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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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there are 12...here's the article

The article cites an anonymous source and has not been confirmed nor picked up by other outlets. My original point stands. No one knows how many agents - 12, 50, over a hundred - and Joe should not give a number.

As for your video, I could post the video from 2008 when he goes off on a beefy-faced, finger-waving tirade in front of high school students about how Obama is a "fairy tale." It's a mixed bag with him. And as someone pointed out up topic, if Trump is going to go nuts on Monica, Willey, Jones, Gennifer (I could go on and on) - perhaps it may not be the best strategic decision on his wife's part to trot out the only president who had his own semen stain introduced into evidence against him. 

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The Week quotes Joe this morning saying to Al Sharpton that Trump's comments re: judge were clearly racism. However, being Joe, he has to go on to say "we" (i.e. influential GOP insiders with access to Trump) "tried to get him to change" about deportation and banning Muslims, etc. but to no avail.  He went on to indicate the attack on a federal judge was the last straw (haven't we seen this movie before?)

Then, because it's Joe, he goes on to say that Judge Curiel "only has one-sixteenth Mexican blood!" 

Yikes. He's about one step from the old African American "percent of blood" test, meaning how many generations back.  Note to Scarborough:  There's no such thing as "Mexican blood". It's a nationality. (Oh, and Curiel's parents are both from Mexico, fyi.)  Even when he's on the right side of an issue, he's still such an idiot.

  • Love 10

Then, because it's Joe, he goes on to say that Judge Curiel "only has one-sixteenth Mexican blood!"

I saw this this morning and I took it to be metaphorical - ie Joe was saying that Trump's arguments now would be akin to the purity laws and their ugly connotations and echoes of racial purity tests. Plus, I believe that Judge Curiel's parents came here from Mexico so the 1/16 doesn't make sense if meant literally.

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And as someone pointed out up topic, if Trump is going to go nuts on Monica, Willey, Jones, Gennifer (I could go on and on) - perhaps it may not be the best strategic decision on his wife's part to trot out the only president who had his own semen stain introduced into evidence against him. 

Trump has trotted all that out + Vince Foster to no avail. We've heard it all before about the Clintons but if you lived through it you remember the great economy and a spiteful, disgusting Republican party.  Same party that cannot trot out its "formers" one of whom crashed the economy and let Osama Bin Laden blow up downtown Manhattan and the Pentagon, the other sold weapons to Iran. 

Sexual peccadilloes are forgivable but incompetence and treason are not. Heilmann et al know that bashing Bill Clinton never works, love or hate him he's beloved by minority Gen X voters who make up the base of the Democrat party. 

Edited by MaryTylerMoore
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, MaryTylerMoore said:

Might want to check out Bill's speech from 2012...a lot of the economic stuff was off the top of his head--he'll be a great surrogate for his wife. He's had more than one heart attack and a bypass so I think his frailty makes sense but I'll take frailty over orange skin and outer space hair any day

I didn't need the video because I remember Clinton's speech from 2012, and I also remember Obama praising him for being able to explain things.  I'm not knocking Bill Clinton and I know he's had health issues, but the fact is, he looks frail.  I'm saying that Trump will be more than happy to bring up Clinton's past because Trump has no filter and doesn't care.  I"m saying that some of this might make Bill lose his shit.  

So, to bring this back on topic about the show, I still think that Heileman and Halperin overestimate Clinton's contributions as a surrogate to the campaign this year, and I think there are other surrogates that might do a better job.  Time will tell.

  • Love 4
59 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

The first economic crash was in April 2000 (the dot-com bust) and the WTC was attacked in early 1993, and embassies in Africa bombed by bin Laden in July 1998. So I disagree with Heilman and Halperin as well, that Bill Clinton is going to be an effective surrogate.

There was no crash in 2000, there was a recession dramatically different. 

The mastermind behind the 93 bombing is in a maximum security prison in upstate NY because he was caught and tried by the Clinton administration, but yeah semen is gross and disqualifies you as a surrogate.

1 hour ago, Padma said:

However, being Joe, he has to go on to say "we" (i.e. influential GOP insiders with access to Trump) "tried to get him to change" about deportation and banning Muslims, etc. but to no avail.  He went on to indicate the attack on a federal judge was the last straw (haven't we seen this movie before?)


I kind of wish the last straw had been "black people should ask for paychecks not foodstamps" "black people always want free stuff". None of this is new from Republicans it's just the guy delivering it won't play the wink, wink game they've played in the past including Joe.

Edited by MaryTylerMoore
  • Love 7
13 hours ago, LuciaMia said:

Sweet Jesus, its a good thing all our hypocrisy/irony meters have long since busted.  Joe lamenting the rise of Trump and criticizing those who've helped him along the way. Whose been on your show nearly every other day for the past four years., usually easy phone interviews? Who was still allowing him to pedal his birth certificate bull-shit right up to this primary season? Who was fluffing him on a daily basis? You two are just as responsible for his current status so quit the crocodile tears and STFU!

Joe must think that the viewers of the show have no memory of his implicit support of Trump since last June. It's absurd.

4 hours ago, HyeChaps said:

Wonder if Mika was even invited to Joe's son's wedding. 

She didn't mention it his morning,so I assume she wasn't invited.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, SFoster21 said:

The conventional wisdom is that Trump drives ratings.  These people want you to watch.  Trump as conqueror of all and the best thing since sliced bread is over; tearing him down after the months of praise is going to drive ratings.


Trump is just grist for their mill.  Everyone knows media darlings soon sour and the media turns on you.  Trump thought he was in control of the narrative, but he's only talent.  Talent is fungible.

This is an interesting point. Did the media assist Trump's campaign by broadcasting all his rallies for free with the hope that he would win the nomination, then pounce on him this summer? It seems to me that Trump has been making outrageous statements since the day he launched his campaign.

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Just now, oakville said:

This is an interesting point. Did the media assist Trump's campaign by broadcasting all his rallies for free with the hope that he would win the nomination, then pounce on him this summer? It seems to me that Trump has been making outrageous statements since the day he launched his campaign.

He DROVE ratings. He was a bright, shiny object and people tuned in to see and hear his crazy antics. After he started winning states, he was legit news and people were still tuning in. His voters were less than half of a small percentage of voters at large.


Now he is the nominee, and real news.

And, in order to keep you tuned in, they're suddenly gonna notice and call him on what he's been doing all along.

Cause that will sell tickets.


Otherwise, who's watching? A ham sandwich could win the Presidency against him and that is no story at all.

Who'd watch that?

They'll soon be chewing on Mrs. Clinton non-stop.  Can't help themselves.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, MaryTylerMoore said:

Trump has trotted all that out + Vince Foster to no avail. We've heard it all before about the Clintons but if you lived through it you remember the great economy and a spiteful, disgusting Republican party.  Same party that cannot trot out its "formers" one of whom crashed the economy and let Osama Bin Laden blow up downtown Manhattan and the Pentagon, the other sold weapons to Iran. 

Sexual peccadilloes are forgivable but incompetence and treason are not. Heilmann et al know that bashing Bill Clinton never works, love or hate him he's beloved by minority Gen X voters who make up the base of the Democrat party. 

Over the past few months, Joe has been bragging that Trump was brilliant to bring up the Clinton scandals from the 1990's in order to remind the millennials & younger voters about Bill's actions.

Morning Joe Tuesday. Joe & Mika began the show by making fun of Bill O Reilly for his talking points on the Judge. O Reilly said the judge should recuse himself for the case. M ika & Joe laughed at him. Mika & Joe are demanding that top Republicans should recant their endorsements of Trump. Joe said he was right all along about the Romney campaign falling apart in 2012. Halperin said that Trump is not listening to his advisors. & that he is wasting time defending himself in a civil suit.

It's very hard to take Mika & Joe seriously on Trump after they fawned all over him for the past year. Mika was bragging last week that she could call Trump, Donald. Now she is disowning him. OK Mika.

Mika & Joe should didn't mention that Trump won't go on their show anymore. If that's true, they should refuse to have him on the show.

Mika said the GOP should read her book, "Know your Value" because they should have negotiated the Muslim Ban issue in exchange for their endorsement. She said they are wimps. 

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, oakville said:

Over the past few months, Joe has been bragging that Trump was brilliant to bring up the Clinton scandals from the 1990's in order to remind the millennials & younger voters about Bill's actions.

Okey dokey.  And Joe's critics - and there must be millions - should be able to bring up his multiple failed marriages and the dead intern.  Hey Joe:  People in glass houses yada yada yada.

  • Love 7

I think Morning Joe is becoming a parody of a serious political show. I wish the Daily Show was still on with Jon Stewart. He could just play clips of Mika & Joe schmoozing with Trump a few weeks ago & place those clips with what Joe is doing this week. Joe should realize that his audience does have a memory. It was reported in March that when he was interviewed by Hugh Hewitt that he would not turn down Trump's the VP nomination. This was after all of Trump's comments on Muslim Bans etc.  Joe should apologize to viewers for cozying up to Trump.

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The thing about Bill's affairs is that for a lot of us they are old news. However I remember Bill as a young, magnetic kind of guy, if maybe a little sleazy. 

I don't think the people for whom this is new information can wrap their mind around this somewhat fragile elder statesman being that kind of guy. That's why I don't think this tactic will be very effective.

PS I bet Joe's wife didn't want Mika at the wedding. Just my hunch.

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Mika & Joe were complimenting  Hillary on winning the nomination. Joe spent 5 minutes shouting at the camera & panelists about how racist Trump was. Joe said he will not endorse Trump & wants all the other GOP party elite to follow him. Joe said the GOP should focus on keeping the House since they will probably lose the White House & Senate. There was very little discussion about Bernie. Barnicle said Mika will get her truck on Friday!

10 hours ago, HyeChaps said:

Joe's first ex or second ex? ?

The son that got married was from his first marriage.

  • Love 2

Wow! The Alaska senator gave us the mother of all false equivalencies this morning. He compared Trump making racist comments about a judge to Hillary saying she was going to put coal miners out of business. Never mind that Hillary's comments were taken wildly out of context but how can being honest about a dying industry be the same thing as racism? I heard Mika sputtering in the background something like "you've got to be kidding me". The way these  guys are twisting themselves into knots trying to justify Trump is truly astonishing.

  • Love 10

I am catching up with the parts of the show that I missed earlier today.

1. The panel said that Jon Meacham walked with the gait of a 70 year old.Is he hurt?

2. Mika was happy that Mitch McConnell trashed Trump & told him to be boring & follow the script.

3. Capeheart told everyone that Trump made racist comment about Mexicans from Day 1 of his campaign.

4. Ginsburg, the lawyer said the rules committee could switch the rules for the nomination to force Trump to get a super majority ( 67%?) of the delegates on the first ballot to win. This would force a second ballott which would release all the delegates for the second ballott.

5.Mika said that she was worried that Trump could use personal attacks against Hillary & bill & ruin her campaign, but now she feels that Trump has no credibility to attack Hillary. She said that Trump will not be able to recover.


Shouldn't Mika be self aware enough to realize that only a few days ago , she bragged on the show that she could get away with calling Trump, Donald ? She mocked the weak reporters last week who called him Mr.Trump at his press conference at Trump Tower. She was essentially flaunting her personal relationship with Trump last week & now she dismisses Trump. That's ridiculous. Is she taking lessons from Cackles Wallace?


Capeheart is right . Trump has been making racist comment since last June, so how does Mika justify cooing at Trump during interviews.? How does Mika explain being in Trump's hotel room to watch election results with him?

  • Love 6

Annoying this morning! All before 7 am!

First of all Mika using her "lecturing mom" voice to address the camera and chastise and yell at Trump. "You have to apologize! At least, at least!"  Look lady it's early, I have my own problems, please don't use that tone and yell at me. And also Mika are you so sure he's watching you or do you want everyone to believe he is by addressing him directly? Please dial it down a bit. 

Then we have Joe commenting on the NY Times article on HRC getting the nomination "what an extraordinary milestone for Hillary Clinton" as he tosses the paper, and the subject,  to the side. It's actually a milestone for America ya jerk. Let's talk about the Koch brothers opinion on Trump instead. 

Then we have video in which a man tries to snatch a young girl away from her mother in a store. The mother fights back, hangs on to the child , gets dragged by the creep who is dragging the daughter she is holding on to. Creep gives up, flees, get arrested. Mika's comment on this is " can you believe that mother? She saved her life". Ummmm yes Mika I can believe that mother. You'll have that with mothers- protecting their daughters no matter what. Yes she probably got rumpled, her hair was messed up maybe even chipped her pedi in the process but I can, in fact, still believe that mother did that. 

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Four days in a row railing against Trump. They protest too much. I love how they tried to distinguish between the judge comment and the Muslim ban (ie to excuse their heretofore silence on Trump's racism) by excusing the ban as coming in the heels of San Bernardino. Uh yeah whatever.

And I did note how they also tried to claim Trump's comments are so different from the GOP establishment. Please. He's just saying out loud their dog-whistle comments on minorities and Muslims for years.

I did appreciate Joe calling out Clinton's hypocrisy on Citizens United to McCaskill.

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Oh, poor Joe and his party.

Not that they give a shit about black voters, but they totally lost me with cosigning that birther movement. They keep acting like they are better than Trump, when it comes to being racists. Turkey neck McConnell sat by and had not a word to say when the orange chimp, who didn't even hold a political office launched his birther movement against the first president of African descent.  But why would he?  Before Obama even took office he got up in front of the mike to let the country know that he would be working on the "people's business"  their number one priority, making Obama a one term president. Now, being part of two minority groups, I admit, I'm very sensitive. But how in the hell else am I to see the birther movement as anything but racism?  I tried to see how it could possibly be something else, but they've NEVER asked for any other president's birth certificate. Should I have just chalked it up to a coincidence? The year they decided to ask for proof of birth, there just happened to be the first president of African descent?

This is where this shit started. They sat back and let it run right off their backs and they are repeating the same behavior once again. Hell, they didn't have shit to say about all Mexicans being called rapists and murderers; but I guess since they are the party of "law", they had to speak up for the judge.  Good lord, they are truly disgraceful. And if Trump doesn't drop in the polls, we won't hear another word about it, that you can be sure of. 

I grew up in a two party household, my father was a republican for much of his life. The last republican he voted for was Bush Jr. (thanks dad), but that was it. He said they just started to sound way too hateful, raging against everyone. They're insane.

Edited by represent
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The birther stuff was disgusting and extended throughout the party. Even self-appointed "good guy" Mitt Romney used to snicker at jokes about Obama not being born in America. That's why Joe's wailing and moaning about "what has happened to my party?" is so disingenuous. Trump should be no surprise to anyone. In 2002 Max Cleland, a Vietnam vet who lost both legs and an arm there, lost his Senate seat  because his Republican opponent ran ads comparing him to Bin Laden. I wonder what Joe had to say about that? And Cackles shouldn't be surprised at where this party has gone given that she helped create Sarah Palin. 

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Cuomo, the CNN morning anchor who's show competes with Morning Joe called Joe a hypocrite. Will Joe respond?



The daily Trump bashing is ridiculous . Joe should apologize to viewers for supporting him since last June. He & Cackles used their relatives support of Trump to curry favour with Trump. Joe was beaming when he said his brother would speak on behalf of Trump in Pensacola in February . This was several months after Trump's Muslim ban proposal. Cackles used to brag about her parents supporting Trump. They should be ashamed of themselves. I would never discuss my immediate family's political views on TV.

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I did appreciate Joe calling out Clinton's hypocrisy on Citizens United to McCaskill.

What is Clinton's hypocrisy on Citizens United? She has been vehemently against it ever since the Supreme Court ruled on it. Hell, the term itself, 'Citizens United', is about Hillary and how an extreme right wing group made a film about her and fought to the Supreme Court for the right to air it. Are you implying that she shouldn't take big donor's money? Big donor money has been a part of presidential campaigns long before Hillary and the Citizens United ruling and she can hardly be expected to run a campaign with no money and hope to win. Joe and Mika and the rest of the monkeys on the panel all know this but funny how they manage to use it to excoriate her rather than mention how it was all just another right wing dirty trick against her in the first place, and of course he cut McCaskill off before she had a chance to defend her.

  • Love 15

Friday recap. Joe is wearing a sweater. Mika is very excited about Elizabeth Warren being Hillaty's VP. Trump dropped 6 points in the fox poll in one week. Donnie Deutshe is wearing a  pink candy striped jacket. Donnie believes that Trump will drop out of the race. He doesn't want to be seen as a loser. The panel was excited that all the Democrats are united.Joe said Trump doesn't campaign but sends out tweets. Joe said Trump should focus on Hillary's emails & the slowing economy. Joe forgot that he used to brag about how effective Trump's tweets were against Hillary. Joe said that Trump will bring change to Washington more than Hillary.

Donnie said last year that Jeb Bush would beat Hillary & recently said that Trump would beat Hillary. Donnie's as happy that he was able to talk about Gore & Clinton's Geshtaldt.

I don't know why Donnie is still a panelist.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I was surprised how much hay they made out of the recent Fox News poll. Trump dropped a whole six points and now Clinton is beating him by a whopping three points. They were all carrying on as if this was some dramatic beginning of the end. 

Agreed.  One problem with the show is that they treat almost every poll as breathtaking. Yet, when Joe doesn't like a poll, he dismisses it. For example, there was a poll that that a majority of Republicans supported banning muslims from America, joe said it didn't matter.

2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I agreed with Donnie Deutsch, that Trump never really wanted to be President, he just wanted to market his brand.   He thinks that Trump will back out of the race and I wouldn't be surprised at all if he did.   

I don't think Trump would be allowed to back out unless he had health problems. Would the GOP have an emergency candidate?

Peter King & Joe joked about running as independents .

2 hours ago, NewDigs said:

Listened to MJ today for first time this week.

Do they think we all have collective amnesia? Holy crap! I'm surprised that none of them got whiplash from that abrupt Trump turnaround!

Did not hear anything about Mika's new ($35,000.) truck.

No news on Mika's truck. Mika did mention that they have always been friendly with Trump, but it has been "radio silence" since Trump's comments on the judge.

I am surprised that Joe didn't mention his twitter fight with Andrew Cuomo. Joe likes to brag about his ratings being higher than HLN & CNN, but the show still hasn't beaten Fox & Friends

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Well, Fox and Friends has a very distinct audience, the kind that isn't gonna want to watch the "lamestream media" as one of their heroines put it. People who watch Morning Joe would probably be content watching CBS News or CNN; folks who watch Today would probably be fine with GMA (loyalties aside.) If you're eating up with Fox and Friends is serving, there is no other network offering that crap. That's why its ratings are solid and steady.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Well, Fox and Friends has a very distinct audience, the kind that isn't gonna want to watch the "lamestream media" as one of their heroines put it. People who watch Morning Joe would probably be content watching CBS News or CNN; folks who watch Today would probably be fine with GMA (loyalties aside.) If you're eating up with Fox and Friends is serving, there is no other network offering that crap. That's why its ratings are solid and steady.

I don't watch Fox & Friends but I think Morning Joe can do a lot better in the ratings given it is an election year. I am getting bored with most of the panelists. Mika called Donny Deutshe disgusting today. I could care less what Donny Deutshe says. He was saying today that he was a personal friend of Trump & that Trump didn't answer his question in February about wanting to be President. Why don't they have discussions about issues anymore? I really am get tired of Joe ranting about Trump for an hour. He was BFF with him for a year & I predict he will be back on Morning Joe soon.

I'm not going to be able to last long with MJ this morning I can already tell. Joe is adamant that radical islam is to blame for Orlando because they're against homosexuality but not one word about the numerous REPUBLICAN state governments that are passing laws against gays using bathrooms and assorted other obscene discriminatory rules and regulations. Makes me sick.

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Monday recap. The show has been fairly well balanced today. Willie said that Omar is the ideal ISIS sympathizer because he has no criminal record & a firearms license. It Is very easy for self radicalized people to launch these attacks. There was a special guest on who discussed Isis's treatments of homosexuals in their territory. It's horrific. He had been investigated twice by the FBI.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, shok said:

I'm not going to be able to last long with MJ this morning I can already tell. Joe is adamant that radical islam is to blame for Orlando because they're against homosexuality but not one word about the numerous REPUBLICAN state governments that are passing laws against gays using bathrooms and assorted other obscene discriminatory rules and regulations. Makes me sick.

Glad I didn't watch. I posted yesterday the exact same sentiments. Of course the GOP doesn't see the connection. When I saw Marco Rubio and the governor on tv yesterday talking about Americans sticking together, I couldn't help but post how that was bullshit coming from them. Marco and his friends don't get it, advocating that LBGT citizens NOT be allowed to have the same rights as he does, is not Americans sticking together. It is called treating them as if they are second class citizens, it's that simple. I like to use the 3/5ths  of person of which my folks were categorized as in the constitution. Same sentiment, different rights for different groups of people means you don't see them as equal human beings. Therefore you are not living up the full potential of this country which is supposed to stand for freedom and equality.  You know who else doesn't stand for freedom and equal rights, and sees others as less than full human beings, DAESH, that's who. Get a clue GOP, get a clue. I'm not saying this maniac was thinking about the GOP when he slaughtered 53 human beings, but I'm looking for all my leaders in this country, the land of the free and the brave, to echo sentiments that foster inclusivity, otherwise they sound divisive and hateful and they shouldn't have those traits in common with terrorist. It makes them a bit less credible when they step to the mike and start preaching how all for one we're suppose to be.

Edited by represent
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Tuesday recap. Joe has spent the first 15 minutes criticizing Trump's speeches & radio interviews. Joe was upset with Trump's grammar. Joe was upset at Trump banning the Washington Post from his events. Joe was upset at Trump insinuating that Obama doesn't care about the terrorist attacks. Joe is a hypocrite. He's been criticizing Obama for years about his response to terrorist incidents. Joe must have amnesia.


Mika is joining in with Joe's mockery of Trump. Joe's new mode of analysis is to take a few words from a Trump speech & make fun of him. It's ridiculous to watch because he & Mika spent the past year applauding Trump's "tell it like it is " communications. Joe said the San Bernandino killers were American citizens. Joe neglected to mention that they had immigrated to the USA. Omar's parents immigrated to the USA from Afghanistan. Omar was born in the USA. Barnicle said that Trump 's comments were disqualifying. He's been making the same comments for the past few weeks.


Mika said she was in a bubble & didn't understand why people buy AR-15's. Joe is bragging about being raised in a gun culture.

Mika said her family owns guns & hunts. Joe is now talking about Reagan supporting background checks & banning the AR 15.

  • Love 4
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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