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S12.E20: Trigger Happy

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I realize it was an accident, more than likely, but like the babysitter said, they aren't babies, they are eight. And his friend won't walk again because of a decision to go play with a locked gun. And it seemed to me like the doctors and the boy's mother were doing everything they could to absolve the kid of any responsibility at all for what he did.


For this issue, I am Team Arizona. Callie went on ahead with looking at schools and has no idea why this would be an issue at all for Arizona. And she's shocked that Arizona would want to protect herself and hire a lawyer.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 2

I kind of wanted Callie to slap Bailey when she scoffed at her decision to chase some tail to New York and *gasp* give up her job as chief of ortho for the sake of some worthless resident. And Bailey refusing to entertain the idea of Ben getting another job in the hospital during his residency suspension, even though anesthesiology has nothing to do with her jurisdiction and so her approval, and opinion, means absolutely nothing? How does her head fit through the double doors every morning?

  • Love 6


- The Meredith / Steph storyline. It was fun. 

- Acknowledging some of the issues I've had with the season (Richard pointing out how terribly April & Jackson communicated as a cautionary tale for Arizona, Bailey pointing out that Callie was throwing away her own career for a resident.) 

- Seeing Meredith's kids!

- The continuation of a calm, level-headed Amelia. 

- Jo and Alex's last scene was nice. More of that please!!!!



- Ben and Bailey 



- How heavy-handed some of the gun stuff was (the music choices felt especially cheesy) 

- Maggie badgering the babysitter / her random "I love your kids so much!" stuff. 

- Owen's 'revelation' at the end. That story is so, so boring at this point and nothing that's been said in the last several episodes has really added any depth or sympathy for either he or Riggs. Lets just get on with in, shall we? 

- Wherever the Callie / Arizona story is going..... 

  • Love 7

I'm from the UK, so the whole gun issue to me always seems ridiculous, - if you have one you have to keep it safety locked up so if someone does come into your house it aint exactly going to be handy, so what's the point? Call the police! I felt bad for both the kids but come on he was 8 not 3, he knows what a gun is and not to shoot one at his friend.

As a fellow Aunt I loved Maggie in this ep. Parents and grandparents are always represented but being an Aunt or Uncle is emotional too! 

I was surprised at myself for actually liking the Edwards/Kyle stuff

I'm not ready to talk about the Calzona stuff yet lol. Except Callie, what are you doing?!

  • Love 1

First off the storyline was one of my favorites yet, and I say that in the least morbid way possible. It just shows how as a parent you should be safe and make sure that if you want to keep something, like a gun away from your children make sure that they are not watching where you are hiding it. As for Brandon, the little boy I feel bad for the fact that he will never walk again. They way Amelia handled the other little boy Peter, really touched me. I feel like for her, guns and shootings are a sore subject. Between her dad and Derek I wouldn't handle others getting shot well either. I love Maggie, Amelia, and Meredith all together... although it does make me miss Lexie more and more. I feel like her and Amelia would be really good friends and her Maggie would be really close also. Alex and Jo have finally worked things out and that makes me happy because I love them together and apart and believe they both deserve to be happy. I am also proud of Jo for getting rid of her gun, I think she is perfectly safe living with Alex, I mean we all remember what he did to Chest Peckwell. As far as Kyle and Stephanie goes, I am proud of her for finally finding someone because if I remember correctly since Jackson left her for April she has not been with anyone. April and Jackson are slowly picking their puzzle pieces up and putting them back together. I see them back together and happy by the time April has the baby. Arizona and Callie are a whole other subject. I respect Penny for the way she has been handling this whole situation, but she will never have a say in Sofia's life. Callie did jump the gun and didn't even consider Arizona in any of this. Arizona is Sofia's mother whether Callie wants to admit it or not. I am proud of Arizona for sticking up for herself and fighting for Sofia. Sofia is the only thing Arizona has left, I understand where she is coming from. As far as next weeks episode, it makes me so sad to see Arizona cry (because I love both her and Jessica Capshaw so much), Callie needs to chill and give Arizona a chance to explain and work all this out. I don't think either one of them should make any of the other doctors pick sides, but we all knew it was bound to happen. I don't see Calzona ever getting back together, unfortunately. I just know that Callie was not interested in moving to Africa with Arizona whatsoever, but as soon as Penny gets the chance to move across the country (where she belongs), Callie doesn't even bat an eye. We will see what happens. I heard Jessica Capshaw plans to rip our hearts out in the season finale. 


  • Love 3

If Penny is going to be busy working a lot, then why can't Callie do long distance and visit Penny when she has time off? Arizona moving around a lot as a military kid is not the same as Callie moving Sofia to New York on a whim. Arizona moved with both of her parents, Callie is trying to move their daughter away from one of her parents. It's not the same and I don't understand why Callie can't see that. I don't understand what they're doing with Callie this season and how the writers can possibly think that the relationship with Penny is at all special enough to warrant such a decision, especially when Callie was the one who pushed everyone to fight to buy the hospital because she didn't want to leave. 

  • Love 13

I really liked tonight's episode (finally, its been a few weeks since I could say that).  It felt like "old" Grey's to me, it had drama, humor and some good issues were addressed (not the gun stuff, but character stuff)


I don't love the way the Calzona stuff is playing out necessarily but I am happy that the characters and actors are getting something meaningful and its seems "real", Penny nonsense aside.  I know that I have got to stop applying logic to the show but, would a hospital really hire a doctor for a year?  Its seems like, if this situation were to actually happen, someone in Callie's place would take a sabbatical or just a leave of absence.  I didn't comment on last week's episode but the Callie/Penny relationship is so bland and blah it actually makes me uncomfortable.  I can't buy into it at all.  Callie and Arizona have 10000x more chemistry at a table in a coffee shop.  I still feel like this has to be building to a Calzona reunion.  


I liked the Jolex scene (s) and I thought it was super cute, but once again its an open and shut issue.  Not that I want the gun thing to drag out or anything but it seems like everything they have for Alex/Jo is a one episode issue.  I'm sort of surprised the writers remembered Alex got shot.


I actually liked all the sister stuff today.  The opening scene is what they should have been doing all along rather than the silly carpool stuff.  I liked Amelia throughout most of the episode and I also liked Maggie tonight.  


The Bailey and Ben stuff is just strange to me.  I have no clue what the purpose is or where this is heading?


Not interested:


- anything related to Owen/Riggs/Megan

- Amelia/Owen

- Stephanie and Wilmer


Not sure if I should put this here or not, but I did like that the PSA at the end was about gun safety and not gun control.  I thought that was a nice way to handle it and address the issue without being preachy.

Edited by Greysaddict
  • Love 6

With an exhortation in place of a premise, this episode was doomed from inception -- and the direction didn't help. That noted, most of the straight character stuff was logical and motivated, as they usually are in Clack's efforts. 


Regarding Callie/Arizona, I appreciate that the script tried to present each character's side with more logic, but given the absurd way this storyline was launched last week (Callie jumping to conclusions, Arizona jumping to a lawyer), it will never feel believable. Doomed from inception. 

I like Maggie more and more each week and damn it, I keep shipping her with Riggs. But like I said last week, anytime that actor has a scene with a female counterpart, I want them as a couple. It may  just be me, but he has had chemistry with Meredith, Maggie, and Amelia. I loved the sister stuff.


Arizona and Callie. I'm on Arizona's side. No duh, Arizona needs a lawyer at this point. Callie made up her mind and when they went to breakfast, Callie was pretty much set on going to NY. And I don't understand her logic about Arizona having moved a lot because of the army. One, the whole family was going so it wasn't like this situation. What is she talking about? Maybe I can't be on Callie's side because the character she is uprooting her life for isn't all that grand or anything of the sort. I don't get why Callie would want to uproot her life for this person. It doesn't make sense to me and she's expecting Arizona to do the same. 


The gun storyline was powerful but I don't think I can put into detail an eloquent response to it, other than that. It is scary to think just because you put something in a box that's locked, kids won't figure out a passcode for it. Keep it out of reach for the kids. Not just in a closet. 

  • Love 3

I thought it was good. I liked that much of the cast had some scenes.  There's been quite a few centric episodes this season and with so few left I'm glad to have the ensemble.

How does her head fit through the double doors every morning?

Agreed. I'm wondering if Bailey is heading towards a knock down or some situation that makes her realize that there are things in life bigger than her job. 

They way Amelia handled the other little boy Peter, really touched me. I feel like for her, guns and shootings are a sore subject.

I really liked the scene with Amelia and the boy. I felt like she was the perfect person to speak with him. She was a child when her father was shot and killed and she knows how gun violence (even if the situation was different) affected she and Derek throughout their lives. 

I liked the Jolex scene (s) and I thought it was super cute, but once again its an open and shut issue.  Not that I want the gun thing to drag out or anything but it seems like everything they have for Alex/Jo is a one episode issue.  I'm sort of surprised the writers remembered Alex got shot.

I liked the scene too but it felt manufactured to fit in with the gun story. I have a hard time believing that Alex wouldn't know Jo had a gun in their loft. I did like that some of Jo's backstory came back around and that she talked about it with Alex instead of there being some fight about the gun. I just wish they could have had scenes about them instead of the topic of the episode. Callie/Arizona did & Japril did. I wish we would have had a scene with them talking about not being engaged instead. But I guess I shouldn't complain because they had an actual scene together that had nothing to do with Meredith. Its been ages.


All of Owen's rage at Riggs is basically because he blames Riggs for being the reason that he told Megan to get on the plane.  How long the anger has gone on and how Owen keeps trying to spread it around ruined the story. I think it would have been much better if the story played out right away when Riggs arrived. 


Maggie can't even not talk about sex for 10 minutes while the kids are getting ready, lol.  Its nice that she loves her nieces and nephew but she was so aggressive towards the babysitter. Her aggressiveness towards people seems to be a personality trait; its not the first time.


I think Penny is going to dump Callie after the court case starts playing out.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 2

The gun storyline was powerful but I don't think I can put into detail an eloquent response to it, other than that. It is scary to think just because you put something in a box that's locked, kids won't figure out a passcode for it. Keep it out of reach for the kids. Not just in a closet. 


I once saw one news program interview a bunch of parents who said their kids didn't know they had a gun, and then the interviewer asked the kids, who all were able to walk over to the hiding spot and grab the gun. Really scary.




It may  just be me, but he has had chemistry with Meredith, Maggie, and Amelia. I loved the sister stuff.


I thought his chemistry with Maggie was the best tonight, I don't remember seeing that in their previous scenes. I'd be okay with any of them paring up, as long as they don't then have the dead wife return.


I really enjoyed Meredith's reaction to Stephanie's dirty text. 

Edited by KaveDweller
  • Love 4

Callie went into her discussions with Arizona under the assumption that she'd get her way, probably because she usually does.  But there really wasn't any consideration from Callie of whether the move should happen at all, just how Sofia moving could be made palatable to Arizona.  If Arizona wanted to move away with Sofia, there's no way Callie'd allow it, so I'm having trouble seeing why she seems confused that Arizona is fighting her.  And bringing up Arizona's being a military brat as a child was ridiculous, Arizona's family moved together as a unit.   I can't imagine Callie will have many on her side (god I hate that "Choose a side" theme the show's promoting) when the custody case speeds along to court next episode.


Seeing Callie/Arizona vs Callie/Penny scenes in the same episode really underscored once again how awful, forced and bland Callie/Penny is. The show has done a horrible job of selling that relationship.   At least after Bailey's "chasing tail" comment I'm fairly certain that this isn't Sara Ramirez's exit.  I think the audience is supposed to empathize more with Arizona, mostly because Callie started this whole thing because she wants to leave with Penny....Penny, of all people.  No one else is buying the lies Callie's telling herself.   If Callie herself got a job offer or prestigious grant, then maybe this move would be happening.  


Enough already with the Owen/Riggs storyline, let's just skip to Megan inevitably showing up not dead and move this along. 


I love seeing Meredith as a mother, she's come so far since season 1.  And surprisingly didn't hate the sisters stuff this episode.

  • Love 3

What has Shonda put in the TV vapors? I liked Amelia again; I think this is the third week in a row. Still can't stand Penny, so maybe I haven't gone to the dark side yet.

The gun stuff felt very heavy-handed to me. I'm from the South, so I know people who own guns, but it seemed that everyone was behaving as if the idea of knowing someone who owns a gun is just inconceivable. It didn't hit me until at least an hour after the episode ended that most (at least many) of them were in the hospital during the shooting, so maybe that experience colored their perception a bit, but it seemed a bit unrealistic. The PSA at the end was great, and made a bigger impact for me than some of the PSA-like dialogue.

And was it just me, or did anyone else worry that Jo's gun was going to fall off the bed and end up shooting Jo or Alex?

What have they done with Callie? I know she's generally an idiot in the realm of romance, but ugh! I have more chemistry with my couch than Callie has with Penny. And I'm pretty sure my couch is also a better actor than Penny. Team Arizona all the way on this issue. If my ex unilaterally decided to move across the country and take our kid, to the point of submitting school applications for the kid, and then decided to have a conversation about it, I doubt I would've been as calm as Arizona.

Glad to see Japril making tentative moves toward a peaceful relationship; I hope it lasts. And I liked smiling Meredith. She and Edwards were cute together.

  • Love 5

It's ironic. April & Jackson are slowly calming down and trying to be reasonable and mature about the baby while Callie & Arizona are heating up into an ugly custody battle. I guess this is where the custody battle warlines will be drawn where the rest of the staff start to pick sides on the arguement ( I guess the writers thought Jackson & April wouldn't have characters picking sides or for the viewers to care about their "drama"). I imagine the case will get really ugly because I feel like even though Callie says Arizona is Sophia's other parent situations like the issue over the phonecall from the school, Callie might passive aggressively imply that Arizona is NOT Sophia's other mother or entitled to rights. I think it's going to get really ugly. Ugh.


Funny this was an ep that Meredith wasn't the neurotic one, she was the one who comforted and calmed Maggie down and gave advice to Stephanie.


God, Bailey and Ben? Those two are shooting passive aggressive messages to each other that road to divorce might be on the way. Both can't seem to see the other person's POV. 

I mean, I don't know if we are supposed to see it from Callie's side. For various reasons. One, because of the reason why she plans to take Sophia and move to NY. I don't really like the romance or the character she's moving for me and logically, it makes no sense that she would do this for a person she has know for.. months? Have they known each other for even a year? If it was for a job offer and not a romantic entanglement, I would understand. Two, since I  rewatch past seasons and someone mentioned it, Callie gets her way a lot.  I know Arizona has been far from perfect, when she lost her leg- the show may not remember but I do!- and that she cheated on Callie, but.. Callie does get her way. Arizona didn't want kids and then changed her mind. For Callie. And then yes, Arizona left her for the Africa job but can anyone remember that Callie was making the move ALL ABOUT HERSELF? Callie has always been a selfish character, actually.


And yes, she had decided that she was moving to New York. The meeting in the morning with Arizona was just to discuss logistics about Sophia. Like, she's going to go to school here, you can fly out for Holidays, weekends, etc,etc,etc. Callie said she and Penny had found an apartment already and then apparently after said meeting had already sent in applications to schools? Or she had done that before. Either way, plans were in motion already, so yes, Callie, you jumped the gun.  I'm glad Arizona's lawyer bombshell came at the end of the episode because like I said, duh she needs a lawyer. 

  • Love 4

I am all for the gun safety message, but as usual Shonda's heavy handed approach makes a mockery of everything. Did all the attendings and chiefs really need to crowd at the ambulance bay for a GSW??? And all crowd into the trauma room??? It was horribly Very Special Episode and I was too caught up in being irritated to register the emotional impact of the poor kids. 


I'll  have to rewatch to catch all the other things. Team Arizona, but really how would any reasonable adult side with Callie on this? I really wish this issue had been presented as a career opportunity for Callie. Not because of the lack of chemistry with Penny, but because Callie just comes across as a bad mom right now. Absolutely nothing out of her mouth has been about what's good for Sofia. 

Edited by sarkygal
  • Love 7

I am all for the gun safety message, but as usual Shonda's heavy handed approach makes a mockery of everything. Did all the attendings and chiefs really need to crowd at the ambulance bay for a GSW??? And all crowd into the trauma room??? It was horribly Very Special Episode and I was too caught up in being irritated to register the emotional impact of the poor kids.


That was another thing I noticed. I hope none of the other patients under the care of those eight or nine other doctors flat-lined or anything of the sort while ten (!!) doctors were clumped up in the ambulance bay and then in the trauma room!

  • Love 3

The thing that kills me is that Callie has had great chemistry -- whether romantic or platonic -- with so many characters on this show. Mark, Addison, Teddy, Bailey, Derek, Cristina, Arizona -- she has had great, dynamic, believable relationships with all of them. With Penny, not so much, to put it mildly. Yet we're supposed to believe that she would uproot her daughter and sacrifice her own career for bland, boring Penny? Talk about a letdown.

  • Love 6

I kind of wanted Callie to slap Bailey when she scoffed at her decision to chase some tail to New York and *gasp* give up her job as chief of ortho for the sake of some worthless resident. And Bailey refusing to entertain the idea of Ben getting another job in the hospital during his residency suspension, even though anesthesiology has nothing to do with her jurisdiction and so her approval, and opinion, means absolutely nothing? How does her head fit through the double doors every morning?


Bailey should ask herself what she would be doing as Ben's wife if she were not also Chief of Surgery, like, if they worked at different hospitals and this had come up.  As his wife, I'd think she would support his going back to work in a job he spent 7 years doing, even though she doesn't support it as the Chief. 


However, I guess she's disappointed in him for his reaction to the investigation into his behavior, and his seeming lack of concern about the death of the patient and her baby.  She sees him differently now; he's not the man she thought he was.  But she's not the wife she thought she was if she can't find a way to see the man she loves underneath, and isn't trying to help him.


I also don't understand what a 6 month suspension is supposed to achieve.  Ok, he'll have to re-start his residency program all over again.  How does that teach him not to jump into Dr. MacGuyver mode with patients?  Maybe as Chief she should have ordered him to some therapyso he can figure out why he thinks cutting someone open in a non-sterile environment is his duty rather than the worst option possible in the middle of a bustling hospital.

Edited by izabella

Amelie had a touching scene with the little boy at the end.  However, she still has a long way to go with me.  I'm still not a fan.


Owen, Owen, Owen...  I remember watching his outbursts with and about Riggs weeks ago and thought, "Oh, wow.  I wonder if *Owen* was somehow involved in his sister's death, and he's just taking it out on Riggs?"  And, Riggs blabbed to no one about Owen's involvement.  So, I guess somewhere down the line, Owen will forgive himself and apologize to Riggs?  Who knows.


Bailey and Ben?  I'm bored with both of them.  Bailey needs a reboot and better story lines.

  • Love 1

Well, I personally feel like we all learned a Very Important Lesson about gun safety tonight. I'm as anti-gun as anyone, but even Gandhi watched this episode from the great beyond and was like, "Shonda, hon, WE GET IT."

Team Arizona. Period. Full stop. Callie is acting, as usual, like an impulsive, selfish, thoughtless dickhead. It doesn't help that a big reason I'm so anti-Callie is that she and Penny have negative chemistry. It's like trying to force together the North poles of two very powerful magnets; it's just not happening. Normally, I would take Bailey to task for her condescension toward Callie, but it was 100% earned in this case.

Speaking of Bailey, she was pretty shitty to Ben, but he's such a total jackhole that I don't care if she's awful to him. He can be the one to die in the next cataclysm to befall this group of people.

I give Maggie props for immediately apologizing to the babysitter for unfairly taking her to task, and Amelia is on week four of being cool. Who'd have thought it?

Grey's is less enjoyable for me when they try to do these Very Special Episodes. Yeah, we get it. Shonda doesn't like guns. Did she think this would be like the 90210 episode where Scott accidentally shot himself and everyone was like OMG!


If you are going to have a gun then you need to be a responsible gun owner. Think of Dwight K. Schrute hiding weapons all over the office and then do the opposite of that. One of Mr. EB's friends grew up in Berkeley (which is about as anti-gun as you can get) and her father owned guns. She was taught from a very early age that it was not a toy. He taught her how to shoot them, how to clean them, and how to respect them. She never took one out without his permission. She never invited her male friends over and then let them play with her dad's guns. Neither did her brother. I'm not saying that you need to start telling your kids about guns before they're old enough to walk, but I also think that locking them up (which you should do) is not where responsible gun ownership begins and ends. It shouldn't be a secret. Locking them up isn't enough to keep them a secret either. The kids should know that they exist and they should know that they're not supposed to play with them the same way that kids know there are sharp knives and boiling water in the kitchen. You can't just pretend that if you don't tell the kids about them that they won't know they're in the house.


Side note: you know what isn't responsible gun ownership? Keeping your gun in a shoe box under your bed. Hear that, Jo?


Part of me felt that Arizona was being a little hasty last week when she went to see April's lawyer instead of talking to Callie, but afterward I mellowed out a little about it because consulting with a lawyer to see what legal recourse you may have is different than April just serving Jackson with papers. To me, Arizona's initial visit with the lawyer was like if you realized that your car is now ten years old so you went online to see how much a new car costs. It doesn't mean you want to buy a new car right this minute. You probably hope that your old car doesn't break down on your way to work tomorrow, but you just want an idea about what you might be in for in the worst case scenario in case your car craps out and you have to buy a new car in the not so distant future.


But after Arizona and Callie talked at the coffee shop, it was clear that despite Callie saying she hadn't made any decisions about specific schools or apartments, what she had decided was that she was going to New York and taking Sofia with her. Great that she was willing to let Arizona have some input into what school Sofia would attend, but that was about a mile past where Arizona thought they should be making decisions together.


Yay for seeing Meredith's kids! They do exist outside of the 24 hour hospital daycare!


Owen, just ugh. STFU and go away. And please take Fez with you.

  • Love 7
I once saw one news program interview a bunch of parents who said their kids didn't know they had a gun, and then the interviewer asked the kids, who all were able to walk over to the hiding spot and grab the gun. Really scary.


Seriously. Parents everywhere, listen. Your kids know where everything is. They get into everything when you're not home or not in the room or just not looking, and they learn where everything is. They know where you hide stuff, and they know where the keys are. Do not think that if you don't mention it, they won't know about it. They will. And if it's something serious and potentially dangerous, such as a gun, be open about it, teach them about it and explain why you keep it, why you have it tucked away and why they must never open it. Keeping it a secret will not work.


Anyway, I wanted to like this episode but it felt way too heavyhanded and too, I don't know, late to the party? for this type of PSA messaging. I feel like I've seen this storyline on 14 other TV shows already, and much of it felt clunky and contrived here. Like, all the docs crowding around when the kids first arrived as though this was some unfathomably horrific case? I'm sorry, is this the first time a kid GSW ever came to the hospital or something? The moms fretting about one of their boys being shot and wondering what happened, and even though Mom #1 knows very well that she keeps a gun in the house it doesn't dawn on her for a second that what happened was the kids found it? Everyone debating the very idea of owning a gun? What planet are they from?

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 6

That's the thing I really don't understand about parents who think they are successfully hiding stuff from their kids; it's like they have zero memory of their own childhood.  Kids are sponges and watch everything with spanking brand new brains that soak up and process everything in some way.  Just because they are not eye to eye with you, doesn't mean they can't see/observe what you are doing.  Sheesh.


It was too special of a special episode but, in the end, given the number of guns in the U.S. and the number of incidents that happen with guns and kids in the homes, the ultimate tag about safety is a good one, if only as a reminder to some people out there.  


Just this week there was another story about one child getting hold of a parent's gun and accidentally shooting their sibling.  Hardly the first and it won't be the last but if people are (for some reason) susceptible to messages from fictional tv shows (which is a whole other issue I can't comprehend), then this ultimate message: not a bad one.  And, of course, heavy handed but that's what TV does and her in particular.

  • Love 1

Anyway, I wanted to like this episode but it felt way too heavyhanded and too, I don't know, late to the party? for this type of PSA messaging. I feel like I've seen this storyline on 14 other TV shows already, and much of it felt clunky and contrived here. Like, all the docs crowding around when the kids first arrived as though this was some unfathomably horrific case? I'm sorry, is this the first time a kid GSW ever came to the hospital or something? The moms fretting about one of their boys being shot and wondering what happened, and even though Mom #1 knows very well that she keeps a gun in the house it doesn't dawn on her for a second that what happened was the kids found it? Everyone debating the very idea of owning a gun? What planet are they from?


Half the docs at Grey Sloan Memorial have been either shot themselves or had a gun to their heads, so yeah, the reaction felt very out of place. But the PSA episodes always suck, this is nothing new.


Was this the first time it's been acknowledged onscreen that the Chief of Surgery doesn't run the whole hospital?

  • Love 3

Like, all the docs crowding around when the kids first arrived as though this was some unfathomably horrific case? I'm sorry, is this the first time a kid GSW ever came to the hospital or something?


Exactly. That was ridiculous. They've likely seen just about every sort of horrific thing that can happen to the human body (adult and child). They were acting as if the incoming ambulance was bringing in a head of state or the Pope! SO important that virtually EVERY character had to be present! And it continued through the episode - every time there was a mention of a child being shot, the characters' voices would drop to hushed, reverential tones and their body language changed. Not that they should be completely cold and calloused to any patient's situation but the manner in which they spoke about it was completely over the top.


Ben and Bailey - put a fork in their marriage. They're both annoying.


I found it horrid that Bailey referred to Penny as "a piece of tail." That's a pretty disgusting term to use. I don't like the character of Penny at all, and I think she and Callie have no chemistry and look and sound completely unnatural together, but that doesn't entitle Penny to be called such a derogatory term. How would Bailey feel if someone called her that?

  • Love 4


Not sure if I should put this here or not, but I did like that the PSA at the end was about gun safety and not gun control.  I thought that was a nice way to handle it and address the issue without being preachy.


Really liked this.  Restored my faith in common sense.  The episode was way to preachy, but the PSA at the end was realistic and honest.  Really appreciated this.



Side note: you know what isn't responsible gun ownership? Keeping your gun in a shoe box under your bed. Hear that, Jo?

Why? They don't have children, and children don't go to the loft.  There is nothing wrong with having it accessible. 

  • Love 2
I found it horrid that Bailey referred to Penny as "a piece of tail." That's a pretty disgusting term to use. I don't like the character of Penny at all, and I think she and Callie have no chemistry and look and sound completely unnatural together, but that doesn't entitle Penny to be called such a derogatory term. How would Bailey feel if someone called her that?


I'm seriously not liking Bailey lately. Like you, I could care less about Penny or her boring-as-hell relationship with Callie, but Bailey was straight-up rude here. And being aghast that Callie would leave her ortho chief gig here and take a lesser job for the sake of following her girlfriend who's just a resident? I guess we know where she stands if Ben were ever to transfer to a new residency out of state.

  • Love 2
Why? They don't have children, and children don't go to the loft.  There is nothing wrong with having it accessible.



Jo said they live in a bad neighborhood.  If their place were broken into, the burglars could easily find the gun in a shoebox under the bed, and now they have a free gun to use on their next burglary/robbery/driveby/murder.. 

Was this the first time it's been acknowledged onscreen that the Chief of Surgery doesn't run the whole hospital?


I think you''re right!  What a banner day, decades into this show, years after they bought the hospital, it is finally acknowledged that Chief of Surgery is not the Boss of Everyone at GreySloanMercyDeath.

  • Love 3
Jo said they live in a bad neighborhood.  If their place were broken into, the burglars could easily find the gun in a shoebox under the bed, and now they have a free gun to use on their next burglary/robbery/driveby/murder.


Yep. To me, the purpose to keep a gun locked away in your house is not to hide it from the people in the house who shouldn't be fooling around with it (because hiding it from them means nothing - they know where everything is), but to hide it from those people who shouldn't be in your house that might stumble upon it if they were to get in.

Grey's somehow took advantage of my Prince-induced trauma and vulnerability because I actually enjoyed parts of this episode.  It is such a breath of fresh air to see Meredith smiling, teasing and thinking about someone besides herself for a change.  I really enjoyed how she gave Stephanie a false sense of security about the texts and then would just drop a line every now and then to let her know that she had gotten them.  I'm glad that Stephanie is getting some, but Wilmer skeeves me out, in a low-rent Erik Estrada wannabe way.  He is too smooth by half.


The gun stuff was way too preachy, and I also thought that it was pretty one-sided.  I don't have a gun and don't want one, but there are responsible gun owners out there, so I would have appreciated one doctor coming up with a pro-gun argument other than Jo.  I think that Jo having a gun made sense and I'm glad that she wasn't ridiculed out of the OR and that Alex didn't patronize her and at least tried to keep their conversation about it on the down low (not that it ever works on this show).  And I'm fine with her deciding that she doesn't want it anymore, but her reasons were strange, I thought.  She has outgrown it and now feels safe without it? Why, because she has a boyfriend?  Is that what they were going for?  If I needed a bodyguard, I would probably be just as secure with Jo as I would with Alex.


I liked the scene too but it felt manufactured to fit in with the gun story. I have a hard time believing that Alex wouldn't know Jo had a gun in their loft. I did like that some of Jo's backstory came back around and that she talked about it with Alex instead of there being some fight about the gun. I just wish they could have had scenes about them instead of the topic of the episode. 



I thought that the scene was much more about them than, say, that ridiculous bullying episode where they were also the mouthpieces of the Very Special Message. It makes sense to me that Jo would have a gun and I thought that her statement about her not valuing her life much back then was well done and kind of moving. Then again, I was reeeeallly emotional last night.  But as always, it was over not long after it began and its never enough.  I, too, am glad that they remembered that Alex got shot and that this wasn't supposed to some revelation to Jo like the gun was to Alex.  Surely, she has seen his scar, considering all they really do is have sex apparently.


Oh, Callie and Arizona.  The thing is, Callie's idea of a "discussion" is her getting Arizona to agree with what she wants, and her idea of compromise is Arizona being allowed to come visit whenever she wants.  This is why Callie bugs me and I am going to have a very hard time with her over the next few episodes I imagine, though I will be interested to see who takes who's side.  (Although I hate that the Grey's PR is framing it that way.)


I appreciated Jackson and April's maturity and I still love Ben and Jackson's friendship.  I would love more male friendship scenes and less of the sisters (Maggie especially annoyed me this episode).

I liked the scene too but it felt manufactured to fit in with the gun story. I have a hard time believing that Alex wouldn't know Jo had a gun in their loft. 


Well, yes of course it was manufactured to fit into the gun story but I really liked the scene in loft because it was a rare sweet, tender moment for them which we hardly ever get to see.  It reminded me why I am even a Jolex fan to begin with. 


I am all for the gun safety message, but as usual Shonda's heavy handed approach makes a mockery of everything. Did all the attendings and chiefs really need to crowd at the ambulance bay for a GSW??? And all crowd into the trauma room??? 


This didn't bother me at all because they have always been trauma whores racing to the ambulance bay and wanted to help/take the trauma cases that come in.  I didn't find that moment to be a mockery of gun violence at all.


I imagine the case will get really ugly because I feel like even though Callie says Arizona is Sophia's other parent situations like the issue over the phonecall from the school, Callie might passive aggressively imply that Arizona is NOT Sophia's other mother or entitled to rights. I think it's going to get really ugly. Ugh.

You know, when Callie told Arizona to stop calling Sofia "her" daughter, I was about to go ballistic.  But I think Callie really does see Arizona as Sofia's mother and what she meant was she is OUR daughter not YOUR daughter.  I really do think Callie believes Arizona should have rights, she clearly wanted Arizona's help in choosing a school, but Callie can't see in front of her own nose to realize that how much it would hurt Arizona to have Sofia move across the country.  


I hate the whole idea of picking sides but I really do wonder who, if anyone, is going to side with Callie next week.

This didn't bother me at all because they have always been trauma whores racing to the ambulance bay and wanted to help/take the trauma cases that come in.  I didn't find that moment to be a mockery of gun violence at all.


Yes, but in those cases they're all "Ooh, a juicy trauma coming in! I'll take it!" "No, me!" "No, it's my turn!" about it. Here, they weren't crowding around because they couldn't wait to get their hands on this awesome case. They were solemnly treating it as some unusual, oh so tragic situation and they couldn't believe such a thing would happen and they had to watch this horrible case -- they were kind of just rubbernecking. I found that very unrealistic, as they see this exact same kind of tragedy every day, so to have them act like that did come off heavyhanded and contrived for the sake of the PSA-ness of the storyline. Frankly, it would have been more realistic -- and speaking just as much to the PSA -- if they barely had any reaction at all, to call sad attention to the fact that this kind of thing happens every single day.


You know, when Callie told Arizona to stop calling Sofia "her" daughter, I was about to go ballistic.  But I think Callie really does see Arizona as Sofia's mother and what she meant was she is OUR daughter not YOUR daughter.  I really do think Callie believes Arizona should have rights, she clearly wanted Arizona's help in choosing a school, but Callie can't see in front of her own nose to realize that how much it would hurt Arizona to have Sofia move across the country.


I don't know, I keep thinking if Mark were still alive, and Callie talked to him about this decision with Sofia, would she have had the same attitude? Would she have made her decision so lightly, taken for granted so easily that Mark would just go along with her plans, assumed he would have no real say in the matter of his daughter moving 3,000 miles away?

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 3


Jo said they live in a bad neighborhood.  If their place were broken into, the burglars could easily find the gun in a shoebox under the bed, and now they have a free gun to use on their next burglary/robbery/driveby/murder..


Yep. To me, the purpose to keep a gun locked away in your house is not to hide it from the people in the house who shouldn't be fooling around with it (because hiding it from them means nothing - they know where everything is), but to hide it from those people who shouldn't be in your house that might stumble upon it if they were to get in.

I lock my house up so people don't break in, but that doesn't mean they can't try and succeed.  The bad guys could also break in to a gun locked away.  The idea that locks (and laws) stop bad people is not true, and the reason that I fully support gun ownership to responsible adults.  It doesn't matter if something is in a shoebox or a safe - it could get stolen regardless.  And technically it's locked away from people outside of their apartment because they better be locking their front door.

I honestly think Arizona repeatedly saying "my daughter" is to underscore that she is a parent.  It reminds me of that episode in Season 8 (I think) where Arizona arrives at a party and immediately asks for a piece of paper (and I hope to God she got it) saying she's Sofia's mother.  She's always need Callie to legitimate her role in Sofia's life and I think this scenario is no different.  I fear the route Callie will take will involve mention of Arizona's infidelity and her disinterest in parenting post-plan crash as well as prior to Sofia's birth.  THAT will be the character assassination of Callie Torres.  I'm so glad Arizona has Richard to guide her.  He gave her really good advice and I think she was open to talking until that phone call that basically proved that while Arizona has rights, they aren't to any major decisions like her child moving to New York.  They are, "when we move to New York, what apartment do you think we should get?  What school do you like best?"  Callie stated with no uncertainty that she is going to New York.  She is going and taking Sofia with her so Arizona's rights are about how she wants to deal with that scenario.  Because of this, I don't blame her for passing off the attorney's card.  It seemed very clear this was an issue about which Callie would not budge.  Unfortunately it is probably going to get very ugly and I for one, will be heartbroken to see Arizona's journey through it.  Don't even get me started on Penny.  Not remotely worth uprooting your life, your child's life and your ex's life.  No freaking way.

  • Love 2
I lock my house up so people don't break in, but that doesn't mean they can't try and succeed.  The bad guys could also break in to a gun locked away.  The idea that locks (and laws) stop bad people is not true, and the reason that I fully support gun ownership to responsible adults.  It doesn't matter if something is in a shoebox or a safe - it could get stolen regardless.  And technically it's locked away from people outside of their apartment because they better be locking their front door.


But it's a lot easier for a random intruder to get their hands on your weapon if you leave it in a very obvious or easily accessible place than if it's deeply hidden or locked away, mainly because they won't have the time to dig through every little nook and cranny throughout the whole house to stumble upon said hiding place and then, perhaps, the second spot where the keys are. For the kids living in your house, however, digging through every nook and cranny is literally what they do every day. That's why it astounds me when your hear about parents who claim they thought their kids didn't know where the gun was, or didn't know they had one. What exactly do they think kids do all day?

  • Love 2
Well, yes of course it was manufactured to fit into the gun story but I really liked the scene in loft because it was a rare sweet, tender moment for them which we hardly ever get to see.  It reminded me why I am even a Jolex fan to begin with.


As I said, I did like the scene. I also was thrilled to finally get a good scene with them after basically nothing for 1/3 or more of the season. My nitpick was that other couples had stories that were not part of the Very Special Episode Plot, ones that aren't wrapped in 3 minutes or less. Had it been part of a longer scene it would have been great.

I hate the whole idea of picking sides but I really do wonder who, if anyone, is going to side with Callie next week.


I think someone has to, I don't think they would have everyone but Penny be on Arizona's side.  If Callie was leaving for Callie I think she'd have more people on her side.

  • Love 1

It's obvious Callie doesn't treat Arizona as equal when it comes to parenting rights. Sure she'll let her be involved and voice her opinion, but when it comes to things that really matter (like whether Sofia gets uprooted and taken across the country for a year), she gets the final say. If that was Arizona who wanted to follow her love interest and take Sofia with her, I'm completely sure Callie wouldn't entertain that thought even for a second. 

And now that it's established, it's a point of no return in their relationship, so I really hope this is not how they intend to pave the way for their reunion, as it would be completely ridiculous. 

I wish people wouldn't be obliged to pick sides in the next episode. I think it's reasonable that some would (Owen, April, DeLuca), but I don't see why, say, Meredith or Bailey would have to be involved. 


I didn't care for the whole "Guns are bad, mkay" shtick. And yes, I rolled my eyes at everyone treating it like some huge unfathomable tragedy they had never witnessed before. Obviously it was very sad but I'm also sure they've seen kids actually die in gun violence.


Maggie was such an asshole to the babysitter. At least she acknowledged it and felt bad. She was acting so over the top that I was sure she was going to reveal she experienced a gun-related childhood trauma of some kind. 


I was never particularly interested in Bailey and Ben as a couple and this storyline certainly isn't helping. I wish they split up for good. And I can't believe Bailey used to be my favourite character on the show. She hasn't been the same for a long time, but OMG, she's hideous now. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 2

Please stop with Amelia and Owen thanks

I don't like Jo or own a gun (and never would) and even I was annoyed about how they treated her based on her owning one. 

Calling it, Arizona is going to lose.  And you know what, it' sort of her fault because despite Callie's overzealous attempt to move...Arizona owed her a conversation before she went to a lawyer.

Maggie + McKiwi calling that too.

Edited by dmc
  • Love 2

Arizona owed her a conversation before she went to a lawyer.


A conversation about what? They did talk. And Callie made it perfectly clear she had already decided she's taking Sofia with her. What else was Arizona supposed to do, other than simply accept it and give up?


I agree that everyone clutching their pearls when Jo said she had a gun was absurd. 

  • Love 7

I don't know if I am supposed to be on Team Arizona - because I don't know if Arizona has any "rights" per se. Which I wish people would flat out say so on the show. like. "You know, she's my daughter too. I've adopted her,  I've helped raised her, and blah blah blah blah pertinent information that would really help with formulating a decision. are we assuming so? or is she a like a step-mom and Callie's given her rights, and she's not being a massive cow about "well, blah blah blah  you're just the step-mom."


just that little point would make it so much easier. (for me anyway). 


i'm really not on anyone's side. I think Callie's stupid to quit her job and move to new york for a ONE YEAR grant. With a resident. who could move anywhere other than that. is Callie going to follow Penny all over? And I think that should be the issue. Not taking Sofia to New York for a year (to which - and I say this as a single person with no kids - i don't see the issue with it per-se, other than you know you have to start a new school, meet new friends, and if it's for 1 year that sucks). 

but what if Penny gets something akin to Africa? is Callie going to follow her there? will she want to stay in New York? 
Or Callie meets someone else and that person wants to move to Florida. Or Australia. or somewhere.

hm. go figure. I'm Team Arizona and she's been dead to me for a v. long time. 


Honestly, though Arizona needs to say (welll needed) was like. "I don't think that Sofia should move to New York with you, until you've decided what's going to happen with your life - ie: are you staying in New York past a year, are you going to continue to be a vagabond and follow Penny wherever she goes - like what's the deal. Until you figure that out I feel it's for the best that Sofia stays with me in a home she knows, and continues to go to a school she loves, until we have to cross the bridge to something permanent. 


Had Arizona said that and Callie still acted like an idiot - then i get the Lawyer involved. 


Bailey doesn't run the whole school. finally. 


I. am not on Team Ben either but I do think (for someone again who is showing ZERO remorse for killing a baby and his mother) - he did find a good idea. the problem isn't so much being behind (though I think that's a part of it) - i think he's just not built to be Mr. Tuck 2.0, and Miranda can't handle it. (I don't even think Mr Tuck 1.0 ... I just realised whose name would be Bailey (LAUGH). handled it either). so for Bailey to toss out "figure out where you sleep, Mistuh!" just shut up. he's not operating. he's doing his previous job - which he was good at. 


though. considering he should have been fired in my opinion... 

And being aghast that Callie would leave her ortho chief gig here and take a lesser job for the sake of following her girlfriend who's just a resident? I guess we know where she stands if Ben were ever to transfer to a new residency out of state.


Right. Because Bailey's "piece of tail"--ugh--resident knows to toe the line. Except Ben stepped off and found a way to fudge that six month time-out he was supposed to spend in the corner.  So the Bailey bed is on lockdown.




I think the whole episode came about from a bet the writers made to see how many ridiculous instances of overstepping and OTT behavior they could shoehorn into one script.  The person who usually writes the Meredith crazy must've been too tired.

Edited by candall
  • Love 1

well remember - Ben had something out of town, remember, and he gave it up and Bailey was WTF? no. go to LA, we'll make it work somehow coz we luuvvvv each other. Ben came back because he was tired of living so far apart. (heh bet he regrets that now right?)


and to be fair - Ben/Bailey are married and known each other for years. 

Callie's known Penny for like what? 6 months?


(not that it justifies the comment, but...)


But it's a lot easier for a random intruder to get their hands on your weapon if you leave it in a very obvious or easily accessible place than if it's deeply hidden or locked away, mainly because they won't have the time to dig through every little nook and cranny throughout the whole house to stumble upon said hiding place and then, perhaps, the second spot where the keys are. For the kids living in your house, however, digging through every nook and cranny is literally what they do every day. That's why it astounds me when your hear about parents who claim they thought their kids didn't know where the gun was, or didn't know they had one. What exactly do they think kids do all day?


But Alex didn't even know it was there, so it wasn't that obvious.  And actually that was my one problem with Jo - if you have a gun in a house, your partner better know about it.  Well, two, because her reasons for caving in the end were stupid.  I'm not a bad guy, but if I was, under the bed isn't really where I would start during a smash and grab.  But I totally agree with you on the kids searching every nook and cranny - I found all sorts of stuff my parents tried to hide from my sisters and I!  

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