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S06.E13: The Same Boat - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat

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Here is your Pre-Air Speculation/Live Chat thread for S06.E13: The Same Boat. This thread will open Friday March 11th, at 5:00 pm.


The thread will close at 10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the episode thread S06.E13: The Same Boat.



------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise).

                   Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread.

----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------

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*looks at episode title*


Even though I haven't watched it yet, I know how S1 of FTWD ended..... please God no, its too soon for Xover elements!!


*starts sweating & color drains from face*  I think I'm gonna be seasick!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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They'll have done well to sail from the Californian to Georgia, i think you can rest easy.


I'm wondering if, seeing as Daryl's bike has turned up again, if we'll also be seeing the bike thieves as well, and whether they'll decide to repay the favour they owe Daryl for saving them and help Rick's group?

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They'll have done well to sail from the Californian to Georgia, i think you can rest easy.

Except that FTWD takes place right at the start of the zombie apocalypse, so they've had a while to get here!


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Except that FTWD takes place right at the start of the zombie apocalypse, so they've had a while to get here!


If the Panama Canal is packed with zombies, not many ships can sail around the world without refuelling, resupplying food etc...

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Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale

the same old Romero schtick

It started in a southern town with cops named Shane and Rick..


yeah, I give up. Whoever wants this thing can take it to the Limericks and Haiku thread.

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Little Ass Kicker's learning how to shoot from Coral.

While Carol has her captors looking at something floral.

You're probably asking "Does this story have a moral?"

Yes, with Camp Dinner Bell you had best avoid a quarrel.

Edited by Uncle Benzene
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Previously, On AMC's "The Walking Dead:"


Abe: Hey, everybody. Check out my hot Latina girlfriend.

Rick: Check out my hot black girlfriend. With a katana. And a law degree.

Abe: Damn it! I'm out of here.

Rosita: Well at least give me back my stilettos. You're stretching them.


Father Pee Pants: And so we ask of you, Lord, please help our town to survive...

Jesus: Okay.

Maggie: We need food.

Gregory: Ha ha. Boobies!

Rick: Anything's fine as long as I get to kill people.


ASZhats: Sure sucks that we're starving to death.

Carol: Here, eat some cookies that I made from the thousands of acorns that are lying right on the ground all around us.

Tobin: Giggety.


Jesus: The hair and beard aren't bad, but the nose-

Rick: (punches nose in.) Sorry, what were you saying? I got kind of distracted by that zombie head. Thought it was Gregory.


Maggie: Ah waunt tuh god thuh paurimittuh.

Glenn: Why are you talking like that?

Maggie: Sorry, we just read Beth's will. She left me her accent.


Carol: All right. I'll start by skinning a zombie, then I'll completely cover myself with it. I'll get the other ones to follow me in a circle, completely surrounding the building. Anyone who wants to get in will have to fight zombies, but when the others need to get out, I'll kill the entire herd with this cookie dough cutter...

Maggie: Or we could just stand here in one random spot.

Carol: Shouldn't you be doing something else?

Maggie: Because I'm pregnant? (Dramatic background music rises.)

Carol: No, I mean... seriously... didn't Deanna make you the new mayor or something?


Glenn and Heath: BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!

Glenn: I think the bad guys are all dead.

Faking It Guy: Except me! Ha ha ha!

Jesus: BANG! (Lights cigar.) Hasta la vista, heathen.

Father Pee Pants: I shot a guy too. Everybody saw that, right? And it only took me five minutes of talking, too. Please stop calling me Father Pee Pants.

Rick: No. Anybody else?


Bike Guy: I have Daryl's motorcycle. And a radio.

Radio Voice: I have a Carol. And a... Natalie, I think?

Glenn: Oh no! Maggie's pregnant. (Dramatic background music rises.)

Tara: Actually, I've sort of been watching it for her...

Carol: I'm gonna need a bigger notebook.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Previously, On AMC's "The Walking Dead:"



Maggie: Ah waunt tuh god thuh paurimittuh.

Glenn: Why are you talking like that?

Maggie: Sorry, we just read Beth's will. She left me her accent.


 (Dramatic background music rises.)



Dude......Im laughing so hard at this, thank you!

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That is brilliant, Cletus. Bravo!

I am so nervous about losing a beloved character tonight my stomach hurts. I am this [] close to waiting until tomorrow to watch so I'll be spoiled and prepared for heartache. Yes, I'm a geek and a wimp.

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Tonight is the first time in a long time I'll be able to watch the show live.  It had better be a good one!!


ETA: Might not happen... a bad storm is currently playing havoc with my electricity.  Please last for the next hour and a half!!  *crosses fingers and toes*

Edited by Canada
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Maggie seems calmer than Carol. Carol seems kind of freaked out. Hope she pulls it together. Or maybe she's playing he role of scared grandma. This ain't the time for a meltdown.

Edited by Enero
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