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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Tom is worried about people staying home & not voting against Trump.

Tom said that  he was scared of Elizabeth Warren. He hates Medicare for All.

Mika said Mayor Pete has a future in politics but he is too young.

Kornacki is worried about Sanders not being a true Democrat.

Joe is worried about Warren losing in the midwest.


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Rick Wilson came on the show to discuss his new book.

Joe admitted that 95% of the people that voted for him ended up voting for Trump.

Joe said the GOP kept the crazies in the closet, but the moderates have lost control of the GOP.

Morning Joe is a safe space for ex GOP elites.

Joe is mad at Trump for spending too much money on government programs.

52 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika said that tickets are still available for Joe's performance as well there will be giveaways if people show up!!!.


Which sounds like ALL the tickets are available.   Who the hell would pay to hear Scarborough warble his "songs"?   Mika should  get out her wallet, surreptitiously buy up all those tickets, give them away on the street and thus make Joe think he's a bona fide rock star with rabid fans.   That's what she does anyway - sit there making Nancy Reagan eyes at him, validating every word he bloviates.   Her value is making him think  he's valuable.   Hmmm, maybe she's right; maybe she does know her value.

Edited by Ladyrain
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22 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Which sounds like ALL the tickets are available.   Who the hell would pay to hear Scarborough warble his "songs"?   Mika should  get out her wallet, surreptitiously buy up all those tickets, give them away on the street and thus make Joe think he's a bona fide rock star with rabid fans.   That's what she does anyway - sit there making Nancy Reagan eyes at him, validating every word he bloviates.   Her value is making him think  he's valuable.   Hmmm, maybe she's right; maybe she does know her value.

I will be in NYC on Wednesday for work. I am REALLY tempted to stop by and heckle Joe.

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I tuned in  just once this morning to see  Tom Nichols talking and the camera would frequently pan over to Joe and Mika...Mrs. S. the hypocrite would be frantically scribbling each time...quite rich after last week's scoldings about "Put your phone down and be in the moment with your full attention at work" bullshit. Yeah, you can ignore and insult your guests (and viewers) at whim while correcting the behavior of others. Lord, I hate her. I did kinda like it when she'd suddenly look up and find the camera on her and pretend to pay attention for a few seconds.

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36 minutes ago, Jordan Baker said:

I think it's safe to say we would all love a first-hand report.

I'm going to guess that the giveaways will be copies of Mika's book.

MJ is getting dragged on Twitter for its all-Republican panel. 

I'm going to have to go take a look but these aren't just any Republicans.  Many support the Lincoln Project which is going to blitzkrieg those R's that seem to have lost their way with the attack ads they used to use on Democrats.  It is high profile and well funded.  Rick Wilson was the very first Republican I saw coming out swinging against Trump (and taught me the term douche canoe which to this day still makes me laugh out loud).  It gutted me to find out he was the one responsible for that horrible ad against Max Cleland but he has been relentless in his beliefs on the current presidency.  I have more than my share of issues with many folks involved in that effort in the past but I am 100% behind them in 2020.

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36 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Oh goodness Mika . . . seriously stick to the Tele Prompter.  Well as much as you are able to.

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This morning at the top of the 6:00am hour, Joe and the men on the panel were, as usual, talking sports for about a minute or two.  They then segued into classic old songs for about another minute.  I watched Mika and she was becoming more annoyed by the moment doing her usual sighing, writing on paper, drumming her fingers and pencil on the table, etc.  She finally said in a pissy voice, "Can I read the News now?" Maybe if you had some interests (like Sports and Music) you would have been able to join in the conversation. But clearly, you're incapable of that.

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42 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

Joe was one of the crazies in the closet whose politics became normalised and helped usher in whatever it is that’s manifested as GOP politics today. 

I agree but Joe would get very upset if anyone looked up his voting records or played any video footage of his speeches when he was in Congress.

It would be a lively show if Joe ever allowed a guest on the show that remembers his positions when he was in Congress or even his views on Iran during the Obama administration.

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5 hours ago, Linda956 said:

This morning at the top of the 6:00am hour, Joe and the men on the panel were, as usual, talking sports for about a minute or two.  They then segued into classic old songs for about another minute.  I watched Mika and she was becoming more annoyed by the moment doing her usual sighing, writing on paper, drumming her fingers and pencil on the table, etc.  She finally said in a pissy voice, "Can I read the News now?" Maybe if you had some interests (like Sports and Music) you would have been able to join in the conversation. But clearly, you're incapable of that.

And she perpetuates the stereotype that women aren't interested in sports, which pisses off this lifetime football fanatic no end.  But then, for all her KYV bullshit, she is the embodiment of female stereotypes (sleep with your boss to get to the top, have your body repeatedly surgically altered to fulfill some man's dream, defer your opinions or go passive aggressive when your man disagrees with you, focus on other professional women not for their work skills but for their childbearing status, etc.).  

2 hours ago, oakville said:

It would be a lively show if Joe ever allowed a guest on the show that remembers his positions when he was in Congress or even his views on Iran during the Obama administration.

Either a lively show or a very frigid day in hell, followed by that guest being banned for life.

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Joe, thank you. Seriously.  I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the ‘70s songs of my youth this morning.  I’ve been singing “Daddy Don’t You Walk So Fast” all day.  (It’s okay; I was off today, lol).

Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.  I understand your point about the money in politics, but if Trump is spending millions (billions?) on campaign ads the Democrats can’t afford to play by different rules.  Joe was right.  Win and then change the rules.

OMG, I said two nice things about Joe.  What is happening to me???

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Joe is promoting Mika's book Comeback Careers in which Mika explains how to find career success over 40 by sleeping with a superior.  He actually made the panel engage is a discussion about women's career opportunities.  Joe is proud that Mika's career was revived by him.  Mika's general lack of awareness in life is pretty striking. Al Sharpton says that he learned a lot from Know Your Value.

A new Monmouth poll shows Joe Biden leading in Iowa.  So the show is back on the Biden train. They were with Elizabeth Warren for about 2 weeks in November before going back to Biden.  

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Ok I just took a really good look at today's follies on MJ but what on earth is going on with Joe's hair?  Yikes.

And love the fleece, must be a newer version available for purchase on MSNBC.com.

So glad they are talking about healthcare.  Not that it impacts any of them directly but for those of us that it does I more than appreciate it.

Edited by Chloesmom
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She's in full on sour faced school-marm mode this morning.  So many things that Joe is doing seem to be annoying her e.g. sports, not letting her get a word in. And most egregious is that he played around with promoting her newest sham of a book. To be fair, she tried to join the conversation with others but they kept on talking. When she finally was able to speak it was as inane as usual.

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Joe is very upset that Red Sox manager Alex Cora was fired.  Joe says Alex did a lot for Puerto Rico.  Mika doesn't want to hear about baseball.

At the Democratic debate, Bernie denied that he ever said a woman could not be president.  Elizabeth Warren said that a woman can beat Donald Trump and only the women on the stage won all of their elections.  Mika criticized CNN for not taking Bernie's word that he never said a woman could not win.  She wants to know why the CNN moderator assumed Bernie was lying.

Mika said the Democrats are hurting themselves with this fight.  Mika said it is about beating Trump.  I actually think Mika is making a good point.

They showed some video of Bernie refusing to shake Warren's hand after the debate.  Ouch.

Joe said no one looked good at the debate.  Heileman said the debate was lifeless.

Joe  criticized the Democrats for fighting.  He talked about when he ran for Congress.  He said that he knew he was running against Bill Clinton and did not answer questions by attacking the other candidates. I call bullshit on that claim. I am sure no one taped his debates at the Pensacola Senior Center so we are never going to be able to fact check Joe.

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So, let's imagine that you have an "influential" morning news show, and let's also imagine that a bombshell story broke the night before about the president's henchmen possibly plotting to assassinate a US ambassador, what do you do:

a) Spend 15 minutes talking about baseball

b) Spend another 20 minutes talking about he said/she said at the latest debate

c) Wax nostalgic about those wonderful days when you were running for office because, as we all know, it's all about you

d) Pick your toenails

e) What was the story again?

Edited by Lokiberry
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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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