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Speculation: Our Turn for the Plasma Clicker


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And Tony leases his apartment to Tim and Delilah for a very reasonable price.


Yeah, and he has no problems with them modifying the apartment to make it accessible for Delilah.  Wheelchair-accessible dwellings still aren't that common, and most landlords are not going to modify an apartment.  I think Tony would be A-OK with it, and I'm thinking he might even sell it to Tim and Delilah.  Makes a lot of sense since it's an existing set.


I don't know if Tony will trade places with Clayton.  I'm thinking that he could be on that cover sheet list, and we'll come to learn that Jenny wasn't the only Director that Tony did undercover work for.  He also did it for Morrow, and somehow his name was left off the list.  Gibbs will have gotten tired of the string of dead agents that he's had in his career, tell Vance that he's not going to allow any more good to be wasted, and Vance will arrange Tony to lay low for an extended period of time.  Tim and Senior will work together to ensure that Tony is "unofficially" funded financially with no paper trail.


I think it's more likely that Tony will stay away from Ziva, not go toward her.

Edited by Ohmo
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I read today that Cote D P will not be part of the "Dinozzo finale" arc.





thank goodness!  A Ziva storyline would have overshadowed the Tony departure and Micheal Weatherly deserves the spotlight to himself after 13 years.  I will admit when I read Cote's "they're ruining my character" excuse for leaving I had flashbacks to Katherine Heigl and Grey's Anatomy.  Cote's post NCIS career hasn't exactly taken off  with 1 bad mini-series and 1 bad movie (which may have been better it if was made-for-tv not theatres)

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Thoughts from the thread in the episode prior to the finale (S13: E:23) which more appropriately belong here:


I've got to tell you, if they end up killing Ziva off, I'm going to be annoyed.  I remember when she was leaving the show, hoping that they wouldn't kill her off since this show has such a high rate of death for women agent's/women involved with the men, etc., virtually no one leaves alive.  And then I was pleased that she didn't die.  And now this?  Come on show, be better in your treatment of women.  I mean seriously, there is no doubt that Tony will live, that's never been in question with his leaving, but another woman must die? Please.  However, it will be typical in this year of shows offing women, now they are even offing women no longer on a show!!!



I always liked Ziva, not necessarily where they went sometimes, but yes, I liked her overall and was a fan. And they damn well need to tie this Ziva stuff up early next episode, otherwise Michael Weatherly's exit will always be tied to Ziva, and god forbid, her death.  And if that's what happens, it's not her "crazy" fans that did it, it is the producers of the show that agreed to allow him not to be in the prior episode, decided he could only be in twoish minutes of this episode trying to set up next year, and decided to bring back Ziva's ghost to hang over it all and then take her down.

Michael Weatherly deserves his own exit, as does Tony.  It's done now, all we can do is watch. But don't cry to me if they botch it with Ziva, that's on them, not me.

Edited by pennben

That's what makes me crazy, he absolutely deserves his own exit! Also, Ziva deserves to be not dead!  I feel like the producers have messed this up horribly by tying them much closer together than anyone really expected in this next to last episode.  I'm going to be pissed if she dies.  I'm going to be pissed if all the minutes of his episode are all about her whether she lives or dies as opposed to Tony.

As a Ziva fan, I was just expecting a nod, not this mess! As a Tony fan, I want an appropriate farewell.

Edited by pennben
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There has been plenty of hints that Tony is ready for a change but now they are making whatever happens in the last episode seem like an implusive decision.  I wish next week was a 2 hour episode.  I have a feeling they are going to cram so much into an hour that we are going to lose the Tony focus.

I can see the producers saying to themselves "lets kill Ziva off" since they have to be tired of hearing fans whining about Ziva being gone.  This way she is over and done with.  She didn't endear herself to them by the manner she left in the first place and her recent comments put all the blame on them. She conviently forgot that she was demanding a salary on par with MW a person who was clearly 2nd lead, had been on the show since day 1, and did the lion's share of publicity for the show.


I hear that, but doesn't it actually make the producers ridiculous since we'll be talking as much about Ziva dying as Tony leaving the show? So nose, spite and face come to mind? And lots of fans will be annoyed? Seems petty and silly. I'm a Tony fan and I'll be pissed if that happens.  I'm also .a Ziva fan who will be pissed as hell as well

Edited by pennben
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Here's my sappy cliche trope-filled speculation for Tony's exit:  Ziva and Tony had a secret sexual/emotional relationship before she went back to Israel.  She got pregnant, but did not tell Tony, and that was why she broke it off with him even after he went to Israel to bring her back.  Ziva dies in the terrorist attack, but the child lives.  Ziva's best friend, whom we saw in Israel during the farewell to Ziva, tracks Tony down to tell him of his secret child.  Tony quits NCIS to be a father to his child--thus fulfilling the series long "Daddy-issues" theme.

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I said it in the Unpopular Thread and I'll say it again here: I DO NOT want fucking Ziva to play any fucking part of why Tony leaves NCIS. I want it to be related to his career and not that character, who got away with too much shit and it still boggles my mind that he would have any feelings for her, romantically speaking after the SHIT she pulled at the end of Season Six. And even when she left, she couldn't say "I love you," but the lame "you are loved." Pfft.  Show just had to throw her in to the mix. Michael Weatherly couldn't just have been given his exit story that was about Tony without the baggage of a character I've loathed since the day she showed up on this show.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Preachin' to the choir.  I don't like or hate Ziva.  At times I liked her and at times I didn't.  When her character left the show, I was good with it.  And I think it has been a more pleasant watching experience without her there mostly.

But yeah, I really REALLY hope Tony leaving NCIS isn't completely Ziva-related.  I want him to be promoted and head his own team.  Like when he had the chance to head the team in Spain(?) that EJ (who I really never liked that much) eventually got to lead.

So if he leaves just trying to "find himself" after what happened with Ziva (if she is dead or alive), I will be most disappointed. 

16 minutes ago, BookWitch said:

I think Dinozzo Sr. dies and Tony realizes there's nothing keeping him there anymore. 


Well according to Glasberg, Robert Wagner may still guest star after Michael is gone, so I don't think they'll kill off Tony Senior. Plus, the few goodbye scenes we saw didn't have Tony love ok devastated or grief stricken, so I'm hoping he's leaving on a high note.  Even though I'm still pissed at Glasberg for killing off Morrow.

I hate the secret baby story with a passion. To me it would be unspeakably cruel to withhold the existence of a child, especially when the other parent really wants a family. 

I hope Tony leaves for a new professional opportunity. I'd have been happier if there were a good romantic relationship already under way but most of all I don't want Tony to give up a profession he's loved.

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Sending Tony off with Ziva is lazy writing.  I know it fulfills the fantasy of every woman who secretly dreams of a handsome man pining away for her..but come on
Next week NCIS-NO has a mole in their ranks, NCIS-LA has been fighting a mole all season, and of course we have a mole at the mothership.  Either it is the same person for all 3 shows or NCIS is the dirtiest law enforecement/intelligence agency in the US.

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All these moles in all these NCISes, not to mention other TV shows, would be a lot more interesting if they turned out to be Gibbs or Callen. Like when it was Colby on Numb3rs, although they did end up making him some kind of triple agent.

I would be a lot more interested in Ziva showing up now if they had EVER showed her to view him as something more than a flea on her shoulder to be flicked off, for more than about 3 seconds at a time.

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Is it possible that Kort was the mole all along? His eyeball opened MTAC back in season 8. Maybe he was using his access to steal NCIS info for years. Who would suspect him? Yet more proof that I have watched this show for a looooong time:  Wasn't Ziva's sometime fiancé CI Ray sent to Tel Aviv to deal with Trent Kort?

I'll miss Tony DiNozzo. The writing has been lazy or neglectful for a long time but a great mating of actor and character.

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21 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Here's my sappy cliche trope-filled speculation for Tony's exit:  Ziva and Tony had a secret sexual/emotional relationship before she went back to Israel.  She got pregnant, but did not tell Tony, and that was why she broke it off with him even after he went to Israel to bring her back.  Ziva dies in the terrorist attack, but the child lives.  Ziva's best friend, whom we saw in Israel during the farewell to Ziva, tracks Tony down to tell him of his secret child.  Tony quits NCIS to be a father to his child--thus fulfilling the series long "Daddy-issues" theme.

Ah, just like in Magnum.  I'm sure Tony would appreciate the similarity.


Personally I wish that they had just closed the door and killed off Ziva long ago.  Tony (and Michael) deserves more than having his exit arc overshadowed by her - but then it's probably par for the course, given that Ziva ended up overshadowing Tony for so much of her last few seasons.  (somebody counted 21 mentions of her name in the last episode).  Ridiculous.

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4 hours ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

I can't help but wonder if MW is typecast now.  On his new show will the viewers think hey, it's DiNozzo or believe him as a new character?

I'm not so sure about this.  I'm wondering when he shot his new pilot in relation to this episode because there was a moment there that he was channeling Dr. Phil.  It freaked me the heck out.

1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

I'm not so sure about this.  I'm wondering when he shot his new pilot in relation to this episode because there was a moment there that he was channeling Dr. Phil.  It freaked me the heck out.

Which moment was that?
He shot the pilot when he was absent from the NCIS episode a couple of weeks back.

8 hours ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

I can't help but wonder if MW is typecast now.  On his new show will the viewers think hey, it's DiNozzo or believe him as a new character?

Here is the trailer for Bull.  I think that if it has problems, one of them will be that there's a lot of Tony that I see in Dr. Bull.  Minus the glasses, he even dresses similarly to Tony.  For Michael's sake, I hope the show does well, but the timing might have been better if this series had come along next year.  My sister already thinks that people are going to think, "Hey, Tony's now a jury consultant!"


Okay.  I didn't hate that trailer which shocks me as I loathe the man the show is modeled after.  

I do see the smart ass Tony in the character. Having this come on immediately after NCIS might make it harder to shake off the DiNozzo as Bull instead of Micael as Bull though. 

Edited by Callietwo
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I'm pretty sure Tony wore those glasses at some point, maybe when he was with Jeanne? The show looks good from that preview, and for me, who doesn't really know anything about Dr. Phil but has watched the entire NCIS, some of it multiple times, it definitely comes off as, Tony quit NCIS and is now working as a jury consultant. Like you might never convince me that Tali isn't at home with Senior while Tony does his consulting. I suppose that could be a good thing, as Tony-loving NCIS viewers will probably tune in to see what it's like, and then the similarity to Tony may keep them there. 

I expect Tony and MW's popularity to get this show at least one or two seasons. We'll give it a try.

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CALLED IT!!!!!! 

See my post 11 May 2016

(Sorry.  No really, I'm sorry.  My post was intended as a joke.  I speculated on the most trope filled, lamest, fanfic-iest plot line for Tony's exit as I could think of, all while thinking there's no way the writers could be this bad.  As it turns out, it came true.  Sorry.)

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7 hours ago, JessDVD said:

I'm pretty sure Tony wore those glasses at some point, maybe when he was with Jeanne? The show looks good from that preview, and for me, who doesn't really know anything about Dr. Phil but has watched the entire NCIS, some of it multiple times, it definitely comes off as, Tony quit NCIS and is now working as a jury consultant. Like you might never convince me that Tali isn't at home with Senior while Tony does his consulting. I suppose that could be a good thing, as Tony-loving NCIS viewers will probably tune in to see what it's like, and then the similarity to Tony may keep them there. 

I expect Tony and MW's popularity to get this show at least one or two seasons. We'll give it a try.

I'm not sure if the NCIS time slot will turn out to be a blessing or a curse for both shows.  CBS likely gave the slot to Bull as a thank you to Michael for all the loyalty he's given NCIS, but the proximity to Tony is so close and the character of Bull does have elements of Tony in him.  Plus, Glasberg is going to want to craft a story around Tess and Clayton.  It's going to be very interesting if Bull is canceled because people are likely to clamor for Michael to return to NCIS.  What choice would both he and the show make?  Many years ago, I talked to a soap opera actress who did commercials as well.  She said the network would never air one of her commercials during the soap because it would "break character" as far as the soap was concerned.  I'm wondering if placing Bull so close to NCIS will end up breaking  Michael's new character?

I think in this case, it might have been better to give Bull a different time slot, but tell Michael with a wink and a nod that he'll likely get a full season order unless the show truly bombs

It has to be really bad for Bull to bomb in that timespot at least next season. The question will be if it will carry over to NCIS-NO at 10:00.  Its a CBS procedual drama so it probably going to seem familiar simply because all their shows are pretty formulatic,

I am starting to get interested in what NCIS does next season.  How do they incorporate the new team member(s)?   I can't see Tess acually joining the team.  She is too senior a agent to be the #3 person on the team.  If they move her above Tim that puts him in the same position Tony was in at the end...no place to go. But with Fornell on the injury list, she can help fill that role when the FBI is needed. If Clayton joins the team he would add youth and athleticism (and be some nice eye candy too) but how do they incorporate MI6 into NCIS?  
Will they make Tony out of sight out of mind or do we see Gibbs in a hurried stressful moment call for Dinozzo or maybe a picture of Tony and Tali in Abby's lab?   Ducky is aging..does Jimmy finally get a chance to get more air time?

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Bull still hasn't gone off on his own to another day of the week.  Wonder who's keeping him as a lead in from NCIS?

Or could the PTB be keeping this as a slot for a lead in for another of the almost departed NCIS folks?

Abby is leaving.  Just announced.  Not announced why or to do what?  Could she be becoming more Pauli P and deciding to move to California to do pet rescue.  Talk about a show with a ready audience.  Her TV Q has to be off the charts, and some of her love of animals would fit well ....and lots of potential roles for kids trying to break into acting and who doesn't love cute kids and pets? 

I was posting in the "Fake it Until You Make It" episode thread when I realized what I was about to post may be a spoiler, and I couldn't remember if the NCIS threads are speculation/spoiler free so I brought my thoughts here.


I thought the Abby character was "off" last night.  Not anything specific I could point to, but just "off."  I also noticed that her signature goth Abby look has been toned down this season.  She looked tired too.  I wonder if--since Pauley Perrette is approaching 50--the actress is second thinking the still fairly juvenile Abby role that honestly remains pretty much unchanged since the very beginning.   She's kind of been written into a box, and is such a caricature now that there's really no retrieving her from that box.   Maybe we're seeing the start of her departure arc.  The episode thread has speculation about who Gibbs's friend in AA is , and while my money is on Fornell, some are speculating Abby which is also a strong possibility.  Perhaps last night's episode is foreshadowing a story arc?  I dunno.  Just freewheeling here...

But this is the speculation thread.  How do you think they'll write Abby out?  With a bang, like Kate, leading to more Gibbs angst and sackcloth and ashes?  Or riding off into the sunset with an intense love interest?  Or....?

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Hopefully Abby gets some sort of professional opportunity that she can't turn down, like Ducky did. My preference -- no angst, and no romance, at least not as the cause for her leaving (could be a potential romance at the new place).

I did think she was looking like she wanted to say more to Clay about AA and wondered if that meant she was the one, but I can't recall how they have ever handled Abby and drinking in the past.

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Abby has only been really drunk one time-when she was being stalked in “Blood Bath” I think it was. The actual stalker was the guy she was going to testify against-Mimi Kuyzik represented the dweeb.

Anyhoo, she was in Gibbs’ basement when she tied one on. No way this is Abby who has the drinking problem unless they retcon it.

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We haven't seen the coffin lately, you know, the one she and (however briefly) McGee have both slept in. 

NCIS  doesn't have a sense of Macabre, and their Halloween ep is already over.  But a Mad Magazine/Warped ending for Abby would be a night time earthquake causing the coffin lid to snap closed with her in it, and it being airtight............ for the next Halloween episode. 

No.  The character Abby deserves to be a contented, creative scientist going to a full filling career elsewhere. (Not that that sort of thing ever happens with Hollywood writers.)

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On 11/10/2017 at 5:59 PM, ForReal said:

Vance planning his retirement...He doesn't seem that old, and to me he often seems younger than Gibbs. Would Gibbs want to be director?

I don’t think he would.  from what we have seen he doesn’t want to be in the world of politics which is what that position is. 


I never ver remember how old they are playing Gibbs but RC is 10 years younger than MH

Edited by Aliconehead
On 11/12/2017 at 3:37 PM, Aliconehead said:

I don’t think he would.  from what we have seen he doesn’t want to be in the world of politics which is what that position is. 


I never ver remember how old they are playing Gibbs but RC is 10 years younger than MH

I thinks Gibbs is supposed to be 59.  In a flashback episode some years back they showed him going off to join the Marines at the age of 18, and they said that the year was 1976.  I may be wrong, though.

On 11/15/2017 at 10:41 AM, transitfan said:

I thinks Gibbs is supposed to be 59.  In a flashback episode some years back they showed him going off to join the Marines at the age of 18, and they said that the year was 1976.  I may be wrong, though.

I seem to recall mandatory retirement for NCIS is 55, but Show blew past that years ago.

On 11/15/2017 at 11:17 AM, Driad said:

What happened to Vance's toothpicks? He used to have one all the time.


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28 minutes ago, enoughcats said:

Cynic that I am, I think that this upcoming episode will use 20-30% canned footage from previous years, saving the producers many dollars in production costs. 


(They have done this  before)

I'm hoping against hope that this is NOT going to be a clip show.  I'd be OK, actually I think I would even like it, if they have a 3-4 minute montage at the end.  But, please don't make me sit through clip after clip during the show.

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