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S07.E03: Breaking Apart

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That scene really bothered me. They appeared to be in a playroom of sorts. What is the point of a playroom, if not for the child to PLAY? Jenelle was rolling around the floor, but Kaiser was stuck behind bars again? Ridiculous.

In the scene we learned that carpet hadn't been vacuumed in a year since her last rent-a-BFF left. The kid is probably safer in the playpen.
  • Love 7

This. I know he pays child support but he straight up begged her not to get it increased because "how can I take care of Issac if I can't take care of myself?" So I get Kail's frustration. If you're so hard up the thought of an increase in support terrifies you then DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE, DUDE. And quit knocking up people while you're at it. I know there's a ton of Jo love here, but I am not feeling him at all lately. That's not to say I like Kail, I think she's a judgmental asshole, but Jo, quit giving her shit to get on her high horse about. He DOES need to get it together. Not that it excuses Kail coming into his house 30 mins early and giving him shit. That was uncalled for. And Javi is a little bitch.

I couldn't even keep quiet during Jenelle's segments. I was snorting and guffawing the whole time. This chick is a piece of work. Good god. "I know she raised him and everything but whatever. Come on, dude." Wow. Entitled much? You can't play the mom card when you're not actually the MOM, Jenelle. Giving birth doesn't make you a mom. And her new man is so slimy I had to wipe my TV off after the episode. She certainly has a type, doesn't she?

Leah. Leah Leah Leah. The whole "he's going for what he wants, I'm going for what's best for the girls." Really? REALLY? Flip that phrase completely around and you might be on to something.

I felt for Chelsea. My son has had that exact same meltdown I don't know how many times. I almost had to turn it off. I'm not blaming her for that. Sometimes when a kid gets in that place, nothing can get them out of it short of forcibly removing them like she ultimately did. Could she have handled it differently? Maybe. None of us are perfect parents 100% of the time, tho, so I'm not getting on my high horse about that one.

Fully agree with some exception to the comment about Jo begging Kail to not increase his child support. That is not what happened. He wanted to make an agreement outside of the courtroom. Nothing wrong with that at all. Plenty of folks have drawn up their own agreements pertaining to CS.

Jo even went as far as to ask Kail what amount per month she was requesting and what were the extra expenses so he could pay for it. Jo asked for an expense sheet. Kail balked at that request. Income and expense sheets are filled out in these kind of matters. She knows this. She cannot expect to have an increase without revealing what her own expenses are with regard to Isaac.

LOL at the person who supposedly has dirt on Kail's cheating. Wow! I would not be surprised. Kail treated Javi more like a brother with benefits. Javi, your karma will soon be knocking at your door. Don't wear sweatpants when Kail arrives with her new dick.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8

Chelsea had on waaaaay too much makeup. It looked horrible. I wonder if Cole ever tells her to scrape some of that crap off of her face. Adumb is totally stupid and I would have seriously bugged the hell out of him to remove that photo and asked the new lawyer to send him a letter if necessary AND refuse to even consider a conversation about increased access.


Chelsea did run to her attorney about the picture but the attorney said there was nothing she could do about it which makes me believe that while probably in bad taste, was not inappropriate enough to demand removal. 

  • Love 4

Yes, if he keeps "acting normal." I think Chelsea has conceded that point, that she would consider his requests about custody, more time and unsupervised time, if Adam showed a long-running and consistent pattern of responsible behavior. He has to prove himself and earn her trust before she will entrust Aubree's unsupervised care to him. He hasn't done that yet. He hasn't been on the straight and narrow, as it were, or stayed out of trouble at long enough intervals before he's fucked


I think it's up to the courts now, not Chelsea.  If Chelsea had her way she would forget he ever existed and put Cole's name on the birth certificate.  I bet that Chelsea hopes Adam fails so that she and her father can gloat and cackle over the phone. 

  • Love 4

Can you imagine if Keefuh, Coatland, Gary, Nathannnnn, and David all got together for #LifeAfterJenelle dinner? NC would have to call in every cop in the state.

Lol, considering all of them probably have outstanding warrants, law enforcement could kill several birds with one stone. Toss them all in the paddy wagon and save the taxpayers a few dollars on transportation costs.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 8

Just watched. Nothing new- Leah was high AF. Jenelle prefers dick over everything. Chelsea is a precious, precious lady. 


The only thing that really stood out? I want to punch Javi in his fat duck lips. Like, he totally instigated that fight by saying he was embarrassed by kiddo scratching his head at lunch. He instigated that fight and then he stood at the car like a pussy bitch and yelled at Jo. Man, I give major props to Jo for not marching out there and breaking Javi's mouth. God,I hate that guy. I'm glad it seems as though Kail and Javi maybe might be calling it quits. No more Javi, like, ever please.

  • Love 14

Imagine the scenes of Janelle and Kaiser as if it is one of those nature documentaries with a very serious sounding narrator describing the animals....


Narrator: "Here we see the sociopath mother and her offspring. While the offspring tries to get his mother's attention, observe how the sociopath is only focused on herself. The offspring makes sounds in an attempt to engage his mother, but the sociopath remains absorbed with her cell phone. As the offspring becomes distressed, the sociopath becomes irritable, and ignores his cries. The offspring is beginning to learn that his feelings do not matter to his mother. He continues to cry, and the mother remains unaware that her offspring is in near proximity. She is distracted, focused on her new mate. While her outward demeanor remains flat and detached, there is a small smile that appears on her face, but it doesn't reach her eyes. Her offspring has given up trying to get her attention, and slumps into the corner, wondering when she might decide to pay attention to him again."

Edited by ChristmasJones
  • Love 17

I think Chelsea will marry Cole and be quick to get pregnant again. Then she won't mind if Aubree has unsupervised visits with Adammmmmmmm. Because she'll have a new baby and instant family at home. Obviously she loves Aubree but I do think she'll relent (like how Maci doesn't have Bintlee all the time but has a baby at home. If any of this makes sense


The courts ordered supervised visitation DUE TO ADAM"S actions. The guy garnered a DUI. He is a reckless driver. He constantly broke the law. He could not be trusted to have his daughter restrained in his vehicle while he violates every law on the road. If there is one thing that Chelsea is consistent with, it is her constant concern about her child's welfare. If only Leah Messer would follow suit. If Chelsea was doing the lackluster parenting that Leah was, then I could see your point above. The comparison to Maci? In the words of Mama Dawn, "That don't make no sense."

  • Love 10

I was on board with Kail's whole talk up until that. She just could not resist digging at Jo and throwing him under the bus.

Why was it such a big deal that Jo was in sweatpants at 4:30 on a Sunday? Granted it's not like he has a long week of work to recover from but Sundays are typically a recharge and relax day.

Dibs on "Sunday Sweatpants" for future user id.

  • Love 7

Thank God I read this thread... I was starting to think I was crazy and maybe was doing something wrong, If I am home, I am in some sort of lounge wear. I think it started because I'm a nurse, so when I come home from work I usually showered and changed clothes, and it was usually some form of loungewear/pajamas (for the record I usually just sleep in a tshirt and shorts so I don't wear formal "pajamas"), so I would appear to be ready for bed by 7 pm... Then it trickled into my non work days to the point that now I wear normal clothes when I leave the house but immediately change into comfy clothes when I get home, even if I intend on leaving again I will usually change into shorts and back into jeans when I leave again. I didn't realize that was so offensive to people...lol... Thanks Kail. I said this in her thread, but she complained about lack people having nappy hair!? I don't remember that (not saying it didn't happen I just didn't know) yet she now has dreds!? And was she really that offended Isaac wasn't wearing shoes? Most doctors actually recommend not wearing shoes in the house, especially if somone has asthma or allergies, it keeps from tracking some allergens in the house.

  • Love 7

Kail, Javi and Jo would get along great in my ghetto ass neighborhood.  Summer is the time for white trash arguments on the front lawn lol 

But it seriously made me embarrassed for them because you just look like idiots to your neighbors when you allow yourself to get like that.


And pretty sure I had a deja-vu moment when Janelle's new boyfriend said "you just need to get custody of Jace".  Didn't Nathan say that exact same thing the first time he showed up on the show?

  • Love 7

 And at this point for her [Jenelle]to even think she's the mother is ridiculous. Even she admitted in this episode that Barb raised him.. But then followed by that sentence there was a ... "BUT whatever I'm the mom".. really jenelle?

 She only pulls out the "I'm the mother" when there is a boyfriend wondering why the hell Barb has been raising Jace SINCE BIRTH.   I don't think even Jenelle thinks of herself as a mother, even though the show has the word Mom in it, until the Boyfriend of The Month asks about Jace.  



Cosmocrush, Kail had plastic surgery done a few months ago. It was filmed for the doctor's podcast. Fat removal was done. A few days later Kail was photographed munching down on a mountain of french fries at a restaurant. There were other photographs of her. Google and see for yourself.

Ewwww.  Thanks GK.  I think.  ewwwww


  • Love 5

Kail, Javi and Jo would get along great in my ghetto ass neighborhood. Summer is the time for white trash arguments on the front lawn lol

But it seriously made me embarrassed for them because you just look like idiots to your neighbors when you allow yourself to get like that.

And pretty sure I had a deja-vu moment when Janelle's new boyfriend said "you just need to get custody of Jace". Didn't Nathan say that exact same thing the first time he showed up on the show?

Getting custody of Jace is like lather, rinse, repeat with Jenelle. She gets a new boyfriend, jumps on the "I want Jace back" bandwagon, and promptly drops the matter once the relationship ends.

  • Love 4

Getting custody of Jace is like lather, rinse, repeat with Jenelle. She gets a new boyfriend, jumps on the "I want Jace back" bandwagon, and promptly drops the matter once the relationship ends.


I have to wonder if it's all for show. I wish Barb would call her on it every time she starts in on "I want Jace back". Unfortunately if she did, Jace would suffer.

  • Love 5

I don't really have an issue with Chelsea. Her baby talk drives me bat shit crazy but she obviously loves her daughter. But this "inappropriate" picture thing is bothering me. No. Of course Adam shouldn't have posted a naked pic of his 6 year old daughter on social media. But the greater majority of us wouldn't have even known the picture existed if Chelsea hadn't brought it up on camera. It's like a moth to the flame now. People out there want to see it now just to see how bad it really is and because Chelsea made such a huge deal about it. She may not have posted the picture herself but she fanned that flame

  • Love 4

David was a complete jerk for putting down Barb after that first meeting, especially when he knows Barb has raised Jace. A good, respectful man with class would never have done that, no matter what Jenelle was saying. And of course this was all said with kids present. Just from that scene I could tell he is a complete loser, just like Jenelle.

  • Love 12

David was a complete jerk for putting down Barb after that first meeting, especially when he knows Barb has raised Jace. A good, respectful man with class would never have done that, no matter what Jenelle was saying. And of course this was all said with kids present. Just from that scene I could tell he is a complete loser, just like Jenelle.


To be fair, a good, respectful man with class wouldn't have been there with Jenelle to begin with.  But I agree with you otherwise. They deserve each other - it sucks that there are kids involved.

  • Love 12
NikSac, on 06 Apr 2016 - 9:36 PM, said:

To be fair, a good, respectful man with class wouldn't have been there with Jenelle to begin with.  But I agree with you otherwise. They deserve each other - it sucks that there are kids involved.

LOL....you are right about that! I guess we didn't even need to see David to know he must be a complete scumbag.

  • Love 4

I don't really have an issue with Chelsea. Her baby talk drives me bat shit crazy but she obviously loves her daughter. But this "inappropriate" picture thing is bothering me. No. Of course Adam shouldn't have posted a naked pic of his 6 year old daughter on social media. But the greater majority of us wouldn't have even known the picture existed if Chelsea hadn't brought it up on camera. It's like a moth to the flame now. People out there want to see it now just to see how bad it really is and because Chelsea made such a huge deal about it. She may not have posted the picture herself but she fanned that flame

She had to make a fuss abut the photo, otherwise she wouldn't have a storyline at all. Chelsea can actually be cut from the series. She's not interesting enough for a reality series.
  • Love 3
That scene really bothered me. They appeared to be in a playroom of sorts. What is the point of a playroom, if not for the child to PLAY? Jenelle was rolling around the floor, but Kaiser was stuck behind bars again? Ridiculous.


Me too.  It just couldn't be more obvious that Jenelle's children are only incidental to her life.  She lay in that playroom, with her baby right there, and texted, talked to the friend-of-the-week, tells us all she's happy cuz she met someone on Tindr, was it?  Meanwhile she's in a damn room perfect for Kaiser to play and explore, and you wouldn't even know he was there if we didn't get a couple of quick shots of him standing in the tiny pack-n-play.  I hope Nathan gets this footage, THIS is what Jenelle means when she says "Kaiser could be spending time with ME!"

Edited by blubld43
  • Love 7

Imagine if they had footage of Adam hanging out on the couch with his girlfriend and refusing to help aubree brush her teeth and it ends in him dragging her off to bed and tantruming. Chelsea would be at her lawyers office immediately and cry to everyone who would listen about what a shit dad he was for doing that. Chelsea herself has said that the transition is hard for aubree so she should have acted accordingly.

I think chelsea a spoiled brat daddy's girl and it will be super interesting to see how her new relationship works out.


Naw.  A six year old is perfectly capable of brushing their teeth.  Hell, my 15 month old can brush her teeth by herself!  It's not like she was demanding Aubrey cook herself up some mac and cheese while she lounged on the couch with Cole.  For all we know, she's been working on Aubrey's independence and trying to get her into a nightly routine.  I know with my son, the minute you start doing stuff for him, it'll take a good couple of weeks before he'll do it on his own again (it's a major point of contention between my husband and I.  Apparently I "baby" him.)  Lots of armchair quarterbacking about that scene, with minimal information.

  • Love 7
Cosmocrush, on 06 Apr 2016 - 10:02 PM, said:

 She only pulls out the "I'm the mother" when there is a boyfriend wondering why the hell Barb has been raising Jace SINCE BIRTH.   I don't think even Jenelle thinks of herself as a mother, even though the show has the word Mom in it, until the Boyfriend of The Month asks about Jace.  



New moniker for Jenelle: MINO (Mother In Name Only)


Does that work for everyone?

  • Love 9

Every time I try to be really happy for Corey, I remember that he cheated on beautiful, responsible Miranda WITH LEAH...two months after they were married!... and I'm disgusted. Good dad (though he's in denial about Ali's disability), not necessarily a great guy.

I don't get the "Leah is high" thing. I used to have severe clinical depression and anxiety. I'm not a parent and I'm not as dumb as Leah so I don't come off as ridiculous. But to me, she seems clearly depressed. That's exactly what extremely severe depression often looks like (the fatigue, constant stress, semi hoarding, etc). For people who haven't experienced it, it can seem fake, I'm sure. People don't always take mental disorders seriously, but they can be serious. I hope she gets real help. She's made awful choices, but her WV ignorant surroundings don't seem to think mental illness is real. Even if she is on drugs, it's likely self medication for the mental health problems.

Jo needs to get a job or go to school. He's a loser.

Jenelle grew up without a dad and around abuse and violence. She was emotionally abused by her mom and her mom's boyfriends. Her mom abused and was abused by her men. That's how she will raise and is raising her sons. Hopefully they, or someone down the line, break the chain.

Chelsea is fine, but man, is she stupid. It's always hard to compare her to the other girls because she was always so privileged and has both parents.

  • Love 5

She had to make a fuss abut the photo, otherwise she wouldn't have a storyline at all. Chelsea can actually be cut from the series. She's not interesting enough for a reality series.

It's funny, because for as much shit that Chelsea and Randy talk about Adam, he's providing the only "drama" in her storyline. It's great to see one cast member lead a normal life, but I honestly don't know what they'd film if Adam wasn't in the picture.

  • Love 4

Naw.  A six year old is perfectly capable of brushing their teeth.  Hell, my 15 month old can brush her teeth by herself!  It's not like she was demanding Aubrey cook herself up some mac and cheese while she lounged on the couch with Cole.  For all we know, she's been working on Aubrey's independence and trying to get her into a nightly routine.  I know with my son, the minute you start doing stuff for him, it'll take a good couple of weeks before he'll do it on his own again (it's a major point of contention between my husband and I.  Apparently I "baby" him.)  Lots of armchair quarterbacking about that scene, with minimal information.

I'm imagining a 15 mos old toddling into the bathroom, dragging a big stepladder, tiptoeing to reach for the toothpaste, turning on the water ...


I think Chelsea does a lot of armchair quarterbacking herself when it comes to Adam, and Kail does it to Jo.  So it's fun to do it to them.

  • Love 6

Every time I try to be really happy for Corey, I remember that he cheated on beautiful, responsible Miranda WITH LEAH...two months after they were married!... and I'm disgusted. Good dad (though he's in denial about Ali's disability), not necessarily a great guy.

I don't get the "Leah is high" thing. I used to have severe clinical depression and anxiety. I'm not a parent and I'm not as dumb as Leah so I don't come off as ridiculous. But to me, she seems clearly depressed. That's exactly what extremely severe depression often looks like (the fatigue, constant stress, semi hoarding, etc). For people who haven't experienced it, it can seem fake, I'm sure. People don't always take mental disorders seriously, but they can be serious. I hope she gets real help. She's made awful choices, but her WV ignorant surroundings don't seem to think mental illness is real. Even if she is on drugs, it's likely self medication for the mental health problems.

Jo needs to get a job or go to school. He's a loser.

Jenelle grew up without a dad and around abuse and violence. She was emotionally abused by her mom and her mom's boyfriends. Her mom abused and was abused by her men. That's how she will raise and is raising her sons. Hopefully they, or someone down the line, break the chain.

Chelsea is fine, but man, is she stupid. It's always hard to compare her to the other girls because she was always so privileged and has both parents.

The constant rolling of Leah's eyes is one dead giveaway the bitch is high. That is not a symptom of depression. That is drug use whether it is abuse of illegal drugs or prescription drugs. She also has an addiction to dick.

  • Love 11

I think Chelsea does a lot of armchair quarterbacking herself when it comes to Adam, and Kail does it to Jo. So it's fun to do it to them.

Yeah, my general attitude is if you don't want people judging you and dissecting your life and your parenting style, then don't sign up to do a reality TV show. IMO, everybody over the age of 18 is fair game.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 8

The constant rolling of Leah's eyes is one dead giveaway the bitch is high. That is not a symptom of depression. That is drug use whether it is abuse of illegal drugs or prescription drugs. She also has an addiction to dick.

Nodding out is a pretty dead giveaway, too. Like when she almost dropped her brother's baby. Maybe the ignorant sloth is depressed. I'd be depressed, too, if I was her age, had three kids, a couple divorces under my belt and nothing to show for years of raking in big bucks. But, it's her lying about EVERYTHING that really pisses me off. And, MTV treating her with kid gloves - monkey, anyone? She supposedly went to treatment for *cough, cough* depression, so she supposedly should be working on ways to deal with it. I doubt her counselors at not rehab told her that staying so fucking high she can't keep her eyes open is the ticket to working on being depressed. She lies about everything, blames Corey for her 'anxiety' and expects everyone to believe her bullshit. No thanks, Possum Princess.


PS Kail - Mr Lovesnark left this morning for a golf trip and I'm digging being home alone. It's 11:00am and I'm still in my jammies and slippers. I have to go to the store sometime today and I'll throw on some jeans. But, my flannel jammie pants will go right back on after I get home and I don't plan on getting dressed tomorrow. Suck on that, you judgmental cow.

  • Love 14

Fully agree with some exception to the comment about Jo begging Kail to not increase his child support. That is not what happened. He wanted to make an agreement outside of the courtroom. Nothing wrong with that at all. Plenty of folks have drawn up their own agreements pertaining to CS.

Jo even went as far as to ask Kail what amount per month she was requesting and what were the extra expenses so he could pay for it. Jo asked for an expense sheet. Kail balked at that request. Income and expense sheets are filled out in these kind of matters. She knows this. She cannot expect to have an increase without revealing what her own expenses are with regard to Isaac.

LOL at the person who supposedly has dirt on Kail's cheating. Wow! I would not be surprised. Kail treated Javi more like a brother with benefits. Javi, your karma will soon be knocking at your door. Don't wear sweatpants when Kail arrives with her new dick.

I'm talking about all the scenes where he straight up said he didn't want to go to court because of all the stories he's heard about guys having to pay all this money.  He did beg her not to go into court.  Why would he beg her not to do that other than to not want to pay more?  And I could just imagine if they were going to adjust the support between them piecemeal every time Kail wanted to do something for Issac.  It would be a total cluster, so I get why Kail just wanted to go to court (although I don't understand the point of her even meeting with him since it was obvious she had no intention of working anything out between them informally.) He's said repeatedly throughout the show that he didn't want/couldn't afford to pay increased support.  So yeah, he needs to get off his ass and get a damn job, especially since he chose to bring another mouth to feed into the world.  The boy is lazy.  Straight up.  He needs to get it together. 

  • Love 5

Me too.  It just couldn't be more obvious that Jenelle's children are only incidental to her life.  She lay in that playroom, with her baby right there, and texted, talked to the friend-of-the-week, tells us all she's happy cuz she met someone on Tindr, was it?  Meanwhile she's in a damn room perfect for Kaiser to play and explore, and you wouldn't even know he was there if we didn't get a couple of quick shots of him standing in the tiny pack-n-play.  I hope Nathan gets this footage, THIS is what Jenelle means when she says "Kaiser could be spending time with ME!"

I don't think Nathan will  care anymore than Jenelle does.  Right now, Kaiser is just someone/something for Nathan and Jenelle to 1)fight about and use against each other  and 2) use as a prop to attract dates.   Neither one of those two morons have any idea how to take care of a baby.     If Nathan's mother wanted this baby full time I'm fairly certain neither Nathan nor Jenelle would do more than balk for the cameras and then breathe a sigh of relief. Remember, Jenelle's response to Kaiser's non-stop crying was to call Nathan and tell him his mom could have the baby Wed-Sun leaving her just two days. Of course then she got pissy when Nathan took Kaiser to Boston but really that was more about the girlfriend than anything else.


I know with my son, the minute you start doing stuff for him, it'll take a good couple of weeks before he'll do it on his own again (it's a major point of contention between my husband and I.  Apparently I "baby" him.)

That's a fairly common theme when kids return from a weekend at Grandma's too.  My brother and s-i-l used to complain that everytime his kids spent a few days with my parents they had attitude for days upon returning home.    I chalked Aubrey's tantrum up to that. 


Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 6

I have to wonder if it's all for show. I wish Barb would call her on it every time she starts in on "I want Jace back". Unfortunately if she did, Jace would suffer.


Jenelle likes to be seen as a victim.  That's why she's got so many DV incidents in her past (in fact, in every relationship, I think.)  She starts shit, then calls the police and cries victim.  She likes to pretend Barb stole Jace from her.  If she actually tries to get him back, then she'll no longer be seen as a victim in that respect any longer.  That's why she simply TALKS about getting him back, but makes no moves outside of that.  Can't afford to lose that victim status!

  • Love 8

I'm talking about all the scenes where he straight up said he didn't want to go to court because of all the stories he's heard about guys having to pay all this money.  He did beg her not to go into court.  Why would he beg her not to do that other than to not want to pay more?  And I could just imagine if they were going to adjust the support between them piecemeal every time Kail wanted to do something for Issac.  It would be a total cluster, so I get why Kail just wanted to go to court (although I don't understand the point of her even meeting with him since it was obvious she had no intention of working anything out between them informally.) He's said repeatedly throughout the show that he didn't want/couldn't afford to pay increased support.  So yeah, he needs to get off his ass and get a damn job, especially since he chose to bring another mouth to feed into the world.  The boy is lazy.  Straight up.  He needs to get it together. 


Jo didn't want to go through the courts because he feared that they would assign some huge amount for him to pay -- those are the "horror stories" he's referred to. What he wanted, instead, was for Kail and him to sit down and go through the expenses, itemize everything and come up with a fair number between the two of them, but Kail kept refusing to do that. She just wanted to give him a number and demand that he pay it. The thing is, if they went through the court then they would have to list out all the expenses and income stuff for the court to come up with their calculation, so I'm not sure why Kail wanted to do that but not want to sort it out with Jo privately. The court likely would have given her a lower amount than what she wanted to ask from Jo, since a good deal of Isaac's "increased expenses" were optional extravagances (e.g. private school tuition). So, in the end Kail is wrong if she thought she would get a better deal through the court than if she and Jo worked things out on their own, Jo was wrong for fearing that the court would make him pay some ridiculous amount because I'll bet you anything that whatever they would have asked would have been less than what Kail would have asked for herself -- but he was not wrong to refuse to do the private situation Kail's way of her just tossing out a random number, to instead insist on getting the expenses itemized, because we all know that Kail's demands were unnecessary and she knew it and that's most likely why she didn't want to show it to him.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 8

On point Lovesnark. The lying is just a major giveaway about what is going down with Leah. A person who is depressed won't lie about having narcolepsy to explain why they are constantly nodding off. Leah posted she was being tested and soon the viewets will know "the truth". To date, she has not revealed anything more about the narcolepsy or those test results.

  • Love 5

I'm imagining a 15 mos old toddling into the bathroom, dragging a big stepladder, tiptoeing to reach for the toothpaste, turning on the water ...


I think Chelsea does a lot of armchair quarterbacking herself when it comes to Adam, and Kail does it to Jo.  So it's fun to do it to them.


I assure you I'm not making it up.  She actually does drag the stool, climbs up and grabs her toothbrush, putting it into her mouth.  I tried to post a picture in this response in case you think I'd care enough to make it up, but can't figure out how.

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 3
lezlers, on 07 Apr 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:

Jenelle likes to be seen as a victim.  That's why she's got so many DV incidents in her past (in fact, in every relationship, I think.)  She starts shit, then calls the police and cries victim.  She likes to pretend Barb stole Jace from her.  If she actually tries to get him back, then she'll no longer be seen as a victim in that respect any longer.  That's why she simply TALKS about getting him back, but makes no moves outside of that.  Can't afford to lose that victim status!


Aside from Jenelle's insincere "pretending" that she actually wants custody of Jace, I think she knows that her record would likely prevent her from gaining custody. I think if she lost custody of Kaiser, she would throw all kinds of violent fits, but deep down she probably wouldn't really care and might even be relieved. She would probably do what she is doing with Jace now, bitching and moaning, but taking no steps to earn back custody.  Her actions show that she doesn't truly love her kids or want to be a selfless mother to them. I think she knows Jace is better off with Barb and she resents it deeply and has serious anger over it, but she never does anything about it. I feel very bad for both Kaiser and Jace, for all the fighting and drama they are exposed to, and that they have awful parents who refuse to (or are incapable of) getting their shit together and provide them the life and childhood they deserve.

  • Love 4

Jo didn't want to go through the courts because he feared that they would assign some huge amount for him to pay -- those are the "horror stories" he's referred to. What he wanted, instead, was for Kail and him to sit down and go through the expenses, itemize everything and come up with a fair number between the two of them, but Kail kept refusing to do that. She just wanted to give him a number and demand that he pay it. The thing is, if they went through the court then they would have to list out all the expenses and income stuff for the court to come up with their calculation, so I'm not sure why Kail wanted to do that but not want to sort it out with Jo privately. The court likely would have given her a lower amount than what she wanted to ask from Jo, since a good deal of Isaac's "increased expenses" were optional extravagances (e.g. private school tuition). So, in the end Kail is wrong if she thought she would get a better deal through the court than if she and Jo worked things out on their own, Jo was wrong for fearing that the court would make him pay some ridiculous amount because I'll bet you anything that whatever they would have asked would have been less than what Kail would have asked for herself -- but he was not wrong to refuse to do the private situation Kail's way of her just tossing out a random number, to instead insist on getting the expenses itemized, because we all know that Kail's demands were unnecessary and she knew it and that's most likely why she didn't want to show it to him.


I totally agree with EVERYTHING you just said.  Doesn't mean he's not still a lazy ass that needs to get a goddamn job.

  • Love 3

On point Lovesnark. The lying is just a major giveaway about what is going down with Leah. A person who is depressed won't lie about having narcolepsy to explain why they are constantly nodding off. Leah posted she was being tested and soon the viewets will know "the truth". To date, she has not revealed anything more about the narcolepsy or those test results.

She's been claiming 'the truth would come out' for about 4 years now - haha!


 Aubrey's hissy fit when she came home brought back memories. I hated the re-entry period after the kids spent the weekend with grandma. It would take days for everything to get back to normal. So much that I made a rule that they could only go to either set of grandparents every other weekend. Sometimes my folks would want them for the weekend and my inlaws would want them the next weekend. I had to stop that because it created an endless cycle of re-entry craziness.

  • Love 5

I totally agree with EVERYTHING you just said.  Doesn't mean he's not still a lazy ass that needs to get a goddamn job.


I don't really know what his deal is. Whatever money he's getting, from the show or whatever, it's apparently enough to pay for his own expenses and the reasonable amount of child support he does pay for Isaac -- but if the thought of an increase, possibly a big one, in child support is enough to give him panic attacks, then what did he plan to do when Vivi arrived and he has to support two kids? Dude needs to calm down and get a job. And then, when Kail comes sniffing around for more money again, demand that she give him a notarized list of all expenses or take him to court so he can expose her greedy ass.

  • Love 6

I think if she lost custody of Kaiser, she would throw all kinds of violent fits, but deep down she probably wouldn't really care and might even be relieved.

Kind of like Leah acting so offended over the new custody arrangement when we all know she's happy as hell she doesn't have to get up at 5 am and make two 90 minute round trips to get the girlses back and forth to school.

  • Love 13

Aside from Jenelle's insincere "pretending" that she actually wants custody of Jace, I think she knows that her record would likely prevent her from gaining custody. I think if she lost custody of Kaiser, she would throw all kinds of violent fits, but deep down she probably wouldn't really care and might even be relieved. She would probably do what she is doing with Jace now, bitching and moaning, but taking no steps to earn back custody.  Her actions show that she doesn't truly love her kids or want to be a selfless mother to them. I think she knows Jace is better off with Barb and she resents it deeply and has serious anger over it, but she never does anything about it. I feel very bad for both Kaiser and Jace, for all the fighting and drama they are exposed to, and that they have awful parents who refuse to (or are incapable of) getting their shit together and provide them the life and childhood they deserve.

If Nathan gets primary custody of Kaiser, I believe Jenelle will be knocked up about 5 seconds later. I can only hope that her dick of the moment got himself snipped after the last kid. If not, I can totally see him thinking that having a kid with her will keep his mug on TV and that MTV check rolling in.

  • Love 5
If Nathan gets primary custody of Kaiser, I believe Jenelle will be knocked up about 5 seconds later. I can only hope that her dick of the moment got himself snipped after the last kid. If not, I can totally see him thinking that having a kid with her will keep his mug on TV and that MTV check rolling in.


I can totally see this, then when she's done with the latest baby daddy, she'll be done with his child too.  All the same, I hope Kaiser gets away from her "care" as soon as possible, to Nathan OR his mother.  Jenelle's neglect of Kaiser is hard to watch.

  • Love 5

Jo also knows that the more he makes, the more the court can take for child support. Which is probably one reason he's not working now. He wants to keep his income level as low as possible and try to come to an agreement with Kail outside of the court system. Although should his income go up, I'm sure she'd haul him in for an increase faster than you can say "dreadlocks".

  • Love 5

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