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S13.E23: Dead Letter

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An extra 100,000 viewers is basically a rounding error, unless they're all in the demo.

These plots are so complicated, but here's how I understand it. Scott was am MI6 agent passing secrets to a Russian woman who was also his wife. (Poor background checking there, mates.) MI6 and, improbably, NCIS got the job of arresting these people but Russian wife was killed. Not by a stray bullet but a deliberate assassin. Leak about the operation had to have come from NCIS. I'm guessing that pre NCIS Ziva was the shooter. Or her brother Ari, but Ziva seems more likely. Maybe Vance passed the info on without realizing what he'd done. But those are the only possible assassins I can think of.

I wonder if

Trent Kort's eyeball still opens MTAC

. Man, I've watched this show a long time.

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So Ziva dies and throws Tony into a spin, questioning his life, so time to move on. 

Since Cote was unhappy with how they were portraying her character, why not kill her off so no more complaining. Something went down there because before both sides were cordial leaving doors open. Then she comes out with her statements, when she might wanted to have done something to support Michael's leaving. Hmmm. Or maybe they didn't get along like Castle's duo don't.

I couldn't help but be excessively annoyed every time Emily made a shrill screeching appearance.  I don't remember her being this awful before her mother died.  And yes, her father is critically injured, but I never like her mother and she's never been this bad before.  Not even when her mother was killed.


Still holding out hope that Ziva makes an appearance next week and that all the denials of this happening are just a fake out to surprise us.

Gawd I hope not.  I find it too annoying that theyre even making her a plot point when I'd rather see more about Tony and his current status than dwelling on this lame plot.

  • Love 13

This is the face of someone who does not even slightly care if Ziva is in that burning farmhouse.

I agree that this season ending would be a lot better if we were focusing on *Tony* and not trotting out Ziva again.

Shrill Emily can go away at any time.

So far the new editions seem OK. I prefer British MI-6 guy to unfortunately reminiscent of Jenny gal, but we'll give it some time.

Nice switch with Jacob actually being framed. I was wondering if they were going to do the silicon fingerprint thing that I saw on some other procedural where the perp used silicon to make a model of his own fingerprint to make it look like he was being framed. (Sneaky)

  • Love 9

No, no, no to seeing Ziva ever again.  That would be a really lazy way to have Tony go out if they kill her off - but, I really don't want to see her again. But, they may decide if she's alive to put them together because apparently there was some grand love between the two character (which I never saw but oh well)

I like the new Brit guy - he's kind of a breath of fresh air which means he probably won't be around again - 

I also like the new smart-ass, smart female agent.  She's got some spark and energy - wherever the old crew just seems bored and dull now.

  • Love 5

Bella's mom bugs but I think we're supposed to find her refreshing.

On the other hand, Idris Elba Jr is delicious and funny and I liked him a lot. 

Not enough to keep watching after Tony leaves, but that's not his fault.  I can't even keep up with the plots.

And Abby, who is middle aged by ANY cannon, is having prayer circles with farting hippos and skeletons? I just can't.  GROW THE FUCK UP.

  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

She's a teenager, which are never a barrel of fun in the best of times, who was staring at losing both her parents within a year. I can forgive shrill in this case.

Plus I loved the fact that she used the threat of a pedicure to get her dad to wake up.  I loved my dad, but there is no way I would have given him a pedi.

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If they kill off Ziva even off screen I'll never watch the show again.  Ziva was the best thing about NCIS ever.  Period.

But if the NCIS production people are still pissed the actor (?Cote something?) had the good sense to walk away from the show when she did and kill her off fictionally for private spite, that would suck.  Glad the actor moved on because they were destroying her character and also because a real actor isn't afraid of new challenges.

The Tony character was good.  Without him there is no fun left to the show.  But glad he (?Michael) got out as the show circles the drain of watchability.  The rest of them are just collecting their checks at this point.  Even the actor playing Tim seems out of it these days.

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I really liked Emily the other times she was on like when she was so smart after being kidnapped.  But tonight I thought her acting was over the top.  ( but I did like the pedicure ).  


Thumbs up to the Brit agent replacing DeNozzo!

 I wish they would bring back Coast Guard ( Casey from Law & order SVU) if they want another female in power.

  • Love 8

I don't think they'll kill off Ziva--there's no need to, either dramatically or spitefully. And the way the character has always been written, she'd never be caught unawares in such an attack. I only hope that Fornell will recover fully. I will not be in a forgiving mood if they kill Tobias. No, I think the death we'll see will be that of Trent Kort.

i also was annoyed at the lack of scenes with Tony. It's his penultimate episode--give him some time on camera please. Instead they crammed the episode with new character intros, the hospital scenes, chasing bad guys who really aren't, the return of Ol' One-Eye Kort and a stroll down Memory Lane with Ziva. It will be doubly annoying if we get to next week and they wrap up Tony's departure and his reasons for leaving with a few lines of dialogue, a bunch of old clips and the usual round of goodbye hugs.

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On 5/6/2016 at 7:58 AM, Maukie99 said:

Is it true ? Ziva returns ? O.o Tony loves to all appearances still Ziva.

There are two more episodes left.  Cote do Pablo has said that she won't be in the last episode. My speculation is Ziva is in the next one and the last episode is about Tony, with Senior making an appearance.

3 hours ago, HowdyTV said:

So Ziva dies and throws Tony into a spin, questioning his life, so time to move on. 

Since Cote was unhappy with how they were portraying her character, why not kill her off so no more complaining. Something went down there because before both sides were cordial leaving doors open. Then she comes out with her statements, when she might wanted to have done something to support Michael's leaving. Hmmm. Or maybe they didn't get along like Castle's duo don't.

CcP has said that she and Michael Weatherly remain good friends even now.

It would be a stupid move to kill off Ziva now.  The character remains very popular even now (PP was rated #1 and CdP #2 in terms of recognizability) and with MW exiting, they won't want to piss off any viewers who might have stayed but would leave with a bad taste in their mouths about the show.

I really like the new female character, it's about time they added a female with gravitas.  Between the old guys of Gibbs, Fornell Ducky,  Vance and even Tony, Ellie seems like a baby.  The guy (Reeves?) I'm not impressed with but he may grow on me.

I've always liked Trent Kort. I hope he's not gone the Malcolm Merlyn route.

Edited by statsgirl
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I watched the last Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders right before watching this episode and spent half of it trying to figure out if the actress playing Emily was the same as the American in Peril on the other show.  And yes, she was.  

It's also very annoying that these are MW's last episodes and Tony is pretty much background in the stories!  Way too many people running around in this episode.  I did like the British guy that was  sitting in on the interrogations. He had some good reactions.

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Reserving just one episode, final episode of the season or not, for Tony's send-off seems cheap and a bit mean. Michael Weatherly has given his all to the show since the pilot episode, and no matter how much the show runners manage to pack into one episode, it's still only one episode. An entire season leading up to DiNozzo's departure should have been planned out, for greater complexity.

The new MI6 agent (possible new NCIS probie) seems good, but I just can't with the new female agent's personality. She seems written as a hotshot interrogator who somehow knows everything about everything, but I am not at all convinced or even charmed. If the squad or the show itself needs more women, then bring in Delilah -- she's mutli-faceted, is well-written as a character, and would bring something unique to the group even if she's no longer able to be a field agent due to her disability. Granted, Bishop currently does a lot of the analysis for the team, but she's also field-rated and seems to be moving more in that direction as the show moves on. Delilah could move into the role of information specialist and/ or work more closely with Abby/Ducky/Palmer in the basement.

Also, more Trent Kort please. He's mysterious enough to be very interesting, and I'm not sold on the idea that he's gone entirely black hat. Ziva, based on what we know of her, is smart enough and connected enough to be able to track threats to herself, so what if she got out of the farmhouse with the files and set fire to the house before Kort arrived? Or Kort showed up, got Ziva and the files out, then disappeared again? (OK, I just want more screen time for David Dayan Fisher, because he is very handsome and his acting is even more compelling than his looks (at least for me).)

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Packerbrewerbadger said:

I really liked Emily the other times she was on like when she was so smart after being kidnapped.  But tonight I thought her acting was over the top.  ( but I did like the pedicure ).  


Thumbs up to the Brit agent replacing DeNozzo!

 I wish they would bring back Coast Guard ( Casey from Law & order SVU) if they want another female in power.

Diane Neal made insulting tweets about the NCIS-NO production people.  She hasn't been on either show since.   

Edited by pally
got my Dianes messed up...never post before coffee

I kept wondering why they wouldn't have someone sit with Fornell's daughter. Sure, they're all working on the case, and she's a feisty girl, but jeez, she's just a kid waiting to see if her last parent will survive. Jimmy wasn't particularly involved in the case, other than having some awkward moments with the new woman.

Love Idris Elba Jr (thanks Mama No Life), I think he'll bring the funny. They even had Gibbs laugh at one of his comments. Don't particularly care for the new woman. I just don't care for the actress, I think.

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Absolutely hated the artsy fartsy shoot up from the floor camera work in the hospital and the fast, jarring cuts with tilted camera angle.  Felt a little NCIS LA which I have watched a few times.  The new male character, in  my not so humble opinion, would be better in LA as well.  The new female character is definitely no replacement for Fornel (if that's what they had in mind) The looks of "ain't she great" from Gibbs and McGee during her interrogation was another hard sell for a weak character by show runners.  

This is Tony's send off?  It felt more like an embedded promo for a totally new spin off.  I'll watch next week and then (after a long and much loved run) I'm outta here.

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I agree with most everyone else, not enough DiNozzo in this epi. I can't believe they didn't give his character a major storyline for his last few episodes. Its not like they didn't have notice he was leaving.  I kept thinking Tess Monroe was going to be the turncoat, but they went with the CIA guy instead. According to the fan Wikia, Emily is supposed to be 14 or 15. I found it hard to believe someone that age could be so demanding in the hospital. To parents maybe, but her giving orders to the nurse? I didn't buy it.  I liked MI6 guy, he can stay. I loved Ziva and Tony together, would be a good way to end it, although will seem tacked on. But that is what they've done with his exit, made it seem like an afterthought. Do the powers that be have any idea how much we love Tony?

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Working on a pilot kept Weatherly from last week's episode. I don't know if it affected his availability for this episode. But they've known all season that the actor wouldn't return. The groundwork for this arc should have been laid months ago. We could have met the possible newbies in separate episodes in February or March so they wouldn't take up so much exposition time.

  • Love 9

Michael Weatherly was largely absent from episodes 21 and 22 because he was shooting the pilot.  That took 10-days to 2 weeks at the most so it wouldn't explain the lack of him in this episode.  I know this because Christopher Jackson, his co-star in "Bull" and George Washington in "Hamilton"  was off the show for only two weeks, if that, while they were filming the pilot.

Beyond all of that the NCIS producing team has know for a year that MW was leaving and they have known since May 2014 he had a development deal with CBS.  Being vets in the TV industry they surely knew that there was a strong possibility he would be unavailable for a couple of weeks during pilot season. Given all of that they should have planned all of this better.  Like bringing in the possible replacements while MW was off filming "Bull" or better yet bringing them in earlier.

 Also they could have left the Ziva stuff off entirely.   Her exit was yet another chapter in the angst and perils of Ziva.  No need to make his exit about that too,

Edited by camussie
  • Love 7

If Idris Elba Jr is onboard for the next season, I may stick around. Loving his goofy sense of humor, and Gibbs laughed at one of his jokes.

Emily was too shrill and annoying. Yeah her dad was dying but there is no need to be a bitch. Just like her annoying mom, whom I'm glad is still dead.

I love Ziva but wish this arc was more about Tony than her. Next week seems all about him, and I can understand he wasn't available but they could have worked around it.

Edited by twoods
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Add me to those that liked the MI6 guy ok, and won't mind if he returns. Hated the female FBI lady, although it's partially the actress. Reslly disliked the "sexy" (huh? what? make it stop...) interrogation. Don't need to see her ever again, unless it turns out *she's* actually the bad guy and Kort's back to grey (not black) hat. Don't see it happening though. Really liked Coast Guard lady (Borin?) back in the day. *That's* how to introduce a strong female character. Don't understand why they have such problems with that. (*cough* little bitty baby Abby *cough* or even Bishop) 

If they need a strong lady, (what am I saying? yes, yes, they do) they should figure out ways to have Sec Nav pop up more often. She had class. Or mend fences with the actress and bring back Borin. She was energetic and competent and not weirdly inappropriate or developmentally stunted.

Wish they wouldn't burn Kort as a character. Hope they aren't burning Fornell, too. *sniff*

While I understand the circumstances might warrant some OTT behavior from Emily, and I liked that it was used to remind Gibbs/us of her mom, this was the first time the actress didn't really sell me on it. I am not usually a fan of the kids of characters popping up in their stories, but Emily has managed to not annoy me in the past (which is basically what passes for high praise from me for family characters). Of course the writing is the biggest reason, but the actress has done well with it in the past. Didn't feel that was the case this week, although I, too, liked the delivery of "pedi-threat." 

And finally: far too little Tony. I certainly don't want a clip show send off, or the equivalent of that god awful over done slog of a SL that ruined Ziva for me (ymmv), but I found these eps just a confusing (possibly because also: kinda boring, and my attention drifted) bunch of names and narration, and way too much time spent on any- and everyone else. I'll miss MW and Tony when he's gone, and would have appreciated more of him as long as he's (theoretically) still here. 

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On 5/11/2016 at 9:53 PM, Mama No Life said:

Bella's mom bugs but I think we're supposed to find her refreshing.

On the other hand, Idris Elba Jr is delicious and funny and I liked him a lot. 

Not enough to keep watching after Tony leaves, but that's not his fault.  I can't even keep up with the plots.

And Abby, who is middle aged by ANY cannon, is having prayer circles with farting hippos and skeletons? I just can't.  GROW THE FUCK UP.


Also? GROW THE FUCK UP, seconded.

To me, it's clear Agent Monroe wants to get into Gibbs' pants. I need her and Sec Nav to share a scene and throw me an Easter egg. (For those of you who were not 24 fans, new agent played baddie on 24 and killed SecNav's character - who happened to be Jack Bauer's wife.)

I love Emily, if for no other reason then she is fighting full force for her dad, AND she calls LJG "Uncle Gibbs." 

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