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S05.E14: Devil's Due

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Hook's captivity takes a dark turn when Hades threatens to condemn him to the River of Lost Souls after Hook refuses to choose which three of his friends will have to remain in the Underworld. Meanwhile, Gold is suddenly eager to help Emma, Snow, David, Regina, Robin, and Henry find Hook so he can return home to Belle; but in order to do so, he must find his ex-wife Milah in the Underworld and ask for her help. In Fairy Tale Land flashbacks, Rumple and Milah face a life-or-death crisis concerning their son, Baelfire, that forces Rumple to make a deal that will haunt him.



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I was not expecting to see Captain Killian Jones in the flashbacks! I really liked the way they played the first meeting between Hook and Milah. I didn't see much wife "stealing" there.


I absolutely adored the Milah/Emma scenes (despite Rumple trying to stir shit up in the first meeting. I knew Emma wouldn't play into his drama) and the Rumple/MIlah scene in the boat. And then Rumple had to go ruin it, as always. He's now destroyed Milah twice. It's so awful. I hope Belle rips into him when she realizes he sold off their child. Milah was right to be pissed.


I can't believe Emma and Hook bought Rumple's story. Hook especially. I'm sad that Hook and Milah didn't get to see each other one last time. Rumple ruins everything. 


"You're impossible." "And you love me for it." Aww.

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 11

"So you were with my son.. and my lover? " Bwaahhaaaaaaaa. 

So Milah is a very peculiar woman. she had no issues living with someone who would murder in cold blood to save her kid - but she gets mad that instead of having another baby with someone she's not very happy with (I mean i doubt they were having sexy times or anything like that) and he signed it away.? Though I was really wondering on earth the point was with this flash back, and then it was like. 



I really have to say that eww, really? a Belle-Rumple Baby. but this is dark y'all.  I really hope they can't find a way to handwave it away. 
(also Emma, Regina and Snow stuck in Underbrook? works for me). 

  • Love 4

Can we stop pretending Rumple is worth redeeming now that he's murdered his wife twice? Or am I still supposed to feel sorry for this unrepentant murderer because his evil schemes backfired.

I thought Hades was manipulating Rumple's magic... I might be wrong.

When I saw the horse, at first I thought, "Snow can't make sure her parents are ok but Regina gets to see her freaking horse?!"

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 8

I was not expecting to see Captain Killian Jones in the flashbacks! I really liked the way they played the first meeting between Hook and Milah. I didn't see much wife "stealing" there.


I absolutely adored the Milah/Emma scenes (despite Rumple trying to stir shit up in the first meeting. I knew Emma wouldn't play into his drama) and the Rumple/MIlah scene in the boat. And then Rumple had to go ruin it, as always. He's now destroyed Milah twice. It's so awful. I hope Belle rips into him when she realizes he sold off their child. Milah was right to be pissed.


I can't believe Emma and Hook bought Rumple's story. Hook especially.

Do you honestly expect Belle to find out?  I can't say that I do.  And, if I do, they'll have solved the baby bargain issue before then, and she'll most likely drone on about "He's changed.  That was preTrue Love, Good Heart, Sacrificial Rumple"


I have to agree about the Milah/Emma scenes--a little conflict, but compassion and understanding that went both ways.    Including the beginning of Milah/Hook was a nice touch.



When I saw the horse, at first I thought, "Snow can't make sure her parents are ok but Regina gets to see her freaking horse?!"


Well, yes.  


Or am I still supposed to feel sorry for this unrepentant murderer because his evil schemes backfired.

Yes.  It's TS, TW.


Consequences are for White family members.  Rumple doesn't truly qualify.

  • Love 2

Rumple is a Grade A dick.


This was one of the better episodes of the entire season. The stuff with Regina needing to re-spark her magic seemed a bit tacked on just to fill a Regina-time-allotment quota, though. Oh, and Milah better not be another Graham situation where all the characters conveniently accept the implausible theory of how she died and her murderer gets away with it. I need Hook to punch Rumple in the teeth and find Milah in the River of Lost Souls before this season is over.


Hooray for Emma and Milah working together cordially! I'm glad the writers only kept it awkward for about 2 seconds before allowing the women to work towards a common goal.

  • Love 9

Emma's lie detector sucks when it comes to Rumple.

Speaking of I'm so disgusted by this character. He screws Milah over not once, not twice but three times. Even after she's dead he manages to screw her over. How can I not root for her? I hope Belle ends it with him for good. This is not the type of person you want around your kids. He deserves to be Hades bitch at this point.

Loved Milah and Hooks first meet. Milah didn't automatically cheat on Rumple. Since I'm not the marrying type I'm not even mad she cheated. I loved that she admitted her wrong doings of Bealfire. I don't know where Neal got his "I didn't do anything wrong" attitude because he sure didn't get it from his mother. I really loved that Emma and Milah didn't allow Rumple to mess with them. And Milah admitting Killian wasn't her finished business.

That reunion was adorable and the group being excited that Killian was back was cute also.

Now about that promo. I'm gonna stock up some wine for next week and popcorn.

  • Love 5

I think I have to start tempering expectations again. The Milah/Emma meetup was as expected a little awkward. I loved that Milah stayed behind to watch Rumple but after Cruella's explanation about the Stones, I thought we'd be seeing all 3 examples. While they didn't show Milah's cracked stone, we did see the two other types.

Rumple and Milah were not well matched. It was interesting to see her constantly push him to the dark side out of frustration. Of course, she's paid the price twice over now. I suppose the important lesson was that Killian gave her a choice where Rumple took away any that she had.

The CaptainSwan reunion was too short. Honestly, I think they went way too dark with his condition. I can't believe that kids would be allowed to watch it.

Why are Charming, Henry and Robin even along on this expedition?

  • Love 5

Once again I am really liking the Underbrook storyline. The Miliah stuff was really entertaining and her unfinished business made sense. Of course it would be her son. I am mildly disappointed that she didn't get a chance to see Hook again though. I guess the shipping department didn't want to take away from the Hook/Emma relationship and then the Hades and Rumple stuff with his 2nd born which at first I thought "Of course Rumple is the guy who would trade away his familys future so he wouldn't have to do anything violent." Then the show did the wholr Belle is pregnant thing and boom 2nd kid blah blah blah. Honestly the Pumple stuff is the only thing I am not enjoying

Oh and PS that scene the bar with Milah and Hook. That was the first scene in a long while where I actually got the attraction with Hook. Maybe I like old Hook before he got domesticated.

I thought the Regina looking for Daniels grave with Snow was really sweet. "You were my first love Daniel." I thought that moment was really well done because of course Daniel didn't have any unfinished business.

I think my favorite line of the episode was from Milah, "You have been with my former lover and my son." that cracked me up.

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 3

I don't get why Regina couldn't do magic at first but Emma was able to at ease and Rumple was as well. Unless its some Savior type of stuff.

Also, the heart split no longer makes sense. I thought they'd find a way to get Hooks soul back and then spilt his heart in Storybrook you know where his bodies at?

And last I checked no one could get Emma's heart right? My head hurts.

  • Love 6

There were a lot of developments in this episode I didn't like. But I'm pretty everyone can agree on those without me saying anything. (Rumpbelle baby, etc.)

* I thought the flashbacks we're going to be boring and tedious until Hook went on screen. I liked the catalyst for Milah finally leaving Rumple.

* Snow joining Regina at the cemetery was pointless.

* Hades only chose women to keep in the Underworld. Maybe he's lonely?

* I don't understand Hades' motives. If all he wants are the living people gone, what's with the Hook torture?

* Hades comparing Regina and Rumple's body counts LOL.

* So Rumple saves Hook because he's blackmailed, and somehow that makes him even with Hook? WTH?

* They better freaking save Milah. She didn't deserve that.

I actually did like the episode for what it's worth. It was a good Rumple centric, even if I hate his guts.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 4

WTF was that thing with the horse?


I thought that might have been the horse Regina put to sleep.


Emma's lie detector sucks when it comes to Rumple.


I can understand Emma buying it, but Killian should have been all over that shit. Especially since he just told Rumple about how he knew he tricked him, so why wouldn't he also think the Milah situation was fishy?

  • Love 6

Where to begin?

I didn't think I was going to love seeing Milah again, but omg. I LOVE Milah!

  -I loved seeing how she first met Hook.

  -I loved her snarking at Rumple and not trusting him. 

  -I loved the initial Milah/Emma meeting as awkward as it was.

  -I loved seeing her and Rumple have an adult convo in the boat. I loved her expressing her remorse about Failfire.

What I did not love was seeing Rumple push her into the river. Bye Milah. *sad face* That Hook did not get a chance to see you.

Emma and Killian reuniting, yeah I got weepy and smiled like an idiot.

Daniel is in a better place. Smile Regina. 

Cruella my Queen:  “I’m not saying it’s Bambi’s iconic dead mother… and I’m not saying it’s not.”

Just picture her sitting in the Mayor's office drinking gin and wearing Bambi's mom.


Oh Belle. Poor poor Belle. Pregnant with Rumple's child. 


Now finally...Rumple:

Rumple is THE fucking worst. The end. 

  • Love 8

I thought this was an overall good episode.


I loved the CS reunion. Adorable babies!!


The Milah-emma interactions were perfect. I even liked the nice moment between Rumple and Milah discussing Baelfire, until he freaking pushed her into the River after making a deal with Hades. The writers had better free Milah by the end of the arc, or I will be pissed! And Hook didn't even get to meet her! These Nevengers really are still TSTL as they trust Rumple's version of events even after everything!


Rumple was always making decisions on Milah's behalf. No wonder she grew embittered.


The horse-thing was bizzare--maybe it's the same horse Regina Sleeping-Cursed in her jealous fit against young Snow. I guess it was just to show that Regina is now "technically" part of the UW and that's why her magic is working.


Rumbelle baby-- ewww eww ewww

  • Love 8

As usual Robert Carlyle's acting was superb - his expression at the end when Hades revealed he had the contract was perfect.  


I too loved the awkward family reunion between Milah, Rumple and Emma, very amusing.


I think Rumple did feel guilty about tossing Milah in the river, but unfortunately Rumple tried to rationalize what he did by blaming Milah for the bad things he has done because "she made me the man I am". He still is not taking responsibility for his bad choices.


Edited to add:  Loved Cruella and her furs, including the fur purse!  So perfect for her.  I want more Cruella!

Edited by Worsel
  • Love 2

The "You were with my son and my lover" line cracked me up. When you say it like THAT...


I cannot say I imagined I would be seeing Chief Tyrell dressed in some weird sort of Aboriginal outfit, going on a spirit quest with Rumple. Speaking of, the amounts of deals and contracts floating around this multi verse is staggering. A magical lawyer would make a killing setting up shop in those parts. 


I used to really like Rumple, but he is just irredeemable at this point. He is not even complex anymore, he really is just awful and murder happy. Just own it Rumple. 


Emma and Hooks reunion was short but sweet. I am just glad that we are hopefully not getting any more of Killian getting tortured. It was way too depressing. 

  • Love 7
Curio, on 20 Mar 2016 - 9:07 PM, said:

Rumple is a Grade A dick.


This was one of the better episodes of the entire season. The stuff with Regina needing to re-spark her magic seemed a bit tacked on just to fill a Regina-time-allotment quota, though.


Maybe it was a (bad/unnecessary) call-back to S2? It seems that writers like to do that once a show gets older. But it might be best not to ask too many questions about magic as they seem to adjust it to suit their needs.


You gotta have to feel sorry for Milah though. That family tree must give her a headache for decades to come ...

  • Love 1

There were a lot of developments in this episode I didn't like. But I'm pretty everyone can agree on those without me saying anything. (Rumpbelle baby, etc.)

* I thought the flashbacks we're going to be boring and tedious until Hook went on screen. I liked the catalyst for Milah finally leaving Rumple.

* Snow joining Regina at the cemetery was pointless.

* Hades only chose women to keep in the Underworld. Maybe he's lonely?

* I don't understand Hades' motives. If all he wants are the living people gone, what's with the Hook torture?

* Hades comparing Regina and Rumple's body counts LOL.

* So Rumple saves Hook because he's blackmailed, and somehow that makes him even with Hook? WTH?

* They better freaking save Milah. She didn't deserve that.

I actually did like the episode for what it's worth. It was a good Rumple centric, even if I hate his guts.

I don't get the Hook torture either. Are we to believe that everyone there has gone through that, I would think Milah would've been a lot more afraid if that was the case. Please writers, explain why he's been tortured!

Hook and Rumple being even makes no sense but it also makes no sense that Rumple saved Hook and Emma with no boat but flung Milah into the river.

What is Hades motive? How would Hook have even known who's name to write down? Can't Snow and Regina still be saved because their true loves are there? Even Emms could take half of Henry's. Maybe she'll figure out she has to give her heart for it to be taken.

I want to know what the horse's unfinished business is,

Also I increasingly feel bad for Robin/Sean Maguire. The poor guy has been dragged along on this whole underworld adventure, and he just sort of stands around in the background all the time. I kind of like the Snow/Regina stuff they have been doing lately (at least, as much as I like any Regina stuff) but he is clearly there to be Regina's True Love, why wont they let him actually talk to her? I mean, if you have to have Regina time every episode, at least let her have a conversation or two with the guy she supposedly loves.  

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 7

I'm liking all of the episodes so far.


A lot of feels, especially in the first half. The writers did good redeeming Milah's backstory. I wish we could see more of her and Emma ogether. Strangely, I could see her as a better friend to Emma than Regina. But no, Rumple continues to be a selfish dick. Poor Milah. Milah and Killian's first meeting meeting was a nice touch.


The CS reunion was too short, but so glad it finally happened.


And the fact that Hades is making Rumple his bitch makes me like him more and  more (except for the hair).

Edited by ABitOFluff
  • Love 1

Also I increasingly feel bad for Robin/Sean Maguire. The poor guy has been dragged along on this whole underworld adventure, and he just sort of stands around in the background all the time. I kind of like the Snow/Regina stuff they have been doing lately (at least, as much as I like any Regina stuff) but he is clearly there to be Regina's True Love, why wont they let him actually talk to her? I mean, if you have to have Regina time every episode, at least let her save a conversation or two with the guy she supposedly loves.  


Yeah, it's starting to get to the point where it's either laughably clumsy or being done on purpose. First, Robin wasn't with Regina to send her father off. Now Snow has to join Regina on her quest to find Daniel's grave? What's Robin doing that's so important that he can't join his "True Love" on these simple tasks? Is he in charge of babysitting Henry? Because he's terrible at that task, too.

  • Love 9

I really enjoyed this episode. Alot. The Milah stuff was so awesome and amazing and I'm so pissed Rumple killed her. I was holding out hope that she would meet Killian and Henry. Her inclusion in the story was just so good that she really had me rooting for her. And Captain Killian Jones at the tavern? Be still my heart! And Emma/Milah? Loved it! Loved it! I wish they could've taken her back with them or helped her move on. I'm so glad that we at least got to see a real relationship with Emma and Milah and two women with mutual respect for each other instead of being all catty about the same man.


But dammit, Rumple. Considering the boat that he burned, I think it's safe to call him a complete douche canoe. He sucks, I hate him so much. But at the same time, it's nice to have a real bad guy that I want someone to kick the crap out of. None of this conflicted crap or back and forth about whether he's a hero or a villain or Rumbelle nonsense or whatever. That guy is dark and dirty and can rot in the Underworld, thanks.


Oh, and I even liked the B plot with Regina finding Daniel's grave. I mean, dammit, Jane. You had me on the edge of my seat wondering if Regina would find Daniel's grave and rooting for Regina to find that Daniel had moved on. Hell, I was rooting for the damn horse to get up and walk! Why can't Jane write every episode?

  • Love 7

I thought the horse might have been Regina's horse, the one whose heart she crushed in her first attempt to cast the curse before she had to resort to her father. The horse Regina put to sleep was Snow's, so Snow should have recognized it. If it was Regina's horse, then it is rather hilarious how Regina is getting forgiven by all her victims in the Underworld.


Did we know that Regina's magic wasn't working?


I was a little aghast at Milah's plan to kill Chief Tyrol, but then given that he was charging what was apparently a lifetime's earnings to cure a dying child and then demanded a child in payment, it sounds like he's the Enchanted Forest's equivalent of the Pharma Bro, overcharging for lifesaving treatment because he could. So maybe Rumple really should have killed him. I knew as soon as we learned that price that Belle would turn out to be pregnant. And I can see why Milah would be furious about her husband making decisions about her future. That certainly would be grounds for divorce, especially if she wanted more children. She'd be free to have them with another man. It's kind of a pity she and Killian hadn't yet got around to having kids before she was killed because they'd have made beautiful dark-haired, blue-eyed babies.


Rumple is unredeemable now, and I hope that when Belle learns about the bargain, that ends it for good for her. I wonder if Milah told Killian about the second-born child thing because that's something he probably should have told Belle, but then when he was hanging around with Belle, she was broken up with Rumple and it wouldn't have seemed like an issue.


I liked how current Milah handled the situation with class and maturity. Now I want to see more Milah flashbacks. Milah as pirate queen, please? I know it's only been three episodes now, but I almost didn't recognize Killian in the flashback without all the blood all over his face. It was like, "Oh, that's what he looks like."

  • Love 1

Kind of ironic that Baelfire reborn is going to be Rumple's second born son. Now Rumple is going to lose him again. And I kind of liked how they really explained Milah's disgust for Rumple, because being a coward didn't seem enough to just leave him for Hook. There had to be a line that he crossed that she couldn't forgive him for.


The moment they mentioned the baby deal I knew it was going to bite him back even when he tried to nullify it by killing him. I guess he didn't follow his own code that a deal is a deal no matter what.


Hook and Emma's reunion was sweet. At least Hook was able to resist Hades' blackmail/deal than Rumple.

  • Love 2

Yeah Robin could've gotten into Regina's past with it being about Daniel. She can tell him this is why I became the evil queen. God give me something to go by on why I should root for OQ because the chemistry isn't enough. We got to see Emma and Milah meet, Emma see how hurt Hook was when he found out Milah was gone AGAIN but we get nada on Robin?

At least Sean's getting paid I guess.

  • Love 1

Yeah, it's starting to get to the point where it's either laughably clumsy or being done on purpose. First, Robin wasn't with Regina to send her father off. Now Snow has to join Regina on her quest to find Daniel's grave? What's Robin doing that's so important that he can't join his "True Love" on these simple tasks? Is he in charge of babysitting Henry? Because he's terrible at that task, too.

It's not like Charming's had much to do either. The Nevengers should have left the Daddys (including Rumple:-p) back in Storybrooke.

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 3

OK...I can finally understand Milah leaving Rumpel over what he did. I can also understand it being very difficult to turn down Hook's offer! I hate her ending and at Rumpel's hand! I hope he suffers for that. And, good for Killian still not trusting him!

Loved Milah's reaction to Emma...oh, the awkwardness! It made me laugh because the situation is so ridiculous.

Loved this ep, overall! Nice CS reunion, but I need more!

  • Love 3

OK...I can finally understand Milah leaving Rumpel over what he did. I can also understand it being very difficult to turn down Hook's offer! I hate her ending and at Rumpel's hand! I hope he suffers for that. And, good for Killian still not trusting him!

I think Rumple will suffer - Hades will make sure of it.  And Killian will never ever trust Rumple, anyone who does trust him does so at their peril.

Oh! Adding that to my offseason fanfic writing list!

That tiny glimpse of Milah as a member of the pirate crew right before she was killed has always intrigued me. For one thing, I love her outfit. But I love how she's shouting orders at the crew, and they take her seriously. So I've always wanted more of what it was like when they were traveling the world together.


I did like that he got up and walked away when he learned she was married. There was no wife stealing. He made an offer, she refused, he told her it was still on the table and left her alone. So she must have found him again, maybe some other time he was in port. I wonder how much time passed between this meeting and the time she ran away with him. I could totally imagine her spending a lot of time thinking about that pirate while stewing over what her husband had done.

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