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S08.E04: BBQ, Brunch Or Bust

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17 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

Did anyone catch the recent article in "In Touch" about Jules? It's like 4 pages that talked about how Jules husband made his money through investing in the porn industry, pornhub or something. I'm sure he invests in tons of stuff that he doesn't care personally about, but apparently this is like a major deal to some people. He made a fortune off online porn. 

The Bravo site states he's the president of a private equity firm and the firm invests money in various companies. He also has a  law degree, but is not practicing law.

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2 hours ago, breezy424 said:

As some others have already stated, the birthday party was a production event.  Doris said in her blog that John was definitely invited.  And IMO, Beth was thrilled that he showed up so she could have 'drama' time for her package and go 'all Beth' on him.  In the real world, if she was so upset, she could have called Doris and ask her not to bring John.  

As far as etiquette goes, the host should be on the lookout for guests arriving.  The host should approach new guests as soon as she sees them and greet them. 

The reason why the catering truck was in the front yard is because the backyard is all pool and pat

I know two families who have indoor pools.  They're actually great to have in the wintertime if you live in a cold climate.  However, they can't be opened to the living space.  That's just too damn dangerous.  They have to be separated and locked off.  It disturbed me when Jules' husband had that wall knocked out.  I hope they're putting something there.  At the very least glass walls or french doors with a good key only double lock.

They had already put in new drywall and a framework for doors by Sunday, you can see it  very briefly when Michael gives the tour to Bethanny.

Also, Bethanny wouldn't have had to call Dorinda to tell her not to bring John, she had dinner with her the night before her party so would know that John was in the Hamptons. 

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9 hours ago, One More Time said:
10 hours ago, HumblePi said:



New Year, microneedling by the BEST. See not so scary. Downtime is few hours. @mashell_tabe_skincare #skinmatters

Jesus Tap Dancing Christ--MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think he's doing a Moon Walk, too.


"Paging Dr Dubrow, Dr Dubrow, Please report to the mirconeedling room. STAT!"

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16 hours ago, Trooper York said:

John is at the mercy of the producers. You can be sure they liquored him up and fed him stories of how Bethenny was trying to break them up. So he came in hot and said some thing that many people who watch the show believe. He had no choice about going to that abortion of a barbeque. He was contractually obligated. Or at least Dorinda was and he had to go along. Do you think Jules's husband wanted to be there. He seems like a normal guy and he seems to like John just fine.

Dorinda was appalled because she knows that Bethenny can have her fired like she did to Heather and Kristen. So she demanded that he apologize. Which he tried to do but Bethenny wouldn't let him get a word in because I guess she wanted the apology to last as long as her divorce. 

As a fat misshapen sweaty guy from the outer boroughs I hope Carole falls off that hipsters bike and falls through a sewer grate so she can commune with her fellow rat faced finks.

I agree with you here, especially about Carole, but I believe that these people are on this show because they want to be there, they are selling themselves, they want to increase their business, their profiles.  John doesn't seem like a stupid man.  Once you watch even one reality show, you see that you are at the mercy of the producers and whatever storyline they want to use you for.  When you sign that contract, you give the show the rights to use your image any way they see fit.  If Dorinda wanted to be on the show, John could have said, "hell no."  I think that is why, on reality shows, when a party is given, many times it's just cast members there.  I'm sure these women have friends who have told them, "I'm not coming to your house if you're filming your show."  

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Carole gives off serious vibes of being Bethenny's cheerleader when they're around. Her interactions with Heather seemed a lot more of equals. Her relationship with Bethenny seems to be a girl who can't believe she gets to hang out and be friends with the popular girl. Her engaging with Bethenny about Jules right in Jules kitchen is incredibly rude. Their tour and exit was also rude. Carole should probably learn how to dish out apologies if she expects to receive them when she feels wronged. She was a full on bitch this episode. 

I would like to know what was going on with Dorinda that she thought it was a good idea to bring John to Bethenny's home/birthday party. That shouldn't happen unless John speaks to Bethenny beforehand with an apology or do something to appease the tension between the two of them.

Carole behaves like a teenager around her boyfriend, why is she trashing Luanne for hula hooping at a BBQ? And she got all offended that Luanne was age shaming her when it came to dating a much younger guy. What is she doing when she's implying that Luanne is too old to be doing something? Luanne not acknowledging her part in her fight with Carole is pretty stupid. Don't both of them owe each other an apology? It seems like they both said nasty things about each other, whether publicly or gossiping about each other to other people. 

However you slice it Bethenny, the man is at your home. Either ask him to leave or treat him like a guest. She ended up being dismissive to all the guests who were around him. Walking up to someone and starting off with "listen" and then ending with walking away abruptly and having him say "that was nice, I can end with that" made me laugh...really tells you something about what you can expect from Bethenny, lol. Bethenny can't help but give people unsolicited advice and offend them. 

For the record, that is what I consider a BBQ, lol. Comfortable outfits, delicious smoked BBQ. It made me hungry. Well it was a BBQ minus the fun. 

Edited by RHJunkie
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2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Carole gives off serious vibes of being Bethenny's cheerleader when they're around. Her interactions with Heather seemed a lot more of equals. Her relationship with Bethenny seems to be a girl who can't believe she gets to hang out and be friends with the popular girl. Her engaging with Bethenny about Jules right in Jules kitchen is incredibly rude. Their tour and exit was also rude. Carole should probably learn how to dish out apologies if she expects to receive them when she feels wronged. She was a full on bitch this episode. 

I would like to know what was going on with Dorinda that she thought it was a good idea to bring John to Bethenny's home/birthday party. That shouldn't happen unless John speaks to Bethenny beforehand with an apology or do something to appease the tension between the two of them.

Carole behaves like a teenager around her boyfriend, why is she trashing Luanne for hula hooping at a BBQ? And she got all offended that Luanne was age shaming her when it came to dating a much younger guy. What is she doing when she's implying that Luanne is too old to be doing something? Luanne not acknowledging her part in her fight with Carole is pretty stupid. Don't both of them owe each other an apology? It seems like they both said nasty things about each other, whether publicly or gossiping about each other to other people. 

However you slice it Bethenny, the man is at your home. Either ask him to leave or treat him like a guest. She ended up being dismissive to all the guests who were around him. Walking up to someone and starting off with "listen" and then ending with walking away abruptly and having him say "that was nice, I can end with that" made me laugh...really tells you something about what you can expect from Bethenny, lol. Bethenny can't help but give people unsolicited advice and offend them. 

For the record, that is what I consider a BBQ, lol. Comfortable outfits, delicious smoked BBQ. It made me hungry. Well it was a BBQ minus the fun. 

I agree, Heather/Carole were equals and more like real life friends which made Carole more likeable and she is coming off as shallow/mean with Bethenny, it is like she has morphed into a Bethenny II. In her blog, Carole says that Luann kept up the name calling/shaming/ugliness on twitter until a week before filming began for this season and that is why she is still upset with her on camera. I think had Luann stopped the twitter attacks against Carole after the reunion was filmed, things would have calmed down between them by now but Luann would just not let go.

Edited by WireWrap
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I like Jules. However, her kids could grow up to be bratty.

The rich kid brat thing I think is sort of problem with the parent/ nanny relationship. If you are a nanny, you do whatever the kids want to keep them happy. If the kids aren't happy, then the parents get rid of you. I nannied a few years ago for a richish family in Georgetown. Their daughter was 12 and was a huge brat. If I didn't do what she said she would tell her parents to fire me. One day the mom wanted us to go swimming, but the girl wanted to stay home. The mom told me she expected us to go swimming. The girl refused. When I called the mom to tell her that the daughter was refusing to go, SHE FIRED ME! Can you believe that? Jules kids will probably be brats, but they will be surrounded by peers who are also brats, and then grown-ups that were raised like them, so it all works out. 

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21 hours ago, HumblePi said:

There's one last thing that doesn't mean anything except that I felt a little badly for Jules when it happened. It was when Bethenny and Carole were hurriedly leaving Jules home after the brunch and apparently couldn't get out fast enough. Carole and Jules hugged and kissed on the cheek. Jules looked directly into Carole's face and smiled sweetly and said "thank you so much for coming". But, Carole was in such a rush to leave that she was already turned away and didn't bother responding. The look on Jules's face at that moment was very sad. She was trying to be gracious and sincere but those two snotty bitches couldn't appreciate a single thing Jules or Michael did for them.

I also felt badly for Jules. She was a nice host and welcomed them to her home quite kindly. I get that her house is under construction and it probably wasn't the easiest to get to from Bethenny's, but Carole and Bethenny acted like brats during the drive there and while trying to exit hastily. I honestly wouldn't invite them again if I were Jules.

I also found it annoying when Bethenny complained that Jules didn't open the door for her. I think John did. I am guessing Jules was elsewhere preparing for the guests - I doubt it was an intentional etiquette faux pas.

Edited by trimthatfat
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I think it is hard to judge people parenting  based on a few minutes on a reality show. I think they love their kids and it is a rookie mistake to have those kids in front of the cameras. I am sure that was part of the deal for them. It isn't until you have power like Bethenny or if the husband refuses permission that you can exclude them from the show. Kristen made the same mistake by having her young kids on the show.

That is a lot of what is going on with John as well. Don't get me wrong. He is just as big a fame whore as the rest of them. He desperately wants to promote his businesses on TV. But it is a deal with the devil. To get on he has to show up at all of the events they want him to be eat and create the drama they want in the way that they want. They need a foil for Bethenny and Carole and he is obviously a safe target. So since he made his bargain he has to take the hits. His only recourse is what he says and even then they can edit it out to make him look like a fool. If he tried to pull back they might have dropped him the same way they must have dropped Kristen when Josh refused to play the role of target. Especially with the controversy about that website. When you are the designated hittee if you have to stand there like a pinata and let them whack away at you. 

Thank God that Jason is shielding his daughter from this mess.

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3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I agree, Heather/Carole were equals and more like real life friends which made Carole more likeable and she is coming off as shallow/mean with Bethenny, it is like she has morphed into a Bethenny II. In her blog, Carole says that Luann kept up the name calling/shaming/ugliness on twitter until a week before filming began for this season and that is why she is still upset with her on camera. I think had Luann stopped the twitter attacks against Carole after the reunion was filmed, things would have calmed down between them by now but Luann would just not let go.

So because Luann kept tweeting things, Carole has decided that it's okay for her to act like a hypocrite? The very things she was taken offense to when Luann was saying them to her are the same kinds of things she's now saying about Luann and thinking she's so clever and witty. Luann was insensitive and judgemental of Carole but she's not responsible for Carole behaving like a sour hypocrite and for that, Carole looks worse in my books. In my books, it's about as bad as it gets having to deal or be around someone who wants to call out someone for their words and actions yet exhibit the same kind of commentary and behaviour that they are reprimanding others for. Carole can go ahead and take several seats. 

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2 hours ago, Trooper York said:

I think it is hard to judge people parenting  based on a few minutes on a reality show. I think they love their kids and it is a rookie mistake to have those kids in front of the cameras. I am sure that was part of the deal for them. It isn't until you have power like Bethenny or if the husband refuses permission that you can exclude them from the show. Kristen made the same mistake by having her young kids on the show.

That is a lot of what is going on with John as well. Don't get me wrong. He is just as big a fame whore as the rest of them. He desperately wants to promote his businesses on TV. But it is a deal with the devil. To get on he has to show up at all of the events they want him to be eat and create the drama they want in the way that they want. They need a foil for Bethenny and Carole and he is obviously a safe target. So since he made his bargain he has to take the hits. His only recourse is what he says and even then they can edit it out to make him look like a fool. If he tried to pull back they might have dropped him the same way they must have dropped Kristen when Josh refused to play the role of target. Especially with the controversy about that website. When you are the designated hittee if you have to stand there like a pinata and let them whack away at you. 

Thank God that Jason is shielding his daughter from this mess.

Jules' kids are at an age I assumed they wouldn't be affected by the usual phony baloney reality TV crapola.  But um, no.  Actually at this age, they can be easily used as pawns for ridicule.  Alex's & Simon's kids were used the same way years ago.  Seriously, who here would want their child to be called a "pterodactyl baby" by Bethenny?  And I pose this question to the usual suspects who say they love, love, love, love, love, love Bethenny no matter what horrible/awful/nasty/mean shit she says or does.  Is making nasty cracks on someone's innocent child supposed to be hysterical?  It sure as fuck ain't to me.  Try calling Bethenny's kid a pterodactyl baby and see what happens.

Hey look, I'm very, very hesitant to be the one to defend John -- merely because he's been a great dry cleaner for me.  I mean, so he's a good dry cleaner.  I don't really give a shit whether he's a grubby character in his personal life.  What the fuck is that my business anyway -- or Bethenny's or snooty fuckin' Carole's or anyone else for that matter?  

You know, I didn't even realize it was Carole who said John was "sweaty & misshapen".  I figured it was Bethenny because it's just the kind of horrible thing she would say.  God, what an awful thing to say about someone on camera.  And what the hell did John do to her that would make Carole say such a horrible thing?  Is it that Carole is following up on Bethenny hate-rant on John?  Real nice, Carole.  Keep following Bethenny, hun.  She'll lead you to a place where you have ZERO friends & the only people who attend your birthday parties are the ones who are paid to.

What I used to like about Bethenny was her calling people out on their bullshit -- whether it was Lu or Moaner or even Sonja.  I'd like to see her doing that with John.  If he's full of crap then great, call him out for it -- and tell us exactly why you think he's full of crap.  But just calling him fat & grubby & unattractive in 50 different ways, for seemingly not enough cause, is very ugly & unpleasant to watch.  I'm not digging Bethenny at all this season.  Sheesh, her non-stop onslaught of vitriolic hatred, nastiness & negativity (so far to John & Jules, but it looks like Lu will be getting it next), combined with almost no humor has been really blech.

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On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 11:22 AM, Jack Terrier said:

I'm not sure about Jules yet...but she did say something that made me realize she's no dummy.  

Paraphrasing:  I just ACT like I don't notice things but I absolutely do.  


She knows Beth and Carole are being bitchy behind her back (or actually within earshot to her face) but she's not reacting, YET.  Jules may have some balls.  She just hadn't been pushed far enough to get dirty so far.  I say give it a few more episodes.

I like Jules & Michael. They were being hospitable & made a nice brunch for the ladies. Bethenny was rude to trash Jules house renovations. Who does that?

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Actually, I'm really looking forward to Bethenny calling Lu out for her phony baloney bullshit.  I never tire of that.

What I'd really like to see is for Bethenny to turn on Carole.  Find her ghostwriter & out him/her!  Eh, Carole is way, way, way too happy being Bethenny's bitch/follower.  Almost makes me want Veevs back to torture her again.  Almost, but not quite.

Wish there was someone on this thing who had the guts to go against Bethenny.  Veevs would have.  Not that I want her back, or the producers would even think of asking her back, but she would have.  And Jillzy would have too.  But this is Bethenny's universe.  And she ain't EVER gonna bring Jillzy back -- or bring on anyone she knows she can't bully, manipulate and easily extinguish with her hatred, nastiness & meanness.

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34 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

So because Luann kept tweeting things, Carole has decided that it's okay for her to act like a hypocrite? The very things she was taken offense to when Luann was saying them to her are the same kinds of things she's now saying about Luann and thinking she's so clever and witty. Luann was insensitive and judgemental of Carole but she's not responsible for Carole behaving like a sour hypocrite and for that, Carole looks worse in my books. In my books, it's about as bad as it gets having to deal or be around someone who wants to call out someone for their words and actions yet exhibit the same kind of commentary and behaviour that they are reprimanding others for. Carole can go ahead and take several seats. 

I think her, Carole's, point was/is that she is still angry with being called a "pedophile" and other assorted names by Luann just a week prior to Luann trying to make look like nothing is wrong. Yes, Carole is wrong for calling Luann names back but I get it. Luann was doing 1 thing off camera then pretending something very different on camera. I suspect that Luann was terrified that Bethenny and Carole were/are as close as they are and was trying to do some fast foot work to make Carole look like the grudge holder and herself look like she has been trying to make peace with her the whole off season to viewers. For me, Luann is the hypocrite, doing 1 thing while claiming the opposite and Carole is the one playing it straight, saying/doing the same thing. Carole isn't claiming she forgives what Luann did to her/Adam, it is Luann doing that. In other words, I think Carole is being honest in how she feels about Luann, while Luann is lying and playing games just to win viewers.

3 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Actually, I'm really looking forward to Bethenny calling Lu out for her phony baloney bullshit.  I never tire of that.

What I'd really like to see is for Bethenny to turn on Carole.  Find her ghostwriter & out him/her!  Eh, Carole is way, way, way too happy being Bethenny's bitch/follower.  Almost makes me want Veevs back to torture her again.  Almost, but not quite.

Wish there was someone on this thing who had the guts to go against Bethenny.  Veevs would have.  Not that I want her back, or the producers would even think of asking her back, but she would have.  And Jillzy would have too.  But this is Bethenny's universe.  And she ain't EVER gonna bring Jillzy back -- or bring on anyone she knows she can't bully, manipulate and easily extinguish with her hatred, nastiness & meanness.

Nahhhh, Aviva would never call Bethenny out, she would have crawled up her butt, kicked Carole out and set up house in there herself. I think even Jill would do the same if given a chance to get back on this show. LOL

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6 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Nahhhh, Aviva would never call Bethenny out, she would have crawled up her butt, kicked Carole out and set up house in there herself. I think even Jill would do the same if given a chance to get back on this show. LOL

The thing about both of those 2 is they were very unpredictable & not exactly easy to control.  I suspect Bethenny would not want to deal with that at all.

Moaner is really not giving us much this season.  She seems distracted.  Is it that she's super frisky (er, horny) & on the constant look-out to hook up or is it something else?  I miss Ramonja.  The lite fun of the 2 of 'em together would be a welcome break from the onslaught & heaviness of Bethenny's negativity.

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1 minute ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

The thing about both of those 2 is they were very unpredictable & not exactly easy to control.  I suspect Bethenny would not want to deal with that at all.

Moaner is really not giving us much this season.  She seems distracted.  Is it that she's super frisky (er, horny) & on the constant look-out to hook up or is it something else?  I miss Ramonja.  The lite fun of the 2 of 'em together would be a welcome break from the onslaught & heaviness of Bethenny's negativity.

It was Bethenny that got Aviva on the show to begin with, so I don't doubt she would be a kiss ass and Jill is desperate to get her old job back, really desperate.

Ramona isn't going to be close to Sonja this season and risk incurring Bethenny's wrath. Bethenny is furious at Sonja over the drink name. Ramona knows who to side with to keep her paycheck coming. LOL

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10 hours ago, Neurochick said:

As a fat misshapen sweaty guy from the outer boroughs I hope Carole falls off that hipsters bike and falls through a sewer grate so she can commune with her fellow rat faced finks.

Thanks for the reminder.  When she said she felt sorry for John because he is misshapen and sweaty...what a self-important, bitch...and it's not like I even like the guy. 

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:


Nahhhh, Aviva would never call Bethenny out, she would have crawled up her butt, kicked Carole out and set up house in there herself. I think even Jill would do the same if given a chance to get back on this show. LOL

Don't quote me on this, but I think Andy said Bethenny recommended that Aviva be cast on the show. So I think Bethenny and Aviva are 'friendly'.

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2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

So because Luann kept tweeting things, Carole has decided that it's okay for her to act like a hypocrite? The very things she was taken offense to when Luann was saying them to her are the same kinds of things she's now saying about Luann and thinking she's so clever and witty. Luann was insensitive and judgemental of Carole but she's not responsible for Carole behaving like a sour hypocrite and for that, Carole looks worse in my books. In my books, it's about as bad as it gets having to deal or be around someone who wants to call out someone for their words and actions yet exhibit the same kind of commentary and behaviour that they are reprimanding others for. Carole can go ahead and take several seats. 

Didn't Bethenny say at the beginning of the season on WWHL, they had hashed everything out and were so cool with each other they all went out dinner after taping the Reunion.  Seems there is a fair amount of manufactured drama.  We are a quarter of a way through the season and LuAnn and Carole can't be in the same room together.  It seems one of them needs to go and my vote would be Carole.  Bethenny has a doorman, and a room full of paid assistants, Carole is redundant.

1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

The thing about both of those 2 is they were very unpredictable & not exactly easy to control.  I suspect Bethenny would not want to deal with that at all.

Moaner is really not giving us much this season.  She seems distracted.  Is it that she's super frisky (er, horny) & on the constant look-out to hook up or is it something else?  I miss Ramonja.  The lite fun of the 2 of 'em together would be a welcome break from the onslaught & heaviness of Bethenny's negativity.

Ramona is a dud and should have exited last year.  She was Bethenny's punchline.  Now she is just boring.  Something about her obsession with dating.  There is a reason she always has a date-no one wants a second one with her.

1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

It was Bethenny that got Aviva on the show to begin with, so I don't doubt she would be a kiss ass and Jill is desperate to get her old job back, really desperate.

Ramona isn't going to be close to Sonja this season and risk incurring Bethenny's wrath. Bethenny is furious at Sonja over the drink name. Ramona knows who to side with to keep her paycheck coming. LOL

Bethenny didn't get Aviva on the show, when asked by Andy about her, Bethenny mentioned one leg and an ex-husband that had slept with both Sonja and LuAnn was a great storyline.  Anyway that is the story Bethenny repeated on WWHL.   I don't think Bethenny even knew her before she was on the show.

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Aviva appeared on Bethenny's talk show during her maiden season. It was apparent to me that they did not know each other beyond perhaps having met once or twice. As Bethenny recounted, she recommended Aviva to take her spot in season 4 based on the one-leg origin story and the six degrees of separation between Harry, Lu, and Sonja. Production interviewed Aviva but passed because she was pregnant with her youngest child at the time. When casting the following year, tptb approached Bethenny again for suggestions and she declared she wouldn't be able to better in the abstract than an amputee whose ex had bedded two longtime cast members. Per how she initially interacted with Carole and Ramona, I think it's safe to say that Aviva would be polite to the point of being possibly sycophantic with Bethenny until some manner of offense set her off. At which time she would inevitably set it off. 

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14 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:
3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:
On ‎4‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 9:30 PM, HumblePi said:



New Year, microneedling by the BEST. See not so scary. Downtime is few hours. @mashell_tabe_skincare #skinmatters


Dr Dubrow's diagnosis of this patient?

This is the worst case of "Botched-ulism" I have EVER seen!!!!


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Beffeny is the kind of person who gets into a fight with someone and when she cannot deliver the coup de grace and it turns into a tie?

She'll walk over to the nearest ally and run her mouth - in an attempt to get the judges to declare her a winner.

One thing that makes me laugh is the amount of bullshit that these people put up with - her manners be damned - no one tells her to go fuck herself. She'd never make it in the real world with some of the people that I have known. I'd give a million dollars to see her get into the ring and try to last a few rounds with  them. Beffeny is a big mouth poser that would wilt if she had to deal with a real person, not a fucking 'housewife' looking for a payday and a slot on a RH franchise.

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Apologies if this point has been addressed previously as is this is the first ep of the season about which I've posted (the cast dynamic is surprisingly inert; I'd actually take both Kristen and Heather back since they at least had some charisma). But didn't Carole talk about how LuAnn slept with "young boys" during the media tour in which she and Heather slut-shamed LuAnn ad nauseum during the season 7 broadcast? And when did Lu specifically use the word "pedophile"? If Carole is disinclined to make amends with Lu because Lu was still disparaging her on Twitter a week prior to the premiere, that's fine. But then she should express that sentiment rather than framing her objections as one to "misogyny" when she devoted a considerable amount of breath and social media curation to framing Lu as some sort of deviant and/or miscreant because of her sexual liberalism (and, no, it wasn't just about Lu's hypocrisy in that context; see: the giggling about how "Lu will go with anyone"). And Carole should certainly steer clear of castigating anti-woman hate or feministically problematic ideas and language when she has very clearly derided both Sonja's age in relation to those of her sexual partners and Jules's body. She should also probably not proclaim that she's never said anything derogatory about Lu if she's going to turn around and pen a blog in which she devises the nickname "The Housewife Narcissist" as a shorthand for her castmate's actual name - and then declare that she "slays like Beyonce" on Twitter because it's such a clever sobriquet. It's actually interesting that Carole is electing to play the dispute this way; although I've always found Lu's personality to be one of the least offensive among the cast, she did say some really offensive things to Carole last year (especially the chortling about Carole not having any kids at the finale party). But it seems like audience response is decidedly not on Carole's side and I can see why. 

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I know this is going to seem super off topic, but there was a piece on Vulture last week about why Game of Thrones' Dorne storyline didn't work. The piece concluded that the show runners were too fixated on spectacle and plot and not politics and character. At its heart Game of Thrones is really all about the characters jockeying and politicking for power. I know it wasn't intended to be this way, but that's fundamentally what most Housewives shows are about. This past episode may have been set at a BBQ and a brunch, not on the battlefields of Westeros, but there were battles being fought. Battles about who was the boss bitch and who needed to bend the knee and kiss the ring of person in charge.

I just find it interesting how different Carole seems away from Heather. Carole is legitimately an asshole when she hangs with Bethenny. LuAnn's interactions with Bethenny now are light-years away from how they interacted in season 1. And Sonja. Yeesh. Last year was Sonja's best year in quite awhile, but Bethenny basically branded Sonja a sad delusional alcoholic and it seems production is still following that direction. Was it necessary to show her "some people keep their shoes in the oven" quote? No. It was all part of depicting Sonja's slide into lunacy.

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5 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I know this is going to seem super off topic, but there was a piece on Vulture last week about why Game of Thrones' Dorne storyline didn't work. The piece concluded that the show runners were too fixated on spectacle and plot and not politics and character. At its heart Game of Thrones is really all about the characters jockeying and politicking for power. I know it wasn't intended to be this way, but that's fundamentally what most Housewives shows are about. This past episode may have been set at a BBQ and a brunch, not on the battlefields of Westeros, but there were battles being fought. Battles about who was the boss bitch and who needed to bend the knee and kiss the ring of person in charge.

I just find it interesting how different Carole seems away from Heather. Carole is legitimately an asshole when she hangs with Bethenny. LuAnn's interactions with Bethenny now are light-years away from how they interacted in season 1. And Sonja. Yeesh. Last year was Sonja's best year in quite awhile, but Bethenny basically branded Sonja a sad delusional alcoholic and it seems production is still following that direction. Was it necessary to show her "some people keep their shoes in the oven" quote? No. It was all part of depicting Sonja's slide into lunacy.

The Sand Snakes should be the next HWs added to the franchise, liven things up a little? The 'feasts' are turning into "Red Weddings" - We can only hope that Queen Joffrey (beffeny) doesn't meet the same end, when the subjects finally get up enough balls and get enough smarts.

Carole is water. She seeks her own level and with Beffeny? It's the sewer line, she has some balls to talk about Lulu's conquests - didn't she date a musician that was free to sow his oats when he was out and about?

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Didn't Bethenny say at the beginning of the season on WWHL, they had hashed everything out and were so cool with each other they all went out dinner after taping the Reunion.  Seems there is a fair amount of manufactured drama.  We are a quarter of a way through the season and LuAnn and Carole can't be in the same room together.  It seems one of them needs to go and my vote would be Carole.  Bethenny has a doorman, and a room full of paid assistants, Carole is redundant.

Ramona is a dud and should have exited last year.  She was Bethenny's punchline.  Now she is just boring.  Something about her obsession with dating.  There is a reason she always has a date-no one wants a second one with her.

Bethenny didn't get Aviva on the show, when asked by Andy about her, Bethenny mentioned one leg and an ex-husband that had slept with both Sonja and LuAnn was a great storyline.  Anyway that is the story Bethenny repeated on WWHL.   I don't think Bethenny even knew her before she was on the show.

On her talk show when Ramona was her guest, Bethenny said they, she/Aviva, had met a few times, they were not friends though.

37 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Aviva appeared on Bethenny's talk show during her maiden season. It was apparent to me that they did not know each other beyond perhaps having met once or twice. As Bethenny recounted, she recommended Aviva to take her spot in season 4 based on the one-leg origin story and the six degrees of separation between Harry, Lu, and Sonja. Production interviewed Aviva but passed because she was pregnant with her youngest child at the time. When casting the following year, tptb approached Bethenny again for suggestions and she declared she wouldn't be able to better in the abstract than an amputee whose ex had bedded two longtime cast members. Per how she initially interacted with Carole and Ramona, I think it's safe to say that Aviva would be polite to the point of being possibly sycophantic with Bethenny until some manner of offense set her off. At which time she would inevitably set it off. 

I did not know Aviva was on her show but Bethenny talked to Ramona, when she was on, about meeting Aviva a few times and then recommending her to Andy for the show.

10 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Apologies if this point has been addressed previously as is this is the first ep of the season about which I've posted (the cast dynamic is surprisingly inert; I'd actually take both Kristen and Heather back since they at least had some charisma). But didn't Carole talk about how LuAnn slept with "young boys" during the media tour in which she and Heather slut-shamed LuAnn ad nauseum during the season 7 broadcast? And when did Lu specifically use the word "pedophile"? If Carole is disinclined to make amends with Lu because Lu was still disparaging her on Twitter a week prior to the premiere, that's fine. But then she should express that sentiment rather than framing her objections as one to "misogyny" when she devoted a considerable amount of breath and social media curation to framing Lu as some sort of deviant and/or miscreant because of her sexual liberalism (and, no, it wasn't just about Lu's hypocrisy in that context; see: the giggling about how "Lu will go with anyone"). And Carole should certainly steer clear of castigating anti-woman hate or feministically problematic ideas and language when she has very clearly derided both Sonja's age in relation to those of her sexual partners and Jules's body. She should also probably not proclaim that she's never said anything derogatory about Lu if she's going to turn around and pen a blog in which she devises the nickname "The Housewife Narcissist" as a shorthand for her castmate's actual name - and then declare that she "slays like Beyonce" on Twitter because it's such a clever sobriquet. It's actually interesting that Carole is electing to play the dispute this way; although I've always found Lu's personality to be one of the least offensive among the cast, she did say some really offensive things to Carole last year (especially the chortling about Carole not having any kids at the finale party). But it seems like audience response is decidedly not on Carole's side and I can see why. 

I admit, I am not liking Carole so far this season but if Luann kept up the twitter attacks until a week before filming then came on like "no problem" I can see why Carole is ticked off. She knows that Luann is playing it up for the viewers, she is essentially lying to garner viewer support. I am not sure that Carole could or was willing to break that pesky 4th wall and reveal during filming what Luann was up to. That said, I don't like who Carole is now that she is besties with Bethenny........mean. Luann knows how to play to the viewers, Carole either doesn't or won't and Bethenny really believes that she is the NY show!

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That's interesting about Heather and Carol. Heather was a leader, like Bethanny, so I think Carol is the type of person who follows the leader, whoever that might be. I don't know thought. It's beyond bizarre that people are calling out John for being on opportunist, because he is this low class guy with a company who doesn't live in Manhattan, where they accept Adam, who would be living in a hostel on riding a bike if not for Carol. Yet JOHN, dating a women his age who is single and loves dry cleaning is an opportunist? Whatever, they are giving Dorinda a hard time because they are jealous, and letting Carol be and being supportive of Carol because they feel sorry for her. 

Team Dorinda! 

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I don't think there is anything manufactured in the Carole and Luann drama.  Carole fell in love and Luann was a complete unrelenting bitch to her on twitter.  Yes, Carole gave back as good as she got, mostly in the form of simply re-tweeting other comments, which was, in fact a worse sting for The Countess.  Bethenny has many reasons to be fed up with The Countess as well, years of reasons.

If anything Carole and Bethenny probably bonded over that off season. 

I honestly don't see either of them giving enough thought to some combined attack though, because, quite frankly, both seem perfectly capable of a battle of wits with these other women on their own.  Sonja and Dorinda are drunks, and often drunk on camera.  Ramona has her own issues and frankly, is kind of an unpredictable flake it's not worth hating.  Jules is new and has issues, obviously.  Luann is desperate for money, and unreliable as a friend or castmate.  I'm sure Bethenny saw right through her sucking up.

John was an asshole at the party, the rude way he called Bethenny over, the posturing and taking his own sweet time to apologize, frankly, he should have never come, and certainly not without calling first. 

How much of Bethenny avoiding him was for the cameras, and how much was it simply that she knew Dorinda had made her choice and she didn't want to (A)get down in the mud with that pig and fight again, and (B) further upset Dorinda if John behaved the same way as he had at the bra party?  My guess, 40/60. 

Did Carole get back up for her anger at Lulu from Bethenny?  Yes.  Neither one like her.  Did Bethenny get back up about avoiding John at the party?  Yes, Carole's go-to is usually avoidance when possible.

I do think Bethenny was very rude at Jules' house.  Honestly, they shouldn't have gone, but I think they did because it's a very big deal for "new housewives" to get old housewives to show up for their "events."  So in a way, and I know this sounds odd, but it was nice of them to show up, and things would have probably been more relaxed if John weren't there.

Edited by Umbelina
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When did Luann call Carole a pedophile?  Or did she call her a "cradle robber?". That is a term my friends and I use and nobody throws a fit over it.

I don't get why anybody needs to call anybody out on anything.  We, the audience can see the behavior and can judge it ourselves without having someone to explain it to us.

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10 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

When did Luann call Carole a pedophile?  Or did she call her a "cradle robber?". That is a term my friends and I use and nobody throws a fit over it.

I don't get why anybody needs to call anybody out on anything.  We, the audience can see the behavior and can judge it ourselves without having someone to explain it to us.

On twitter for sure, not sure if she said it on camera.  Lulu was really vicious, and probably tweeted while tipsy as well.

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I just find it interesting how different Carole seems away from Heather. Carole is legitimately an asshole when she hangs with Bethenny. LuAnn's interactions with Bethenny now are light-years away from how they interacted in season 1. And Sonja. Yeesh. Last year was Sonja's best year in quite awhile, but Bethenny basically branded Sonja a sad delusional alcoholic and it seems production is still following that direction. Was it necessary to show her "some people keep their shoes in the oven" quote? No. It was all part of depicting Sonja's slide into lunacy.

I missed Sonja in this ep.  Why was Sonja MIA?  Was it Bethenny's mean-girl shit of excluding select people she doesn't wanna interact with?  I'm confused.  Did their feud start at the beginning of the season or before?  I didn't think Sonja had done anything with her Tipsy Girl line at the beginning of the season.

Well, if those 2 are feuding, it's a sure bet Sonja is gonna get a miserable edit this season -- since evil Bethenny (cue sinister/skeery music) is in control.  And Satan Andy is clearly siding with Bethenny, if he's continuing to do that unfunny/lame/nasty Grey Gardens shit (on WWHL), the sole purpose of which is to imply Sonja is a deluded nutcase.  

I'm not buying the Grey Gardens stuff anymore. so stop selling that shit to us, Satan Andy.  She got herself out of bankruptcy.  If you look closely at the Sonja scenes, her place looks perfectly OK.  And I can confirm (because I passed by it last nite) her place looks nice from the outside.  The Grey Gardens stuff just ain't true.  It's an effort by Bethenny & Satan Andy to discredit Sonja & make her look as shitty & awful as possible.  Hmmm, have we seen this MO before from Bethenny?  Hello, John & Jules, and next week, Lu -- & then next up, Sonja.  God, this is so ugly.  The show might as well now be called, "Who Will Bethenny Torture Next?"  Yeah, count me in with those say they just love, love, love Bethenny & her nastiness -- um, when hell freezes over.

What really bothers me is how Moaner has so coldly & casually dumped Sonja.  We know why.  Because Sonja's feuding with the HBIC.  Wow, nice show of loyalty, Moaner, you freakin' pig.  Oink, oink, Moaner, oink, oink.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Wow, you really give Bethenny a lot of credit, for everything.

Andy didn't start grey gardens, it started on a forum (Survivor Sucks) and from there jumped to the bloggers.  For a reason, the house is not maintained and Sonja was still in a dream world talking about her yachts.  I can't remember which wife pointed out that she has no yachts, but I don't think Bethenny was even on the show when that happened.


ETA, who did say it?  Heather?  I think it was Heather.  "You have no yachts for P Diddy to party on Sonja."  Something like that.

Edited by Umbelina
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She was late to sign her contract, so was Luann.  As far as Sonja not coming to the party though, it might have been the weekend she gets her daughter home from boarding school.  We have no idea really, but Sonja needs the money, so I'm sure she would have filmed if she could.

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5 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I think her, Carole's, point was/is that she is still angry with being called a "pedophile" and other assorted names by Luann just a week prior to Luann trying to make look like nothing is wrong. Yes, Carole is wrong for calling Luann names back but I get it. Luann was doing 1 thing off camera then pretending something very different on camera. I suspect that Luann was terrified that Bethenny and Carole were/are as close as they are and was trying to do some fast foot work to make Carole look like the grudge holder and herself look like she has been trying to make peace with her the whole off season to viewers. For me, Luann is the hypocrite, doing 1 thing while claiming the opposite and Carole is the one playing it straight, saying/doing the same thing. Carole isn't claiming she forgives what Luann did to her/Adam, it is Luann doing that. In other words, I think Carole is being honest in how she feels about Luann, while Luann is lying and playing games just to win viewers.

Nahhhh, Aviva would never call Bethenny out, she would have crawled up her butt, kicked Carole out and set up house in there herself. I think even Jill would do the same if given a chance to get back on this show. LOL

Neither woman is being completely honest. Carole isn't a hypocrite for saying that things were good between her and Luann and then changing face. Carole is a hypocrite because she takes offense to Luann age shaming her for her relationship with Adam but then turns around and makes comments about Luann behaving in a manner that isn't suitable for her age. Carole wants to digs at Luann for her 'flings' yet Carole freely admitted that she didn't expect to end up with a relationship with Adam. Doesn't that suggest she thought he was going to be a short term relationship/fling? Who is she to judge someone else's sex life? I mean, she published details about her relationship with her ex AFTER they had agreed to keep their lives private. Carole behaves just as shady and isn't straight lace. Perhaps she hides it a bit better with all of that writer banter. 

What you're describing of Luann doesn't make her a hypocrite, it means she's lying. Also, Carole took no accountability for fuelling or engaging in anything nasty with Luann. When Luann said they both said some things, Carole corrected her and said 'you said some nasty things'. Last time I checked, saying that it's hard to keep track about how many people someone is banging is pretty nasty. How about saying that someone's taste in men is young, old, married, single while you don't roll that way - what does that imply about the person you're speaking of? Luann's comments overall were nastier. Luann behaved stupidly about everything, seemingly searching for whatever to hold to to make it seem like Carole and Adam's relationship was bad when really, she had little good reason to be so upset about it. But as I said, Carole is bending her own 'moral compass' to take digs at Luann. Carole is absolving herself of saying anything bad about Luann when clearly she has. Whether it's in retaliation or not doesn't change the truth. 

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3 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Neither woman is being completely honest. Carole isn't a hypocrite for saying that things were good between her and Luann and then changing face. Carole is a hypocrite because she takes offense to Luann age shaming her for her relationship with Adam but then turns around and makes comments about Luann behaving in a manner that isn't suitable for her age. Carole wants to digs at Luann for her 'flings' yet Carole freely admitted that she didn't expect to end up with a relationship with Adam. Doesn't that suggest she thought he was going to be a short term relationship/fling? Who is she to judge someone else's sex life? I mean, she published details about her relationship with her ex AFTER they had agreed to keep their lives private. Carole behaves just as shady and isn't straight lace. Perhaps she hides it a bit better with all of that writer banter. 

What you're describing of Luann doesn't make her a hypocrite, it means she's lying. Also, Carole took no accountability for fuelling or engaging in anything nasty with Luann. When Luann said they both said some things, Carole corrected her and said 'you said some nasty things'. Last time I checked, saying that it's hard to keep track about how many people someone is banging is pretty nasty. How about saying that someone's taste in men is young, old, married, single while you don't roll that way - what does that imply about the person you're speaking of? Luann's comments overall were nastier. Luann behaved stupidly about everything, seemingly searching for whatever to hold to to make it seem like Carole and Adam's relationship was bad when really, she had little good reason to be so upset about it. But as I said, Carole is bending her own 'moral compass' to take digs at Luann. Carole is absolving herself of saying anything bad about Luann when clearly she has. Whether it's in retaliation or not doesn't change the truth. 

I think Carole feels (not me) that because she stopped calling Luann names after the reunion was filmed she is not guilty or less guilty of bad behavior. Me, I think they both acted badly, Carole retweeted others calling Luann names and Luann did both, calling Carole names herself and retweeted others doing it. Is Carole less guilty, in her mind I guess she is, in my mind I am not so sure she is. Is Luann guilty, in her mind she has equal guilt, in my mind, yes.

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On ‎4‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 9:59 AM, ghoulina said:

So I need to preface this post by saying my satellite was acting up and I missed the first 10 minutes or so. So if anything happened then that might change my opinions on things, I apologize. 

Before I get into the heavy stuff, I thought B's little campfire party was a cute idea and most of the women looked adorable in their more casual clothing. 

I'm one of the few people left alive who still likes Bethenny, but even I was tired of some her behavior tonight. She was not being a very good hostess. She just stuck in her little group and didn't get up to greet people, didn't make rounds and see if anyone needed anything, etc. But I do get that she was trying to avoid John. I imagine that would have been incredibly uncomfortable. Just three days prior he was insulting her as a woman and throwing massive shade at how she started her business - and then here he is, hanging out in her backyard. She was really put in a hard place, because I believe she really does care for Dorinda, and it would be rude to just disinvite someone at the last minute. So....John really should have just left it alone. Or not come at all. I think Bethenny's issue is that she was still hot about the issue. She didn't want to talk to John, because she was afraid she'd blow up again. It was too soon. Again, John probably should have just stayed home. But I can buy that he was so blitzed he didn't even realize the extent of what he said, and therefore thought it could be smoothed over pretty quickly. Not the case. 

That being said, once Beth decided to "make up" for Dorinda's sake, she could have done a better job of it. She came off just like robot Ramona. And it was almost comical how she treated him exactly the same before and after smoothing things over! Oh well, John is creepy, so I don't give a fuck. 

Carole really served it up to Luann! I loved it! The best line of the night was when Lu said, "You can't just keep avoiding me" and Carole replied - "Actually, I can". Lu seems to have even worse amnesia than John. I loved her gobsmacked look when Carole called her out on EVERY thing she had done, and Lu could not come up with a response. If she truly did call (or insinuate) Carole a pedophile, that is just low low low. And I don't blame Carole for having nothing to do with her. I liked how she handled it - "We're not friends. We're never going to be friends. There's no need to make up. We can say hello, and then just leave each other be". Perfect. 

And LuAnn can stop acting like some poor pitiful outcast. "It was like the mean girl table, where they wouldn't let anyone sit down". There was literally NO where to sit at that table. What, should someone have sat on the grass? It's not their fault you showed up late with your hulahoop. 

There's something about Beth and Carole when they get together. I like them both individually. I even like them together alone. But when they pair up in a group, they do kind of revert to that high school, immature, catty mentality. I thought B should have piped down with her opinions about Jules's house, right though they may be. And the way they left was pretty tacky, even though I would have probably bailed early as well. They crack me up and they're fun to watch, but don't look to them for etiquette lessons any time soon!

At first glance I thought LuAnn's friend, Paul, was Stephen Collins of Seventh Heaven fame. Eeeek!

I've always noticed that about Carol.  When she gets together with another one of the ladies she turns into a high school mean girl, making snide comments,giggling and whispering like the two of them are together against whoever.  When she and Bethany bumbled their way out of Jules house laughing and falling against each other I felt like I was watching a couple of 15 yr olds. Her too cool for school routine is getting old. 

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9 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Geez. SkinnyGirl picnic tables? 

Was her entire birthday party a tax write-off?

And she claims John talks dry-cleaning too much?  Every time she appears on screen it's a SkinnyGirl commercial.  I'm surprised she doesn't have commercials  running during the breaks.

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  On 4/28/2016 at 9:14 AM, DrivingSideways said:

And on a shallow note, Carole seems nice but her face is looking very altered.  She's reached a point where her personal style is a huge disconnect from the age her face is showing.  Not that she has to dress like a Golden Girl, but her entire look to me is very tryhard 25 yr old.  I think she needs a style reboot.

I agree. She looks really hard now in the face (it doesn't help that she looks thinner than ever, which can certainly age a woman after a certain age). And she either has giant cheekbone implants or way too much filler...it's not a good look.

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I believe what started the Twitter war between Carole and LuAnn is when Carole was on WWHL and totally decimated  LuAnn, a track Carole stayed on all year.  It was okay for Carole's storyline to keep her relationship with Adam from LuAnn, so she must have had some inkling there were issues with it.  For some reason Carole has no issues with throwing things out about the others, her rather bizarre, and attention grabbing claim that she not only saw Sonja and the pirate having sex but apparently got close enough to determine it was anal sex.  So maybe Carole should be called out for being a voyeur as well.

At some point there has to be a cease fire in this show because as much as I like the show it has just been a season of low blows and jumping back to see what the reactions are.  We so far have Carole. once again slut-shaming LuAnn, Bethenny accusing and maintain others are using drugs, Jules weight, parenting and concept of money and Ramona with her hit and runs towards John.   Why would anyone believe these women would want to be friends?  It is evident from Carole she is still making comments about LuAnn.  I always thought once someone announced they were marrying it was in fairly poor taste to comment on their intended.  Apparently, Bethenny and Carole don't abide by that theme.   

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44 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

  For some reason Carole has no issues with throwing things out about the others, her rather bizarre, and attention grabbing claim that she not only saw Sonja and the pirate having sex but apparently got close enough to determine it was anal sex.  So maybe Carole should be called out for being a voyeur as well.


Close enough to see Sonja getting her booty plundered?

Maybe Care-hole isn't a follower of the old adage, Any 'port' in a storm.

`Is Care-hole familiar with what happens on the 'poop deck' when you sleep with a pirate?

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I don't think Carole is very happy in her relationship with Adam (after all, according to her, she only has five good years left).  If she were truly happy, she wouldn't give two fucks about anything LuAnn said.  Happy people don't need to address dumb shit.  Carole would just say, "whatever" to LuAnn and call it a day.  But Carole is just a wannabe mean girl, along with her new BFF Bethenny.

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I think there are things going on behind-the-scenes on RHNY that will eventually be unveiled that will hopefully explain a lot -- namely, I think there are other reasons why Bethenny is so angry with John and why Bethenny/Carole are so wary of Jules and why we have not seen much of Sonja and Ramona. Bethenny alluded to this on Twitter -- that there are things that will come out in upcoming episodes that will explain everything.

Look: I don't agree with how John and Jules are being treated at all.  They both seem like nice, reasonable people and I like Jules' husband too.  But they are being set up as the lightning rods this season -- they are the sparks to create drama because most of the cast is too world-weary to serve as Bethenny's scapegoats.  It will be interesting to see how the rest of the season  unfolds.

If I were a betting woman, here is what I would predict.  I think Bethenny has some dirt on John for either cheating on Dorinda or merely just flirting innocently with other women.  My bet is on the later (I think John truly loves Dorinda) and that it will be blown up into something worse than it actually is. This will give Bethenny the chance to act as the "avenging angel" on Dorinda's behalf -- we can always count on Beth to stick up for other women who have been wronged.  My other prediction is that it will come out that Jules' husband made his money in the porn business (personally I don't care) and that he and Jules are "social climbers" who like to show off their money -- and that will give Bethenny a chance to call them out and once again be the avenging angel for the audience, snuffing out the phonies.  The minor squabbles on the side will continue -- Lu and Carole will continue to snipe at each other and Sonja will get trashed by Bethenny for TipsyGirl and Ramona and Sonja will eventually reconcile but not after a few spats.  Dorinda will probably break up with John around the time of one of the reunions, cementing her heroine status with the audience.

I don't mean to sound cynical because I love this show (lowering my head in shame) but do believe that things will resolve in Bethenny's favor.

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I think Carole feels betrayed by a friend, and even if you are happy in your romantic relationship, that's a tough pill to swallow. Add that to the fact that she and LuAnn are forced to film together for the show, there is going to be tension. I get where Carole is coming from.

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18 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don't think Carole is very happy in her relationship with Adam (after all, according to her, she only has five good years left).  If she were truly happy, she wouldn't give two fucks about anything LuAnn said.  Happy people don't need to address dumb shit.  Carole would just say, "whatever" to LuAnn and call it a day.  But Carole is just a wannabe mean girl, along with her new BFF Bethenny.

Again, 'social media' (Still cannot figure out what is 'social' about it) has a LOT to do with stupid fights/arguments getting blown out of proportion. It's just a way of throwing farts at people without doing it to their face. People are so much braver when they DON'T have to go face-to-face with someone.  It also doesn't look good if you fancy yourself as a 'writer' yet can only repeat the horseshit you get?

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2 hours ago, AnitaKnight said:

And she claims John talks dry-cleaning too much?  Every time she appears on screen it's a SkinnyGirl commercial.  I'm surprised she doesn't have commercials  running during the breaks.

Why pay for what she can get for free. Right now, Bravo is paying her $1 million a season so that she can air the equivalent of anywhere from 1 - 6 Skinny Girl 30 second spots that reach 1.2 million eyeballs. Plus her in show ads don't have the same problems that other advertising faces because Bethenny's Skinny Girl ads can't be cut when it's streamed. I don't know what the ad rates are for Bravo, but for some of the CW shows with the worst viewership the ad rates are about $20,000/30 second spot. Assuming we see at least 60 seconds of Skinny Girl a week, Bethenny is getting $800,000 of free advertising per season. Plus Bravo has an audience that is one of the highest educated with the most disposable income of any network, so it's possible that the ad rates for RHoNY are higher.

Bethenny has managed quite a coup. She gets paid a million a year, gets a million dollars worth of free advertising, and she doesn't have to participate in the revenue sharing that subsequent wives have been subject to.

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13 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Apologies if this point has been addressed previously as is this is the first ep of the season about which I've posted (the cast dynamic is surprisingly inert; I'd actually take both Kristen and Heather back since they at least had some charisma). But didn't Carole talk about how LuAnn slept with "young boys" during the media tour in which she and Heather slut-shamed LuAnn ad nauseum during the season 7 broadcast? And when did Lu specifically use the word "pedophile"? If Carole is disinclined to make amends with Lu because Lu was still disparaging her on Twitter a week prior to the premiere, that's fine. But then she should express that sentiment rather than framing her objections as one to "misogyny" when she devoted a considerable amount of breath and social media curation to framing Lu as some sort of deviant and/or miscreant because of her sexual liberalism (and, no, it wasn't just about Lu's hypocrisy in that context; see: the giggling about how "Lu will go with anyone"). And Carole should certainly steer clear of castigating anti-woman hate or feministically problematic ideas and language when she has very clearly derided both Sonja's age in relation to those of her sexual partners and Jules's body. She should also probably not proclaim that she's never said anything derogatory about Lu if she's going to turn around and pen a blog in which she devises the nickname "The Housewife Narcissist" as a shorthand for her castmate's actual name - and then declare that she "slays like Beyonce" on Twitter because it's such a clever sobriquet. It's actually interesting that Carole is electing to play the dispute this way; although I've always found Lu's personality to be one of the least offensive among the cast, she did say some really offensive things to Carole last year (especially the chortling about Carole not having any kids at the finale party). But it seems like audience response is decidedly not on Carole's side and I can see why. 

Apparently, you are in good company, here is an article by confirmed RHONY reporters and they cannot locate when LuAnn said such a thing:  http://www.realitytea.com/2016/04/29/carole-radziwill-defends-friendship-bethenny-frankel-retweets-slams-luann-de-lesseps/

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I don't think Carole specified that the pedophile comment came through social media, and it seems Carole is hearing things LuAnn is saying to people the mutually know, so I don't see the evidence that it never happened. 

I do recall LuAnn saying something about Carole and Adam and comparing it to her children, and at the time Noel was underage, so perhaps that is what Carole is referencing.

Edited by shoegal
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