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S13.E15: Finale

Tara Ariano

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Why, what an unexpected outcome....


Is Blais getting fashion advice from Johnny Weir?  Gail looked lovely and they stuck her in the middle of the line to avoid side views, I guess.


Did production not do their due diligence and realize the relationship between Palmer and Amar wasn't all roses and sunshine?  They could have had Emeril and Blais come in and sous.  Or let them have a familiar face from their own kitchens.

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Still, even with the questionable cheftestants sometimes, a winner we're not all totally in favour of, and Tom's occasional douchebaggery, I'll take Top Chef over any and all of Gordon Ramsay's reality cooking shows. All day.

Yes, a thousand times yes.


I was yelling at the tv too when Amar said in the kitchen that his dessert really wasn't a financier.  If you call a dish something, and the food isn't what you called it, then it's impossible to avoid the conclusion that either your technique or your understanding of the dish was faulty.  I remember a cheftestant ages ago making a soup that ate like a chowder, or vice versa, and getting eliminated.  Apparently a rose by any other name does not taste as sweet. 

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I agree. Not only that, but one could even think, not that unjustifiably IMO, that Palmer went out of his way to criticize two of Amar's dishes. Vongerichten, on the other hand, defended one of Jeremy's dishes.


The Amar – Charlie interactions were, indeed, very painful to watch, as others have said.  At least one recap "out there" says that the producers should NOT have brought on the two "mentors", if they had had the slightest inkling that there was past bad blood between Amar and Charlie, and just nixed the idea instead.



I wish they would have, even though I greatly enjoyed Jeremy and JG - he made Jeremy more likable. It doesn't seem like Amar was thrown off his game, but if he had been, it would have been justifiable. He said the man was a father figure to him, his own father having passed away, and they had a falling out. That could easily have gotten into his head in a bad way. 


I did enjoy the finale though. I want to try that risotto!

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To Amar and Charlie's credit, I didn't actually see much awkwardness in their interactions. It was awkward because they told us there was a problem, but If they hadn't both given talking heads about it I don't think I'd have noticed. (Less friendly and in sync than JG/Jeremy, sure, but not frosty.) I suppose Palmer wouldn't have agreed to be there if he didn't think they could set it aside.


Frankly, that was impressive to me. I suck and compartmentalizing and am envious of that skill. They just did the work, and I assume they addressed it at some point during or after.

Edited by snarktini
  • Love 4

Thinking back, perhaps there was an indiction of this when in a talking head in a previous episode when ManBun (Phillip) was still around Amar said he understood/liked Phillip because he reminded him of himself when he was younger. Here's an interesting article about him that may proffer some stuff to mull over about him.


This was a pretty interesting (and long, not just a paragraph of puff) on Amar's history and evolution as a chef.  I found it especially telling that Charlie Parker's formerly successful restaurant in OC folded a few years after Amar left to open his own place in Laguna Beach.  Both dudes are alpha males and I'm not surprised there was friction and resentment, not a good look on either of them.  However, no one can deny Amar's right to strike out on his own and clearly it was the best choice for him personally.


Jeremy's irritability and nastiness in the kitchen, especially in RW, kind of dimmed his appeal for me as the ultimate winner, but I don't think his win was undeserved.


Now Amar, he got exactly what he came for (according to the article).  He was one of the few applicants who stated that he wasn't after the title - he wanted personal validation as a chef and to be able to showcase himself and his food on national television - he already owns two critically acclaimed restaurants.  I'd say he definitely achieved that.  He's gotten an unbelievable hit of publicity and good will from his performance on the show.  Jeremy, not so much.  


Jeremy might have gotten the official title, but Amar is really the top chef here.

Edited by Reo
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  Also, I personally prefer Jean George - I have been to both his and Charlie's restaurants and think his cuisine is on a higher level.  Lastly, I just could not get past Jeremy's personality - He seems like a positive guy and all but a little too much like the typical spaced-out West Coast frat bro for my taste. 

East Coast frat bro dude. He's from Florida.

I don't feel strongly about either of them, but I was kind of put off by Jeremy's insistence that they ignore their customers at Restaurant Wars because clearly the only customers that mattered were the judges. I guess I feel like if you can't manage a VIP table without screwing the people who pay your bills - well, it's not Top Chef Management Consultant, and I think Tom should have looked into that a lot harder.

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This is still one of my favorite seasons, but the last three episodes really blunted my enjoyment of it. I remember saying after 47 Specks was eliminated that I'd be okay with any of the remaining winning, and I stand by that. Despite a mid-season fade, Jeremy did a lot of quality work, and Amar was fine even if he didn't stand out to me very much. That said, along with Karen these were two of the three I wanted least to see in the finals (Marjorie vs. Isaac would have been my dream F2, and I liked both Kwame and Carl more than those three), especially once Amar made it after the blight on humanity that is LCK.


Looking forward to next season!

Edited by dewelar
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I may be late to the party about likable non-Top Chef winners, but I'd totally put Stephanie Cmar in that batch. She was in the New Orleans season and she also got eliminated in the most absolutely bullshit elimination in the history of the show, IMO. Basically she paid the price because the one who screwed things up for her team had immunity and they had immunity still on the table with six chefs left. Oh man does that still make my blood boil, especially since Nick went on to win that season.


Okay back to this finale. I'm not too pleased about Jeremy winning but I saw it coming from a mile away. Out of the final four, he was the one I was rooting for the least. I mean he's not as bad as some past winners like Hosea, Nick, or Ilan to name a few. However, I thought Amar's was better. I usually end up not being 100% in love with the winners of most seasons anyway. I think the only two times where the one I was gunning for ultimately won were Paul and Stephanie (though I did like Richard Blais, which is an unpopular opinion around here). 


I'm glad that Isaac won Fan Favorite. That was nice to see. He seems like such a genuinely nice dude (of course now after saying this, I'll hear some story about him being a jerk to someone). I think my favorites of the season were Isaac, Kwame, Marjorie, and Carl and eventually Karen (she grew on me).

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Well that's the end of a lackluster season. Throughout the season Jeremy had more than a few sub par moments and Amar didn't leave much of an impression. Just a great big "meh" from me when it comes to the winner. 


I'll go ahead and say that trying to use the entire state of California was a mistake. They tried to juggle visiting the many different regions with incorporating moments from Top Chef history and ended up creating an unfocused whirlwind. It felt like one of those discount tours where you and dozens of other people are herded around on a bus from location to location with just enough time for a picture at each stop without actually being able to enjoy any of the places.

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I'm pretty sure the producers knew exactly how awkward Amar and Charlie Palmer were going to feel.  Kudos for Palmer for forging ahead, but I'm a cynical type who can't help thinking there were hopes for some primo dramatics going down.


Also, although I rolled my eyes about the jiu jitsu medal thing, I'm not made of stone and thought Jeremy's mention of his daughter at the end was sweet overall and appropriate.  So, congrats, dude.  Even though I was rooting for pretty much everyone else throughout the season.

  • Love 3

This season had me right up until last week, so I wasn't too thrilled with this finale. I knew Jeremy was going to win, and he did. That's been foreshadowed for a while now. I doubted they'd give it to another LCK winner, so, bite me, show. That makes five winners I haven't cared for/agreed with. We'll see what next season brings, I guess. Maybe that will be Nashville finally? On the non-winner people, I nominate Stacy (forgot her last name) from Boston was pretty cool. She had pink hair like Karen, she was the hometown girl that season. I'd have to look up who else, some of those seasons were a while ago. Glad Isaac won fan fav, he had a great attitude throughout. He was fun to watch. On to next season.....

  • Love 1

(snip) We'll see what next season brings, I guess. Maybe that will be Nashville finally? (snip) On to next season.....


Sorry, it won't be Nashville. The location for Season 14 has been announced already by Bravo & other news/info sites. Have a look at the other threads here for early discussion of that.

Edited by chiaros

Who knows but Charlie has been super supportive to a number of people who have moved on, Bryan Voltaggio being a perfect TC example.

Amar said he (Amar) said some stuff as he left that he regrets so I think it was just more than Amar leaving Charlie...also I can only imagine the egos on young chefs that Charlie has seen thru his career.

Amar said he (Amar) said some stuff as he left that he regrets so I think it was just more than Amar leaving Charlie...also I can only imagine the egos on young chefs that Charlie has seen thru his career.

That's why I was kind of surprised by Charlie's rather emotional (bleeped asshole) TH. Amar seemed suitably humbled by his own behavior but Charlie? Not so much.

Had to have been some serious awkwardness surrounding this challenge and though Amar did well he must have felt blindsided. Didn't seem fair, to me.

  • Love 3

That's why I was kind of surprised by Charlie's rather emotional (bleeped asshole) TH. Amar seemed suitably humbled by his own behavior but Charlie? Not so much.

Had to have been some serious awkwardness surrounding this challenge and though Amar did well he must have felt blindsided. Didn't seem fair, to me.

From the looks of the lamb...he did a wonderful job as sous....

  • Love 2

@chiaros......thank you. And, also, phooey. I would NEVER have guessed, which shows how much attention I've been paying to the show lately. I wonder whatever did happen to the TN planned season. It'll come round someday I'll bet, that's a hot place to be right now. Also, someone (windfall, was it?) mentioned the whole state of CA being used as locations in this season. Didn't they do something similar with the Texas season? I seem to remember some travelling.

Did Padma have oral surgery before Judge's Table? Her left cheek looked like it had a big wad of cotton and maybe her mouth was numbed a bit?

Looked to me like the doc went a little heavy on the filler. That said, she looked great.


Agree that Jeremy was the foreshadowed winner, but not sure why. I didn't dislike him (looking at you Isabella, Hosea, Phillip, etc.) but all in all, I'd rather try Amar's dishes (mostly the risotto and coconut cake---see, how hard was it to call it that).

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So we are watching a show called Top Chef, Amar's food tasted better, but Jeremy's had the most conceptual tricks, so Jeremy wins. Is it okay to stop pretending that this show is about cooking any more than the assorted Gorden Ramsey crapfests are about cooking.



Agreed. I stopped watching TC a couple of seasons ago, because I kept getting frustrated that concept continued to win over taste.

Jeremy may have all of the conceptual ideas, processes and skills to create a dish, the end result didn't make me want to eat his meal. We had the judges talk about Amar's dishes as something that they would want to go back for more.

It never really adds up in my mind.

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I am willing to take Amar's Charlie Palmer story at face value, because if you think about it he tells a pretty similar story about why his girlfriend broke up with him. I guess he might just be blaming himself unnecesarily, people do that, but he seems aware that his career made him a jerk for a while.

He's coming for you, Joanna!

I think maybe the last couple eps in a season always bore me to death.

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Wow...Tom's dishes looked delicious


I am so happy that Jeremy won...I don't like LCK and I consider the winner the best of the losers


Jeremy was a winner from the start, won many challenges, was praised for technique. I think the "bro" stuff may have been tagged on him by the producers

but so what? I think his food was better in many cases. I think his relationship with his mentor was great....Amar not so much. That was uncomfortable IMHO...

and I think that in the end Jeremy will represent the show better


Plus I always root for fellow Floridians <grin>...and yes I think Angelique has a great future, I like Marjorie and respect her opinion.

In these "sous chef" deals I think it was smart that Jeremy picked 2 who would follow his lead, not try to do their own thing

I am just glad we did not have to endure that miserable slob with the pink hair streaks Karen -ugh.

I also like Kwame, so sorry he choked and was eliminated.

  • Love 4

I've never actually watched Top Chef before this season, so I don’t know about any past contestants.  I tried to watch Season 1 on DirecTV, but they only ended up putting up like 4 episodes, and this season now already showed me who won.


I have to say, Kwame was probably my favorite, but I liked Isaac as well.  Jeremy was fine to me, but I would have preferred Amar in the final two.  I thought Karen was cute, even if she wouldn’t be into me.  Philip just seemed over-ambitious, I don’t get the hate for him.  Marjorie drove me nuts with the way she talked – not just about how great of a chef she was, but you don’t have to press your tongue into your teeth when you talk.  Like, seriously, just don’t do it. 


And, no matter how pretty Padma is supposed to be, I would choose Gail every day of the week.

Edited by Joe Blow
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I liked this season because they all seemed like they genuinely liked and respected each other.  Compared to seasons where everyone was pretty much an asshole to each other like season 2 and 9, I thought it was nice to see some camaraderie.


To me, on each season there is one person that stands out as the super-talent that should win, and for me that person this season was Kwame so I was bummed when he left.  I also like when one person runs the table in LCK for a while like Jason did.

Edited by FamilyVan
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Well, this wasn't any better than The Double Elimination David Copperfield Showmanship Irrelevancy Challenge.


So one man is embraced by a warm, proud father-figure and the other guy gets to deal with a public confrontation following x years of silence and bitter resentment? 


I stopped watching at that point, but it sounds like they screwed the cheftestants last week by choosing flavor in a technique challenge, and this week they did the exact opposite.



  • Love 6

And, no matter how pretty Padma is supposed to be, I would choose Gail every day of the week.

Agreed 100%.  Although without Padma's "assets" the cameramen and director of this episode seemed to be uncertain regarding what to focus the camera on :P



So one man is embraced by a warm, proud father-figure and the other guy gets to deal with a public confrontation following x years of silence and bitter resentment? 


This.  Your past can effect your mood which in turn affect your cooking (as shown with Kwame earlier in the season).  The producers pretty much handicapped Amar's chance to become TC from the get go.

Edited by DarkRaichu
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  Your past can effect your mood which in turn affect your cooking (as shown with Kwame earlier in the season).  The producers pretty much handicapped Amar's chance to become TC from the get go.

Last month, I wound up face-to-face with an ex-friend after a long-ago bitter disagreement.  Since the occasion was a wake for someone close to both of us, I thought it would be a good time to let bygones be bygone.  He did not agree, it was brutal. 


I can't even imagine trying to work with him at that moment to produce my best work for a competition, let alone the pressure of a huge Grand Finale.  It was truly a disservice to put Amar in that position.


Since the show obviously had this whole "mentor" gimmick planned, they could have simply introduced the two mentors and let the history go unremarked.  But they chose to capitalize on Amar's conflict with Charlie Palmer--little filler interview segments about who was at fault, who had regrets, who was bearing a grudge, etc.  I thought it was appalling.

  • Love 5

This.  Your past can effect your mood which in turn affect your cooking (as shown with Kwame earlier in the season).  The producers pretty much handicapped Amar's chance to become TC from the get go.



Last month, I wound up face-to-face with an ex-friend after a long-ago bitter disagreement.  Since the occasion was a wake for someone close to both of us, I thought it would be a good time to let bygones be bygone.  He did not agree, it was brutal. 


I can't even imagine trying to work with him at that moment to produce my best work for a competition, let alone the pressure of a huge Grand Finale.  It was truly a disservice to put Amar in that position.


Since the show obviously had this whole "mentor" gimmick planned, they could have simply introduced the two mentors and let the history go unremarked.  But they chose to capitalize on Amar's conflict with Charlie Palmer--little filler interview segments about who was at fault, who had regrets, who was bearing a grudge, etc.  I thought it was appalling.


Yes. It was appalling. But the TC producers, who seem to at least hew to the admission from Tom Colicchio (a season or so ago) that this is a Game Show in Reality TeeVee, exploited this and milked it for what it was worth. In my books, another nail in the coffin of any fancy things hey may say about this being a "cooking competition". Nope, it is entirely a Reality Show with all Bells and Whistles, with "cooking" as a veneer. Oh, it is still entertaining, and I obviously watch it, but I accepted a while ago that it is truly a bombastic GAME SHOW cum REALITY TEEVEE Bravo extravaganza.

  • Love 1

Last month, I wound up face-to-face with an ex-friend after a long-ago bitter disagreement.  Since the occasion was a wake for someone close to both of us, I thought it would be a good time to let bygones be bygone.  He did not agree, it was brutal. 


On a real note, I'm sorry to hear this and it sounds like your ex-friend is being ridiculous.  Death should put life in perspective.  People have been able to forgive murderers....I feel like whatever it was probably wasn't that bad.

Edited by RCharter

I totally put Jeremy on my list of disliked winners...as of a minute ago I might have to amend that...check out Paul Qui's arrest. Ah well, I guess I really do have to get less into this show...........


            Well....I hardly think that Jeremy has done anything to even be associated with Paul Qui. While I may dislike certain contestants - Blais, the fugly jerk with the fat tattooed arms, ugly pink hair and fugly wife who looks like a fat Peewee Herman (Karen) - I don't think any of them come near to Paul Qui's actions - which yeah "innocent til proven blah blah" but it sure does not sound good


(yes,  I plan to talk about people on tv like others do LOL>>  hence my take on Karen who annoyed me from day one LOL)


          As for the ex drug dealer - wow I guess I missed that about Kwame - hope he keeps on the straight and narrow

          Paul was likable on the show but we don't know what any of them are like in real life. Still disliking a cast member on a reality show vs the feelings that come when you see a crazy, drugged up drunk abuser - far different. I really hope Paul's wife and kid are ok and get away from him.

I don't think abusers change


~~~~~~~ Oh ..about this idea and whining that the "producers" set up Amar with his "mentor"...I don't think so. I am sure they had this plot/idea in place...see the difference is that most of the other chefs would have a happy, supportive mentor in their corner. I am sure Issac would have had Emeril for instance.


     They had this in place far before the last minute come back of Amar - did you consider that maybe he has acted like a dick and no one wanted to come and be  a positive mentor? Maybe one guy was "So one man is embraced by a warm, proud father-figure and the other guy gets to deal with a public confrontation following x years of silence and bitter resentment?".....ummm...no maybe one guy didn't have anyone from his past jobs who liked him or supported him. Maybe Amar has burnt bridges - with his ex bosses, girlfriend, co workers

How was this a set up or a handicap?

Edited by still hoping

^^Kwame and Gregory.....and I worried for the both of them.  Gregory especially, because he seemed so dorky and fragile to me.  Like a sweet, grown up Steve Urkel that could cook.  I always just wanted to give him a big hug.  I somehow sense Kwame is a little stronger, and frankly, he is so poised and talented, and he was already opening up his restaurant.  


As for Paul Qui, I'm surprised anyone was okay with a child being around all that chaos.  It didn't particularly sound like the first time he had been doing drugs around the child and if they make him violent or angry, I would guess this wasn't the first time he got violent either.

Edited by RCharter

For a quick clarification, I wasn't trying to imply that Jeremy was in any way, shape or form associated with the type of behavior Paul Qui (allegedly) exhibited. I actually wrote out a list of past winners I agreed/disagreed and Paul was, at the time, an agree, while I'm not thrilled with Jeremy. Frankly, I wouldn't have been 100% behind Amar, either, but that is an old topic here. I'm still a bit disappointed with the finale in general, seemed a bit simple, more like a RW challenge "highlight an ingredient", which actually would have helped that show a bit, but anyway, old news again. Just wanted to make myself a bit clearer.

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Bolding mine.

As someone above said, Palmer could have declined to appear. For me it seemed that part of the problem was their different personalities - Palmer stiff and boring, Amar loud and exuberant. Though I don't recall seeing Palmer on anything else so I may be wrong.

He didn't do himself any favors by appearing. Especially with that bleeped TH. Maybe I'm misremembering but he seemed kind of disconnected and angry through almost the whole show.

Amar, imho, carried himself much better. Dare I say, more professionally?

Edited by NewDigs

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