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S10.E08: Smoke And Mirrors

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What the actual hell? I fully understand that Anna's makeup was a total train wreck... I mean it looked awful, but Robert hasn't done nearly as well in this competition. I know they're supposed to only judge by the challenge, but damn... He gets to slide for another week. I can hardly stand him anymore.

Go Rob!!

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I think Yvonne's should have won this week. It was spectacular looking from far away and close up. I realize the work Blond guy did was great, but his didn't stand out of the crowd.

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That was an interesting episode.  While the contestants were working, I thought all of their creations (except Walter's) were really good.  But when they showed the finished products, the only ones I liked were Yvonne, Rob and Mel's.  I agree that Anna and Robert's were awful (although Robert's seemed technically ok), but Walter's was just as bad, if not worse.  I had to laugh when the judges were talking about Anna's creature, and said that the black/white palette was the only successful element, because, to me, it was one of the worst parts.


I have to say that one of the things I like most about this show is how helpful the contestants are to each other, and the total lack of family drama.  Another thing i realy like is how expert the judges are. 

Edited by mjc570
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Both Rob's and Yvonne's were good in their own ways. Rob did more with his look - the face, the cowl, the back, the hands, etc. but I found it a bit blah in terms of colour. Yvonne's was more beautiful and understated and fit in with any of the Nightmare Before Christmas characters. Not just another run of the mill stereotypical demon. I dunno, maybe that's all that is taught at the makeup schools.


I wish the contestants understood that evil sorceresses aren't always demons. Maybe they haven't read Greek mythology or any of the classics.


Both Anna and Robert could have gone home. His schtick has now outworn its welcome. The sea creature was unfinished. I didn't like Mel's look either, but she managed a save too.

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I was surprised by a couple things during the judging.  Yvonne's overall look was great but the impression of vertebrae behind the front of her neck was anatomically impossible.  The judges usually jump on errors like that and none of them said anything about it.  I liked Robert's much better than the judges did.  I did think that the right side looked more like a mask pulling away from the model's face than a transition in progress but, overall, I thought his character was worlds better than the one with the green "emeralds."


McKenzie ought to overrule hair and wardrobe.  She's a very attractive woman and they keep dressing her in things that are too tight and too short and flatter her not at all.  I thought her hairdo tonight made her look a lot older.

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I liked Rob's the best although Yvonne did a good job as well. I thought Rob's fit the challenge better as a mirror image evil queen. Yvonne's queen was cool but didn't really look like it went with the beauty queen in the mirror. Robert is annoying and seems to like making jokes more than getting the job done. I thought his queen was the worst and was surprised he skated by yet again.


I'm continuing to enjoy this show. I like how friendly the contestants are with each other and since I know nothing about special effects makeup, I'm free to enjoy the creative process without thinking the people should be more talented or that there should be more beauty makeup. I don't mind the beauty or whimsical pieces, but I like the scary stuff just as well. 

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Another excellent challenge! What I liked about this challenge was how thought-provoking it was. To develop a really strong concept took analyzing the nature of the sorceress' power, how she used it and how those things would combine to warp the appearance of the sorceress behind the glamour she employed to maintain her beauty artificially. Only Rob and Yvonne came close to figuring that out.

On a shallower note - Someone should gently suggest to Glen that high, tight, turtle-neckish collars are not flattering to a man of his build, and neither are multiple bulky layers worn on the upper body.

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Rob wins again, so he's looking like the current front-runner for the whole thing. I just wish he didn't have a man bun. While the make-up on Yvonne's was beautiful, I just did not find the overall effect as amazing as the judges. It read more alien to me than skull/bones coming through the skin.


Unfortunately, Robert is looking like this season's cockroach. I've *never* liked him, and want him gone as soon as possible. I am so over his naming of every character and accessory. The sculpting on his sea witch was its only saving grace, because that hideous make-up/paint was a solid, dull sea foam green. Not that Anna's was much better, but she at least started the show with three high looks in a row.


As much as I enjoy looking at the slab of scruffy beefcake, Walter probably should have been in the bottom as well. The rest of the safe looks were sort of a jumbled mess as well.

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Personally, Ron's fell flat for me. Though clearly well executed, I thought it looked more like the classic goat/devil than a dragon. But yes, it does appear that he's running away with this now.

Oh, and Robert? Hau ab!

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Rob just keeps getting better IMO, he's turned into a frontrunner. I thought Yvonne's was beautiful too, she managed to get the skull so smooth it didn't look fake. Robert continues to be a disappointment.

Edited by GaT
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I thought Yvonne's was beautiful in a very elegant and understated way because it looked so natural and real (I mean, as real as a skull head can be). The paint she added for the contours gave it some depth that was visible even in the long shots. What I liked the best about her makeup was that it looked so simple and effortless even though she clearly put a lot of work into it.


One of my favorite things about tonight's episode was how they showed the beautiful models in the mirror in the closeup shots for the audience and then the smoke. I was cracking up because it was just such a silly fun effect.


I was hoping that Rob would do a dragon drag queen.

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I think Robert ended up in the bottom (although I agree with others, Walter's fluorescent green "emerald" queen deserved to be in the bottom) just so the judges could let him know they are over his schtick. He has talent but he's just a jokey dilletante on this show. Glad they didn't comment on his stupid gelatin eel.


I liked Yvonne's more than Rob's. Yeah, he did a lot of work, but it looked a lot more generic, and there was something kind of lumpy with the face that looked klunky to me. Yvonne's was subtle and was one of the few that alluded to the beauty in a very coherent way.


Sad to see Anna go. Guess they didn't think she was good enough to use their "save" on. But I would be perfectly happy if they didn't save anybody. There's no reason they have to use it. And with this crop there isn't anyone I could see being worth saving over anyone else.

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Sad to see Anna go. Guess they didn't think she was good enough to use their "save" on. But I would be perfectly happy if they didn't save anybody. There's no reason they have to use it. And with this crop there isn't anyone I could see being worth saving over anyone else.

I honestly thought they were going to use it for her. I agree with everything else you said, Robert should consider himself on notice.

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Loved this challenge! Rob and Yvonne's makeups were both beautiful. I would've given the win to Yvonne because hers reminded me of the elegance makeups of past faves like Laura, Anthony, Dina, Rayce. But Rob did a hell of a lot of good work, so I can't fault him for winning. Actually, this is one of those times I wish they'd do a tie - both really deserved to win for different reasons.


The rest, frankly, all should've been on the bottom. I was disappointed in Blonde Lady (Melissa?) Wiccan of the Woods look - I was expecting something really cool, but that definitely didn't qualify. Wasn't there a tree-like makeup a few seasons back that looked crappy until they started sticking moss and greenery on it, and then it really popped? I don't know why she didn't go for more of the leafy, green look instead of gnarly tree bark. And those "vines" looked more cyborg than nature, IMO.


And of all the people to send home, Hat Girl wouldn't have been my choice - sure it didn't turn out well at all, but she gave it her all. I think her concept was solid, at the very least. But Robert has been coasting on stupid stories and goofy props for weeks now, and I'm frankly tired of him. He does seem to treat the competition as a joke, and keeping him while sending home people who giving it their best effort (no matter how successful that effort might be) is outright unfair. In least seasons when a contestant doesn't seem to take things seriously enough, the judges call them out on it pretty quick, and it irks that they seem to be letting Robert slide on it.


So I'm not the only one who thought Mackenzie's dress was ugly. Good to know.


I did love seeing all of the contestants help each other in the lab and weigh in on each other's designs. Stuff like that is what sets this show apart from the rest of the reality shows taking over tv, IMO. Also fun seeing the evil queens interacting with their beautiful selves via "magic mirror" on the reveal stage. Hee.


My DVR cut off the preview for next week (boo) - could someone kindly fill me in?

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Sad to see Anna go. Guess they didn't think she was good enough to use their "save" on. But I would be perfectly happy if they didn't save anybody. There's no reason they have to use it. And with this crop there isn't anyone I could see being worth saving over anyone else.


They have to use it so they have the right number of episodes this season. I'm sure ScyFy bought x number of episodes, and they had to budget in a save somewhere. That said, I think they are saving it for when one of the front runners, Rob, Mel, Melissa IMHO, tank a challenge. I liked Anna, but I would hate to have one of my faves go home because it was used on someone else. I do think Robert is overdue to go home.

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Fine with the bottom two, even though I would have had Tree Witch at the bottom, too. As for the winning look, Skull Girl should have gotten the win. Very eery make-up, whereas Dragon Girl was nicely done, but ultimately unmemorable.

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Yvonne's overall look was great but the impression of vertebrae behind the front of her neck was anatomically impossible.  The judges usually jump on errors like that and none of them said anything about it.


Quoting myself.  ^^^^^^^  I was just looking at the pictures in the recap and it dawned on me why the judges said nothing about the impression of vertebrae.  They weren't told that's what Yvonne had in mind so they assumed that what they were seeing was trachea - which is exactly what it looked like and which would be realistic.

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I didn't care for the corpse one in the pictures here but now, having seen it in motion I think it should have won. It was so eerie and looks flawless. Dragon was great too but a bit expected.


I would have put Emerald and the losing one in the bottom with either (or both) going home. Robert's was stupid, that he didn't do the full face but it seems well done.


This is probably my favorite challenge of the season so far. I think the work was better than we've seen (mostly) and the idea was really cool. I'm kinda sad to see hat go. I like (but don't love) most of them with the exception of Robert who grates on my last nerve with his over-produced persona and Melissa? I think it is, the one who is pink with yellow hair. Her coloring is an assult on my eyes and I don't like looking at her because of it. It's off-putting and I'm shallow.


I do agree the big prize is Rob's to loose at this point.

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I thought the top 2 were the best of a bad bunch. All of the other 5 should have been in the bottom. I think the reason we only had a top 2 / bottom 2 was because they couldn't find anything positive to say about the other 3.

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How many times has Robert been on the bottom?  How many times has Anna?


I think we're headed for a Rob/Yvonne/Mel final three.  It's really hard, because I'd like to root for both Rob and Yvonne.


I didn't love Mel's makeup tonight, but I did think she did one thing right (well, two things with the beauty makeup).  Megan is so often "cute" when she goes out on stage, it seemed like a real revelation to have her go out as a badass.

Edited by starri
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Personally, Ron's fell flat for me. Though clearly well executed, I thought it looked more like the classic goat/devil than a dragon. But yes, it does appear that he's running away with this now.

I agree that she looked more like a goat, especially with the horn on her chin. The only caveat I have about the skull witch was that the hairline was too far back. That's what made her look alienish.

Edited by LittleIggy
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Ah man. Robert is so much my favorite Reality-TV "Vocky Chermin" at this point, so I'm glad he was safe. I was debating his merits vs. Project Runway's Fade... and Robert is FAR funnier. Far more Vocky!

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I like Robert and his quirky sense of humor.  He isn't the best artist that's ever been on Face Off but he certainly isn't the worst either.  I'll miss him when he's gone.

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Loved the castle. Loved the challenge. The models totally sold it onstage, but I do have to say most the looks looked better from far away than up close. Those woodland vine things looked like IV tubes. I am sad to see Anna go, she started out well and then seemed to sort of fade. Yvonne is redeeming herself nicely, however. I feel like the judges aren't overly impressed with this lot and will eliminate a front runner just to use up the save. Congrats to Rob, he's really surging ahead, and I'm not mad about that. I'd prefer he didn't look just like the kid across the street from me who's headed to juvie any day now, but we can't have everything! Two good episodes in a row, dare we look for three?

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Count me in with those who would have given the win to Yvonne.  That creature was just stunning.  But I guess I can't fault them too much for giving it to Rob based on the sheer amount of work he did.  That was impressive.  I would have put the emerald girl in the bottom.  That is not even close to the color of emeralds.  What made him go with lime green?  Yuck.  I found that just so incredibly distracting that it made me hate the make-up.  I had thought they might use the save on Anna, but twas not to be.  I thought she'd be doing okay most of the time.

My DVR cut off the preview for next week (boo) - could someone kindly fill me in?


Mine cut off part way through it but it looked it had something to do with genies??

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I'm another who thought Rob's dragon looked more like a classic devil - it was good and everything, but the best part was the dorsal ridge up the back. Even though the judges would have found it too on the nose I wish he had gone with a more traditional color scheme, at least - green or gold - and I don't know why he didn't do more of a dragon snout?  Time constraint I suppose?  I am sorry because I'm sure he would have done a spectacular one.    Also liked Yvonne's the more I looked at it - unlike most of them, it looked much better close up, as I believe the judges all said.  I really did not like the Wiccan in the Woods one - that did not look like a tree or a plant of any kind.  Funny because she was concerned about not having the wood burls look like boils - well, they DID look like boils in the end.  It was polished looking and all, but I didn't like it.

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I've figured out what's missing from these shows, in my opinion. Over the seasons, we have had several artists who had trouble with a specific concept - flames, boils, etc. It varies from show to show. After the judging, I would like an extra - maybe even on small video on the SyFy website - where the judges pick one trouble area from that episode and show how to do it correctly/well. It could be a different judge every time so the audience can see their styles. Some people might find that boring, but I would be interested! They would likely run out of things to cover eventually, but it would be great while it lasted.

Edited by Zanne
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That would be a good concept for an extra episode, or fit in with what others have said about specials in conjunction with or instead of regular season. The judges expertise would be nice to see. I've noticed in every long running "reality" show I've watched that interaction becomes more and more limited the longer it goes. I just saw the ratings for this season and I don't think it has long to go if that holds! Which would be very disappointing. I'm all for whatever saves it, because as people have said, it is a great artistic show with contestants who help each other and (mostly) don't bring the drama.

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Rob's design was good but forgettable, IMO. Yvonne's was the sort of thing I can imagine being shown in the opening credits in a future season. Hauntingly beautiful.

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Rob's design was good but forgettable, IMO. Yvonne's was the sort of thing I can imagine being shown in the opening credits in a future season. Hauntingly beautiful.


Most of the makeups this season haven't been memorable or for me, had much of a 'wow' factor. Just blah. A few eps left now, and the stakes are higher.

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Most of the makeups this season haven't been memorable or for me, had much of a 'wow' factor. Just blah. A few eps left now, and the stakes are higher.

100% agree!
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I did love seeing all of the contestants help each other in the lab and weigh in on each other's designs.

I think it's ironic that we saw this week's winner thank this week's loser for saving him during the sculpting phase. And that wasn't the only person she may have saved from being on the bottom. While it's nice not to see any backstabbing, by helping each other as much as they do, the contestants may be mucking up the competition for the judges.

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