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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Whether intentional or not, he basically corroborated other actors' stories about getting jerked around regarding their character. It's very similar to what they've done to BM - changing logic on a dime and being ruled by rewrites and plot points. I've never seen so much talent gathered together and then ruined. Like, to the bone. Nothing and no one makes sense, all the wrong beats are chosen, and I'd swear Uncle Frank has a bet with somebody that he can make it all deadly dull on top of it.

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What's interesting is that originally RoHo was going to a play a Q and a Cassadine!

He was going to play Alexander Quartermaine, the son of Tony Cassadine & Alexandra Quartermaine. And then they changed it to Franco at the last minute.

Why? Who honestly thought Franco would ever be a good idea?

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Why? Who honestly thought Franco would ever be a good idea?


The story as  heard it was that some high poobah at ABC who never watched the show wanted a character that was "like Todd", and decided that Franco would be a great character because he was supposed to be all edgy and James Franco had played him.

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Yeah. But the problems continue after Ron. In fact, the writing is worse in a different way. So, I'd say Frank is part of the problem too, but then you look and see how many executive producers failed recently? Hell, even JFP is doing okay at Y&R. So maybe there's more stuff than anyone knows.

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Jelly is apparently going to LA and having dinner with Varni, possibly Frank too. Nathan posted it on his FB page. In my dreams, Channing Dungey shows up and tells all 4 to kick rocks. Don't even bother coming back to set, we packed yo shit, get the fuck up through.

I have weird and very literal dreams.

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I can appreciate his frustration as an actor. 

But he spent a lot of time acting out (not acting) because of his particular issues with the part; and we were forced to watch it, and then discuss, and complain about it here because many of us were wondering why he still even had a job because he was behaving so unprofessionally.

So, although I enjoyed getting some BTS info, in the end he re-upped:  I can't feel too sorry for him. 

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*shrug* I don't really feel bad for Roger Howarth at all.  In a shrinking soap world with only four shows left, he's got a contract and his character has gotten numerous resets to try and make him happen, which they wouldn't have granted anyone else.

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I just feel sorry us, the audience. I asked it before and I will ask it again, whose bright idea was it to make Franco of all people return? He wasn't a good character when James Franco was doing his vanity project and the only novelty to his character was he was played by a movie/primetime star, unlike Helena Cassadine, who at least was always played as an out and out villainess. Because the thing is Roger Hogworth could have been a tremendous asset to GH in anything but a reformed serial killer, with Steven Lars being the example often mentioned, or a long lost grandnephew of Edward or some other Cassadine, like the character that was scarped for Franco, Valentin. I think it was hubris on part of RC and FV, thinking they could recast a role that originally had a world famous actor in it much like Wendy Riche and Guza did, forgetting that the show did try to put Helena in any other slot. 

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I think it was hubris on part of RC and FV, thinking they could recast a role that originally had a world famous actor in it


I agree it was hubris, but I think it was about expecting the audience to accept any character RoHo played, and they foolishly decided that would be Franco. For some reason, beefing up the Qs is taboo regardless of what actor comes on, and at the time of needing slot RoHo into a not-OLTL character, a new Cassadine would require too much work. Franco was a known quantity who they just needed to whitewash, not build from scratch.


I think it boils down to them being lazy, as is usually the case.

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Franco was a known quantity who they just needed to whitewash, not build from scratch.


A known quantity with a really shitty story. What is funny it probably would have taken less effort to build him up if he was a brand new Q or Cassadine than all of the efforts to rehabilitate his character.

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Franco also served the show's purposes as far as pairing up RH and KA as "father and daughter" again, with the retcon already in place about Franco being Jason's twin and the crumb Guza threw out at one point about Franco having a daughter.

Edited by TeeVee329
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@bryan_craig Did you research bipolar disorder for this role? If so, did  the symptoms include sweating, talking fast & hair loss? #AskGH


Do you and Haley actually rehearse or just "wing it" in those Morgan/Kiki scenes #askgh


Does Maura West back feel better now that she doesn't have to carry you in scenes? #askgh


#AskGH @bryan_craig when does Morgan die and we're finally rid of you? #GH


If we start a gofundme will you quit GH so they can recast Morgan Corinthos? #askgh


Has your girl found a job yet? #askgh


You still selling that lotion? #askgh


@bryan_craig #AskGH How does your fiancée cope with your erectile dysfunction? Are her Burger King co-workers a great source of support?


Who is a more talented actor, the little baby who plays Avery or you? #askgh


Are my fucking fingers still endangered? #AskGH


Has the director ever whispered to you to use your inside voice in scenes? #askgh


#AskGH When will Morgan die? #GH


Where do you buy your wigs?  #askgh


#AskGH @bryan_craig does your wig turn into a pumpkin at midnight?

Edited by jsbt
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He actually retweeted the one asking if he plays Morgan as a shameless fuckboy. Lol. But ugh. 5 min through his twitter feed and I want to punch him in the face and run over him with my car. He answers his few fans with one word terse answers and emoijis, the only actual answer he gives is to say he wants Morgan/Britt to be paired, and he champions Morgan being a mobster.

Recast Morgan. Free us.

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I thought they were desperately trying to win him a Daytime Emmy? Or are those two not mutually exclusive?


I think Frank is trying to win him one, but that doesn't rule out some other behind the scenes person not liking him.  Of course, I'm mostly just joking, because I know that, if I worked with someone like BryDog, I'd absolutely be trying to find ways to get him to show his ass one more time so he'd get canned.  Surely, someone at GH must feel the same way? 

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They need to hire a publicist. Who thought it would be a good idea to let the dude who threatened to break someone's fingers do #AskGH? How did they see that going down, I mean really? Just one fucked up decision after another. How do Frank and Nathan both still have jobs?? Their complete incompetency is on display damn near every day. Which just proves once again that the network doesn't give a single fuck about this show, or anyone involved with it.

Edited by Badsamaritan
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OMG I had to put down my tea before I spilled it all over myself. I was CRYING from laughing so hard at that lol! What I wouldn't give to have been in the room with Bryan during that exchange lol!

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Why the hell would anyone even want to do #AskGH and have to deal with all of the assholes who would flock. If I were on that show and they tried to get me to do it I would be like "fuck that noise."


I guess they have no choice. I don't really think any of them get that shit anyway except Bryan, and maybe NLG, but I think she has enough fans that it drowns out whoever may be sending her negative tweets. Not so with Bryan.

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Daytime Emmy nominee™ Bryan Craig brought all of that on himself. Bless him.


I just hope there's a camera trained on him and Kelly if he loses.  You know they won't be able to hide their anger in that moment.  

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@TeresaCastillo: Thank you all for the well wishes. We're settling in as a family of 4! And can't wait to get back to #GH Love you guys xo-TC

I'm convinced Sabrina will be on until the very last episode of GH. Last scene will be a single shot of her with her glasses on and a wink to the camera.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Oh, lawd. I'm just happy it was clarified that it's only for multiple episodes and it's for Anna.


Has Spencer met Anna before? Because I just had this vision of Spencer going over Anna's house in his best tux declaring he's the James Bond to her  . . . whoever James Bond dated.

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Has Spencer met Anna before? Because I just had this vision of Spencer going over Anna's house in his best tux declaring he's the James Bond to her . . . whoever James Bond dated.

Stop!! Stop mentioning this kid or he will turn up again, like Candyman.

My girl has been diminished enough. Please don't torment her with Spencer!

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