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S06.E02: Home

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I wasn't a big fan of Roose and was hoping that Sansa would somehow take them both down, but how fucking stupid do you have to be to support a guy that would kill his own father and newborn brother without even blinking? Hey Kastark, Roose was the one that did the deed of killing King Rob, not Ramsey. The only thing I can figure, is Lord Kastark is hoping that he doesn't have to lift a finger when Ramsey gets himself killed and will lay claim to the North because he is from House Stark as well. 

So what, in two episodes the show has had two  three violent coups with the idiot bastards killing their relatives to assume power of an entire kingdom? Maybe Ramsey should court Obara as his next wife. Hopefully it will end badly for both of them.

Again, I can't feel too sorry for someone (Cersei)when the person put their enemy in power. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 6

Ah, that felt good. I have to admit I wondered if they were just going to troll us to the extreme, and we've been wondering for so long, but that would be some dumb storytelling if they hadn't brought him back. I'm so glad it happened, and this alone tells me I'm glad we're getting an ending from the show, since getting an ending from the book seems more and more unlikely.

2 hours ago, Oscirus said:

They did set the dragons up as intelligent and they set up Tyrion as being terrible in Valerian so it made sense he'd address the dragons in the common tongue

Yeah, Tyrion would certainly be toast by now had he addressed them in Vaylrian. 

2 hours ago, stillshimpy said:

Tommen taking part in the grand tradition of chatting over corpses of close relatives.   

He! At least he wasn't forced to take part in the other thing Jamie likes to do over corpses of close relatives...


Pretty good episode. I was a bit underwhelmed by the resurrection, I guess I expected something a bit more spectacular. Interesting choice that Jon woke up after everyone left. Does that have any plot ramifications, like him going underground for a bit or something like that? Although I don't really see the point in that, now that Thorne and the mutineers are imprisoned. It was probably just to make for a more interesting scene when they see him again. 


Also surprised by the timing. I thought we'd be getting ToJ flashbacks before Jon was coming back, didn't think he'd be back before episode 5 or 6. But the show really seems to speed things up this season. 


Thankfully not a ton of forced humor with awkward lines this week. D&D are solid writers, but their one-liners sound like they're straight from one of those CBS multi-cam sitcoms (and I agree that they sound too modern). At least their non-verbal bits usually hit, like the faces of the KG when seeing the Mountain. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, lmsweb said:

Thanks for all the clarifications on the Northern Houses. I'll admit it, I mostly just want to see the 10 year old girl Lyanna Mormont march into Winterfell with Sansa with a ginormous Northern army at her back.

That's not happening, she is holding her house she stays put, there will be enough houses with females to keep you happy, just not a ten year old.

57 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

As a Stark, the person who delivers the sentence has to carry it out.  So in your scenario, Sansa would have to deliver the sentence.


Well, I suppose she could use her poison bead necklace from the purple wedding, oh wait ...

That little rule can be circumvented if Jon is the deciding factor but defers to Sansa, asking her what she wants done with him. She could decide to kill him, Jon could serve him his sentence as a traitor and a murderer and then kill him. You know, in a perfect world anyway ...

Dinklage's acting against the dragon puppets was excellent, I agree. Some of the best material he's had since probably his trial. The first scene, not so much though ...

ETA: I'm super happy Ghost did not have to be sacrificed for Jon to come back either. I know some of us were worried about that. Ghost has been getting a good amount of screen time these past two episodes. Hopefully he doesn't disappear after this.

Edited by Alayne Stone
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

Some things I'm unclear of. 

Brienne not telling Sansa that Arya was with the Hound.  Brienne didn't know the Hound prior to their battle, right?  But Pod knew him.  This means that Brienne and Pod would have both agreed to keep this news from Sansa.  Unless they're withholding it temporarily.

Someone upthread stated Jon knew Rickon and Bran were alive.  Is this true?  When did he find out?

Was Ned Stark the only honorable man in the North?  What is with these Northerners, and why are they tying themselves to the Boltons?  What about all The North Remembers BS?

It's odd how folks just show up and stay as long as they wish at the wall.  Melisandre has huge chambers, and seems to come and go at will.  It's like a cold B&B.  Who mans the lobby and checks the guests in?

Sam told him, as they were talking abot Craster's keep, also he saw Summer and Shaggy kill some wildlings durying the horse stelling episode.

  • Love 1

Does Sansa even have the upper body strength to decapitate someone? It seems like a Theon vs. Rodrik Cassel situation. Not that Ramsay doesn't deserve to have someone hack at his head for half an hour to take it off, but...

Bran/Meera: Leaf's line was "He isn't going to stay here forever, and out there, he needs you" (or similar). Upon more reflection, it doesn't sound like as much of a guarantee as I thought. Seems more like speculation than anything prophetic.

Edited by Eyes High
5 minutes ago, DigitalCount said:

Another thought I had was that these guys aren't willing to waste time. The killing of Doran last week, Roose and Balon this week...the deck-clearing is happening and fast. I'm very glad to see that they're doing this.

I am too.

I know GRRM will flesh things out quite a bit more (or some would say drag things out, or pad them) and if and when he ever publishes that will be nice or annoying depending on your point of view.  Personally, I think I will enjoy the books a hell of a lot more when I'm not looking for the resolution, since the show will have already provided it.  Then again GRRM could petulantly or naturally change it all up anyway, but again, don't care, I know he told the writers his intentions, and frankly, I'll go with that.

I hope the Vikings/Pirates story coming back doesn't mean they are actually important to the end story, but only that they offer cinematic filming.  I never cared about them, and frankly, except for Theon, always pretty much groaned when they showed up in yet another disconnected chapter.  Dorne?  I know some seriously loved that story, but again, I had a difficult time not just being annoyed that there was now yet another reason to not get back to the characters I already cared about.  Also, a couple of other red herring characters have complete disappeared from the screen story, so yeah, not worth caring about in an overall story way.

I love watching the non book readers bitch about Arya's story being repetitive and boring.  Uh, yeah, try reading it.  It makes me wonder what the books will be like, since the show is moving everyone else forward pretty fast, but Arya just stagnates.

This episode was pretty much a confirmation of informed speculation, and really showing that all the guesses were right.  Jon's a Targ, or why put Lyanna in the same episode?  Tyrion is probably also a Targ, because the dragons are fine with him.  I also wonder if he's a chimera since his eyes are different colors, etc.  Dani, Tyrion, and Jon are almost certainly the 3 headed dragon, or at the very least, the dragon riders.

Honestly, my favorite part of the show is that we will get an ending.  I can wait for the wall of no doubt occasionally beautiful words that GRRM will use to tell his. 

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As annoying as Roose could be, he was able to see the big picture and play the long game. The bit he missed, though, was the defective piece he put into play at Winterfell.


Would the northern houses so willingly march on Castle Black? Especially if winter is coming. No doubt, rumors or white walkers and wildlings coming south have circulated. 

  • Love 1
43 minutes ago, kittykat said:

Wasn't Jamie calling the sparrow out on their hypocrisy of punishing the women way more harshly than the men for the same sins?  He pretty much called him out and said he should've been arrested just as much as Cersei.

I think they haven't arrested Jamie because he is not in power like Cersei and Margery were. As soon as they get any dirt on Tommen, he's toast too.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, HumblePi said:

NOOOOOOOO!  JUST NOOOOO!   Damn that red witch!.  I did not want to see Jon Snow alive again, but I KNEW they'd do it for his fans.  Such a disappointment, but how marvelous that a woman could bring back a man from the dead when he's been dead for a long time.  And all this time I was singing the song from the Wizard of Oz; "He's not only merely dead, he's really most sincerely dead". 


It felt like the fans had written it. Far too easy -- and I'd prefer Davos be all about getting Shireen back, not Jon. What's his fixation with Jon and the Night's Watch anyway? And he hated and distrusted Melisandre and her magic, from page 1. So that all feels false to me.

Loved seeing Tyrion with the dragons. I was hoping he'd be the one to tame them -- he's smart and well-read, so I expected he'd picked up something valuable he could share. 

I missed Dany, but enjoyed everything else.

  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Does Sansa even have the upper body strength to decapitate someone? It seems like a Theon vs. Rodrik Cassel situation. Not that Ramsay doesn't deserve to have someone hack at his head for half an hour to take it off, but...

Bran/Meera: Leaf's line was "He isn't going to stay here forever, and out there, he needs you" (or similar). Upon more reflection, it doesn't sound like as much of a guarantee as I thought. Seems more like speculation than anything prophetic.

Well Long Claw is Valayrian steel, and Sophie is taller then Kit, and seeing that MoFo would put her adrenalin up into the stratosphere.

She could possibly do it.

But she just may feed him to his girls.

  • Love 2

Every episode makes me wish more and more that George would get done with those books because I know whatever's he's going to give us is going to be ten times what we're seeing on the screen. 

Everything about Jon's death from the stabbing to the resurrection was so perfunctory. It's so strange how they basically tried to suck all the drama out of it. Why not have the resurrection right as Thorne was trying to get to Jon's body and the Wildlings attack? Wouldn't that be a more interesting scenario than what happened in tonight's episode? Everything is so goddamn small and lame. At this point, I really think they're going to fuck up a R + L = J by making it as uninteresting as possible. And maybe after that, they'll have a Jon and Sansa reunion off-screen. 

Seriously though, if I'm glad for the quick resurrection just because we should be getting a Jon/Sansa scene and I want that more than anything else at this point. 

  • Love 1

There are so many redemption arcs of once horrible characters (Theon...Melisandre, Jaime... etc.) in this show that I truly wouldn't be shocked if Ramsay or the reanimated corpse of Joffrey ended up marrying Arya and ruling Westeros by the end of the show.

So is Hodor (Willis) going to be like the Chief from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?

I guess the Heart tree is the GOT equivalent of a cyber cafe or the Matrix.

Dana White needs to sign the Mountain and the Giant to replace MacGregor for UFC 200.

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

It felt like the fans had written it. Far too easy -- and I'd prefer Davos be all about getting Shireen back, not Jon. What's his fixation with Jon and the Night's Watch anyway? And he hated and distrusted Melisandre and her magic, from page 1. So that all feels false to me.

Loved seeing Tyrion with the dragons. I was hoping he'd be the one to tame them -- he's smart and well-read, so I expected he'd picked up something valuable he could share. 

I missed Dany, but enjoyed everything else.


 This is what bothers me too. Davos and SHireen had one of the closest relationships in the whole show, but Davos hasn't even acknowledged her death (or Stannis's really) and is all about Jon for some reason. It makes no sense

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

When Alliser and the bad guys were trying to break into Jon's room, and then the pounding noise ...... well, apparently I'm five.  I actually had to stand up because I couldn't sit still from excitement.  Loved seeing the Wildlings loyalty to Jon and his comrades. 

I'm slightly disappointed that we didn't see Thorne killed.  I'm not out for vengeance against Ollie, because I've always understood his motivation.  But I was really hoping to see Ghost put an end to Thorne.

I thought Ramsay would kill Roose, but I didn''t expect it in that moment.  Unlike his father, Ramsay at least had the courage to look his victim in the face as he killed him.  I was horrified by Walda and baby's deaths.  I kind of ff'd, then rewound to watch.  It felt like Ramsay was feeling something about what he was doing.  Sort of like when he sat at Myranda's bedside. 

Everything about Sansa's and Theon's scenes moved me.  She's so forgiving (as am I).  This is where I hoped Theon's character was going, although I feared he would die this season by sacrificing himself for Sansa. 

For the first time, I'm interested in the Iron Islands.

Loved Tyrion's interaction with the dragons, but hate seeing his continued mocking of Varys.  It seems so unnecessary.  Hopefully Dany's two littlest boys will not immediately hunt children.

Jon's resurrection:  I was standing up and kind of dancing in place with anticipation.  I couldn't totally geek out and alert the rest of the household.  I'm glad he will be alive when Sansa gets there (I'm assuming).

 I seems so completely 100% consistent with his character. Tyrion has been mocking everyone since the beginning 

4 hours ago, Winnief said:

To be fair, while it really doesn't seem like Roose should have fell prey to Ramsay given the former has about 50 IQ points on the latter, it MAY be that Ramsay murdering Roose is set to happen in the books as well. 


 Ramsay has been shown being very intelligent in both the shows and the books.

Edited by J----av

I enjoyed this episode although I think it suffered, even more so than the first, from too many storylines. It's understandable given that the characters are so spread out (even with the show bringing together characters that are far apart in the books) but it felt a little choppy. I'm so glad they decided to resurrect Jon in the second episode instead of dragging it out for half the season. One question though. Was the prophecy that Azor Ahai would be reborn amidst smoke and salt a book only thing because if not doesn't that rule Jon out as AA? I always thought Jon was the more likely candidate for AA/TPtwP between him and Dany in the books but at this point it seems Dany fits more criteria in the show. I suppose he could be reborn again but that seems like a little much.

Davos' devotion to Jon does seem a bit out of no where (I do wish the show had built up the relationship between the two a little more last season), however, I'm not letting it bother me because I love those two characters and I want them as allies. I'm guessing Davos doesn't know about Shireen yet, which is why he doesn't seem to have much anger towards Melisandre. Otherwise his attitude towards her makes no sense. 

Tyrion the dragon whisperer played out much better on screen than it did in the spoilers. I think the way it was set up neither confirms nor denies the speculation that Tyrion is the son of Joanna and Aerys (the Mad King). It was established that the dragons are intelligent and don't attack those who are friendly with their mother. Varys also didn't seem to be awed by Tyrion's ability to survive the dragon encounter. However, it does seem like they're setting up Tyrion as a possible dragon rider, which does give the theory some credibility.

I continue to be deeply disappointed in Show Jamie and have almost given up all hope of him ever getting even a watered down version of his wonderful redemption arc from the books. One of the key elements of that is cutting ties with Cersei and so far he's still devoted to her. I know it's been speculated that he doesn't yet know about Lancel, but I'm wondering how can he not? He knows about the walk of shame so likely he knows the reason why. Perhaps Cersei told him she was lying and only confessed in order to escape imprisonment. If that's the case, I really think that conversation should have happened on screen. If so, maybe Lancel confessing to him is what makes him believe it. That's my only hope at this point. 

For the first time ever, Bran's storyline is one of the most interesting. I loved seeing the flashbacks of Winterfell during a happier time. The casting of the young Starks was also quite good. It's clear that whatever caused Hodor to become brain damaged is significant since the main revelation of the flashback was that Hodor was able to say more than "hodor" and had another name. I look forward to finding out what it was.

The Sansa/Theon/Brienne scenes continue to be some of the best of the show. I loved Sansa's reaction to finding out Arya is alive. Sophie Turner's acting has been very impressive this season so far. It was odd that Brienne didn't use The Hound's name when telling the story of her encounter with Arya. I think we're supposed to believe she didn't know who he was, which would be understandable if Pod hadn't been with her. I don't think it was meant to be significant. Sophie Turner and Alfie Allen have great chemistry together. I love the relationship between their two characters. The show has done a great job of redeeming Theon and I give credit both to the writing and the actor for this. 

I'm really looking forward to next week with the Tower of Joy scenes and the not so surprising big reveal. I'm also curious to see the aftermath of Jon Snow's resurrection. I think maybe they're keeping the traitor's alive so that Jon can be the one to decide their ultimate fate (hopefully death even to unsympathetic orphan boy Ollie). 

  • Love 1

Yeah, Jamie's story suffered the most on the TV show.  I really loved him in the books, and that was quite an accomplishment, considering in his first story he tried to throw Bran to his death.  I feel that the show writers wrote more for Cersei, because of the actress, and their story, but especially Jamie's, suffered because of that.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, J----av said:

 Finding Dany's ring wasn't THAT crazy because there was a untrampled area in the grass were the Dothraki circled around her

There was a small patch of grass surrounded by a huge circle of torn-up ground, so fair enough. I call bullshit on Jorah looking down and finding it virtually right at his feet, though, which is what the direction of his gaze in that scene suggested.


 This is what bothers me too. Davos and SHireen had one of the closest relationships in the whole show, but Davos hasn't even acknowledged her death (or Stannis's really) and is all about Jon for some reason. It makes no sense

It makes sense to me. First of all, Davos isn't much to talk about his own grief; he barely talks about Matthos, a son he loved deeply. On the other point, Davos, to me, at this point seems like a guy who's probably looking for some good news. The man he followed with unmatched loyalty and devotion is dead, and the girl he loved like a daughter is dead too (or so he probably surmised from Melisandre's bleak look in response to his asking about them). He has nothing to live for and no one to fight for, and he needs that. He needs something to hold on to or else he's going to succumb to the same despair as Melisandre and Jon's loyal followers. He can't do anything for either Stannis or Shireen, but he can do something, or at least try to do something, in this terrible situation he's found himself in. Everyone around him is grieving, desperate, and broken, and he's trying to do something constructive to fix this situation, because he can't fix what happened to Stannis, and he can't fix what happened to Shireen. He's not doing this so much for Jon, since I agree he doesn't seem to hold any great or profound friendship for Jon, but for everyone, including himself. All of them need to have something to believe in, and Jon symbolizes that for him. Just like Tyrion with the dragons, Davos is making his own good news.

...or at least that's my sense of it.

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 10
23 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

There was a small patch of grass surrounded by a huge circle of torn-up ground, so fair enough. I call bullshit on Jorah looking down and finding it virtually right at his feet, though, which is what the direction of his gaze in that scene suggested.

It makes sense to me. First of all, Davos isn't much to talk about his own grief; he barely talks about Matthos, a son he loved deeply. On the other point, Davos, to me, at this point seems like a guy who's probably looking for some good news. The man he followed with unmatched loyalty and devotion is dead, and the girl he loved like a daughter is dead too (or so he probably surmised from Melisandre's bleak look in response to his asking about them). He has nothing to live for and no one to fight for, and he needs that. He needs something to hold on to or else he's going to succumb to the same despair as Melisandre and Jon's loyal followers. He can't do anything for either Stannis or Shireen, but he can do something, or at least try to do something, in this terrible situation he's found himself in. Everyone around him is grieving, desperate, and broken, and he's trying to do something constructive to fix this situation, because he can't fix what happened to Stannis, and he can't fix what happened to Shireen. He's not doing this so much for Jon, since I agree he doesn't seem to hold any great or profound friendship for Jon, but for everyone, including himself. All of them need to have something to believe in, and Jon symbolizes that for him. Just like Tyrion with the dragons, Davos is making his own good news.

...or at least that's my sense of it.


 They have literally given Davos no reaction to Shireen's death but a 1 second look last season. Davos isn't much to talk about his own grief, but for him to not get anything is absurd. There didn't even seem to be a bit of animosity toward Mel when they talked. Its sloppy writing and it seems like it was done just to keep the Jon show (which unfortunately the show is becoming) rolling. What you said about Davos and Jon is likely true, but they have done a terrible job building it up. 

 And Jorah just went to the center of the small circle where Dany would have been standing. Thats not all that crazy

10 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Am I the only who wasn't sad about Jon Snow being dead? He really does nothing for me as a character, and I don't really care much for the actor. Oh well, to each their own.


 The books and show were far more interesting when he was not the central character IMO. He is far to much of the generic underdog hero for my liking

Edited by J----av
  • Love 3

wow.  many of you actually thought he was dead?  he was on set all year last year...that can't be all flashbacks.

it would appear my theory "might" be right.  i think jon accidentally warged into ghost during the stabbings as a reflex to save his life and melissadra inadvertantly brought him back to his body with her ritual not knowing he is a warg.  notice how in ep 1 and 2 they focus a lot on ghost.  he is a warg.  tehnically, he died with all those stabbings and is no longer bound by his night watch oath.  so he is free to pursue the north and deal with the coming war.

loving that this season, everything will be new since the show is for once ahead of the books.

loving the flashback featuring lillynette.  loving tyrion addressing the dragons.  all these ties into the prophecy in some way, shape and form in the upcoming war.  it's all jumbled right now but when it all comes to fruition, it will be beautiful.

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, lovebug1975 said:

wow.  many of you actually thought he was dead?  he was on set all year last year...that can't be all flashbacks.

it would appear my theory "might" be right.  i think jon accidentally warged into ghost during the stabbings as a reflex to save his life and melissadra inadvertantly brought him back to his body with her ritual not knowing he is a warg.  notice how in ep 1 and 2 they focus a lot on ghost.  he is a warg.  tehnically, he died with all those stabbings and is no longer bound by his night watch oath.  so he is free to pursue the north and deal with the coming war.

loving that this season, everything will be new since the show is for once ahead of the books.

loving the flashback featuring lillynette.  loving tyrion addressing the dragons.  all these ties into the prophecy in some way, shape and form in the upcoming war.  it's all jumbled right now but when it all comes to fruition, it will be beautiful.

 If Jon on the show warged into ghost that the show did a terrible job setting that up

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, J----av said:

 If Jon on the show warged into ghost that the show did a terrible job setting that up

well, i said "might", but yes and no on setting it up.

i think warging is more instinct and u do it on something or someone u have a deep connection with to start off.  with bran, it's hodor.  with jon, it would naturally be with ghost, something that will be receptive to him.  distance wise, not that far fetch.  that one wildling warged into an eagle way above the sky.  ghost is within the vicinity......putting ghost near jon during the stabbing would have completely given the book readers a huge hint as to ghost's importance and taken away the possibility that jon is really dead.  they had to do it for marketing purposes, as poor as it was.  maybe g martin "might" not have liked it if i had to guess, but the moneybags (hbo) will always prevail in that argument, if any.

Forgot to mention the Bolton stuff. If they don't have House Manderly secretly support the Starks and betray the Boltons I'm going to be all kinds of pissed. That was one of my favorite parts of ADwD and it would be such an insult to the books and the fans to reduce the Manderlys to Bolton supporters. I know things won't happen in exactly the same way as in the books but I really hope TPTB give us something.

Ramsay is one of the worst characters on the show and I can't wait until he's dead. Roose was a much more interesting character with more potential so of course he's the one that gets killed off in favor of Ramsay, though there are indications that this may happen in the books as well (unlike the similar and much worse situation in Dorne with killing off Doran Martell in favor of Ellaria and the Sand Snakes). I rolled my eyes when they had Walda walking around within hours of giving birth as though nothing had happened. The whole Winterfell storyline felt very rushed.

Oh, and Arya is still a nonentity. I look forward to her return to Westeros whenever that is.

  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, glowbug said:

Forgot to mention the Bolton stuff. If they don't have House Manderly secretly support the Starks and betray the Boltons I'm going to be all kinds of pissed. That was one of my favorite parts of ADwD and it would be such an insult to the books and the fans to reduce the Manderlys to Bolton supporters. I know things won't happen in exactly the same way as in the books but I really hope TPTB give us something.

Ramsay is one of the worst characters on the show and I can't wait until he's dead. Roose was a much more interesting character with more potential so of course he's the one that gets killed off in favor of Ramsay, though there are indications that this may happen in the books as well (unlike the similar and much worse situation in Dorne with killing off Doran Martell in favor of Ellaria and the Sand Snakes). I rolled my eyes when they had Walda walking around within hours of giving birth as though nothing had happened. The whole Winterfell storyline felt very rushed.

Oh, and Arya is still a nonentity. I look forward to her return to Westeros whenever that is.


 The shitty thing about Arya is she was probably the second or third most popular character in the first 4 seasons and now she is so disjointed from anyone or any other story that she is being forgotten. They keep showing her almost every week so it likely means she has a huge role to play after she is done with the FM. Hopefully anyway

  • Love 1

Let's see how many people will quit the show over a newborn being fed to dogs because that was more vile than any rape I've seen on this show

They just burned a little girl alive on this show. If that didn't make them leave then I doubt that they ever will.



How does Varys already have "Little Birds". Buddy you just arrived. Spy networks take time to set up.

He already had his spy network set up. He was previously using it to report Dany's movements in Kings landing.



He! At least he wasn't forced to take part in the other thing Jamie likes to do over corpses of close relatives...

I would've loved to see what the Septa's reaction would've been if he walked in on that.


Dinklage's acting against the dragon puppets was excellent, I agree. Some of the best material he's had since probably his trial. The first scene, not so much though ...

I think it comes down to the quality of writing. There's only so many eunuch jokes that one can make before the actor starts getting bored with the dialogue.  The writers just need to stop forcing humor and let Dinkelage do his thing.



  Tyrion is probably also a Targ, because the dragons are fine with him.

I doubt it. The writers went out of their way to set up the fact that the dragons weren't just friendly with Targs.


What the hell was Grey Worm wearing?

  • Love 1

When they were doing the failed resurrection fakeout that no one here believed, I got a sense that maybe this is why we never saw Lady Stoneheart. Because it does add more weight to Jon coming back when we never saw it with Catelyn. Were I unsullied I might have been surprised.

(Of course they also might have cut her simply because she doesn't seem to have an endgame part to play. At least not so far as we know.)

42 minutes ago, BookElitist said:

I thought that Walda died of starvation ?

You're thinking of Lady Hornwood, a widow Ramsay married against her will (in the books) to get her lands, which were adjacent to the Bolton lands.  After he married her, he locked her up in a tower and denied her food.  She ate her own fingers, but she died, anyway.

  • Love 3

And another thing with the resurrection.  the other priest, the way he did it, was kind of "incomplete" in a sense that every resurrection repeated, they lose a part of themselves (the one resurrected)......so what makes jon different?

in a way, if melissandra did it the same way/method, she did heal the body.  but "IF" jon did warg out from pure instinct, then the ritual healed jon's body but it was not a resurrection of sorts since the spirit was not "forcefully away" in a sense of death.  so none of jon's original essence is lost due to the warging  melissandra simply healed the body so that when the spirit returns to the vessel, it does not "die".  a warged spirit returning to a dead body....dies.  but again, if mel healed the body to ready it for the warging return, then it is tehnicaly different.

to be honest, i was kind of really, really hoping that they would get to the burning of jon's body before he resurrected.  so that he will rise from the fire and complete the whole azor ahai along with melissandra's lord of light vision thing.  that would have made it even perfect and dramatic.

anyhoo, its just a theory.

  • Love 4

Loved the Wall and Bran's scenes. Sure, Davos asking for a resurrection was a bit shakey, but I find the characters, their dynamics and the coming of the White Walkers so interesting and generally well-handled that I can forgive such wobbles. The Wall has been the best thing about seasons 5/6, I wouldn't have guessed how the Wall plot would entertain me and keep on surprising in a good way. And Winterfell before the Boltons was such a warm, loving place. Lyanna's entrance was great: she didn't really do anything, yet it felt epic because there's been so much fandom chatter about her horsemanship.

King's Landing, on the other hand, doesn't feel that special anymore. It used to be my favorite location, until the end of season 4, but now it feels like it's stuck repeating the same plot with minor variations. The story may have to move from KL to the White Walkers and Dany's eventual invasion, but KL is so lacking in energy right now that it's not in the "doomed but fun to watch" category I was hoping for.

Theon is leaving the superior group of characters and getting stuck with the ironborn. Alfie's one of my favorite actors on the show and it's a shame that the Stark/Sansa buildup is going to be thrown away now that the rape room plot is over.

I'm glad that Tyrion's dragon whispering is due to his use of his brains.

More "badass" Ramsay moments. Zero tension since he always gets his way. He's going to keep on winning until his last minute of screentime when he gets killed after a total reversal of fortune.

  • Love 4

Another great episode for me. Probably because so much of it I can't find through Wikipedia or flicking through a book. These past two episodes are really making a big fan of me (as opposed to casually watching in each week), that I think I need to make time and actually watch the first 4 seasons. Especially now that the Ironborn are back. I have no idea what their deal is and currently reading up on them.

To the person who thinks maybe Jon did warg into Ghost, I had that same feeling last week when Ghost was howling over Jon's body. To me it really did sound like a howling saying 'Guy's I'm in Ghost, help me out' But I was probably projecting my theories onto the howl.

I love Tormund's look of disgust and the forceful opening at the door when it looked like Mel had failed. It really read - 'Thanks for getting my hopes up and wasting my time. Later dudes'

I wonder if I enjoyed the episode cause there wasn't any random plot involving Dany. Her plot and Arya's really needs to hurry up and re-connect with the going ons over in Westeros, before I start to care about their plot point. Actually if everyone's plot could just move to the north that would be appreciated.

A quick question for the more experienced: Exactly how much time has passed between Episode 1 and 2. How long has Jon been dead. The stuff at the Wall seems to have occurred within 24 hours, while other places have had a day and a night (Iron Islands), or possibly more (Kings Landing). I assume Bran's adventure actually occurred before Jon's death. Am I not meant to assume that the show presents events in a linear fashion?

20 minutes ago, Bill1978 said:

A quick question for the more experienced: Exactly how much time has passed between Episode 1 and 2. How long has Jon been dead. The stuff at the Wall seems to have occurred within 24 hours, while other places have had a day and a night (Iron Islands), or possibly more (Kings Landing). I assume Bran's adventure actually occurred before Jon's death. Am I not meant to assume that the show presents events in a linear fashion?

I think if you're a book reader, you'd have to assume that. It's hard to tell from the show; Jon and Myrcella have been dead since last season and their bodies have been in display ever since, while Balon fell and was sent to the sea in the same episode.  I think they are purposely being vague with time so they can hit the story beats they want to hit.

Edited by WearyTraveler

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