandoned her? He was undercover! Shes a cop, she should understand that. He was destroying a criminal empire not getting drunk and screwing hookers. I cut no such slack to Raimeys mom. So, your husband tells you a crazed killer is after you, and your response kick him out and act like he is a total jerk for being worried? The hell? Even without knowledge of the future, he is still a cop, he would probably know if your in trouble. And why is she so pissed at him? Again, he was undercover. And I understand that it would make a strain on any marriage, but he was certainly a cop when she married him, wouldn't she know the score? Not only did she come off like a huge jerk when she was balling out her poor husband, who is practically in tears begging her to be careful, for daring to do his damn job, she comes off like a huge moron. Not that she deserves to be killed by a serial killer or anything, but...when she was being murdered, the thought "I probably should have listened to my husband" must have crossed her mind. Not really what I think the show was going for if it wanted us to feel the horrible loss of Raimys mom. 8 Link to comment
shapeshifter October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 Well put @tennisgurl. ^ Tonight's episode of Timeless was much more entertaining, largely because the motives of the characters made more sense. But I liked the premier of this show so much, that I'm not ready to quit it yet. 1 Link to comment
Tara Ariano October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 Quote Raimy informs Frank of new information she uncovered in the Thomas Goff case, prompting him to take action in spite of Satch's warnings. Meanwhile, Gordo and Raimy go out for drinks, where they have a strange encounter with Daniel; and Raimy struggles to adapt to life without Julie. Link to comment
Tarasme October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 I gave up when the music turned up to +++ on the Frank's hospital party scene. I've now blocked whatever 90's music was featured and doubt I'll be returning 'cept maybe when it shows up on Netflix. Link to comment
jewel21 October 19, 2016 Share October 19, 2016 I'm loving all the 90's music. I was 16 in 1996 and each song so far has reminded me of a particular or significant moment in time. Ah, so much nostalgia. 3 Link to comment
Primetimer October 20, 2016 Share October 20, 2016 If you want the audience to buy the big crazy thing at the center of your story, you can't screw up the small stuff. View the full article 1 Link to comment
shapeshifter October 20, 2016 Share October 20, 2016 Better than last week, IMO. Link to comment
BooBear October 20, 2016 Share October 20, 2016 A little better than last week. Little. Very little. Odd they never question if the magic hamn radio will stop broadcasting? 1 Link to comment
Latverian Diplomat October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 I liked the idea that Raimy would have trouble with her mom's memorial service but the show's treatment of it didn't work for me. And people putting pressure on Raimy to attend for the benefit of everyone else? That seems completely upside down, morally speaking. Like the historian on Timeless, one wonders is Raimy is slowly going to go nuts from all these alternate timelines in her head. 1 Link to comment
iMonrey October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 I don't remember the fiancé having an accent in the pilot episode. Also, this is going to come up a lot, but if Goff runs into a car in 1996, simultaneously vanishing in 2016, why does Raimy still have blood running down her face? Wouldn't that also eliminate the bruise from her face? 2 Link to comment
shapeshifter October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 15 minutes ago, iMonrey said: I don't remember the fiancé having an accent in the pilot episode. Also, this is going to come up a lot, but if Goff runs into a car in 1996, simultaneously vanishing in 2016, why does Raimy still have blood running down her face? Wouldn't that also eliminate the bruise from her face? They seem to have Raimey being uniquely interacting with more than one timeline at a time, i.e., she's special. I guess her dad does too, so maybe it's side effects of the magical ham radio set. Link to comment
BigBlueMastiff October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 On 10/20/2016 at 11:58 AM, BooBear said: A little better than last week. Little. Very little. Odd they never question if the magic hamn radio will stop broadcasting? They addressed this in the movie, and I believe the son told his dad just to do what he could with whatever info he gave him. It think also to tell his (Dad) best friend, who was a cop. Link to comment
BooBear October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 Just now, BigBlueMastiff said: They addressed this in the movie, and I believe the son told his dad just to do what he could with whatever info he gave him. It think also to tell his (Dad) best friend, who was a cop. Yes. The movie. The show hasn't mentioned it. Leading to a massive plot gap. They seem to think it will go on for ever. Also, here, have they ever addressed how it happened? In the movie I thought it was a sun spot or something. Also, is it me or why can't they just take the Mom away on vacation that week? Link to comment
BigBlueMastiff October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 Quote Yes. The movie. The show hasn't mentioned it. Leading to a massive plot gap. They seem to think it will go on for ever. Also, here, have they ever addressed how it happened? In the movie I thought it was a sun spot or something. Also, is it me or why can't they just take the Mom away on vacation that week? Yes, again in the movie, the initial cause was the lovely aurora borealis. Funny that you mention taking Mom on vacation, because in the movie, that is exactly what Frank said he would do with the whole family if the Hamm stopped transmitting before the killer was caught ;) Link to comment
tennisgurl October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 That was an improvement on last week, and there were a few better moments (like Raimey finding the woman her and her dad saved online), and I feel like the acting is getting better, but... We are still trapped in the always boring Cats in a Cradle kind of plot, where the dad (or mom, but its usually dad) works too much, and is constantly getting balled out by his wife for not spending time with the kids. Which is ok, but SO OFTEN this trope happens when the parent is a doctor or FBI agent or a cop...where their work does require them to work a save lives! In fact, the scene of Raimey looking at the happy life of the woman her dad saved just underlines my point. It sucks that Frank couldn't take little Raimey to the movies, but its not like he had a work presentation, or he blew her off to get drunk with his buddies, he was trying to catch a serial killer! I guess this really is set in the 90s, because that was a plot the 90s was OBSESSED with. Sorry, rant over. I just think that trope is kind of annoying, could you tell? On the plus side, I love the 90s music being featured. 4 Link to comment
Lebanna October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 (edited) This week with missing Maya the show reminded me of Cold Case - if they could have solved the case and then told someone at an appropriate moment in history to go put right what once went wrong. To be honest, I think I'd be up for a case of the week show like that, with the serialised storyline running along in the background. Raimy could work on unsolved cases, Dad could go save the victims and get the perpetrators locked up for assaulting a cop, and they could potentially stop a whole bunch of murders in 1996/7 Minority Report style and really mess with history. Cathartic fun for the whole family (especially if they got Mom involved). Edited October 22, 2016 by Lebanna 1 Link to comment
KaveDweller October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 7 hours ago, BooBear said: Also, is it me or why can't they just take the Mom away on vacation that week? The mom doesn't seem interested in going on vacation with the dad, and 8-year-old Raimy can't exactly do anything. The dad might have better luck if he had tried to sweet talk his way back into her life before he told her about her impending death. But too late for that. Link to comment
bros402 October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 4 hours ago, Lebanna said: This week with missing Maya the show reminded me of Cold Case - if they could have solved the case and then told someone at an appropriate moment in history to go put right what once went wrong. To be honest, I think I'd be up for a case of the week show like that, with the serialised storyline running along in the background. Raimy could work on unsolved cases, Dad could go save the victims and get the perpetrators locked up for assaulting a cop, and they could potentially stop a whole bunch of murders in 1996/7 Minority Report style and really mess with history. Cathartic fun for the whole family (especially if they got Mom involved). They could get the mom to kill murderers at the hospital! ...or maybe to stitch up Frank in the past. Either or. 1 Link to comment
TV Anonymous October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 I want to go back to my issue regarding Raimy's memory from last episode. It is established that Raimy remembers the memories of her lives in different timelines. Therefore, after Goff is killed in 1996 and thus does not exist in 2016, what does she remember bringing her to that empty lot with her gun drawn? As well, why does she have the blood and the bruises? She does not come from a fight with Goff - or with anybody else for that matter - does she? Link to comment
CooperTV October 25, 2016 Share October 25, 2016 Quote Raimy and Frank try to gain intel from a girl whose mother was taken by Nightingale, as the date of Julie's abduction looms near. Meanwhile, Raimy doesn't recognize a man who remembers her from the past, but she soon begins to recall details of their night together. Link to comment
Whodunnit October 26, 2016 Share October 26, 2016 Maybe her presumed lie about having gotten roughed up while arresting a junkie was actually true in that alternate reality? 1 Link to comment
Whodunnit October 26, 2016 Share October 26, 2016 After spending the whole episode harping and harping and harping at her dad ( who had been under cover for two years and wanted just one day of normalcy ) about telling her mom that she was in danger and about his knowledge of that danger, Raimy inexplicably goes silent on the ham radio when she finally hears her mom's voice, probably killing Frank's hopes of reconciliation with his wife who now thinks that he has cracked under pressure and is talking to hallucinatory versions of his daughter. Seriously, show? 3 Link to comment
CocoaGoddess October 27, 2016 Share October 27, 2016 I'm at the end of my rope with this show. I finally realized that there is no real emotional connection linking any of the characters, and it affecting my ability to "bond" with them and desire to see them succeed. In the film, they were all so loving towards one another, you had no trouble buying Caviezel as a broken, tormented guy whose childhood was devastated and fractured by the loss of his heroic Dad. Here, all they do is bicker. Julia is pissed all the time, Raimy is pissed all the time, Frank seems emotionally uninvolved and almost going through the motions at this point. I had to remind myself that I'm supposed to actually give a shit about Julia's fate when in reality .... I don't. When she dies in the film, it hurts and you feel the sacrifice that was made so Frank could live. With these people, it doesn't seem like their lives are significantly changed in any way, no matter which parent lives. The show keeps TELLING us how fractured these people are, but the actors really aren't selling it. I'm so apathetic to everything that's happening and it's barely keeping my attention. I can't fathom a five year plan for this show. 5 Link to comment
KaveDweller October 27, 2016 Share October 27, 2016 I was thinking a really dark route the show could take is making Frank the Nightingale killer. That's why he stopped killing the first time, he was dead. And the whole thing with Raimy is just an act to keep from getting caught. He kills the mom because she wants a divorce. Obviously that's not what is going to happen, but it would be a twist. That kid who grew up to fake her own kidnapping is messed up. But I did like them figuring out a way to get the artist sketch created in 1996. I'm hoping to see more creative ways of passing information back across time. 7 Link to comment
shapeshifter October 27, 2016 Share October 27, 2016 1 hour ago, CocoaGoddess said: I'm at the end of my rope with this show. I finally realized that there is no real emotional connection linking any of the characters, and it affecting my ability to "bond" with them and desire to see them succeed. In the film, they were all so loving towards one another, you had no trouble buying Caviezel as a broken, tormented guy whose childhood was devastated and fractured by the loss of his heroic Dad. Here, all they do is bicker. Julia is pissed all the time, Raimy is pissed all the time, Frank seems emotionally uninvolved and almost going through the motions at this point. I had to remind myself that I'm supposed to actually give a shit about Julia's fate when in reality .... I don't. When she dies in the film, it hurts and you feel the sacrifice that was made so Frank could live. With these people, it doesn't seem like their lives are significantly changed in any way, no matter which parent lives. The show keeps TELLING us how fractured these people are, but the actors really aren't selling it. I'm so apathetic to everything that's happening and it's barely keeping my attention. I can't fathom a five year plan for this show. I thought the emotional connection between Raimy and her father improved in this episode and that Raimy was dialed back from being a harpy. But, yeah, I have to agree on them making her Mom so unlikeable that the only reason to care if she gets killed off is the effect it would have on Raimy and Frank. 2 Link to comment
BooBear October 27, 2016 Share October 27, 2016 7 hours ago, CocoaGoddess said: I'm at the end of my rope with this show. I finally realized that there is no real emotional connection linking any of the characters, and it affecting my ability to "bond" with them and desire to see them succeed. In the film, they were all so loving towards one another, you had no trouble buying Caviezel as a broken, tormented guy whose childhood was devastated and fractured by the loss of his heroic Dad. Here, all they do is bicker. Julia is pissed all the time, Raimy is pissed all the time, Frank seems emotionally uninvolved and almost going through the motions at this point. I had to remind myself that I'm supposed to actually give a shit about Julia's fate when in reality .... I don't. When she dies in the film, it hurts and you feel the sacrifice that was made so Frank could live. With these people, it doesn't seem like their lives are significantly changed in any way, no matter which parent lives. The show keeps TELLING us how fractured these people are, but the actors really aren't selling it. I'm so apathetic to everything that's happening and it's barely keeping my attention. I can't fathom a five year plan for this show. THIS! I also think they made a mistake in having Raimy not really feel her mother's death because she plans on changing it. It just makes her seem unsympathetic. Frank is just the worst cop ever. He sees a potential serial killer and instead of quietly getting the tag numbers and then sneaking up on the guy, he gets out of the car and starts walking toward him, giving him plenty of time to escape. If it were me I would have even stabbed the tires before walking up to the guy. Seriously could the sketch BE anymore vague? And you just knew he would have a scar that would be used for dramatic effect when Raimy is inevitably in bed with him or something and she sees it. I am side eyeing Raimy's new bf because in the original movie wasn't the Nightingale a cop? 2 Link to comment
iMonrey October 27, 2016 Share October 27, 2016 Hmm, I think CocoaGoddess nailed the big problem with this show. Then again, the premise is problematic as well, because I don't know how long they can sustain it without a lot of "filler." I knew the girl was going to turn out to be faking it. This episode didn't really get us anywhere. How many episodes are people willing to sit through to follow Raimy and Frank chase after the elusive killer, stumbling over false leads and near-misses every week? Then again, if they catch the killer, what to they move on to? Just a series of formulaic cold cases each week? Quote Seriously could the sketch BE anymore vague? Isn't it the same guy who was the Unibomber? Case solved! 7 Link to comment
Free October 28, 2016 Share October 28, 2016 (edited) 11 hours ago, iMonrey said: Hmm, I think CocoaGoddess nailed the big problem with this show. Then again, the premise is problematic as well, because I don't know how long they can sustain it without a lot of "filler." I knew the girl was going to turn out to be faking it. This episode didn't really get us anywhere. How many episodes are people willing to sit through to follow Raimy and Frank chase after the elusive killer, stumbling over false leads and near-misses every week? Then again, if they catch the killer, what to they move on to? Just a series of formulaic cold cases each week? Isn't it the same guy who was the Unibomber? Case solved! It's why adapting movies into tv series doesn't always translates well. The film built up to the Nightingale reveal, climax, and then the aftermath whereas the series has to keep dragging it out and turn it into a procedural. Quote Frank is just the worst cop ever. He sees a potential serial killer and instead of quietly getting the tag numbers and then sneaking up on the guy, he gets out of the car and starts walking toward him, giving him plenty of time to escape. If it were me I would have even stabbed the tires before walking up to the guy. Not to mention it defeats the whole purpose of a stakeout. Quote I was thinking a really dark route the show could take is making Frank the Nightingale killer. That's why he stopped killing the first time, he was dead. And the whole thing with Raimy is just an act to keep from getting caught. He kills the mom because she wants a divorce. Obviously that's not what is going to happen, but it would be a twist. That would've been a nice twist. Edited October 28, 2016 by Free Link to comment
Netfoot October 28, 2016 Share October 28, 2016 It would be possible to send imagery -- and more -- back and forth via the radio. Mom is an ass, and the sooner the Nightingale drops her, the better. Frank is an idiot. He's sitting in a Z28, and when the suspect shows up in a beat up pickup truck, he gets out and runs after him?!?? 4 Link to comment
Netfoot October 28, 2016 Share October 28, 2016 Utilizing the same bandwidth used for voice communications, they could use Facsimile machines or (more common) Slow-Scan Television. Frank might find it a little difficult to get it set up, but remember he is the radio ham! He should know about it, and be able to track down appropriate hardware. Possibly from ham friends. Raimy could do the entire thing with her laptop. Hell, she could do it with a free app on her smartphone! Come to think of it, they could establish a data connection using old telephone modems, or ham packet radio hardware. Once they had that, they could exchange any sort of information. High resolution video, data... Frank could even log on to the internet. I'm trying to picture the computer hardware I had in 1996. Can't remember the details, but it had a Pentium processor in it, and I used to surf the net using OS/2 Warp Connect. 3 Link to comment
CooperTV October 28, 2016 Share October 28, 2016 Quote Frank and Raimy uncover clues from the past to help solve a present-day murder case, triggering Raimy's memories of her first day with the NYPD. Meanwhile, Raimy learns more about Stan, causing friction between her and Satch; and Frank grows jealous, as he attempts to give Julie space. Link to comment
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