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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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See, the fact is, SHE DID WIN!  She didn't lie, you fuckface, SHE WAS RIGHT.  Joe spins confidence and competence into hubris because he hates her more than I hate Joe.  And that right there is a perfect example of his constant, constant, constant attack on Hillary Clinton.  NOTHING is granted, even when earned.  She won, and in the win it's a total loss and disaster that showcases her weakness.

Unfortunately, I think there are some Democrats who actually feel a similar hate towards her. You see I'll be voting for Bernie should he get the nomination I don't care if he's not my first choice. I'll vote for any Democrat/Socialist if it keeps the type of evil on the other side of the aisle out of the White House. Shit, they are going to be appointing supreme court justices, the horror.


On the other hand, it is my personal point of view that the same feeling does not exist on the other side based on all those boos at the very mention of her name last night in Bernie's crowd.


Yet, when she mentioned him in her so called "victory" speech her supporters clapped for him.


I know they were booing at her claims that she was a progressive and I get that she isn't progressive enough, but do these people really think she's a Republican? Cause quite frankly, I get the vibe that they don't even buy that she's a Democrat/Liberal.

Edited by represent
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I think Hillary's super delegates can switch their support before the convention. I remember this happening in 2008. Super Delegates started switching their support to Obama.


Super Delegates didn't 'switch' their support to Obama - he had a ton of them won in his own right before the primaries/caucuses started. Yes, Hillary had more than he did before Iowa but there's no comparison to Sanders having virtually no super delegate support now. Obama was endorsed and supported by a good cross section of the Democratic Party from very early on and it cascaded when the Kennedy's threw their support behind him after he won the S Carolina primary. It annoys the hell out of me when Joe and his asshole cohorts try to make Sanders out to be anything similar to Obama.



Unfortunately, I think there are some Democrats who actually feel a similar hate towards her.


I find it very unsettling to see how similar much of the Sanders craziness is to that of the right wing nuttiness.


I know they were booing at her claims that she was a progressive and I get that she isn't progressive enough, but do these people really think she's a Republican? Cause quite frankly, I get the vibe that they don't even buy that she's a Democrat/Liberal.


And the irony (well, that's probably too mild a word for what I actually think of them) is that they're screaming for a guy who isn't a Democrat and has never been a Democrat.

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This whole thing has opened my eyes to the fact that there are many so-called progressive men out there who are just as sexist and misogynist as those on the right. I honestly didn't believe that to be the case before the last few months. But now- I don't think they want to see a woman in power any more than conservatives do. The language/insults being leveled at Hillary is totally beyond the pale, and no man with her exact record would be reviled like this. With this kind of personal hatred.


It makes me worried about the next 4-8 years. I think Hillary can and will win, but...if the Obama hate has been tough to whether, man, what are we in for with her in the White House? It's going to be even worse!

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Joan Walsh of the Nation heartily endorsed Hillary this time, she discusses the "BernieBros" - here is an article from the BBC that discusses them.  I don't know though, I actually remember this same thing going on with the Obama supporters.  Hillary is polarizing, and she seems to bring out the worst in a lot of people, for different reasons.  But, the theme of misogyny in the male supporters is real and has been in the supporters of both Obama and Sanders.  I'll happily support and vote for either of them, because I like both of them for different reasons, and for me ultimately the SCOTUS (and lower courts) is the most important thing for keeping a Democrat in the White House.

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The problem is this need to be inspired, otherwise I'm staying home attitude that I'm feeling on the Democratic side. Although, I remember Hayes talking to one young fellow who did say that if he has to he will vote for Hillary. I remember he used the word "reluctantly" to be exact. I was like smart boy, but I think he's few and far between.

I swear this party is about to go the way of the Republican Party of 2008 and 12. They did not like McCain nor Romney, and they were utterly bored an uninspired by them both so they stayed home.

Well that sure as hell isn't happening this time.

Meanwhile, they are posting our numbers now and some of us are clearly acting like Hillary would be worse than fucking Cruz and the likes of him on the Supreme Court?

If that's the case this party should hang it up right now.

Chris Matthews is right, he has the same fears and feels some of these youngsters need a lesson or two in civics.

There's a much bigger picture here.

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I agree about Bernie supporters not voting HRC but I recall the same talk in 2008 about Hillary voters not supporting Obama because they were so disappointed. They came around eventually. I think Joe is spinning this narrative to undermine HRC.

And enough with HRC giving paid speeches. What about how Trump made his money? The hypocrisy, it burns!

Edited by Maire
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Not for nothing, Sanders is coming off grumpy and uninformed.  He brought up the coin tosses like they were a big deciding factor and he's using the coin tosses as a reason that perhaps the results in IA should be contested.  There is no mechanism for a recount in IA, and the IA Democratic party has posted the results.

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I'm tired of hearing it too. I'm sorry, I just think the standard is always so much different for her. Is she suppose to speak for free? 5K may be too much...

Now she screams too much? Are you kidding me? Old ass block of Bob Woodward...

Now, since I like to try to put myself in other people's shoes, I can see a poor college student being pissed when it comes to these speaking fees. I can understand someone in college who isn't even sure if they can cover the cost each semester, always being on the verge of having to drop out, having a visceral reaction to hearing this.

Anyway Hillary/Bernie, either one I'm there. I have my eyes on the real prize.

Plus, I grew up in Brooklyn, NY so every time Bernie speaks if sounds like home. I kinda chuckle because he sounds like a bunch of my high school teachers LOL.

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I think it is typical of Scarborough to apply a narrative to fit his own agenda and yet doesn't apply it across the board.  Why does he think the acrimony within the Republican Party isn't equally applicable as whatever Democrats supporting Sanders have for Clinton?  Actually we have seen fringe elements in the Republican Party do more party damage these last few elections to the point that Democrats may no longer be guilty of falling apart while Republicans fall in line.  Bush saw a huge loss in his last mid-terms because in part, the Evangelicals did not turn out because they saw him as a betrayal of Conservative Values as well as a loser in war (as opposed to a warmonger, that seemed to be okay with them).


I think on a national stage the Democratic apparatus works well and it logically will work well with another historic candidate.  Bernie may seem fresh to many and unique, but voting in the first woman President is going to appeal to a lot of voters who don't care much for Hillary.  What's more, and something Scarborough refused to recognize or admit in 2012, was there are plenty of progressives and moderates who can be unhappy with their candidate and still come out in necessary numbers to vote a strong 'hell no' against the Republican candidate.  Over and over again this pandering to the fringe proves too far to walk back come the general election.  And what has so many unhappy or just not passionate about Hillary is that she is not appealing to the loud fringes of her own party.  Obama learned that in 2008 and he won handily.  Clinton is still an awkward panderer yes. But she has gotten better.  And she has a huge issue on her side as well.  Moderates who vote left tend to do so with an eight year job commitment since Carter.  Reagan taught us that and Bush II hammered it home.  Bernie's age is simply going to be a factor even if people are too politically correct to mention it.  When I vote in November I am voting for a person, that at the time, I expect to do so again in four years time.  I find for the job he is too old.  I think she is too but she is younger.  I know that is probably something that is unwise to say, but great ideas now?  Are wonderful.  But great ideas are not what keeps a person in their seventies up to the physical and mental demands of such a job. 


And I think that is another reason many are not all that thrilled with Hillary.  She seems like a step back after Obama. Not continuing a movement forward in terms of social politics.  Whereas Bernie captures a certain dynamism that across the nation might seem new -- the rough blustering 'bad grandpa'.  Age at its irreverent best.   But the primary season is one of idealism.  We get to wallow and whine and thrash about in what we want.  Come November we vote for what we need because the time for wishful thinking is over.  We take what we get.  Scarborough is such a liar and revisionist I don't think he will ever get that.   He will tell us that November Wednesday morning after how whatever has fallen out is something he said months if not years ago.  And no one else did.  So there.

Edited by tenativelyyours
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Did anyone else notice when Trump said Sarah Palin is a great woman or whatever he said, somebody on the panel started laughing.


Yeah, Mika was chuckling the entire time.

My goodness Trump is stunted, with his nobody is paying attention to my second place "win."

And somebody needs to hurry up and give Christie a chew toy.

Edited by represent
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Since Joe steadfastly refuses to mention Rachel Maddow's name (jealous much?) or even acknowledge that she exists on the planet, it should be fun watching him bloviate about the debate that Rachel is co-moderating without referencing her.  Oh, yeah, he will refer to Chuck Todd, but it will be nearly impossible for him to exclude one of the moderators altogether, although you KNOW that's what he'll try to do.  ~   On today's show Joe's latest rant about Hillary was the tone of her voice.  He asked if she knew how a mic worked, or something, since she was sooooo loud and shouty.  Someone on the panel pointed out that the crowds are loud and so one naturally speaks up to be heard.  Funny, I never heard him complain about Trump's yelling and bitching. 

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On today's show Joe's latest rant about Hillary was the tone of her voice.  He asked if she knew how a mic worked, or something, since she was sooooo loud and shouty.  Someone on the panel pointed out that the crowds are loud and so one naturally speaks up to be heard.  Funny, I never heard him complain about Trump's yelling and bitching.

Here's New York Magazine's response to that crap:


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Thank you, ktwo. So it's not just me. Granted, Hillary does not have the most mellifluous voice, but given the rants and temper tantrums displayed by most of the male candidates (Joe's bromantic fave, Trump in particular), Hillary's vocal shortcomings are trivial in comparison. Next Joe will be criticizing the shade of her lipstick. And can you just imagine what ringer she'd be put through if she was anywhere near Christie's size? Can you hear it now???

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Here's the transcript from today's interview with Bernie. I think they are wrong about Mika being a Hillary supporter




You are linking to right-wing Newsbusters, it's there job to make shit up about Mika, and Hillary Clinton.  Mika is no Hillary supporter.

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Thank you, ktwo. So it's not just me. Granted, Hillary does not have the most mellifluous voice, but given the rants and temper tantrums displayed by most of the male candidates (Joe's bromantic fave, Trump in particular), Hillary's vocal shortcomings are trivial in comparison. Next Joe will be criticizing the shade of her lipstick. And can you just imagine what ringer she'd be put through if she was anywhere near Christie's size? Can you hear it now???

Can't link on my phone, but this piece by Courtney Enlow at Pajiba.com is wonderful.

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Best article ever...


She's speaking my language, it is infuriating. I said it yesterday when they booed her, I was like, they do at least know that she's not a Republican right? I mean it's one thing to see her as not being left enough but the booing sounded like they thought she was Dump or Cruz.  


I also hope folks know that for any money she's made late in life, this woman does not come from money. I think her mother use to clean houses or something to that effect. Her mother worked hard, struggled. 



hank you, ktwo. So it's not just me. Granted, Hillary does not have the most mellifluous voice, but given the rants and temper tantrums displayed by most of the male candidates (Joe's bromantic fave, Trump in particular), Hillary's vocal shortcomings are trivial in comparison. Next Joe will be criticizing the shade of her lipstick. And can you just imagine what ringer she'd be put through if she was anywhere near Christie's size? Can you hear it now???




Chuck (Snoopy) Todd wants to know why Hillary isn't using the first woman president card to help prove she's really a progressive.


Is he serious?  Of course he is, cause he hates her too.


So she can play this card and he and everyone else can accuse her of being desperate or worse.

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You are linking to right-wing Newsbusters, it's there job to make shit up about Mika, and Hillary Clinton.  Mika is no Hillary supporter.


No kidding! This is what they say.


"It is well documented that Brzezinski is a self-admitted Hillary supporter...... Morning Joe in general has been a safe place for Hillary. Joe Scarborough himself said they put off talking about her emails until they could not been ignored."


Newsbusters has zero credibility at the best of times but this is as cray-cray as I've seen anywhere.

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Soooo, is anyone else incredibly horrified by Christie referring to Rubio as the boy in the plastic bubble?  I'm not all surprised that Christie thinks that he's found a great comparison, but he clearly doesn't understand how offensive using that name as an analogy is.  Mika giggling along makes her look ignorant.


I'm a little behind on my DVR but I noticed in the Time cover section (Hillary) that they managed to talk about the debate tonight with only Ron Fournier referring to Rachel.  Of course.  Ha!  Mika and Joe managed to make it sound like Chuck Todd would be moderating on his own.

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Did anyone else notice when Trump said Sarah Palin is a great woman or whatever he said, somebody on the panel started laughing. 


This reminded me of something that happened last week and I forgot to mention it. Joe was blathering on about one of his secret sources, it was someone highly placed, he couldn't mention the name, blah blah blah, and a male voice at the table belted out "Say it!" No clue as to who said it because the camera was on Joe but it was funnnnny.

No kidding! This is what they say.


"It is well documented that Brzezinski is a self-admitted Hillary supporter...... Morning Joe in general has been a safe place for Hillary. Joe Scarborough himself said they put off talking about her emails until they could not been ignored."


Newsbusters has zero credibility at the best of times but this is as cray-cray as I've seen anywhere.

Wow, more on the pile of evidence that right-wing media exists in a fact-free universe (or bubble, as Christie might say.) Those of us here who actually watch the show can verify that Joe railed on Hillary's emails for 20-30 minutes every day for months with Mika nodding approvingly beside him. Good lord.

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I did not watch today's show...because I can only take so much sometimes and Joe has been grating on my last nerve lately with his complete dismissal of Rachel as both a colleague at the network and as a respected television journalist in general.  But I am more than slightly curious if her name was even uttered by either Dumb or Dumber this morning, considering that Rachel is one of the moderators of the debate tonight.  On their own damn network.  Joe is totally green with envy at her rise through  MSNBC's ranks.  Who knows how Mika feels; she is too intimidated by her co-hort to risk his white hot wrath if she should ever sing Rachel's praises, although I suspect she is seething with jealousy too.  However,  I cannot scrub my brain or eyes clean of that image (in Vanity Fair?) of Mike with her legs hiked up in the air, Joe above her, looking his usual slimy self.  Rachel would eat ground glass rather than pose for the likes of that, so those two dumb asses have to live with what they have wrought.  But of course we know they will never admit that.  They will just figuratively stick their fingers in their ears and chant NaNaNaNa whenever Rachel is mentioned....by someone else, of course. 

Edited by Ladyrain
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I did not hear Joe mention Rachel but I did not watch the whole show. However, I did notice that the countdown to the debate, which started last night, did not appear on MJ but has appeared on all the other MSNBC segments I have seen last night and today.


I thought I was paying full attention but I could have missed it, no, they never uttered the name Rachel.  That's funny about the missing "bug" reminder of the debate - Joe and his staff pulled the same shit last week with Rachel's town hall in Flint.

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Joe and his staff pulled the same shit last week with Rachel's town hall in Flint.

Well this is definitely to be expected. After all, Joe ended one show a week ago in his laughable What Have We Learned spot that he does at the end of show, by saying that the governor/criminal is and I quote "a good guy." It might have been the same day in which he interviewed the governor, I mean criminal, but I can't sit through an entire show so I skipped that interview. But I just remember them promoting that they would be speaking to that Spawn of Satan.


I died laughing when he said he was "a good guy" and you can believe that those were the last words spoken at the end of that show.

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Pretty thin case made from a very biased source...


a better case could have been made easily that Morning Joe is wildly biased against Hillary Clinton for many many reasons, and sexism is just a part of it.

Know your value, Mika and Joe.

I saw just a few minutes of the show this morning. I was half-awake, too, but what I think I heard was Joe challenging Rick Santorum on the whole what-has-Rubio-done thing. And it was actually quite wonderful. Santorum sputtered and Joe pressed. Or maybe it was one of the other panelists.


I rarely give props to Joe, but he might have actually deserved them this a.m.


And, yes, I know Joe went there only because he's supporting Trump, but, still . . . it was something.

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This show was on when I turned on the TV this morning, since I watch the debate late last night. Just in time to hear Mika gush about being up all night watching the debate and claiming, "I'm such a nerd!" Gawd girl, no you are not! Nerds are intelligent, and inquisitive, and imaginative. You're a lap dog and sex kitten! Argh...

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Yesterday (I keep MSNBC on as background noise all day) when the Marist/NBC NH poll came out - Andrea, Kornacki and anyone else that was talking, was tut-tutting and  spinning disaster for Clinton because of the huge gaps in support by age and age/gender that she's facing, there was a 20 point gap in that poll 58-38.  Ironically, as the two daily tracking polls go along, the gap is narrowing every single day, sometimes by double digits.  You don't really hear them pointing that out.  It's like they think that the RCP average and latest polls aren't available for all of us to look at, and that we can't all easily dive into the crosstabs and see what is going on.  If we are political junkies, we know all this.


I just get really tired of all the spinning.  Sure, give your opinion or analysis, but don't try to turn the Titanic around by spinning yourself like a top.  I don't think Clinton is going to win NH, it was too big a deficit to make up - but truth be told there has been a 20 point gap for about 45 days now.  But somehow it got spun yesterday that NH is must win for her (it's not) that it's "Clinton country" and if she looses it's doom.  I was also disappointed in the Sanders new spin that this is the Clinton's "4th election cycle in NH" they are counting Bill's uncontested run in 1996.  I'm starting to throw shoes at my teevee machine.


I was pretty shocked by Mika gushing at the top of the show about Rachel (Joe was late to the set) and then even more shocked when Joe gave Rachel credit for masterful moderating.  

Edited by NextIteration
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I guess I am too cynical but I can't help but wonder if he got a serious talking to about Rachel.  I've noticed on several different places I visit that discuss politics and MSNBC's coverage how petty he seems in regards to her and apparently they were on Monday at some point together and there were tweets about him pouting and doing his angry fold his arms 'I refuse to engage' reprise of his 2012 campaign cover greatest hits.  He gets a lot of passes on his unprofessional attitude but if the same person who guides the general campaign coverage at NBC and its divisions in 2012 is still doing the job, his sullen ways are hardly old news and hardly something that wasn't noticed.  It got him the heave on primetime coverage in 2012.  Maybe he is actually trying to show he can be a team player for that coveted seat in November and is doing it on his own.  Stranger things have happened.  But I just can't believe he got up this morning and thought -- that Rachel.  Boy she is good. Simply based on her doing a good job.  He or his boss is up to something.  Now pardon me while I get my afternoon tin foil hat ready.  For the afternoon hat I need the already flour treated kind in case the sun comes out and my head gets too warm.

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I just get really tired of all the spinning.  Sure, give your opinion or analysis, but don't try to turn the Titanic around by spinning yourself like a top.  I don't think Clinton is going to win NH, it was too big a deficit to make up - but truth be told there has been a 20 point gap for about 45 days now.  But somehow it got spun yesterday that NH is must win for her (it's not) that it's "Clinton country" and if she looses it's doom.  I was also disappointed in the Sanders new spin that this is the Clinton's "4th election cycle in NH" they are counting Bill's uncontested run in 1996.  I'm starting to throw shoes at my teevee machine.


I had my tv on last night when I got home and was losing it. I was rage texting my sister about all the Clinton bashing.  Tamron Hall was asking Jennifer Granholm about Hillary's answer on the getting money from GS for speeches, and "was it a disaster"? Jennifer looked a little dumbfounded at the question, like "Bitch, please".   Would it make everyone feel better if when she gave her speech she said "You assholes need to get your shit together because I'm coming for you, and I'm also cashing your check".  And why is it okay for President Obama to take contributions from WS firms, but if Hillary does it, she's stabbing Middle America in the back.  


Bernie isn't even a real Democrat. Will he support down ticket Democrats?  If he's the  nominee he has to lead a party he isn't even interested in joining. And America has more issues than Wall Street.  I work in residential real estate development and let me tell you, banks over appraising homes, builders running their own mortgage divisions and handing out mortgages for $200,000 homes to kids that barely made $15/hour, and people running up 2nd mortgages and credit cards they couldn't pay back also contributed to our problems.  


Of course younger people support Bernie, they love it when you promise them something and they think they'll actually get it. Please, Bernie, explain how you're going to force colleges & universities to waive tuition.  And could you explain how you will deal with the Middle East other than parroting "we have to be smart, and make the Muslim world fight them".  Real original.  


All the pundits acting like NH is make or break for Hillary, please remember the President didn't win NH and yet oddly enough he was elected President 9 months later. 

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Of course younger people support Bernie, they love it when you promise them something and they think they'll actually get it. Please, Bernie, explain how you're going to force colleges & universities to waive tuition.


I can see how a few of the colleges and universities that back in the day had incredibly low tuition could be turned back to that model, but Obama has already really upped the game for basically free community college and many states reinforce that further with motivating programs based on grades.  So there are a lot of places where you can get the first two years out of the way for free.  But, most states also offer PSEO and so many kids are graduating high school with that already taken care of for free.


Where the huge debt comes into play is the private institutions anyways.  Which I gotta say, is why Hillary's program makes more sense. I have a kid at a spendy private institution, and while her tuition is covered by grants and scholarships, there are loans to cover the freaking annual 15k in room, board, books and travel.  And most private institutions set grants and scholarships at entry, whether freshman or transfer, so there is no second bite at the pie, even with a 4.0.


I don't understand why the youngsters don't understand that, they live it.

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I don't understand why the youngsters don't understand that, they live it.

They haven't taken the time to read her plan?


She's just a evil, liar incarnate to them (eye roll), that they can't get out of their way to even consider she might be telling the truth on this?


It really doesn't matter what she says or how fact based her pitch is to some of these people, the mistrust/hate is that strong. 

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I had my tv on last night when I got home and was losing it. I was rage texting my sister about all the Clinton bashing.  Tamron Hall was asking Jennifer Granholm about Hillary's answer on the getting money from GS for speeches, and "was it a disaster"? Jennifer looked a little dumbfounded at the question, like "Bitch, please".   Would it make everyone feel better if when she gave her speech she said "You assholes need to get your shit together because I'm coming for you, and I'm also cashing your check".  And why is it okay for President Obama to take contributions from WS firms, but if Hillary does it, she's stabbing Middle America in the back.

Cause he's a man and he's not Hillary Clinton.  I swear they hate her and only her because her first name is Hillary and her last name is Clinton.


And once again, there was a comment on her tone and this time it was from a woman during Matthews after debate show last night. I believe the little idiot referred to her sound as "screeching."  I'm not surprised, no way did I ever thing that the sexism was only coming from the men. It is my personal view that women do a much worse job supporting one another than men. We are much more critical of one another on the pettiest/superficial of things. She didn't say that Bernie doesn't yell, she "simply" implied that he can do it because he sounds good doing it. Meanwhile, Hillary sounds like she's "screeching."




On another note, Matthews had someone on his earlier program, who knew a little about Hillary's upbringing and she said that Hillary's father was like a General Patton type guy. That she was taught early on that showing emotion and heaven forbid crying, was a  sign of weakness.  Since it seems like people always want her to be more warm, whatever the hell that means. They must want her to walk around with Charlotte in her arms to prove her warmth, like that would make a difference. 


Finally, I'm just so impressed with her stamina. I mean they are all on the beat, but no one is doing it more with a booming side of vitriol thrown at them, than Clinton.

Edited by represent
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I love this forum...I would hate to see it get locked or whatever the "powers that be" do when members put forth their personal political opinions.  I don't care to hear about how anyone feels about Hillary or Bernie or how they feel personally about the poll numbers.  I am here because I love to disrespect Joe and Meeeeka.  And Donnie Deutsch.  And Willie.  And Halperin.  And Nicole Wallace.  And any other political mouthpiece who happens to stumble on set.  Ooh..did anyone see Donnie's suit this morning?  He reminded me of Barry Melrose (hockey announcer) who can blind you sometimes with his hair and outfits.  Loved Joe's shout-out to Rachel (it must have cost him dearly)...

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Well, as Joe went on about Hillary's speaking fees, all I could think of was how much more outraged I am over the fees MSNBC are paying he and Mika. 

Half the time, he looks like he rolls out of bed and throws anything on, to come to the set and read to us from a bunch newspapers when he isn't just whining about the same shit for three hours.


Because unlike Joe and Mika, I think Hillary is worth the money; she's got a brain, that neither Mika nor Joe can match.

Edited by represent
  • Love 3

I love this forum...I would hate to see it get locked or whatever the "powers that be" do when members put forth their personal political opinions.  I don't care to hear about how anyone feels about Hillary or Bernie or how they feel personally about the poll numbers.  I am here because I love to disrespect Joe and Meeeeka.  And Donnie Deutsch.  And Willie.  And Halperin.  And Nicole Wallace.  And any other political mouthpiece who happens to stumble on set.  Ooh..did anyone see Donnie's suit this morning?  He reminded me of Barry Melrose (hockey announcer) who can blind you sometimes with his hair and outfits.  Loved Joe's shout-out to Rachel (it must have cost him dearly)...

Agreed.  And from now on, I plan to keep my political opinions to myself and not get caught up in defending a particular candidate.  I just got tired of the Hillary Defense Initiative but this thread is all about Morning Joe--the show and the people on the show--and that's what I'll discuss from now on.  I hope others will, too.


On that note, while I can't stomach most of the characters on the show, I still have some hope for Willie.  And does Donnie Deutsch still have that show about him or was it canceled? 

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Ooh..did anyone see Donnie's suit this morning?  He reminded me of Barry Melrose (hockey announcer) who can blind you sometimes with his hair and outfits.  Loved Joe's shout-out to Rachel (it must have cost him dearly)...


The suit was atrocious, but I did find myself agreeing with him when he went after Joe for harping (again) on Hillary's Wall Street connections. He said, "Look, whoever the next president is is going to HAVE TO get along with Wall Street."


I mean, hasn't Joe's big criticism of Obama for the past 8 years been that Obama supposedly doesn't understand business or how capitalism works?

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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