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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I do think they will double down on Sonny woobification though.


 Most definitely, especially with Luke gone.

These are my choices? Lucy + Francs/Neens OR The Mob minus Lucy? I don't think so.


I guess it's just that one thing Ron did right was break up the Sonny/Carly/Jason trinity's hold on the show.  I'm just leery the network, with the change, will want to swing back that way.


But yeah, the Francs and Neens Variety Hour is the worst thing going and I guess I would take some mobular stuff over that.

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I'm not so sure with FV still around and JP loving to write for Roger.I mean I could see it going either way.

At this point, she can keep Roger, just kill off Franco. RoHo, can come back the next day as Steven Lars for all I care. After Ron's shitty wrting, no explanation is needed.

ETA: Aprilshowers, I was trying to think of a natural or unnatural disaster GH hasn't already had. MonthDays, teen serial killers, train wrecks, fires, monkey virus, freezing the world, water poisoning, etc. The events that will change everything happened on a regular bases.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Sorry, he doesn't deserve a third bite at the apple.  Franco, Todd, whatever, he's hardly knocking it out of the park in his performances of late.


From DC:


I suppose they preferred the Frons/JFP/Guza era where stars their age were put out to pasture, or killed off with fictional monkey flu epidemics? Pouring some out for the homie, Brad Maule.


Wasn't Jamey Giddens a huge fan of that Guza era?  There's good points in there, but they get weighed down by all the hot air.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I hope Sickles and Co. Follow RC out the door



A-freaking men. I cannot stand the current crop of dialogue writers (except for Kate Hall), especially Scott Sickles. I always know within the first two minutes that he's written the episode even before the credits roll out because it will be shallow shit, full of camp and pop culture references.

  • Love 4

Jamie makes some good points in that article, specifically about the lack of a publicist. But so what if frank hires every ex Y&R star available? That doesn't mean Ron had to turn them into jokes. I mean, Ava was great, although Denise leaves a lot to be desired. Jakeson could be a good character, whether he stays Jake or remembers everything and becomes Jason. Although they certainly could have created a whole new character for Miller. And Stafford, while never a favorite of mine, could be decent. I'm sure no one told Ron to make Nina into a complete psycho with the maturity of a 10-year-old. That's all on him.

And yeah he wrote some good stuff during his tenure. But he let his success and the Internet propping go to his head and was encouraged by Frank. Frank gets to stay because he's doing his job, which is to keep the show under budget. Ron was fired because too many people were tremendously dissatisfied with his writing and tuned out in record numbers.

  • Love 7

Sorry, he doesn't deserve a third bite at the apple. Franco, Todd, whatever, he's hardly knocking it out of the park in his performances of late.

ITA, but if JP likes RoHo we are screwed because she will keep him around. Franco should never have been brought back from the dead or made the child of Heather and Scotty.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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If GH really doesn't have a dedicated staff/whatever publicist...that explains a lot.


And while I'm actually kind of disappointed that Ron was cashiered (but I absolutely get why), I have to agree that he had a single recurring pecadillo which goes back to the publicity thing: he kind of had to prove he was smarter, or at least more sly, than us viewers.  And doing it while pimping the show was...strange.


As for his replacements...from what admittedly little I've seen of Passanante and Altman's work on Y&R, I'm still not sure it's a step up.  And as the new head writers I imagine the network will be breathing hard down their necks at first to boot...so the big question is how far out is the show shooting, since that will give us a general idea of when the show will go vrrp with the change...

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The show shoots about a month ahead, so we could be seeing changes very soon. I remember JT said as soon as Ron/Frank took over they immediately began seeing notes/changes in their scripts. Not major changes, but a lot of tweaked dialogue and stuff.

What are the odds of Ava being written out? 


I hope Lucas and Brad aren't seen as a package deal with these new writers. I would very much support Brad being axed but Lucas should stay.


Given that Maura West was a major actress on ATWT . . . not good. Sorry LeftPhalange. :) I could see them saying whoever shot Connie was Ava in a mask or something.

At least this means ABC is interested in keeping the show on the air.  I was worried that the months of shitty ratings meant they'd just can the whole damn thing.  Hopefully the new writers will return the characters back to something recognizable, instead of the interchangeable cardboard cutouts Ron C. turned them in.  And also that they will be more receptive to what the audience would and wouldn't like to see, instead of twitter tantrum babies who think that  anyone who doesn't agree with their vision is a hater. 


I'm very happy that there is still life for GH, and wonder how the actors feel about the coming change.  If what Tony Geary said was true about Ron trying to manage their every move and line reading, I'd bet there are some happy actors on set.

  • Love 10
At this point, she can keep Roger, just kill off Franco. RoHo, can come back the next day as Steven Lars for all I care.


RoHo needs to find another prime time gig or go on a long vacation or travel to the moon. He doesn't need or deserve to stay on GH. He's overrated as hell and his mugging - with an abysmal character - equals "See ya!"

  • Love 8

I'd bet on Kreizman turning up. That guy helped put AMC and GL in the ground, he gets around.

Was JP the one who wrote Luke and Noah jumping up and down on the bed and eating ice cream with Grandma after they did it?


I believe it was her team, yes.


I mean, ATWT had an equally slapdash, nonsensical pace and slipshod, here today gone tomorrow storytelling as well in those last years. It was absolutely unwatchable to me. They brought back a core kid and turned him into a psycho stalker, I think he got buried alive. It was worse than current GH to me, to be honest.

Edited by jsbt
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According to Soap Opera Network:


Been out of the loop for awhile, but if I understand things correctly: Ron's contract was coming up for renewal and ABC decided to wait it out, but then the 13 weeks of lows could not be justified. So as to avoid possible cancellation talk, especially with November sweeps coming up, certain execs stepped in and made a change before others decided to pull a 2011.

I'd bet on Kreizman turning up. That guy helped put AMC and GL in the ground, he gets around.


I believe it was her team, yes.


I mean, ATWT had an equally slapdash, nonsensical pace and slipshod, here today gone tomorrow storytelling as well in those last years. It was absolutely unwatchable to me. They brought back a core kid and turned him into a psycho stalker, I think he got buried alive. It was worse than current GH to me, to be honest.


Who was the core kid?? I don't remember this.


Well, I remember I liked the last episode at least. sigh. So they are capable of writing that at least.

The writers don't determine who is hired or fired, though. That is the EP's job, right ? This new way of soaps for GH and Days, anyway, seems to be leaning toward less contracts and more recurring. So I don't know if the cast will shrink anytime soon. It's funny because I was just thinking what might help the show is having a female co head writer, and now we have two. I do think most women understand the emotional beats of a soap better than male writers. With the possible exception of Doug Marland.

The writers don't determine who is hired or fired, though. That is the EP's job, right ? This new way of soaps for GH and Days, anyway, seems to be leaning toward less contracts and more recurring. So I don't know if the cast will shrink anytime soon. It's funny because I was just thinking what might help the show is having a female co head writer, and now we have two. I do think most women understand the emotional beats of a soap better than male writers. With the possible exception of Doug Marland.


But writers also have input on who they will write for and want, etc., hence the infamous Guza/Riche push and pull. And the network may have a say, too. I guess we'll find out, either way!


Adam Munson.


I did not like their finale, but I did not like anything on ATWT after she took over, really.


I looked it up - he did come back after they buried him alive but sounds like a horrible hack job. yeesh.


Admittedly my expectations were low for the finale. I liked what they did with Parker, and I cared more about him/Carly/Jack than most of the other characters, so that explains most of my being okay with the finale.


topic: Hopefully Shelly Altman will be able to influence her a bit, but eh.

Edited by ulkis
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I looked it up - he did come back after they buried him alive but sounds like a horrible hack job. yeesh.


Yeah, they brought him back and then sent him off a handful of months later, abruptly ending the story. ATWT was constantly doing that with stories superfast, I think it had to do with Chris Goutman or the people at CBS.


I do think the show will be better than ATWT, just as their mediocre Y&R was. But they're still two people who have no business at either GH or Y&R, IMO.

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I'm not thrilled with Jean being the new writer. I'm generally someone who can separate Person vs. Work. As a person, I have nothing against say, Maurice Bernard; I just wish I didn't have to watch him toss barware. However, Ron is one such person though, where since some of his work seems to be his personal Twitter, I am finding myself genuinely happy he is out of a job and probably flipping out somewhere.

  • Love 4

Plenty of women have written bad soap, i.e. Megan McTavish and her undoing daytime's first abortion.


McTavish was so hit and miss for me. On the one hand when she wrote AMC from 2003-2006 for the first year or two at least I was glued to my TV screen. Her show was dark, but it had umbrella story lines that connected the entire town, character development, amazing family interactions  that made me cry (she beautifully built up Bianca-Kendall-Erica as a unit and every beat was played), excellent dialogue writers and she did romance pretty damn well. However, as I said, she was horribly dark, obsessed with rape, murder, and baby-swapping. She killed Dixie, turned Tad into a murderer, ruined David Hayward by making him Babe's father by way of ass-pull, and as you said, undid Erica's abortion. The only thing worse than McTavish is Pratt IMO who only knows how to write women as completely crazy.

Edited by BinkyMimo88
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