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When "Dr." Jenn asked if anyone felt intimidated by Sista P, and most everyone raised their hands?  SP immediately started yelling "they're lying!!!". In other words, if your personal reality does not jive with hers, you're lying.  I was having flashbacks to my ex bigtime.

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Rebecca, I wonder if Vito's death, his prior antics and his unhealthy lifestye helped

Bam to see that Bam himself needed to clean up to avoid being another Vito.


I've never watched any of these therapy shows but I'm watching this because I've always had such a soft spot for Bam. I used to look forward to his Sirius radio show every week but stopped even before it went off the air because over time it went from Bam and the guys from Jackass/Viva that he grew up sitting around having a radio show, to Bam and all these random seemingly "yes men friends" drunk on air being obnoxious telling stories about Bam's bar in PA. When I heard Bam was doing a show like this I immediately wondered if maybe Vito's death sent him into a spiral. Bam would talk about him on the radio after the lawsuit and I don't think it would be illegal for Bam to say "After the death of his uncle..." Maybe the timeline will be made clearer over some more episodes, so far it's been the Patterson and Lohan show. I really don't get why Bam is even there. He and April don't have direct issues, that I know of. She's been wanting him to get help for years and even though obviously he hasn't yet listened, they don't have a bad relationship (that I know of.) His issues seem to be too deep for this show. I don't know if one of Bam's old problem's is still relevant -or even alive-, but, one of his very best friends 'Novak' is a life-long heroine addict who made a career living off (and with, at times) Bam. No way will Bam be able to get clean if that guy is still around, for a while at least too Bam always seemed to use him as a crutch, no matter what Bam did "he would never do what Novak has" so therefore he's not so bad off. I've been waiting to see if he's brought up, too. 


I'm trying to hang in and watch this but I'm just not sure I can do it. The Lohan's and Tiffany's mom are too much. I love April but I don't get how she can be there, is that really the only way to help Bam? I've never seen those two girls from Teen Mom before tuning into this show but I feel bad for them, I'm still not entirely sure why they're there, since they've hardly been on because people old enough to be their parents are tantrums left and right so nothing is getting done 3 episodes in. They seem decent enough and don't seem to have any serious addiction issues, they can probably be helped if they were actually having sessions.


On the Couples Therapy shows and such, is there more therapy that goes on? Or is this pretty much the norm for all of these shows, one or two people constantly making scenes and everyone else reacting? 

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Seeing Bam is pretty heartbreaking. If anything he and April are the ones that may make progress. Bam openly talking about his reasons for drinking and his depression over losing his friend speak volumes about him. It takes alot of courage to admit that type of thing. And with his parents he has a strong support system which he'll need to fight his demons.


The Teen Mom girls are kind of getting lost in the shuffle. Sounds like their mom should be in the house too, I think based off the previews she makes an appearance.


Sounds like Dina and Michael were a trainwreck from the start 30 years ago. I really hope Dr. Jenn brings up the fact that they truly don't need to have a relationship with one another. Their children are grown and Michael has even remarried and has other children by his new wife...he doesn't have custody of said children but that's a topic for another time! Their relationship was effed up but their primary concern should be strengthening the individual relationships they have with their children. Re-hashing abuse from decades ago will get them nowhere. I believe that Michael probably put his hands on her more than once but she seems so fixated on it. Security guards? Really, Dina? In a home full of other people plus cameras, you need armed security guards?  


Also, interesting to me...Michael has remarried, but Dina has not. As I think back I'm not sure I've ever heard of her being linked to someone else. I'd bet that Dina is still very much in love with Michael, I just get an inkling. 


I may be in the minority but I don't think Sister Patterson is acting. The way Tiffany is acting around her mom is very consistent with how she acted when they were on Flavor of Love. Tiffany (who has a very large personality) sort of shrinks into herself whenever her mom is around. Tiffany is currently on a show called The Next 15 and there she is acting and hamming it up for the camera. On Family Therapy I think she is being herself and reacting organically to her mom. 


Damon Dash comes across as very, very unlikeable. 

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Gigi, I too listened to Radio Bam & then stopped after awhile when
the Viva La Bam crew stopped coming around. I could barely handle
Shitbird and could care less about the others who showed up along
with him. I think around the time Minghags was released the show
really went downhill, and I just couldn't listen anymore.


I don't really understand why Bam is there either. After his game
show disappeared I wondered if he was having a hard time getting
any of his show ideas on tv & maybe this was a last resort? But
this thought doesn't really work for me either. Frankly, I was
shocked to learn that Ape and Bam would be appearing on this show
which is total crap. It's been unbearable watching this, but I'm
only hanging in there for Bam & April as I really miss them on my


I don't think Bam has a bad relationship with either of his parents
or his brother. I've always liked that about them, how supportive
his family has been of the things he's wanted to do and in turn
Bam has always seemed to include his family and friends in all his
projects (giving them work & income). Until the friends started to
disappear to be replaced by all these hangers on. I think Ryan was
the only one from the old crew that he still saw. And maybe Hanna. I
got the feeling though that Ryan wasn't around all that much either
I never liked his relationship with Novak as Novak seemed to drive
the others away & was a poor influence on Bam.


I've not heard him speak about Vito (but I would like to. They had
an odd relationship, but I always had the feeling that Bam did love
him), but I've been out of the Bam loop for a long time.


I'm responding to this as I read along to your post & see that you
mention Novak, too, Bam's "life partner."  Before coming here I

checked in at Ryan Gee's to see if there's any info there but all the

Bam posts are really old. I'm sure he's still or was hanging with Novak

but don't see how he can now if he's really serious about recovery.

Novak's situation is heartbreaking cause he had so much potential

and I can't see him ever getting clean.


His issues do seem too deep for this show. And I don't think his family
is at the root of these issues either, which, isn't that the theme of
the show? It's hard for me to see this as Bam & April being hard up
for money if that was the motivation.


How's Bam detoxing around all these crazy, fame whores?


I'm having a hard time hanging in with this show, too. I can't stand
the yelling/fighting and do not like any of these other people, most
of whom I've never heard of. And I don't see how these group sessions
can address anything that Bam's going through.


Kylies-lips, yeah, I think Bam does have a strong support system in his
family. I hope his new wife (if she's still in the picture) is on board
with his recovery too. From what I've seen of her my shallow, not very
informed view is that she's possibly another bad influence. I hope I'm

Edited by kat165
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I know next to nothing about his new wife, just that I heard he was married again. When he married that girl Missy I remember thinking "he's not going to change for you", because she clearly thought marriage would change the freeloaders in the house and his traveling/partying/drinking. I questioned if she put up with him as long as she did and married him because the money/fame helped even out the project aspects of being in a relationship with him, because she didn't seem to be into the hard partying life he lead. I do think she cared for him and if he had ever wanted to get clean while they were married she would have been very supportive. Maybe he and the new wife are not together and that's why he's there with April? Or maybe April's just the one most likely to get through to him? Or did VH1 want to " cast" April because Bam's audience knows her and she fits a "normal person" role in the house dynamics? She hasn't been mentioned. Who knows.

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1. Someone asked if couples therapy was like this. I only watched the last season, and that wasn't as obnoxious as this, because the couples on the show mostly seemed to genuinely want to improve their relationships. So while there was stupid volatility, they also showed growth. These aren't couples who are in love with each other and With sister Patterson and Michael Lohann in that house it's really hard for the others to make improvements.

2. I wasn't familiar with Bam before this show but have looked at old photos and videos in the last couple of days. He barely looks like the same person. You can see how much alcohol is in his system just looking at him. Very sad.

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I believe Dr. Jenn is a good therapist who knows what she's doing. But there are too many highly dysfunctional people this season. How is she going to do therapy with him when she spends all her time trying to get them not to scream at each other and to stay in the same room?

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1. Someone asked if couples therapy was like this. I only watched the last season, and that wasn't as obnoxious as this, because the couples on the show mostly seemed to genuinely want to improve their relationships. So while there was stupid volatility, they also showed growth. These aren't couples who are in love with each other and With sister Patterson and Michael Lohann in that house it's really hard for the others to make improvements.

2. I wasn't familiar with Bam before this show but have looked at old photos and videos in the last couple of days. He barely looks like the same person. You can see how much alcohol is in his system just looking at him. Very sad.

I believe Dr. Jenn is a good therapist who knows what she's doing. But there are too many highly dysfunctional people this season. How is she going to do therapy with him when she spends all her time trying to get them not to scream at each other and to stay in the same room?

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Bam & Missy were childhood friends. What possessed her to marry
him, I don't know. I have no doubt that she loved him, but he
didn't really seem ready to settle down & his lifestyle, at the
time, did not seem like something she would be comfortable with
on a day to day basis. His serious drug/drink problems didn't come
until later though. I remember being shocked when he started smoking
- cigerettes. A few of his friends smoked back then but he never
picked up the habit so to see him start smoking was really startling.


I don't really know anything about the 2nd wife except that she was
or is a model & all the pics I've seen of her she's kind of sceevy
looking, but that doesn't say much. Book/cover. She could be a delight
& completely in his corner.


Cramps, yeah, Bam was so cute in his younger & so full of life/joy.
This older version is very sad.


I'm thinking/hoping that there are more sessions, perhaps private/
individual sessions that we're not being shown and there is real
work being done there.


I don't get the Lohan's either. They should just go their separate
ways. Their adult children probably do not spend any time with both
of them together. If they spend any time with them at all.

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I really love April. I hope Bam will be ok, eventually.

I hate that Dina Lohan is making me side with Michael because she has already shown herself to be a lying dramatizer - he didn't throw the shirt in your face! They both suck and are horrible people. I echo all the comments about how they don't need to "work on" anything because they don't need to communicate or see each other EVER again. Straight up famewhores.

The DeJesus sisters are truly annoying so I'm glad they aren't getting much screen time. Their mom was a true whackjob on Teen Mom 3 and it sounds like she still is - breaking doors and lamps, really? I don't look forward to her showing up.

Michelle might just have a worse personality than Farrah Abraham from Teen Mom...I didn't think a worse personality was possible but then comes along Michelle. I definitely don't think she's faking her behavior. I don't really know what to think of Tiffany, I don't know her from anything else, but I don't really like her.

Damon Dash is horrible. I do kind of like his younger brother, though.

So, I basically like 3 people on the show, hah.

Edited by Rebecca
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Why does New York/Tiffany's mother want people to refer to her as Sister Patterson?  Is that a religious reference? because I don't get it.  I'm Catholic and when we refer to someone as "sister" it's either because they're a nun or someone's actual sibling.  The Lohans are a ridiculous mess and must be broke as a damned joke to air all their dirty laundry on national TV.

Edited by beesknees
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Why does New York/Tiffany's mother want people to refer to her as Sister Patterson? Is that a religious reference? because I don't get it. I'm Catholic and when we refer to someone as "sister" it's either because they're a nun or someone's actual sibling. The Lohans are a ridiculous mess and must be broke as a damned joke to air all their dirty laundry on national TV.

Flavor Flav referred to her as Sister Patterson when she made an appearance on the first season of FoL. She's been SP ever since.

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What I really don't get is that in the last episode Michael almost seemed to be giving Dina credit (for lack of a better word) for visiting him in jail, Jenn was leading him in that direction, but still. Then Dina broke in with "I HAD to! He said he'd have me followed!" or something, I can't be bothered to watch it again. If she had been paying attention and had a mind able to adapt, she would have shut up and let herself look okay for doing that, but it was like she had those lines in her head, which obviously she did, and couldn't comprehend deviating from going that route. She could have gotten digs in by saying "yeah, I did and look when he got out..." but she had to bring in these crazy accusations instead of following the path of the conversation.

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I really love April. I hope Bam will be ok, eventually.

I hate that Dina Lohan is making me side with Michael because she has already shown herself to be a lying dramatizer - he didn't throw the shirt in your face! They both suck and are horrible people. I echo all the comments about how they don't need to "work on" anything because they don't need to communicate or see each other EVER again. Straight up famewhores.

The DeJesus sisters are truly annoying so I'm glad they aren't getting much screen time. Their mom was a true whackjob on Teen Mom 3 and it sounds like she still is - breaking doors and lamps, really? I don't look forward to her showing up.

Michelle might just have a worse personality than Farrah Abraham from Teen Mom...I didn't think a worse personality was possible but then comes along Michelle. I definitely don't think she's faking her behavior. I don't really know what to think of Tiffany, I don't know her from anything else, but I don't really like her.

Damon Dash is horrible. I do kind of like his younger brother, though.

So, I basically like 3 people on the show, hah.


Thank you! It's all about the money and being on TV. Ugh, I can barely stand to watch either of them.  I remember when Dina was on Millionaire Matchmaker and when something didn't go her way, she stormed off the set screeching (with her mic still on) "Give me my phone, I need to call Lindsay !". It was all for show, as if the mere mention of her famous daughter's name would send everyone cowering in awe, giving in to what she wanted. 


That said, poor Bam, I really hope he's able to recover and lead a dry, drug-free life.  From what I've seen on Viva la Bam and this show, April is a wonderful parent, as is his Dad, Phil, so he's really lucky to have them.  All that love should help him conquer his demons.

Edited by cherry slushie
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I've always liked New York since her Flavor of Love days, and I appreciate her coming out of character and allowing us to see her as Tiffany--who based what I've seen  thus far, is very self-aware, intelligent and dedicated to healing herself and her relationship with her mom. I'm glad she finally stood up to her Sister Patterson--who is just pure evil.


I have to admit that I found Bam attractive in a weird way; it's a shame to see him a shell of himself. I really like his mom, so I with them the best, and hope he seeks sobriety soon.


I want to know more about the Dash brothers' drama. I've heard Dame was a jerk, so I believe his brothers when they said that he's difficult to deal with.


Michael and Dina are beyond help. They should just cut off contact altogether--but I guess they need the money, so...

Edited by sereion1
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I was glad they focused a bit on the two sisters. I think there are many problems in that family, but I have always felt that mom was at the root. I remember back to TM3 and 16&P and both girls got pregnant at the same time, which makes you wonder what the heck is going on at home, then the mom copped a  all "we don't need no stinking men in our lives" attitude, which seemed like she was projecting her issues on her girls. The sisters don't even know if their parents were actually married? Wow, just wow. I'm guessing Dr. Jen  will be bringing mom in for a future episode. 


As for Sister P, she is just awful and of course, theer's all kinds of hurt and pain behind it. I know this show is a big old sham, but I hope Dr Jen is able to help, if only for her daughter's sake.  

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Sr. Patterson has hunkered down and shut down big time.  Huge walls all around that woman!  If Dr. Jen can get anywhere with her it will be a miracle.  I was pleasantly surprised that they didn't make us wait for a cliffhanger reveal on Tiffany's pregnancy test. 


I wonder what Bam's secret reveal will be next episode. 


I agree that the Lohan's can just pack up and disperse.  I have to laugh every time someone on this show says "I'm leaving", and you see them in the next shot.  Didn't get very far, did ya?

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I believe Dr. Jenn is a good therapist who knows what she's doing. But there are too many highly dysfunctional people this season. How is she going to do therapy with him when she spends all her time trying to get them not to scream at each other and to stay in the same room?

I would strongly disagree with this. Dr. Jenn has not called out "Sister Patterson" on her toxic narcissism and she is failing to protect the daughter by letting her think there is some way the daughter can fix this. SP is an evil, evil narcissist and therapists do tremendous harm when they fail to see it and allow the victims to go on suffering, as that daughter is doing.


I just watched "I'm In Crisis" where the daughter finally fights back and stands up to SP, who just sat there quietly crying and feeling sorry for herself. But you watch: SP is going to come back with some vicious revenge on her daughter and I can only hope this is just crap manufactured for TV. 


But even if it is, the audience is left with the impression that this is somehow the daughter's fault or that she can do something to change her evil, toxic mother. She can't. The daughter should get a restraining order and move to the other side of the planet, and SP should never ever be on TV unless she's going to be held up as an example of toxic, poisonous, destructive narcissism.


Anyone in doubt: Please Google "narcissistic mother" and you will see what I mean. Too bad Dr. Jenn doesn't use Google.

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okerry, thanks for your post.  Sad to say my own mother is very much like SP.  It's taken years of therapy for me to come out strong on the other end.  Seeing SP is like watching my own mother in action: the narcissism, self-isolation, contempt for others and belittling others, especially the belittling of her daughter.  Her own DAUGHTER.  Tiffany spoke to SP in the nicest way possible about having dinner with the others, but SP accused Tiff of being "brainwashed," as if she isn't allowed to have, or isn't capable of having, an opinion that differs from hers.  I just know there will be payback for this.  Geez, SP is just chilling and almost too uncomfortable to watch.


The only ones I care about on this show are Tiffany, Bam and his mom and the two sisters.  The divorced, famewhoring Lohans can get off my TV.  I haven't seen enough of the Dash brothers yet to form an opinion.

Edited by DeepRed
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There's something very fishy about Tiffany's pregnancy. I googled "Tiffany Pollard pregnant" and read that she actually suffered a miscarriage four months into her pregnancy WHILE she was filming "Family Therapy". I know they didn't film for months at a time, so does anyone think she looked four months pregnant? I dunno. The timing/editing seems off, to me.

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Wow SP scares the crap out of me. When she was braiding her hair in the room withTiffany and she kept laughing that weird, creepy laugh. Good luck to Dr Jenn because that woman will never think what she's doing is wrong. If I ever see SP walking down the street, I'll be running the other way

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I have a narcissistic mother and like Michelle she has a need to control her daughter's life.  My mother does not act out in the way Michelle does but she has a need to control everyone and everything around her, living or dead.  When my grandfather died she complained to my grandmother that she did not like the burial plot they chose.  My mother waited ten years for my grandmother to die and she had my grandfather dug up and cremated along with my grandmother, and had them buried (reburied) in a better spot.  That was the end for my mother and me. I looked at her as she was taking pictures of the headstone she had bought and said "I'm done" and I walked way.  I have not had any contact with her since.  She keeps trying and I ignore messages and tear up her checks.  I finally have peace in my life.


Michelle will never change.  The best thing for Tiffany to do is to cut her mother out of her life.  It is easier said than done, but she needs to get away from her mother before that woman totally crushes her soul.

Edited by movingtargetgal
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I would strongly disagree with this. Dr. Jenn has not called out "Sister Patterson" on her toxic narcissism and she is failing to protect the daughter by letting her think there is some way the daughter can fix this. SP is an evil, evil narcissist and therapists do tremendous harm when they fail to see it and allow the victims to go on suffering, as that daughter is doing.

I just watched "I'm In Crisis" where the daughter finally fights back and stands up to SP, who just sat there quietly crying and feeling sorry for herself. But you watch: SP is going to come back with some vicious revenge on her daughter and I can only hope this is just crap manufactured for TV.

But even if it is, the audience is left with the impression that this is somehow the daughter's fault or that she can do something to change her evil, toxic mother. She can't. The daughter should get a restraining order and move to the other side of the planet, and SP should never ever be on TV unless she's going to be held up as an example of toxic, poisonous, destructive narcissism.

Anyone in doubt: Please Google "narcissistic mother" and you will see what I mean. Too bad Dr. Jenn doesn't use Google.

I agree that Sister Patterson is most likely a narcissist, but if you know anything about personality disorders, you can't just go in on them and get combative. That will get you nowhere. Also, I'm not sure anything can be done with this relationship in only 2 weeks, but I guess we'll see.

You're right that Dr. Jenn can't "fix" SP. All Dr. Jenn can do is help Tiffani advocate better for herself, which it seemed like she started to do in this episode.

Edited by Silo
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Flavor Flav referred to her as Sister Patterson when she made an appearance on the first season of FoL. She's been SP ever since.

Really?! Just Cuz FF gave her a nickname? Man did she get indignant about it.


Love Ape and Bam. Soooo sad.




Brit and Brianna were boring on their show. I wonder what the big secret is. I think it might have to do with the father or fathers.

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Tiffany basically said she'd been keeping her feelings bottled up and she's about to explode. She said she wants her mom to treat her and respect her as an adult and not treat her as if she were 5. She said she's tired of giving in to every single thing her mother wants.

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Curious: I've seen April referred to as "Ape" on here a couple of times, is that a nickname with which she's comfortable? My friend, April, finds that rude and disrespectful and doesn't let people call her that and I totally understand her point of view.

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Curious: I've seen April referred to as "Ape" on here a couple of times, is that a nickname with which she's comfortable? My friend, April, finds that rude and disrespectful and doesn't let people call her that and I totally understand her point of view.

Most of her family referred to her as Ape at one point or another on Viva La Bam, so I assume she's okay with it. My sister-in-law's name is April and my brother calls her Ape sometimes just as a nickname. She doesn't mind either. Depends on the person I guess.

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Sister Patterson seems to be mentally ill and like a really unhealthy influence in Tiffany's life. Tiffany needs to stay away from her.

I actually now like doctor Jen.

I thought the handwriting expert was unprofessional and let his ego get too involved in his interactions.

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Bam's looking a bit better already in the newest episide. I don't know how anyone couldn't love April.

Michelle is 109 types of wrong and crazy!

I never could chose between who I disliked more - Michael or Dina but I think I might hate Dina just a tad more.

I think the Teen Mom sisters find out they're half sisters and maybe the mom doesn't know who the one's father is? I always assumed they were half sisters but maybe I just assumed because Ive never thought they looked much alike. I don't remember it ever being addressed in any way on TM3 but I guess it probably never was since they don't know anything about their dad(s) even now. Their mom is a tad like Michelle..not that bad, obviously but she definitely had issues on TM3. The sisters are ok without her but the mom makes then all insufferable.

Edited by Rebecca
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Sister Patterson is not only a classic case of NPD, but she's a total whackaloon.  There's no baby in her daughter's uterus because she can't psychically see it?  I also sense jealously; a severe competitiveness with her daughter that's beyond healthy. If I were her daughter, I'd run as far away as I could. Even I feel stressed when SP is onscreen!


As for Bam, he is looking better; much more color in his face compared to when he first got there. However, if he brought one bottle with him, who's to say he didn't bring two?  Even though I do believe him, the slurry way he talks makes me question it a little.


Finally, I teared up when April talked about lying about Bam giving her flowers and a necklace for Mother's Day.  I wish Bam responded a little more exuberantly to her dinner request, though.

Edited by cherry slushie
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Sister Patterson is a whacked out person. Even if this shit is an act, she has full blown crazy eyes. She comes across as one way to the others but you get her alone with her daughter and she almost looks like a raged out wife beater. I wouldn't doubt if when she is off camera she threatens Tiffany to shut the fuck up or she will. She is very aware if the cameras to me and doesn't say much on purpose so no one will see her crazy pants.

Take for instance Janice Dickinson, who is all about drama. That's Janice but Sister Patterson is fucking delusional, scary and crazy as fuck

Edited by toodywoody
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Whoa nelly, SP is cuckoo for cocopuffs ! ! !  Anyone else think that Dr. Jenn got Tiffany outta there when she wasn't feeling well because she was afraid SP poisoned her?


That handwriting analyst was great about throwing the truth out at both SP and Dena and really held his own with SP.  It was quite entertaining, despite being dubious in credibility.  I wonder how the art of handwriting analysis has changed with the overall death of cursive.

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Why does New York/Tiffany's mother want people to refer to her as Sister Patterson?  Is that a religious reference? because I don't get it.  I'm Catholic and when we refer to someone as "sister" it's either because they're a nun or someone's actual sibling.  The Lohans are a ridiculous mess and must be broke as a damned joke to air all their dirty laundry on national TV.


Flavor Flav referred to her as Sister Patterson when she made an appearance on the first season of FoL. She's been SP ever since.


My recollection was that she held herself out as some sort of Christian mystic back in the FoL days. It was very much along the lines of what she was shilling in the first episode - she sees things, the spirits speak to her, etc. Because the entire cast of FoL had an IQ of 8 they brought into it. In the Pentecostal and more fundamentalist Christian faiths, the terms Sister and Brother are honorifics. Its also something that some church ladies use, especially if they are old and unmarried, because it confers a bit of importance on them, when otherwise they would simply be Miss or Ms. When you're an old, unmarried church lady with kids but no husband, being Sister so-and-so keeps people from coming for your sinning ass.


Personally, I've always thought that the lady was pretty damn close to being a sociopath. She clearly knows how to manipulate people, and will, when cornered, go on the attack rather than ever admit any wrongdoing. The second episode where she ran into group to try and stir everybody up so they would get the doctors back in the room and off her back was classic behavior. She has no business raising anyone's child and if Tiffany knows what's good for her, she'll move to another continent, because 3,000 miles away is not far enough.

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Just watched "Body Language" ep. By now we all know that Tiffany eventually miscarties . I'm guessing that her monster/demon mother is using the miscarriage to say ""See now? I told you there was no baby in her womb" . Someone earlier in the thread stated that tiffs mom is truly a demon. I think so too. It is like watching a horror show. I compare their relationship to movie "Carrie". The overly holier than thou mother.....the daughter just trying to survive in the craziness she was born into. Makes me sad.....and very thankful to have the mom I have. Reminder: Mothers Day is fast approaching!

Bam....I'm so happy to see a happy sober man emerging. I wonder when are they going to address his failed marriage. It has not been mentioned once.

Loved the interpretations of the family photos. I'm going home this week and look through mom's albums. Gonna figure myself out. Ha!

Finally....does anyone see the similarities between Abby Lee Miller and Tiff's mom? The constant need to show up in full makeup and pink curlers. They both share NPD. Someone earlier mentioned that NPD can't be fixed. I heard an NPR interview w a woman diagnosed with it. She had intense therapy but still says she is the same. Only now she is aware of her behavior. Now she knows the right thing to say and do.....but she still feels the narcicism. If you see her being normal it is just an act she has perfected so she can interact in society. Creepy. So yeah. I too think Tiff needs to cut her loses. Kick mom to the curb. Go get your life! Go marry that sweet tempered bf and have lots of babies and lots of family counseling.

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Most of her family referred to her as Ape at one point or another on Viva La Bam, so I assume she's okay with it. My sister-in-law's name is April and my brother calls her Ape sometimes just as a nickname. She doesn't mind either. Depends on the person I guess.

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I think all nicknames ......no not all, most.....are meant w affection. Even if they are mean sounding usually they come from someone that loves you. I personally love apes and esp orangatangs. My real name is Camille. I refer to myself quite often as "Camillotang". When I make a grilled cheese sandwich it is a "gorilla-cheese sand which". Lemon marange pie is "lemon marangatang pie" it goes on and on. All my dogs have a million nicknames too. I think it shows your kind nature to be worried for April's feelings. And yeah, it's not cool when people make up and use cruel names. That is just all the way wrong.

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Being someone who loves to host, cook, bake, make life pretty, and take care of people (because I truly, TRULY enjoy those things and would shrivel up and die without being able to do so), I couldn't understand anything negative about April loving it too.  I understand that they don't want her 'enabling' Bam, but she's doing what most mothers love to do for their children, not to mention playing host to friends, other family, and guests.  April is a domestic goddess and obviously enjoys it very much.  To make her feel bad about it kind of pissed me off.  I honestly don't think it's an issue she needs to fix.  Yes, she may need to let go of Bam a teeny bit so he is forced to find his way without a permanent cushion, but smoothies and laundry?  Nahhh.

Edited by cherry slushie
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Just watched "Body Language" ep. By now we all know that Tiffany eventually miscarties . I'm guessing that her monster/demon mother is using the miscarriage to say ""See now? I told you there was no baby in her womb" . Someone earlier in the thread stated that tiffs mom is truly a demon. I think so too. It is like watching a horror show. I compare their relationship to movie "Carrie". The overly holier than thou mother.....the daughter just trying to survive in the craziness she was born into. Makes me sad.....and very thankful to have the mom I have. Reminder: Mothers Day is fast approaching!

Bam....I'm so happy to see a happy sober man emerging. I wonder when are they going to address his failed marriage. It has not been mentioned once.

Loved the interpretations of the family photos. I'm going home this week and look through mom's albums. Gonna figure myself out. Ha!

Finally....does anyone see the similarities between Abby Lee Miller and Tiff's mom? The constant need to show up in full makeup and pink curlers. They both share NPD. Someone earlier mentioned that NPD can't be fixed. I heard an NPR interview w a woman diagnosed with it. She had intense therapy but still says she is the same. Only now she is aware of her behavior. Now she knows the right thing to say and do.....but she still feels the narcicism. If you see her being normal it is just an act she has perfected so she can interact in society. Creepy. So yeah. I too think Tiff needs to cut her loses. Kick mom to the curb. Go get your life! Go marry that sweet tempered bf and have lots of babies and lots of family counseling.

The fact that SP said there would be no baby and then Tiffany miscarried, scares the ever loving crap out of me.  There are mean people, people we call "evil", and just assholes in general, but SP just may be an actual demon who can manifest things with her mind.  I just got the chills.

Edited by cherry slushie
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April is a domestic goddess and obviously enjoys it very much.  To make her feel bad about it kind of pissed me off.  I honestly don't think it's an issue she needs to fix.  Yes, she may need to let go of Bam a teeny bit so he is forced to find his way without a permanent cushion, but smoothies and laundry?  Nahhh.


I got what Jen and the body language lady were saying regarding Bam, but  they were a bit too hard on April.  There was nothing wrong with her being hospitable to her housemates--in fact they were disappointed when found out she make the smoothies anymore. I didn't find that enabling at all; that's her personality, and I don't think that should be held against her in that regard.


But Brittany? Wow. I felt so horrible for her. The revelation about her father has to be a bitter pill to swallow.


I don't know much about Michael Lohan other than what I hear on TMZ and other gossip shows, but despite his occasional histrionics, I kinda like him. He seems to be cool due once you spend some time with him--as long he doesn't mention Dina, otherwise, he seems okay. The rest of the cast seem be cool with him.

Edited by sereion1
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How bizarre that Dr. Jenn will come down hard on April of being "too nice" and "enabling" when April is mostly just being loving and kind, but not call out "Sister Patterson" for being the evil, destructive, narcissistic monster that she is. Still waiting for Dr. J to say something about that.

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Sister Patterson is a lost cause. Coming down on her will be completely pointless. She's trying to handle her with kiddie gloves because at least she stays calm in that respect.


I think with April, it's a slippery slope thing. If she keeps being the smothering mother to everyone, she wont stop with Bam either. They are basically treating it like an addiction. Stop her cold turkey and then they can work on the issue at hand. Also, hopefully find a balance because her being too kind isn't a bad thing per se.

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It really pisses me off that Dina Lohan has made me ALMOST like Michael Lohan.  I don't know how many times he actually hit her, but the way we have already seen Dina embellish things, I tend to believe him.  And her insistence that she can't walk through the house or to a therapy session without "security" makes me believe that she is in all of this for drama and that it has nothing to do with making her relationship with Michael better.  And I agree with all of you - why in the hell do they need to make this relationship better?  They are divorced and their children are grown - leave each other alone and be done with it.


And they way she sits calmly smirking while he leaves therapy session after therapy session is a giveaway (for me at least) that she knows exactly what she's doing.  She's lying and getting away with it because he can't control his temper.  She is lighting the match and then walking away thinking she has won some type of victory. It makes me sick.

Edited by Cabarb
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I kind of get where Dr Jenn was coming from WRT April to doing everything. Bam is a manchild.It's not the smoothies. It's not getting tough with Bam, ever. Not doing Bam's laundry in an of itself doesn't really mean anything, but my guess is there is a lot of codependency there. Stopping doing little things like laundry is a small step to letting go. 


I agree with the poster who said that Dina is making me like Michael, which is something I never thought I would say. No wonder Lindsay is so messed up is usually what I say when this show is over. 


Brittany and Brianna's mom I hated ever since her 16 and P days. Letting your kid think someone else is their dad is just so wrong. She wasn't lying to protect her child. 

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