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The Shows of 2014: Because They've Been Pureed in a Blender

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I'm surprised no one else ever talks about the music.


Normally, I never notice background music in TV shows or movies - at all.  For some reason, Chopped is the sole exception and I not only notice the music, I often admire the effort that must go into coordinating the selections with the actions on screen. 


I was already sick of Scott's car commercial because his voice in it is so smug and smarmy and because it seems to be on every 10 minutes.  After last night's Chopped, I may throw something at the TV the next time I hear him droning on about his own excellence. 

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I'll be the first to admit I haven't been watching this show a lot other than a lot of reruns but this proliferation of questions about "why you want to win and the other dumb ass questions and answers" is getting old quick. I care less about their personal lives. Their ability to cook is all I care about.

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Their ability to cook is all I care about




It seems that for a while now many of the chefs chosen are lacking in that ability by a good margin. Even in this current episode I can't say I saw anyone showing an incredible amount of talent.

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Scott: "So these are the things that concern me about a chef with only four years experience. Butchering takes time to master."

Scott, I was on a fishing boat a few weeks ago and the 16 year old part-time deckhand named Lips had mastered fileting.

"I can't BELIEVE that's how she's handling this fish." "It destroys the texture of the fish."

Cool story, bro.

Get some real problems.

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Loving Scott's "How fucking DARE YOU?" bitch-face after Amanda called Kristin's the best branzino fillet of the round. DOESN'T AMANDA UNDERSTAND FISH REVERENCE? !

*Not sure if anyone knows this but Drew has cooked for billionaires and diplomats.

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I must be seriously dense, because until I read the comment about the music, I didn't even realize that there was music.


That was my thought, too... What music??  :P


 I guess I do assume there is background music of some kind, but I've never noted it in any real way...

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I sent Scott Conant a message, along with a photo of the tuna steak I cooked, to assure him that no tongs were used during the cooking of this beautiful, serene tuna steak.


You cooked that beautiful product??? Barbarian.

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I sent Scott Conant a message, along with a photo of the tuna steak I cooked, to assure him that no tongs were used during the cooking of this beautiful, serene tuna steak.


That's hilarious.  Do let us know if you get a response.  Doubt that you will.  I suspect that Scott thinks all of us in TV land are peasants.

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Maybe Scott can be the new face of the First World Problems Twitter account.


Maybe the reason my cats fuss at me is that I do not reverently remove their cat food from the can using the appropriate utensils.


Maybe I will play "Scott in Cut Throat Kitchen Hell" and cook a meal using only tongs.

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"I can't BELIEVE that's how she's handling this fish." "It destroys the texture of the fish."

Cool story, bro.

Get some real problems.

Right. I find it funny how many times I watch this show and think that the judges are taking the show more seriously than it needs to be. It's a game show - where the task is to use ridiculous combinations of food to make something that is edible, and do it better than someone else. And it's on the same network as another game show where people have to cook something with inferior ingredients, weird utensils, only one hand, or sub-standard cooking appliances.

Integrity? reverence? respect for ingredients? What the hell show or network do they think they're on? People are making sauces out of freaking GUMMY WORMS!

That's hilarious. Do let us know if you get a response. Doubt that you will. I suspect that Scott thinks all of us in TV land are peasants.

Except the ones who drive a Lexus. Edited by backformore
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See that's the thing. If Scott's ire were specifically that she ruined the texture of the fish then that'd be one thing. But the way it came out was all about "reverence" and the texture bit was more of an afterthought. He could've bitched all he wanted about the tongs if his point was actually that she did mess up the dish by doing it. But he decided she ruined it before he even saw the plate. He jumped to the conclusion when he saw the tongs alone and worked himself into a frenzy. Or so it was edited. Had his point been "you idiot, you ruined it, now it's shredded mush" I'd have rolled my eyes 90% less than all this "respect the dead animal you're cutting into bits and throwing on fire".

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I commend the girl for handling it the way she did. I guess this means we'll never ever in our lifetimes see Scott on Cutthroat Kitchen because he'd walk off the set before he'd do the zany things they are required to do. It would be beneath him. Even if for charity.

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Do we think that Scott looking like an arrogant ass might relate to him possibly pissing off the show's editors? The same editors who didn't really need to show that comment if they didn't want to and really liked the guy and thought he was just having a bad day?

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Do we think that Scott looking like an arrogant ass might relate to him possibly pissing off the show's editors? The same editors who didn't really need to show that comment if they didn't want to and really liked the guy and thought he was just having a bad day?


Considering how many dreadful people are 800-lb gorillas on TFN, it's hard for me to imagine how douchey someone would have to be to get himself singled out by them.

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He's been pretty quiet since that initial "explanation" on Twitter.


Perhaps he didn't intend to suggest that his fellow judges didn't Get the concept of respecting ingredients, but he kinda dug a hole for himself there.

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I want to fry something in one of those trendy Air Fryers and serve it to Scott. Because I have no respect for oil, butter, or authority.

*How long after Chopped goes off the air will it be before Scott's doing QVC spots for Conant Cutlery or Scotty C's Reverent Fish Fillets?

Edited by Drogo
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I was already sick of Scott's car commercial because his voice in it is so smug and smarmy


It's not exactly moving the needle, apparently no one cares about Scott or what he drives, with his rent-a-friends (seriously, who wants to be in the middle back seat? Not even children)


Infiniti could not have come up with a more douchey and forgettable ad (or car IMO). Drive an Infiniti, be like Scott? Thanks but no


Conant does seem to have a way inflated opinion of himself and his place in the chef pantheon.

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Conant does seem to have a way inflated opinion of himself and his place in the chef pantheon.


Kind of like Infiniti, which is a Nissan with more makeup on.  Maybe he's a perfect choice.

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It's just a title.





From her intro, it looks like she works at a small, quaint and beautiful restaurant that puts out great food. She apparently excelled in culinary school and has a real passion for cooking. She was the right person for that particular restaurant... the owners recognized her serious skills and made her the Executive Chef.


She most likely wouldn't be able to walk into a 5-star restaurant and become an EC with only 4 years experience. But, the owners of her restaurant just want good food coming out the kitchen.. they don't care how long she's been cooking. 


The way Amanda questioned her about her experience, it was like she couldn't believe the woman would have the audacity to even apply for and accept an EC job without more years under her belt.


I don't get the animosity. It's not like she was a cocky arrogant kid, who couldn't cook. She was perfectly nice woman... with real skills. Scott should have been praising her for her accomplishments. He hated having to admit she was great chef... even without being a seasoned professional. He desperately wanted to find something wrong... and when she picked up those thongs he had her! Heh! 

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The way Amanda questioned her about her experience, it was like she couldn't believe the woman would have the audacity to even apply for and accept an EC job without more years under her belt.

Might have something to do with her own track record. She's educated, has worked with some good chefs, but didn't make executive chef status until she worked at The Harrison, a position which she left in 2010. She doesn't own a restaurant. She probably saw in that girl a very bright and promising future and maybe a tinge of jealousy crept out.

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Just saw the episode and tong-gate. Scott is such a pompous ass.

But the best thing was Amanda's expression of dread when Chef I Cook for Billionaires began to puree the antipasto.

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Just when you think you've gotten past the douchebaggery of the red onions, SC reminds us of his arrogance once again.  He was also one of the few guest judges to tear into a cheftestant on Top Chef.  I had hoped that when they finally dragged him into competing on the celebrity Chopped tournament, he might lose some of his snottiness by seeing how challenging the task really is, but then he won the damn thing.  I don't care if he's easy on the eyes, he's still an arrogant snot.  It's just fucking food.  When they start, every now and again, with this respect for the animal blah blah, I remember that these animals wouldn't have died but for a game show.  Go out and feed the homeless.  These precious foodies will eat anything that's ever exchanged oxygen, regardless of whether it realistically ought to be food or not.  No living creature is safe.  Don't talk about respect for animals.


And I couldn't believe how much it bothered Amanda that Kristin became an EC in 4 years.  You know it's an odd night when Chris Santos comes out as the voice of calm and reason.


And the real, real miracle of the night was that the sob story holder didn't win.

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Well, poor Amanda is one of the few people on TFN who isn't a member of the third base club, and Alex was handed the Iron Chef win Amanda won, so she's got to be a bit bitter.


What does "third base club" mean?  I Googled but all I found were sports references.


I like Amanda and also thought she should have won Next Iron Chef.

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Sorry, born on third base. Alex, Aaron, Giada, Marc Forgione, Bobby Flay - all come from prominent families in the New York food world. Maybe a little too much to be a coincidence.


Don't get me started on Bobby Deen and Katie Lee.


eta: Forgot Donatella. My bad.

Edited by Julia
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What does "third base club" mean? I Googled but all I found were sports references.


The quote is something like "she was born on third base, but thinks she hit a home run"

I've seen this quote in reference to Paltrow.

Scott is a douche face

Edited by Zmanda
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We just got around to watching this episode, and I heartily concur with the vitriol directed at Conant.

This episode should have been titled "Douche & Douchier".

When you consider the douchiness level of Chef Drew ( I cook for billionaires, not peasants) has been pushed aside by the boorish behavior of Scott (a certified scarf wearing, pompous d-bag) Conant, it is quite an amazing feat.

While Chef Drew ( bet you didn't know he flies on private jets, not coach with us peons), thought of himself as being in the upper tier of fancy chefs, while his food was basically on a par with a greasy spoon diner serving, he certainly pushed the magical D-bag meter, but he was out (low) classed by the reigning king of douchebaggery, Scott Conant.

Conants classless rant over the sanctity of using tongs on a fish filet as somehow being the moral equivalency of blasphemy in an Islamic country showed that when it comes to being a world class jerk, Conant is like a raw red onion in a bowl of cherries!

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While Chef Drew ( bet you didn't know he flies on private jets, not coach with us peons)


I didn't realize that he cooked for billionaires...  He should have mentioned it.  

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Wow, I just checked out Conants webpage, and it is the epitome of douchebaggery. What a self absorbed pompous buffoon he is. I wanted to try to use the contact us feature to fire off an email regarding his unprofessional treatment of the female chef, but was unable to actually find a valid link to send an email. I then checked out his twitter site, and found it to be even worse, apparently populated by fawning sycophants and suck-ups.

I didn't feel like signing up for twitter just so I could send him a tweet (if thats what it's called), so I guess I'll have to be content with confining my anger to these pages.

As others have posted, for a guy who is on a TV show that features such items as gummy worms, chocolate easter bunnies, and animal testicles, he certainly has an over-inflated opinion of both himself and the show.

On a related note, if he is so concerned about the reverence of dead animals, he shouldn't be driving that big Infiniti Colossus SUV he has in the commercial, that is burning dead animals at a rate of about 4mpg. Someone should put a raw red onion up his tailpipe. I wonder if he drives with the window open so his scarf can billow freely out the window?

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Scott seemed assy, which didn't actually surprise me. I've seen it before. Amanda, on the other hand, did surprise me with her thinly veiled jealously of the woman who has risen in her career so quickly. How about a "way to go" from someone on that?

I also thought the woman was interesting with her story of being unfocused & drifting until called on it by her ex. It sounds like she used her anger as some good motivation. Her story was much more compelling then the jerk who was convinced he was almost famous for cooking food for famous people. Private jets. Billionaires. Did he mention if he'd ever gone swimming in a cement pond? Cause that'd be so impressive!

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Loved the Thanksgiving episodes, and especially enjoyed seeing the judges cook!  I would have eaten any one of the dishes presented.....except maybe Maneet's super-sweet appetizer.

Edited by blubld43
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I'm really becoming convinced now that the sob story is a factor in the decision making process of this show. The toothless sister was brought up during the final deliberations in a way that seemed relevant to the outcome. Neither chef did so well as to hit it out of the park, so the sob story appeared to be the clincher. At least the editing made it look that way.

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Chefs Gilbert 's dessert looked really really bad. Once that was served he had no chance of winning, even if his gang brother had cancer, needed teeth and was an orphaned, crippled war vet.

Of course I was rooting for the lady who was playing because she likes.to.win. No sob story just wants. To. Win. Too bad she screwed up the pork chop.

Does anyone know if there is a time lapse, even a few minutes, after they see the ingredients and when "time starts now"? I can't believe they can come up with full blown ideas that fast!

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Does anyone know if there is a time lapse, even a few minutes, after they see the ingredients and when "time starts now"? I can't believe they can come up with full blown ideas that fast!


I read once that they must start doing something within 10 seconds of the time Ted says "time starts now"  which is why you never see anyone standing and thinking.  I have no idea if that's actually true though. 

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I read once that they must start doing something within 10 seconds of the time Ted says "time starts now"  which is why you never see anyone standing and thinking.  I have no idea if that's actually true though.

It's true. They also don't get to check out any of the appliances or equipment. One walk through to show them the pantry and 'fridge items, what tools are available, then they are on their own.

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I read once that they must start doing something within 10 seconds of the time Ted says "time starts now"  which is why you never see anyone standing and thinking.  I have no idea if that's actually true though. 


 I know at least once a chef stood there a good while before they got moving because they couldn't figure out what to do (I think it was the dessert round).

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Yeah, I was very disappointed that not only did we have to hear about the sister in talking heads, then again at the judge's table, and then AGAIN from the judges.  Why did they ask him if he thinks about his sister when cooking.  WTH does that have to do with anything?


I'm not quite at the point where I think the sob stories have a bearing on the ultimate winner and I can see how he won.  But hey, producers, IT'S BORING AS HELL. 


The only thing that would have been interesting is if they ended the show with a picture of her smiling with her brand new shiny white teeth, because that would have been hilarious.


Don't TPTB realize that instead of evoking empathy with the audience, it's become a cause for ridicule?

Edited by backgroundnoise
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