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I don't care if Episode 9 is delayed as long as the script is good. I'd much rather wait an extra year for a significantly better movie. I just hope the studio has the sense to re-write the script from scratch if they have to in order to ensure its quality.

Not sad to see Trevorrow go--he was a questionable choice to begin with imo.

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I'm OK with this, i just want the movie to be good, i don't care if i have to wait a bit.  As it is, I kind of feel like I'm (almost) getting too much Star Wars.  Although, I have no desire to watch the Han Solo film so things will slow down a bit (for me) after The Last Jedi.

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Disney is notorious with micromanaging and had these problems with the Marvel directors.  But I had heard some issues with Trevorrow though so he might very well have been to blame.

I hope Rian Johnson is brought back to direct Episode IX to add some much needed continuity behind-the-scenes.  I've a fan of JJ but the man's movies are littered with plot holes and he doesn't seem to care in the slightest.

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As long as the script is great, I don't care who directs Episode IX. 

As for the Obi-Wan prequel (s), as long as Ewan's playing him, I'm in. 

On 8/20/2017 at 9:55 PM, SnoGirl said:

Can we get McGregor in the current Star Wars series? This is the series he deserves, not the ones he was (in my opinion) the only shining star in. 

   His voice was at the end of the TFA scene when Rey found the lightsaber at Maz's cantina for the first time. As for the prequels, Ewan was awesome in all of them, but he, Liam Neeson  & Darth Maul were by far the best things about The Phantom Menace.

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I think that article nailed it when they said Abrams is the safe choice. A little disappointing/boring, but after the studio went out on a bit of a limb to hire Trevorrow and that obviously didn't work out, I can understand them retreating back to the safe choice. Plus, if they DON'T want to push the movie's release back, Abrams may be the only guy who will be able to get up to speed in enough time. (Though I still think it would be wise to push back if they feel at all rushed.)

I'm more concerned about the guy who co-wrote BvS being involved in the script. I know he also wrote Argo, but...still.

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UGH.  Great, we can expect a movie riddled with plot holes, homages instead of originality and loads of unanswered questions.  Mind you, I'm a fan of The Force Awakens and a lot of JJ's work.  But he is incredibly sloppy when it comes to plot holes.

I will say it was smart to go back to a director they could trust and work with.  Bringing in a completely new hand this late in the game is too much of a risk.  But JJ's return does nothing to excite me and I wish it would have been Rian Johnson coming back instead.

Edited by benteen
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Apparently the new Star Wars trailer is appearing tomorrow. Hamil on Twitter at one point said it was going to be during Monday Night Football. I hope it drops during the day.

Either way, ready yourselves ?

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On 10/14/2017 at 0:34 AM, wingster55 said:

I don't like Star Wars as a Christmas movie. I prefer them coming out each May. 

I laughed when I saw this because as a kid it was a family tradition to watch the original trilogy on Christmas day.  I think it was the Syfy channel when it was still Scifi that used to air it every Christmas.  So I tend to associate Star Wars with Christmas.  As a result the December release dates make total sense to me.

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On 10/14/2017 at 0:34 AM, wingster55 said:

I don't like Star Wars as a Christmas movie. I prefer them coming out each May. 

I'm the other way, I absolutely love them as a Christmas movie, I like the idea of them having their own special time of the year, away from all the big blockbuster franchises that compete for attention during the Summer.

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I think Star Wars worked as a May movie when it appealed to a single generation. May was the end of the school year and the perfect time for kids and teens to go see it multiple times. Now you have three generations of people who have grown up with -- or are in the process of growing up with -- these movies, so releasing them in December when many people are off from work or home from school, and families are getting together to celebrate is the best time for Disney to optimize their ticket sales.

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Not to mention the fact that now that Disney owns Marvel as well they don't want Their own Blockbusters competing with each other. And Infinity Wars is already slated for next May. I think we'll probably see Star Wars releases remain in December while Marvel gets the early summer slots

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I read somewhere that Kathleen Kennedy said that people wanted Star Wars back in May. That's why Han Solo comes out then, and Episode IX was originally scheduled for that slot. But I can't find it now.

That said, I think I prefer December too. I can get burned out on the midyear glut of movies, then around October I start wanting to go again, but there's nothing good on. December is a good time for me.

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News of a live-action show! Just that it's in the works for Disney's streaming service, and nothing else. Still, I've been burned before. I'm trying not to get too excited. Okay, I'm pretty much failing. Gimmie!

The quality of the animated shows have been better than expected, but yeah, the Star Wars universe has shifted to PG-13, and I think Rogue One did a good job of presenting morally ambiguous heroes. Television has evolved so much with shorter, tighter seasons, and more cinematic settings. Between Game of Thrones, Westworld, and Marvel's growing catalog, I think it might finally be the right time for a live-action Star Wars series.

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But when do we set it?  During the Old Republic?  Between the prequels and the OT?

I'm probably in the minority here, but some kind of political drama/action hybrid set on Coruscant during the rise of the Rebellion would be cool, but so much of that ground has been covered by Rebels.

Things I do not want is something with nothing but Jedi.

Edited by starri
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I'm probably in the minority here, but some kind of political drama/action hybrid set on Coruscant during the rise of the Rebellion would be cool, but so much of that ground has been covered by Rebels.

There is nothing I want more in the [Star Wars] Universe than a series about young Leia becoming a junior senator and uncovering the underground rebellion (that her father is one of the leaders of) and eventually joining it. I know the politics in the prequel trilogy were a dud, but I am fascinated by Leia's rise in the rebellion and her role in the imperial senate, and the fact that she was hidden in plain sight in front of Vader and Palpetine. And I also want to see Leia's Force powers, even if she never realizes she has them.

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4 hours ago, absnow54 said:

There is nothing I want more in the [Star Wars] Universe than a series about young Leia becoming a junior senator and uncovering the underground rebellion (that her father is one of the leaders of) and eventually joining it. I know the politics in the prequel trilogy were a dud, but I am fascinated by Leia's rise in the rebellion and her role in the imperial senate, and the fact that she was hidden in plain sight in front of Vader and Palpetine. And I also want to see Leia's Force powers, even if she never realizes she has them.

This is something I didnt even realize I wanted! Also add in her gal pals who were also badass and I’m sold.

Either way, can one of these movies have a bigger female to male ratio in them. PLEASE. Let’s set some new movie norms after all the Hollywood drama. 

A smidge off topic, but Target has started selling Star Wars stuff and there are female characters all over everything! They have definitely learned from their blunder last time around. I wish I had a daughter, I’d buy her all the things! I wish they had them in adult size, I want a Rey, Leia, and Jyn tee (that I also wish Maz was on).

Edited by SnoGirl
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I've always viewed the original versions of the episodes IV, V, & VI to be amazing moves (if you fast forward through the Ewok sections), and the special editions as abominations. However, I have to wonder how much of that is because they're the versions I grew up with.


So here's my question, has anyone grown up with the special editions, then saw the original versions? If so, which version did you prefer?

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I grew up with the special editions. I do prefer them simply because some of the special effects really do work better with the better technology. I was never all that pleased though about the insertion of that scene with Jabba the Hutt in A New Hope.

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On 12/11/2017 at 9:33 AM, benteen said:

I always thought Leia pre-ANH would be a good idea for a TV show.  I suspect that won't be the new series but still, it would make a great one.

Sounds like it could be a super interesting idea to explore. Although I already feel bad for any young actress they try to cast as young Leia.

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On 11/15/2017 at 0:18 PM, Captain Carrot said:

I've always viewed the original versions of the episodes IV, V, & VI to be amazing moves (if you fast forward through the Ewok sections), and the special editions as abominations. However, I have to wonder how much of that is because they're the versions I grew up with.


So here's my question, has anyone grown up with the special editions, then saw the original versions? If so, which version did you prefer?

I saw the special editions first, and don't have a preference, except the music in the last scene of "Return of the Jedi", I like the special eidition score much better. I thought it suited the scene much better. Oh, and they should have left Han shooting first alone, of course. I do like the replacing the Emperor in Empire Strikes Back as well though.

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On 13/12/2017 at 6:32 AM, Spartan Girl said:

Yeah, I really hope they don't make Daisy wear a metal bikini just to appease the fanboys.

I think that Kathleen Kennedy isn't interested in that kind of fanservice. And it's starting to play less well as the years go on and women have more of a voice. Frankly, I find that it's kind of like junk food. I know it isn't good for me, but sometimes I like it anyway.

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I could kind of get behind the idea that Rey -- the little abandoned scavenger orphan -- is their "true" child, if not by blood then by spirit (Han develops a fatherly relationship with her, Luke an uncle/teacher dyanmic), and that she is the one to carry on their legacy, but the problem is Leia, who will not get the chance to be her "mother." I know it's no fault of the filmmakers, but without Carrie there to finish out Leia's story and connect it to Rey's and Kylo's there is no redemption for the Skywalker/Solos, and no weight at all to the rest of Kylo's story. Mother and son didn't even get to have a single scene or exchange of dialogue. And now they never will. It's a problem.

Yeah, that was one of my problesm originally with "The Force Awakens". If Rey is the main character and Kylo the villain, then it stands to reason the main confrontation should eventually be between them. But then, he's Leia's son, killed his father/her husband, the stakes are much higher between them, but you don't want to take the main confrontation away from the main character. 

it made me think maybe this trilogy should have opened up with Rey and Kylo good friends at Luke's school, and then was when Kylo destroyed it all. The relationship, and then the stakes, imo, would have been more personal.

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On ‎12‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 5:32 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Yeah, I really hope they don't make Daisy wear a metal bikini just to appease the fanboys.

I don't think that will ever happen and that shouldn't happen.

I suspect they'll probably just have Rey wear a dress in Episode IX at some point.

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A Facebook acquaintance re-posted this from a Star Wars fan group, and I thought would share it with ya'll:

"To help JJ plan the next film here's the perfect formula:

Make it the same as the original trilogy, but also make it different. But dont change anything. Make sure to include surprises, but not surprises we dont want. In fact avoid surprises. But dont rehash anything. Also dont try something new, because we wont like it. Make sure to do justice to the cast, but we wont say how. Just make sure to get it right. I want it to be exactly the way I want it. Just a bit different. And also the same. Make sure we know the back story to all the characters even the incidental ones (because we are all speculating and you better be reading my mind) but leave it mysterious at the same time. No CGI! Keep it practical. But make sure to expand the universe like the prequels did, you know, using CGI. Also dont do anything the prequels did. Or Force Awakens. Or the original trilogy. But make it like those films too. Give it some humour too. But dont make it too funny. Show us some new force powers! But not ones we havent seen before because new powers are ridiculous. Dont kill anyone! it betrays my childhood. But also make it unpredictable by killing off a few characters.

Clear? Good."

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12 hours ago, Joe said:

Sound advice. I hope JJ takes it all on board. It's nice for people to be so helpful, and not deeply sarcastic.

Not to be Captain Obvious, but what choice is there but deep sarcasm?

We waited two years for The Last Jedi, and within a week a petition has been launched to have the film stricken from the entire Star Wars canon. People are  offended enough by its existence that they want it removed from existence, and whether you blame the fanboys who have problems with Rey being front and center or the Reylo shippers who are pissed because she slammed the Millennium Falcon's door in his douchey face, this is what we've come to.

Yes, TLJ could have been better, but our general inability to be happy with anything ever makes me wonder what will happen when Infinity War hits theaters next year. TFA was too much a copy of the original trilogy, so they did something different, and the something different for some people has turned out to be the wrong kind of something different. If what I posted is the reaction to that, the backlash to the backlash, it's hard to fault the original poster. They're only piling some of the complaints one of top of the other.

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40 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Not to be Captain Obvious, but what choice is there but deep sarcasm?

We waited two years for The Last Jedi, and within a week a petition has been launched to have the film stricken from the entire Star Wars canon. People are  offended enough by its existence that they want it removed from existence, and whether you blame the fanboys who have problems with Rey being front and center or the Reylo shippers who are pissed because she slammed the Millennium Falcon's door in his douchey face, this is what we've come to.

Yes, TLJ could have been better, but our general inability to be happy with anything ever makes me wonder what will happen when Infinity War hits theaters next year. TFA was too much a copy of the original trilogy, so they did something different, and the something different for some people has turned out to be the wrong kind of something different. If what I posted is the reaction to that, the backlash to the backlash, it's hard to fault the original poster. They're only piling some of the complaints one of top of the other.

Yes, I know. I was really just amusing myself. The same but different is a no-win situation.

Edited by Joe
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1 hour ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Not to be Captain Obvious, but what choice is there but deep sarcasm?

We waited two years for The Last Jedi, and within a week a petition has been launched to have the film stricken from the entire Star Wars canon. People are  offended enough by its existence that they want it removed from existence, and whether you blame the fanboys who have problems with Rey being front and center or the Reylo shippers who are pissed because she slammed the Millennium Falcon's door in his douchey face, this is what we've come to.

Yes, TLJ could have been better, but our general inability to be happy with anything ever makes me wonder what will happen when Infinity War hits theaters next year. TFA was too much a copy of the original trilogy, so they did something different, and the something different for some people has turned out to be the wrong kind of something different. If what I posted is the reaction to that, the backlash to the backlash, it's hard to fault the original poster. They're only piling some of the complaints one of top of the other.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

And that petition is just so ri-godamn-diculous that I'm not even going to dignify it it with a proper rant. I just hope the filmmakers don't take it seriously.

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