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Season 6 Discussion


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Actually, as an attorney, if Erin knew the judge to be acting in violation of the Code of Judicial Ethics, she had an ethical duty to report him and could be disciplined by the bar for any failure to do so. (That's true regardless of what the DA wanted her to do.)   It's her boss who should be in trouble, not Erin.  She did the right thing.


The show would be much more interesting if Frank lost a battle once in a while.


More Jamie please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As an attorney, I agree.  She has an independent ethical and professional duty to JUSTICE, regardless of what the DA and her immediate supervisor want her to do for POLITICAL reasons.  As an attorney, you are never simply an "employee" who follows orders regardless of what they are.  You always have an independent ethical standard you have to adhere to. 

  • Love 1

I was surprised by pretty much total lack of Jamie (except at dinner!) as well, and he's not my favorite. On the other hand, less Jamie means lack of Eddie and I'm into that.


The Frank throwing tantrums and him and Garrett yelling at each other bother me for several episodes now. However, I liked Frank and Whoopi Goldberg's character clashing, it was really entertaining  to watch. Political maneuvering while pretending it's not political maneuvering = classic Frank.


Erin's storyline was really good. She needs more of those: ethics vs. friendship vs. duty vs. work, and how hard is to make a right choice in that sort of circumstances. Erin was classic Reagan there as well: do the right thing and suffer the consequences. I was sure the judge would came around eventually.


Glad they continued Linda being shot story. Even though  Danny and Baez were reduced to help some asshole acquaintances, not actually doing their job on-screen. I was hoping Linda's friend would stop being a victim one of these days and call the police, file the complaint and stop expecting people to jump at her every whim and yell at them when they were there only because they were trying to help, but she was in the right, apparently. Whatever.

  • Love 1

While Danny bitched at Baez for not wanting to get them jammed up when they took the junkie cop to rehab, HOW MUCH WORSE was it for him to play down the threats and crazy of the ex, and then essentially force the woman to confront her husband and keep discouraging her from filing charges? It could have meant the murder of the boyfriend...except Danny was there to talk him down. 

  • Love 2

While Danny bitched at Baez for not wanting to get them jammed up when they took the junkie cop to rehab, HOW MUCH WORSE was it for him to play down the threats and crazy of the ex, and then essentially force the woman to confront her husband and keep discouraging her from filing charges? It could have meant the murder of the boyfriend...except Danny was there to talk him down.

What part of Danny's "excellent detective skills" made him think that a guy who attempted to assault a guy in front of 2 cops and 2 detectives would be an understanding guy if the ex (who he constantly referred to as his wife) would just have a chat with him. Clearly the guy could NOT be reasoned with and Danny should not have convinced his wife to not file the restraining order against him (why did Danny even care if she filed one or not. He just met the guy)

  • Love 3

Apropos of nothing...just learned that Will Estes is a vegetarian.  Since many episodes include him only at the Sunday dinner table, I'm going to have to watch to see if he ever eats any of the pot roast or baked ham!


I remember reading stories about the dinner on set and each person has their thing.  Bridget is constantly cutting her meat, Tom is buttering bread, Donnie is always eating.  I can't remember what was Will's, but he probably sticks to the vegetables and pushing food around. 

I agree with kwnyc and stillboard. I do love how in an episode where Frank's battling Whoopi over the Broken Windows

problem we have a woman who gets talked out of filing a restaining by a cop order against her ex who already tried to

attack her boyfriend in front of the police no less, the ex then kidnaps her boyfriend. Frank, I think your department has

bigger problems.

Edited by andromeda331
  • Love 4

I actually thought Linda was finally going to leave (even if temporary) Danny. All he did this episode was yell at her and treat her like a child. Half the time I feel like she's too good for him. She puts up with a lot of his BS and I don't know of many women who would willingly have Sunday Dinner with their in-laws every week (especially since half the time they don't even respect her opinions - and why is it she never has to work on a Sunday?).

I really wish we'd see more of Jamie (doesn't he ever date? I volunteer :) )

With my gripes about writing, its a bit rich of me to say so, but every Sunday church & dinner & what you said about Linda's willingness to do so is one reason why Jamie not having a steady makes sense. Sydney never seemed comfortable at that table & I can't imagine Jack Boyle was either. You start seeing someone, you ask about his/her family. We have dinner together every Sunday. Oh, okay. As nice & handsome as WE's Jamie is, I can easily believe women have been put off by the aura of the Reagan family & the somewhat too close nature of it, especially the sort of independent, strong-willed women Jamie is attracted to...

Edited by ComeWhatMay
  • Love 2

I enjoy Frank's tussles with Mayor Poole & Garrett's attempts to penetrate Frank's thick head.

I really like Anthony. Erin in the form of Bridget Moynahan & that wistful look at the end was well played on the actor's part. I especially liked how Erin the fixer caught herself trying to fix mid-fix & how Anthony handled it.

Liked Baez having her say, just not on something that could jam her & Danny up down the road, you know.

Save the very little Jamie, another good job spreading things about... Eddie managed to grate with a line.


All of this above ^^^^. I also noticed the wistful look - then decided i didn't because they are much better friends and co-workers. And also decided that he looked at her like that as a proud papa would. (This is not because I think an older guy shouldn't be with a younger woman, but because I am still holding out shipper hope for James Lesure.)

I was seriously praying for Baker to grab a huge pile of files and whack both Frank and Garrett during that first scene - one for behaving like a spoiled teenage brat ("I won't go the prom, Steve hasn't asked me yet, sending me a corsage doesn't count, whaahaaa") and the other for enabling the mustached drama-queen.


Instead the script asked for the actress to just sit there looking frustrated (at least it was an easy job she just had to channel her feelings about the writing for her character).

I laughed out loud! I think I explained this on a previous thread for this show -- she was very much in the "awkward cc" spot. (You get cc:d on an awkward email, the respondent replies all and they start to go at it but keep all the people cc:d. ACK delete me! let me out!)


I am not sure why the mayor thought he had to apologize to Erin - she said she backed the program, yes?  ??

I was wondering about the flowers too. Maybe the mayor sent them simply as a preemptive strike - to prevent yet another Reagan from waltzing into his office and throwing a hissy fit?


(I'm so glad David Ramsey got a better gig on Arrow, plenty of drama queens (some with a capital Q) there too but at least he's allowed to kick ass and take names.)

  • Love 1

"Ultimatums in British accents" -- heh. Irish & English in one here. Glad Frank & the Commander went James Bond there at the end. Alex K's character reminded me of Eddie somewhat. Big mouth & impulsive. Not seeing forever after with Frank, but that may have been the point. Frank is not a monk & neither is his mini me Jamie, Danny.

Danny redeemed himself somewhat after the cracks about Jamie's social life & why he remains in uniform. Marcus' bluster & insubordination wrote a check Jamie had to cash. Nice scene there at the end & I could hear others in Danny's words to Jamie. There was an audience for the uniform crack after all & I can't imagine Frank changed his tune about denigrating uniformed officers since he went to Jamie's precinct right after Eddie poo pood it.

Speaking of which, they need to s*** or get off the pot with Eddie. That hair conversation was just weird.

  • Love 1

I really enjoy the Erin and Anthony stories.  She has always come across as being far too serious for her own good, and he seems to lighten her spirit.  I'm glad Erin is getting more air time this year.


Danny SOMEWHAT redeemed himself at the end, but his crack at the dinner table about Jamie's reasons for staying on the beat was way below the belt.  If he wanted Jamie to help with the annoying rookie, he should have asked for his help before saddling him with the problem.  Siblings are never carbon copies of one another, but those two don't even seem to be from the same planet. 

  • Love 9

Danny (for the little screen time he had this episode) was quite the jerk. At dinner table and the shooting range he was making it sound like he thought the Rookie was an amazing guy and if Jamie was having any problems with him then it was all Jamie's fault. But then at the end he admitted he knows the rookie is a hot head adn jerk, so why the heck was he throwing insults and shade at Jamie the rest of the time.

As for the Rookie, I can't believe he was going to be allowed to resign, he really should have been fired after that second incident at the bank.

Not sure what was up with hair conversation at the beginning. Maybe if they were in a relationship Jamie might actually care, but I doubt he cares much about what his partners hair looks like (although he did imply he thought it looked sexy when down).

  • Love 3

Danny is a reckless hothead who consistently rushes in without backup, endangering himself and his partner, and Jamie was right for calling him out on it. I suppose sibling rivalry keeps him from ever complimenting Jamie on being an ideal cop, but knowing what he did about Marcus' personality, he was out of line with his attack on Jamie at dinner. I wondered how Marcus ever got through the Academy with that cocky attitude. But his father's death was recent, so maybe he wasn't that way at the Academy. But still, Danny said he was always that way. Maybe just not well-thought out writing?

Jamie and Eddie were in a budding relationship at one time, so they're not just partners, no matter how professional they act.

Did Linda even have a line in this episode?

Baker is priceless, without doubt. I'm surprised that she didn't ask Frank if she should alert his detail that it was likely to be a long night

Baker was allowed to speak and have some fun with her boss! That's the power of Alex Kingston, she makes everything better, he!

Danny is an idiot - what else is new? Why couldn't he talk to Jamie before dumping the kid on him? That would have solved a lot of problems and may have kept a couple of folks out of hospital (or the morgue).

Rare thing to say but I liked even Grandpa (again I blame Alex Kingston) - loved his advice to Erin and the goofy Piecakey.

  • Love 7

I'm starting to think that this show doesn't know what it does and doesn't do well. The casting was great as always. Loved Baker, the Erin plot, Alex Kingston, and more. Then they undermined it with the lines about Edward Snowden and how the terrorists were winning because they couldn't do everything they wanted with no restrictions or warrants and glorifying illegal and unauthorized policing tactics. And the Jamie-Danny plot had the issues that have already been pointed out and then some. It felt like they were shooting from a first draft. And it really reminded us that they have been spinning their wheels with Jamie for awhile now. Have him take the Sgts exam and do something with Eddie. Perhaps killing her off would make for a big exciting season finale?

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 2

The writers made complete dumbass out of Jamie. He's working with his self-centered, hot-headed idiot of a partner that just can't shut up ever and prioritized her ambitions over other person's life this very season. But the new guy is somehow can't be taught and is horrible? Sure thing, Jamie (or the writers), whatever you say. (By the way, can Jamie and Eddie stop their "banter"? It's embarrassing).


Alex Kingston's character flirting outrageously with Frank was random but cute. Baker was having fun, though! Go, Baker!


The Grandpa was great with Erin, and then he was great at the Sunday dinner.


The Erin subplot was fine, I guess?

  • Love 6

As for the Rookie, I can't believe he was going to be allowed to resign, he really should have been fired after that second incident at the bank.

I couldn't believe that not ONE cop spoke up after finding out that "track star" rookie knocked over a little girl sending her to the hospital for stitches.  And to his comment "she got what one stitch" - you knocked over a little girl, you jerk!  Not just knocked over, but pushed if you watch the scene carefully.  Where was their supervisor?  Renzulli would have never let that one slip by.


A different story line would have had a clip of that push all over the internet and the press all over the rookie.


But then at the end he admitted he knows the rookie is a hot head adn jerk, so why the heck was he throwing insults and shade at Jamie the rest of the time.

My guess, he was being extra obnoxious because he knew the kid was a mess.


"Ultimatums in British accents" -- heh. Irish & English in one here

Heh, missed that one.



Alex Kingston's character flirting outrageously with Frank was random but cute. Baker was having fun, though! Go, Baker!

mmv, I was not feeling the chemistry there with "Sloane" and "Frank".  And yes, Baker was having fun!  Wish she'd get a good story line.



The Grandpa was great with Erin, and then he was great at the Sunday dinner.

Nothing more telling that Danny was wrong than when Grandpa did not immediately back him up!


Who else would like to try a "picakie"?

Edited by elle
  • Love 2

Careful what you're wishing for - if only half of that happens we end up with Jamie having Marcus as new partner. I'm really nervous about that whole resigning deal.



I could live with it. I really don't think this show is going to try the unresolved sexual tension thing with Jamie and Marcus. My real fear is that they would use Jamie getting killed as a reason for Jamie to stay where he is and not do anything about his future but occasionally talk about it wistfully and whine about not being a detective (which he can never be for both in-story and meta reasons).


If Jamie takes the SGT. exam is gets promoted, would he outrank Danny?  I seem to remember Renzulli telling Baez something like that at one point.


Yes he would, although as Detective First Grade Danny would still make more money.

"Would that be a favor with a 'U'"?


Oh, Baker, they don't give you enough screen time!


As a Canuck, I appreciated both the line and they used Baker for SOMETHING.  


So Danny gets to barge in without back up every month, is in trouble with IA EVERY season, been talked to about his behaviour...but God forbid he gets called out for it especially it was his idea to start with and Jaime is left to deal with the guy.  "I can't believe you're related to Danny."  I was thinking "I can't believe this punk ISN'T related to Danny." 

  • Love 5


I couldn't believe that not ONE cop spoke up after finding out that "track star" rookie knocked over a little girl sending her to the hospital for stitches.  And to his comment "she got what one stitch" - you knocked over a little girl, you jerk!


That and seconding the observations asking how this guy got out of the Academy? So a bunch of experienced cops would stand around like cheerleaders for the rookie's first collar that involved wiping out a little girl and sending her to the hospital? For all this show wants to lionize the NYPD, I think that's NOT a good or accurate depiction of them. Though he is a mini-me for Danny (remember earlier this season when he knocked the old man over going after a suspect?)


And I know Alex Kingston was there for Frank to flirt with and take to bed, but she follows the tiresome trope of this show that women in power are bitches who have to be tamed (preferably by a Reagan.) Interestingly, when Frank was bitching about not being able to track a carload of AK-47s, he didn't talk about things like having universal background checks...but not being able to listen in on phone calls. Damn that Snowden! 


Also, who else totally knew that they'd track the cousin by going to his mother? (several thousand raised hands.) Extra cliche points for her offering Erin something to eat.

  • Love 5


Not sure what was up with hair conversation at the beginning. Maybe if they were in a relationship Jamie might actually care, but I doubt he cares much about what his partners hair looks like (although he did imply he thought it looked sexy when down).

Cop shows have been showing the kinds of mundane conversations that occur between patrolling partners for ages. These people spend several hours a day alone together, often in silence, sometimes talking about the tiniest things. You can see examples like this going back in Dragnet and Adam-12 (first two that come to mind). If you ever spend several hours with a co-worker day after day, your conversations can be filled with minutiae.


What I thought was bizarre was Frank's comment about the woman being British. Seriously? Now he's an Irish immigrant with a chip on his shoulder? Yet he bristles when anyone makes references to bad cops, which comes from recent events.


Observation, not criticism: Erin always looks like she's suffering from a migraine. 

I'm not familiar with how things work with the real Commisioner, but is it normal to have a Detective acting as your secretary? I've always felt that for someone who had to work her way up to a detective, Baker basically acts as Franks personal secretary and nothing more.

stillbored: we covered how we *think* it works here: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/25527-baker-twws-margaret-of-blue-bloods/

  • Love 1

I want to see Jamie kick Danny's ass.

So do I. One thing I always notice & that I would certainly hope is deliberate on the part of the writers & will eventually come to a head is how the older generation in the family in the form of Henry & Frank seem to treat Danny -- bombastic, foot in mouth, rude & sarcastic Danny -- with kid gloves as though they fear he will break. At this dinner & at the dinner where Jamie's lack of military service came up, Danny implies Jamie is either less of a man or not one & its Jamie that both Henry & Frank look to first & say "keep it civil." Is this favoritism & Danny is somehow the favorite? Not sure as Danny does not seem to see it as such & is written to have insecurities for days. Jamie, the "Golden Boy" was clearly the mother's favorite & the mother is written to have derided Danny's intellectual abilities. "Beyond [Danny's] skill set..." Jokes of that nature wound. Danny himself... "I'm a grunt. No one is mistaking me for the next Reagan being groomed for 1PP." It feels like compensating as Henry & Frank are well aware of Danny's limitations with regard to his surviving siblings, never mind the late Joe. Almost like Danny is damaged & cannot handle criticism or deal with same heat Erin & Jamie deal with... Admittedly Danny has a wife & children sitting there that Henry & Frank do not want to embarrass him around given how sensitive Danny is written, but especially in the case of the children, it really is not great to have them witness how Danny treats their Uncle Jamie or that he is allowed to do so repeatedly. They are brothers themselves & it doesn't set a good example of how to treat one another. Danny has great qualities exemplified in what he is trying to do for Marcus. Danny was no doubt THAT CRAZY GUY in Iraq too & probably drove his buddies bonkers. In some ways, they are spinning wheels with Danny like they are with Jamie. The conversation at the end of the episode was great, but the next time Danny is this way with Jamie, he really should get knocked on his rear. 

  • Love 1

Do the writers or actors even notice anymore?

I hope so? Only the writers are in a position to do something about it & make it mean something in terms of advancing the story, which is their job. Actors who fuss too much about the writing for their characters wind up with issues behind the scenes most of the time & they like having jobs & getting paid well for the most part. I watched a rerun not long ago where Erin had been roughed up bad by Danny again at the family dinner. Frank told Erin privately afterward not to be too hard on Danny. That Danny takes things personally & when Erin noted that it didn't give Danny the right to treat her like crap, Frank agreed, but acted as though there was nothing to be done about it. It would explain why Jamie laughed off Danny's "couch" dig when he was clearly headed somewhere good & tried to let the uniform dig roll as best he could.


Erin and Jamie giving Danny passes are what they are written as conditioned to do, I think. It's the lines written for them & Moynahan & Estes do a good job so I think they are conscious of the dynamic and play it as such. I hope the writers are aware of it too & will eventually deal with it in some way, but then as CooperTV noted Eddie's years long behavior in contrast with the rookie Marcus of this episode shows some degree of tone deaf going on someplace. If its supposed to be Jamie having blinders where tru wuv Eddie is concerned, then I go back to my initial point. S*** or get off the pot as much as I would hate it.

Edited by ComeWhatMay

Frank and Danny work together to help Nick Constantine (Michael Nouri), a rehabilitated ex-con who Frank put away years ago, when Constantine becomes involved in the murder of an old enemy. Also, as Erin prepares for a murder trial, she learns the prosecutor who previously handled the case is withholding the location of the alleged killer so she can interview him on her popular podcast.


The most baffling thing about this episode is how I enjoyed Jamie/Eddie storyline. I like ethic issues like that, i guess. The Grandpa was also awesome. Him and Jamie interacting was the highlight of the episode.


The Erin/Michael plot was enjoyable. It felt like a proper Danny/Baez part, for some reason, but nevertheless, it was good.


The Frank/Danny/Michael Nouri was the weakest link, IMO. I wanted more Frank and Danny conversations. But Danny's BS Detector face and the note on the confession were all comedy gold.

  • Love 1

I really liked this episode. They gave the whole cast something to do, didn't try to do politics or social issues in any depth, and generally let the extremely talented cast and crew execute the hell out of a decent, but far from spectacular script and elevate it. They even managed to make Eddie tolerable. If they had bothered to do another draft of the Erin plot to fix some of the glaring logic holes I might have even praised the writing overall which I think might be a first for this show.

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 3

I have always seen Frank & Henry in Jamie, a hybrid of the two commissioners. Nice to see a Henry & Jamie conversation that flowed naturally. The one with Frank & Danny, I am admittedly tired from a work trip, but it felt clunky. Danny hearing yet again what a great detective he is... My lack of enthusiasm for the Danny character is showing no doubt.

The Little Mermaid, huh? Okay, Eddie.

Erin & Anthony again made a great work team. Learning to be less of a Ms. Fix It at work can help you at home. Would be good if the writers showed that evolution with Erin & continued prior strides with I'll Try Nicki.

Not from a close family admittedly, but 20 questions at dinner reinforced for me why Jamie is at the table alone & so is everyone else, save Danny.

All in all, a good effort that used the talent they have well I think.

  • Love 1

Episode disappointing.  I'm Greek-American, and have noted that many shows seem to recently love having corrupt or villainous Greek characters.  Then you have the stereotypes of My Big Fat Greek Wedding.  Really, Greece is a sophisticated European country that has gotten a bum rap from the Central Banks.  Can writers focus on other nationalities for a while?

This episode did not bounce about like last week's, but it came with the loss of Erin to all but dinner. If it was Danny, I would probably not fuss.

Jamie & the tourist is more of what I would like to see for him. One off fun here & there with the Miss Out of Town of the week. Longterm love interests for leading men are such a pickle for shows. The actress has to click just right like Amy's Linda did, who also had the been there from the beginning thing going for her. Also, leave work at work. The one time I didn't, it blew up in my face practically right out of the gate. Young & dumb. Danny & Baez. Erin & Anthony. Jamie & Eddie. Not so young, so don't be dumb. :-)

Sean mouthing off to Linda at the table should not come as a shock to Danny. Perhaps a quiet comment from a writer about the example set.

The relocation is best for that cop & everyone else, but bless Jamie for the umpteenth time. Loved the scene with Estes & Selleck. Flowed just like the scene with LC. DW feels somewhat checked out to me this year. Not a Danny fan to start with, though, so perhaps not the best person to comment.

Danny and Baez being cute together, and discussing Baez's love life was so great! Danny turning on his big brother vibe there was really endearing. And that was a nice character moment for Maria.


The ethics vs. publicity vs. cops discussion was also done really nicely.


I didn't care about Jamie and Eddie's attempts to make him go for a date with the vic.

Danny listening to Baez romantic troubles and handling the situation like a (mature) big brother was way better than it had any right to be. Just judging from the episode description it was easy to expect lots of testosterone poisoning - so good work by the writers and actors.


I loved granddad calling out Frank on using Garrett as a reverse barometer, that was a great moment. I did not feel much sympathy for the cop with the controversial back-story. He wanted (or rather demanded) redemption at all costs (incl. getting the whole department into hot water) and to show the world how wrong it was to still judge him for something he did ten years ago. But that's not how redemption is supposed to work.


I liked Eddie as a wingwoman - probably because I like everything that hints even remotely at the possibility that the writers are willing to sink that still theoretical ship. And Jaimie had plenty of good moments in this episode. Yeah, almost no Erin - but you can't have everything.

  • Love 2


I did not feel much sympathy for the cop with the controversial back-story. He wanted (or rather demanded) redemption at all costs (incl. getting the whole department into hot water) and to show the world how wrong it was to still judge him for something he did ten years ago. But that's not how redemption is supposed to work.


When he started whining at the end about how it wasn't fair, I really wanted Frank to tell him that a 12 year unarmed kid was dead because he was reaching for his wallet.  That wasn't fair.  Then I realized that line would probably be a bridge too far for this episode, which might have been the most liberal I have ever seen.  I kept wondering how the writers got this one past Tom and the executives worried about their demographics.  I liked almost all of it.

  • Love 1

When he started whining at the end about how it wasn't fair, I really wanted Frank to tell him that a 12 year unarmed kid was dead because he was reaching for his wallet.  That wasn't fair.  Then I realized that line would probably be a bridge too far for this episode, which might have been the most liberal I have ever seen.  I kept wondering how the writers got this one past Tom and the executives worried about their demographics.  I liked almost all of it.

I was shocked by Jamie's "building a wall" line. Maybe they left that scene out of Tom's copy of the script?
  • Love 1

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