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Here Comes Honey Boo Boo - General Discussion

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Oh, man. That video was all kinds of wrong. But I guess June can collect her $200 so she can maintain that new house for her pedo boyfriend that she is totally still with.


And why is Sugar Bear there? God knows June hasn't given him a dime of the TLC money (lest he be living in a nice new McMansion instead of in a trailer) and she's not gonna start now. They're not together anymore, he's essentially an absentee parent and he barely looks interested enough to stay awake.  

Yeah, it's funny that Pumpkin is in all these photos and videos, but no sign of Jessica (Chubbs) anywhere. Good lord, I hope they're not hiding her because she's pregnant. 


But then again, this family wears teenage pregnancy like a badge of honor (or a way to make a buck), so hiding her would make no sense. 



More about the family on The Doctors.


http://www.thedoctorstv.com/videos/honey-boo-boo-s-diet -- Video specifically about food. 

This video especially disgusts me. How can her mother say that she eats fine, it's not the food she eats that makes her fat it's the asthma? "We don't eat much pasta." --> "Every night we have macaroni and cheese, corn, starch starch starch." Eating fruit does not negate a bad diet. Moving around a little does not negate a bad diet. You can't exercise away a bad diet. I also take issue with this show singling out Alana, when her mother and sisters (except for Anna, the one who didn't grow up with her mother) are all obese too. 


Besides, being on the show is just for show ($$), and will change nothing. The only way this family has a chance of getting healthy is to either go live in some kind of food rehab where everything they eat is controlled, or someone controls it for them at their home. 

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According to that link above, their contract's up in June? So obviously they are putting themselves out there in hopes of getting another show. Ugh. You know, I enjoyed watching HBB before all of the improprieties came to light, mainly because I am from a poor southern area and they remind me of friends and family. I could identify. I also liked a lot of what Mama June said about how she was saving all of their TV money so they kids could haev it, etc. Now it looks like that wasn't the case and they are out to get famous again, I feel sort of complicit and sick about it. I watched their clips from The Doctors and I just - oh man. Poor Alana. I have an almost 9 year old kid and 2 years ago his pediatrician had a conversation with me about how he was edging toward weight problems and that we needed to get on it. And so we did - but not with trucking him onto the TV so people could watch him eat a chicken leg. So this all just is too close to home for me and I feel like surely the whole family would be better off out of the limelight and focused on what's important.

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I'm watching my recording of The Doctors now, and why didn't that woman or man on the sofa say to June "Look at yourself in the mirror. You are morbidly obese. Your daughters who live with you are obese. Why do you think that is?" June looked awfully resentful throughout most of the program.

That poor child needs to get off the steroids. I think if by some miracle she does eat healthy and loses some weight, her asthma will get better.

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This video especially disgusts me. How can her mother say that she eats fine, it's not the food she eats that makes her fat it's the asthma?

But they're all fat so does that mean they ALL have asthma?


I loved when June claimed they had a nutritionist come to the house and all she did was "leave papers" that she (GASP!) expected the family to read and follow. June complained that the nutritionist didn't show her anything. Oh, yes! How dare someone expect you to read something and follow simple directions? Honestly, that woman is just lazy trash. Who has a nine-year old child who never rode a bike?! (I don't think they aired it during the show, but there was other footage I saw showing Alana nearly falling off the bike because she didn't know how to ride it.) 


And Alana? Came off as a boring, rotten brat. The ship has sailed Boo Boo Family. Bye f-ing bye.


You know, I enjoyed watching HBB before all of the improprieties came to light, mainly because I am from a poor southern area and they remind me of friends and family. I could identify. I also liked a lot of what Mama June said about how she was saving all of their TV money so they kids could haev it, etc.

I enjoyed watching it, too. I thought it was great that a segment of society that TV generally ignores in favor of rich, attractive people had a showcase and didn't present them fighting with each other or anyone else. I feel duped. Never again.

From TMZ:


Mama June was rushed to a hospital Friday in Georgia after her temperature went through the roof ... and doctors said she has pneumonia.

Sources close to June tell TMZ ... she was having trouble getting out of bed Friday morning. Turns out she had a 103 fever,  so a family member immediately drove her to the ER.

In addition to the pneumonia ... she also had extreme dehydration.

Mama June was at the hospital all day and eventually got some shots and meds ... then doctors sent her home, but told Honey Boo Boo's mom to stay in bed for a few days.

We're told Sugar Bear pitched in to watch the kids while June was getting treated ... and he's gonna hang around for a few days to help out while June is stuck in bed.

The older girls are old enough to muddle through without SB, so instead of taking Allana with him, he sticks around the house.  Is he still hoping to get back together with Icky June?

I am glad I left LAX on Wednesday. Sheesh, will this woman ever stop pimping her kids so she can be on TV?



I would imagine the answer to your query is No.  At least not until they become of legal age. 


What channel would air this woman after what came out, getting back together with her Chester boyfriend even though she knew he had molested at least one of her daughters?   I for one would boycott any show on that channel.  And what advertiser would sponsor such a show?  ugh.

Is it possible to recover from pneumonia in four days and be well enough to travel across the country? Calling BS on that story June fed TMZ. Also calling BS on Sugar Bear watching those kids. That guy is nothing but a stooge in her manufactured life. I still think she's with the rapist.

Love the tank top June is wearing in that TMZ pic. It might as well just say, "Eat, Sleep, Repeat." I would like to think NBC has the sense to not cast a woman who dated her child's rapist on Biggest Loser, but unfortunately, the majority of Americans have very short memories.

Well, now she's pimping herself, for The Biggest Loser. Ironic, in so many ways.....


I haven't watched all of the  honey boo-boo show, but I thought there was a time when June went on a weight loss diet and lost a lot of weight.  Now she's hired a "celebrity trainer"?  I guess that's where the kids' money is going.  


It seems weird though, the Biggest Loser thing.  If you really want to be on the show, you don't lose weight BEFORE the show, since the way to "WIN" is to start heavy and lose a lot of weight.  It actually would be interesting to see June on the show.  Because i  hate the fat-shaming and yelling at people they do on the show, but I'm somehow OK with using those techniques with her.  I would bet money on her quitting, though.  


about Alana  - Steroids do make someone gain weight.  BUT - normally, you take a short course of steroids for asthma, ten days, then taper off.   You have to work on controlling the asthma, not just medicating.  You know what sets off asthma?  Dust, animal dander, second-hand smoke, mold. Is she being exposed to any of those things?  How about household chemicals, like bleach, bug repellent, hairspray, fragrances?   Some people can solve their asthma problems by identifying specific things that set it off.  It's not easy, but if you care about your child, you take measures to minimize symptoms, not just medicate.  


June pissed me off when she said the nutritionists "just gave me a bunch of  papers".  What the hell does she expect?  Maybe she needs to READ the "bunch of papers"  to see that the recommendations are things like fresh fruits, lean proteins, etc.  

And chances are, the allergy doctors have also given her "a bunch of papers" to read about allergies and asthma.  That's what they do.  because doctors and nutritionists are not responsible for raising kids, parents are. 

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Is June functionally illiterate? I know she's made a big deal of her eyes being "bad" so she claims she can't see, but do we really know if she can read?


...or maybe she only can read TV contracts. Either way, I'm spending far too much time trying to figure this out. ;)

Edited by A Boston Gal
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The brother said he was never missing - he just doesn't want anything to do with them right now.

I'm sure June knew that, too. I guess she didn't have any other way to getting herself back into the "news," so she concocted the story and called up TMZ. Maybe she needed the tip money to buy her pedo boyfriend a new pair of shoes.


I'm not even sure why she gives a flying crap about anyone in Sugar Bear's family anyway - they're not married, they're not together, she hates him, and I'm pretty sure none of his family speak to her.


And in other news, Uncle Poodle and June got into it on his FB page..You'll have to scroll down to find the convo, but it got "deep", LOL!!

I can't help it - I love good FB drama though I'm not sure this one was worth nearly going blind from reading all-cap run-on sentences featuring the world's worst grammar and spelling.

And in other news, Uncle Poodle and June got into it on his FB page..You'll have to scroll down to find the convo, but it got "deep", LOL!!

I can't help it - I love good FB drama though I'm not sure this one was worth nearly going blind from reading all-cap run-on sentences featuring the world's worst grammar and spelling.


You did better than I could.  I scrolled and couldn't find it right away, so I gave up.  Anything interesting happen?

Does June get paid every time a story is run on TMZ? It seems like each week she runs to TMZ with a new steaming-pile-of-shit story that is thrown against the wall for viewers to read. None of it seems real and definitely none of it is interesting. Who cares if she is bisexual? She's not going to get another show because of that little tid-bit.

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