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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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CNN just showed protesters (unnamed) in downtown DC.  Lots of them!  They are described as a sea of people!  The snow is coming soon--I hope the stink bus is there!  Fools!

It's a matter of time until the DC police arrive and tell everyone to go back to their hotel rooms (or their stink bus). Considering the fact that airports are closing and sporting events are now being cancelled this weekend, they'll be told that the police and the city will not be responsible for deaths or injuries. There's also no way to leave via Metro after 3 PM Eastern, which gives them 45-odd minutes to get their asses off of the freezing-cold streets.


I'm torn between hoping that Jim Boob, J-Chelle and the precious blessings were too stupid to heed a dire weather prediction and have a less-than-optimal weekend as a result, and wondering if Josie has already tried licking a power pole...

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Here they are at today's anti-abortion rally in Little Rock. Of course, hangers-on Joe Donaldson and Sierra are there. 




Anna also made an appearance. Unfortunately, she's wearing a bulky coat, plus Jenni is blocking her abdomen for further pregnancy speculation.




My sentiments exactly. None of the Duggar spawn appeared to be wearing clothing appropriate for the weather. The high in Little Rock on Sunday was 50F. When I first looked at the group photo, I fixated on the little J girl in the grey sweater. She looked like she was freezing, with her hands pulled up inside that thin sweater. All of the J boys are wearing worn out, scuffed shoes. But I noticed that the asshats were wearing real coats AND Jim Boob appeared to have brand new trousers. What the hell is wrong with those deplorable excuses for parents? Irresponsible, neglectful, selfish.


CNN just showed protesters (unnamed) in downtown DC.  Lots of them!  They are described as a sea of people!  The snow is coming soon--I hope the stink bus is there!  Fools!

Did you notice a group with the women wearing long denim skirts & flip-flops, children that aren't wearing any coats & adults that are?
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Lets keep it on The Duggars in the Media. We do not need to discuss what a porn actress did or did not do in movies and veiled slut slaming is not allowed on here. Take the discussion somewhere else. There are other sites to discuss this one particular topic. Also do not call out another poster. Report do not engage. Posts using veiled slut shaming or extraneous stuff not related to the Duggars in the Media or TLC will be deleted or hidden in the future. Thank you.

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Let's not start unfounded rumors. I said that there was a rally in DC and WONDERED if they would be going, especially in light of the incoming blizzard. We don't know if they're going or not. But the blizzard isn't coming in until the afternoon, so the rally will be over. Now, they could get caught on the road in it, but if I live on the other side of the country and knew about this storm a week ago, I'm sure the Duggars checked the forecast and possibly reconsidered any plans they might have had to go. 


IOW, I doubt we'll see any pictures of them in DC. 

Has TLC filmed them when they are doing something overtly political? I would think they wouldn't, but I can't remember. 

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The producers better be planning something other than just a tree-house. These people are boring me. Even Josh's antics in the bedroom aren't interesting anymore. One of them has to be gay, pregnant out of wedlock, practice wicca, preferably all of the above, or I don't even feel like snarking anymore. Boo Duggars.  Do sumthin'.

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Has TLC filmed them when they are doing something overtly political? I would think they wouldn't, but I can't remember.

I can't recall ever seeing something like that. The nature of Josh's DC job, and the values of his employer were not discussed or mentioned. We got "Josh forgets his lunch so Anna drives into the big smoke to deliver it", and I think we saw FRCaction's offices, but that's about it. All the political rallies, political t shirts etc, were basically not filmed or blurred out, especially in the later years. Even the opening credits ended up sanitized, "conservatives values" "little bit different" got cut when it went from 18 kids to 19 kids.

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The producers better be planning something other than just a tree-house. These people are boring me. Even Josh's antics in the bedroom aren't interesting anymore. One of them has to be gay, pregnant out of wedlock, practice wicca, preferably all of the above, or I don't even feel like snarking anymore. Boo Duggars.  Do sumthin'.

Agreed. I'm just not interested in them anymore. I come here for the well written posts, the snark but the family in themselves........yawn

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I always thought the show really only "worked" when it focused on light stuff. The courtships/engagements/weddings got the family magazine covers and viewers from that press coverage, but the actual events and the preparations were heavy on the stage fright and awkward silences, the marriages were clearly arranged despite the dates, flowers and the rest, and the weddings were incredibly impersonal, they were performers on a stage in front of an auditorium full of strangers. It was weird and unnatural and and it just went on and on, stretched out over 60 episodes.

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Another gay Duggar family member? It's not Evelyn. This site has broken some pretty big celeb stories in the past, so I'll keep my eyes and ears open to see if they drop some more hints. This would really explain why the Duggars are so big on "sins of the father"  and why we will never see a Duggar adoption, no matter how much lip service they pay to it. The person in question was adopted. 



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Another gay Duggar family member? It's not Evelyn. This site has broken some pretty big celeb stories in the past, so I'll keep my eyes and ears open to see if they drop some more hints. This would really explain why the Duggars are so big on "sins of the father" and why we will never see a Duggar adoption, no matter how much lip service they pay to it. The person in question was adopted.


Sounds like someone from the Ruark side. It's obviously not Amy, plus Amy is obviously the leak. It's got that little touch of Amy spite. Edited by Kokapetl
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Another gay Duggar family member? It's not Evelyn. This site has broken some pretty big celeb stories in the past, so I'll keep my eyes and ears open to see if they drop some more hints. This would really explain why the Duggars are so big on "sins of the father"  and why we will never see a Duggar adoption, no matter how much lip service they pay to it. The person in question was adopted. 



The Duggars won't care about this - blood related or not. They'll just pray for him and judge the family for not raising him right. Cuz that's how they roll.

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Yes, Michelle's sister Evelyn is out and proud. This is a different relative, and it sounds like he lives locally. He could still be a Duggar cousin, once removed for the Duggar spawn generation, or even someone from Mary's branch of the family. We NEVER hear about these people, although they'e apparently been in the area for generations. 


Good for them! 

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Yes, Michelle's sister Evelyn is out and proud. This is a different relative, and it sounds like he lives locally. He could still be a Duggar cousin, once removed for the Duggar spawn generation, or even someone from Mary's branch of the family. We NEVER hear about these people, although they'e apparently been in the area for generations.

Good for them!

Michelle still has siblings in AR who presumably have children of their own. Perhaps it's a cousin on Michelle's side? I believe Michelle's sister Carolyn lives in AR. Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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I'm pretty sure Michelle's brother Garrett still lives in AR. He is next to her in birth order, although he's something like 7-8 years older than she. If we want Famy to be the leak, I don't presume that she knows much about the Ruark side of her uncle's family. Duggars, sure, but Michelle doesn't seem to be very close with her family, aside from sporadic reunions and funerals. Sure, they probably don't want to be on that trainwreck of a show, but she hasn't even mentioned them in passing in years. 

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Umm. . . say what? Is it true they're bringing them back? I thought I'd come on here to see what everyone else had to say about this and saw nothing, so I'm hoping this isn't right.


Nothing but rumors so far. Saying that that Christian Post piece "reports" this is, shall we say, an overstatement. It really just embellishes some vague rumors seen elsewhere and assumes they're factual. So who knows. The fact that TLC has apparently been seen filming Duggars suggests something is up. I'm not sure whether any filming has been confirmed either, though, except for the trip to the lumberyard to buy treehouse parts.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Oh, good. This was all over my Facebook feed posted by several different people. Some people were outraged, others were thrilled. At least if it is rumors (please!) I now know I need to do some spring cleaning on my FB friends. I knew coming here would be a good thing.

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Famy gets a People cover all to herself! -insert snark-


Oh good grief! I agree with a previous poster that most of the world doesn't even know who the Duggars are. They may know them as the Christian family with a lot of kids & are vaguely aware of Joshley's problems but in no way care about what goes on in their lives. People Magazine thinks they are so smart by luring the public in, making it seem the article is about one of the 19 kids who has gone astray til they read the article & realize it's about a Duggar cousin.

I would have rather seen Punxsutawney Phil on cover.

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Convenient that my subscription runs out this month. I don't think I will be renewing.

And if we needed any further proof that Amy is the "source close to the Duggars" we often hear mentioned, this is it.

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*gasp* Amy  was not a virgin when she got married and says that if she had to do her first kiss and have sex with a man she barely knew she would be in a corner by the end of the night. I say good for her for slamming Boob's crazy way of doing things. Famy found her man and is sure that he is for her not picked from her daddy.

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*gasp* Amy was not a virgin when she got married and says that if she had to do her first kiss and have sex with a man she barely knew she would be in a corner by the end of the night. I say good for her for slamming Boob's crazy way of doing things. Famy found her man and is sure that he is for her not picked from her daddy.

GO, AMY! How long have we wanted someone on the inside to speak up about this crap!? Brava!!

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"Only in People"?! Was any other magazine interested in her?

I predicted two weeks for the start of the publicity blitz; here it is! They're filming and we'll be treated to more 19KAC by fall.


I hope TLC (and their advertisers) enjoys the backlash once again.

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Famy gets a People cover all to herself! -insert snark-




It's so funny that she says in that article how she still loves her family even though they totes aren't like her when she's pimping out her differences from them as a positive thing just to get on the cover of a magazine. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. She must think she's better than her family because she isn't a Gothard fundie but she's just like them in her search for fame, which IMO is the family's worst quality.

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*gasp* Amy  was not a virgin when she got married and says that if she had to do her first kiss and have sex with a man she barely knew she would be in a corner by the end of the night. I say good for her for slamming Boob's crazy way of doing things. Famy found her man and is sure that he is for her not picked from her daddy.

It doesn't say this in the video or the following article. Am I overlooking it?

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Amy posted selfies of herself in bed with a previous boyfriend, the minor league baseball guy, so I'm fairly certain she wasn't a virgin when she married Dillon King. She was also almost 29 when she married Mr King. I don't judge her for not being a virgin at that age, that's totally normal.

Amy's attention seeking rubs me the wrong way when she starts up about how she is "free now" and liberated, it's a BS narrative. She was never ever under Jimbob's control. Her parents were pretty wild themselves, I can't see them being martinet parents.

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He's saying everything we say, and saying it hilariously. Love it. ....


'They probably figured that enough time has gone by for everyone to have completely forgotten about how one of the Duggars child touched his sisters and his parents dribbled out a river of holy bullshit while defending him. The TLC executives are right. We all have the memory of a goldfish with amnesia, so we don’t at all remember all of that and we’ll probably say, “What is this fresh new wholesome show?”, when TLC puts out the trailer for the new seasons of 19 Kids.'

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I LOVE Michael K!!


So the new season will be all about selling Jana errr I mean getting a fine young Jesus loving young man to court her. Hmm Tim Tebow is available and is going to start going to Christian Mingle to find a girl. Hello JimBob now is your opportunity to court Tim to be on the new show. Ratings bonanza!!!!

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Amy's attention seeking rubs me the wrong way when she starts up about how she is "free now" and liberated, it's a BS narrative. She was never ever under Jimbob's control. Her parents were pretty wild themselves, I can't see them being martinet parents.


No, but she may have been told that's the "new, improved, washed-clean" version of the show has no room for Quirky Cousin Amy and her antics, so thus she's free from the daunting obligations.  


(Feel free to sprinkle that statement liberally with sarcasm.)

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How dare you bring back 19 kids and counting? Stop rewarding this family for covering up abuse and acting like Josh forcibly touching his siblings was no big deal. TLC you are a disgrace. ‪#‎BoycottTLC‬ ‪#‎NoExcuseForAbuse‬

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Convenient that my subscription runs out this month. I don't think I will be renewing.

I ditched my subscription a few years back and subscribe to "Entertainment Weekly".  NO Duggar mentions, except to occasionally ridicule them.  It's glorious.  

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Tim Tebow did Lip Sync Battle. Jim Bob now considers him a heathen.

I LOVE Michael K!!


So the new season will be all about selling Jana errr I mean getting a fine young Jesus loving young man to court her. Hmm Tim Tebow is available and is going to start going to Christian Mingle to find a girl. Hello JimBob now is your opportunity to court Tim to be on the new show. Ratings bonanza!!!!

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