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S08.E03: The Biggest Boob

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IMO, Bethenny doesn't have to do much to make Dorinda look bad, she does it all by herself. She even makes Ramona look sane.

Regarding the negative comments about John -- Bethenny isn't the only HW saying negative things about him. And as for the comments here about John, I've read worse disparaging comments about Bethenny and Carole's looks here. Everyone is fair game. I get that you "know" him, but he comes across very badly on the show, IMO.


Actually, I don't know him personally.  Bethenny is leading the pack with her blistering comments on his looks & that's what I can't stomach.  Insults are to be expected from Moaner.  I don't usually pay attention to her blather anyway.  I have no interest in defending his character -- at least what Bethenny is showing us of it.  But I still think what we're seeing could very likely be slanted against him (and to what degree, we don't know) because she is now producer of this show.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Dorinda's blog is up and it's all over the map.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/blogs You could pick any quote out and it would seem to support John.  Go to the next sentence and she says Bethenny's right, John's an asshole.  Next sentence, no one is fair to John.  A few words later, John had no right to say the horrible things he said.


Make up your mind woman.

Her blogs were like this last season, rambling, not making any sense, confusing facts/rewriting what we saw and utter nonsense but still, so many believed her. I often wondered if she wrote her blogs after 4 or 5 dirty martinis. LOL So she doesn't know who "called" John, did she not see that she called him and put him on speaker phone where not only could everyone (including us) hear him but he could also hear all of them? LOL

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Why do people call Bethanny Beth? And why do they hate her so much as if she'd actually done something to them? It's striking.


Are you referring to people here in the forum? I often type 'Beth' as shorthand because I'm always second guessing how to spell her name correctly! A or E?! I know she dislikes the shortened version of her name, but I doubt she's here to read my disrespect of her preference! I don't use 'Beth' as a way to show dislike...I sometimes actually like/love her.

I met a Victoria once and asked her if she preferred Vicky or Victoria...she preferred Victoria but, dammit, when it came time to say goodbye I accidentally called her Vicky! I was so embarrassed!

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Dorinda's blog is up and it's all over the map.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/blogs You could pick any quote out and it would seem to support John.  Go to the next sentence and she says Bethenny's right, John's an asshole.  Next sentence, no one is fair to John.  A few words later, John had no right to say the horrible things he said.


Make up your mind woman.

OK.  Dorinda is just being Dorinda.  Or should I say Doris, with her blog.  What stood out to me the most is that she makes breakfast every morning for her 20/21 year old daughter.  What???  I guess I'm a terrible mother but I always thought it important for kids to learn how to care for themselves and have responsibility.  I'll always remember teaching my neighbor's kid how to make a peanut butter sandwich and pour a glass of milk.


Anyway.  I have no idea of why Dorinda was a fan favorite last season.  I know she was popular with some celebrities who watch the show.  Gaga comes to mind.  And now, Erika Jane is a favorite.  I just don't get it.  Dorinda has always been a sloppy drunk.  It's not flattering.  For whatever reason she holds on to John.  He is sleazy.  She knows that.  But Beth has decided to make it a storyline this season.  Yup.  She's not happy that Dorinda is getting more love than she is from the viewers.


I don't like body shaming.  Beth and Carole went there.  Beth is healthy and pure muscle but is obsessed with it.  Carole is fine.  She looks great in a bikini.  She's just really, really, small boned.  This was revealed when she was measured for a bra.  You can't reduce the size of your bones and her measurement was tiny, tiny.  She's got meat on her.  You can see it in her legs.  I don't know what to make of Jules.  She did say that skinny is a positive thing.  That's a little disturbing. 

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.  Dorinda has always been a sloppy drunk. 

Not just a sloppy drunk but a volatile drunk! She gets mean, really mean when she has had a few and by a few, I mean more than 1 dirty martini. LOL

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Her blogs were like this last season, rambling, not making any sense, confusing facts/rewriting what we saw and utter nonsense but still, so many believed her. I often wondered if she wrote her blogs after 4 or 5 dirty martinis. LOL So she doesn't know who "called" John, did she not see that she called him and put him on speaker phone where not only could everyone (including us) hear him but he couldhttps://www.pinterest.com/pin/373024781607664926/also hear all of them? LOL

Dorinda's dynamic towards John is just as conflicted as Kyle and Lisa's.

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So far I want more Luann and Sonja.


I know they're still working Jules into the mix, but I could take or leave her I liked Heather. It's a shame she left because she could really give it to Bethenney -- which I would love to see. Beth is a bit to smug for me. Like she's the Alpha HW or something.


For the life of me I don't get Beth and Carole talking about how thin Jules is, then they are just as thin. I've always marveled that Carole has NO boobs. So where she gets off talking about Jules I'd love to know. And Bethenney just needs to STFU. I know Andy may think Bethenney brings in viewers, but I'm sick of her.


I didn't even watch this past week's show on its initial night. I forgot it was on. That's how little I care about the season so far.

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I was pretty perplexed at Dorinda's popularity last season after Turks & Caicos. Don't get me wrong, she totally belongs on this cast, but lord what a messy, belligerent drunk. And her ass kissing of Bethenny/going after Heather to look better in B's eyes seemed so transparent to me. 


After that point, I kinda filed her away under "necessary evil." A title reserved for the likes of a Ramona or a Vicki. A whirling dervish of a mess that absolutely needs to be there to give the saner ones something to comment on.


I agree completely, at the very beginning she seemed like a "voice of reason" kind of character, but during Turks & Caicos and the whole aftermath where she had beef with Heather seemingly for no reason turned me right off her. I remember at the reunion, Heather said something critical of her (probably about John or her drinking) and Dorinda blew up at her. Then Bethenny said the exact same thing using slightly different words, and Dorinda was nodding and agreeing. So much major ass kissing. Just like in this episode when she decided that Ramona had fucked up monumentally, but Bethenny was just coming from a place of concern. I'm no Ramona apologist but I'm inclined to believe it was the other way round.

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Oh how I wish Heather was still on the show. She was not afraid of Beth or Dorinda. I always thought she was very sensible and I loved her friendship with Carole. Jules adds nothing, so I wish they would have just kept Kristen. I want them to ditch the Dorinda story and move on to Ramona living the single life.

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Heather and Kristen got fired for going against Bethenny. Heather was the only one with equivalent business success who could talk on the same level and call bullshit on her nonsense.

Kristen was younger and prettier and her husband was one of Bethenny's legion of boyfriends who rejected her to marry someone else. Sure Josh is a douche but even he knew enough to steer clear of toxic Bethenny.

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Quick question:  Is it confirmed that Luann and Sonja held out on signing?  If so, I just don't understand them.  They're the two who most depend on the income, yet they allow themselves to think they're essential to the show.  I don't get it.


Her blogs were like this last season, rambling, not making any sense, confusing facts/rewriting what we saw and utter nonsense but still, so many believed her. I often wondered if she wrote her blogs after 4 or 5 dirty martinis. LOL So she doesn't know who "called" John, did she not see that she called him and put him on speaker phone where not only could everyone (including us) hear him but he could also hear all of them? LOL


I haven't read her blog so I probably shouldn't comment.  But I got the impression from the episode that someone (producer) told John what was said, to bring the drama.  It would seem Dorinda was not interested in a confrontation between John and Bethenny - why would she be?  From what we've seen thus far, her sole goal is to align herself with Bethenny.  My interpretation would be ....... Dorinda knows she called John to pick her up, but she doesn't know who called John to tattle on Bethenny (and mentioning a producer would break that fourth wall).  Also, don't they all have to use speaker phone on their cells?  I thought it's come up before because there are many instances, in multiple franchises, where people ask, "why were they on speaker phone?".


My impression of the entire Dorinda mess this episode:  Dorinda (as usual) was sloppy drunk.  She defended John because, like many people, she's fine insulting her man but not fine hearing others do it.  She was angry with Bethenny/Ramona and wanted to leave.  Somehow John is tattled to which fires him up.  When he comes in gunning for Bethenny, Dorinda is caught off guard because she (stupidly) has not realized the extent of producer manipulation.  Her first impulse was embarrassment and anger at John for risking her planned alignment with Bethenny.  And like many people under the influence, she was able to see John's sloppy behavior, but not her own.  Then after sobering up and being told by John that he was deliberately egged on by production, she realizes that John was attempting to defend her, and that's what matters to her in that relationship.  Therefore, as happens often in life, it's the friends who end up paying for what happened, and the boyfriend who seems to get off scot-free.  And since Ramona is a true friend, versus a "Hollywood" friend, Dorinda is angriest at her.


I also suspect Dorinda's blog is conflicted because she's still conflicted about where alliances will fall in the end.  She tied herself to Bethenny when she helped drive Heather off the show, but perhaps Bethenny isn't properly rewarding Dorinda.  Dorinda is possibly surprised by how Bethenny seems to be making Dorinda/John her storyline, and isn't sure whether she should remain loyal, or go scorched earth.  I may root for Dorinda if she becomes Bethenny's challenger.  I really despised her for the way she went after my girl Heather, but I'm surprised to find I'm feeling her side over Bethenny's.


OK.  Dorinda is just being Dorinda.  Or should I say Doris, with her blog.  What stood out to me the most is that she makes breakfast every morning for her 20/21 year old daughter.  What???  I guess I'm a terrible mother but I always thought it important for kids to learn how to care for themselves and have responsibility.  I'll always remember teaching my neighbor's kid how to make a peanut butter sandwich and pour a glass of milk.


My goodness, I'm really not intentionally trying to defend DorindaI.  But as an only child who's considerably older than Hannah, I admit my mother is the same.  The same woman who taught me at an early age that I should become a "brain surgeon" so I would never be dependent on a man for money, frequently attempts to prepare my meals, and would even do my laundry if I allowed it.  Like Dorinda my mother's a widow, and I think that can lead to clinging on to your only child.


Oh how I wish Heather was still on the show. She was not afraid of Beth or Dorinda. I always thought she was very sensible and I loved her friendship with Carole. Jules adds nothing, so I wish they would have just kept Kristen. I want them to ditch the Dorinda story and move on to Ramona living the single life.


I loved Heather, and I agree she wasn't afraid to speak her mind.  But I do think she was afraid of Bethenny.  Or at least a little nervous around her.  That was most obvious in the scene in which Bethenny showed up at Dorinda's dinner party.  Heather was clearly anxious and unsure of how to talk to Bethenny.  And as usual, Bethenny found a way to be offended by Heather, and found fault in her questions.  I'm specifically referring to the interaction between Heather and Beth before they sat down to dinner.   And I think part of the reason Heather went after Bethenny at dinner is because she was upset at herself for allowing Bethenny to rattle her.

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Heather and Kristen got fired for going against Bethenny. Heather was the only one with equivalent business success who could talk on the same level and call bullshit on her nonsense.

Kristen was younger and prettier and her husband was one of Bethenny's legion of boyfriends who rejected her to marry someone else. Sure Josh is a douche but even he knew enough to steer clear of toxic Bethenny.

Heather quit, well before the contracts for this season went out. She actually announced, via her twitter, it directly after the reunion aired, which is about a month before Bravo asks anyone back. I also think Kristen may have quit as well if Bravo wanted to include Josh's AM scandal as part of her storyline or she was fired for refusing to agreeing to using it.


Quick question:  Is it confirmed that Luann and Sonja held out on signing?  If so, I just don't understand them.  They're the two who most depend on the income, yet they allow themselves to think they're essential to the show.  I don't get it.



I haven't read her blog so I probably shouldn't comment.  But I got the impression from the episode that someone (producer) told John what was said, to bring the drama.  It would seem Dorinda was not interested in a confrontation between John and Bethenny - why would she be?  From what we've seen thus far, her sole goal is to align herself with Bethenny.  My interpretation would be ....... Dorinda knows she called John to pick her up, but she doesn't know who called John to tattle on Bethenny (and mentioning a producer would break that fourth wall).  Also, don't they all have to use speaker phone on their cells?  I thought it's come up before because there are many instances, in multiple franchises, where people ask, "why were they on speaker phone?".


My impression of the entire Dorinda mess this episode:  Dorinda (as usual) was sloppy drunk.  She defended John because, like many people, she's fine insulting her man but not fine hearing others do it.  She was angry with Bethenny/Ramona and wanted to leave.  Somehow John is tattled to which fires him up.  When he comes in gunning for Bethenny, Dorinda is caught off guard because she (stupidly) has not realized the extent of producer manipulation.  Her first impulse was embarrassment and anger at John for risking her planned alignment with Bethenny.  And like many people under the influence, she was able to see John's sloppy behavior, but not her own.  Then after sobering up and being told by John that he was deliberately egged on by production, she realizes that John was attempting to defend her, and that's what matters to her in that relationship.  Therefore, as happens often in life, it's the friends who end up paying for what happened, and the boyfriend who seems to get off scot-free.  And since Ramona is a true friend, versus a "Hollywood" friend, Dorinda is angriest at her.


I also suspect Dorinda's blog is conflicted because she's still conflicted about where alliances will fall in the end.  She tied herself to Bethenny when she helped drive Heather off the show, but perhaps Bethenny isn't properly rewarding Dorinda.  Dorinda is possibly surprised by how Bethenny seems to be making Dorinda/John her storyline, and isn't sure whether she should remain loyal, or go scorched earth.  I may root for Dorinda if she becomes Bethenny's challenger.  I really despised her for the way she went after my girl Heather, but I'm surprised to find I'm feeling her side over Bethenny's.



My goodness, I'm really not intentionally trying to defend DorindaI.  But as an only child who's considerably older than Hannah, I admit my mother is the same.  The same woman who taught me at an early age that I should become a "brain surgeon" so I would never be dependent on a man for money, frequently attempts to prepare my meals, and would even do my laundry if I allowed it.  Like Dorinda my mother's a widow, and I think that can lead to clinging on to your only child.



I loved Heather, and I agree she wasn't afraid to speak her mind.  But I do think she was afraid of Bethenny.  Or at least a little nervous around her.  That was most obvious in the scene in which Bethenny showed up at Dorinda's dinner party.  Heather was clearly anxious and unsure of how to talk to Bethenny.  And as usual, Bethenny found a way to be offended by Heather, and found fault in her questions.  I'm specifically referring to the interaction between Heather and Beth before they sat down to dinner.   And I think part of the reason Heather went after Bethenny at dinner is because she was upset at herself for allowing Bethenny to rattle her.

Yes, it was confirmed by several sites, reputable sites, and Ramona was also a hold out but settled right before filming began. It is something Ramona has done to Luann before. LOL


I am sure John was filled in by production but when Dorinda initially called him, he would have been able to hear a few choice comments by Ramona (I think it was her) and Yes, it is a standard HW move to put everyone on speaker when on camera. LOL I also think Bethenny tipped her hand that she was talking smack about John when she commented on him being "lit up" when he first go to the party to pick Dorinda up.


I agree, Dorinda crawled up Bethenny's butt last season and went after Heather to curry favor with Bethenny and I am loving it that Bethenny has set her sights on Dorinda this season. I am not a fan of Bethenny at all but I do find it poetic justice that Dorinda is now getting from Bethenny what she gave Heather last season and that Bethenny is now getting from Dorinda what Heather got! LOL Bethenny and Dorinda deserve each other IMO.


Dorinda's blogs didn't make any sense at all last season. I swear she writes them drunk and she never remembers what she said/did at all be it drunk or sober.


I also like Heather and I miss her already but respect her decision to leave the show before she hurt her family and or her brand. Oh, and I LOVE her YT yoga pants and other assorted shape wear garments. The only one allowed to ask anyone any questions is Bethenny and the only one that is allowed to give their opinion on anything is Bethenny. This is no longer the NYHW show, it is the Bethenny Shreds Everyone Show now. LOL

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Last year, mid way through the season (when the conversation at the Berkshire's turned to John being a bit handsy), a commentator on Vulture posted something interesting. He/she said they had a friend who had once worked for him. Apparently John had been accused on several occasions of sexually harassing his employees. This didn't surprise me, but the person went on to state that he was also a well known habitual user of Cocaine. I didn't give it that much credence one way or the other, because anyone can anonymously post something on a forum, and who knows if it is true or not. But now, with what Beth said, it makes me wonder if this isn't in fact a well known thing, and one of the reasons the other ladies, this year and last, find it hard to understand why Dorinda is with this guy. Ramona is such a snob, that I could see her not liking John just based on his physical appearance, but Heather gave me pause. She in particular said that absolutely there was a lot of talk among their friends as to the fact that it was a strange match.

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Last year, mid way through the season (when the conversation at the Berkshire's turned to John being a bit handsy), a commentator on Vulture posted something interesting. He/she said they had a friend who had once worked for him. Apparently John had been accused on several occasions of sexually harassing his employees. This didn't surprise me, but the person went on to state that he was also a well known habitual user of Cocaine. I didn't give it that much credence one way or the other, because anyone can anonymously post something on a forum, and who knows if it is true or not. But now, with what Beth said, it makes me wonder if this isn't in fact a well known thing, and one of the reasons the other ladies, this year and last, find it hard to understand why Dorinda is with this guy. Ramona is such a snob, that I could see her not liking John just based on his physical appearance, but Heather gave me pause. She in particular said that absolutely there was a lot of talk among their friends as to the fact that it was a strange match.

If John uses cocaine, then I have to wonder if Dorinda doesn't use it as well. Which would explain why she sticks with him, they do it together.

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I also miss Heather and Kristin, too. I didn't like the pile-up on Heather last season, and I think she could stand up to Beth. Maybe drunk Dorinda will take her on this season.

It always seems like a new HW gets a decent edit her first season -- then look out!

Edited by Thumper
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Has skinny shaming become totally OK? Is there a reason so many people here think it's OK to say Jules has an eating disorder? If she was overweight would it be as funny?

Beth and Carole have no place commenting on another woman's body or eating issues, and frankly, I don't understand why people think it's ok here too.

Asking "what is Jules"? She is a woman and a human being.

Don't you know, only us skinny people are allowed to be shamed and insulted and called names. Nobody would be saying a damn thing if these people were all obese.

Fat shaming? No! Skinny shaming? Just fine.

Why do people say " Satan Andy" like Andy Cohen is the last word on what goes into the Housewives shows? I'm sure there are many, many people involved so unless he owns the network or something I don't understand why he gets so much shit.

Also if he's Satan for putting the shows on, doesn't that make us worse than him for watching them?

Edited by Maharincess
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I also miss Heather and Kristin, too. I didn't like the pile-up on Heather last season, and I think she could stand up to Beth. Maybe drunk Dorinda will take her on this season.

It always seems like a new HW gets a decent edit her first season -- then look out!

I miss Heather too, but am confused on how Dorinda was a fan favorite last year or got a good edit. She came across to me like a mean, sloppy, and hypocritical drunk.

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I miss Heather too, but am confused on how Dorinda was a fan favorite last year or got a good edit. She came across to me like a mean, sloppy, and hypocritical drunk.

You are right; Dorinda's first season sort of negates my hypothesis! Although she sure took it to Heather and Heather didn't come back.

I see the first season honeymoon with Erika on RHOBH this season -- she is still sort of an enigma.

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I think it's simple, and it's not about shaming anyone.  It was brought up on the show, just like Dorinda's drinking, or Lulu picking up married Johnny Depp look alikes for a one night stand.  It gets brought up, and we, the people watching, talk about it.

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I'm just saying that I never read "oh she's so fat it's gross to look at her", but I see it all the time in regards to underweight people.

When somebody is obese, people say it's not their fault, they are emotional eaters or whatever but when somebody is underweight it's all their fault because they're on drugs or have an eating disorder.

People would get absolutely slammed if they said about fat people what is said about skinny people.

Edited by Maharincess
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I miss Heather too, but am confused on how Dorinda was a fan favorite last year or got a good edit. She came across to me like a mean, sloppy, and hypocritical drunk.

I thought that too. Never cared for her. But her first season she got more of a tough, smart, say it like it is, NY broad edit then a loser drunk one. People seemed to really like that side and it seemed like that was all they saw.

I never like a new wife because I can always smell a whiff of their next season but I do like an interesting story and/or personality and for me Dorinda has that plus an organic connection to the cast.

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OMG, Sonja's facial expressions were priceless, when Lu was spouting off her story of her Central Park sex pick-up (er, I bet it was a sex pick-up anyway).  


Wowza, It just feels like the air is lifted by a million tons -- whenever they break away from Bethenny.  See, this is why the show so desperately needs a break from Bethenny's never-ending evil viciousness, bitterness, nastiness & hatred.  Sonja shoulda had a TH in that scene saying, "Oh please, Lu, 'fess up, girl -- you actually kidnapped those Italians & held 'em as sex slaves for the next 2 weeks, right?"

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Y'all know how much we love to repeat ourselves right? Cut it out with the skinny shaming (and the discussion of it... which isn't helping anyone move on) and lets be done with it ok? Thank you. 

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What about the next ep, when Bethenny will certainly throw out more skinny shaming?  Or shaming du jour -- which could be fat shaming (hello John), ugly shaming (um, what Bethenny thinks is ugly) or whatever shaming.  Ah, that's what the show is now.  Thanks a ton for that, Bethenny (and Moaner too).  Oh, and Satan Andy -- almost forgot to thank him for this loveliness.

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Talking about what's said on the show is fine. 

Lisin, so sorry!


I'm honestly confused, I know it's hard to mod this forum, so I'm sympathetic to that.  I thought about sending a PM, but I think if I'm confused then others will probably be as well, so I thought it best to ask it here.


Both Bethenny and Carole have implied Jules in anorexic, or "too thin" or "doesn't look healthy" or said "somethings wrong there."  In addition to that we saw her tell her husband to save her the left overs of his two egg white one egg yolk omelet.  She also made the statement that nothing is ever wrong with being skinny (however she worded it.)  The whole reason I posted those photos on the other page, before your warning, was people were saying that both Bethenny and Carole were just as "skinny" as Jules.


Now, it's possible this won't come up again, and then, no problem.  However, we both know that's not the way these shows roll.  If it was brought up in the first two episodes, it's not likely to suddenly die as gossip among these women, and Sonja and Luann haven't even met her yet.  I would never "shame" someone for having an illness like anorexia or bulimia, both diseases can and do kill.  It's hard not to wonder if Jules has one or both of those problems, if from nothing else, the bones clearly defined beneath her skin.


Anyway, there are plenty of other things to talk about with Jules, the "full time mother" with two brats who only obey with Popsicles for dinner and sour patch kids on drives, even though she has a full time nanny and a full time housekeeper.  Her pool in the living room, her age-shaming comments, etc.


As you know, every little thing any of these women say, do, look like is over-analyzed to death on forums, so part of what I'm not clear on is why her weight is off limits, when everything else is fair game, and also, the natural progression of conversation.


Bethenny said X

Carole said Y

Jules said Z

and talking about where the truth lies puts us in violation of your request, or just how, when it's said on the show, has the conversation so far diverged from that?

Edited by Umbelina
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Lisin, so sorry!


I'm honestly confused, I know it's hard to mod this forum, so I'm sympathetic to that.  I thought about sending a PM, but I think if I'm confused then others will probably be as well, so I thought it best to ask it here.


Both Bethenny and Carole have implied Jules in anorexic, or "too thin" or "doesn't look healthy" or said "somethings wrong there."  In addition to that we saw her tell her husband to save her the left overs of his two egg white one egg yolk omelet.  She also made the statement that nothing is ever wrong with being skinny (however she worded it.)  The whole reason I posted those photos on the other page, before your warning, was people were saying that both Bethenny and Carole were just as "skinny" as Jules.


Now, it's possible this won't come up again, and then, no problem.  However, we both know that's not the way these shows roll.  If it was brought up in the first two episodes, it's not likely to suddenly die as gossip among these women, and Sonja and Luann haven't even met her yet.  I would never "shame" someone for having an illness like anorexia or bulimia, both diseases can and do kill.  It's hard not to wonder if Jules has one or both of those problems, if from nothing else, the bones clearly defined beneath her skin.


Anyway, there are plenty of other things to talk about with Jules, the "full time mother" with two brats who only obey with Popsicles for dinner and sour patch kids on drives, even though she has a full time nanny and a full time housekeeper.  Her pool in the living room, her age-shaming comments, etc.


As you know, every little thing any of these women say, do, look like is over-analyzed to death on forums, so part of what I'm not clear on is why her weight is off limits, when everything else is fair game, and also, the natural progression of conversation.


Bethenny said X

Carole said Y

Jules said Z

and talking about where the truth lies puts us in violation of your request, or just how, when it's said on the show, has the conversation so far diverged from that?

There is a lot more to come I think. When Beth was on WWHL a caller asked her why she could call out the new gal (I don't even care enough about her at this point to remember her name) for being thin, when Beth herself is thin. She said to keep watching because there is lots more on this to come during the season.

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Ok.  I'm whispering this because I can't make the font size any smaller.  I totally 'get' that there would be a different response if things said about Jules were said about a full figured woman.  But...I have no doubt that the same things would have been said about that full figured woman.  Put a not so thin person on a housewives show and I totally believe that it would be the case.  Geez.  Ro and Beth are talking about penis sizes.  Isn't part of what the condemnation of John is about his weight?  Isn't that a part of what makes him sleazy?   Don't get me wrong.  I do think John is sleazy but with Beth and especially Ro, weight is a factor.  It's a shame. 


In the end, the vast majority of these women are just shallow people who aren't all that.  They're with Kathy Griffin on the D list, if even that.

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OMG Bethany Frankel shut the fuck up. What successful relationship have you had to judge or critique someone else's? What an asshole. Good for Dorinda for standing up for herself. I've always been a fan but enough is enough Bethenny.  I pumped my fist in the air as Dorinda went toe to toe with her. No one mentioned it but I liked when Dorinda said she may have to stop hanging out with these ladies; I guess meaning she'd quit the show--wow. 

What's really going on with Bethany and John? Is John too much like looking in the mirror for her? If Bethany were a fat man she'd be John--the crude mouth, a little too loud, not that attractive...sounds like Bethany to me. I've had plenty of girlfriends with shitty boyfriends and I held my tongue. If there is abuse including bleeding you dry financially I'd absolutely step in but there's no evidence of that. If John originally got together with her for her connections that's not okay, but obviously there's more to it as they've been together for awhile. He runs a pretty successful business so I don't understand all the pearl clutching to begin with. I don't think Dorinda needs a man around I think she genuinely loves John.  He's unattractive and a little rough but as long as I'm not invited into a threesome I don't care. 


I don't like Ramona; never have. I tend to blurt exactly what I'm thinking too but never the hurtful shit Ramona says. If pressed I bet she'd have to admit she's been cussed out by every girlfriend she has. If someone told her Mario had a girlfriend as they were walking down the street I bet that was an old score being settled in addition to breaking the news.


I like RHONY because they can fight without security needing to step in but this whole storyline is going to backfire on the Bethany redemption arc. And if I neglected to say it earlier she should really shut the entire fuck up.

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OMG, Sonja's facial expressions were priceless, when Lu was spouting off her story of her Central Park sex pick-up (er, I bet it was a sex pick-up anyway).

Wowza, It just feels like the air is lifted by a million tons -- whenever they break away from Bethenny. See, this is why the show so desperately needs a break from Bethenny's never-ending evil viciousness, bitterness, nastiness & hatred. Sonja shoulda had a TH in that scene saying, "Oh please, Lu, 'fess up, girl -- you actually kidnapped those Italians & held 'em as sex slaves for the next 2 weeks, right?"

Dontchya know ? She became lifelong friends with those "Italians". They still wax poetic about that story till this day.Im sure she was " entertaining" and sharing a full bellied chuckle over her naievete with her friendz "The Italians" in

St.Barts. Smirks.*Never change Lu, never change* ;-)

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I miss Heather too, but am confused on how Dorinda was a fan favorite last year or got a good edit. She came across to me like a mean, sloppy, and hypocritical drunk.


My memory is the worst, but I remember liking Dorinda at first. I don't think her mean, sloppy, drunk side fully came out until they were on vacation. I remember her babysitting Sonja in Atlantic City and telling her "John John's dead" and finding her absolutely hilarious. She was this unconventionally pretty, take no bullshit kind of gal. But yea, that definitely went south by the end of the season. 

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I thought Bethenny overstepped with the cocaine references.  Usually if I see a person is impaired I do my best to avoid confrontation.  If nothing else Bethenny should have been supportive of Dorinda in getting John out the door or let herself out.   There was no reason to have a discussion at that time other than Bethenny was guaranteed the win against an impaired John.  I am going to borrow a line from Bethenny during her guest appearance on RHOBH.  The whole scene had poor production value.  It felt like a producer sat in a bar with John got him liquored up and sent him up to a waiting Bethenny.  Coupled with the door where the latch impeded closing, I am just not finding much real. 


If Bethenny's idea is to reinvigorate her brand, it is lost on me.  I see nothing positive coming from her.  Her comments about Jules, I found Jules appropriate, maybe she just feels it inappropriate to give a blow by blow.  Her age comments, at first, because I am old, I was offended.  On second viewing I think her point is for mature adults their behavior is obnoxious.  I think her kids are cute and it is nice to have some young blood even if she is too thin and he is too short for the other RH's liking.

She should have waited and called him on it later like Rinna.

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Hey look, it's a personal choice to like Bethenny.  I think this season, what we've seen of her so far, she's become an absolute BULLY.  And where the fuck is her sense of humor?  I've seen some comments in this thread from some who laughed throughout this ep.  From what?  I can't laugh at the behavior of a bully.  It's not funny in the least to me.  Idk, I guess I'm envying those who found something to laugh at & be entertained by.  I sure as fuck didn't.  This overload of Bethenny's nastiness/bitterness/hatred/cruelty just makes me tense, nervous & anxious.  And that ain't what I'm looking for from this show.

I right there with you. I've ALWAYS thought Beth was meanspirited and as the seasons have gone and all the fan approval and encouragement she's has happily ran with it and turned into a seriously hateful witch with no intentions of reeling that shit in. Why, cause in an age of raising awareness of all sorts of bullying there's also a closet movement that embraces "truthtellers"??? Yeah, I know "keeping it real" and "telling it like it is" and "being real" are apparently all you need to say to avoid being labelled as a bully. But here's the thing. These are the classic excuses and the mantras of bullies. There's no honor in sharing a truth that is said for the only purpose of being hurtful. Beth revels in being able to throw rapid fire darts and a lot of the time I can't even figure out what on earth is her motivation for her frantic whirlwind of activity. It truly seems to come out of nowhere and absolutely unnecessary. The intensity in which she engages and escalates any conversation or conflict is just so disproportionate to what is actually going on.


There's never any real sense to her reactions to something and her comments about things. Once she gets started on something, which to be honest her triggers are just as bizarre, one moment she's engaged in whatever activity and if there is even the slightest vibe of something being off she's off and running with some seriously manic behavior that turns into her rapid fire comments, phrases, cliches hodge podge.  Sometimes you can follow the momentum of what escalated what and even then it's usually still so over the top but most of the time, at least for me, I really never understand why she's even that animated, opinionated and bothered about a certain topic in any given scene. I mean to the degree she takes things is so unreal to me. Who likes negativity that much that you just have to insert such mindnumbing chaos into a gathering? Our Beth that's who. So many times I'm just like, whaaaa?? Where the fuck did that come from and it doesn't even make sense that she's this vocal about XYZ  and I can hardly ever understand why she feels so compelled to comment on everything and create such a disturbance. That's what I think of her. She's just this person that cause disturbances by picking the most random details out in a gathering and just turning it into the fucking biggest problem, conflict, issue that ever was and I find that trait in her to be rather disturbing because it's so weird and baseless.

Edited by Yours Truly
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OMG, Sonja's facial expressions were priceless, when Lu was spouting off her story of her Central Park sex pick-up (er, I bet it was a sex pick-up anyway).  


Wowza, It just feels like the air is lifted by a million tons -- whenever they break away from Bethenny.  See, this is why the show so desperately needs a break from Bethenny's never-ending evil viciousness, bitterness, nastiness & hatred.  Sonja shoulda had a TH in that scene saying, "Oh please, Lu, 'fess up, girl -- you actually kidnapped those Italians & held 'em as sex slaves for the next 2 weeks, right?"


The Italian friends... hmm, where have we heard that before Luann?  I agree with you that the scenes with Bethenny feel much darker, Luann and Sonja are comic relief tbh. And I've noticed such a lack of talking heads from the other girls, they might have one here are there but it seems to be mainly narrated by Bethenny and Dorinda alternately. I know last season was kinda Bethenny-centric too but at least the other girls seemed to have equal airtime and storylines (with the exception of Heather). 

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I miss Sonya and LuAnn too. They are the comic relief on this show. Loved the shoes in the oven remarks. They just say things without thinking too deeply and are real. Sonya, in the few minutes we see her, seems more grounded than last year. Does anyone know when they return. Agree with everyone above about B. Used to like her but she's just a bitch this year. I did like her snoopy scarf remark tho.

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Seriously. Don't know where the other person grew up but those were the days when "nice girls did" and got on the pill to avoid getting pregnant. We were the generation of girls who said yes to boys who said no to war.The 70s the sexual revolution and fun! Not everyone had sex with more than one boy you weren't serious with before graduation, but a ton did it with at least one. No herpes, no HIV/AIDS, no whatever that thing is teens get a shot now for,

Not so fast, herpes is an ancient disease and syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia were also prevalent..

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To answer questions, I think the easiest way to not appear to be skinny shaming, is to just stick to talking about what was said on the show and without adding tons of personal opinions on the matter. Like for example "Beth said Jules is a skeleton, that was fucked up" is fine, but "Beth said Jules is a skeleton and I think she's right, Jules is so disgusting to look at it makes me sick" is you skinny shaming someone. See the difference? Same for John stuff. 
Here's the bottom line, we'd really love it if "Jules is Skinny" was not the "Lyme/Maybe Fake Cancer" of this season of NY. At this point in time it really doesn't seem to be a big plot point. People have commented on it on the show but it hasn't been an entire episode or anything. I'm one million percent sure there will be tons of drama to discuss that doesn't involve us weighing in on whether we personally think anyone on the show is anorexic. Make sense?


In completely separate news, just wanted to make sure everyone had seen the announcement about the forum upgrade. Here it is.


Hi everyone.

A major forum software upgrade is scheduled for Tuesday starting around 7-9am ET. It is major surgery and we expect the forums will be down until the evening as we import millions of posts and other bits of data and check they are working in the new system.
On Tuesday, we will make schedule ETA updates on Twitter and Facebook.

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I miss Heather too, but am confused on how Dorinda was a fan favorite last year or got a good edit. She came across to me like a mean, sloppy, and hypocritical drunk.


Beth was a 'fan fave' the first year because she was funny/snarky/different, she began to read her reviews and that is what created the filthy mouthed, bitch-on-wheels in the following seasons. She shoots her mouth off and uses the 'I have no filter' excuse for being an idiot.

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If Andy Cohen is Satan then I'm his evil minion because I fell off the wagon and broke my RH sobriety. This ep was a jaw dropper:


- Princess Carole concern trolling Jules about her weight; the condescending way she touched Jules's arm and said "you're too thin"... and then proceeded to pose in front of the mirror? ugh!


- Bethenny saying Jules is "a very special woman with very special needs"; is that supposed to be funny? why is Bethenny so friggin' angry all the time? maybe there's something bad in the Skinny Girl chocolate because she'd hardly the first person to ever get a divorce


- Jules doesn't know what "Et tu, Brute" means? okay maybe Bethenny had a point...


- I know it's unpopular to snark about kids but Jules's son could use a visit from Supernanny Jo Frost


- I wish I could figure out what the hell is wrong with Ramona; she's just awkward and crazy and never gets better, does she? Jules's "elderly" comment was probably due to a poor vocabulary (I think she meant to say "my elders") but I hope it pissed off Ramona, who seems to be delusional about being a hot sexy teenager


- how lovely of Countess Crackerjack's old roommate to humor her with some real estate she can't afford


Does Dorinda have a speech impediment? Because she sounds like a terminally drunk trucker but I feel bad if there's something she can't help...

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Bethenny has always had an excuse for being nasty and bitter. First it was the wolves who raised her and then it was the man who should've been just a sperm donor, but was dumb enough to actually marry her.  She claimed she wanted the family life she never had - and then blew it when she did get it.


My son's ex-wife is a child and animal abuser and he's fighting to keep her influence over their two children at a bare minimum. Jason needs to protect Brynn the same way because Bethenny is repeating the cycle she's spent so much of her airtime bitching about.


Any sympathy she might have elicited by being the underdog when the show first premiered was negated by her unrelenting nastiness to everyone within her sphere. Nobody was unscathed. And the Bethenny Is A Raging Bitch Tour continues. I didn't miss her when she left and wouldn't if she went away again.     

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Seriously. Don't know where the other person grew up but those were the days when "nice girls did" and got on the pill to avoid getting pregnant. We were the generation of girls who said yes to boys who said no to war.The 70s the sexual revolution and fun! Not everyone had sex with more than one boy you weren't serious with before graduation, but a ton did it with at least one. No herpes, no HIV/AIDS, no whatever that thing is teens get a shot now for,


I think two pretty distinct groups consider ourselves teens of the 70s -- those of us who graduated in 80-81 didn't have any real cultural connection to free love and the war (obviously with the exception of those with family members in the war).  You know, the whole Alex P. Keaton generation.  I graduated in 81 and none of my friends were sleeping with anybody, and half my acquaintances in my freshman dorm in college were virgins.  I grew up in a liberal suburb of a liberal state and went to a very liberal university.  I do think Ramona is part of that earlier free love generation, though.   


She seems a little disorganized and scattered but anybody that has young children had been there. Kristen was the same way. Kids are unpredictable especially on camera.  



Kids are unpredictable, but it's also fairly obvious (at least to me) that in addition to the disruption of cameras, Jules' own behavior is throwing the kids off.  She's trying to make loving tv family moments and you can tell the kids don't understand what she's doing.  You can tell she doesn't give them baths -- dumping water on a shampooed head, forcing the soap down their faces?  But it was important to her to have that "moment" of her being the loving, involved mom caught on camera.  Maybe they never eat at the table, or the kids eat with the nanny earlier, but suddenly mommy announces we're having meatballs and broccoli.  And chicken soup.  Because she's a loving mom who prepares family dinners!  Here, little girl -- apropos of nothing, I'll just hand you a lipstick and let you have at it!

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The scene with the kid screaming for a Popsicle instead of dinner, and Jules not shutting that down showed what kind of 'hands on' mother she is.  One scene later, there is the bratty kid eating his Popsicle.


Kids can be a trial, probably especially with cameras in their faces, so I'm not faulting the kid at all.  I'm faulting the parents for not parenting, and that doesn't involve rewarding tantrums with treats, or letting a small child choose to have a Popsicle instead of their dinner.  The ONLY way to get the kids to behave on the drive to the Hamptons, even with the nanny sitting right in the caged off section of the vehicle and presumably taking care of them is to give them endless candy? 


That nanny, if she's competent at all, has her hands full, and it's not with the kids, it's with that mother.

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I was late 80s and while we weren't mostly virgins we were mostly monogamous and interested in relationships not free love or the later version "hooking up". Didi it happen? Sure, but for the most part people were having sex in committed relationships however fleeting.

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I realize it's harder to parent on camera, you don't want to come across as too harsh, so sometimes you might let stuff go. But my kids wouldn't even THINK to ask for a popsicle for dinner. That's never been an option around here. The fact that the child had not eaten a bite of his prepared dinner and was asking for a popsicle instead, and went right to the freezer to get it - that all leads me to believe that's the norm in their house. Not my kid, so I don't really care. But have fun when he's a teenager!

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- Jules doesn't know what "Et tu, Brute" means? okay maybe Bethenny had a point...


I think the more telling point was when she was informed it was a line from Julius Caesar, Jules stated she hadn't seen that movie. 


Ramona just doesn't really bother me for some reason. She is pretty simple.


I don't know why, but she doesn't really bother me either.  In fact, I sort of love that look she gets when she's called out.  She sort of turns her head to the side and shrugs her shoulders.

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