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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I'm happy for JT. He needed to leave. TPTB has shown were their priorities lie and it's not with Patrick or the hospital.

A soap called General Hospital with no contract doctors is pathetic. Shamefully AMC had more contract doctors than GH has had in years.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Thank God. Patrick and Robin will be free of this shitfest.

It could have happened a lot sooner if FrankenRon weren't assholes.

Crossing my fingers for a happy Scrubs ending!!

And KMc was always going to come back to see (hopefully escort) JT off this show if it was in her power to do so. Part of the reason I always loved Scrubs so much was the respect and friendship between JT and KMc and how they always seemed like a team, on and off camera.

Hard to believe it's been over ten years since I was horrified to hear KMc was coming back, afraid she'd be tossed back at the thugs and then out of nowhere, "oh, yeah, Noah Drake's coming back and he has a doctor son coming on too."

Edited by katie9918
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I hope they are smart enough to give Robin and Patrick a HEA. I'll watch their scenes but not without reading spoilers first. If it's not a happy ending for them I'm not wasting my time.

Same here. I'm just as invested in Scrubs now as I was the day they met and I'm hoping Uncle Frank realizes that there's absolutely nothing to lose and a lot to gain (as in the goodwill of many fans who have stuck with Robin/Patrick who may be more kindly disposed to this show if they get a happy ending) in not being vindictive toward Patrick just because JT chose to leave when he could after being prevented earlier by his contract.

C'mon, Frank, give Scrubs a happily ever after!

Edited by katie9918
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As someone who wants Patrick to fall into a mud puddle, I'll say this...it's not a coincidence that KMc is coming back right as he's leaving. Months ago, it was clear the new writers didn't give a crap about even dealing with Robin this year. Now they suddenly do? It's obvs what's happening. I'd be shocked otherwise, as it would just be pettiness via Frank & Co.

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As someone who wants Patrick to fall into a mud puddle, I'll say this...it's not a coincidence that KMc is coming back right as he's leaving. Months ago, it was clear the new writers didn't give a crap about even dealing with Robin this year. Now they suddenly do? It's obvs what's happening. I'd be shocked otherwise, as it would just be pettiness via Frank & Co.

You can wish Patrick into a mud puddle all you want, but truly, who has treated Robin more as an equal in the past decade than he has? Especially considering the fact that she lied to him about Jason (Victor's original threat), Jason being dead (who was actually after her at that point, I guess Helena), and then "being Broken" (while Patrick had a young child to care for and apparently Mom was in Paris... well, Dad can't be in two places at once, so he had to choose between his lying wife and his innocent daughter). Not saying Patrick is not a douche (he is), but Robin is hardly an innocent victim with all the lying she's been doing. Hell, lying to Patrick has been her first instinct and, frankly, she is more responsible for their predicament than he is, barring some retcon than makes everything his fault. 


Both Anna and Robert (but mostly former double agent Anna) have been living it up and giving no shits about their daughter *until the plot demands they do* up to and including Patrick cheating on her. Yes, I know Patrick was a douche, but let's not forget that Robin was also a bit of a douche to him as well, with his father taking her side and her mother taking his side for.... reasons... And WTFever. They were good until Lisa hit. And then they got past Lisa, they were cool. Then Robin died and her worthless mother never bothered to say "Hey, Robert and I both survived that boat explosion I set us up for because I was a double agent and a traitor who hid behind Robert for however long, now I'm FREE!!!" 


And how is Patrick worse than either of Robin's parents, but especially her skating mother, again?

Edited by katie9918
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Quite frankly, I feel about the self-absorbed Anna the same way HeatLifer likely feels about Patrick. Who is, incidentally, aside from Mac, the one person who stuck around long enough to work out the problems he and Robin had. 


Both Robert and Anna patted her on the head and gave Port Charles the old archer's salute before disappearing. Again, if we're making shit slandering Patrick to compensate for the other actors' unavailability, both Robert and Anna are JUST as responsible for whatever situation Robin found herself in while lying to her husband at every turn after returning from the dead. Was she trying to protect him and Emma? YES, OF COURSE, but the husband left to care for the daughter should NOT be blamed for it after catching his wife in a lie and a half and after begging her to come home and receiving no good reason why she won't.  Robin made this bed, for the most, and she and Patrick have a few long conversations ahead of them.


Honestly, the way some people talk, one would think Patrick threw a party the day after Robin died. Simply not true, and her parents deserve as much shit as Patrick's been getting. 

Edited by katie9918
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According to Wikipedia, JT first aired as Patrick Drake on Dec 7, 2015. I wonder if he'll make a full 10 years?

I have a feeling JT'll make it through the Christmas holidays.  I have a strong feeling (all spec; no spoilers) that Robert's return will be a 3-day (maybe 6 tops) spread over 2 weeks (tail end first week; beginning of following)  Christmas visit.  I wouldn't even be surprised if Robert shows up dressed as Santa on Christmas Eve.  They'll have the entire Scorpio brood together, much like 2008.  Maybe even Mac and Felicia will come over.


I'm just hoping that Robert stays long enough for a New Year's Eve kiss with Anna.  Yes, the 12-year-old in me just typed that.

  • Love 11

According to Wikipedia, JT first aired as Patrick Drake on Dec 7, 2015. I wonder if he'll make a full 10 years?


I kind of hope he does. He might get a 10 anniversary/farewell party in one.


I really do think he's going to fine as far as continuing his acting career goes. Maybe it would have been easier for him after his first contract ended, and he had left like Kim wanted him to, but he's definitely going to have an easier time of at least getting steady work than (unfortunately) a lot of actresses of a certain age do (even after taking into account that TV is a better medium for women after they become older). He might have to deal with a bit of a soap stigma (although I somehow think it's not quite as bad as it would have been years back), but age? Not so much. 

Edited by UYI
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I have a feeling JT'll make it through the Christmas holidays.  I have a strong feeling (all spec; no spoilers) that Robert's return will be a 3-day (maybe 6 tops) spread over 2 weeks (tail end first week; beginning of following)  Christmas visit.  I wouldn't even be surprised if Robert shows up dressed as Santa on Christmas Eve.  They'll have the entire Scorpio brood together, much like 2008.  Maybe even Mac and Felicia will come over.


I'm just hoping that Robert stays long enough for a New Year's Eve kiss with Anna.  Yes, the 12-year-old in me just typed that.

Will you marry me?

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Sam and Jason were together throughout late 2006 until maybe June 2007? I believe when the metro court crisis happened they were back together. And yes sam and Jason broke up over Franco but once again whenever jason needed a flirtation there was Liz. They had all that nonsense with the birthday party, I think they kissed, Evan was revealed as the big bad so jason could save Liz. It wasn't just a two day thing. If sbu hadn't left, I think it would have gone on much longer. I'm sure jason and sam had a wonderful love story without Liz involved. My point isn't really the importance of Liz to the great Jasam but the repeated using of Liz whenever the jasam story calls for it with no respect to Liz's story or character. Jason was never seriously interested in Liz so her being involved with that Franco mess was for no purpose other than her looking like a fool . Evan was revealed as bad so jason could save her and then Liz was left with no other love interest. So while Liz might be a blip to jasam, her involvement with jason in recent years is not a blip to her charcter.

I pulled this because I think this is applicable to a number of characters on this show, who have been on this show not only for decades, but who's characters were even born on to this show. Guza guilty of this, seeing his treatment of AJ (or anyone) versus Jason, Sonny and Carly. He payed absolutely no mind to the fans that were liking AJ and Courtney together, and not only broke them apart as per Frons' wife's wishes, but chose to vilify him further, irrespective to either AJ's or Courtney's story in order to further Jason's story. 


RC did this (and it seems the new writers might be doing this too) with Liz, with Anna, with Maxie, Scotty, Lucky, Nik, Patrick etc...etc. RC didn't get that no one wanted to see Liz play the heavy in the first secret keeping from Jason storyline but plowed through it anyways with Jakeson.  They had her give a speech about the amount of shit that people like Carly and Sonny get to do and get away with and proceeds to sleep with Jakeson for the first time.It isn't like she didn't have any experience with a love one, like when Lucky was kidnapped and presumed dead. She saw it play out, she experienced the grief alongside everyone else. What worse, they had her keep quiet when her own son was returned to her, because that story wasn't about Liz; it was about redeeming Luke .They didn't have her accidentally stumble across the information, decide she going to tell Jakeson, Jakeson does something super romantic and Liz clams up. They didn't have not believe Nik when he told her that Jake was Jason and have it slowly dawn on her that he might in fact be Jason down the road. They had Nik tell her, and not only have Liz believe, decide to keep his destructive secret.


Guza did slightly better than RC, only because during his first stint as head writer, he had an executive producer and division heads that cared about GH being a continued success, so he could indulge in his Jason fetish only so much. When he returned to GH, he did understand the history of the show better, or at least he kept around the writers that knew the show. Not only does RC does not understand the show, he didn't bother learning anything about the characters or when he did and it wasn't convenient for his stories, he threw away the characterization . We talk about the damage that RC did to Liz, but he just about destroyed any positive quality that Maxie possessed during the Guza years. Before RC came, Maxie had a job and paid her own rent, and didn't seem like the type to abandon a baby.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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