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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

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The upcoming promos and People articles are just making my stabby. Josh and Anna's marital issues have NOTHING to do with JB & company. To feel betrayed that your brother cheated on his wife is asinine. Unless he cheated with your spouse (talk about a plot twist if he'd been chatting up Derick or Ben) then it's none of your business. For all we know JoshAnna had an "arrangement" and Anna is more upset that people found out that than truly being upset about Josh being with other people.

Maybe I'm in the minority about this, I don't know. I just know if my siblings did something stupid like cheat on their spouses I'd be disappointed in them, but I'd keep my nose out of it barring an abusive situation.

If you had been molested by that brother and subsequently pressured to forgive him on the basis that your brother had reformed, would you not feel a little cheated when you discovered that that brother was trying to cheat on his wife?
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The "Courageous" promo that is continuously airing makes my teeth itch. There's something seriously weird about that little circle dance everyone is making around the Jessa and her Lion King child. Isn't idol worship frowned upon? TLC is seriously disturbed with their promos and photo shoots for this show. And while I'm at it what the heck does "Counting On" even mean other than funding for the Duggar Family Trust. Gaaah, I need to brush my teeth and spit...

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I love how that pencil is positioned just so, as if Jana just finished sketching and just happened to call a family meeting when the cameras just happened to be on hand. The sad thing is, people will believe this is real.

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I love how that pencil is positioned just so, as if Jana just finished sketching and just happened to call a family meeting when the cameras just happened to be on hand. The sad thing is, people will believe this is real.

The even sadder thing is, she thinks she's showing off. 


Also: Anna has more wrinkles than I do and I'm a 40 year-old who smoked for 20 years. Not exaggerating. No megawatt keep-sweet smile and baby voice is going to cover up that road map of stress and anguish.

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About that pencil and drawing. At first it looks like it's in the same photo with Jana and Anna, but if you look again, you'll see that it's really a separate photo altogether (look at the TLC logo in the upper right corner). Do we know that Jana did the drawing?

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About that pencil and drawing. At first it looks like it's in the same photo with Jana and Anna, but if you look again, you'll see that it's really a separate photo altogether (look at the TLC logo in the upper right corner). Do we know that Jana did the drawing?

the shot of the pencil drawing was between




Joy implores Jana to go big



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About that pencil and drawing. At first it looks like it's in the same photo with Jana and Anna, but if you look again, you'll see that it's really a separate photo altogether (look at the TLC logo in the upper right corner). Do we know that Jana did the drawing?

Jana is the family "artist," and from both the preview clip and account from the lumber yard, is the de-facto leader of the project. It's not as if this is a draft with measurements; the actual treehouse has one sloping entrance, IIRC. I bet plans were already in hand, but this sketch makes it look more homemade and less of a contrived plot device.

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I agree it's a ridiculous plot device. If the Duggars really wanted a tree house don't you think they would've built one when the bulk of their kids were still young enough to be into that sort of thing?

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Is that Josie? She has incredible bags under her eyes! What is up with that???

Medical science and millions of dollars kept her alive when she was born 3 months premature. She may never look quite right.

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They need to open an Ulta or Sephora in Tonitown.  Cripes, the amount of makeup on these girls!!  The one above in the grey sleeves and brown vest has perfectly pencilled brows.  All for a casual day sittin' around with the family....

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That's Jana.

Poor Jana.

Sometimes it's the pictures that make me sad. The reality.

Wonder if Derrick actually ran that Kathmandu marathon or if he just bought the, really new looking, t-shirt.

Sometimes, not so much...

Edited by NewDigs
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Thanks, Koka and Sew Sumi, for explaining the pencil drawing. Obviously, I had lost the plot, actually missed it in the first place. Now I see.

There are what, six single Duggars age 18 or above? Maybe the tree house is gonna be a courting venue.

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Also, I thought these were upload worthy








That pencil drawing looks like Bin's artwork.

Jana looks like she smelled a wet fart.

None of the Duggar kids seem close to each other. This image of the Duggars being super-duper besties who sing Kumbaya around the campfire is pure, unfiltered shit. They act like they don't even know each other.

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The "girls night" with girls night robes worn as costumes over clothes and potato chips and nail polish made me laugh.

Also, the decorative bucket on the tree house.

ETA: Note that John-David is sitting in the forward "wife" position, and Jana is sitting behind him in the "husband" spot. Birth order counts!

Edited by Kokapetl
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Ben could actually draw a better picture than that in his sleep, based on what we've seen of his artwork. I am 100% sure this is Jana's, especially given that they had to give the unmarried Duggar adult/children a plotline. I doubt Benessa will be seen in this line of taping at all. 

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Wow, these promo photos are so snark worthy. What fun !

Jessa does look different and I, too, wonder if she has had some procedures done. She is likely trying to bring more attention to her countenance with the change in looks and the wig with bangs so that no one will notice her figure hasn't returned to pre Spurgeon.

I know Dim Bin has allergies, but I wonder if he tries to make himself look/sound intelligent when he squints his eyes and speaks slowly. If that is the case, failure.

Anna looks totally fried in the picture with the plate of whatever in front of her. What the hell ? I can just hear her saying, "look at all these potato chips, aren't they cute ? What a nice family of potato chips, just like my nice little family. We are walking a hard path right now, but God will help us and soon I will be pregnant and all will be good again." 

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There are what, six single Duggars age 18 or above? Maybe the tree house is gonna be a courting venue.


Nope, I'm afraid the courting venue remains the great big communal barn...er...gym...er...living room. Can't go a-courtin without a heapin helpin of the kinfolk on hand, remember. That way damnation lies.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Promo stuff from pickles 8x4y9d.jpg


I could say a few really mean things, but I won't...


Are some of the Duggar sons training to be Rockettes?


That would be more believable than Ben being a "rapper," which reminds me of something they would have done on Anna Nicole Smith (RIP)'s "reality" show.

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That is such a creepy photo (the Duggar one). I wouldn't be surprised if anyone's mind goes a little porn over it. For me it evokes Shakespeare's three witches in Macbeth (aka "The Weird Sisters," and ain't that apt) hovering ominously over an ecstatic woman. IMO, the message is that Jessa's obscenely thrilled to bits about being married and allowed to have teh sex and being a TV star, while her sisters are stuck in boring spinsterdom doing all the chores in the TTH. A creepy picture, an icky message.

Such an excellent description. I felt gross even looking at the picture. The picture itself isnt horrible I guess, but it makes me think of other things, and I'm not even a male nor am I particularly into porn. I expect the next screen to say "$16.99 and you can see more of the sisters...much more." Blech.

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Why is 17 year old (aka minor-aged) Jed in that pic, but not his twin?

And thanks, now I can't get Sunshine Day out of my head!

I think I'll go for a walk outside....

On this bright, bright bright sunshiney day?

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Oh god



When were they silent?


Cause I missed that part.


Also, this makes it 100 percent clear to me that nobody will have even the slightest urge to leave or even question anything so long as there's a gravy train. Anyone who is not deeply ashamed of and embarrassed by these stories, these photo shoots, THIS PICTURE, after all the crap they've said about themselves and about this situation and their status or not as a "tv family," is so addicted to spending life as a tabloid star that they're completely hopeless. Idiots.

Edited by Churchhoney
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How cute! They are wearing matching shirts and colors. *rolling eyes* They complain about not being left alone during the Josh scandals, but they do not seem to mind going back on television to show the world they have counted on. Hypocrite famewhores.

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Over on Duggar's Facebook, there is a very short Happy Birthday video to Derick. Michelle just smiles and smiles while her Headship rants. Ben steps out of the pack briefly to show off his hot body, while he mumbles something about Christ. Jana smirks, then changes her countenance to adoration, as she gazes up at JB, HER Headship! The Lost Girls look feral and, well, still Lost!


Edited by louannems
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Is Bin aware Polo shirts come in different sizes or does he purposely wear them tight to show off his manly biceps? Jana has perfected the zombie "gaze of adoration." I also loved Jinger's "fuck my life" expression as she trudges out of the laundry room.

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"Josh Duggar is home.

The former 19 Kids and Counting star has left rehab, People has learned.

“If nothing else, this is a happy time for their kids,” a source tells People.

His family confirmed the news on their website."



Gee, Josh leaves rehab just in time to build more publicity for the Duggars in time for the beginning of their reality show. How convenient. Not.

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Is Bin aware Polo shirts come in different sizes or does he purposely wear them tight to show off his manly biceps? Jana has perfected the zombie "gaze of adoration." I also loved Jinger's "fuck my life" expression as she trudges out of the laundry room.

Jinger, the laundry room is probably preferably to taking care of the howlers.  At least the laundry doesn't talk back.  And where is grandma?  I though laundry was her jurisdiction?

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