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I was hoping the scene would be a little different to be honest. I know I haven't seen it all and while it starts off great, I don't like how simplistic it seems like they're going to make her arrest and I sort of hate that it doesn't seem like she's going to fight or really lose her shit like she does in the books. To me the funniest part about that scene in the books was the way she ran for it as if she really thought she could get away. It was so absurd in its futility and desperation plus there was all of that inner raging about how she thinks she's this lioness--I wish it seemed like more of that were going to come out.


Aemon dying at the Wall is fitting but I wish Jon or Sam or somebody knew how to do Melisandre-ish stuff with that perfectly good king's blood. ;-)

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I was hoping the scene would be a little different to be honest. I know I haven't seen it all and while it starts off great, I don't like how simplistic it seems like they're going to make her arrest and I sort of hate that it doesn't seem like she's going to fight or really lose her shit like she does in the books. To me the funniest part about that scene in the books was the way she ran for it as if she really thought she could get away. It was so absurd in its futility and desperation plus there was all of that inner raging about how she thinks she's this lioness--I wish it seemed like more of that were going to come out.


Aemon dying at the Wall is fitting but I wish Jon or Sam or somebody knew how to do Melisandre-ish stuff with that perfectly good king's blood. ;-)

Spoiler One:  Ooh, yeah!!!  That would have been fabu.  I would have enjoyed that much more than "Cersei's eyes betray the smile on her lips."


Spoiler Two:  Excellent point.  No one looked around and noticed we had some handy blood richer and more fully packed with those special royal corpuscles than poor little Shireen?

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How many points does it take for the Wyndham Rewards Wizard to give you a free night in Hardhome?

I knew that was him! Thanks for the confirmation.

How many points does it take for the Wyndham Rewards Wizard to give you a free night in Hardhome?

I knew that was him! Thanks for the confirmation.

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Why is Jon coming to Castle Black from the other side of the Wall? I assumed he'd sail to Eastwatch and then approach Castle Black from the southern side. Seems a little silly to land beyond the Wall when you've just fled from the White Walkers who live on that side of the Wall. 

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Word on the "Jon plus Wildings on wrong side of the Wall.". That makes no sense. You travel to and from Eastwatch. It's at the end of the Wall. Why go North when you have the option of going South? 


There is plenty of drama without trapping Jon on the wrong side of the Wall, show. 

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Maybe they were forced to make land North of the Wall because of the weather or something.  The show hasn't really established the geography of East Watch and all the other NW properties.


But I suspect this is about amping up the drama.  I don't care either way.  That look between Jon and Thorne was awesome.

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Wow, those clips...

I don't get that clip of Shireen.  I mean, we expected that scene to happen, but... why put so much effort over past episodes and seasons into making momma seem cold, severe, and religiously fanatical enough to go through with Melisandre's plan, while Stannis seemed loving and caring- and then show him as the hard-hearted one?  I can understand him maybe seeing this as a necessary evil in a desperate time, but I think I'm more bothered that Selyse is suddenly uncomfortable with the LoL religion or her daughter being sacrificed.


However, loving that Drogon bit... and interestingly, does this mean people like Tyrion and Missandei will take a ride on Drogon with her?  That'd be a pretty huge variation from the book, but I think i could get with that.  It might expedite her showing up in Westeros sooner rather than later, now that the show runners have pushed the WW attack to the forefront.

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Re: Dany--


I'm getting the feeling that she's just going to be able to hop on Drogon like she's done it all her life and I'm not sure how I feel about making it look easy for her. She's supposed to think that's she's seconds away from death if she turns away and that Drogon could have easily burned/eaten her if she hadn't had so much courage and instinctively known the right thing to do. I know it'll be a tough thing to convey but I at least hope to see a little fear before she approaches him.


I am so slayed by this Stannis thing. I couldn't have been more wrong. I was sure Selyse wouldn't lift a finger to help her daughter.

Edited by Avaleigh
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However, loving that Drogon bit... and interestingly, does this mean people like Tyrion and Missandei will take a ride on Drogon with her?  That'd be a pretty huge variation from the book, but I think i could get with that.  It might expedite her showing up in Westeros sooner rather than later, now that the show runners have pushed the WW attack to the forefront.

The season 10 preview shows

Tyrion, Jorah and (I think) Daario lounging on the steps, probably after Dany flies off, so no, Tyrion doesn't go with her.

As for the other spoiler, I'm calling bullshit on that scenario.  What are D&D thinking?  That is soooo far from the book character that it may ruin the season for me.  Gah, disgusted.  

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It could be a fakeout since we do see at the very end someone pushing through the crowd and hurrying towards her.  Edit: well, I just rewatched and maybe that's supposed to be Selyse... but it doesn't look like her.  Obviously it's meant to be a parallel to the Mance Rayder death scene, but maybe- hopefully!!!- for all they push the envelope even this show wouldn't "go there".  On the flip side, Melisandre does say in one of these other spoiler clips that the Red God has been appeased, so someone got burnt


Also, this thread is starting to look like a CIA chat room. :)

Edited by hincandenza
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I'm honestly still in disbelief. I've wracked my brain to consider all the ways that this might be a fake out but this definitely seems like it's happening. Wow. I know, I know, Mycah and other things should have prepared me and I actually was prepared in a way but I wasn't expecting Stannis to be in on it and I feel like that's the toughest thing to process about all of this. Book!Stannis is so adamant that Shireen is his heir, the only heir he's willing to recognize and now it's just like this has been completely cut from his character. I know he was willing to burn Edric Storm and I've never forgiven the book character for that but this seems like it's blowing up that aspect of Stannis's character and I'm not sure if that's doing a disservice to the character or not. (I say I'm not sure because we don't know what happens in Winds.


I'm curious as to how Melisandre thinks that burning Shireen is going to do anything. I'm especially confused now because I was thinking that Shireen being burned was going to be key to bringing Jon back but now I'm getting the impression that there isn't going to be a connection here and that makes the situation even worse than it already is if that's possible. 

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Maybe there is a last minute save for Shireen. Maybe Melisandre telling Stannis that the Red God keeps his promise means Stannis gets a pass because he tried to sacrifice his daughter. I don't know; I'm grabbing at straws here, people. Also, I guess that Ramsay and his 20 good men don't succeed at killing Stannis because he's very much alive in the promo for Ep 10.

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I don't think their goal on that raid was to kill Stannis.


Re: Stannis pulling an Abraham and not going through with it only showing the willingness to do so--Selyse seems way too upset and it seems as though she's going to be held back by their men.


I can honestly see some of the Unsullied bailing after this. I hope they don't but I can see how seeing a kid getting burned to death while her father who is in charge stands by and wills it to happen might feel like a bit much especially after the established dynamic. Book Stannis was never a fanatic and this choice seems like something that would only make sense to a fanatic IMHO.

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I don't think their goal on that raid was to kill Stannis.


Re: Stannis pulling an Abraham and not going through with it only showing the willingness to do so--Selyse seems way too upset and it seems as though she's going to be held back by their men.


I can honestly see some of the Unsullied bailing after this. I hope they don't but I can see how seeing a kid getting burned to death while her father who is in charge stands by and wills it to happen might feel like a bit much especially after the established dynamic. Book Stannis was never a fanatic and this choice seems like something that would only make sense to a fanatic IMHO.

Hell, I may bail after they burn that kid to death. Enough is enough.

Final clip since it's less then 2 hours away. Continuation of the previous Dany scene. http://streamable.com/fmy5

I love Drogon. I wish he and Stannis would meet not so cute.

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I think we need a straight up spoiler thread so we don't have to tag stuff.


I also don't think the showrunners would do anything HUGE unless it also happens in the books at some point.

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Would you want confirmed spoilers such as those clips I posted this afternoon in a speculation thread?


From what I can see from reading and posting in that thread, it works as a "Spoiler Speculation" thread.  Casting news, filming reports, set pics and BTS stuff are posted there all the time.

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The photo of Jaqen makes me think

Arya will take on a new face to play the young prostitute for Meryn Trant.  This will take away the ick factor of seeing young Maisy being exploited.

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The Previously on Game of Thrones for Episode Ten has been released by Sky Austria. 

No major spoilers, but it does kind of give a few things away.

I hope we don't see

walking dead Benjen.


Good googly moogly, the previouslies show

Syrio Forel.  I do not under any circumstances want to find out that Jaqen is also Syrio, although I know a lot of people speculate that.  I may throw something at the tv.

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I hope we don't see

walking dead Benjen.


Good googly moogly, the previouslies show

Syrio Forel.  I do not under any circumstances want to find out that Jaqen is also Syrio, although I know a lot of people speculate that.  I may throw something at the tv.


Your second spoiler is probably just to do with

Arya telling Trant why she is killing him.


With regards to the first spoiler, could we actually get a

surprise Bran scene where we find out Benjen is working with the CotF?

Edited by The Mormegil
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So many theories flying around re: Previously on.

Benjen as the Night's King, or as the mysterious hooded guy in the boat in Hardhome, or actually warged into his horse?

Or some Austrian channel just won the World Trolling Award 2015.

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3 hours ago, doram said:

"A Targaryen cannot be trusted."

Flash to Jon.


They have to bring up Lyanna's alleged kidnapping, right? Don't limit it to Rickard and Brandon's deaths when they can go for maximum irony.

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11 hours ago, Oscirus said:

What  Yara is saying makes sense.  I wonder what will stop them from doing just that.

I don't think their fleet measures up to the Iron Fleet. Sure they took Euron's "best" ships, but quantity probably trumps quality here. Also aside from Yara and Theon and her men the Ironborn are almost certainly all better at sailing and naval combat then anyone Dany has. The Unsullied are practically useless on a ship, they need open space and great numbers to use their spartan-esque tactics, the Dothraki are worse then useless, they are terrified of the water and not used to being on boats.

The Dragons, as always, are the wild card. Could you put them out in a naval battle? Would they be able to distinguish friendly ships from foes? Even if they could use the dragons, if you set one ship alight it could take down both fleets. If Dany's Navy saw the Iron Fleet coming they could always put the dragons out as a vanguard and burn Euron's ships while her naval force hangs back and watches the show. Perhaps Euron takes them by surprise though?

Edited by Maximum Taco
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